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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1914)
EIQnT PAGES DAILY EAST OTCFr,OX.TAX, PEXDLETON", OTtFOON, SATUHDAV, OrjOV.T.U B1. 1014. TAOK FIVE Vote For As tlio lest ilnco to Trade if it U anything in Dry Goods, Ladies' Ready-to-Wcar, Ilohior.y, Underwear, Shoes, Corsets, Millinery, etc., that you may need. All prices based on "a sell it now" and not "a sale later" plan. We price our Merchandise so as to keep it moving and do not have to put on a sale to move it THE LADIES STORE VOTE 701 Main Street DIAMOND W AMOSCAT delmonte .East End Grocery Fruits, Vegetables and all other necessities always to b found here. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN E. Alt EL No Rent, iiimiiiiimiiiMiiimiiMiiiniiiiHuiiiiitiiiiiiiiiMuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu S ONE TRIAL WILL MAKE TOU A STEADT PATRON, AT HOHBACH'S I Modern Lunch Room E Breakfast, cotpmcsoing at 6.00 o'clock a. m. Hot Merchant's Lunch 11:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. j E MEM". E . DOflLIXlXS S Tomato Bouillon 10c Clam Bouillon He Deef Bouillon 10c Chicken Bouillon 10c S - Malted Clam 10o " SALADS AND RELISHES Queen Olives 10c Sweet Pickles 10o 5 rotato Salad 10c Hire Olives 10c S Chicken Salad - 20c - OYSTERS Pan Roast 60o Oyster Cocktail - 15c E Olympla Fry - Oytr Stew BOc Olympla Raw 60c Ktvitwiriiftt Ham Sandwich .. Plmetta Sandwich Swiss Cheese Sandwich -Fried Ham Sandwich 10c 10c 10c 10c Roast Beef Sandwich Hot Waffles Raked Beans Hot Hamburger Sandwich. Hot Cakes ... 10c . 10c ... 10c ... 15c Chile Con Carnle HOT PRINKS Coffee . Malted Milk Milk Punch Ambrosia Punch 10c Chocolate 10c 15c 15c 15c Egg Malted Milk Coffe. Tea or Milk with orders. 5c Ice Cream served at fountain and 'round. OTTO IIOHBACH, Prop. Phono 80. . 221 East Court Street, s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iT: Make your money go farther "More Value For "We Have It." TRY our SEW KKAUT, made especially for w, quart 10 AUHAGK Solid, crisp heads fur kraut, orate lots, 11. 2 1 2 XEW CROP NUTS Walnuts English, lb - 30 Franqucts Soft shell, the pound - - 3 Almonds Par? size, lb. 30 Fresh Roasted Peanuts 10? SALTED NUTS SHELLED Walnuts, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Pistachios and Peanuts. FRESH VEGETABLES Clean, fresh assortment. FRUITS All varieties for tmlny, Apples, Pears, Bana nas, Oranpes, Graphs, etc. Home Made Horse-radish, Bottle . .. 25c HominyHome Made, OPEN UNTIL TEN TONIGHT THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phono 476. "Sayres" X SAYRES I J Well and favorably known brands of shelf goods feature the i tensive line carried by the Just Taxes. Phone SSI American Cheese Sandwich.. 10c Egg Sandwich 10c Ham and Egg Sandwich 15c Club House Sandwich S5c lOo SPECIALS 10c Chile with Beans 20c Our Own Special Tamales.... 16c s Hot Roast Beef Sandwich, E Brown Gravy 15C Try our Victoria Chocolates. E Single Orders 10c Tea Hot lemonade Hot Grape Tunch Hot Hp Chocolate Hot Cocoa Cola .... 10c .... 10c .. 15c .. 16c 10c cup. sold in bulk to order the year E Less Money. ASSORTED CAKES New stock received. Chocolate Eclairs, Fig Bars, Cocoanut Taffy, Cheese Sandwiches, ' Chocolate Eclairs in bulk. Everything in Cereals and Breakfast Foods. POTATOES We still have n few sacks of our Extra Fnncv Netted Gems, sack, $1.25. A P P L ES SpitJOTiberps. Hood Rivers the kind for winter, 1kx $1.25 qt. 15c . C28 Main St. LOCALS (&j Advertising in Brief KATKH. Per line first loMrtloo lOe Per Hoe. additional losertloa.. . .6e Per Hot, per month $1.00 No local takes fur leas tbin 'Htc Connt 6 ordlasry words to Hot. Lorsls will not b takes over the 'phone sod remittance Bust aceoov pany order. Wanted Pianist at Warren's Mu sic House. Steady position. Good winter quarters for horses and rigs at the Alta barns. Wanted Good, clean rags at tfct Cast Oregonlsn office. Girl wants housework In city or country. Phone 98. , Fashionable dressmaking at 725 Johnson street. Phone 191 R. For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. 121 Stonewall Jackson. The Alta House, a good, popular. yet cheap place to stop. J. M. Steph- enson, prop. Five room house for sale on north side. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" this office. Man and wife wish work, any kind, In hotel or boarding house. Call or address 408 E. Court. Wanted Pianist at Warren's Mu sic House. Steady position. Good dry, black pine wood, $5 50 per cord, tt.00 If sawed. Delivered. See B. B. GervaLs or phone 778. Five room house for sale. Nine blocks from Main street. Modern conveniences. Address "C" this of fice. For sale, cheap A late 1914 mod el, water power , washing machine. Only used a few times. Address Mrs. Maud Van Graven, Helix, Ore. Old papers fvr sale; tied In bun lies. Good for starting fires, etc. ISc s bundle or two bundles for 26a This office. For sals Two modern cottages lo oted on east Court street, seven blocks from Main street Inquire of rakers' mill Try the West End Market for gro ceries and meats. 1301 W. Alta at. Phone 778. Free delivery. Satisfac tion guaranteed. For sale Five shares capita! stock. "Bank of Stanfleld. Discount book value for quick sale. Address P. O. Box 415, Grand Forks, N. D. For sale Modern seven room house and seven lots, with barn, close to school. 12500 takes It all. Inquire or address "A" this office. I have two stock ranches that I will trade either or both for a general store or dry goods, clothing or gro ceries. Addrtss owner, I. A. White Icy, Council, Idaho. Wanted Pianist at Warren's Mu sic House. Steady position. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van 4nd storage warehouse Office 647 Main street. Phone !!. . Agents Sell guaranteed hosiery; 70 per cent profit; make $10 daily Orders repeat regularly; best agent's seller in existence. International Mills. West Philadelphia, Pa. Several small farms on Umatilla river particularly adapted ' to hogs, dairy or poultry. $760 cash, balance on or before 10 years 7 1-2 per cent See Berkeley. Matrimonial agency of highest character; strictly private and reli able. Best In the West. Eighth year. Why not better your position? Full information 10c. Ideal Introduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver, B. C. Just Like Government Bonds. Uncle Sam has placed his stamp of approval upon the meats we sell, as being pure, wholesome and free from Infection. If you want good meat, phone 444, Oregon Market Adv. Street C"r Ticket on Sale. Street car tickets now on sale at French Restaurant. General tickets, 22 for $1.00; school children's ticket, SO for $,100. Good during school hours only. Adr. House for Sale. Five room house with corner lot on north side, for sale. House in pood condition with all modern con veniences. Lot Improved. Good view. Address "W" this office. Ixwt Bay mare, 4 years old. weight about JOO. branded T2 on left shoulder, white left hind foot, mane roachei Finder return to W. L. Thompson and receive reward of ten dollars- Adv. necMinntorv Contest Monday. The ladles of the W. C. T. U. an nounce n silver medal declamatory contest for Monday evening at 8 o' clock In the Methodist church. The following is the program as arrang ed: Opening voluntary, Mrs. A. J Owen; scripture and prayer, Rev. T. F. Weaver: "Twin Ballots." by Lois Swnggnrt; "The Stray Junbeam," by Nadlne Blukely; cornet solo by Mr. Stubbs; "The Old Man's Account ot the Meeting," by Vera. Taylor; "Two Portraits" by Leila Hodshire; "The Two Glasses," by Edwin KIrtley; "My Son." by Verna Taylor; "The Panther.' by Frr.ncls Rose; recitation by Ruth Terpenlng and a number by the boys and girls' chorus. Everybody Is invited. Adv. School Building at Auction. The board of District 92 will sell to the highest bidder for cash the old a.-lirtstl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 n r In nrinaln 1 1 1 . nn niesuay, jvovemner aru. faie win take place at 1 o'clock p. m. at the school building. C. F. BLOOM Chairman. BRADY HOWDYSI1ELL. (Paid adv.) Clerk. O. n. Hollingsworth and W. B. Hartley have started an undertaking business at Newport If Mill J. M. Richards of Stanfleld U in the city. R. R. Yeoman of Lebanon is at the Bowman. W. E. Reeves of Pilot Rock wus In the city last evening. R. W. Bleakney of Freewater was In the city yesterday. E. Ferguson came in this morning from his rsnch north of the city. Harold F. Warner came in yester day from his home at Pilot Rock. T. S. Gibson was in yesterday even ing from his home at Pilot Rock. Guy Young of Freewater Is among the east end people in the city today. 8. D. Peterson, Milton attorney and formef representative, is In the city today. Fred L. McCrea, well known Hold man resident, is a Saturday viitor In town. Joe Cox, grocer at Gray Bros., re turned this morning from a visit in Seattle, Ernest Kelson, Walter Baker and Kay Bolbach of Kolin came In yes terday from their home. Albert Werner- and T. B. Dodson were numbered among the Pilot Rock people In the city yesterday. James Nolan, a rancher north of the city who is now living In Pen dleton, returned this morning from a brief visit In Pasco. Joseph X. Scott democratic can didate for Joint senator, has returned from a campaign in Union county. He Is very hopeful of election. Bride is Mexican HcIivm DENVER, Oct., 30. Announce ment was made here that Edward J- Fulilvan, of Denver, and Miss Pax estella Creel, of Mexico, were married In El Paso and would come h.ere on their honeymoon. Miss Creel Is a nelce of Enrique Creel, former Mexican Ambassador to the United States, and grandaughter of Din Luis Terrazas, Mexico's richest man. About twenty-five students and ex students of the state normal school who are here for the teachers' insti tute gathered at a dinner party at the Pendleton last evening. The guest of honor was M. S. Pittman, a member of the faculty of the normal school. 4 Carraiua Must Resign. a EL PASO. Oct. 31 The res- Ignation of Carranxa ns provl- slonal president of Mexico and his reduction to the rank of a general of division in the con- stitutionalist army, was ordered in a resolution adopted by the Mexican peace convention at Aguas Callentes. according to advises received here." v FRENCH TRAITOR SHOT BY HIS COMRADES rVT-T'r-w "r. w "i'".iv" " - s.v . .( - .j. . . r . . ...A..iutu. ..t " . r i i x r'- A ; . I - t - - i -.- r ; ' ; Vx, -, , t .1 ) : .- (r f h r: i I ' i V v. ? ' " ,,. - r : I a : j ' " ' i mil ,i imiMini n ikii ii mill in ni- ri .--x.---" r n L ljiiiuuiiwiiiww mm mii.mi- " niii'iiiii.i ill ' ' - This monument was fiivMnii'lied 1 mans the invsitiotin of the Kivtu'h on the bat tie field near Rheims in Rim.. Ho was nt once nrrested ami France, it shows the French treat-1 tie.l to a stake erect. A jmu.uI of s'l ment of spies found in tlielr own j liivi's fired ut liim mid lit .s;i; p .i ranks. The victim, a French soldier. dow n n limp mass ;;t the root or tne was found during the enacment ! stake. They did not bot!. r to ! ur, ; about Rheims signalling to the Ger-jhlm. ' ADAM LADIES CLUB MEETS III A DEBATE MISSIONARY TOPICS DISC VSSI3) AIX TOWN HAXI WN TIM ES PRACTICE. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS, Ore., Oct. 21 Mr. and Mrs. John King of Walla Walla were the guests of Mrs. Frank Henry this week. Joe Lavadour and family were In town Thursday. The Ladles' Club met Thursday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. Mable MrCcllum. The meeting was on Missionary Labor. A program was given In which a debate of great In terest took place. The debate was as follows: "Resolved, That the country is the place to develop strong woman hood and manhood, spiritually. Intel lectually and physically." After many good points had been presented on both sides of the question. It was de cided that those on the negative side had won the debate. Another part of the program consisted of a duet. Then also It was discussed as to what they would do for Thanksgiving. No defi nite plans were made. After the bus iness part of the meeting was over and also the program, refreshments were served. About 18 were present Eileen Bowling came home Wednes day evening to remain over Sunday. Among those who went to Pendleton Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. Har rah, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle MeDanlel, Miss Vesta Boylen and Alexander Mc Kenrle. L. L. Ropers was In town Thursday. The Adams band met Thursday ev ening for Its regular practice. The Instructor from Athena was present Thursday evening. Mrs. Davidson, who has been seri ously 111 for over a week. Is now get ting along nicely. Mr and Mrs. Purl Hales of Pendle ton were Jn Adams Wednesday. Mrs. .T. W. Stockton went to Pen dleton Thursday to attend the insti tute. Frank Henry went on a hunting trip this week. Alex McKenzIe went to Walla Wal la Thursday. Wrennle Green, who was hurt some time ago Is now Improving. L. L. Lleuallen expects to get through seeding this week, Delbert Wilson pawed through Adams Wed nesday. G. O. Richardson, postmaster, was a visitor at the county seat Friday. John Adams, one of the nearby farmers, was In town Friday. P. E. Pearce is the new manager of the Georee W. Moore Lumber Co. of Bahdon that has bought and will op erate the plant at Toledo. Dance ami I-Jcetlon Returns Tuesday. Public dance and announcing ot election returns Tuesday night. No vember 3rd. in Moose hall. Music by United Orchestra. Admission 50c Given by Loyal Order of Moose. Pub lic cordially invited. Adv., (Continued from page two.) Following the tianjiug puny hi lye Eagle-Woodman hall last evening. Miss Eleanor Vincent entertained a few friends with a midnight supper at her home on Water street. The affair was typical of the Hallowe'en season and was very pretty, indeed. Miss Vincent's guests at the delightful supper were Mr. and Mrs. James Johns, Miss Vivian Brctherton. Miss Edna Zimmerman, Dr. Guy Boyden Clarence Bishop and Harry Gray. The many teachers gathered here for the annual institute were most en Joyably entertained last evening at the Alta theater with a program of musical numbers and moving pic tures. The house was packed with the audience which was very anore- clatlve. The following program was given: Instrumental "Frolicsome Frolics" (Meredith) United Orchestra Vocal "Calm as the Night" (Bohm) Mr. J. B. Simmons Instrumental "Fluffy Ruffles" (Francis) United Orchestra Vocal "Somewhere a Voice Is Calling" (Tate) ...Mrs. Carl Power Instrumental "Melody of Love" (Engleman) ... United Orchestra! Vocal "Juirt a Weary'In for You" j (Bond) Mr. Hal E. Bishou' Vocal "Carry Me Back to Bonnie Aberdeen" (Coleman) ....Mr. Jock Coleman Photo drama, "The Better Man." by Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady and starring William Courtlelgh. Tomorrow afternoon between the! hours of 2 and 5. the public library i j will be open and a Victrola musical,: program will be given for the pleas- fi nre of callers. The public Is Invited ; to attend. j : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adams have returned from California where they had been for three weeks. They vis ited Mr. Adams' daughter, Mrs. Carl Sullivan, at Ben Hur and afterwards visited in Fresno and Oakland. At the medal contest at the M. E. church Monday evening Miss Mae Poulson will give a vocat solo and Mr. McDonald a violin solo. A very enjoyable masked ball was given by some of the ladies of the Umatilla Indian school last night in celebration of All Hallow'een. Some twenty or more couples were in mask, including a number from Pendleton and the nearby ranches. Many of the costumes were quite unique and striking. Dancing and other festiv ities peculiar to the occasion were indulged in by all present to a lata hour. The proverbial witch brewed and dispensed punch and told-fortunes to all who applied. The assembly hall, . the scene of the festivities was very tastefully and beautifully decor ated for the occasion. Sheaves of wheat and Jack o'lanterns being the Loss of Appetite. Is the first signal of disorder and decay. The usual loss of appetite la often caused by functional disturb ances in the stomach. The stomach fails to do the work required, the ap petite is gone, and the body suffers from lack of nourishment Such a stomach needs to be cleaned and sweetened. Meritol Tonic Digestive Is made especially to assist the stom ach to digest food, and promote a healthy appetite. This remedy is sold on our positive guarantee, and we ask you to give it a trial. It is a genuine tonic. A Fair Proposition. The manufacturers of Meritol Rheumatism Powders have so mucr confidence in this preparation that they authorize us to sell them to you on a positive guarantee to give you relief In all cases of rheumatism oi refund your money. This is certain ly a fair proposition. Let us show them to you. I TALLMAX & COMPANY, Exclusive Agency, k Advertising lentist Vovs Vengeanco Every state maintains a Board of Dental Examiners, to test the replicants fitness to practice Dentistry and protect the patient from malpractice. The proposed lr:NTiTi5Y BILL will abolish this board and lower the educational standard ot Oregon fur below that of any st.ite. or country in the world, except China. This bill j.roposed by an adver tising dentist, (ilJXrri'.K who failed to pass the prescribed average test before the examining board of Oregon, and Washington did not deserve a license to practice dentistry, disappointed in hlrns.lf ami th Board of Examiners and vowing vengeance with n craven desire t plunder purses by filling his Dental Office with innocent p.ulent-r IT. is SELF ENTITLED "PAINLESS 1 UKER." 'PEN PVRKEIt" "WORLD'S (JRKXTEST DENTAL TRUST 111 STI lt" AND WI1XT NOT? OR W II T N EXT? Ingeniously engineers through spectacu lar publicity t.- K 1 our excellent standard of Dental Protection by In itiating a bill front his own tooth t-hop for the sole purpose of aiblitp? dollars to his ill-gotten fortune, slap the tat Dental Board and abolish Dental Protection for all the people of Oregon. VOTERS, the leading men and women of the schools, college, churches and all public Welfare, societies. State Board of Health ami Health Organisations are co-o;nratin to kill this vicious ou mail t measure. Remember you should vote 341 X NO on your ballot Nov. 3rd, and kill the Dentistry Bill UVndleton Dentil Society, Paid Adv.) JMIIIilllllimillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir- nn fin rr ILly'i Ml SICAL INSTRI M F..VTS AND Mt SICAL ,M PPI.IF.S E If you want the best or desire something economical, we can 5 supply you in r: 5 Pianos and ( Piano Players f H We have them as low ss 110.00 S E down and $(.00 a month. H EDISOX AXI) VICTOR E Phonographs As low as $1.00 down and $1.00 E E a week. E A Full Line of Records E First class pianist to demon- E strate sheet music. Stringed, brass and reed mu- S elcal instruments of all kinds. E Ideal presents for the holidays. E E WE GUARANTEE OUR GOODS E WARREN'S 1 Music House 1 5tiiwiimnimmmimmumimuuimiiE. predominate? features. Ice cream and cake and other refreshments were served during the evening. All the arrangements for the entertainment were In the hands of the Misses Amy M. Hazen, Harriet M. Barbour and Marie Purdy who were untiring in their efforts to make the affair a suc cess. The new Bandon hotel Is to $40,000 cost : ATHENA the new pattern in .-"1835- m $ar rtU tkai ttmlt ar Distinctive far graceful tint plicity of design We have Just received a new ship ment of WRIGHTS SILVER POLISH Come in and get a trial sample free. A. L. SCHAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith. 725 Main Street. ill iHlW