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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1914)
ETOTTT PAGES DAILY EAST OTtEGONIAN. PENDLETON, OTtEGON. SATTTtDAY. OrmiJER 31. 1014. VC,K SEVEN" WIKIO'S WM Among the Candidates Election Tuesday, November 3rd, 1914 i. -ill" r in i The Republican Ticket The Republican party has th reputation, upheld and attain ed by the records, of living up to Ha campaign pledges and plat forma. Each and every man on tha ticket la pledged to an eco nomlcal, tax-reducing, efficient administration. They are each and every one men of ability, honesty and Integrity, well quali fied to administer the affairs of tha offlcea to which they aspire, and if elected their Individual reputation and standing Is a guarantee that they will do so. This ticket la submitted to the voters with the greatest confi dence, with pride and the firm conviction that they will find it measuring up to every expecta tion and requirement. It Is a ticket well worthy of the un animous support of every con scientious man and woman In the State of Oregon. The num. bra opposite each name are the same as will appear on the official ballot Consider It care-fully. X. J. 6INNOTT, Representative in Con gress, n. a. noorn. United States Senator. JAMES WITHYCOMBE. For Governor. TIIOS. D. KAY. Stuto Treasurer. HEXKY J. BEAV. 1IEN11Y U M&SOX, i.tWKCNCE T. HAIUUS TUOMAS It. SIcMUDE Justices of the Supreme Court (Four to be elected) CEOUGE M. nUOW.V. Attorney General. J. A. CTICnCUILL. Superintendent of Public Instruction. JOHN II. LEWIS, State Engineer, o. r. 1IOFF, Commissioner of Labor Statistics ami Inspector of Factories and Work Shops. FRANK J. MILLER. Commissioner of tbe Kail road Commission Oregon. GEO. T. COCHRAN. Superintendent of Water Division No. 2. C. A. BARRETT, Senator 19th Senatorial District. (Umatilla, Union and Morrow Counties.) J. N. BURGESS. Senator 20th Senatorial District. (Umatilla County.) ROBERT X. STANFIELD. Representative 22nd Dis trict (Umatilla County, Mor row County.) J. T. IIINKLF, ROY W. UITXER. Representatives 23rd Dis trict (Umatilla County.) T. F. GILLILAND, County Judge. L. L. MANN, County Sheriff. FRANK BALING, County Clerk. B. S. BURROUGHS, County Recorder. O. W. BRADLEY, County Treasurer. WILL A RB BRADLEY, County Surveyor. J. T. BROWN, County Coroner. II. M. COCK BURN, County Commissioner. JOE II. TARKES Justice of the Peace, Pendleton District. THOS. SMART, Constable, Pendleton 14 IS 16 St 0 St' s 41 44 48 49 53 M M 60 45 61 73 71 76 7 1 S3 86 88 Of District. Respectfully submitted to the vmiderntlon of the voters by the County Central Committee. FRANK S. CURL. Chairman. LEE MOORHOUSE, Sec'y. A Hendquarters, Rooms 1 ana t American Nntlonnl miriK Building, Pendleton, Oregon. (Paid Adv.) DEMOCRA TIC TICKET We call the attention of the voters to the Democratic ticket fit the General election, No vember 3. 1014. It la composed of honest, capable, upright and efficient citizens who will make honorablo public servants and reflect credit upon the respec tlve offices to which they aspire, If elected. They all believe In rigid public economy, lower tax es, a higher standard of public morality, clvlo purity, dlgnl fled law enforcement and strict performance of official duty. For Representative in Con cress 2nd Congressional Dist rict. 13.. SAM EVANS. For IT. S. Senator, Oregon 10 GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN. Present encumbent. For Governor, 22 CHARLES J. SMITIL For Statn Treasurer 27.. B. LEE PAGET. Justices of the Supreme Court 32 T. II. CRAWFORD 33 WM. CALOWAY 38 WM. M. RAMSEY 40.. W. T. SLATER For Attorney General 43 JOHN J. JEFFREY Supt. Public Instruction 44 J. A. CHURCHILL State tlngineer 48 JOHN H. LEWIS Commissioner of Labor 4 O. 1'. JIOFF For Commissioner of the Railroad Commission 52 FRANK J. MILLER For Joint Senator, 19th District. Umatilla, Union and Morrow Coun ties. 56 JOSET1I X. SCOTT, For Senator, 20th District. Umatilla County. 57 I). C. BROWNELL, N For Joint Representative, 22nd District. Umatilla and Morrow Counties. 50 GEORGE II. BISHOP, For Representative, 23rd District. Umatilla County. 63 A. W. SIMMONS. 61 HENRY J. TAYLOR. For Countv Judge, 07 CHARLES H. MARSH For Sheriff. 70 T. 1. TAYLOR Present encumbent. For County Clerk, 71 T. C. FHAZIER For County Treasurer, 78 R. O. HAWKS For Surveyor, 80 J. 1L ENGLISH For Coroner 82 It ETTA E. WOMBAUGII Independent but endors ed by Democrats. For County Commissioner, 81 LOU HODGEN For Justice of Peace Temlleton District. 83 N. BERKELEY CONSTABLE, Pendleton District. 87 J. M. HEATHMAN We Invito the careful atten tion of the voters to this ticket. It Is one In the Interest of tax payers and good government. WILL M. PETERSON, Chairman. W. X. MATLOCK, Secretary. (raid Adv.) Glendale has Installed lighting system. street VOTE 56 X JOS. N. SCOTT Athena, Oregon Democrutlc Candidate for STATE SENATOR Nineteenth District, Morrow, Union and Umatilla, Counties. I stand for honesty In public life, economy, veto of separate Items, more power for the governor to en force laws and against log-rolling legislation. (Paid Adv.) REPUBLICAN ItOOIHEE Vote 58 X J, X. I'.urgcHS. E 5 (Paid Adv.) iiiii!imiiniiiiiiimiiiijiimiimiiiiiiiir? !III1IIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII For Coroner E Umatilla County E 1 81 X J. T. DROWN f I Regular Republican E Nominee E For 3S years a resident of E Umatilla county. MARKET IS IS DIP (Courtesy Friday's Journal.) 4,'OKTLAND, Ore. This wax an advance of a dime In the price of hog at North Portland today, notwith standing the fact that a very good supply came forward to the market overnight Totals were 843 compared with 65 a year ago. Top hogs easily commanded .17 in the local yards at the opening of the day's trade. Some rather good Muff came forward and these were quickly picked up by buyers. General hog market, Best light .90ti7.00 Medium light Good and heavy t.'i Rough and heavy 6.00fi.2i Cattle Market Dull. There was only a small run of cat tle reported In the yards over night. The stock train that arrived yester day afternoon at a lute hour did not have more than a few loads. General conditions In the cattle market are Just about the same as yesterday. Extreme tops In the steer dlvlHlon would probably reach up to WARCAUSES WHEAT RISE Clilniew Market 1o-- 2 Z-hc Up for Day; Uixrt of Sprlnjf Crop hul BiiUinlt nature. CHICAGO, Oct. 31. Wheat closed 23c up. There was a rusn of buying at the uuUet. There was hedging of elevator people and general selling by pit leaders and brokerage firms fori le.icVm who were doubtful of the aj vunce. After a reaction of i-ic to lc from the bent prices of the morning, a second Mrong swell carried quota tions up to 11 1 3-8 end $1.22 1-4-the action of Turkey In beginning CguCsS, hostilities against Russia. which I means the experts say, a permanent closing of the Dardanelles. Reports from the northweot that leaders there are claiming 69 per cent of the spring The tone of the Liverpool cable and j crop on me larma was me leaiurc back of the excited buying. At the best prices of sesion corn future were Is over the close of the strong rally. . Firm and higher cable and the large export sales confirmed after the close Thursday seemej to 17 but It would Uke exceptional qual-jmore than offset the very fine map Ity to do this and the bulk of the good in all quarters for handling new corn, stuff is not quoted above $6.75 6.85. 1 No great swing was noted in the : General, cattle market range:. oats trade. Prices at the best point Select steers $6. 90ft 7.00 ' were about 8-4c over the close yes Good to prime 6.756.85 terday, December a shade under For 8 years Pendleton. Postmaster at E For 8 years a member of the S E Pendleton Water Commission E E and one of the "fathers" of the S present gravity mountain water E 5 system. S E Is In a position to handle all E E Coroner'a cases promptly and In E E a competent manner. E 1 Your Vote Solicited 1 E (Paid Adv.) S TalllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIItllllc: I! Pendleton, Oregon, Democratic Nominee FOR SHERIFF (Present Incumbent) I have no other Interests to claim my attention and if re elected will devote my undivided time attending to the duties of the sheriffs office. My record speaks for itself and I respectfully ask your sup. port If you would continue this record, mark your ballot 70 X T. D. TAYLOR (Paid Adv.) Good to choice . . Ordinary to fair Pent cows Good to prime . . Ordinary Select calves Fancy bulls .... Ordinary 6.50 5 750 6 7 5 5.65 5.25-S 5-50 8.00 5.254i 6.50 4.00ftL25 Oj49 3-4c. and May split over 53 l-8c 5 at the best point WHEAT. Dec Open, 11.14 1-2; high. SMC 5-8: low. 81.14 1-2; close. $1.16. May Open. 81-20 3-4; high, $1.22 1-4; low, $1.20 3-4; close, 1.21 7-8. Klu-cp Market la Holding. There was only a handful of mut ton reported In the North Portland yards overnlKht; In fact, not enough came forward to thoroughly ted the situation However. It Is the general opinion of the trade that conditions are steady at former range of prices. General mutton market: Cent yearlings $3.50i5.60 Old wethers 5.25 6.35 Kent ewes 4.3o4.50 Rent east mountain lambs. 6.00 Valley light young lambs 5 65Ti5 8a Heavy spring lambs 5.00 3 6 50 1 : Services at Local Churches - IIow'aTrmi We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for . any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. r. 3. CflENKT CO.. Toledo. O. W. the onlerslcDd. have soowo. F. J Cb.'De? for tL last 13 years, and believe blm perfectly honorable In all boslneae tranaat-tloof and financially able to carry oat i)T tibllmlona ma6 by bis firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and cons surfaces of tbe ayatcm. Testlmonlala aent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Held t all Druggists. Take Ball fatalls Pills for eonstlnatle EAST OREGONIAII Delivered to your home by carrier 65c a Month .Methodist. Sunday school at 10 a. m. The Sun day school hour will be taken up with a rally day program. Epworth league at 6:30 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. subject, "Maying on the wall. Text, N'eh. 6:3, "And I sent messen gers unto thern savins. I am doing a great work: why should the woik! cease whilst I leave It, and come down to you?" Miss Irmalee Campbe'l will sing at the morning service. There will be a union service at the Chris tian church at 7:30 p. m. Chas. A. Hodshire. rastor. IF BACKACHY OR KIDNEYS BOTHER l'rodbyterlan. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morn ing service at 11. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. No evening service. Will join in a union service at the Chris tian church. Rev. Harry Uelvin wili preach in the morning. Batlst Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m., subject "Seeing the In visible." B. y. p. V. at 6:30 p. m. The congregation will Join tn a mass meeting at the Christian church at :30. The Only Candidate Who Guarantees to REDUCE OFFICE EXPENSES VOTE 78 X ReOe HAWKS For County Treasurer Mr. Hawks la an excellent penman and bookkeeper and it elected will strictly observe office hours and guarantee to cut down the Expense of Collecting Taxes $100.00 ior month. 1 (Paid Advertisement ) First Christian. Corner Main and Jackson streets. Tolbert F. Weaver, minister. Bible school, 9:45 a. m.: Christian Endeav or, 6:30 p. m. Preaching, 11 a. m.. subject, "Whose Side Are Tou On?" Text, "He that Is not with me Is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth." Matt. 12: 30. Miss Byrna DePeatt of Athena will sing, "Still, Still With Thee" The evening service will be a union meet ing of all the churches given over vo a proniuition rally. There will be special music at each service also by the choir led by Mr. Hays. EAT LESS 31 EAT ALSO TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS BEFORE EATIXG BREAKFAST. Uric acid in meat excites the kid neys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine become cloudy; tne bladder la irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from back ache, sick, headache, dixziness, stom ach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather la bad. i Eat less meat, drink lota of water; a!io get from any pharmacist four ouncea of Jad Salts; take a table-1 spoonful in a glaas of water before breakfast for a few days and your; kidneys will then act fine. This fa- mous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llhtia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activ-; ity, also to neutralize the acids in' urine, so it no longer Is a source of lrltatlon, thus ending bladder weak- ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent! ness. should take now and then to keep the , kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to4 folks who believe In overcoming kid ney trouble while it is only trouble. MARK VOIR BALLOTS 62 x roy i7. niTnon Republican Nominee) For Representative 23rd DUtrict, Umatilla County. Roy W. Ritner, republican candidate for represnt.tiv of th twenty-third district which consists of Umatilla Count. Is a native of California but ha been a resident of this county for the past thirty three years. He attended the pi Hie schools of Pendleton and the Normal at Weston. For eleven years he was employed as clerk and paying and receiving teller in the Pendleton Savings Bank, now known as the American National. For the past seven years he has been engaged extensively in the farming business on the Umatilla Indian Reservation in partnership with W. A. Storia. During two sessions of the legislature Mr. Ritner was calender clerk of the senate. This experience will enable him It elected to take up the active duties of a legislator without the usual break ing in which all new members have to undergo. He has also been an active member of the Pendleton Commercial AssocUUoa for fifteen years and had been Identified with nearly every movement during this time which has been for the advancement of the county and the city. He is a house holder in Pendleton and has been a taxpayer for twenty years. Mr. Ritner Is running on the following platform: "I believe In such economy as is consistent with the efficient conduct of t business of the state. I think that the laws relating to the pay ment of taxes should be amended so that one half can be paid In April and one half in October, the latter without Interest. I will attempt to amend the present law so that one of the three railroad ccmmi.sioners a ill come from Eastern Oregon. All three are now from the Willamette Valley. I am in favor of reestablishing ta Normal schools at Weston and Ashland In order that we may hav mere trained teachers and the standard of our schools may be raised. I am an advocate of good schools and good roads. If elected as representative I will refrain from introducing many bills but will pay particular attention to those offered by other mem bers with a view of eliminating as many as possible of the useless laws which are annually added to the statute books. (Paid Advertisement Republican Central Committee) BB H 7 Christian Srlonoe. Corner K. Webb & Johnson streets. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school nt 10 a. in.; Wednesday at 8 p ni. Subject of lesson sermon. "Everlasting Punishment. Reading room at the church open dally except Sunday from 2 until 4. FOR CORONER Umatilla County Retta E. Wombough Pendleton, Oregon INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE ENDORSED BY DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Retta E. Wombough la a trained nurso with 15 years of practical experience in work necessarily nrsoclatcd with the offico of coroner nnd has had experience in the coroner's office In one of the largest cities on the coast. A VOTE FOR 82 X RETTA E. WOMBOIGH IS A VOTE FOR AN EXPERIENCED-EFFICIENT PIBLIO SERVANT. Church (if the Rcxleoinrr. Tomorrow being All Saints Day the holy communion will be celebrat ed at the 11 a. nt. service. Divine service with sermon at 7:30 P. in. Sunday school at 10 a. m. The of fertory solo. "Lead Kindly Light," will be sung by Mrs. J. R. Dickson. Miss Mae Poulson will preside at the Oregon. Charles Quinney, rector. COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR D. C. BROWNELL OF UMATILLA, FOR SENATOR, 20TH DIST RICT, UMATILLA COUNTY, AGAINST J. X. BURGESS, SS. Mr. Erownell is one of the largest alfalfa farmers In Eastern Oregon; is deeply Interested in irrigation and in the enactment of laws beneficial to farmers, business men. and laborers. He has been a champion of woman suffrage for many years; an advocate of the doctrine of "equal rights to all; special privileges to none." He is a man of mature years, a ripe scholar, a hard worker, a clean, upright, moral man. If elected Senator, he promises faith ful service; to work hard for lower taxes; to aid In cutting down expenses; to advocate the abolition of uselees and expensive com missions; to keep in touch with tax-payers In his district, and to be a faithful servant of the people. He became a candidate at the sdicitat'on of republicans, democrats and progressives who are tired cf high taxes and unjust laws and who believe in a "square deal" for all persona DARKENS BEAUTIFULLY AND RESTORES rrs THICKNESS AND LUSTRE AT ONCE. (Paid Advertisement. Democratic Central Com ) Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alco hol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant; remove every bit of dan- druff, stop scalp Itching and falling hair. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul-; phur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get' the ready-to-use tonic, costing about 50 Cents a large bottle, at drug storer ! known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphtu; Compound," thus avoiding a lot of; muss. ! Groove Arouses Italians. While wispy, gray, faded hair is, ROMK. Oct. 30. The report thill no", sinful, we all desire to retain our Greece has landed 1200 soldiers ot; youthful appearance and attractive Santl Quaranta, thus taking posi:Mon! By darkening your hair with f the southern part of A Uu'.iU. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one which gives It entire on!r 1 r-r the' can tell, because It does it to natur Ccrfu Channel, Is causing a profound allv. so evenlv. Tou Just damped a r Vote for an Experienced Man FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR on the Democratic Ticket D 17 MO IV. JLIN Ten Years in Government Service as T J. Assistant Examiner of Surveys, Southwestern States; V. S. Deputy Surveyor, District of Minnesota; U. S. Geological Surveyor. Montana; V. S. Reclamation Engineer, Oregon; Governim-r.t Surveyor. Philip pine Islands. (Tali AJvt rtlsi n;r.t) iupn.Mon in Home. , As tn:s sip on the part of Greece was str'or.Rly op posed by the London conference. It is generally believed in Italian political circles that Greece will not be sup ported by Great Britain and Fran?e. Park, Oct. 30. A li-i'.Ui-rt 'i. in Athens to the Hani Ajicr.Ck sh the loiuird march of hv. ire-'K trj- i. ho ;ire oing to y .1st il tii ocou '.. c n of Southern Al'mitt. r.,.-i ed "1 In perfect onl-T, but iwr.i) C",;t rvi .1 .iMiism of the ',"l'e. sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small 6trand at a time; by morn ing all gray hairs have disappeared After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy soft and luxuriant and you appear ears younger. Ono hundred men have born nt work n tlie Sutheriin and Coos l?jy railroad and have five miles completed. CHICHESTER S a m.. i,. r.. : ..-. .1 ' A I i,:. I 1 .-. I ' V' Open Day and Night Meals up. Special Evening Lunches. THE Puelle ESTt'RANT Gus LaFontaine, Proprietor. Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms iu connection Strum HOODI ES, CHOP SUEY, CiliiiA OlSliES GOEY'S KWONG HONG LOW 116 Writ AltaSt.. litati, Vhon 4i3 1 j