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About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1886)
WILLAMETTE FARMEK: SALEM, OlilSGUIS, OCTOBER 8 1806 r;1 Eft grange olitmin .IUN4,E UIItECTOItY. The Oregon Btato Orange. OFFICERS. Muter Judge R. P. Bo!ie, Slcm, Marlon uo., U(jn. Ovorsoor. A. Luolliuc Milwankie, Cluck imu Co., Opn. . , Lccturor II. K. Hayes, Stafford, Clackamas Co.. Oerj. Steward .J. V. Cwk, MoMInnville, Yamhill Aeit. St-iwMrd J. Voorheoi, Woodburn, Ma- Hon Co., Ogn. Chaplain A. P. Miller, Willsburu, Clacka- maa Co . Oiftt. Treasurer K Stronif, Silcm, Marion Co., Ogn. Secretary Mrs. M. J. Train, Albany, T.tiin fio.. Offn. Oato Keeper. John Simpson, Sius'aw, Lano Co., Oregon. Cere Mrs. Annie Sitnp'on, Sloiltw, Lano Co., Oen. Pomona Mrs. S. M. Cook, MoMiunvillo, Yamhill Co., Ogn. Flora Mrs. K. Husioll, Walla Walla, W. T. Lady Assistant Stoward Miss Lydla llrook, Salem, Marion Co., Ogn. THB POLITICS OF TI1E ORANOE. An Extract From the Address of tho Blaster of the Btato Orange of New Hampshire. Tho romnrk is often nindo Unit thcro nro no politics in tho Grunge No pol IUcb in tho Qmngol Our political pint form is ono of tho 8trongost plunks of orgnnio law ; it is truo wo lmvo no parti san politics, nml thnir (lieouesion is pro hibited in our inoctings, "yet tbo princi ples wo tench undorlin nil truo politics, nil truo Rtntosmnnship, nnd, if properly enrried out, will tond to purify tho wholo politicnl ntmosphcro of our coun try, for wo scok tho greatest good to tho greatest numbor." "Wo must nlwnys bear in mind that no ono, by bocoming n Tntron of Husbandry, gives up tho inalicnublo right nnd duty which belongs to orory American citizon, to tnko n proper intorost in tho politicn of bis country. On tho contrary, it is right for overy inmnbor to do nil in bis power, legitimately, to influcnco for good tho notion of any political party to which bo belongs. It is his duty to do nil bo can in bis own party to put down bribery, corruption nnd trickery to flco that nono but competent, faithful nnd honest men, who will unflinchingly stand by our industrial intorosts, nro nomiuatod for nil positions of trust; nnd to bavo carried out tho principlo which should characterize ovory Patron, tbnt tho olllco should seek tho man nnd not tho man tho ofllcc. Wo acknowlodgo tbo brand principlo tbnt diflorenco of opinion is no crime, nnd bold tbnt pro gress toward truth is mado by diflorenco of opinion, wliilo tbo fault lies in bitter ness oi controversy. Wo desiro n proper oquality, equity and fairness, protection for tbo weak, restraint upon tho strong; in short, justly distributed burdens nnd justly distributed power. Thcso nro American ideas, tho vory cssonco of Amorlcnn indopondonco, nnd to ndvo cnto tbo contrnry is unworthy of tbo sons nnd duughtcrs of our Amorican republic" In this btiof, yot comprobeneivo stntemont, tbo politics of tbo Grange nro outlined; enn nny party or other ordor proscnt n nobler platform on which to stand, or on which to roar a structuro national in its character and importanco? Lot us consider briofly our faithfulncsH to this declaration of politi cnl doctrine. Do wo always glvo our support to thoso whom wo know will truly roprosent us nnd our interest, or nro wo not too often found following in tho lead of ward and machine politician, and when it is too lato find tbnt wobnvo had our oyes blinded nnd our confidence misplaced. Is it not time that wo pnuso nnd consider tho sigua of tho timos, nnd which stand out so bold nnd plain that ho who will may read tis ho runs. Wo wolcomo tho rights of organizn tion among tho laboring classes of nil industries for nil bonornblo purposes, nnd tho arbitration of all differences between omployecs and employers is sonnd Grango law. It is your duty to attend your party caucus, support thoso who will aid in tho passage of puro and wholesome laws, remembering that tbo farmers' rights nnd privileges will bo accorded them when, in demanding thoso rights, wo display tbo decision, power and ability to sustain our demand by our vote. Never, wo foar, will tho right nnd privilego of the agricultural profession to bo represented in tho Cabinet of tbo President, by having tbo Commissioner of Agriculture ranked as Secretary of tbo vast industry with an equal voice with the Secretaries of tho other departments, bo granted until tho members of tbo United States Senate are elected from tho people, and until that day that body will remain the stronghold of corporations and monop olies. Farmers, you bare a work to do nnd I pray you novcr be weary in your earnest labors for justico and recognition, for patient and persistent work will bo finally awarded. jorlicnlinraL HORTICULTURAL MOTES. Even tbo Arctic regions bavo tboir bleak and frozen solitudes brightened with floral bloom nud beauty, ns 7C2 kinds of flowers nro said to exist thcro, Tho heaviest wood known nmong tho 100 species of trees found in tho United Stntos is oaid to bo tho black ironwood, of Southern Fioridn, which is 110 per cent, henvior than water. Sixteen of tho species, it is stated, are so heavy that their perfectly dry wood will sink in water. Wheat-How Much to Bow. Tho nearer th'o tlmo of sowing ap proaches tho moro interesting becomes tho quostion of bow much to sow. Wo sny how much becnuso thcro aro few farmers whoso soil is nt nil ndaptod to wheat who will not attempt to rniso moro or less wheat. Thcro nre vory few bo entirely disgustod ns to glvo it up nl together. At tbo risk then of seeming to ropoat what wo bavo said before, wo wish to call tho nttontion of farmers to somo things in regard to wheat culture. Wheat is to many farmers their "monoy" crop. Tho success of this crop, ovon wbon it brings n low price, econiB to givo fanners moro spending monoy thnn nny other. It should not bo resolved lightly then to abandon tho crop. Moreover, ns n fonturo of tho ro tation largoly in use", and ns a prepara tion for seeding in grass, tho wheat crop is an exceedingly important ono. So, although ninny farmers lmvo felt ns if thcro wero no inducements to sow whent when it seems to meet so ninny obstacles to hinder n good crop, nnd such n price Ib obtnincd, wo nevertheless boliovo when it comes to tho pinch thoro will bo nbout ns mnnyfarmors who how whoat this fall as in nny provious sea son, nnd vro nfrnid tbnt thoro will bo no sonsiblo roduction in tho ncrcngo. Tho avcrngo fnrmor is very conserva tive too consorvativo tbnt is his prin ciplo fault. It is too bard to get hint to change. Hut wo do not rccommond chnngo to tho extent of abandoning tho wheat crop, except whero Boil, etc., nro unsuitable. Tho change that is nccdod is to sow a small acreage, mnko tho ground richer, nnd put it in better con dition. At 70 cents, or ovon 65 cents, thoro may bo monoy in wheat to n good farmer not to a poor ono. Wo onco know an old farmer a small farmer who novor failed to mnko a good wheat crop. IIo mado his land as rich as bo could mako it, put it into tho best possi bio condition nnd sowed nt tho proper time. Ho never fnilcd, nnd in timo bo mado enough monoy on his littlo furm to buy ono of tbo Inrgcst nnd -finest farms in tho neighborhood, tho owner of which failed to mako it profitable In tho central part of Now Jersey, whoro tho soil was originally poor, n gravelly Boil not woll adapted to wheat, tho armors bnvo brought their land to an avcrngo of nbout twenty-fivo bushels of wheat. They uso habitually ground bono drilled in with tho wheat, COO pounds to tho aero. Thoy bnvo tho five-year rotation as follows: Wheat, grass and clover, two years, thou corn, thon oats. Thoy do not sow any moro whoat than thoy can fertilizo heavily and put into thorough ordor. This amount of bone-meal insures n fino cntch of grass, nnd with tho uso of barn-yard manuro tho avorago corn crop has been brought up to soventy-fivo bushels. About the profit in this Bort of farming thoro can bo no doubt, oven with wheat nt 75 conts. 600 pounds of ground bono is worth say $9. It tho in crcaso of crop from it two is fifteen bushels per acre, tho coat is moro 'than pntd back in tho grain alone. Tho extra straw, tho improvement in tho soil and tho benefit to tbo grass crop is all clear gain. Tho faithful following of thin plan, though wo do not liko tho rotation so woll as'tlio Bix-yoar rotation of Prof. Sanborn, will inovitably mako farming profitable. It is an easy thing to mako a trial of it. Lot thoso who have been making no monoy try high farming as a remedy for bard times. It may not mako whoat higher, bnt it will mako some profit in it. Journal of Agricul ture. Orapts on Trees. The grape rarely fails when allowod to climb over treoa. It matters not what kind of troes, or whether they are living or dead, if they only havo branches that the tendrils can take hold of, Astonishing crops aro produced in this way even on vines that roceivo no enrc. Tho most successful plnnters in tho woihl plant trits nud vines together, bo that tho latter mny bnvo a suitable support. Many unskilled farmers bavo blundered into tho saino method and havo had abundant surccss. A vino will mako twico tho growth on n trco that it will on n trellis, nnd where nn ef fort is mndo to bnvo it occupy both, it is always found that its main energies nro expended in tho tree. A newly planted vino should bnvo brush instead of n stake, as it hnB no moans of cling ing to tho latter. If tho tendrils can find nothing to take hold of, they con tinue in motion for a time, reaching in nil directions, nnd this is cxhnusting to tho vino. For this reason skilled garden ers often cut off tbo tendrils. When growing vines on stakes I have often driven lath nails in convenient places for tho accommodation of tho tendrils. Although grupos do bo well on trees without much caro, let no ono suppoeo that anything can bo accomplished by planting vines at tho roots of estab lished trees. Tbo soil being pro-occupied, tho vine will not havo n fair chance. Plant it at n distanco from tho trco to bo covered, and after it has mado somo growth it may bo brought to tbo brandies, where it will tnko caro of it self. On nearly every farm thcro nro worthlcBS trees tbnt might bo mado to enrry bushels of grnpes. Matthew Craw ford, in Michigan Horticulturist. Frequent cliango of rango for sheep is very important nt this scaBon of tho year. It is almost, if not quito impossi ble for n man, howovor muoh bo loves "qunil on toatt," to pnrtnko of this cboico dish throe times a day for thirty days in succession. If thcro Is no chnngo of diet tho stomach will revolt at tho idea of receiving tbo sumo thing every dny. A flheop has a stronger stomach thnn n man, ordinarily, nnd keenly rolishes n chnngo of range. Thoy will oat moro, 1)0 moro contented, nnd thrivo better on n now thnn nn old range. TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tke Omtctt Medical Trlnmna of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.osaofappelltc, 11 o well colli e, 1'aln In tht bead, with a dull sensation In tlao back start, l'atn under tlie ehoalder blade, Valines after axing-, with stdls Inclination to exer Hon of body or mind. Irritability of temper, I.orr spirits, wliu KreellnBof having neglected aomedutrt Weariness, Dizziness, nattering nt the Heart. Dots before tbo erc,IIeadacko ever tbo right ere, Itestlessnese, with fitful dreams, Illablr colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'S rilXSara especially adapted to inch rases, ono doso effects auoli n ebancn of feellnp;aa to astonlsli tho sufferer. They Increase tho Appetlte.end cause the bodr In Take on Flealtii thus tba irMtm Is nourished, ami by their Tonlo Action oa tba UlitestlTaOrvans,lteffUlarHtoolsua rrorturfit. ITtrOHc. Murray 8t..V.Y TUTT'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILU JtenoTAtus Uio bodr. make healthy Uesh, strengthens the weak, repairs tho waste of the system with pure blood and hard muscle; tones tho nervous orstem, Invigorate Uu brain, and Imparts tho Tltfor of manhood. Ml. HoMbyilnurxIsta. OFFICII 11 Murray St., Now York. A. L, BUCKINGHAM, I)oalr In Groceries, Provisions, Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware, Etc. Tobacco and Cigars a Specialty! Will Mil as cheap M sny store In the city. fnODUCE TAKKN IN GXCIIANOK KOIl C100D3. I call and ms me on Coruuwcial street. between Kllnicer A Heck's new brc.ery sud the Chcmeket Hotel, title d, urriroii. sum DAVID COLE & CO., IlKALKHS IN STOVES AND TfiVlVA ttJSt Anil nil Ports or House Furnishing Goods. AIoroakc f-je.Ulty I lnlry ami ttrenmcry mIn, Ai.d Ho! UjnQf lurer ot Stutcsnuui V dole's Steam 'cncru(or, An Oregon Inrer.tlon, that ll revolutionise Mean I'ootr the wcrlJ ovtr. 133 I'ronl Kirrrl tu IM I'lral Street, rutri.4.M. ouixo.v. Agricuiural Drain Tile ! THE OREGON POTTERY o . .. MANUrACTUREnS OK Drain Tile, Chimney Pipe, etc. OUR DRAIN TILE ARK MADE r,r KIRECXAY and turned hrd. They sre rerr tough ul nottully brko. They cut be iuuled or shipped lth little or no loss, sod are iuprki to sny other In this country. The firmer can not adnrd to tus Inferior tile. Us ahitU itlUbls sod perrcaat, ss It It lb cbttpttt In th end. t. Ode sod yards, corner llfth snd D streets, rortUad, Ottgxo, tekdfor rrlre lll. Ureal Excitement. Orett excitement lias lie n c.-uipod In thn vi oinlty ut I'.ti, Tex, bj llio remark.iblo re covry of Mr. J. E. Corlcy, who was so help less ho could not turn in ld. orrsifohisheaj) every body said he was dying of Consumption, A trial bottle ot Dr. King's Now Discovery wss sont him. Finding relief, he bought a, Urge bottlo and a box of Dr. King's New Lifo Pills; by the timo ho bad taken two boxes of Pills snd two bottles of thu Discovery, ho was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Bottle" of this Great Discovery for Contumption frco at Port & Son's. 2 SEEDS SEEDS I MILLER BROS., Seedsmen. DKALEIIH IN CRASS & CLOVER FERTILIZERS, Etc,, Etc. Fruit Trees in Season. No. 309 Second HI., Portland, Or. Attention,Bee-Men I DU1UNO THE MONTHS OF AUGUST AND8RP ttmbcr I will sell BO Hlanrts or Italian. Bees At the low price ol ten dollars (110) etch. This In C'udts one ol my be it Improved Mvei, the price ot which alone It n dollirs (14). There bess all have tested queens hrrd this season from puro Imported tuck, sndsrsllrtt lists In erery reipect. This Is lbs r-aroa kind ot an outfit as hss been told dutlnf the spring and etrly eummir lor fllleen dollars(lt). My otject In selling It to reduce stock snd get ready lor nut seasons work. 1 uow hsre over One hundred colonics. tn. In I'.very Case t'ash Mnst Areonipnny the Order, i:. V. CIIAHK, rroprlitor, Wlllsmttte Valley Apiary, Balsui, Oregon, TO MAKE UIIEESE. nllK UNDKItSION'ED DKSIHEH TO OCT A 1 ltce lo make cheete. Tho best n( rcrommen dttlons Riven. I would like to startup a factory. Correspondence solicited. FRED. LUETIIY, Zosr SUUon, Ohio. ScptlOSm. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol tits litsto ol Oregon, lor the County ol Mailon.t Z, F. lloody, Governor, R P tVrhsrt, Secretary ol but. Eilward lllnch, Btato Treaturer, conitltnt Ing ex olllclo the Hoard ol JommlMloncrs lor the Mle ol school and university Isi dt, snd lor ths Inventmsnt ol the funds srlilng therelroru, plain. tIRs, vs. Samuel A. Clark, Harriot T. OUrko and M, K. Jeiuup, dcfendtnU. Bult In eulty to lore clot inurtgtge. Toll. K J'mup, the above named defendtnti In the name el th Htat ol Oregon you aro hereby turn moned and rtnutrel to appear and answer the com. rilalnt tiled sgalntt ynu In th alov entitle! salt bt he Or.t dav ol the ntst ensuing term ot said coury alter the ub'lcallon of this summons, to-wlt: on ths second llonJty In Februsrv, 1W7. and II )ou fall to to answer for want thereof, the plaintiffs will take a decree you lor the relief prayed lor In tbtlr complaint, to.wlt: For a decree snalnit )u adjudg ing that thecUlm which you havo or claim lohava as mortgage or other Le, on th premlte drscrlbed In plaln'IfK' mortgige, shall be tubtenuent to and subordlnita tlthellcn ol plaintiffs' morlgtgs as lit forth in slid complaint. Brrvlcn of this summons Is made on the defendant, II. K. Jetrup. by vlltuo of an order of R. I. HoIm, lutge fl atld ccuit, dsted IheCth dsy of Bep'.ember, A. l, l&MI. I. II. li'AUCV, Attorosfforl'slntlfli. Bept. 10 et SUMMONS. In th Circuit Court of th BUto ot Orrgon, for the County c I Marion, i.: Jennie K. Dtwno plabtlff ts. IMwsrdJ. Iiiwncdo ftndsnt; ToKJwtIJ. Dtwnsdcldidiut: In tbe naiieol the Ststeol Oregon, you are hereby reined to appear and aniaer the complaint filed sgalnit you In the above entitled suit on or before the lllh d T ol October, Al, Ued, thst Wing the firit dsy ol the nctt regular term of the said cour', and II you fall to so aixwi r said coin- filalnt the plaintiff will apply to uld court for tho re lI demsnded In sild complaint, which Is a decree dis solving ths bends st matrimony eiiiting betwnen plain tiff and defendant: for thn care and custody of the minor children ol plrilutiff and defendant; fur the change cf plaintiffs name from Jennie K. Ilawne to Jennie K. Miller, and for costs and disbursement ol this suit. This summons Is served by p-ibl'catlon In tbs Wpu Iahstts FasMsa for lis consecutive week by order of Hon, It. I' dfllte th. JuJge of said court mado st ebsinbcrs the tolh dty nt Anguit, IKS4. HU IH .t tlUKUV, attorneys for l'lalnllff aug;t7 Ad. Wildmer Nelson, (Ncr Pcstotnee, Halem, Oregon.) Steam Dyeing & Cleaning WORKS. Children! garments, Mces, lllbbons. Bilks, Velvet, Woolen ana mlsid goods cleaned and dyed In any hade or color. Furs, Phtwl, lllanketa and Utrpels cltsiird snd made to lo-ik like new 1-a.tUn' Drrates cloaned, t'yrd and preMd without ripping or shrink, tng, dents Clothing cleaned or dyed, without shrink, lug The cleaning of blankets, lullm and gents clothing a specialty. REWARD wc'WfeBHE Automatic Nwlaal.a- Straw Klarker tn nnf rieraAn Ihftt run an that ran do belter work than thu IMPERIAL STACKER that we are building. Kend for circular and price Mil which will La rnalleil frpn- Ail am uiir. ranted to do goo.1 work or no sol. NEWARK MACHINE CO., Columbus, 0. NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LAROESTsad BEST EQUIPPEOIntk. WORLD IWlortruetart.9uSFiudVt.uUit ,' llier fruiu liuuurtlunla Voctltnd lfutruntbUlalulc, Pitoosod OritaTuDinr, IId. ArU, Orvhirf . IJUrtlure, KreDCh. tier lata end ptltail In.u4f, taflUh llrtirflirfl,(l,nilitttlc., eu. Tulllen, ll.iJliboti4aairunn)wllllll.tmlltltud JJrtrlelJl.t,lJi.,t73!-rl.nii. Fall Term login lop. lfnSr S, Iftt r llluMrtd C-tUrMUr, wlln full InSnollWo, Sddnu. K. 'IXIUiUtt, llll., Iimkllo r , UOHWtl, Situ. $50 REWARD will W rl4 tie tt. Orals Vaa tl uMidMlbutta cUta t4 lu awb Urtla iimIb.m St, m hi Pateat MUM A at CM Orala aa a.iS Ummt rmlmr a4 Uaji IHU tia Sa tUi FfMUa aM rM. NEWARK MaCHIHE CO. TO AUA (trtesi sols ao4 sa cstlatf fnjaa Muotoae,. YKwMiy UiiMrmiim mwu i Hail aad B. Tiimt liwt alnTtrrkeaii' sVwkjKt.lUw. MabBaaJL tf. mutu aaaa tsx, trmuu M,-av.aMM.I S3oq 1 'sfl M HOI aw laaqaacmiuuBS MMMrm BUOflM sua IMMUNITY fromANNOYANCE Ml Pat Pot 80U..I883. By MndnonlroTflio flnpatnndbMtejiiMls Ujr of Ulrusi for wltliatnndlBsxbesite Bvory pood tblnff io Oountor foltod, nntl conaumora aro OATJ TIONBD niralnot IMITATIONS of thoso Ohlninoya mado of VER"? FOORQLA8S. Goo that tho oxaot lrtbol ia on oaoh chlmnoy tioabovo. Tho Ponrl Top ia alwoyo oloar and brlcht GlaBa. Jrntttir.vot ttrcil OJf I.T bjr GEO. A. MACBETH A CO. I'lttnliuriTlt T.cnil (lluna M'orka. FOR SALH UY DBAIiBRS. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ynu are allowed a fir trtatafthtrtu ifnyi of ths IM of Dr. Dyo's ColehratiMl Vollalo lkilt vrlin Klectrlo 8uicnsory Aptillanem, fur thn speedy relief and ermanent euro of A'eritnu IVMIIIi.lnas of Vitality nnd Jnnnonf, and nil kind ml troubles. Also for many other itlteanra. Complete restora tion tn nealiii. Vigor nnd Manhood RUaranteed, Morlk Is Incurred, ItltutrMrd pamphlet Insealeil innlop inalleil trtr. liraddrrsalng ..... VOLTAIO liELT CO,, Marshall, Mich. MEXICAN yujij LIMITED. 50( BATTERY ST., San EranalscOf Cal. Scml for clrcuIarH and tcsti- monlala Kivln full Information. Ohoap Lanilnt flno cllmntoj plenty of water I oaay tormii roiculnr seasons. Vo Import or Export Unties, and no Taxes for Tonycats. tlollinO MARK LEVY. Commission Merchant I DKAl.KIl IN I'KIJJTS AMI IKOUVE. CU.NMI(;.NMi:Mrt HOLICITIU. ltavinp; Int. mala aciiialnUnro with tho tradu of l'oitland and San fraud. co and other points, I am slls to seJI seasonable productt to lust aclrantote, tOLlniiiirillulo Urliirns Miule. MAJtic zisrr, 122 front Street, I'ortlsnd, OrcKOn. msyblf A POSITIVE CUBE! IH'.V, younir, middle-sited snd olJ. sli'Klo or msrrled sud all who are surferlntf with I.IHT If AMIIIOII Ntrvoui ili-Wllly, epermatoirha-a, rieuilnal l.oune.b'cx ual decay, Falllnif tltmory, Weak eyes, Stunted Uevsl opment, lock ot Kneriry, linoveilihrd Mood, llm Firs, Impediments to tlarrlane; also lllood and Hkl Useasni, Syphlllls, brphllls, Kruptlons, Hair Falllnc Hunts I'slns, Kwilllnc, Soro Throat, Ulcers, Kffects ol lercsy, Klddey snd llladder Troubles, Wesk llsck, Uurnlnif Hrlno, Incontinence, (Jonorihus, Glut. Strict ture, recehes sisrchlnif treatment, prompt relit ( and euro for life. IIIITII HIMt.H consult tunndintlally II In trouble, call or write, Dclayessre dsniterous. S ycsrsexptrleme. Terms Cash. Ill. VANUOttCIBCAll, 192 snd 181 3d street, If I'urtlind, Oregon Portland General Hospital. Corner Hero ml uml Ash HU. HOME FOR THE SICK. Tiirldsli, Ztiisslaii, Electric, and Meillcutcil ltatlis. Till Inatltullon Is cominets In sll its dtartments. It U conveniently located, And every tflort Is msdo ttKtve It tbs sir, diet, nurslnifsiid comforts of a home Special attention Is paid to t-ieatmont of Chronlo and Comtltutlonal dlseuus by Klectrlo Daths and Inahals lion id Osyifeiiflas; now recounlsed ss moat success ful remollss for lllieiiuiHtlaui, .Nrurulclu, Mala rial Wiestei, Asniiillia, llrmirlillls, snd all IHaeaaes of ths LuiiKe, Idvtr snd Kidncjs, 1'ilrsto rooms sre resorvtd for atlrnts deilrlns trtatuent by ntlier than tho hotplul pliyslclinsaui IhOMi ai.hln totakua course ol Uettrlo or Turkish llalhsor Oiyiren Uas, The Hatha are eleirmtly fitted up, and are spprecl. stud both as a necessity slid a luiury, especially by thoss suffering- from Auue snd other Malarial Ills eaves. I'hysIcUris sre cordially Invited tatlslt and Inrpect this Intiitutltn. TIIOS. WOOD, my 1 1 Sin. Manager Portland Hospital Co. ltaca'a White Mttalllo Ear Marking Label, staiapcd to order wltti name, or nam. and sddresa and num. ten. It la reliable, cheap and coovctuajut. Hell at alfbl 'and rlves perfect satisfaction. Illustrated aTiccJJsl aco samples free. .Agent wanted. ST. H. VAMA, -VVestLebatuio, N.Il. b pi n wa inn ,ii lull viUi JBEabYQ Jfc : ffc- aiswjfta, .1-v T