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About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1886)
8 WILLAMETTE FAKMER. aALEM, OKKGUaS, OCTOBER 8. 16. HM&M ommerriaL Theso (iriow nru lur I'uriUml tiwl rc(iront wIioIwkiIu from prwluirr or Urat haml. WtlKATt -Vnlhy, S1--0 ?31.271 per cental. Willi. Wall i, SI.'-'O FLOUUi- tSttiilinl. 8X75 per bbl. HAKLUVi- SUu3I.li2 purcauul. OATSi- :iS(S:!!)J par Ijiulial. MILL, I'KKI) i MiittllliiK", S2!?d5$J3 i8i ton. llrm, 8l'J&5t: pur tun. PROVISIONS i llnins, 10'Allopor pound. Hliouldum, 7f8j p-r pound. Hidut, firm at 7(8j 1w pound. Lnnl, Ktitorn p.nn. JUiSi'u par njnuii. Orison, in tiui, UJjSi) pvr pound. In Inlf ljarrlri, 10 Ho per pound. California. IJio pir pound. Oregon, 1 lo pur pound. HONKYi- In ciml), 18J'.!0d vi ponitd. Strained, in fi kiIIoiii, lOJifljIlo pel ll. CIIlKKN I'ltUIT: Appln. f)0fi)C0j per IjuiIii'I. poultuv.- Cliiokcn, $i!.n0t($.1 per ilou. Turkoyit. livo weight, 10l'.'o pur II). Duck", STigSfl pirdo.jn. VKOHrAIIMHt- , , . Totiilotf, old, fiOMOOj p"f l'Uliel. I'ointW", now, ljloH.r pound. Onloim, lo per liouiid. PUKHII MKArSi- l'.irk. livn weight, Hoi fat, .'IJo ptr II). Cork, ilnifnl, IMJo I'" und. Ilcuf, on foot, .'iroilljo pur pound. Mutton, ajo por pound "" widght. Wul, 8fe$llo pur po'ind. Tallow, quote lie p r pound. WJ ITKIts- Commoii, lOftlSa per pimml. Ulioico rutin, l!5d pir pound. KOdSt- l'rrh laid 1 Ktflfi ci'titi per down. WOOLt-lvnu-rn Orr;n, Il!ft2:ij per pound. ValUv, ISCS'JIo pur poind. lJniUt, ratij-o n tiillo higher. HAYi- lUliul $7$8 per tm. grass si:i:!)i- Timiithy, 71'iKd l"'r P" Red ulovur, IfxilOo pur wi.n I HOPdi (Jiiotu UOn'.'So por pound. RlUI'.i CIiIiia No. !!, Iii.'mj i n;r pound. .Siimwich Inland, TxiOo y.t pound. TKAS i Jipaii, .'HJn IOj p it pound, lllack, l(.i"fio per pound. OniMi, (UiiTAo r pound. , CObTKK i fjmtl.i Rim, l'.'iiiru pvr pound. .1 ivu, '.'Od'.'Vo pr Miuud. SUllARSi l, in hid, ljld per pound. (J, in lililf, ifJ P'r ixiund. Kxtra 0, in !. fijo per pound. Grained, mo , in MiW, Ofo l,ir pound. Iu ItilMilria Jo more. 3YRUTi- I'ivu Killou Ui'K, 70o par gallon. OlLSi- Ordimrv K"dM o al oil, 2,i li'-'Olo per ;tl. Iluilid Linm-ixl ml. Sl)o pir Kallnn. Raw liiui'i'il nil, 77o (ur K.Mlon. Tuipoutiiii', "Oj pi-r gallon. I'uro w rMmu SAII': SUhiU, lay, Sill p"r ton. Ciriiun,, SIS pi r ton. 1'iitno l.tvurpool, f'JO per ton no ipi ility, 518 h'S-T) pr ton. OUMMUKUIAL I'diui.axd, Ool. 7, 18SI5. Tlio woiitlior huKh tli Hi'tisou, ntul wo an) lmvintf iiiiu otiougli to I'lmldo tlio (armors to ilo tlioir fall plowinc ami eoiHliiij;. If tlio wliont kowii now, ami last inonlli, itiako a good ntitrt bofoio tlio winlor niiiis ai'lually ooiiunonco, tliou tlioro will lo U'rt iluiiKor of wintoi ):!lltiig. It is iiiumual for wintois to in iv grain much in VoHton Orogon, ami oust of tlio I'uhniiIos it only ocoim vlion no snow-full tiorvou as n. jun tcotiou. As to prices, wo road tlio faiiio dull Htoiy from month to month. Tlio hittnt osrtuo for tholow j)iii'o pruvtiilhiK ovor Aniorloa Uthat hcantiful liarvoel woathor jnovailiHl iu Kuroiw, m tlio crop was eavoil without lon ami iu perfect condition, which iloc. nut often occur. Thin not only mviucs a K'ood yiolil, iu lino onler, hut thoir wheat i immeili atoly 111 for mo. while they UMtiiUy hold it in turo to let it dry out and liccomc fit for grinding. StocK'n of lutul?tiilVs in tlio t'nitod Kingdom aro larger than thno moiitlis ago, and do not vary greatly from blocks in night thoro iu October, 1SS3. A seduction was anticipated that has not been realised. Thoro is moro buying for future delivery than for present consumption, (juomtiomi for Portland this week hnvo been $1.'J." per cental for valloy and if l.'JO for Kastern Ore gon, which appoam to lo tho top of tlio market. Since July 1, California luu shipped ovor 200,0'JO tons of wheat, and Hour reduced to wheat, which is a heavy in crctiso over hist year's buaiuesa up to this time, but prices have boon lower and freight) very low also, so that pio dticeiH and ship owners aro not wll plenHoil It fitiirio In- iiid tint the prospect fur fuMin iiiiprorciiienl ix reliable, though in. re m doing iu thnt lino than for present cntKUtiiption. Freights are lower thail ever, or near ly mi. San Fruncieo shipper have mink irmi chnrtei nt liOn per sli'ii ion. I'ortlund in dniiig uutbing, but :.7m (id Would be a fair rate hero. Tlicri- are now niii" inn nbipn in the liver wailing otifragoniont", which is very diUbrcnt from past experience. Our fnrmi rt can doponil on cheap freights wln-ncver prices induce them to toll. Oats are now in good supply ; ptota tions remain !17c to dOc por bushel, but only choice feed can bring tho last. Wool belongs to tho speculators and factories now, but fnrmors and wool growers want to keop up with tho times and prices. Thoro has been a consider ub!o advance in values siuco shearing tirno, tho nctivity iu trado and mnnufac lures bus stimulated a demand that is strong and healthy. It is possiblo, un less wo hco a reaction iu trade we can not seo now, that bettor prices will rule for the clip of 18S7. Dairy products, tome Kattorn butler is arriving and bringing good price?. Thoro U a light supply of good Oregon butter, choice brings 20 to 25 etc. It seems ns if our dairymon did not try to keep up supplies during tho fall, per haps because it is not easy to maintain a good How of rich milk on our dry summer pastures. They can sow grasses and clover, however, that will grow and make cow feed all summer and fall, and can use mill feed lo induce the cowd to keep up their milk supply. Kggs aro quoted at 25c with a rather weak market. Provisions rule higher at this tonton, iih old stocks aro nearly exhausted and now have not put in an appearance. Chickens range from lj2J to ?!l per dozen. Potatoes aro not in such active de mand for shipment us little is doing at this time. (iroon fruits are iu fair supply, even though tho orchards aro not bearing well, apples ntnijo from I0o to 50c. Other Oregon fruits me iu slender sup ply and bring fair prices. Dried fruits are all higher and the fact of light fruit crops through tho I'nitcd States will not tend to make them lower. Lust year's apples aro worth 5 ctn, new 8 cts, Other fruits aro iu proportion. Mark Lano Ilevlew. I.OM10N, Oct. I. Tho Mark Imno Impress, iu its weekly review of tho British grain trade says: Trado was dull and despondent, with no prospect of relief. Hales of F.nglish spring wheat during the past woek woro SO.llU quarters at Ms !ld, against 72, lOIJ quarters, al Ms (id during the corresponding week last year. Flour is depressed, owing to largo receipts of American, and is selling at tho lowest rates known. British millers complain that business iu American Hour is crushing native industry. Fine barleys aio scarce, but third rate birloys aie plentiful. Foreign wheat is duller. There were seven arrivals and three sales ; two cargoes were withdrawn and three remained, one from Oregon, one from Chili, and iuo from California. At todays market wheat, Hour mid corn were unchanged. Malting barley is Id lower. Russian o.its were dearer. in UI'IIII.N II HMD. An oM plialclm, rrtlrtJ fioto pmtli'e, hiving had .t tee I In hi luii In In an Kmt tfitllu mlMbnin tlu 'inn lU uf a uliiiph "),ej'n rune'l) for Hi pccl) .ml i-rimnent euro ol on-nninioi , tiro clilti. Oil. .tr'li Ailha i, Hinl itll ilir a n.J L Mlj Aifitlcns, also a p.mltM in I raiUiUl.'.UM- r f.itljin liebilil) ld ft'l iVnoih (.'om)!ilht, atttr li iii tett.d Hi womlcrlut ciiMtlic io In tlioimi I'itmi liai lc!t It III) dull tonuku it knoviti to nl. tuRerli.r fvilow. Actti aiuJ li tliliuiolhu and de Ire lo rs.lineliummi rut Irrltu I Hill ncnd (r. u' il nrc, toall wliodmlro It, thl rn-lpo In Oirnmn I v'.h or rr.ncli, ulih full dlroctlm for ptepitln ntul tiil'U. Silit l.j iu.ll li) a-idrMlii? lil tuiup i nl niiiilnx tlili lr, W. A. MVK" 113 !. r'alllo'it I ifl,.tr N nlm ).MOSUl & kS()NS, I r- tf litob'n " W?,N05la JOH I kXT lil 'HtWl HiVftJ, 4.rir.,'m rr. iVn .TO3 I.,ajV ?Fjtirftvr.TM WWgfT'JEB. "Tij - aa&-2?? Cr ioac' roMLAo .1 1- MANt'PACTUnB At,!, KINDS Or" IlltllHV A llllli:il llll II IIOXUS ru Cnlilt- C'nilr. I'nrhrri, Ilir. Addruiv J JIOsrK ;SO.S, I'ortlaml, Or 0lli:iO.N II K' B-UAILKO.lIf M.V BOIM Mlt Morn: i:n I iciiiii.sirf:BaA.M;i:.s F"t Tlm' Su-r Co'inrctlon' New Ciiulpiiinti' a?i.- Wiles Shorter ! !JO Iltiurs Less Time ! 1 CC0M.MODTI0NS UN tmt'A&fiKK FOIl COJI. J-. fori and 8tf-y- Fare md Frclnht much lort than I) an other route lictwtcii all C.I.,l, luths WllUiiicltii !! and can Francliro The ONLY route via YAQUINA BAY! TO SAX FIEANtilSCM. Hull) 1'iiH.niarr Tmlm rrril4siinilii. l.civcCorvlll (trrptHii'ili)i) al 1 1'. M. Iiuive )aiiilna, (ckcepl Hunda)at 7:10 A. II. O.AiU.ll. It. tnin (Wi.t tide) conned at Con !!. 0. AO. II. X. lNln(Kit tlilr) connect at Conallli al 13 Oi 1' Cl-TAS. H. DODD & Co. WW!, FIRST Alii) VIIIE SIS., P03IIAHD, CKCM, MII'IIUTElia 01 . Hardware, Iron and Steel FARM MAGHINBSY. Sole Agents for Orecon aud Washlnrjton for Sfcrs DEERE'S PLOWS. Thfl Tlnnm Unm Hool DlnTnh'k'iiaoaOomril-'l'ii1'"- liny ar m lniilc an Iconic m near tSatmoInU iiiu uubiu nun uuui nun ir enough in their ralM, crfei'llon that thoau ulio liaio uto.1 them or tveu them wurk raiinot aajr ulth ttairet from Alhmi; 1 II T V'K FISF. A I -.TKAM-Ilil IUIIM U1V n.MI. rKUl AQI'IA I CROM KAN rMASCIM-n rriiiit Wv.lm Slondi) Salur.l') r o.t 101 Not ii I Mondt) Stturdi) . I'liiirid.iv Vlndi). .Oil 4 13 Nor 10 ii .-MtPi1 lf JJJl Tlia(.'oniPinr recmtlm rlulit to clunsj eilllnj da) 1, H9,For furlher I f.i-mitlon appli li Z CUAS C. HOGUE, A 0. I', and 1'. Arcnt. Corvl,l,T.Oreon. hSEDGWICKh- STEEL WIRE FENCE Power Lift John Deere Sulky Plow, 3&Mffi this Implement. In one ol the recent tet, a Walklnir l'low cutting SO ciildo Inrhci had Ml pound actual dralt ; the Peers Sulky plow cut 80 cuhlc luchce with only an aitual draft ol ."J'.' Miunda. We arc al amenta for Snperlor Seed Drills and Superior Broadcast Seeders, &w:ira.iH:Sit and aro complete with nccl. yoke, doulikticct, etc., aint aru potiliu turcu FcM. Sole AguiU for Corbin's Disc Harrow and Seeder, Olinlllnn Tirim WorrnilC 'arenee&Chpln,Srlia-TiX)lhllarro, Iicoro Ihrrona, ChallniKO FeeJ ollUlllCr ldriU WdliUIla, Mill. Pacific raiinlnir.Mllla, IlaUli llrlcU Mru, rtc. Tlielatcit Improied Inipbiiicnt fnroln(iiiumtr fallow, moat complete ami (UcwmIiiI loot for Ihl purpro In line. Thv Hall's Safes, :-: California Powder, :-: Jif'Ni'liil lur Niu'clul Ipeclul C'lrriilu - unit I'rlcc I.lnt. GITlN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE. Tlio Vonttct Unanlmoui . I). Suit, DrutJKi't. ltlppiu, I ml., tcti fioi: "I 0111 rr comim in! Kleoirio Hitter a Iliu very lioat ronunly. Kwiy bottle tolil ha uiven iflicf in every cao. Out' man took nix Itott'ea, and uaa cured of Kluuiiiatmii of 10 year' Uii'ling " Aiiraliam II ire, ilrugpit, llelKillo, O'iio, rllimi: "llio lhat dellini; inrili-Miui I linvit ever liamlleil in my SO year' experience, N Kleo'riJ llittera." Thouaamla of 1 tlier have ailitcil their tetiinoiiy, o that ti- r.ii t 'i ti.moin Hut Kieitrio llit'O' 11. " i- a iIIm.ii'O of the laior, Ktilney or It 1 1 a lulf ilollar a bottle. For a I by tlio 1'ort Dfuj; Co, 2 pOYAl eg POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThU ponder never varie. A manel et purity, trentttt and haUaina. lore cvoikuuIoJ than th ordinary klndt.tnl cannot beaold in competition wtUt the multitude al low teat, thort welsht, luoi or photphate ivder. Sold Oolv to can. KOVAL UAKI.VO POWOKlt CO., lOd W'4ll St.. N V. decl) I a "Irinif ucl-ivnrU trllliout liurb. IKinl Injiirt. ttiwk. It Mill turn ilox. pin, ahrep and poultry. well i hones anil mltli.. 'Hip let fence for Farm, (lantern, Htoclc ltanitraand Hall, roal. Very neat, pretty atvlc for Ijihih, Park. School-lnta nnd Cemelerlr. Coveted ulth run proof p.ilnt. or mada of ealvaulinl wire, at pre (erred. It ivlll laMa llfillme. It I brllrr Ihnn bonrua or Inirlird rlrr In every reaped. I lie rtrilanlrk lliitra made of wroimht-lron pipe and ttvet ivlre.defy nil competition In llnlitne, neat. no. atrennth and rlurahlllty We make the, cliei'tt ii,teleaiworklnu nil-Iron iminmnllo or arlf-optwilnc ante, and Ibn nenleal rlirnp Iron lenrra now imule. The Ix-xi Wlrci Hlretchern.Oulllaa l'llrraand Toil Auurra. For price nnd parllculara nak llardnarv Healera, or inl.lre, ineutloulnc paer, SEDGWICK BROS., Richmond, I net RUSSEL&CO'S ENGINES and SAWMILLS Tlu Men .llassillou TJircsher I the jrc rln inlnj mtcliinr cf the pnvrnt oentun llui't -vi'l.ll I r F'C fli I'oaat wvric. ulth dou 'le '. h'at) f ani'UO'k, Iron 'ruck vtherlt, rtc Vlllillllieu ' ijpn llj ail' u uiHtru in aprn Lai loiiie and pru llt eir Ire Ad rot Itl'sbKLU A CO , Fort nd, Or. ."RCK'S HAY-PRESSES. i oaC . iv 1 . LUkfomrr SS . UaiMuiDe '4s .v 9 ' 3jrvaaT . mh m " .' PT FsTkmEmsm- m. a Li Order on trial, adnv lor circular and location ol Wiaiern and Southern Slnrehouaca and AkVnU. P. K. DEOCRIOK & CO,, Albany, N. Y. N. B. Other manufacturer combined eiratnat the oiuliiil ivteatee (l)usica. to nnprypruto hla couilBUOu blo chamber, l.laely publiah ctal ien-e aud premium oter IVderlca, llel any of Iheuilf any couilltloua, to aeel lu the field tbeVnentor of Ihe prraa lhe copy. Dederlck enarantee hU rre.a Ihe ben.or falllatf will buy the beat for the cuatomcr, ie the luteuior of tea ciSutlnuou pree al hull compeltlor' chance durlii Ihe time for which hit patent wa. uranted. lTuauriiloaati!yth4lUTibtlouhai,-rcatlyheacmie4 theulillc. S 1 000 REWARD THE VICTOR lw aaj U4.aiaa alua a4 VLajKaaEA ti,tai bi w naraH a aiMa lb,er MMiiuauAl VICTOR DPUBtE KULLER. 11 ottrv, MIVVI.'K UA1,II1M,14K.(V10, U. Kc. U, UhwUwi. M4 Q v,afjLLKJiP t7SafrBMK2arMBBtvVw ana N5aSUaKlKnWBCaPV U NEEWyManBtWaBarmk O.NE IvLiuS. Tlio above iIliifltratcH tho beautiful prciniuiiia wo tliall soon ofl'or to our nnmoroiis rentiers. They will bo given away nb.oluloly freo of all chargefl. WATCH THE COMING ANNOUNCEMENT. EELLH AN SCALES FREE Offer Extraordinary. THE BRONZE FARM BELL. Wo havo imule a contract with an extensivo manufactory in tho Kast whereby we can offer Farm UolU at a nominal cost. TIIKSK BKI.I.S havo n Deep, llich Tone, aro IOJ inches in diameter, weighs, complete with hantjintr, 05 piumta. Price . . . 10.00 (4..senl canlagg paid to any point lu tbe tVIUamttte valley, THE FARM SCALES, Theso scales will weigh from J ounce to 210 pounds. They havo n bruss bsnnt heavy tin scoop in which to weigh small nrticles, also a platform, 10x1 Hi inchea upon which to weigh largor parcols. This, is uiuloubtcilly tho most useful article to be Uopt on a farm. Prico, 10.00. 3".Sent carriage paid to any point In the WllUmette valle). Correspondence Solicited from parties at a distance. How To Get Either One of these Prizes Free ! ni'r'KR 0. I. -To anjone tcndlnj ut a cluh of KlflliT entirely NEW SUPSCRII1EUS at Keach, wt will tend either one cl theae article that the club ralter may chooae. OKl'I'.U Ml. 1. To anjone tending ut a club of r'ltTKKN tu rtber at i M each, c vtlll lJ eltbt the Hell or Scale juit a the club ralacr dictate!. t&T Act at once as this olTor will remain in forco only until January 1, 18SG. Semi for Order Illank ami other iuforniation to. War. J. CLARKE, Seo'y V. F. Pub'LCo'y, Salem, Marion Couuty, Oregon. PltaVliaaalK? m. PflttaaaaaaaalBSfl HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE. TIIK CIIOIC'EST IIRKII WIMT U NKW YOltK. Tlll'.Ml HTOt'K conttantlyon band and (or tale nt reasonable price. AAitHli:, .MrriIi:iH..VM), and .MlUUIUir.S atralm largely rvpreaentiKl lu herd Al heart of herd the choice uutter-brcd hull NETHERLAND CARL (3279). Karm ertyflTe uuiea weal of I-aCrojio, Wit on 5iiuthe'-i. llinncaota DlTialon ofl II AM 1' It It .llUIIl.VI.I.Iii, Itluuura, I'lllniorul'o., Mian. .1 FOR SALE. Farm in Howell Prairie. Containing 160 Acres. hkh rvvv m-vnitv-n ami twenty five oi 111 undar tlo: the balance In timber l h dUlnj. tiueW and u-llW hout: a new temporary barn: runuini prttuutt to : water Ihe 1 ar aroun.1. (daciJli; Apply on the AilrS :0T Bost Xxx Tlao VSTorlot JavjcSikA Mr ' aii.r lJ. nflrnLallllBiillHLfeMta- Por larce or imall jaroe 3a calibre, 40 mini powderi 3d cal. M jr. 4J cai. fo ar.i ii cal. TO and M ar. 1 ha itronrf it lhnoilm riaa uji lVrlect accuracy (oaracteed and the only aWolutdy tal. na. on tne muT - . .: " . B-r aim T. . Ml u ia uanerr. oporuna and Tar. uuk.u. Walll llilal eel lllflea, world renowned. The itandard iv( urn, Mvutmii uumimi auu tawuaiKaiiiiKi. Aiicauorra rromz3 to ta. ataaelo loiuteea aiaercsi aijict, ptuta irom ia.w up. 6n4 tot lllmuated catilojxe. iMARLlN FIRE ARMS CO., - New Haven, Conn. I Twiutu.,'1. T,U?J ol our calltc rtnet. twenty eooaecnttre thou I after ortr uatthad already teen fired and Docltaalnc durlm the entire aarentr v n taF"1 n. .in iixaiwiWLaa aaaw raa- A.