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About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1886)
WILLAMETTE FARMER: SALEM, OREGON, OCTOBER" 8 1886 - Moth. STOCK H0TE8 A mixture of ovcrnl kinds of grain for footling stock is nlwnys better than ono kind ulonc. Vitriuty in ijrniii is ns im portant nH variety in bulky food. Brlnjr tho slicup up at night and givo oach nicul of outH. If pasture bo comos tdiort allow cut straw and liny. Ono of our sheep breeders, sayB tho Indinnn Fnrinur, who tried tho rccom mondation of a pint of sweet milk with an egg Htirrcd in it, nays it curod tho scouring in ovory caao in liia flock. Tho small Yorkshiro ia an excellent breed of hogs for crossing on common stock. Thoy nro whllo in color, maturo very oarly, and make it largo proportion of pork for tho amount of food provided them. Professor Bnnborn, of Missouri, says that tho corn-foddur wasted by nllowing tho corn to stand in tho hill until it is ns ' dry ns parchment is enough to nearly winter tho Block. Sccuro oarly, boforo fall rains, or win tor snows begin, it bountiful supply of dry straw to bo used about and under tho stock nt night During tho dry roason a largo supply of flno road dirt should bo stored nway for winter use as an absorbent. It is ex cellent in tho stalls and also in tho man uro heap. It ia a curious fact that with tho two millions of sheep in Colorado tho Htato docs not produce tho mutton its pcoplo consume. Thousands nro brought in from Now Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. Much is being said these days nbout tho "pink oyo" distemper in horses. Wo road to-day that tho great running horao Jloaconsflold, now in tho Kitst, hnH boon Buffering with tho "pink eye," which hns probably drntroyed IiIh prospects on tho turf for this season. This "pink cyo" in horses is scarlet fever. A horse afllictcd with it generally commences to improvo on the seventh day after the attack, but is usually months in entirely recovering. Young horses take the disease more fre quently than older aniiimlH, although tho latter are nut always kept exempt. Tho trouble is self-limited ordinarily, bo that pallative treatment is all that is re quired. Any Hlioop man who will reduce IiIb full blooded Merino Hock to a medium grndeby judicious crossing with Shrop Hhires or South Downs will bo wino ; so will ho who him a Hurub Hock, if ho pur chases u good Leicester or Shropshire ram. Merinos will have their men for years to come in tho far West. Tho na tive sheep orosbod with them grow heavier Howes, which gradually lose wild kempy quality, and yield an exsel lent medium wools but tho growing of strictly line wooled sheep in any part of tho United States, we think, will hence forth prove unprofitable, when compared with that of the standard classes known as mutton sheep, such m Shropshire, South Down and Leicester. Wool Jour ual. KlOkttlB cows. Mrs. F. 0. Curtis, of Wisconsin, writes to tho I'rairio Farmer regarding kicking cows as follows : "The best and most oilVctivn cuie for it kioking cow is tho butcher." I hold that we should make tho best wo can of all tho cowb we have, by it more goner ous feeding and kinder care feeding so well that the ln-of cowb will be trans formed into beef. In the meantime let us endeavor to improve one brood of tows for the special purposes for w hieh wo designed them. If for butter our mh, it is very plain to me that the Jinney grades are tho best; if for leof, uIiocmi or niilk,oloct the brood you con sider boat adapted to that particular purooso. To ell a cow to your neigh bor bociun-o nbo is it poor one or kicks, is reprehensible in the extreme. I have bought cowb that would kick, come times being told the fact and sometimes not. 1 never sold or fattened one simply boeaiifo she was it kicker. 1 have often described my management of a kicking cow. Sometimes it is well received, and often ridiculed, it noted dairyman onco replying, "1 would its soou thiuk of tying my wife iih tying it cow." Su perintendent Morrison, of tho Kitriuora' Institute, has adopted the motto, "Treat a cow as you would treat Jit lady." All well enough; treat them well, kindly and make them comfortable, but follow ing this motto to the letter is overdoing n good thing. I hold that tho cow should bo closely court nod by tho head, in it stanchion or otherwise, for milking purposed at least When milking a cow alio should stand in n proper position, which many cows scorn dotcrmluod not to do. Tho cow id tho strongest, and anger And brutal treatment is tho re sult. Could tho milker apply hia strength in some cany practical manner, bo iib to compel tho cow to stand in a proper position whllo being milked, thoro would be no cauao for nngor on the part of the milker: bunco no brutal troatmont would necessarily result. Sonio cowb kick from natural or acquired vie iousncBS, others because- tho operation of milking is painful from tenderness or otherwise. Hence, in boiiio cases it is h sort of surgical operation, and the pationt must bo confined to submit. Tho proper position for it cow to stand in is to "hoist," i. e., the right hind foot should step back; or whatiscquivalont, tho opposito foot should bo advanced. It will bo noticed that a cow in this po sition rests her croatcst woiclit on tho foot farthest from tho milker. Such be ing tho caso, sho cannot thon well kick with that foot. It seems, then, verv plain that tho cow should "hois.!" if sho will not, I simply propose to com pol hor to. For this purposo I keep in tho etnblo a ropo nbout ton foot long. I mako a loop nt ono ond, go to tho loft eido of tho cow, loop tho ropo around tho hind leg, drop it down near tho dow-clnwH, pass it around tho stanchion twico if necessary and draw tho foot forward ns far ns necessary. This Ib a forced "hoist," nnd has tho effect in almost nil cases to euro or broak up tho annoying habit of many cows that keep stepping or changing position, thus compelling tho milkor to movo as often as tho cow docs. Tho plnn hero given will bo a sure corrective of moBt cases of kickers and steppers, but when it is not, put the cord around tho ham-string, passing it over tho top of tho stanchion, and if neces sary, in oxtromo caaos, draw tho foot off tho floor. If this doos not provo effectual, and you tlcsiro to socuro tho cow any how, tio tho loft foot as first directed, then with a stronger rope draw tho other foot back nnd conflno it out of harm's way. I never found but ono caso requiring this last treatment, and I should not nrgue long about what dis position should bo made of such n cow. Tho simplo and easy plan of drawing the left foot forward, as first describod, will bo found of groat valuo to those who chooso to uho it discreetly. A boy twelvo years old has suflicicnt strength to uso it, though judgment may bo lacking. Nervous or wild cows will htruggle some when this correction is tirst applied, but will soon become ac customed to it. In some ciisos it may 1hi well to tlo tho cow in advance of milking. Intelligence In Feeding Horces. The question of economy in feeding horses and other working animals is not vory well understood by farmers gener ally. Street-car companies, iivery-stablo owners, and othors working largo numbers of horses, havo got foeding down to a practical basis, which comes vory near to being scientific. It is indeed based on scientific principle-', but those who practice it have very little understanding of tho philosophi cal reasons for what they aro doing. They simply know that their homes do well on certain rations, nnd beyond that thoy do not bother their heads. Inn certain sense, porliapt, this is wise, but no mental development is derived from it. Any change in tho routine would completely upset them. If they had to make up a ration out of something else, thoy would not know how to intelligently combine materials ho as to produco tho desired result. Or, if tho work of tho horses uero changed, thoy would not know how to accommodate tho ration to the new kind of work. This is tho dillVieuco between routino work and in telligent work. Tho informed, intelli gent man knows wh'tt ho is doing and why ho does it, and can change his method tottccoinmodato circumstances; but tho mere routine feeder knows only tho one thing that ho is doing, without understanding why or how to chango his hand in accordance with conditions. Hut common senfo teaches that tho hardworking horso neods stronger nnd more concentrated food, and more of it, than tho horso that has little to do. Indeed, tho ration required by a hard working horso' would kill oue, in a little while, that had to only occasionally draw a gentleman's carriage, Tho ration of tho latter must not only bo smaller, but less nitrogenous that is, contain less of the muscle-making and musole siutaining material. Ho needs little, but tho carbonaceous material, or food of respiration, and tho less exercise he has, tho weaker should bo his diet and tho smaller tho quantity. Anything beyond sufficient to repair wasto aud keep up vitality in a state of rost, is injurious. But how many aro thoro who know how to adjust tho food to tho work of tho horso? Livo Stock Jour nal. Texas stock interests aro in tho transi tion stale fioin the ratigo system to that of the stock farm. If the trail troublos had not come up, and this change been permitted to come gradually, our stock mon would have escaped many of tho troubles that now bu-et them. Our cat tle men would not hnvo been caught with their surplus yearlings, and a mar ket for beof only. Thero nro thoso, how over, who arguo that tho chango being inevitable tho sooner it comos tho hotter, and tiiat if it had not been forced upon our cattlo owners they would havo been slow to adopt the now system, and there by havo beon lu-ers. Texas Stockman. Profit in sheep docs not ariso from numbers. Those uIiopo flocks amount up into the thousands cannot mako a very good average in wool, lambs, or an nual increase in value. On an Eastorn farm a flock of filty will bo apt to givo more of a profit than a larger numbor. This is just tho reason why it pays to attend to them. it is judicious to make some profit from each of a small numbor; it is foolish to keep more and lose. Largost stock patent medicinos nt Port's 100 Statosin-ct. Doks your neighbor read tho Fakmkr? If not, toll him we will send it frco of charge until January 1, 1887, to all who will send us their address on it postal card. THE GREAT WicgSpecific tor LIVER DISEASE ' " at QVUDTflUC Huterorbadtaatelnmouthj OimrlUmOi tongue coated while or covered with a brown fur; pain In the back, tides, or Jolntt often mlilaVen for Kheumatlim; aour stomach lux of appellto I tomctlmct tuuiea and walerbraah, or inillgcatloni flatulency and add eruUtloni bowelt alternately cottlve and la xj lirnilnrlin) lint of memory, with a painful tentillon of having tailed In tlo aomethlng which ouchl to have been dontj debility) lowplriti; a thick, yellow appearance of Ihe tUin and cyrti a dry cough: fever I rettleatnest j the urine iiacanty and high-colored, and, If allowed to tund, depoiltt a leditnent, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PUHCLY VEGETABLE) It generally uted la the South to aroute the Turpld Liver to a healthy action. It acta with extraordinary eOlcacy on tho IVER, KIDNEYS, and BOWELS. k interim, mono ros Malaria, Iypepla, Cniiatlnntlon, Illlloiianeta, Hick Headache, Jaurulloe, Nausea, Colic. Mental Heprettlon. Ilowrnl Complaint, i:tc, Kto., Etc Endorted by the ute of Million of Dottle, at THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Ailulta, an J for the Aged. 8ATE TO TAKE IN ANT CONDITION OF THE 8Y8TEW J.H.ZEILIN & CO.. sou raoratiToai, IMIILADKLHIIA, PA. ruici:. i.oo. BREEDERS DIRECTORY SMALL AIIIKBTISI'.MKNTH like lilt) fill lowing will bo Inacrird In our column. In their proper rlitaalllraflon. rr Is to tlo a year. InrludlnR ropy of pxper. gjf Larger apace charged tor pro rata OATTLK I). II. LOOMS!, Importer and llrceder -Cf !T.1 jJEHSEY CATTLE. tr I hat a f.w Choice llcllera and llulla tor eae, AdJitat or call: Jtfftrtun, Or. MIH & REED, I'oinaND, Onoot. Importer nntl llrreilrr of Sliort-llorn cattle, Cotswold and Ulceatrr Sheep and Clyde'dale llortes. It. W. 0.1KKV, Salem, Oregon. Polled A drub Cattlo. Call and ee my (lock. JSI an KK1'. JOHN itllM'O. Halrra. Ogn. Breeder if IMt'KOVKD AVI KIUOAN UKKIMWOf Span uh iinporlatlou and cron breed of the frwich and Spaniah ttoika knoanla Or. ciroa al Ar.uii;An ur.- HIMi a nwllntof Kwea lor hale aa well a Kama I'rl'vaio accordancewlthth market ConeapoiJenco tollcltnl. . 1, M. GUTHRIE. aval Importer Ilnllaa, Orrs. r and Breeder or SpanUh, r"rench or American iter Ino. Seni tor Trice etc. UlUOI'SIIHK 311 KKl" and ES.SKX IIOOS, Import' ) ed and bnsl br U, U. Uunt, Whiteakcr.Or 8 W 1 N K . PURE BERKSHIRES. U.l'. HALLI.Y etaleui, ir Hat a thoroua-hbred tteglttered rig. Call or tend tor my wlcv. I'ara it a mllet aouth vt tialem on old ttag road. UISCKIXASKOL'S, GEO. D. CJOOIHUIE, 8ALKM. OBEQO.V, r The leading W YANnOTfE and DROWN LtOIIOUi cremerof meonawoti, KneloMi tluup for circular. lL Jertry VrnM" tr Send tor Price Uttol I Apiary Supplies ITALIAN HCK8 and 4j V i lddrea tor Catalogu D. KAUITMAK. it B3Rv4 4yitL K1L B. tMl pupaiwn .Lfe Naior, Clackamas Co ,Orf Use and Praise Of I 1a ..'" ITAirt Rkkiewkr htro nlwayi pono together, l'rlvate rcrommentlatlona. by pcrxon tor whom It lias rcatorcu youthful color to cray and faded hair, or cured ltaldnea, daudrufT, or dUeuct' of tho ecalp nnd lialr, havo been IU beat mlvcrtlnemcnt, mid Invo created at rrreat demand for It ctcn wlicro Ita proprietors have inado no effort for It Introduction. It never falls to do all that Is promised for IU HALL'S TTagBtabla Sicilian HAIR RENEWER Cure nil diseases of tho hair nnd scalp which cauo deterioration nnd loss of hair, and as n dressing Is Infinitely superior to nil other preparations. It contains no alcohol to mako tho hair dry, harsh, nnd brnshy, but keeps it always glossy, Iuh trous, nnd soft. minniD bt K. T. IIAIila & CO., Nashua, N. H. Sold br all Dealers In Medicines. SHERWOOD'S Novely SteelHarness I No Tog or nblfHrtreci Rrqnlred. Took First Prcmiuma nt NowlTVorlc, Ohio nnd Misgourl Stato Faira. For Balo by J. I. JORDAN & SOx, Salem, Oregon, Agents for DEL03 JEFFEnSOK. BREYM.MT BROS., MONEY BROKERS! Money to Loan-rrltuout ComralstUn. In lumt to suit on real cttate or approved accurltr rurchaaera ol Notei, County and otata WarranU. Mortgage Inana made on threo to (Ire years time. tr O.dcc: Ilreyman'i block, Balera, Oregon. fobs 3 mos Spanish Merino Bucks! llred by Mr, J It. STIlOWfiniOOE anu aircu oy mi imported Vermont Iteglt'ered Duck, and out ot his premium Hock of breeding ewes. TI'.UJH KKAHOXAULK. Addret; MILD KNOX, 1IAYWAK03, ALAMEDA CO., CAL. P. J. AltllSTItONO. JA8. ROSS. P. J. Armstrong & Co., (Succetiors to Kelly & Knight.) RLArKHttlTIIIMJ .tCAHHIAUKMAKIMU. llorte-bhoelng and General JobMug made a peclalty. UT At A. KELLY'S old stand on Commercial ttreet, Dtlcm, Oregon. "Oi , apiOtt STRONG'S RESTAURANT. SEHVES THE I1R3T OP MEALS for 25 CENTS I Ojttert In eterv itrle. Ctndlet, Nuts, Cakes, l'fee, Urtad.etc. THOl'IOAL PllUITS, etc EVERY - BODY KNOWS That W. P. JOIIS80.V tbo PHOTOGRAPHER Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. alAKES THE LEAD IK THE Plt'Tl'UK HUHI.XKHH. Portraits, Copying, Enlarging, Coloring, etc., etc, HLVIexa taken In city or country. Seod It jou, ctia, thiy will be promptly IllUd, Dr. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy- 751 Market Street. GO ANII IEAIIN HOW TO AVOID dltce,aud how wonderfully ou are made. Private Office, !U Qeary8t. Contulutlon on Lott Manhood and all dlteaae ol Women. Seod for book. JanSlJ' JOHN KNIGHT. Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing. TTAVINO OPENED AT MV NEW QUAKTEUS, 11 " 306 Commercial afreet. I am prepared to do all klndt ol repairing All old patront are Invited to call and I vlllgUe their work my butt care and attention. tT I Make a Specialty of llorae Shoeing, myltl STRICKLER BROS., Dealer la STOVES AND TINWARE I Especial pains taken with Re pairs of nil Kind?. I farmer and olber who may hare repairing can ' reat aaaured that It will be done at promlaed. Call at the old aUod ol Ben. Strang. Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. BTJrUUJUUlaK SUIUB. Agwt tor the aBCUr, Hauekald, Wktte, ltd Aaaerlratt &twln .Macbaoaa. Uit, MeedU, and Attachment and Machine parts lor all machine. MacMoe repaired and waitutad. Com or send for partlcuUr. Satiaiactlen guaranteed. uylti DJR. JAifJE'B AGUE MIXTURE. A CERTAIN AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY ron Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Cc. This class of diseases so common In all parts of tbo World, and especially prevalent In ma larious districts and vicinage of water-courses, are almost invariably accompanied by more or less derangement of tho liver, and frequently by a defective action of the dlgeitlro organs, Tho mero breaking of tho Chill Is but a step towards completing a radical cure; tho various organs of tho body, especially the stomach "". j liver, must be brought to a healthy and vigor ous condition before a permanent euro can be established, and this fact has been specially kept In view by Dr. Jayne In his treatment of these complaints. Iho uso of Jayne's Ague Mixture, In conjunction nlth Jayno's Sanative) Tills, as prescribed In tho Directions wbteh accompany each bottle, will not onl BREAK UP THE CHILLS, bnt restore the system, mora particularly the liver and stomach, to a sound condition, and so prevent a relapse of Fover and Ague by thor oughly ERADICATING THE DISEASE, and the best evidence of this Is the Invariable success whioh has always followed the admin litratlon of these remedies, as attested by tht certificates published annually In Dr. Jayne's Almanac, and the wide-spread popularity of the Ague Mixture In thoso dlilrlcts of the United Slates, nher tho diseases, for which It Is adapted, mott prevail. , For Sale b) Snell, Hltthu & Woorfard, Portland. PR. 3VEI3NTTIE3, THE SPECIALIST, No. 11 Koarny- St., San Franchco, Gal. Tojuts all Cimoxic. SrtctAl. xxd rnima Duiasm WITH WODinll'L Sl'CCESI. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I la a certain cure tor JWrvom Debility, Lout JluuliuiMl, J'lwlufor. hoea, and all tho evil effect ol )0Utbtul follic and cvreaaea, and In tlrlaltltiff Intoxicating HquorH. Jlr, Mlntle, whoUarrgubrplijtlclan, graduate ot tho Uiilrer tlty of remit) Irani, will ogrro to lortilt 4-VM for a caso of this kind tho I'll I Jtratiiivihe. fun derhls sicclal udvlco and treatment) will not cure. tlM a bottle, or four time tho quantity $. tent to any addreas on receipt of price, or U. O, I). In private name If desired, by J)r lllntle. J I Kearny St., 8. i VaU Bend for list ot queitlona and uuphlct. H,13U'T.K 1IOTTTM FHKK will he sent to any ono applying by letter, stating" O' Vom, sex and age. Stria secrecy In regan' " aia trnatlona. OTho DUV1UI' GUIDE U tasned Heps, nntl March, achjreavr. 'f3lH pages, SKxll tnches,vrlUaovcr 3,000 .UluatraUons at whole rictnre Gallerr. G1VKS -Wholesaale Price direct to eontumeri on tall Rood for personal or family use. Tell how to order, nnd Rive exact coat of every thtnp; you use, cat, tlrliilc, wear, or hare fun with. Theee INVALUAaJLH MOOICS contain Information cleaned from the market of the world. W will mall a copy t'llKi: to any ad drea upon receipt of 10 ct. to defray expense of malllnp;. l us hear tVoua yon, Iltapectrully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO'. 8187 At agU y Avenue. C'hlco. IIL T.Vm th. lud. dw not corral. Ilka tm ur Irun. nor ueear Ilk. thiiujlr vt tar cimputitioua. t to appl. rlrona n.1 lurl.l. al half th mj.1 of tin. la alu a HIIIISTITllTIi i lor l'I.AMTI!lt ut Half Ibe !. tUltPl.TM and hlKIM of aim., douul LOw..rpf oil rl4li, C.UloaruM and MtnplM rML II. I'AY k CO., CA.MU1U.N, .. J. SlIE DINGEE & CONARD GO'S llltAUTIFUI. UVI2U.HI.UO.UIMa ROSES II ur t ) ten t Siirrln I ty la aTOwlnaT and dlatrfljutlo ItOMK. Wb;.."itralu.uJ,.rfM. Th. ta .otiltii, aud !, r.ilxl SurK, Wa dcllne nmg rw fai aafel by mall, at all IS ojHh,, 7 SPLENDID VARIETIES fc Vour Ctiolre, all lubrlrrl. for 3" la . ItlforiSiii-IOfarNS. Alw other Tarle. ties. 2, ft, and ty rorJI.M).arr.v.i;ar.MJM, Uum Urow.n. cat Uruve, Che.ter Co., 1'au RUPTUKE Abfolutolv fuml In 30 to 0 U.., br I)r IVrctsa 1'aWU M7netfa SlutUi TrtiAsv IntKa ttorltl I'ntira) dirfarntrina ITailltthUillTElaAlpttTa11atSl 411 other. Prfect UeUlntr. and li vor wlUkt u tnticuinlun nljhUoJ dj, 0urt4 th irtaOwniHl lit. J.blnimi of Naw urk. iMhuntlntvliof itbtrt Ne IUuatnial taua th!H . eunLalnt rLa7 full InftinnaUlssn. vma, NETIC ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY. Usramtnlo St. taac yranoiteo. Cat. THE NORTHWESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, MINXEAFOL.II1, MI.VV, Plan. Onan. Voice. Theory, all Orchettral and & v r r s'i1 "naa V wTO Ijyuruagea. Klocutlon. HfECIAL, afKltALH for nrvsre.t in JW ',i'v?.aSt0?.l!.", "'O! of Teachera In tha JXTSU fi?.,li0 -O'ossona. I'upllt received at any time, tall term bea-lna Sept. . bend lor Calendar. CHAHUUI U. MORSE, Director. C. W. JEFFREY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Treat the Disease ot Domcttle Animals. ALL qnettlon pertaining to the profetalon, ans wered by mall Castoratlmr ColU and lllirellnr. a tpodalty. Olflc. at the allnto Ors. Livery Stable Saien, Oregon. ianettl Wat. RAMSEY, Oso. O. B1N0IIAU RAMSEY A BING1IAM. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, OrltwoU Ualldlnc, Ssl.m, Oregon. Bl USIKESS IX ALL TUB COURTS SOUCITEO and Notts and Account collected. SBVxCaa'"BWlUMOH Yi 7tSmwnMmfmmtmvkWf ygJsX 1yrVSw&2s m m " raiaBBV m r - U MK rtV