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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1954)
". in Stafts&QS Scdns Oregon Saturday Mar. 8. 1951 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted WILL keep house for couple or in motherless home. Dependable, food - references., Box .280,' Statesmaa Journal. : , CHICKEN farm work, Middle-aged man.- Exp steady, free trial. 563 - W, Cottage. P. J. Gulmond. CUSTOM plowing, discing tc blade mrlr Kmnm TatH h-artAr Uuittnm plow. Keizer Dist Ph.- 2-6120 or 2-4785. ' " - SEWING DONE reasonable. My home. Specialty children's clothing. Ph. 4-2S39. ! , PLOWING and discing. Prompt serv- ice. Phone 4-5449. CUSTOM roto-Ulling. $330 per nr. Ph. 2-2342: DISABLED veteran's wife desires child care in my home. Responsi ble. Ph. 3-3305. i PLOWING tc discing. Ford equip ment X7731. 1893 Birchwood Dr. PLOWING. IMMEDIATE SERVICE. PH. 3-9309.' PLOWING, discing, leveling. Phone 4-J971. A. Springer. BUILDING your own house? Build er with -all necessary power tools help you at 1.25 an hour. No pay until house completed. State house s'.ze tc location. Journal-Statesman, Box 264. PAINTING inside or out 29 years exp. in Salem. Ph. 3-7552. HAVE YOUR painting done early. - Satisfaction assured. Ph. 4-2492 eve CARPENTER WORK. New or re - modeling, foundation to roof. Ph. 4-2321. CUSTOM tractor work, plowing discing, garden work. 3-9661 . IRONING 50c an hour. Bring hang ers. 101 1 2nd St. West Salem. 1 PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. Con- , tract, email jobs welcome. Phone j 2-7692. , - t FURNITURE refinishing, reasonable j rates. Ph. 4-1868. 1633 Capital. CHILD. care my home, day or -week. Ph. 4-5069. i. TREES SPRAYED Pruned and shaped. Abo topping. 1 trimming, and removing. Free esti ' mates. 2-7464. 4-3897. TREE work. Topping, trimming, re- moving. Insured. John Payne. 2-0383 HOUSE plans drawn. Customized . and accurate work. Ph. 2-8642. PAINTING. Paperhanging. Free es timates. Don Lueero. Ph. 3-5522. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. 2-6259. - EXCELLENT care for your . child. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. WIEMAL"S Day Nurse rv, licensed and state Inspected. 2-5015. - CEMENT work, all kinds. Feldschau tc Son. 2-8628. 4-5329 aft 5 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6228. Call day or eve. CARPENTER New. remodel or re pair, time or contract Ph. 2-5025. MICKEN HAM'S DAY NURSERY State licensed and inspected. Ph. 2-7896. PAINTING. Will gladly estimate any size Job. Ph. 2-4307. 3-8243. LANSCAPING, com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573. RELIABLE baby sitter. WU1 go days or nights. Phone 2-9964. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling, grading. Phone 3-7042. 616 Eaplorintmt AgoncUs YOUR JOB? F. Agric. Sec. (exp) open $200 open open F. Librarian (exp.) F. Sales RTW (exp.) 25-45 , F. Legal Sec. (exp.) 20-30 F. Bookkeepers (several) (exp.) open r. Steno-Bkkpr (Ins.) $200 F. SUa (shtd req.) 18-23 $185 F. Cashier-typist 25-45 $250 F. Bookkeeper (Bank exp. pref.) $250 M. Sales (exp. only) xs-33 juu M. Sales (trainee) 21-30 $300 M. Bkkpr. It Genl Ofc. (exp.) $230 M. Mgr. trainee HS Grad. - , - open M.Fire Ins. underwriter. (exp ) . $300 plus M. Sales (Ins.) 35-50 Comm. The Best Way To The Best Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 State St. (Oregon Bldg.) 4-3351 618 Education EXCEPTIONAL opportunity open for women to learn Invisible re weaving at home. Completion of training qualifies you for imme. diate high earnings (at home), rot personal Interview write Regional Mgr.. P. O, Box 1093, Portland 7. Oregon. " MEN and Women wanted to train for Motel and Apartment House imagers. Prepare at home. Ex cellent opportunities for those who qualify.- Home tnterview. Write box 278. Statesman-Journal. WOMEN. 17-60. urgently needed to prepare for Practical Nurses. Home study. High school education re quired. Write box 279, Statesman Journal. IF OVER 18 finish GRADE or HIGH SCHOOL at home.' DIPLOMA AWARDED. Ask for free Catalogue. COLUMBIA SCHOOL. Box 4500, Portland 2, Oregon. 620 Day and ContracT DITCHING, holes for septic tanks. etc. New Pippin Digger. Fast work. Low cost J-C company. 2-7723. Land Clearing U yrs. Exp. Call for estimate em hour - work or by contract for the com plete Job. L. C Mitchell. Phone 3-5337. 700 Rentals CHEAP STORAGE, brick garage, ce ment floor, down town,-$5 month. Ph. 3-5248 eves. The Business Department' of tha STATESMAN - JOURNAL NEWS PAPERS WILL be closed Sundays, Classified Ads for Monday papers must be m by i P. M. Saturday. 702 SI ping Room. Board COMFORTABLE room. Downtown. 472 N. Liberty. 3-4098. " LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. R frigerator, not plate and all utill- ties furnished. $23. 570 N. Winter. Phone 3-3842. ' COMFORTABLE, homey. - furnished room with bath. Walking dis tance from High scnoot saiem ' General or State Hospital. Private home. Will accommodate 1 or 2 people. Ph. 20348. BOARD tc room. A home away from home. Pack lunches. Men. 109$ N 5th. DOWNTOWN, 1st fir. clean, warm room. Bayi adjoining, center, WARM, light housekeeping room. Lady. 885 N. Church. SLEETING ROOM. ittchen fadlitW. For 1 or I 754 retry St. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also bachelor apt 53$ N, Winter. 705 Apcrtmomts For Rut TURN, apartment Three rooms. 332 Hood St NICELY FURN. 3 room modem apt . Near State House. 3-4307. 3 ROOM upstairs- apt Completely fura. Call J-S7W Beiore -ja. " PULLMAN APT. furn. Ph. 3-2334. Pevereaux. 148$ State St NOT CE 700 Rentals 705 Aportmnntn tor Bern! The Lee Apts. SALEM'S MOST DISTINGUISHED ADDRESS Available now. only one 1-bedroom unit at 463 00. TV available; in unit at 163.00. T.V. available-. In spection invited. S85 N. Winter St MODERN COURT apartments. $10.50 per week tc - up. monthly rates. '3-8723. LOVELY CLOSE In furnished or un furnished apartment Beautyrest, steam heat, automatic laundry, fireproof - building, . shade ; trees. Adults. 338 Oak St - 2 AND 3 room apts. with baths, utilities paid. $35 to 347.50. Ph. 4-3643 or 2-1710. TWO ROOMS. Private bath, en trance. Refrigerator. Adults. 735 S. 13th. CLEAN ; tc cozy upper duplex, 3 rm. apt. Private bath, turn. $39.50. 710 S. 13th. LARGE SUNNY 2 bedroom f urn. apt Completely redecorated. Near creek for pleasant living. Adults. 2328 State St. ATTRACTIVE AND ECONOMICAL : 3 rooms and bath. Suitable for 2 persons. 2 blocks from Capitol and downtown. 2nd floor. 295 So. Win- ter. Separate entrace. Unfurnished " except range. 3-6553.,- 3 ROOMS and bath, newly decorated court apartment TV available, parking. Inquire 1348 S. 12th. SMALL turn, apartment Kitchen ette, private bath, lit floor. Ph. 3-6434. 1ST CLASS Ground floor, modern, 3 room duplex. South. Reasonable. 2-6886. TWO 4-roorn apt. One furn. Near high : school. Very reasonable. Adults. Call 3-8250. NEWLY decorated furn. apt 21M Fairgrounds Rd. 3-7854 after 5. NEWLY decorated apt. refrigerator tc stove. 2136 Fairgrounds Rd. 3-7854 after 5. AN appealing 3 rm. furn., steam heat bath, refriR, laundry, pri. ent, 555 N. Liberty. 3-4815. - 3 RM. furn. apt 898 S. 12th. $35. Call 3-7763 after 6 p.m. BASEMENT apt furn. Bath. $20. 1207 S. Coml Ph. 3-6254 eve. MODERN 3 room furnished apart ment Adults. Ph. 2-1909. 310 Les lie St LGE. furn. 3 rm. apt Near Sears. Adults only. No pets. Call after 10 JO a.m. 930 Garnet St. Ph. 3-7645. 3 RM. ; nicely furn. apt Available Mar. lath. 696 ti. cottage. i ROOM, 3 bedrooms, newly decor ated, well furn. 2nd floor. 39463. FURN. is family size apt. Close to shopping center. State office bklgi-. University. All utilities furn. Ph 2-5508590 N. Summer. CLEAN FURN. APT. Utilities, paid. Carafe. $33. Ph. 3-9084. 2281 Hazel Ave. REMODELED turn. 2 rm. tc bath. Reasonable. 330 S. 14th. 29239. VERY nice 2-bedrm. apt Furn. or unfurn. Stove, water, lights In cluded. 820 N. 14th. FURNISHED apartments. 633 Ferry Street 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with girage. $3S. Close In est No. Coml Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. BDRM.; apt Completely furn. close In. 444 N. Cottage. NICELY furnished apartment. Pri vate i bath, utilities, furnished, washing facilities. $4S. Close to Capitol buildings. 4-3463. ATTRACTIVE, close In, clean, furn. apt Pvt entrance, elect stove, re frit., not water and wash facilities turn. 243 Union. 4-1468, 3 RM. furn, adults, near State Hos pital. . garage, ra. 3 ROOM turn, apt All utilities paid. Off street .parking. Adults. Ph, 2-9006. 154S N. Capitol. i CAPITOL PLAZA 1-bdrm, turn, unfurn. 11(1 Che meketa, 3-8630. FOR RENT, one bedrom furn. du plex. $40. Ph. 4-1761. Agent ; 3 CLEAN furn. rms., prtv. bath it entrance. Laundry. 492 s. High. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated. 1 blk. to bua line, $35. see rf. 19th, 2-1070. ' 3 ROOMS, nicely furn. Electric heat 1140 N. 5th. Ph. 2-4818, 2 ROOM FURN. Nice, clean, warm. Woman preferred. $35. 841 N Liberty. Ph. 2-5446 or 3-30UU. CENTRALLY located. 1 br, apts range, refrig., laundry facilities rum. Rent m mo. At Isaacs to. Realtors. Ph. 4-3311. CLEAN 2-RM. -furn. basement apt Priv. bath. utilities furn. $35. 1115 N. 19th. Ph. 3-7641 LGE. WELL furnished 2 room apt 2nd floor. (30. Adults, no pets. 2164 Maple Avefh. 3-7117. VERY NICE 3 rm. duplex furn. apt Hollywood dlst Ph. 3-8036. FURNISHED apartment close, in. Pvt shower. Phone 2-7148. ONE 3-RM. basemt apt. (28. One 2 rm. upstairs apt for 1 or 2 women, $28. All utilities paid. 1580 Center. NICELY furn. 3-rm. apt Private bath, close in. Ph. 3-6985. NICELY furn, bedrm. tc kitchenette. also refrig. 698 N. Cottage. APTS.. utilities furnished. Cloaa to. 444 S. High. Ph. 2JOS3. i Ambassador Furnished apts. 530 N. gammer UNFURN. .duplex. Fireplace, stove and refrir Call 3:tus eve, mi. sun. FURNISHED 3 rooms, $30. Private j bath 1968 North coml PRIVATE 3 room eour apts. dean. . . . . . .,m W. a n -M lurn., . AQUlis. jjmi mrmna no. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in. Ph. 2-8740. 325 s. winter. FURNISHED modern 3 room apt Within 5 blocks of cows town, sea per month. Ph. 3-1887. 444 N. Cot tage. 3-ROOM furn. apt utilities paid. Rea sonable. Ph. 4-6551. 3-ROOM furnished apt. full bath, heat and water furn. (33. Phone 2-856$, j 707 Houttt for Rent l-BEDROOM furn. house. Refrig erator. Laundry. $35. 1599 State. 2 BEDROOM, dinette, fireplace, dry basement fas heat, .wired for range ana wasner, garage, fa. 3-7578. FOR RENT 1 beuioum house, fura-. Ished. ; Clean. $50. Ph. 3-2150, 3 BR unfurn. duplex with LA, DR. Clean. Near school and city cen ter. Ph. 4-1307. 1 BEDROOM unfurn. house. Garage. Electric heat i mile East 4Xor. ners. $55. No pets. Key , at 457S State. Ph. 3-5652. CLEAN 3 bdrm. plastered house. At tached garage. $70. Ph. 3-0900, (Keiter). NUMBER ONE 3 bedroom house. Oak floors, furnace, fireplace, gas or electricity, basement no chil dren or dogs here. Phone 3488L Zero Touure. 1950 water street FURNISHED 4 room Duplex. Garage, adults preferred. 1441 N. Conuner- ' cial. $42.50 a month. Phone 4-5X3, CLEAN furnished one bdrm. house. Garage, north, adults, no pets. $47.50. 4-5153. s BEDROOM APT refrigerator, range and beat furnished. Newry lecor a ted. child welcome. $27J0. $70 K Winter. Phone 3-3$42. 700 Rentals 707 HotuM For'Ramt MODERN room houst unfurn. Turner Rd. Ph. 2-4931. 2 BR nicely furnished house, at city limits, large garden space $50. 3 BR unf. house, close in, large rms. $54- ( v: .:!, - V ' 1 BR furnished flat close in N. Sum- mer St (50. - . ' B. M. MASON. RLT. 164 S. ComX VERY NICE 1 bedroom house... Un furn. except refrig. tc stove. 2445 Market Ph. 2-1958. NEAR STATE Hospital. 1 bdrm. furn. duplex. All electric, laundry, garage. Ph. 4-4683.-. -1 CLEAN lVi bedroom unfurn. house. Garage. Near State bldgs. 3-8041. ATTRACTIVE and Economical. 3 rooms and bath. Suitable for 2 per sons. 3 blocks from Capitol and downtown. 2nd floor 293 So. Win ter. Separate entrance. Unfurn. ished except range. 3-6553. ; - SMALL HOUSE 1 bedroom, fireplace, range and re frig. furnished. 1220 Court St $50 a mo. Key at Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St. f Phone J-4U5 FURN. two 1 bedroom bouses. 1 mile South. $35 8c 825. Ph. 2-3326 eve. TRAILER house for 2, $20 incl. space. No pets. Ph. 2-8885. 1740 Oxford. PARTLY FURN. house on 1 acre at Brooks for sale . or rent 4 rtomt, bath, utility room. Good well. Ph. 2-9328. - CLEAN FURN. cottage. Utilities pd.. garage. $45, Ph. 2-9064. 2261 Hazel Ave. i CLEAN 1 bedroom, unfurn. court Adults. No pets. Ph. 4-5995. . WE HAVE a nice 3 bedroom house. Furnished from basement, to attic. Large garage, nice yard, automatic heat, clean. Immediate possession. Real home for responsible people. Call 4-3538. 1 BDRM. house furn, near bus, store. inquire at 1135 s. 12th st 4 BEDROOM house, also 3 bedr. house. 2-2063. 680 Ratcliff Dr. ONE BEDROOM furn. cottage. $43. Ph. 3-7057. 171 Gerth. ! ( RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat elee. range. 744 N. Capitol. 2-8682. 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle man. Phone 3-701$. 1 ROOM cabin furn. $22.50 mo. AH utilities paid. Near bus and store. Ph.. 4-4883. CABIN, 3-room. partly furnished. $23 month. Ph. J-lzta. 2 ROOM furnished house, garage tc water. $25 per mo. 740 Cummlngs Lane. Keizer Dist. COUNTRY HOME, modern. 2 bed room, basement, unrurnisnea. $. Ph. 2-2031. 2 BEDROOM unfurn. cottage. Gas range, oil circulator. .Located izs N. Liberty. Inquire 37S Market St till p.m. DOWNSTAIRS unfurn. 3 BR kitchen. bath. $40. 1029 i Saginaw St Ph. 3-3101. V IMM. POSSESSION,4 rm. cottage. Near bus. stores, neat, $40. 4-5885. 4 ROOM mod. house. $35. Utility room, 2855 Evergreen Ave. 3-BEDROOM house. $65. Electric heat 4180 Gardner Rd 3-5238. t BEDRM. duplex with store room. No children. North Dist $43 per month. Ph. 4-1761. NEW 2 BEDROOM house, basement pipe furnace. Four Corners. $70 un furnished. 3-7005 days. 3-8744 eve. FOR RENT 1 bdrm. modern unfurn. except range and refrig, $50. Ph, 4-1761. - NEW UNFURN. 1 bdrm. duplex. South, electric heat attached ga rage. $60. Ph. 3-5509 or 2-8479. FURN. $45, extra nice for working couple, loads bum-ins, a-aoas. X BEDROOM turn, cottage. Clean, reasonable. Gar. 3843 Portland Rd. 4 RM. FURN. flat Adults. Reference. Ph. 3-7541 till 12 a.m., after pjn. IN KEIZER, nice clean apt, garage and yard. Ph. 4-3065 or 2-1252. ; EXTRA nice furn. duplex. Huge liv. rm. Creek, close in. car port $75. 510 S. Winter. Ph. 3-5128 eve. UNFURN, ground floor, duplex.; Ga rage. 656 Ferry. Ph. 3-3437. - 3 ROOM DUPLEX, range, heater. hot, cold water furn. $30, iwi Jefferson. : ALMOST new 3 bedroom house, elec. range, auto, heat, hardwood floors. Insulated. 2232 Maple Ave. UPSTAIRS 3 bedrooms kitchen, bath. $40. 155 S. 19th. 4-3982. 4 BDRM. house. $50 per month. 1363 S. 13th. COMPLETELY - furn. 2 bedroom home. Excellent oil furnace, -full basement, garage, nice neighbor hood. $85. Adults. Ph. 3-4370. 2 BDRM. unfurn. house. 1370 Smith. Ph. 2-0360. MODERN. 1 bdrm. house. l mile a. 01 ynngie ocnooi. w. UNFURN. 2 bdrm. house. $40 mo, 1480 Park Ave. Call 4-571$. 708 Farms, Tracts For Rent NICE FARM on Skyline Road. 1 bed room home Phone 2-BZba. 710 Wanted to Rent, Housm COUPLE WOULD like 2 -bedroom unfurnished home to rent for $50 with option to buy or house to buy with reasonable down payment Call 3-2142. i FURN. 2 bdrm. modern house de- sired. 1 child. 4-2570. . , - 2 BDRM unfum. house with fire place by responsible couple. Per manent S-S5S3. 3 BEDROOM house In Keizer Dis trict or north, also 1 bedroom apt or house, needed by Apr. 1st l Ph. 3-1421. 3 OR 3 BDRM. house by April 1st Prefer Richmond or xngiwood Dist' Ph. 3-8481. BDRM. HOUSE, good location. Mid dle age couple, ; references. , Ph. 2-8418. 2 OR 3 Bedroom furn. or partly furn. modern house on small acre, age. Hollywood Dist P. O. Box 1745." ' - FAMILY OF 3 wishes 2 bedroom furn. house or duplex. Close in preferred. Ph. 2-6254. ENGINEER and family needs 3 or 3 bedroom, dean, modern house. Phone 3-8851- ,1 714 Business Rentals" DOCTORS AND DENTISTS Downtown ground floor suitable for medical or dental occupancy. Cus tomer parking, - new. modern, all utilities furnished. Rent reason able. CaB R. J. Schmidt with Net- son & Nelson. Realtors, 1590 S. CorrnnX Ph. 3-3669. ATTORNEYS . ; t ' Downtown ground floor suite of faces Meal for group of attorneys. Customer parking lot . New. mod . era. first class.; All utilities furn ished. Rent reasonable. Call R. J. Schmidt with Nelson & Nelson, Realtor. 1590 S, ComX Ph. 2-3669. LARGE warehouse apace for rent or lease, cement uoors. brick bund ing. Down town. Inquire H. L. sua runurure co. Phone 3-8185. 718 Resort Rentals FREE RENT f apartment oa Bay to right party. L.B., Box 177. w airport, Oregon. 800 Real Estate MODERN 3-bedroom house In town with country advantages, one acre, fruit nut holly, evergroon,. lilac, oak. maple trees, roses and rustic ; brook. New central heating system barn, chicken house, close tot schools. H- $8500. Terms. 780 F. Street Independence, Ore.. S i i Are You in the Market CONTACT US. BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR- Lovely 3-bedrrn. Large birch kitchen, din. rm.. liv. rm.. DISTINCTIVE ! fireplace with bookcase 8c mahogany paneling; Beautiful bath with i sliding glass shower door, large 2 -car garage (storage above). Immediate ! possession. I THIS HOUSE HAS PERSONALITY 2 bdrms., birch kitchen & din. rm. comb, large liv. rm.. 13 x 12 knotty ; pine den (could be another bedroom), attached s;arage, large lot Iro l mediate poss. j ; To see these homes, go out Center St., 1 block E. of Lancaster, . turn right 750 tc 760 Brenner St. . m For any kind of building information! CALL ME j Mr. Keith Jackson . i ! PHONE 4634 NEAT! and GOOD 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen with eating space. Modern house with utility room and attached garage. Nice yard. Well located. East. Price is $7350.00 with terms. FURNISHED HOUSE Small but 3 bedrooms, living room, large kitchen. Modern house on paved street Near bus. Owner must sell and price is just (4600.00 with terms. , Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING ! Real Estate - Insurance Mortgage Loans Office: 3-9217 - Eves. 3-7388 or 2-4709 NEAT AS A' PIN 4 .year old 2-bedrm. home can be yours for only $7600. Located 1700 blk. Waller St Bus at corner. (1200 Down, $60 per mo. Call Severin. ARTMADSEN REALTY CO. 1326 State St Ph. 3-5580, Eve. 4-2633 $600 DOWN, BEST deal In Salem for a low down payments. 2 nice bedrooms. Cheer ful kitchen; Dinette. Garage. Lots of storage, $9,900. : ; Possible 3-Bedroom TWO bedrooms down and unfinished up. Living room. Kitchen with din ing area. Patio. Oil heat Double garage. Price $10,500. (Real Money Maker MOTEL, service station, I business rentals. May take house in trade. ' Properly located in .good town. $45,000. Terms. RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 North Commercial. Office 4-6211 Eve. 3-7073 or 2-7646 or 4-1696 BY OWNER, a lovely suburban A-l home, and 3 lots, nice location. 10 min. drive North. Ph. 2-3106 eve nings. BY OWNER, one year old 3 bdrm. home. Eastmoreland. M0S Ever, green Ave.: FOR SALE by owner, business cor ner. room modern house. 3690 Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-7603. BY OWNER. $8,500.00 J bdrm. hse. Lot 72 x 180'. Oak floors, wardrobe closets, picture windows, corner sink. 3187 Tess Ave. 1 block North of D. East off Park Ave. Near Hoo ver School.' OWNER transferred. . Beautiful 4 bedroom view home. Finished day light basement Party room, dou ble garage. $19,500. 3-4448. EVERYTHING you want in a nice large 2 bedroom home. Asking $8, 500. Make cash offer. 4-4197. 801 Butdnots Opporttmltiois" SPARE TIME business. 80 good ven I ding machines.. Best cash offer : takes all. ; Consider swap. Ph. i 4-4893. ! r USED FURNITURE STORE Clean stock, good location. Good business. Good reason for selling. CaU E. L. Cray. Broker. 3-3542. 11 UNIT auto court Price 13.500. Showing good returns. All newly redecorated. Will trade. Box 27$ Statesman-Journal. BY OWNER Grocery store and meat : market Well located In Salem. Steadily increasing business. Priced right for quick sale. V Box 276 Statesman -Journal. . SELF-SERVICE grocery. Meats, beer, . living quarters, ample parking. - 187x128 lot Good potential, no close competition. Reason other interest i Will consider modem home. Good contract or mortgage as part 3693 Sunnyview Ave. Salem. Phone 4-4257 7 or 4 4-1359. DONT MISS THIS Restaurant For sale In college town. Owner leav ing State. Good location. Doing good business. Very reasonable rent Including living quarters. Priced to sell quick, $4,750. Terms. Call Mrs. Blackman, 3-4084. STORE, FIXTURES, living quarter, 3 lots, 3 rentals, beer license avail able. $10,000. Box 268 Journal Statesman.! MEAT. CURING plant. -Wholesale , locker and retail meat sale. Lard rendering. 3-7005 days. 2-8744 eve. MAJOR OIL Company has station for lease. Salem. Main arterial. S&H 1 Green Stamp franchise. Write Box : 265, Statesman-Journal. ' RESTAURANT. S cabins, t-room house, gaa pump. V. fi. Valhck. -Jefferson, j- fe02 "Basin Piopeu ly APARTMENT house-income $218 mo. or $133 plus -owner's 2 bdrm. apt i Good condition, location. Furnish in vs. $05,500. 440 Si- 20th. Phone 29875. 1 - - 804 Suburban Suburban ; Nearly new 2-bedroom home. 114 ere,, dining room, fireplace, At tached garage. Inquire at 1913 State. 1 .. FOR LEASE duck lakes. Fred Aucr, Rt 1, Monmouth. 4 miles West of eld highway on1 South Side of Luckiamute River. 800 Real Estate for a New -Home, If So 16 fi! OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & ; SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P. M.' Keizer Dist. hew. 2 br. and den. in. sioe utility . room, rougn in for automatic washer and dryer. Dou ble garage 'with overhead storage over 1200 sq. ' ft on large lot in area of nice homes. Located 3 blks. S 1 blk. West of Keizer - , ...... J . w - school at 4763 Elvira St PADE & KEEN HOME BUILDERS Let 8t Suild Your Home PH. 2-7698 OR 2-1434 BY OWNER, 1-bdrm. home. 3 lots to trade for small home. One lot close in. Phone 2-3929. w A. .. si m t f a' H?""' 14 1, .7 4''?.J BY OWNER, 2-bdim, built 1950. Neat as proverbial pin. Insulated. G. X or FHA, 47,000. Terms. 383S Mon roe Ave. :i I FOR SALE my equity in small house at 2310 Lee St Inquire at 433 S. 15th. Viola Walsh.' COAST COTTAGE MUST SEIJ, MAKE OFFER New mod. I r. and bath, art garage, ocean view. Call E. L. Gray. ENGLEWOOD district corner lot Paved streets, sidewalk & drive way. $2350.00. 1260 North 17th. SMALL modern house. Fireplace, ven. blinds. 1 bedrm. dnsts4 2 up-1 finished. Attached garage. Close to State Bldg., University. & Bush school. Excel, rental for invest ment purposes. About S yrs. old. 495 University Street. 3500 DOWN, j monthly payments 339. 2 bedroom, basement. Open bouse March 6th tc 7th from 3 to S p.m. 258 Draper Dr. i snt past 4-Cor-ners. East on State. 4-5267. Keizer District i Close to new Keizer School, extra built lust completed 2 bedrooms, liv. rm. 14x18 ft. roomy kitchen with snack bar tc eating: space, natural finish birch built-ins. large att. garage 4c utility. Lot 70x240 It $0500.00. G7-A. VICARY REALTOR , 3080 Cherry Ave. ' Ph.! 4-5986 2 OPEN HOUSES OPEN HOUSE NO. 1. 825 EVANS NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE 1:00 to 6K , Saturday afternoon, i OPEN HOUSE NO. 2 1547 STRONG ROAD NEW 3 BEDROOM ' HOME 1M to SW SAT. tc SUNDAY AFTERNOONS. OPEN HOUSEm FURNITURE AND i. HOUSE ! ! ! SUNDAY 1 TO 4 P.M. ! -1123 Shipoin St ! : HOUSE FURNITURE SELL: SEPA RATE OR TOGETHER. THIS IS A NICE OLDER. HOME, WELL LO CATED. 2 large bedrooms. 12x18 living room' with hardwood floor. Dinette, kitchen, all plastered, dean as a pin. 35800.00. Furniture, as fol lows: 2 9x12 rugs. $25 each.! bleach desk, $32.50, end tables. $5, sofa lounge, (very nice, $55.00). Floor lamp, $9.00, bleach S pc. bedroom set with 48? mirror, $120.00. 5 pc wrought iron dinette set $65.00. Re. frigerator, $50.00, apt size electric range, $40.00. Spark: oil : heater, 360X0. Pictures, washer, dishes, etc. Joe Himmell,; Realtor l ' r 565 N. Capitol ! NEW, NEAR all schools, Liv. 6c Din. rrrv, kit with nook. 2 bdrms, tc large party room, basement, double garage, double plumbing, J fire places, wall: to wall carpet, drapes. $16,600. 910? N- 17th, Phone! 4-5201. ALMOST NEW. well located 1 BR house, elect, heat hdw. floors." ga rage. $40. Call 345 Jefferson. BY OWNER 3 bedroom home in Wal nut Park District full basement with photographic dark! room. Sand berg furnace: wall to wall carpeting, nice, kitchen, Youhgs town sink and dishwasher. $12,600. Call 3-6051.' . . i , ' . CLOSE TO high acbool on N. 15th. comfortable older type home, full basement oil heat LR, DR. kitch en, bath.. 9 bdrma, with extra 3 rm. apt and bath. A lot of living for only $6850, with, terms. Ph. 3-442 evenirlgs. i ! ; t 4 BDRM modern home, . Hardwood floors, patio, enclosed . yard, dose to schools, bus. stores. G. L loan. Ph. 4-6152 after or Sat U : BY OWNER son Oak St near hosp. 3 BR with; walk-in closets. Din, Kit. living. W.W. carpet Full baa. . Sawdust furn. Very . reasonable. Ph. 35122. No Sat calls please. : KEIZER. Equity in 2 Bedroom home a private contract Ph. 2-0043. : 800 Real Estate WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES .-.j,' ,-- i . ' : , . I 23 YEAS FEDERAL GX LOANS ' WITH ' S DOWN AVAILABLE NOW. ALSO FHA 23 YEAR LOANS. ' ? ' . .; I Absolutely .Unique Wonderful home. Lots of storage and boiltins. .Oil - forced air furnace. Fireplace.! Spacious lot with very good rich soil. 11 walnut trees. In sulated. Weather-stripped. Out of the high tax area. Full price $12. 750. FHA," terms it desired. (Call for mk. ukmhcii, eve. pn. 2-7679 51m.) ' " Lovely View Home Quiet st Beautifully landscaped lot Roomy 5-room home in excellent condition; 1 Full basement 2 fire places. Nice party room. Econom ical sawdust beat Fine value at $12,000. Liberal terms arranged. (CaU fori! MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5030 Shn.l Talk About Buying Value 4 Bedrooms'. All other rooms very spacious, f New roof. General con dition very good. 145 by 21s lot. Best of soil. Goodly number of fruit trees. 2 blks. to bus. Near ' school. Pvd. st. Full price only $8000. Catt for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4.5020 Sim.) ( Most Attractive From the standpoint of appearance, arrangement and comfort. Haa a tile bath; rwith a separate shower atalL Nice district. Brand new. I mm. poss. Liberal terms arranged. Full price 310.500, (Call for MR. GRTMMETT. eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) True Value ! A very comfortable 3-bedroom house in Leslie' Diit Insulated. Weather stripped. I; Large garage. Bua by door. Only 4 yrs. old. Lawn and shrubs. Full price only $8500. (Call for MR. HARE, eve. ph. 3-5452 Sim.) Englewood Dist. Modern older type home. Has fireplace.! Sep. utility room. 4 blks. to school,; 2 cherry trees. Grapes. Nice lawn and shrubs. Full price $7950. CaB for MR HARE. eve. ph. 3-5453 Sim ) I Will Trade For 3. bedrooms. What have youf Nice suburban home. 1050 sq. ft. floor space. Only 6 yrs. old. Fire place. Insulated. Weather-stripped. Patio. Flowers, shrubs and lawn. 69 by 135 lot Pvd. st. Full price only $9950. Call for MR. HARE, eve. ph. 3-5452 Sim.) j 88 Acres North ! Exceptionally fine farm. Silt loam. All under cultivation. Good fences. Very good modern room home with full basement. 2-car garage. Large poultry house, brooder house, good barn. Walk-in cooler. 2-car garage. Good value at $32 500. i cash will handle. (Call for MR. CRAJWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) i Gentleman's Farm J 10 Acres. Part river bottom. A very cute unique modern house with full basenjent. One you'd be proud to show fyour friends. 34 by 21 barn. Chicken house. Att 2-car ga- rage. Soring. Irrigation water rights. The price is onlv $10,900. Liberal terms. (Call for MR. LEAV ENS, eve ph.. 3-4735 Sim.) j Attention Farmers I Here is a 'honey. 37 Acres of Will. . and AmltysoiL All under culti vation. 23.7T7 ft of tile. This farm Is suitable for most any type of crop. Very suitable 3-bedroom house. Garage. Chicken bouse. Full price $23,800. Terms. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) : FHA AND) CONVENTIONAL MTCS. - FEDERAL GI MTCS.. 25 YRS. ! . LICSNSED ALSO IN WASH, and IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. ! REALTOR Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 ; 3035 Portland Road 3-4735 4-3833 4-5020 2-7679 3-5452 If No 'Answer, Call 4-2248 - East Moreland NEW 3-bedroom home with plastered 2- car garage, dining rm., fireplc. .mahogany woodwork, roman brick fireplc. Iron Fireman Fur. A lot of house for the price in this choice dist $14,300 10 Acres South $7950. Buys .this weU located 10 acres, fine berry soil, good drainage, fair 3- bedrm,: house with concrete foundation and basmt Good deep drilled Well, small barn and ga rage, fruit and shade trees, walk ing distance- to sen, on pvd. rd. A good buy? . . Modernistic $9500. South, home of 2 bed rms., com bination kitchen and utility with built in f thermodore range and oven. Large lot, bus service. . ,Real Neat You better i look at this one before you buys if your requirements are for 2 bedrms. and you want in a fine location In town, you'll find this! place hart to beat for $9250. : View'South Located fjil a choice district fine view of -.snow capped Mtn peaks, home ha$ 3 idee bedrms. plus a third In the full dry basmt. sep arate dining rm. Large lot well landscaped. $14J00. Ed Liikmbeal, Realtor ! 433 N. HJGH PH. 2-6630 ' T t 806 Hotwis For Sal Will Take Trade 20 acres Central Howell. 3-bedroom horpe, barn and large chick en house; All in cult and mostly in filberts. On paved highway. 13 minutes: from this office. Take in good horae in Salem. $18,000. Business Building Close 1. 3 businesses on ground floor. Two S-rm. apts. up. Income about $300 month. Will take in home in City or small acreage. $26JO0. CaU Art" i . if ', -- ; ; . Art Madsen Realty 1326 State St Ph. 3-3580 or 3-8813 LOOK NO MORE Till you've seen Salem's best buy in this type of home. New 3 BR all the latest features, sale 3c fi nancing toy builders. What terms 4o you want? CaU 3-5768 or 3-577T. $7,250. $750' down or will lease with option to buy. New 2 bdrm. home, attached 'garage, insulated, weather-stripped. Suburban E near . State Hosp. Call 4-5325 after 1 p.m. BY OWNER. Suburban 2 bdrms liv. im, fireplace, din. rnu kit with breakfast bar. spacious built-ins 4c closets, unfin. attic., garage. Lge. lot many young trees, near school, church, shop, center, Ac bus. $8,950. 26$ N. Etma Ave, Ph. 3-2056. i f BY OWNER ! ' Like new 5-br. borne on 60 x 120 ft lot N E. Near grade school. In : good dist. Insulated plastered, hw. firs, veaitian blinds. Will go GX We have cut the price to the bone. Ph. -004.' ::.. NEAT 4t modern 1 bedrm. home. $5950. 1?80. Berry St Ph. 3-3140 BY OWNER 3 year old 2 bedroom home, acre. Over 800 ao. ft Nice yard, fruit trees. School bus at doer. i miles from town. $7,750. Call -34L 800 Real EsUte l ! ; COLBATH'S. REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIONS A BIT OF YOTJTX, rorp HERE W THIS MODEST but coxy 3-bedroom borne. oU . ZA$nUn' to Pre-war homa la top condition- Attached garage. On small lot 77x90 and tust a few t.:,! THIS IS A PRTZeT BUY FOR $tT A U Lifts 4I9uO QOVB, -r . . $ , , I : SHILLELAGH : 0R CLUB won't be needed to i make you realize this 2-tn-l va toe-Well designed 2-bedroom home, ceay kitchen, attached garage-the charm tag green window shutters make this very attractive. Also cute guest neuae ! with plumbing. Patio. Room- for garden on 217 ft deep lot TOTAL frcvl1 KNOW YOUXL AGREE"-THTS LUCK 0' B 1. WtS A FINp! 3 bedroom rambler with fireplace, effl beet S2j2WKfwl?tt choice garden soil Is very attractivi BUY TEt&Ztt BolrrA! WON?E WEAR THE GREEN WITH PRIDE-YouTl be proud too. of thU big and new 3-bedroom noma P'T- nsrdwood floors. Dele oU piped furnace, daylight Sl?Je.d0Or,?n linln . btfge living rm. attached garage. IaIaISo .IaSS th-bSt c4SL NO BLARNEY ABOUT THIS 3 TEAR OLD 3 bedroom ranch styie borne with den. Lovely nving rm and dining -rm. yu will like this kitchen, nil heat Urre double garage. Slightly suburban north on ere. MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY SEE THIS BARGAIN BUY AND MAKI OFFER. IDEAL BUY FOR STATE GX I- i , wrrzjt. Stop that "SHARIN'SOF THE GREEN" With your landlord and enjoy the pleasure of knowing tlx all years by Putting your rent money into monthly payments on a name of your own. You dont have to be rich to enjoy the wealth of home owner biP- '. i ' THE SAP IS RISING IN THE TREES la the Mood rising In your tired : winter legs? Do you feel the vrg to get out and take deep breaths, and start hoeing in the garden? Would you like to have this 6 acres located: northeast with a beautiful new 3 bedroom home that has fireplace, double garage. Also a good barn and live creek, new irrigation system,4 good tractor with all equipment oiTySooJrm T T P1UC 551 ' IRISH! PARADISE U $3 ACRE HILL RANCH. The buildings alone are worth the asking price. Nearly new 4 bedroom modern home, hardwood floors. 1600 square feet of living space in this fine home. Large barn. 3 large chicken or SALEM HOME VpZhSt TAK K IT DIDN'T ALL LAND IN IRELAND ! ! A GOODLY BIT Or THAT "HEAVEN" they're always singing about landed about one mile south of Liberty 10 acres in- all with 3 bedroom mod frn. A. berries, 25 walnuts, variety fruit Tractor and some tools. TOTAL PRICE $9450. f i YOU'VE JUST BEEN BLESSED 1 WITH "THE LUCK OF THE IRISH." By sighting this ad. you have Just discovered one of the. finest; investments. This property is showing far above the usual income. 112 rentals inside City limits, room for expansion on l',i acres. Now showing over $500 per month and will Increase. OUT OF TOWN OWNER WILL SELL THIS CHEAP FOR $37,500. TERMS. . : . CAFE FOR THE WASHERWOMAN All equipped. Inside city on 09S Highway. FULL PTRCE ONLY $3$r TERMS GOOD MAN AND WIFE OPERATION. SEE "KIG" JUGGINS. SHANTYL IRISH HERE IS A CHANCE FOR YOU To BUY THIS CUTE one bedroom bom near the State Hospital. Total price Is only $3850. You can move in for only $300 down. EVENING PHONES OF SALESMEN 1 . T.T. ANDERSON farms MRS. ; OGLESBES homes KIGGINS homes ! -2714 .. 2-5373 -; .. - 4-5494:- aiiltfil BOS Housns For Sal HOMES To dear right of way for e -eAr AUCTION .it. BUILDINGS TO BE SOLD: The former G. C. Farmer residence and outbuildings at 4343 Portland Road The former H. J. Smith residence! and outbuildings at 4835 Portland Road. The former Joseph Moorman residence and outbuildings at 4555 Portland Road. .--i ' - The former Ingval Torresdal residence and outbuildings at 4653 Portland Road. . The former Ida M. Derfny residence and outbuildings at 4683 Portland Road. SALE DATE: i 1:00 pjn4 Wednesday. March 17. 1954 at the G. C. Farmer residence, 4343 Portland Road and immediately thereafter at the others in the order listed. ( - - j ' . BUILDINGS must be removed from present location within 30 days of no-. tice of acceptance oj bid. S. ANY I FINANCING MUST BE! ARRANGED BY YOU WITH THE FINANCING COMPANY OF YOUR CHOICE. IF YOU ARE CON TEMPLATING MOVING A BUILDING, CONSULT WITH YOUR MOVER PRIOR TO SALE DATE AND ASCERTAIN IF A PER MIT CAN BE HAD FOR THE ROUTE CONTEMPLATED, i TERMS OF SALE ARE: ; ' I ! Cash at the time of sale. The above buildings are to be sold to the high est bidder at public auction, but subject to the approval of the Oregon State Highway Commission with the right reserved to reject any or all bids. All of the bid price must accompany the successful bid. FOR INFORMATION- ' . Contact C W. Parker, Phono 4-2171. Ext. 717, State Highway BuikUnf, Salem. i ; . Auctioneer: Claude M. Kilgore, Salem, Oregon OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION ! STATE HIGHWAY BUILDING . I SALE!, OREGON . NELSON & NELSON K; ' s i (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) j WHY CLIMB STAIRS TO GO TO BED? r OWN THIS LARGE HOME WITH ALL THESE RMS. ON ONI FLOOXt -v 3 good sizes bdrms., nice bath -with shower. Vt bath with outside serv ice door, lovely living rm. & dining rra, fireplace, utility rm, and . large double gar. Lot 103 z 18$ located in Salem'e fastest growing sub urban area. $17,300. Call Ed Lucas for appointment j - FRIENDLY FAMILY HOME IN ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT HAS GOOD FEATURES FOR LIV ABILITY. Large rms, nice Crepl, t . bdrms. main floor, unfinished, upstairs. Full basemt with party rnt, forced air oil ht. hdw. floors.; nicely landscaped lot with fruit garden, shrubs. $ blks to Englewood school Very nice neighborhood. $14300. You can afford this., wm take a good loan. Call Mrs. Wootten I CROISAN CREEK HTDMES AND HOME SITES I i DRIVE TJP CROISAN CREEK ROAD THIS WEEKEND and see for your self what a desirable residential area this is. We have a number of '. , excellent homexites and home on this lovely. cloae-to-Salera. suburban road. Few residential roads offer this rustic setting of creek, timber, wild life which is to be found here. School bus service, milk deliv eries, sanitary service .etc, gives you the convenience of city living yet offers more privacy for your family. Small lota up to acreages in size, small homes up to large family homes, variety of price range. i CaU for Chet Nelson ; . i t , , .. . . ! . ' , NELSON AND i Chet L Nelson S. Commercial - .- , . . . ! . Evenings: Chet Nelson, t-1330? Al t - 3-8066: Dick Schmidt, 2 800 Real Estate HEAVEN THE IRISH BOS Housm For Solo BUILDINGS 17,1954 the Hayesville Interchange. ' ; NELSON, REALTORS Dorathy S. Nelson Pn. 3-3660 St t Watts. 3-7263: Lydia F. Wootten, - 7567; Ed Lucas, 3-938$ 5 SALE I J