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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1954)
w9 i ei 800 Real Estate NOTICE! The Business Department - of the STATESMAN . JOURNAL. NEWS PAPERS WILL t closed Sundays. Claffiiied u for itonday papers must be in by P. M. Saturday' OPEN HOUSE One year old 3 bdrm. home. East moreland Dist Sunday March ,7, 3 to t p.m. 1405 Evergreen Ave. TRADE 3 rm. suburban. 810 acre; Basement, furnace, garage, chicken house, Fruit, berries. Will trade for 2 bdrm. city. $9000. ROSE ST. 3 lovely bdnns.. 14xlS liv. rm, 9x11 din. rm, kit. with eating space. Att gar. Lot 54x125. Price $8250. HOME AND INCOME 64 acres of land and 2 homes with 2 bdrm. each. Income $900 per yr. Other good outbuildings. Clo in North. Only $13,000. VIEW LOTS Drive by the corner of Fair Oaks and Cascade Drive in West Salem and see the beautiful view lots TO x 150. Your choice for $1800. Both for $3000. Roy Todd, Realtor 2319 State St OffieeTph 2-8591 EVENINGS CALL: Ellin ger 4-5328; Simpson 3-8239; Vandervort 2-6268; Ruch 3-7915: Todd 2-1731. KENT'S Need a building lot? Large view lots in Kingwood from $1,700.00 to- $2,- 500.00: corner Silverton Road and Middle Grove $650.00; 6ff 149 on Croisan Creek $650.00. Call Mr. Parsons. - NEW 3 BEDROOM Just being completed, this home ha a large living room with fireplace, dining room, large kitchen with natural finish - woodwork, inside utility, plastered garage, nice lot on paved street South, only in. 500.00 Can be financed GI with only 5 down. FHA or conven nml. OFFER WANTED Owner ay to get, him a deal this week on these two new three-bed room homes with automatic oil heat, attached garages, good loca tion. One priced at $8,950.00 and one at $9,450.00, can be financed with reasonable down payments. Look these over and make us an offer. " C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 45$ No. Church Phone 4-2293 Eves: Anderson 2-1744. Keene 2-6076, Parsons 2-1508 WALNUT PARK Brand new and the sweetest thing this side of heaven. The apple trees shade a cozy nook, small lot but private. 2 bedrooms, forced on neat, fireplace, colored piumotng, - plastered garage, and just loads of many extra features you can have in this top grade home. Extra High value at $10,950. Call Bill Beaver for an appointment. Bowes Be Wood Realtors. Ph. 4-3353. eve 2-6005. 224 N. High. 31 GUSr 39 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate Li ,i A"TaVI LIKE LIVING ..IN A PARK 1 1XE OHMAJtT we just listed this little home and youTl love itll! There's fine view from the . dining- room, a good living-room, 2 nice bedrooms, and a large base ment. There's even a dandy breakfast nook All far ONLY $11,900. Yen cant beat it S IV iw m J . - . X I : 7 k Morrison., i RUDT CALABA 2 BEDROOM HOME MANBRIN GARDENS ! Attractive 2-year-oM home: nice; . fenced-in yard-wner will considei $1,000 down, full price Just $8,500. call Lou axwena. ! . TTS POSSIBLE ' ' To own this lovely 3 (large) bedroom home, close to schools, naa base ment, urepiace trus i nome is new mo. phkiwi, mu uwr pima and extra nice lot with shade) trees. Call Ralph Maddy. . HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM ' 31 Acres, all farm land, nearly new 2-bed room home with basement and furnace, good bam and chicken Bouse macnine inea. a neauanu farm and home for $26,000. See Henry Torvend. OH M ART & CALABA, Realtors 477 Court St. 1 ! Phone 3-4115. 2-4116 i Eve. salesmen: Henrjr Torvend 3-3633, Ralph Maddy 2-34M Louis Lorenx 2-5590. Ted Morrison 2-504$ 850 Automotive 852 Ud Cars For Sal Dewey's IN- 50 Dodge Cor. sdn... . $965 - R.H. iA.T. tran. Very j - clean. ------ . ChevJ $dn. delivery.i---i795 " These good ones are scarce. - ; .' M Ford V-8 sdn. . $350 I R.H. ! Seat covers. It's " clean. " . 48 Hudson 6 sdn. .;...$250 41 Olds 76 sdn. $175 '41 Buick spec sdnt .$250 J '40 riy. club cpe.... $125 i ; 37 Packard 6 sdnii.. ..$70 Buys like these ' only at Dewey's 3080 Market St Ph. 34061 ONE BDRM. HOME. DANDY LOCATION Small lot5 41 Jc70. separate ga--.... . .I.;.. xjtnnim iiniMt TViivn S4S M Month. This one Is nice. For appointment to see call Dale Ray burn, Sim. 2 BDRM.. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Very good location, nice lot 50 x 120. well : . . . f ... u Wsi. i . iimun wavnAnt Tn. snivufifmiint tn pnecu ai j.iju.w. na&c uuvi ?u ,v.. ,j .-. .. . see caK Dale Rayburn, Shu. j 5 ACRES. 3 BRM. HOME Near Keizer, can be irrigated from deep well, nice barn about 3 acres of walnuts, some fruit and grapes. Priced be low average at $10,000.00. For appointment to see call Chet Rawlins, Sim. . i : - j NEW 2 'BDRM., 2, ACRES. This home has rrUant heat, natural birch kitchen, located near Keizer. Priced at only $10,300.00, Excellent terms. Immediate possession. Call Chet Rawlins. Sim. 3 HOMES. 7' a ACRES. $15,000.003 Bdrm. Home. 3 Bdrm. Home, 7,4 acres, close in ready for sub-dividing, present income $70.00 per month on smaller homes. Owner very anxious to sell. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. . I BDRM.. SUBURBAN. CLOSE IN. $10,500.004 years old. best grade' of material and construction, nice lawn, shrubs, flowers attached garage. All rooms are large, insulation automatic oil heat. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. . . . . ', :: . : 29 ACRES PLUS NEARLY ALL BOTTOM LAND Equipped for bean grow ing. wiU handle some cows, has a creek with gravel bar optioned at 10c per yd. This means income. 3 bdrm.. living room, kitchen, bath. Good barn and machine ahed, Near Silverton. CaD. Howard Olaen, Sim. t; i - ( 40 ACRES. -CLOSE tN For that dairy or stock ranch you have always wanted, all tillable land, sowed to permanent pasture, well fenced and ready to go with plenty of fine out-buildings. AU equipment including a '49 Ferguson tractor and equipment, irrigation pipe and heads. 10 horse 3-phase pump. A good buy at $30,000.00. $10,000.00 cash or will take 3 bdrm. home in trade. Call Howard Olsen. Sim. JtAWLINS REALTY : (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 3060 N. Capitol Street Office Phones 2-4664 or 4-1761 Evenings: Chet Raw)ins 3-6236, Jim Rawlins 2-8576, Dale Rayburn 2-2045. Howard Olsen 2-7855 $200 DOWN Buys a really cute starter home. Extra neat and clean. Full bath. New hot water tank. Nice large carport. Large lot in excellent lo cation, only one block to grade school. Easy monthly payments. EXCHANGE FOR 25 ACRES Wanted, someone with a home or -court or business that would trade ' for a good small farm with good bottom-soU. Mice 2-bedroom home with a barn and 2 chicken houses. Right on pavement with good rub . division possibilities. Only IS min tes drive to Salem. Only $14,500. A REAL BUY Only $44 per month pays for home, taxes and insurance - with interest at- 4. Down payment of just $1560 and you dont have to be a G. I. A lovely 2-bedroom with hardwood floors, wardrobe closets. Washer and dryer included. Nice comer lot. A steal at $7250.00. 201 SOUTH HIGH PHONE 3-8203. EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4-1671 3-3858 4-5319 3-3264 3-487$ SPECIAL DELUXE 2-BDRM. HOME Beautiful location, trees, splendid ter raced lot. wall to wau carpeting, central naiiway, nice uTuny, d. pa rage,, large covered patio-CALL GRABENHORST BROS. - :i ; MUCH MORE FOR THE MONEY Nearing completeion. time to look and select colors, 3 bdrms., 2 full oainrooms. QDie. garage, uuuiy r. Paved street, bus close, some view, oak trees. Two of the four new homes on his street sold. CALL ROY S. FERRIS THE MOST PRICELESS thing ! in America today is privacy for family living. Situated on a large corner lot in rairmouni nui is nis tiful snlit-level- 4-bdrm. home. Oil heat. dble. garage, wall to wall carpeting, 2 fireplaces, recreation room and many other fine fea turn. CALL H. K. LAYMON FOR APPOINTMENT THIS YOU WILL LIKE Spaciousness is the key-note in this beautiful home. Convenient to all schools. 2 lge. txarms. witn untmisnea amc. Suitable to expand into 2 bdrms. and bath. Liv. nm- din. rm.. nook, ; kitchen, full bath with dressing table, forced hot air heating.: CALL J. E. LAW , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Ph. 2-2471 : Evenings & Sundays can Salesmen Law 3-5113 . Roy SJ Ferris 2-8010 ; H. K. Laymon 2-5133 i CC0fflMBG9 Home Northeast $15,000 Beautiful New 3 BJfL Ranch Style Home. Large living room. Dining ! room, Double Plumbing. Forced Air Auto. Oil Furnace. 2-car garage. ; j nuo many otner leatures. uooa location. ! v KEIZER DISTRICT ' $13,500 M -. New S-BJL Ranch Style Home. Very Best of Workmanship.- Large 3-car garage. G. E. Auto. Oil Fur nace. 90 x 135 lot. Beautiful Uving room, paneling and fireplace, i ' ! HOLLYWOOD $3,950 Good 2-B.R. home and 'iiacre on una Avenue. Zoned for business This is very valuable property and can be bought en low down pay ment. j NORTH SALEM $4,950 Ideal 2-B.R. home on large lot hist 2'i blocks from Highland School. Garage. RICHMOND DISTRICT $5,950- , : x Very Teat ' 2-bedroom home. Built In 1950. Garage 16 x 24. 2 lota: Would trade for 3-bedroom . home tip to $11,000 in Keizer Dist. or close to St. Vincent's School. ' CLOSE IN COURT 4 Units. Located east. Income $242 50. Three units are. almost new. Walk ing distance to Capitol Bldg. Idea living Quarters Plus income or can be all rented without owner living at coun. CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL t9.75 ! ,- Modern S : room home, fireplace! basement, furnace, etc. Stairway to imnnnsheg upstairs. Large lot on pleasant street. Fruit trees. - Owner art leaving Salem to must CALL ZD SCHROEDER. STANLEY BROWN i or O. V. HUM! with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 167 S. High St. Phone 3-4121 ' Eves 3-T823 - 2-5581 - 2-520$ ToPIaceAdCall2-2441 E. (An agency devoted to home-selling exclusively) . . ! THAT OLD YEARNING For Country living just far enough but not too far from town. 2 bdrm. home, lge. LR. nice Kit., partly remooeiea witn some nmsning w f done. Lot apprx. 100x102. WeU, new elec. pump. Priced $7500. $1,000 down. Call Edna Morgan. 4-4441. Kec. 4-4HWS. r It GOOD STATE ST. INVESTMENT One roomy 5 rm. home and a two unit apartment house on 100 ft. State t St. frontage by l ceep plus soxioe n. vacant wiui aiiey. sua suxev S access. For details call Grace Tomnn, 4-4441. es. x, . EXTRA SUBSTANTIAL SUBURBAN About 't ae. Just outside city, water from extra deep tract well, new home witn 2 roomy Ddrms.. lge. como. L. ec u rm. xxxia ramo. ni. ana ;i nook Hirh ouaUtv Delco autom. Mrimeter heating, tile flrs- 3 blks. to I, school. $9850 basis $2500 down and lease option like rent on baL Call r Percy Gorton, 4-444L Res. 2-4092. I' WANT ACREAGE I need acre or two with 2 bdrm. home or vacant land for client whose p employment makes it desirable for him to live East or soutneast 01 city center. Also need about a ac. witn a bdrm. nome ai aooui sa.uw. 5 Call Grace Tomnn. 4-4441. Kes. 4-2436. - x x ; 1 x L ; " x x x- 1 S YUUK SAUSaittAN p x x Five salesmen with special real estate appraisal training are keeping con stant check on about 100 nomes eacnr for sale in ineir ' respeenve neighborhoods and consolidating their information at HOMESELXERS headauarters. UD-to-the-mmute information about home sales in your neighborhood will help you whether you wont to buy a home or sell one. call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of your homes ;i.i.r,K salesman, it wiu be worm your while to get acquainted. 1951 CHRYSLER New Yorker Sedan. Loaded with everything including power steering. 3024 s. Com 1. '49 BUICK Sport sedanette. Like new. Loaded with extras. 2-0966. 1940 CHEV. Cheap. 4-3100. 1940 DODGE club cpe. $85. 2220 snelton St. 90 OLDS "88". New battery and brakes.! All new premium tires. Exc. Cond. Ph. 4-3621. '41 CHEVROLET spec, dlx sport cpe. Horn, good condition. Ph. z-5813. $45. 1939 PLYMOUTH cpe. R 6c H., new seat covers. 3-4821. 48 CHEV short logger. Excellent mo tor. Thorton Tandem Axle. 1950. Clarence B. Jacobs. 690 F. St. Independence. 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Salt" TOP VALUE '50 DeSoto 4 Door $1175 Deluxe Sedan with Automatic transmission. : Radio, j heater. This car was sold and ; serviced by us. A truly fine ear. '-r - '52 Plymouth Subur Heater, very clean, a one own er car. See this one priced at .. , Only $1525;:;: ,50 6ldis8Cpi.$1195 Deluxe club model loaded with extras. Hy dramatic transmis , sion." J ' f x- -j- !. '52 DeSoto V-8 ...$2105 Firedome 4 door sedan, tu tone ' paint, very - clean, ; low mileage. This car, was sold and serviced by us. . . - i i W. U Anderson, Inc. 554 N. Liberty, PhJ 4-3492 WILSO N 49 '49 '48 '50 '49 49 '46 '47 47 '46 48 48 41 '41 '41 DOLLAR SAVpRS MERCURY CLUB L PONTIAC SEDANET t. CHEV CLUB .. $784 779 664 699 773 '49 2-DR. CHEV. Radio and heater. Nice and clean. $600 Ph. 4-2543. 1953 CHEV. sedan. WeU equipped. Pb 4-5550. 800 Real Estate 808 Lots For Sal CHOICE building lot. Kingwood Dr., West Salem. Ph. 3-9623. LOTS. Near New High School. Call 3-8470. BY OWNER. Choice lot on oak St. between Liberty and High. Phone 3-3931 or 3-6853. 810 Farms. Acroago For Salo ACREAGE 1 Very nicely located close in on Fisher Road. 2-Br. house with un finished upstairs, fireplace, forced air furnace. Outbuildings consist of a barn, chicken house, tool house. Lovely grove of oak trees, creek in the rear. Would make a wonderful chicken or berry farm. 3',s acres in all. Terms. ICE CREAM STORE An extrairdinary opportunity for an ambitious couple to take over this going business. A chance to . work for yourself. This can be built up into A real money maker located in tne growing iieucr cos trict Let's talk it over. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC BUILDDING Real Estate Insurance s Mortgage Loans Office: 3-9217 Eves: 3-4709 or 3-7386 is ACRE with garage, house, exceL lent deep weu ana pump, a miies north oi Keizer on &i raui nign way. Rte. 2, Box 348 A A. Salem. THE GOOD EARTH TWELVE ACRES EAST Willam ette silt loam. Year 'round stream 1 I ' mnrmm hm tlTYlKr f aTYilv or chard, fruit and nuts. 8', acres in cultivation plus some gooa wjiiom land.. A nice building site or in vestment for the future. Price tiUW i CENTER ST. REALTY 17tt Center St Phone 4-6631 Eve. Phones, Gles $-7813, j Bright 3-5862 812 Exchancjes Rod Estate GROCERY market, will sell land. buildine. stock and fixtures. Own' er has to quit on acc't of poor health. Will accept some trade. You will want this when you see it. Submit an offer. ! Nice homo and Income in eastern Ore., will trade fcr stock farm in the Valley from Portland to Eu gene. Will pay any difference in cash.; What nave you 7 C. A. MILLER, REAL ESTATE 470 E. Miller St. Salem WILL trade lovely 3-bedroom subur ban home. Eugene area, sor sa- ln hnnu aiinflnm nuitv Wrill B. F. Smith. 210 North 58th. spnngfieia, ore.. Tel. e-zaue. TB A nil 1? MM aiutrv in I rmm hnma on s acre for small acreage, lot, . 1, . 1 I , Mvl T.W or Diuiainf jnaicriu. t ,u ni a-63M. 1 816 Report Piupeulf" STUDE CHAMP CLUBi HUDSON 6 SEDAN PACKARD SEDAN i 699 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN. 499 BUICK RDMSTR SEDAN , - 529 BUICK SUPER SEDAN; 399 PONTIAC SEDAN - j, .... 444 FORD SEDAN i , . . 388 FRAZER SEDAN j ' 223 OLDS CLUB i 154 BUICK SEDAN J... 114 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN S4 i OTTO J. j WILSON COMPANY Com! it Center. Ph. 2-3623 850 'Automotive ' 852 Used Cart For Salo Here's How! '! ' ' !' !. ' I - " YES; HERE'S HOW TO GET OVER YOUR MONEY WORRIES. OR JUST TO BUY A GOOD USED CAS NOW! 'al Chevrolet club coupe,1 heater,' ' sprakling black finish, and sharp as a hound's tooth $1093 S0 Chevrolet club coupe, perfect condition throughout ' $9$ "SO Chevrolet 3-door, green: it's ' perfect 995 '50 Ford V-S 4-door. radio, heat- ! er, jtxcepttonaDy clean 943 50 Chevrolet 4-door, powerglide, radib. heater, 2-tone. Really ! a nice carl . 995 49 Chevrolet 3-dr, above aver- j age I . ; .. $45 47 Chevrolet 2 -door sedan, local i owner, R&H, turn signals, ! green finish 493 '48 Ford deluxe 4-door sedan. - R&H. complete overhaul 499 '48 Chevrolet , - ton. heater, mechanically perfect, good i rubber $95 '43 Plymouth convertible, R&H ; cream finish, new ' white walfc. good top and motor .... 395 '41 Chevrolet club coupe, Jet black finish, R&H. defrosters, , ' venj clean 345 '41 Chevrolet club coupe, sharp greeh finish, very good me chanically ; , 345 '41 Ford 4-door. radio, heater 195 '41 Chevrolet 3-dr.; average 173 "39 Chef- 2-dr. , , 143 '40 Plymouth 4-dr R&H 65 WE? WANT TO BUY GOOD. CLEAN. PRE-WAR CARS. IM MEDIATE CASH TO "YOU! KANNIER'S .is USED CARS H.fJT. (Hiney) Neufeld. Mgr. 520 Hodd St. Ph. 3-9862 and 4-3593 i SPECIAL F0R TODAY - 1947 : :Pontiac 2-door sedan. Has nearly new motor. New paint. It's very sclean Inside ... and only $425 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 132 UsskI Cars For Sal 852 Usd Cars For Sal - law lirr A TIL 8 PM J,,- r . .$1145 STATE MOTORS, INC. 678 St 12th Phone 3-4547 '52 CHEVROLET STYLELINE . ... .....!. $1395 Deluxe 4-door sedan, radio, beater, powerglide. nndereoated, wind shield washers, brand new white side walls, chrome wheels. I owner, finished In 2-tone green, i i i , i '52 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE . . .$1295 Nicely equipped, new Urea, brilliant light green finish. I . 'BpDE SOTO CUSTOM CLUB COUPE. $1295 ; ' White sidewaQ tires, low mileage, clean and in A-l shape. '51 CHEVROLET 2-P00R . . . .......... .'. .$1145, t Two-tone green, new white sidewall tires. A honey of a buy I '51 PLYMOUTH 2-D00R ..$1145 . Radio, heater, white sidewan tirea. Something to owal '51 NASH AMBASSADOR ............. : . . Custom sedan, R&H. hydra.; makes into, bed. What price! '50 CHEVROLETS (2) ...$945 One 4-door, one 2-door. both with chrome wheels, undercoated, ' windshield washers. Your choice at this low price I '49 DE S0T0 CONVERTIBLE.... ..$1095 Radio, heater, white sidewall tires. . ; j ; '51 FORD 4-D00R fB".. ....... .......... ..$895 Radio, heater, back seat speaker, new tires. i '50 FORD STATION WAGON...... .....!... $895 Radio, heater, chrome wheels, white sidewall tires. '49 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE .......... $895 New white sidewall tires, !R&H. skirts, chrome wheels. It's really loaded and painted a flashy fire engine red. i '50 PLYMOUTH . .(. . j. J . . .$795 Concord 2-door sedan, heater.; defrosters; a nice family car. '49 DODGE 2-DR. $895 Radio, heater, white sidewall tires. Here's a terrific buy I i '50 OLDS "88" ...$1195 Sedan with R&H, hydra.j white sidewalls, undercoated. windshield washers, finished - in 3-tone green. i MOST ARE ONE-OWNER CARS j SEVERAL '46s, '47s, AND '48s IN GOOD SHAPE AT LOW PRICES! i S3 PONT. CaU. R&H. WSW. 3-8233 after 3:30 p.m. Sun. $2,300. A cot ton pickin' steal. 1951 FORD Pickup. Real Clean, $795. 3024 s. coml. 1954 CUSTOM line Ranch Wagon with overdrive, other extras. 3024 S. Com"!. ! 1953 PLYMOUTH Suburban, real sharp, low mileage. 3024 3. Coml. 4 OLDS Sedanette. R. H.. Hydra, 1 owner, very dean. $495. 2-3135. 1952: FORD V-8 1939 BUICK.. fair cond. $20 for my equity. ; $32.50 baL due. Ph. 2-8231. t BS4 Trucks, Trailers For Sale 48 FORD: l'i ton, small van, $350.00. Ph. 4-5335. 50 CHEV. V,'t ton can. 80 rubber, incl. spare. Excel, throughout. ' Al fred Bolstad, Mill City, Ore. Ph. $141. i ' $350 DOWN i 52 Fotd '.k-ton. Perfect shape. Good terms . Ph. 3-5768 or 3-5777. NEW CMC 2'i-ton 5-yard dump truck:. 12-ply tires. Also isso cnev. 5-yard; dump truck.' New tires and motor.: Take car in trade. 2915 Silverton Rd Salem, i 856 Wanted. Can Trucks WANTED: The best car $350 cash and '4 Ford will buy. Prefer Ford. inev, or eij. 2293 rir st. 2-3457. 862 House Trailers . 1951 KIT Trailer. 23. See at 3 miles North I of Brooks, across from Deweyville Store. FOR SALE or exchange 26 ft, trailer home, modern, take late model car or station wagon. 2720 Lansing Ave. rn. 2-0107. 16-FT. HOUSE traUer (locally con. structed). Very convenient, lots of built-ins. J. H. Schoenfelder, Rt 1, Box 24-A. SUvertpn (N. addiUon) 20 TRAILER house. Frigidalre, hot water, butane ess cooking, oil stove for heat. All built in factory built by Angle s Trailer Co. 88 N. Com L $1.280. ' ! 16 TRAILER house. Reasonable O. Wallace. Rt, 1, Aumsvllle-Turner Rd. - BEST OFFER. '51 Spartan. 35. Sleeps 4, birch interior Consider trade on 3-bdrm home. 577 Lancaster. EASTERN-built ROLLOHOME 2T to 45'. See before you buy. Lana Lane Trailer Plaza, 1940 Lana Ave. For the best In Trailer homes, new or used. With terms available. See JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2840 Portland Road ; 864 Hecnry EqttipmeBt 1853 22 B. 4 YARD Bucyrus-erie shovel with drag line and boom. 1948 255 A 4 yard P & H shovel and dray line. D-d Caterpillar trac tor hydraulic angle dozer carco winchJ 11$ gallian grader. D-7 Cat erpillar tractor, straight blade log ging winch and carry all Unit. 21 Worthington air compressor with 3 hammers and hose. : 105 Schram air compressor with hammer and hose. 8x8 1 International dump truck. iPn. a-S44. v ; Business Directory BEODtNO The HOMESELLERS I , X Directed by I "x THEO. G. NELSON, REALTOR, -Appraiser IN THE HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 703 N. HIGH. SALEM PH. 4-4441 Salesmen Barker, Res. Ph. 2-5959: Gorton, Res. Ph. 2-4092: Morgan, Res. Ph. 4-S03S: Rogers. es. rn. a-aaou: l omnn, es. in. -awo 806 Houses For Sale 35 A. 4 MILES EAST Good 3 bdrm. home with wall to wall carpet. Good Barn ana cnicxen -house. All in cultivation but about 4 acres of timber and pasture. Lays on pavement. Best of soiL $21,500. HOME AND INCOME !; - NORTH Older 3 bdrm. home with 2 cot tages in rear. Close to school, bus. and store. $5500. $800 dn. wiU handle. - - - ART MADSEN 4f 1 1328 SUte St. REALTY Ph. 3-5680 or 2-8812 3 BDRM. ranch style home, carpeted, i LR. lg. DR. handy kitchen . with nook, utility rnv, frpL. hdw. firs., F A. oU heat, patio, ail oa COxlM lot at 2597 Lansing Ave. Priced i way low at HL750. Terms, Ph. 3-4442 eve. 3 BDR. new. all electric large utility. -' Nice, quiet location. . Suburban. Also 1 br. in W. Salem. Ph. 3-7212. 808 Lots For Sale LARGE lot near 3 schools. 3340 Z. Nob Hill. Inq. 3335 S. High. ; BEST unobstructed view, lot on Kingwood Drive. Reasonable I for quick sale. See owner at 2735 Al- varado Terrace on Candaiarta.; FARM .55 acres with buildinga27 acres no buildings. If you're look ing for a good farm this is it. Close in. will jcrow everything. Wonder ful for strawberries. Ail irrigated. Terms. Ph. 4-1193. . HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 370 feet on U. S. 99 South. AU or part. CEN TER ST. REALTY. 1748 Canter St Phone 4-8631 Eve. Ph. 3-5862 2-7512 TRACTS. Smallest 100x257. Larg est 100x344. One has well. Clear Lake Dist. Terms. Ph 4-131. OVER AN acre, good soil, close in. privacy, view. 3-2562. LOT ON 12th street $800 for sale" or trade for pickup or ear of equal value, none a-ero in eve. ToPla'ceAdCall2-2441 BEAUTIFUL WECOMA BEACH Playground of the Salemites, J and only I nrs. drive. 1) There is a lot of good Irving in trus extra weu-consxr. a oarm. home near Dorchester : House. Close to 1100 sq. ft. floor area, ALL ON ONE FLOOR. Built $ yrs. ago with all mod. conven.. 2 lots of rich garden soiL Priced for quick sale. $8750, on terms, worth much more. . . j X ' X? " 2) This home enjoys an unusually fine OCEANVIIW and choice toe It is most attractive and. built to enjoy all year. 26 ft. liv. rm. with firepL. plate glass windows, rubber tile fl. throughout. 2 corner bdrms. FuU bath. Auto, heat, attach, gar. Lovely glassed-in cem. patio and - a beautiful piece of ground with fine shrubs and flowers, v For better buys tn beach and per manent homes, building sites, ocean front and ocean view in this fa- , vored area, see or write. E.W. BUTCHER RLTY. Your WECOMA BEACH Realtor Ci il: PhDeLake 3221 x. 812 Exchanges Real Estate ' CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vators. New mattresses, a-4069. BULLDOZING Bulldozing, clearing roads, - ponds D-4. D-8, carryall V. Huskey. Ph 2-314$. TRADE FOR HOME BY OWNER Business and sot. bldg. 2 business rented on long lease. 3 sets. Income $2,400.00 yearly, phis rooms for owner. Full basement 2$ x $5. Ph. 2-0363 after pm. - ; v ; 2 ' BEDRM. home. Keizer Dist. Sell or trade for acreage, e-asae. FAIRMONT Dist. 2 br. hm. 4s den for- country nome. 4-313. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS FOR prompt free delivery of WAT- KINS products, please can dismo ; utor. 1135 So. Commercial St, Sa lem. Ph. 3-5395. Dealer applications invited. Stanley Home Products. Lee Mtnrtt 1680 Madison, rn. s-4us. Lawnmewer Shapeaing Repair. HAND mowers, $3. Free pick-up Jc oenvery. yn. a-tie. iam ac u. PLUMBING 24-HR. PUMP service on all makes water systems. Browns V aides. 3-3788 '- REFRIGERATOR SERVICE All makes and models. Al Laue Re frigeration. Ph. 3-5443. SAND v AND GRAVEL WALLING SAND 8c GRAVEL, CO : 1M SSnA41VlMt J . CrumhmA eruarrv rocks Ai eraveL All sizes sor roaos. orrveways. ana p sng sou. : ' - -. , r.mrAim sand. htlll-doTinr. shovel Je dragline work, pnone s-ih4. LSEPTIO TANKS MIKE'S Septie Service. Tanks clean ed. D'xooter clean sewers, drains. Phone 3-46a. i Sewer, septie tanks, drain clean ed. Roto-Rooter Srwer ; Service. Phone 3-5327. ' ' Hamel'a septie tanks cleaned, hne servioe. Guarantee d work. Phone t-7404. aon. TREE WORK : NEVER ,S0 MANY GOOD BUYS! I Club coupe, heater, white ; rldewalls. Sharp. $1295 1951J PONTIAC I Club coupe, radio, heater, hydramatie, white sidewall f tires. j $1265 1950 PONTIAC I Club coupe, radio, heater, hy i dramatic. Nice I j $1065 : 1951 STATION WAGON Chevrolet Savoy, very clean 5 tnrougnout with many ex $ tras. LEONARD'S USED CAR BARGAIN CENTER '47 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR - 1 - -J- '48 DODGE 4-DOOR, CLEAN j- . . .J. 47 MERCURY S-PASSENGER? COUPE. NEW M0T0RJ.. "47 CHEVROLET SEDANETTE . '46 FORD COUPE. SHARP J '48 FORD FORDOR, A BUY! i '49 KAISER 4-DOOR. TERRIFIC '46 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR i i . .... L. '46 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DOOR i. '41 BUICK SEDAN. REAL NICE 1.. $1195 1950 FORD Club coupe, white sidewalls. neater, clean. $945 1949 3 1947 I i 1947 BUICK Sedan with radio, heater, dynaflow. $795. NASH 4-door sedan. Clean 1947 $345 CHEVROLET 2-door Aero sedan $395 DE SOTO sedan. itic shift $495 4-door sedan, radio, heater, automatic shift i RON'S I USED CARS 1 1245 Broadway ' Phone 2-880S j SAVE THIS AD! $65 and Up 1940 Ford coach 1940 Chev coupe 1940 Pont, coup DOWN TOLL -225 2S 2S 29 23 20 3S 141 Chev. coach 1S41 Buick Sedan 1941 Pord -Coupe 1942 Dodge Sedan l940 ;Pont Club coupe 39 1940 Pont sedan 33 1941 Pont sedan ... 45 1941 Ford .Coach 49 lino wastt sedan so 1942 Hudson Sedan S 1941iBuick Sedan L 79 1938iLaSaUe Sedan . 79 1941 Chev. Club coupe 79 1941 Plym. sedan ' 79 1941 Olds Sedanet S9 1941 Chev. sedan - 1942 Buick Sedan 100 1948: Chev. coach 100 1947 Ford Club Cpe. -149 147; Chev. Club Coupe 109 1949 Chev. Club Coupe 199 1949 Tord Club Coup 195 1949; Buick Sedan 233 69 S3 S3 9 9 79 99 9 9 129 129 149 1S9 199 199 199 199 249 249 299 349 399 493 999 993 684 1199 1931: Chev. Club Coupe 399 ", BANK TERMS ' 1937 CHEV COUPE ONE OWNER SEE m j : 'AYNBEfl MOTORS 540 XRTION r ' ' i PH.! 2-0703 f; . Mite Phone 2-3233 f SAVE THIS AD! 194 PONTIAC sedanette. Excellent condition. $619. Ph. 4-3680. S4 Highland. j - ' BUICK 'U 4 dr. Rd. Mstr. New 2 tone lacquer. Really dean.' R. 1 ic H. Dynaflow. 945. Ph. 3-368S. PRUNING Sc spraying. : Insured op 1954 STUDEBAXJB pass, coupe, O.D.. W.S.W 3 tone paint dir. signals, heater. Bank pay off $1183. Will sell equity for cash and elder car. rn. J-04&1. - t mum mm PICKUPS .,$495 .$495 $495 $395 -$395 $395 $365 $295 $295 $135 2-$595 in $795 48 DODGE -TON . L..L - . 48 DODGE 1-TON, STAKE RACK. NICE ONE-. 51 FORD -TON L L ----- . JUST HERDS OP OTHER PRE-WAR AND LATE MODEL BUYS FOR YOUR CHOICE. AtfD WE LOVE TO TRADE FOR ANYTHING! OPEN SUNDAY t ' LEONARD'S USED CARS 275 LANCASTER DRIVE; 1 (LEONARD CAPPS, PROP.) PHONE 44642 ! . j 1952 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON . ALL METAL. 8-PASSCNGER BEAUTY IN SPARKLING EMERALD GREEN FINISH. EQUIPPED WITH POWERGLIDE. RADIO. HEAT" XER. DEFROSTER, OIL. AND CAS FILTERS. $1695 1951 CADILLAC "62" 4-D00R A LOVELY 2-TONE f GREY WITH HYDRAMTIC. RADIO. HEAT- ER. WINDSHIELD WASHERS. TURN SIGNALS. SEAT COVERS, BACK-UP LIGHTS AND OIL FILTER. SOLD AND SERVICED BY MrfCAVS. MILEAGE ONLY 28,720. 1951 CHEVROLET 2-D00R $2595 DELUXE MODEL WITH POWERGLIDE. TURN SIGNALS. HEAT ER. DEFROSTER, SEAT COVERS. LOCALLY OWNED AND IK TOP CONDITION, j , 1950 BUICK 4-D00R $1165 DELUXE ROADMASTER RIVIERA SEDAN. DYNAFLOW. RA- , DIO. HEATER. DEFROSTER. WINDSHIELD WASHER. UNDER. ' COAT. BACK-UP LIQHTS. TURN SIGNALS, LIFEGUARD TUBES. THIS TINS CAR 15 IN CJtCgl.l.fTWT SaArb $1285 1950. CHEVROLET 2-D00R SPECIAL SERIES FLEETLINE. RADIO. HEATER. DEFROSTER. WINDSHIELD WASHERS.. OIL FILTER, FOG LIGHTS, WHEEL J5CS. &ECONSITI9NED AND READY FOB YOU. . $845 1947 CHEVROLET AERO i A 2-DOOR DANDY. ' RADIO. HEATER. DEFROSTER, SEAT COV ERS. OIL FILTER. SPECIAL "AS IS" PRICE. . $395' f 1953 CHEVROLET PICKUP DELUXE CAB. i-TON PICKUP. 3-SPEED. RADIO. HEATER. DE FROSTER. WINDSHIELD WASHERS. UEAV X . BUMPER. A DANDY FOR ONLY DUTY REAR $1395 1950 GMC PICKUP ! , ' : . DT YOU NEED A PICKUP FOR EXTRA-HEAVY DUTY. HIRE IT IS I A LONG WHEELBASE. ' j-TON "BRUTE WITH 4-SPEED TRANSMISSION. READY TO WORK FOR YOU I I $895 1949 FORD PICKUP ! : 'i-TON. 4-SPEED V. TOPS W AND OUT. A REAL BARGAIN. GUARANTEED AND ONLY DOUGLAS $695 IcKAY CHEVROLET CO. 835 N. COMMERCIAL ! SALEM PHONE 3-3173 '41 CHEV. CIl. cpe. Now paint Clean. R 4c H. Ph. 2-4653. '41 PONTIAC Sadan. Fair condition. Bat offvr Uka. Sm at 124 Xdina Lana aitar 4 gun. - j , r 1961 PONTIAC 4-4r. debxx Kiuip. top condition. Sacilflc. $109S. 2di Wert McGilctsrist 2-4329. 1952 DODGE paneL In food cond Estate settlement $1292. Ph. S-301C erator. i w. caudi. ra. -i4Si. , '? X X ' ' V X -X : - ;ns X " x. . I a mi i i4 0m a