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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1954)
t '. V'fi : i" . ! ' ! I I.- -1 1- I 1 i ; . I Stocks and Bonds C emptied y The Associated Press MARCH 1 TOCK AVERAGES , . 38 IS IS M m , Indust- Rails UUL Stks. Net change .Unch Unch A.1 Unch Friday 97.6 99.9 100.3 82.0 . Prev. day 97.8 99.9 100.1 82.0 Week ago 97.4 99.6 100.8 81.8 r Month ago 96.3 H i 99.1 81.6 , Year ago 99.9 tlJ 96.4 78.J BOND AVERAGES . 20 10 18 16 Rails Indus Util Pgn Net change A.9 A.4 A. A. 7 Friday , 154.S ' MJ , 57 J 118 J Prev. day 133.6 85.9 57.6 115.5 Week ago J52. H I 57.5 114.4 Month ago 152.1 85.7 87.2 114.7 Year ago 147.7 91.2 54. 113.8 Mixed Trend Marks Grain ' CHICAGO im The long-awaited break in soybean prices came on the board of trade Friday when all contracts except November tum bled 10 cents, the limit permitted in a single session. November lost 5 cents. Other grains had a mixed trend with the old crop wheat contracts giving a good account of them selves. Buying appeared based on news Mexico was inquiring for wheat and on announcement of a government re-seal program for 1953 crop grains. Wheat closed unchanged to 1 cent higher, corn -2 lower, oats V lower to 4 higher, rye V lower to V higher and lard 5 to 37 cents a hundred pounds lower. Salom Markot Quotations (As of tola yesterday) icmwt Premium K. 1 o 3 lutm . .ST M Wholesale ' .Tl-.Tt Retail .74 OGS (Bxytng) (Wholesale prloas sang tram I 7 cento aver buying price). Large AA Large A Medium AA Medium A Small .: .42 .40 .40 .38 22 .23 .19 .23 .23 POULTRY Colored Kens Leghorn Hens Colored Fryers Colored Roasters Portland- Livestock PORTLAND -(USDA)-Cattle salable for week . 2.485; market active on slightly reduced supply; prices generally steady to strong; cows 50-1.00 late, dairy-type can-ners-cutters up most; bulls strong 50 higher; truck lot choice 1,101 lb fed steers 23.25, around three loads 900-1,066 lb 23.00, scatered sales good-choice steers mixed 22.00-75; most good steers 20.00-21.50; com mercial 17.50-19.00; utility down to 13.50; truck lot choice 996 lb fed heifers 21.00, one 660 lb heifer 21.75; bulk good grades 19.00-20.00; utility-commercial 11.50-18.00; can-ner-cutter cows late 9.50-11.50. few 12.00; hells down to 7m00 or under; utility cows 11.50-14.50; commercial 15.00-18.00, late sales mostly 15.50 up; utility -commercial bulls 14.00-16.50. Calves salable for week 310; market : fairly active,- mostly steady; good-choice vealers 22.00 28.00; few prime 30.00; good-choice 325-500 lb slaughter calves 19.00 23.00; utility-commercial 12.00 18.00; good choice stock calves 18.00-20.00, latter for 320 lb weights. ' Hogs salable for week 1,350; market mostly steady but under tone weak late on lower mid western markets; sows weak -50 lower; choice No. 1-2 butchers 180 235 lb 29.00-50; choice No. 3 lots down to 28.50; heavier and lighter weights mostly 27.00-50, few 28.00 and over; choice 325-550 lb sows 23.00-25.50, few lighter weights to 26.00 earlier; choice . 400-550 lb ' stags 17.00-19.00. Sheep salable for week 1,015; market active, strong-50 higher on reduced receipts; choice-prime fed lambs 20.50-21.00, small lot 21.25 late; few lots No. 1 pelts 20.50-75; ' good-choice lots 18.50-20.00; utility down to 15.00; good-choice feeder lambs lS.50-16.50f few" choice to 17.00; good-choice 122 lb yearling ' wethers 15.00; good-choice slaugh ter ewes -7.00-8.00; culls downward to 3.00. Zoologists say the' Kiwi, New Zealand flightless bird never takes a drink of water unless it is sick. New York Stock Markets By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Admiral Corporation 20 Allied Chemicali , f '79 Allis Chalmers -50 American Airlines 12 American TeL k TeL ' 1M American Tobacco 61 Anaconda Copper 32 Atchison Railroad 100 Bethlehem Steel r 55 Boeing Airplane Co. 64 Borg Warner ' 77 Burroughs Adding Mach. 17 California Packing 24 Canadian Pacific , 23 Caterpiller Tractor 48 Celanese Corporation 20 Chrysler Corporation ,'60 Cities Service i 89 Consolidated Edison 43 Consolidated Vultee a 22 Crown Zellerbach -41 Curtis Wright ; 9 Douglas Aircraft : 103 du Pont de Nemours 110 Eastman Kodak 52 Emerson Radio r .10 general Electric, 101 eneral Foods? 59 General Motors 63 Georgia Pac.j Plywood 11 Goodyear Tire 59 Homestake Mining Co. ... 37 International Harvester 29 International Paper 61 Johns ManvQle r 67 Kaiser Aluminum ' ! " " v.29 Kennecott Copper 69 Libby. McNeill t t Lockheed Aircraft 31 Loew's Incoprorated , 14 Long Bell . A 26 Stock Prices Press Ahead, Near Record NEW YORK CrV-The stock mar ket pressed ahead Friday firmly with a rise that took it to within a shade of a new 24-year high. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks gained 70 cents and ad vanced to $116.20. That compares witht he 1953-54 peak of $116.30 set on Jan. 5, 1953, a mark that has not been exceeded "since June 4, 1930. " : The industrial component of the average was up 90 cents and the utilities up, 30 cents,' both at new high marks, while the railroads gained 40 cents. Volume expanded to 2,030,000 shares, passing the two million mark for the tenth time this year. Thursday's total came to 1,830,000 shares. There were 1,176 individual is sues traded, 22 more than Thurs day, of which 544 advanced and 314 declined. Seventy-seven issues reached new highs for 1953-54 while .4 issues touched new low marks' during the day. Portland Produce PORTLAND m Butterfat Tentative, subject to change Premium quality, maximum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb; first quality, 66-69; second quality, 64-67. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, f. o. b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 H lb: 92 score, 65 H; 90 score, 64 ; 89 score, 62. Eggs-rTo wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A' grade, Urge, 49 14-51 Vi A medium, 47 49 Vk; A grade, small, 43. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; AA medium, 52-54; A medium, 51-53; A small, 47-48. Cartons 3 cents additional. Live chickens No. 1 quality, f.o.b. plants Fryers and roasters, 23-24; heavy hens, 23-24; light hens, 1920; old roosters, 14-15. Turkey s To producers for breeder types, f.o.b. farm, New York dressed, heavy hens 31; toms 28; Beltsville hens 33, toms, 28. Eviscerated 'frozen, to retailers, hens 57, toms, 51-54. Rabbits Average to growers Live white. 3 -5 lbs, 19-23, 5-6 lbs, 20-22; old does, 10-12,- few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 57-60; cut up, 63-66. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef, steers, choice, 500700 lbs, 36.00-39.00; good, 35.00-38.00; com mercial, 31.00-35.00; utility, 27.00 22.00; commercial cows 26.00-30.00; utility, 25.0-29.00; canners-cutters, 23.00-26.00. Beef cuts rchoice steers) Hind quarters, 43.00-47.00; rounds, 42.00 45.00; full loins, trimmed, 62.00 69.00; triangles, 30.00-34.00; fore quarters, 33.50-35.00; chucks, 37.00 40.00; ribs, 50.00-55.0. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lbs, 57.0-54.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 42.00 45.00; spareribs, 5100-56.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 60.00-66.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 38.00-48.00; commercial, 36.00-44.00. Lambs Choice-prime 41.00-44.00; good, 38.00-42.00 Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, 51-53 lb; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62. Country-dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef-Cows, utility. 24-28 lb; canners-cutters, 21,22. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 35-36; rough heavies, 26-28. Hogs Lean blockers, 39-40; sows, light, 33-35. -Lambs Best, 35-38. Mutton Best, 14-16; cull-utility, ; . Fresh Produce: I Onions 50 lb sacks. Wash, yel-; lows, med, 1.40-60; Idaho yellows med. 1.00-50; Calif, whites, 2.25-50. Potatoes Ore. local, Long Whites.; 2.00-25;' Deschutes Russets, No. 1, 2.15-25; size A, 2.40-75; 25 .1b sk, 70-85; 10 lb mesh, 40-45; paper, 26-j 30; windows, 30-35; No. 2. 50 Ibsj 80-90; Wash. Russets, No. 1-A, 2.25 50; Idahos; 3.15-25. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa,; mostly 28.00-30.00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. 1 In the Middle Ages, many peo pie believed that all birds mated on Feb. 11 :;l Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central. Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas. k Electric Pacific TeL k TeL Packarcf Motor Car Penney J.C. )'Co. v Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco , Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier . Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd. Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richrield Oil ; Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck k Co. 59 14 23 62 40 119 3 80 17 15 31 26 29 50 61 1 55 42 :76 S 60 40 ! Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific r 45 Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift k Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company . Union, Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel . Warner Pictures . . Western :Unin TeL Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse .Electric Woolworth Company ' 60 : 81 ! 18 43 26 22 43 117 23 53 5 '-.:! 14- 40 23 61 44 Salem i Obitunries j Sfary K. Bawtta In this city March S at the are of 57 years old. Late resident of 425 X. Cottage. Survived by eons. Clifford Heifer, Salem. Keith Heifer, rort Morgan. Colo Raymond L. Edwards, U. S. Army, Germany; daughters. Miss Leta Bowlin, Salem. Miss Wan da Heifer, Denver, Colo.: brothers. Stanford Baker, wray. Cole Lea. ter Baker, Wray, Com.. Claude Bak er. Wray. Colo. Hex Baker. Wray. Colo.. Robert Baker, Hebo, Ore, Art uaker. Rapid City, , s. D Harvey Baker. Culbertson, i- Nebr.; (Uteri, Mrs. Vera Taekey. Canby, Ore.. Mrs. David Cooper, - Rapid City. S. - D Mr. Guy Foster. Wray, Colo.: la ther. Mr. George Baker. Wray, Colo. Member .of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Announcement of services will be made later by the Howell- Edwards ChapeL , it Margaret Am Fryretr ! Late resident of 532 E. 11th St, Mc Minnville, Oregon; Survived by hus band, James R. Fryrear, McMinn vUle, Oregon: parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Prather, Turner, Oregon; broth er. Stanford. pratner. Ontario. Cali fornia. Services wiU be held Satur day. March S. at 10 JO a jn. in the Clough-Barrick ChapeL The Rev. Carl Mason wiU officiate. Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. John H. HoweU ! f ! Late resident of 3075 Berry St. at local hospital March 4. Survived by wife. Flossie Howell. Announcement of services will be mad later by the Clough-Barrick Co. f , Stella E. McNan 1 I At the residence. 993 S. Commer cial. March 4. Survived by daugh ters, Mrs. Elsie Beech. Sleepy Eye, Minn., Mrs. Emily Ebenhon. also of Sleepy Eye. Minn Mrs. Helen Re mus, Ottertail. Minn Mrs. Bertha Willhite. Minneapolis, Minn, Mrs. Stella Flora, Minneapolis, Minn Mrs. Alice Anderson, Bowdon, N. D sons, Everett McNall, Gladstone, Ore Floyd McNall, Salem. Samuel Mc Nall. Seattle, Wash., Eugene McNall, Minneapolis. Minn. Also survived by several grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Services will be held Monday. March S at the Virgil T. Golden Chapel at 2:00 p.m. Inter ment at Belcrest Memorial Park. Dr. Brooks Moore will officiate. Charles T. Murphy ' : In this city March 3 at the age of 73 years. Survived by a sister, Mrs. Guy Powers.' Vancouver, wash. Also survived by several nieces and neph ews. Services will be held Saturday, March 8 at 1:3 p.m. in the HoweU Edwards ChapeL 'Interment at City View Cemetery. ( Baby Girl Nannemaa :' Late resident of 1038 Ruge St., at a local hospital March 3. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nanneman, Salem; grandmother, Mrs. Anna McDonald. Private serv ices were held Thursday, March 4 at 10:00 ajn. in the Clough-Barrick; Chapel with the Rev. Vanderbeck officiating. Interment was at St. Bar bara Cemetery. -jj j John Pisan i 4 1 Late resident of Klamath Falls, Oregon, in this city March 4 at the age of 64 years. Shipment has been made to Klamath Falls. Oregon, for services and interment by the W. T. Rigdon Co. j George W. Ricketts ' j' Late resident of Brooks at !tha residence March 3. Survived by wife, Mrs. Lillie Ricketts, Brooks: daugh ter, Mrs. Doris Collette, Salem; sons, Willard Ricketts. Salem, Dale Rick etts, Brooks; sisters, Mrs. . Lucie Treadway. Okla.. Mrs. Effie Hart wig. Portland. Mrs. Myrtle Jigger. Portland; brothers,: Charles Ricketta, Portland. Jess Ricketts. Brooks; five grandchildren. Services wiU be held Saturday, March C, at 1 JO pjru m the Clough-Barrick; Chapel with In terment in the Claggett Cemetery. Rev. Lloyd G. Uecker officiating. Lesflt Bdwsrt ihadrick " Late resident - of 510 West Salem Heights at a local hospital March 4. Survived by wife. Ruth Shadrick. Sa lem. Services will be held Saturday, March 8 at 3:30 p.m. In the Clough Barrick Chapel. Private concluding services at Mt. Crest Abbey. William Treembath . . At the residence. 1068 Mill St March 3 at the age of 82 years. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. : Iva Ramseyer. Toledo. Ore. Services will be held Monday. March 8. at 1:30 p.m. in the HoweU-Edwards Chapel with interment at Belcrest Memor ial Park. Portland Grain PORTLAND OR No transac tions. Friday's car receipts: wheat 33: barley 1; flour 7; corn 3; mill feed 9. : IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON TOR THE COUNTY OF MARION DeDartment of Probate In the Matter of the Estate of ; FRANCIS P. SACCO. Deceased. No. 15363 CITATION TO: MICHELINA CAPITA, TERESA GIRARDI. FRANCES ANTONICEL LI. ROSE D. MEG ALE,' ANNA .MA RIE ELLINGER. JOSEPH SACCO. and AOELINA SACCO. and to aU unknown heirs and devisees of. the said Francis P. Sacco, deceeased: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby cited and required to ap pear before the above court on the 30th day of March. 1954. at the hour of 9:30 A.M . to show cause, if any there be. Why Rose D. Megale. ; ad ministratrix of .the above estate, should not be authorized by : this court to sen at private sale for bash or for partly cash and partly credit all of the following described real property: ; j , Lot in biock 11. oi Yew pars: Addition to Salem, in Marion Coun ty, State of -Oregon (See vol 1. page 93. Record of Town Plats for said county and state), also known as 1145 S. 13th St., Salem. Oregon; All of Block No. 38 of the Town site of Scotts Mills, Marion County, Oregon, according to the duly re corded plat thereof, on file and re corded in Vol. 3. page 55. Record of Town Plats for said county and -state: - This citation is served upon you and published pursuant to an order duly made by the Honor a we ; Rex Kimmel. Judge of the above court. dated and entered on the 23th day at February. 1954. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court affixed this Z5th day of February. 1954. henry c. MATT50N. county clerk. Bv Vernon Windsor. Deputy. - .; Date of first publication: February n. 1954.' T)ate of last publication: March 20. 1954. ! p F.J7.M 8,13,20 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned 1 Administrator has filed his Final Account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon ' for Marion County, which Court has ap pointed, by the Order of the Honor able Rex Kimmel, Circuit Judge, the hour of 8:30 ajn. March 19. 1954 as the time it. will hear objections there td.and for final, settlement of said estate . ... --. OW LEWIS C BRANDT . . Administrator. C. E. LUCKfet and . RODMAN and RODMAN J ;! - , Eurene. Oregon r. Attorneys for Zti:r.XJXtfMtM The Path To Profit is your., with Want Ads? to get Your share. Phone 2-2441 to place. Classified ads today. ROPERS FIGHT CRIME . ATLANTA: f AP) Tor Rot Roy ex is an Atlanta city police man, land bis twin brother, Roy Toy, is applying for a place on the force and has a good chance to land it ' The 29-year-old men are identical; twins and if they wore together it's going to be tough on drunks who may have double vision multiplied by two. ADS LN THIS COLUMN f RECEIVED . . . "I "--- i ' "j, " ' Too' Late To Classify. 1942 BUICK trade for equity In late model car. Call after 3 un. 1090 Si 18th St. . WANT TO trade. 3 bdrm. home, fireplace, two lots, good residen tial district. Grants Pass for Salem property.' Ph. 2-8579. - SMART. NEW. SPICK Ac SPAN. 1 B.R. WEST SALEM HOME1 J 1 SESSION! : - ' ' ' t : NINE ACRES? fronts 191 ft. on 99E. Joins LABISH VILLAGE GROC ERY I See big si En! Starter house, well. All WilL loam. Fruit, nuts, fields. MOVE IN TODAY! PRICE S8500. 133 A. FARM. 16 Mi. N. of Salem t LEVEL. VALLEY FLOOR LOAM SOILS. All cult. S r. house. $12.- 800. 87700 in cash 3c baL Federal Land Bank loan. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION C. W. STULLER. Realtor. Salem. Or. 785 Edgewater Ph. 2-5557 or 4-5782 RESPONSIBLE family needs 3 bed. room house with garden space. Ph. 4-4735 eve. or week ends. SMALL house three rooms and util ity porch, j down stairs, kitchen equip t for i bottle gas or electric cooking. Inside plumbing ' and shower. Only $20 per month. Other houses to $40 per month. Ph. 2-2861. ! NO. 1. 2 bdrm. plastered house.' Ph. 3-4881. NEWLY redecorated unfurn. 2 br. and attic rm. Shower and garden spot. $42.50. 2773 S. Summer. 3 BD. RM. unfurn. home. Close in S, Basement. $55 per mo. JOE N CONCHES TER,- Real Estate 1595 N. Cottage 4-3661 day or eve. DOWNTOWN) 4 rm. furn. apt. Pri vate bath, refrig. and utilities furn. $37. 225 Chemeketa. NEAT furn. 3 room apt. Utilities paid. Near CapltaL 3-5083. HOTEL maid for part time work. Grand Hotel. CLERK-STENO . at Fairview home. $1.28 hr. Ph. 4-4468. Mrs. May for appt. Mon. morn. ' EASTERN maple 5 PC. bedroom set. 4 poster bed set 8 service perfect pottery; banjo; large fireplace mir ror. Ph. 3-4562. FOLEY saw filing machine. Wallace wood lathe. Wedge-wood -gas range with room circulator. 2081 N. 5th. GIVE away to home in country. Spayed female spaniel. 3 yrs. old. Loves children. Ph. 2-0620. . 300 Personal The Business Department of the STATESMAN - JOURNAL NEWS PAPERS WILL be closed Sundays. Classified Ads for Monday papers must be in by i P. M. Saturday, 517 Lost and Found LOST: Black Pekinese, female. Re ward. 1464 Marion St. Phone 3-3818 LOST, Golden Brown Shetland Col lie. Vicinity fit. 3. Answers - to "Katie." Reward. 85. Ph. 3-1082. LOST: In Airlie vicinity. Lge. black and ' tan male air dale answers to Satch. Reward. Charles Crow ley, 450 S. Warren. Monmouth. LOST Brown Cocker. Answers to ' name of Jimmy. Child s pet. Phone S-3987. 335 Fawk Ave. after 8 p.m. 316 Personal Palmistry Readings Advice on love, marriage, business. This ad and $1 for 85 reading. Next to North Salem Drive-In. Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co., 2-8708. or Sarchet's in Albany, 352. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2088 N. Com! 3-4537, 4-3544. SAFE, permanent removal of un sightly facial nam. Erica ox n.x. 400 Agriculture 402 LlTMtock For Sal SHETLAND ponies. Leloolkas Mu seum, 1 mile Worth of Hubbard on 9 E. ! YEARLING pony colt, a pet. Trade , for saddle: or older none. en. 2-4C91. 3378 Silverton Rd. SALE OR trade two large springer heifers. Due anytime. Ph. 3-261 Gervais. I EXCELLENT; family cow. 1895. Birchwood Dr. 2 SPRINGER heifers due this week 1 Milking Shorthorn and 1 Jersey. Coin's Farm, 3 miles N. of Jeffer son, old highway. Ph. 458 Jefferson. LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon. ,i or whole, 25c. front quarter 20c Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co- 1325 S. 25th. Phone 3-4858. .- 403 Livestock Wanted. LIVESTOCK ( buyer. 1 buy cattle. horses, hogs, sheep, goats, boars. Veal. Emery Alderman. Phone 2- 7869 or 2-0066. CATTLE BUYERS. E I. and H. Sne- then, 4297 State. 2-1345 or 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C Mccandnsn. 1127 s. zstn. Fa. 3-8147. LIVESTOCK i buyer. A. F. Sonuner. 1265 Harmony Dr. en. 4-2817. 404 Poultry cmd Rabbits 10 gray geese for sale. Phone 2-1421, N. H. Cockerels. 10 days old. 20c J',i wk. old. 25c. Palmer's Poultry Farm, Brooks. Ph. s-8343. i THIS AD and S3 gets you 100 large tjrpe White Leghorn Cockerel . chicks. Mon. after, or Tues. morn. Twin Oak Poultry Farm, St. Paul, Ore. - t CHICKS if': DAY OLD and started New Hamp shire White .Rocks and Golden ; Broad every Tuesday and Friday. ! FOX'S HATCHERY i 3830 State St . Ph. S-4968 BABY CHICKS. Cocks, 12c. Pullets. 28c Straight, 18c. Good, lay stock. Phone 2-asis. IT.YER RABBITS for sale, dressed to -order. Phone 2-28Z2. CHICKS for layers. Leghorn Austra White or New Hampshire. Palmer's Bt. 1, Brooks. Ph. 3-S343. BABY CHICKS. Order now for choice of breeds. NH pullets 19c. par red NOTICE! roosters, 5c Valley Farm Store. :-1- ".";-.V-v--; j - ., - V; i- 408 Pets WANTED, large aquarium. Phone S-8328. 410 S. 24th St. i I DACHSHUND reg. male pups. 2485 S. High. ' WONDERFUL Siamese kitten pets. 810. Plu 2-84B8. 1255 Vista Ave. FEMALE Siamese kitten for i sale. Ph. 31257 between 4-8 p.m. i PUREBRED English pointer. Ex ceL hunting stock. Robert R. WU son. S miles north of Brooks. Turn left off WE. V mile. look for sign. FOR SALE, female Pomeranian, months. 850. 630 Trydn. 2-0835. ' ". ' ! : -. Continuous new Hatches. All col ors. Banded, full flighted and GUARANTEED birds. i : ! CAGES j FEEDS j SUPPLIES ; j WHOLESALE RETAIL i PARAKEETS. Cages, supplies.' Bird Paradise, 3180 uvmgston nw. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 4958 Me. coy. i block east of N. capttoi. 1M. blocks north o Madison. Ph 2-6891 SMALL PET, monkey for sale or trade, zxceptionauy tame, can al ter 4 pjn. 4-3018. ; : COCKER, Golden red. A. K. C it stud. Phone -2-1248. PARAKEETS Babies raised in out home, tiM. all colors. Mrs. Pow er, 73S BeUevue. Ph. 4-1597. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish equipment. Parakeets, pets. Mac leay Rd. 4-3713. Closed Wed. CANARIES, choice orange and apri cot strain. 3-4385. 1340 Chemeketa. 410 Seeds cad Plants" FOR SALE. 125.000 Marshall straw berry plants. First year plants. F. W. Moorman, Ph. 3-4726 after. 3 p.m. Power Creek Rd. 3rd house on right hand side. SPECIAL, Pyramidahs Arborvitae for hedges.'' Shrubs, perennials. Open Sundays also. Boyd Nursery, 2440 State. Ph. 3-3843. SHRUBS 8c Perennials. Reasonable. Sahli Nursery. McCleay Rt S Box 457. Ph. 4-1245. CAMELLIAS In Bloom. 82 & Up. Heavily budded AZALEAS, 60c & up (Choose (Azaleas from samples in bloom in greenhouse). Wirings Nursery. 1025 Oakhill Ave. (South Village). Ph. 3-4438. ' ' EVERGREENS. TREES, roses. We de sign and plant at no extra cost. Middle Grove Nursery, 4920 Silver ton Rd. Phi 4-4632. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce FRESH FROZEN fryers. 53c a pound. pnone Mill. OATS and vetch hay 70c Bale fesque straw -35C. Ph. 4-2687. ORANGES 6 doz. for 81. $1.98 half case. Onions 50 lb. bag. 75c Spuds 100 lb., $1.50. Al Ped. 523flr Portland Rd. J ORANGES, SWEET NAVEL 11 lb. bag 69c. Green Apple Mkt 5005 Portland Rd. FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 2-0774 425 Auction Sales SCOTTYS AUCTION HOUSE 4840 Center St, Salem: SAT., MARCH 6 10 AM. & 7 P.M. BIG ANTIQUE AND FURNITURE AUCTION 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools QUALITY turning lathe with extra chuck on metal base. Ph. 3-4Z48. . McCulloch- chain saw. 7-55. with 40-inch B&C mod. .8233 ..$245 50-inch B&C 1 Titan, model E $ 75 .$100 .4165 1 Mall, model 11 1 McCulloch. model 549 TOWNE EQUIPMENT CO. Edgewater. W. S. Ph. 4-1541 ; POWER Screwdriver. $83.00. New. Never used. Sell or trade for good trailer. Ph. 3-8608. NEARLY NEW Chore Master Tiller. Cost $165. Sell $120. Ph. 4-2526., COMPLETE GARAGE equipment. Black & Decker valve refacer and seat grinder, pin hpne. Sioux bench grinder, John Bein wheel balan cer. Electro tune-up equipment. Bender front end tools, A.C. plug cleaner, floor jack, tru-cut arma ture tester, brake bleeder, air com pressor, victor adding machine. Will sell my stock of parts at 60 off. H. W. Regier. Rt 3, Box 320 Dallas, Ore. Ph. 2883. 452 Wanted. Machinery. Tools WANTED. 10 or 22 Caterpillar trac tor. Call 2-2870 after 7 pjiu 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale 22.$ CU. FT- upright deepfreeze. Uke new. save $180 on this. Ph. 3-4248. 4 ROOMS furniture and appliances. also nouse. : SUNDAY. 1 TO 4 P. M. 1125 Shipping St. JOE HIMMELL, REALTOR NEW 10 cubic foot deluxe refriger ators. Only S198. Wico Sales, 1550 Fairgrounds: Rd. v BEAUTYREST box spring and mat tress, extra 1 long, limed oak bed, practically j new. $125.00. Platform rocker. $33.00. 1225 Chemawa Rd. . LINOLEUM RUGS 9 x 12 - i i S4J5 - VALLEY FURN., 219 N. COML. NEW sewing 'machine. Fashion stitch. Warranty. Ph. 2-4343- ELEC. portable sewing machine' Quilt pieces 50c bag. Call 4-2579. 9x12 RUG. pad 8e 3x5 rug to match. green, pn. z-caiz. GIBSON sealed unit. '47 model. Good condition. $85. Ph. 4-2932. ; LIVING room rug. 9x16. Purch. 1953 for $92. Sell $45. 2105 University. SEARS Silverton mahogany .. con sole with v$ speed record player. Ph. ZJD437. ' 1 1 ' 30" Elec. range. Platform rocker. S pc. dining set Misc. pieces. PC 2-2654. 1175 Bearborn. i 456 Wanted. Hsehold Goods r mm Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 WE PAY top cash price for good used furniture, appliances, etc. Im mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. CASH TODAY Good used furniture PARAKEETS sum jayt 450 Merchandise 458 Building' Materials -X; SPECIAL 2x4 studs ' No. 5 $8. per canter load of approx. 1400 ft. Burkland Lbr. Co. Turner 1125. . ALL NEW lumber, ship lap, $30.00 per M and up, 2x4 and larger $25.00 per M and up. Some lumber $15.00 per M delivered. Phone 2-2042. KEITH BROWN ' Spring Clean-up WHILE THEY LAST: 75 only 4 x 5 T to 10 rgh. Car Stake $ JO e. I8O0 ft. 1 X 8 RL B&Btr V joint T&G Siding . 175.00 M 1000 ft. x 4 RL E S V Ceiling u 30.00 1000 ft. a x 8 RL E No. 105 Siding3.! ; - 50.00 200 ft. 1 x 6 RL E No. 116 Siding Li w 40.00 200 ft. 1 x 4-4-RL Z . S Ceiling ... 30.00 1590 ft. 1 x 6 RL No. Com Dry V Joint TfltG 75.00 SURPLUS SHORTS MOULDING INCLUDES: I" Ovalo Casing: 4 Ovalo Casing; 1" Quarter Round; l'i" OG Stop: t xl , BN Stop; t X 1 BN Stop; 4" Moulded Base; 3" Moulded Cas ing . . . . ALL SHORTS Vt Price Flooring 1 x;4 4 to V C&Btr MG u.-.- 4100JM 2532 x 2' x RL No. 3 Com Oak Flooring 00.80 MAHOGANY DOORS: 2-0 to 2-8x8-8 Sols . .14 75 2-0 to 2-8x6-8 Seconds - 5.75 Kry-Ift-Knob lock set - 4.60 Latch set ,. ,. 1.48 3t" and 4" steel butts -... .50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front 8e Court Phone 3-9111 "We GivetS&H Green Stamps" BUILDING? New fir door Jambs (.90 uax flooring' low price New bath tuba complete Used bath tubs complete Used cast washbasins Hdwd. plywd, ideal for S59J0 .825.00 $7J0 paneling or cabinets .Cheap Loose insulation per bar . J1.00 Fiberglass roll blanket insuL Cheip 14-3 elec. wiiTty 12-2 elec wiring Nails . $8.7 & UM keg Asbestos sidmg ner so. B.00 Painted shakes with tinders . $10.50 $5 M MM New doors,, all sizes Used windows 36" x 43" 100 used doors with frames New toilets with seats -$24 JO Double kitchen sinks, complete $41.50 42 gaL elec. water heaters . $67.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins Bargain 500 gal. steel septic tanks $59.00 4" cast iron soil pipe 70c 4" solid Orangeburg pipe 38c Roll roofing, large supply 3 tao comp. rooting Cedar shingles. 4 grades .Cheap .Cheap New Gaiv. iron roof. Plywood, new carload gains -S8.00 New picture windows New weather stripped windows $14.20 New plaster board 4x8 $1.40 Waterproof wallboard 4x8 $1.75 Steel garage doors, complete . , . $44 .00 Over-head garage hardware $13.93 Kitchen, bath rm. enameled checked wall cover 10c sq. ft. K" alv. tiie..- 12c ft. Cedar fence ' posts.. Cheap C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 1 mi. N. of Ketzer Pine, fine, Pine! (RUNNING OUT OUR EARS!) New Load 1X12 shelving, variety of paneling, same low price. Knotty Pine plywood (that's right!), have some in stock. Sdgs 89.50. KD roof sheathing or boxing 69.50. Lotsa doors. rfg4 paints, wallboards, and clg. tiles. 4x8 hard board L73 sheet Some odd sizes In plywood need an offer! Ext or Int 4x8 or cut Free cutting saves you money 1 Easy Bild Patterns from large fur niture to baby's toys. Youll be pleased .at ease, doing it "your self." Your remodeling problems, our pleasure I Nothing down, 38 mos. to nay. OPEN ALL DAY SAT. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD .. 3545 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4433 460 Musical Instruments USED upright piano, Cable & Sons. Special, S'S. wills music store. SPINET PIANO for unpaid balance. Almost new. Terms or cash write P.O. Box 403, Salem. Dealer. SPINET PIANO and bench. Almost new. Will Sell my equity for best cash offer. Box 272 Statesman Journal. PIANO Hamilton upright r fin ished and : completely guaranteed. A snap. Only $225. Tallman Piano Stores. 395! S. 12th. 462 Sports Equipment 30-06 Springfield Weaver 6. X scope. $100. Ph. i 2-6251. NEW 1954 Evinrude. 15 H. P. used only 3 hours. $315. Consider smal ler motor n trade. Call McKay's. 3-3175. Ask. for Bud or 2-0279 after 5. i 22 GUN fort sale. Ph. 4-5326. UNFINISHED new 21 ft plywood boat 7' IT beam. A bargain. Vera Catterson. Box 4, Gervais, Ore. ! JUST ARRIVED t Bale pickup conversion unit for Mitchell Seels, cascade Merc, 1230 Broadway. - 1 ONLY 12 ft Chris Craft Boat Kit Reg. $143.50. sale price $115. 2 only 14 ft deluxe Chris Craft Boat Kits. Reg. $2154 Sale price $175. Gil Ward 450 Center. ' 1 CASH paid -for used guns, modern and antique. Cascade Merc. IZJO Broadway.! CUSTOM 300 Savage with 2.5 scope (new) Fit 3-4248. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you 'own. ear. Phone 4-5261. 2095 N. Coml X McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by aay. Town Equip ment Co. Ph. 4-1541 ' ! OR RLNl ior lease ire warehouse space cement floors.' brick bldg. down town. Inautr B. L Stiff Fur 3-8 ;E5 470 for Sale, Miscellaneous DROPLEAF? kitchen table, $555. Hogg Brps. ' Used Store, 137 S. Com! j ; 1 j BOLLINGER'S New Grade "A" Material 14-2 Loomex Elec wire . 3c ft 12-2 Loomex Elec wire -5c ft. Wall boxes i with clamp 8" Ceiling bio fan 28c -$19.95 4" Galv. Gutter "K" 14c ft. 18 vr. 42 gaL Wtr, Htr. 18 yr.i 52 gaL Wtr. Htr. -600 GaL 541 Seotie tank 5.95 Titanium OSW Paint -$37 JO 81.00 00 $.73 5 ft Stepladder $4.50 DbL Sink, Spray, frame comp. 84345 1000 items at real low prices BOLLINGER'S FARM & CITY t SUPPLY 343 N. CornX St Ph. J-8838 USED SINGER Electric ' portable sewing machine. Good sewing condition and guar anteed. Only $19.50. Singer Sewing center, uo . com 1. OIL Circulating Heater. $14.95. Hogg Bros, usea store, 131 stom i 14-FT. ALUMINUM boat; reasonable. Call after 530 p.m. 2-393L Statesman, Salem, Ore. Sat. Mar. 6. 19S4-Sec. 2) 3 450 I Merchandise 470 For Sale; Miscellaneous 3. ROOMS FURNITURE i x- 0 $169 l daVeno . , 1 ROCKER 1 COFFEE TABLE I VANITY 1 CHEST - - 1 BED ' 1 BOX SPRINGS 1 INNERSPRING MATTRESS 4 PC CHROME DINETTE ! HOGG BROS. j USED STORE 137 S. COM-L, SEWING MACHINES Used treadle, from $9.95. Comb. elec. caoinet trom S24J0. All mach. guaranteed. Singer Sewing Center, iM3 n. commercial. PAINT, $2.29 gal. G. Woodry. WOOD Circulating Heater, $29.50. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Coml. "THE BARGAIN CORNER" Paint per gaL,' 29. ! 9x12 linoleum rugs. 5.95. 18x24 plate mirrors, 1.95. ! Twin beds 8c . springs, 12.85. f Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. I CHICKEN fertilizer for sale. $3.50 picjuip joaa. soc sacx (3 sacks or more). Richard. R. Webster, Rt 4 Box 870. Salem. i PAINT. $29 gaL G. Woodry. TTC aTfa ITTD Ml' If IUV Ve-tt W vs?s9 i Valley Furn. Co; 219 N. Coml. fAUii; gal. Glen Woodry. f PAINT. 82.29 gal Glen Woodry. BATTERIES $6.95. Ex. group 1 12-rod. guarantee, juyties lire, J3VS a. Coral I PAINT. $239 gat Glen Woodry. EXCELLENT BARN yard fertilizer. Phone 4-3907 or 4-2470. ADDING machines, cash registers, $2 c up. Clary Multiplier Corp. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-5375. ; CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 9-ssis or 3-S07X Mary E. Bales. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. Ph. 3-9185. j Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk x x Odorless Orders delivered Phone 3-8127 PAINT $239 GAL., Glen Woodry.; Recaps 600-18, $4.95. Lytle's Tire, 2305 . uirai. n FERTILIZER rotted cow manure. compos?, rotted mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. By sack or cu. yr. Phillips Bros.. RtS, Box 493. 4-3081. 2 ml. E. 4-Corners, on State. Top Soil River silt fill dirt, prompt delivery. Phone 2-1749. i USED Refrigerators, $19.95. $29.95 and up. Al Laue, 2350 State. Ph. 3-5443. COW FERTILIZER, $9 a load. $5 per yd. Ph. 3-6021. ETRUSCAN silver. Service for 6. Halt price. $60. Phone 3-4514. j AUDITORIUM size 16 mm. sound projector with 8 ft beaded screen. Ph, 3-4248. DOUBLE laundry tray and stand. Never used. Ph. 4-1180. ANTIQUES 10 to 34 discount on China, glass, lamps, dresser mirrors, chairs and hundreds of other items. Lay-away plan. Korenian, 1057 S. Coml. Ph. 2-7944. .' f SPARK Oil Heater, Model 4070. 1260 Pacific Highway. Wood burn, Ore gon. Telephone 2-4736. MISC. furnishings, household fur nishings, tools, fruit Jen. etc. Ph. 3-4248. 40-FT. TV pole. $18, J HP elec. mo- tor. 835. Ph. 2-4057. 1335 Norway. NOW AVAILABLE Topsoil - River Silt FINEST IN VALLEY PHONE 3-9283 RIVER BEND SAND k GRAVEL CO. 4 CHROME dinette chairs. $10. Two 110 V. 140 H.P. gear head elec motors with clutch. $12.50 (both). 2 carpenters levels.' square, mite. tools. 1980 N. 5th. Ph. 3-5105. 21" ARIENS tiller. 10 H. P. motor. Like new. Ph. 23637. MAHOGANY- China cabinet 869.50. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Coml. X 500 SIZE chick brooder, $7. 6" table saw, $25. Philco cabinet radio, $5. 1895 Birchwood Dr. j WINDOWS for cold frame. $2 each. Ph. 4-5833. I COPPER sprinkling systems, you install save money, Fh. 3-S96S. 474 Miscellaneous LEARN dressmaking at your con venience. Phone 2-1960. FREE FILL and top soU. 629 River- view Dr. west Salem. ' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR i S-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State & Coml. Sts SALEM PH 3-3311 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous 4 matched desks, desk chairs, files. Lounge furniture, etc. Write Box 275. Statesman-Journal. WE PAY cash for furniture, tools it misc. Ph. 3-5056. f STUD LOGS! Wanted j . r Stud Logs or Multiples of f. Plus Trim. Dia. 6" to 16". BURKLAND LUMBER CO. ! Ph. Turner 1123 ; Eves. 2503 Turner or 2-7826 Salem 476 Fuel Wood j TRA HEAVY f Hand picked 16 mill wood. Saved from last summer's cold deck Good fireplace and furnace wood. For prompt deHevery. Ph, 212R In dependence. Ramond Hanna. f ANDERSON'S green slab. S cd. $14. 1 Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253 or 3-4574. f J CAPITAL FUEL ' Pirlrnn Ynnr t. "Presto-lops I SAWDUST FOR MULCHING f Briquets and wood at 198 S Coral St Phone 9-7721 " f .' Highway Fuel Co. dean sswdast wood, green or try. Stove-Diesel oils Ph 3-8444 OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust oak " S&H GREEN STAMPS ' ! Ph. 3-5533 3087 Broadway West Salem Fuel Col Tube or Push Out Sawdust ; Ash, Maple and Oak Wood i Green, dry slab, "laner Ends U23 Edgewater ' EX 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan WHEN YOU NEED See Us AH types of personal loans. Terms 1 mm. mo investigation charges. All . dealings. : .. y ... ,.-" . rStrictly Confidential Home 'Owned, Some Operated Hollywood Finance Co. i 1980' Fairgrounds Road ' Nxt Door to Bankl X 'Free Parking Lot Call. 2-7032 M369 . S 291 REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. ROBERT . 60RMSEN. Patv 6S7 Court 4-2283 ; 1 AUTO LOANS r ' WILLAMETTE CREDIT Q. j 182 South Church feS Parking a-Plenty Ph. 3-2457 Lie. tto. M-58. S-154 PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. .CONSOLIDATION OF BILLS . n ease financial strain and' save time and money. Our 27 years of service to thia community is our biggest asset TRY US Phone' first for a one trip loan. juoans 10 bjuu.uo on signature, fur niture and equipment - and to $500.00 on autos, trucks and trail ers. . ' Park free at Marion Car Park 136 S. Commercial St Lie. s-138. M-338 wmm 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WEAVERS 8c SPINNERS. Experi enced oniy. neeaea immediately. Ph. 4-3351. Commercial Placement I Agency for appointment e04 Help Wanted. Male WANTED middle age single man to take care of 13 A. farm. (River bottom). Mrs. Green. Ph. Stayton 13F8. Rt.Nl on Kingston Rd. -3rd big white house. MAN 21-35 with car for Fuller Brush terr. $95 per week plus bonus to start. Mr. Flory. 3-8357. 506 Help Wanted. Female" WANTED, lady to hve In and share expenses. Ph. 2-5293. MONEY tfjltl' J WANTED: Experienced stenogra.x : pher for work in law ntHr t- X- wAMiaiiiainuounui. X3 MM. f . w . REWEAVING Women, see reweav- ine ad unrlcr "SIS" Titm.iHM SECRETARY wanted Must be neat : in appearance and able to meet the public Good typing a neces : sity and ability to Uke shorthand i desirable. Ideal working conditions, t Phone No. 42289. Willamette Na : tional Farm Loan Association, 715 : North Commercial Street SCHOOL girl help with house work Sfor piano lessons. Mrs. Haunty. 'Pt. 4-6194. GIRL or woman for child care. : Room and board, wages. Call 4-4667 "tier p.m. WAITRESS wanted. Apply in person. North's restaurant 1170 Center. WANTED: Party to work needle ; point Box 271 Statesman-Journal 610 Sales Persons Wanted ' $200 Per Week If you are willing to work hard for $200 commissions and up per week, don't pass up this ad. If you are a person of average intelligence, neat appearance, own a car, and wont be satisfied with less titan $200 per week. I want to talk to you. I don't care what your pre vious experience has been: whether ' it was selling books, magazines, vac uum cleaners, appliances, pictures, coupons or working as a truck driv er,, factory hand, construction man or any other types of work. Experi ence is not necessary. We give you complete training. If you are able : to open your mouth and talk to me, I will show you how easy it is to make up to $300 per week with this company. If you arc accepted, you will be employed by one of the , oldest and largest concerns of its : kind in the country. You will be ; backed by millions of dollars in advertising. You will be given cual- if ted leads to help you keep busy constantly, sent in by people deN ma nding that our representatives call on them. This is a job with . security tor the rest of your life. Get in on the ground floor. Not a high pressure deal. YOU owe it to 'yourself to answer this ad. You have nothing to lose and everything 'to gain. See Mr. McCracken at i Marion Hotel from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. ;Tues. and Wed., Mar. 9 and 10. Or i write 'Mr. McCracken at 40 13th Ave. East Eugene, Oregon. f 612 Work Wanted. Male FEDERAL 8c State tax returns pre ; pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable. Ph. 4-900B after 1 pjn. 1 MAN. AGED 48. dependable, good driving record, would like driving, j delivery truck, or similar work. ; Box 274 Statesman-Journal. ' GARDEN work, plowing, discing, i Ph, 4-4883. ' PROFESSIONAL upholstering done in my home. Reasonable. Pick up si at - aeiivery tree. -au -xu . INCOME tax service. Phone 3-8957. 917 Mill St PLOW. DISK, level, roto-hoe. Serv ice Center Ph. 4-3573. INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea s sonably. Ph. 3-6641. - j ROAD GRADING ; Is. W. Hancock. - Eves. Ph. 2-0018. FEDERAL & State tax returns pre j pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5008 after 1 pjn. TAX RETURNS or pa red in your ; home at reasonable rates . phone j 4-2033x. - ' - ' SEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard ? cleaned up end trash hauled. 1-7464. CEMENT work, xll kinds. . Ernest i Drake Phone 4-5129. 1165 S 14th. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, j etc. R.V Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. 614 Work Wanted, female" ifTMEOGBAPHINGY typtnf. resson i able. Mrs. Poe. 863 N. 16 th; 3-3643. 61S Situations Wanted LAWNS:' Prepared and seeded, ro tary noemg. uuane woicth, CARPENTER It repair work. Dry rot f houses our specialty. Ph. 3-1459 or I 2-1842. ' ......' i ' 'K or will seB on consignment. Ph 2-6098 fudtell's Auction, 1 . . . j X . . .;.":' ' . i ..."' 0