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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
1 4 r 1 M B 1 square Mousoq ' tmMME w ms& -' ' ; ' . - i j I -l ' THE YCTAN DESIGN A616 --'v-S'-4 -; ' ' " RCHITECTUR ALLY the square- and rectangular houses do not rank as high as some others " ot the inore artistic types but they always have the saving grace oi wans ana ceilings mat are. . unbroken and rooms that do not give one that cramped I feeling. Moreover," what is frequently - more important in this day of higher build ling costs, they are the most, ' ; economical of construction .Plain walls and plain roofs are also less liable. to develop ; defects in workmanship than iwhen they are cut up in in jtricate angles which make tight joints difficult. , Simplicity marks this ;home both in its'exterior ap ipearance and its interior ar- ; ; rangement. Its walls are of ; common brick laid up in a simple running bond and the fwindow sills have the brick laid on edge. The only touch of ornament is in 'the chimney tops. The rather impressive door- 'way affords just the needed measure oireuei. desirability. I Th Cmubob Brick lUoafmetumt ! Vriek eonttruttion tent npoa fqaei LSIJS METHODIST CHTXBCH Soath Commercial and Meyers atraata. H. E. Rice, acttns pastor. A. S. Mulliran, asaiatant. Snndar echool at 945 a. m., E. A Rhot a, aapcriBtendent. Rev. D. H. Leeh. V.D auperintendeot ot tha Salem district, will preaek at 11 a. m. At the aama boar tha Janiar'Leatua will meet with Miaa Mary lluft aud Misa Faarl Scott in charge. -Tha Fraacia Anbury League will meet at 030. At tha 730 p. m. aerrica, thraa meaibera .oftha South Salem Maa'a Clab'wlU addrcaa tha meeting on aubjecta of vltat lntereat. At both the morning and aveoiag meetinr there will be special muiio by Floyd Mclatire. Joha aad 34al eolm He&er aad- othara. Owinar to the meetiat; -of tha Oregon annual eoafereaea at First charra tha mid week eerrice will ho omittad. A moat cordial inritation is asteaded by thia ehnrch to tha studeata of W. u. naST'.fcOHQaEQATIOHAI. C HITECH Canter sad Liberty streets. Charles E. Ward, pastor. ; resideaae 440 Center. sumoii 11 a. ,m tODie: Foolish Wis dom. - Sunday - school 10 o'eloek. -Hark MeCallister, auperiateadaat. Tha Toung Peonla'a Fortuiibtly Clab will meet at th bona', of Mrs. MeCallister. 1433 8. Liberty.. Monday at t:30. leader. Mr. "Ward. All members are urged to ba percent at this first meetinr of the Fall. Mid-week Bible stndy and prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 continuing th study of the prophecy of Jeremiaa. CHXMXKETA STREET EVAHGrXICAI. Corner of Chemeketa and N. 17th. U. E. rskine, pastor, residence 248 Hi 17th street, nhona lOOg-W. fierricea 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning tooie: God's Tender Cars for Bonis in Iistress. ETsning topic. Great Mercy to a Greet Sinner. Sunday school lO a. -. O. B. Strausbaugh. auperiateadeat. Senior and Intermediate Chnatiaa KadoaTor .at 7:00' p. m. Leader ot Senior meeting, AdaVaiae Ersklae. " Mid-week prayer ser vica Thursday eTtai'mg at 7:30, F. Kara, TTJ18T METH0DI8T tPISCOPAI. 'J Corner Stale and. Chares streets. F C. Tyiorr pastor, resKlenee e3ff State street, phone 974. Miss Margaret K. Suther land, director religioua education, phone 872. herrices 11 a. m. aad 730 p. ra. - Ser- men topics "The Way to Win." a aer aaoa for tha Freshmen, featuring Fresh man Sunday, p. hi. : "Couragvoaa for Christ,' ' both messages by the pastor. (Special music: morning prelude by Prof. T. 8. Roberta, "Morning Smg."Aatbea. 'ThaLord is My Shepherd." Iemarest. 'Deep Water'.; . BurJeigh, by the Mala Chorus, uader the direction of Prof. Hob- eon. Sunday school 945 a. m Mr. H. y. Shanks, auperiateadeat Young I'e ple'a meetings: - Uaireraity Epwortk Leagoe FeHowahip hoar, at 5:30. social time aad refreshments, fallowed by the devotional . service at 6 :30 led by Mis Ireaa - BreithaupV . The topia: "My Home leagae Its Strength Its ' Weak ness." First Chereh chapter.. Mi&a Edith Find ley, leader. Topic: "League Ideals ia High School." Week-day services: Monday night, in Church Annex a "Good bye Hello", party given by the Leaguers of the First Chare, chapter.,. Tuesdar at 6 :X Useea Esther meet at the home of Ma. CM. Keefer. Kimball Hall. The ial eoaference opens Tneaday even- Hear the Young Lady v , . . Evangelist MRS. OLIVE TEFRE . .. - ' , . -. - . i t , i . . - . - . .. - - - ' v At the fcmmanuel Full Gospel Mission, 420 State St., upstairs. Every night at 7:45 except Monday, for two' weeks beginning Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Tefre will, soon go to India aa a missionary but in the meantime God Is blessing her ministry in the' homeland. orb Always Economical to Build Entrance from the front porch is into a square hallway from which the stairs lead to the upper floor. To the right is the living; room, extending entirely across the house t sufficiently large for all storage needs. When ione takes into consideration all the conveniences provided this home assumes a decided air of k '-'"" ClTUsd. Ohio, ai farnkk lag with a reception to Bishop 'and Mrs. nhepard. ana the visiting ministers, con ference continue until Monday tha 26th. 'St. PATTXS EPISCOPAL Church street at Chemeketa. KeT. Hll Uuncaa Chambers, rector. - Holy Eacharst in the ehapel at 7 :3 a. m. . Morning Frayer with muaie an sermon at 11 a. m. Uhurch acnool 9:43 e. m TOITA&XAN CHTJECH Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Re Martin F. Ferrer, minister. Church school , at 10 a. m., graded is structioa.. Class'; for high school age an. adults conducted by the minister. "7! Bible aa Literature." Devotional servicV at 11 a. subject, "Gates." On Thur! day evening at 8 o'clock Mr. Ferrey wf give a critical review of Judge Lindsay book, "'The Revolt of Modern Youth, in the Emersoa Lecture room of tl church. The AUlaace meets at the chare ao Friday from 2:30 to 5 p. ra. At th devotional . serrieea Mra. M. Ferrey wi offer aa a solo, "Beside the Still Waters.1 by Hanblen. Mrs. W. A. Lien ton at U orgaa. .. -.iTfJ. - . EMMAinrEI. FTJU. OOSFZX. M18SI0 420 State street. Ralph D. BuUocl pastor, resideace 460 8. Cottage street phone 938M; assistant pastor, Harry i Morrin, . residence Silver ton Road, phoi 130F14. ( Services at 2:30 and 7:45 p. m. Sun day school 2 :30 p. ti. Special evangelists serrieea every eight except Moaday a 8 o'clock cimducted by Sister Olive Tefr4 missionary to India. The Lord blessel her ministry in oar midat last year an we are glad to welcome her back agsi for another campaign of at least tw! weeks, beginning Sunday afternoon. Sep 18th. , - . .. .. MTXZj STREXT METHODIST Fifteenth and Mill atreeta. Patric Dablan. pastor, residence 2095 Trada bbona 1865 M Serrieea 11 a, ra. sad 7:30 p. m. Sun day school 9:45 -a. m. Misa E. Erickson! superintendent. - Yoang peoples meet' ing 6:30 p m. "Prsrer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Ya are cordially invited tea our eervicee. . 4 . , - IXTERNA.TIONAL BIBLB 8TT7SE37TS ' . - A&SOCIATIOH . Meet every Saaday in Chambera Bldg.. 383 N. High street. Capital Business Col lege rooms, for : Bible study. Junior- B S. C. meet daring first lesson honr. Hoars 2:30 'to 5:00 p. m. - There will he-noi atudv Dertoda obaerved ia the morning studies will be resamed la the afternoon Evening services f root 9 to U p. m. an broadcasted from Bortland. Radio RE2 239.9s. meters,, . j, k- : JASON JLE MEMORIAi Jst, E. ' ICorth Winter, and Jefferwut street Thomas Achaaoa.' pastor. Mtt A. . . t:('iitr, director rehgious educatiua. Tttt public will riM-civ s glad welcome to the following services of thia church. Church acbool 945 a. at. Seven separate depart ments prevded to care for all ages. Harry Carpenter, aaperintettdeat. '" Puhlie wor ahip at 11 a. s. ; Sermon by the pastor. Junior church in Wesley Hall at this hour for young psopl- f Mrs. Gentry in charge. We speeiaiiis ia yoaag people work. Three chapters of Epwerth Leagua, Junior High, High Benooi aaa xoana Peoole. meet at 6:30 p. m- for devotional servicea. Good tima essored. - Opaa For- witn a cneery open grate anaj a door opening upon the liv- ing porch at the end. The ', dining room, opposite, also j has an open grate and a built-in china closet. Off the large kitchen is the basement stairway on the landing of which is the refrigerator. The upper i floor provides ' three bedrooms and the bath. Two of these rooms are sup- : plied with double closets and ' each has windows on two j sides insuring light, ventila tion and cheerfulness always. 1 The bath is amply large and well lighted also. There is no attic but the basement is t compteU drawing for thla italg. LmM - um for adnlts at this hoar ia the church school annex, led bv Joseuh Barker. Pub lic worship 7:90 p. m. The pastor will preach. Theme: "The Yoaag Maa Away From Home." Invite your neighbors and friends. Special song service, aad good fellowship. The choir will furnish an thema morning ang evening. . flhKST CHRI8AIA2T Corner ; High aad Center street, .-U. J. Howe, paator, residence 763 Cottage, nbone 2438W. : ' Services 1 1 a. tu. an d 7 p. m. Sermon tonics : "A Church Iaspected." a. tn "What is tha Gospel I" p. m. There will be Special imf'-' It' ! .Rintw ror uooa liuys 4eo.N.Ci! 320 State Street .SEAl A cozy little house In one four rtns. kitchen well built paveI tr, Itouse is too small (mII f6r small down payment 93500. . Vou can't beat it for Id 3 acres mL from city limit family use, remainder of groura ries, O rni. house, elec. lights. S.")00. Non-resident otvner w lots. ' : WINNIE PETTYJ CHXIST XiTTTHSSAV church . .(Rev. A 4 !. Heine, pastor. hTere lib O. Xllfirfp BO services thia Saaday. . ,otae. s . i V V m m I aa 1faOS) aGl vaaa v a I JrM 1 Mr.irALl Tk rtrst Spiritual Church of flalam. J We haVC OVer 3UU0 propd T:SO o'clock. The Rev. Louella M. La 17 ,lwA r .U7 of Portland will bo speaker. Mes- EverV Kind OI property, evefe, lr Mra. I Vay. Mrs. Bstea aad We can match your excnari,ep- Th puwio ia.eorduiiy iavitod would like ja.lrarieyiwCr,yfl erT,.ce, raiirrwTeT: sere a a y seaaot at is a. m. u. C. Harris, aaperintendent. Horning wor ship at 11. Sermon "Lear a of lie" Daett ."Teach Me to Pray", Jewett) Myra Oleasoa ' aad -Mrs. Anna Stanley. Societies of Christian Endeavor meet at ;45 p. ro. Beraum "Tha Joy of Life" ia the evening service at 7:30. The Chorus Choir sinfs "Thy Kama I Adore," (Petrie). - , ... ? : CENTEX 8TXEXT METHODIST t--. - a -' - EFI8C0PAI.- , - 13th 4s Center St.. Rev. E. 3. Aaehea breBKer. 'pastor 6S4 N. Winter, Phone 680M. Service 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. at. Sermoa topic: Things Whkih Make for Peace. Bible Study ia the Epistle to the Ephesiaaa. - Sunday aehool 10 a. . Huperiatendent:.Mr. H. Gralapp. Sea day school ia eoadaeted ia both the Ger anaa aad the Kngliah langnagea. Saa day nroraing servires are v in Genaaa: Sunday evening ia EafUth. . CHTJECH Or GOD N. Chare h St- J. J. GUIespla, 1315 X. Chnreh street, phoas Hervieea Si a. as. had 3:30 p. am. 1S46 2081 J Sermon topics: Oneaesa ot tha People ef God. 11 a. a. Evsngelistia. 1:80 p. m. Kuaday aehool 10 a. m. Mrs. W'altar Barkos,. saperiateadent. Young peoples meetings at 6:30 p. m. Hermaa Haha. leader. Week-day aervieea: - Bible stndy aad prayer service, Wednesday evening. 7:45. Teacher' meeting Friday ereniag 7:45. ... TOED MXMOSIAX. M. S, Wast Salem. F. L. CaaaelL 975 Treat St pastor. Phone 1341-R. Servieee at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sermoa topics COLOR SCIEHGE 1 1 PUBLIC HEM Various Hues Have Differ ent Effects on Human I System, Say Experts Choice oC colors In building ma terials may soon be influenced by results of experiments made in London, to determine the effects of various lights upon the human system, it was said today by N. E. Stephens of New York. Secre tary of the North American Soci ety of Arts. Although the tests in London, conducted by Dr. J. Dodson Hes sey, noted physician, have to do chiefly with the curative values or certain colors In the treatment of physical and mental ailments, it is contended by Mr. Stephens that the findings will inevitably be applied broadly throughout various spheres of human activi ty. ' "Everyone today recognises the prevention of -illness ' and the maintenance of general health, to be quite as important as the treat ment of sickness after it is con traded declares Mr. Stephens. "It is quite logical to suppose therefore, that the results of Dr. Hessey's findings as to the effects of colors on the human system, will not be confined entirely to methods of healing: "Just as sanitation -. is today considered as important as medi cine, we may soon find that the, proper use of color In our city building, will decrease the num ber of cases requiring the reme dial use of color and other cura tives. v "Modern' building materials. such as terra . cotta, afford wide range to the architects in the se- 'ection of colors. Before long, he will have accurate information at his command,' to show how each coloj- affects not only the psych ology, but the physical system of the person who views it, or who comes into contact with light re flected from Its surface. "Thus far, Dr. Hessey's dem onstrations indicate that blue, green and orange have the most powerful influences. Blue is us ed to reduce inflammatory condi tions. Green soothes the nerves, and lowers the blood pressure. Orange and red stimulate the ner vous systems. Yellow is a men tal stimulant. home of these colors," Dr. Hessey claims, "affect the indi vidual not only through the vis ion, but by direct contact with the body. He" points out. too, that the treatment of disease by color and various forms of light, is not it all new. j "At one time- red light was used im the treatment of small-pox More recently, violet rays and X-rays have come into wide use the medical profession "Naturally the concentration of ight for curative purposes gives a more nowerful and a anoodior eirect than the reflection from a a oa'd6? coa faced building. But OVvhe Importance of the latter is not . 1 t. a iio oe ignored. A single whiff oiof fresh air. is not as potent as ijmanr - arags. vet fresh air plava nave rooght a Good" fight" Soadav lenoear. n eek-dav service r Ttihl. study Thursday evening at S o'clock. Tha pastor win preach both atorniac aad evening. . GLAD TIDINGS MIS8IOX 843 H Court" St.. C. S. Jobaaoo, paator. . v. 1 L nonage. . .services at 3 . aa. m. to aoay seaool at 2 n Bed key. BUDerintendent. . " n - aueauaj-, i narsoay aaa Ustnrdar ,';eniags. - hiTrf win Rev; a. L. riEST baptist OHTiscB flVniM fiW...J. If-.... . ....... . r .? iv.. nosier w. vosoarg, U. v.. soppiy. aday achooi :45 . a. foUowed by , .eacnina- .err ice M il a. at. CMrraion nie. "Th- rr,tr Tmlli Ta.S.tU Yonag people's meeting at 8:30 av r-veomg service at 7:30.. Sermoa Spic. 'Grapes, Gisats, aad. Grasahop-1 ira.-- vt, vosbnrg will preach both aon1B - evenii and evening aad will . conduct I sneetiBeT Tharsday at J v1 x max TTRST SPntlTTTAL CHTJXCH all h Uildi it . noia servicea at taeir aall. fielsoa ing - uaemeketa and liberty Rta is Sunday evening, September 18th. CHBJ8TZAV 8CZESCB First Church Curocr of LJbert-r and Cheajeketa streets, Sanday morning serv- iraa at a. wuhject oi lesooa sermoa. ' Matter ' Wodaosday : area irfe testi man tal meeting - at 8 o'clock. Saaday aehool aeasiona .eoaveae at 9 :45 aad . 1 1 . aa. Heading room 406 Masoaio Tem ple, opea daily from 11 to o:SO except Sundays and holidays. AMXEICAhT I.TJTHEEAH ' Congregatioa will hold aervieea oa Saa day afternoon la tha let Presbyterian church oa North Chore h atreet. 8:15 p. m. .. Graded Bible -aehool. with - elassea for all ages. Special atteatioa to adult elasa work aad high school groaps. A class for ; instruction - ia . tha Catechism looking forward to eonfimation ia bow beiaa formed. : 5 :00 p. m. Divine Worship Pastor Lather B. Deck will preach oa "The Healing Hand." The mnsiesl aniaber will be "Be That Keep- eth Israel by Schlosser, . A eardiaj iavi tat tea - la exteaded to all who deaire American Latheraa aervieea. Lather B. leck. Pastor.; - ' ,: ' - j-. TTB8T PEXSBTTEEIAH CHTJECH Chnreh atreet between Cheawketa aad Ceater. Kev. N. K. Tally, raster. Baa day aehool 9 :3Q a. m, followed by pabiic worship at 10:45 a.- as. Sermoa.' "A Great Qaeotioa aad a Plaia Aaawer, givinf as the Apostle Peal's message oang People societies Woman's Foreign Missionary So JL pv": l clety in : Minneapolis October 2 5 to sinfal men, 6:30 nu m.- Even Sermoa. "The Firmness of Jesus." The paator Will preaett at beta service. will . presett - at Cot a Praver meetinr Thursday evening at 7:30 : I o'clock. The public ia cordially lavitd fmWESTEK JOITO r f -af-?V. V CRATER LAK Tn th crater oVMf extinct volcano 6,239 reet above sea level, lies Crater Lake. It is si miles across feet from the water's edge to the its waters a blue, so deep, that it Crater Lake National rark is 8 miles from Medford. Oregon, on from The Dalles-California Highway. Several auto camps and camp ing spaces are maintained by the venience of the tourist. a vital part in tne maintenance of health. - "It Is well to realize that the human race was evolved in cer tain surroundings, containing cer tain .color; combinations. Forests, lakes, skies, sunsets. . fields, all have their distinctive coloring. These are supplanted or hidden from view by artificial structures, in the city. . "We have learned that where fresh air is shut. off, it must be supplied by mechanical ventilation if health is to. be 'preserved', ft is not unlikely .that we tehall also learn that - '.health ' requires - the presence. oCcertain colors. ; "It is also possible that-the ar chitect will goT even .further , and will use colors- to serve the spec ial interests of commerce. Activity may be stimulated, or ' nervous ness and unrest soothed, by the wise us pf colors." ' Thousands Visit Domrery To Honor Maid of Orleans DOMREMY, France.- (AP)- Thls little town, where Joan I of Are was born; is a rival of Lourdes as an objective of Catholic pilgrim age since the satictiflcatlon ot the Maid of Orleans. . Ever increasing numbers of per sons tase tneir troubles to tne new saint, and pilgrimages are fre quent from countries as far dis tant its Poland: " ' When ih new basilica was ded icated recently 30,000 people from all parts of Europe made a Chris- "?? Mecca of the town. They over- flowed the narrow.; streets . and winding roads and filled the fields around the building; Other towns celebrate the new national fete established in honor of the Maid of Orleans with great er pomp than does Domremy. When the fete day comes, If the stranger asks a Catholic resident of the village what ceremonies are going to take place he may reply, "Vespers and the procession of the basil lca.,r If he asks an of ficial of the republic what is going to' happen, he will be told prob ably, "A speech by monsieur the sub-prefect Devout Catholics of this' region resent . politicians presuming to take posBessioif f their saint and I divert the manifestations in her honor from religion. The dlffer- I ences Detweeu clericals ana anti- I ... , . i ctericais. However, un I . . , , , upon the, inHuence Saint Joan ex erciaes Qf the laltMUl. I . T f. . . Builds His Qwr Plane . toTIy With Family MARION' O. f (AP) P our Marion younsters are waiting with ! great impatience while their fath- J er. Cart FergUSOD, puts the flnish- ing touches on a family airplane which Is talcing shape in the back yard. ' ,-fi -' Fetguson, "once a motorcycle racer. ana fnowemployed. , in . a Marion .factory. . constructed the ship without blueprints, and with no expert instruction , as to prin ciples - of -i.etnstructIonii It . cost $ 4 S 0. has a 2 8 horsepower motor. and a wing spread of twenty feeL The fuselage is 16 feet long; , J Ferguson has .taken the .plane up for a few trial flights and soon Maryfc- Frank., Paul and Jack Fer guson are oing,to get', the thrill they've" been waiting for. . . M. E. .Missionaries " Will v ' ;Meet in Minneapolis MINNEAUOLIS, Minn. -(AP) The greatest gathering of Me thodist Episcopal foreign mission aries'; in, years Is " expected at the 58th annual meeting of the gen eral executive committee of the to SO. Last year S 2,3 0 0.0 0 0 ' was spen t . . SUPPLYCOMPAHY" NATIONAL PARK . v ;, and its walls rise more tnan i.uuu rim. Its depth of 2000 feet colors seems purple. reacned over an exceueni nignwaj the Pacific Highway or 23 miles National Park Service lor the con missionaries "under the Jurisdic ton of the board. . I Because of war conditions, the contingent from China is expected to be augmented. In addition, the new rule,- making, the second term of service five, Instead of six years, goes into effect this year for the first time.C That will bring many missionaries home who ordinarily would, not return until -next year. Mrs. Thomasi " Nicholson presi dent of the society, is in Europe, Irh her absence," the1 meeting '.will be directed by Mrs. F. F." Lindsay, first vice, president. i : ' Parisians; Often Witness Mohammedan Burials PARIS (AP) Paris fhas a Mohammedan population large enough to support a mosque and to furnish frequent Mohammedian funerals, which are carried out. In sofar as possible, la the manner of the eastern faith. The mourners walk behind the hearse from the residence to the cemetery, chanting a mournful dirge.- No- women participate in the rites. Parsians doff their hats and cross themselves as the pro cession passes with the same rev erence they would show toward a Christian funeral. AM mju) . ;- - ( Qrr r A'": 'v - . 'T'T'-' ft? . v SALEM . AUT0M0BE Hobarl E. Shade i Youngster Linguist; ; j c ; Speaks Six Languages CONSTANTINOPLE (A P) The JlhternatfonalIsmM of. this city where east and west meet la typi fied by Fran k - Treyhrn--who-, -at 14. speaks .six languages fluently anu - ran get me arut 01 ronver- 1 satioas m half . dozen more.' Ha 4 is British but never saw. his own country. His father is English And his mother Jugoslav. He speaks, reads and writes English, French. German, Turkish. Croat ian and Greek. -'-. -.. -. Edwardian Fashions . , - , : , . Predicted in England .: LONDON,- AP) British fash ion .experts declare that . London wqiaea' of (the smart set will be quite Edwardian this winter. : Longer skirts, fluffier heads, lace blouses and sharply indicated Superlative standards o design tno terials and uxyrlgnanship lin the best ; in Franklin's past to a new perform ance in power, speed and smoothness in the zfih Anniversary Franklin. The result is a car wtiicli justifies its choice in the first hour you drive it. . I FR ANKLIN; 1 NEW-POWER, SPEED AND SMOOTHNESS ; . Lowest prices in Franfyin history - Xawzuie-c dbtmt the. jth Aavmwcnary Easy Ommershifi Plawa ' r u DrrrvinHisi . X - . l , Tf , a 4s A A a va a a i - ? SOS N. Commercial Telephone 12CO "After We i y 1 i C JTaylcr. 235 N. Church, T 'aV Wmr 1 MM - awSlll 1,111.1 I t m II V a 1 m - m m m bli. v. mm m a a - v ia. mar j ' ' 77Vi, at aa waists will make .the girl of 1926 very much of a. back number., f ? . - More than half the evening gowns being "shown for fall reach the ankle, and . no new street gowns are shown which! do wet fall at least one. Inch below the knee. ' - -' - . , r- t?-i r 1 r-i:- tnyusii opeaKiny ruuuc to Be Increased in Paris PARIS.- CAP) So successful have been the) few Parsian police men who speak English in aiding travelers that the municipal coun cil -has decided to put English speaking officers 'on duty whera tourists appear la any numbers. " ' A tfublie school, with an origin al enrollment of nearly fifty, ha been organized. It, will, teach the English usually employed by those asking for aid and directions, and the proper words for a polite and informative replyC - Sell Wo Serve" The Star Six Hemes Vi'ccby AT " "J.. - . Ti a. rfL ' Earth'-iraUt -.Trafead" .4.S4....VJ. j.;theenFfrTices:;;.vW--e---.----. .l T - V