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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
1 w V T it li pWn Nov 563' n ' i: n rTfiuJ . -i til MSlM AS- V j-aAxta:- ; cunts. I . ' 1 'noDE-rui: ' Toe accompanying desjsa jor v K live i room house has" won favor with number. ftf;4iacrlm-,; Inatlng home. bullderjjrh.Qxteriorii attract tlve ati(l the house is particularly adapted to a,, corner lot, though 'it -will fit: nicely on any 'well- located 50x100 ;foot aite,,,;Si?Q maybe. altered tq.syitfthe needa of tV desin Stucco niay be.' used to advantage in place. o'shlngjea if the. builder prefers this material. The layout of.jthe. rooms, is ..well tsuUedto'ihe ; average., aised family; inie living, rooniv. is 4pf ample 'size and connects, nicely with .the baU.w.ay leaMiu?to other pairtofc The. two chambers are well! placed and each is equipped 'with good closet -space enti with cross ventilation. , Tbe dining' room, is IJghtnd a'iry an,d may he made supplementary to, the living room , f pr, en tertanjijent purposes. The" kitchen has the us uai'servV;e appojntment-weil arraned"and Its conn ect ion; with .the -hallway '.will ! 'prove a con-, vcnienre to the ".housekeeper.. . ; : ,v Two setsof blue prinfs; will be' furnished at nominal cost on application to 5 LOGGING SALEM, OIlEGOXr - -Hr BDOilfliiBUilDiiiS : AtRElDY STARTED August Total Approachedm First Half-ofiSRtprfaer, i 1 Records Show Winh 13 day yet to go; the' month of September' bfds talr to outstrip August as "a'4 hufiolinr month. Already permits totalling $155,90 0.00 have been ' issued, as Lake Lytle Hotel ;Wr. George Watt, Mgr. 1 1 'rs. v, "i.- v. .;..V Twixt Lake and Ocean i y. - t .". v . The largest. arid m6st mod-l- trn hotel pia Tillamook ; Beaches. 5x,' f ' STRICTLY WODElttN i Surf and lakeT-bathitigi' boaUng.'sea And laTse fish-i ingV clatn", disfsin,? hiking and hvms- ' M''S' ' : ' POPULAR RATES iRockaWay, Oibgcm -i - ------- ; agaidst a, '-toUl' at, $06.5S0,O durtQglJasijnofttii,;, ' The total jLhis month, of purse, includes the new i Presbyterian church ' which -.xalls : for an e peditnrecofiiM)0.000. anda the new Valley Motor company fcuild-'J ingTfvaiuea,ai 16,090 Seldom mojith goes by. .however, which: projects. ,-. ' j ,Aspdden spyr;in(!the cflntruc tioi ofdwelljnga'haa been. evir denced this jnonth,' with north Sa- S-eatest building activity, A.11 .ngA 'the pacific highway, new VuflvngB, are ' under way, inciud ingUwi. ous.iness' structuree,' the Capital City Mattress concrete building, and the Gilbert Smith oil nlant.. Permits for. the a trn. j tares are not issued f rom the city receraera 01 1 ice, -as- tney are out side the city limits, and it is dif ficult to estimate. the total, of ex penditure involved. , The prospect of proper drain-, age at an early date, and the cheap price, has stimulated . - in- quiries about . property In the southeast Salem district Consid erable building is planned there for an early datey,; ,Wy& , Totals of buJWlnS perinita fat, the :yariQusj. monthar .th'is; :-waf ruary, 40.9 2 : .Marehl J 1 3 fi R - ! 1 .81 5j, Aprili, 2'45;73S May, $ 245 j Vne, lOOliti JlFil25i;-1 65(T; August, .$2D6.55jO; and so 3DMiiM,0:. HHIliCBi 4 !:"!; NptHAffected ? ln its weekly review of, the ma'r-;etfaAeriaVlttmberaaiiV Sof twood 'demand has .been showing, some Improvement.durjng the Jast week' bfao whilertnhl5:re- 1 1 .NoW; is the time to, re- ( pair - your roof ; before, th'e;rainyj ieasri jstajjsjoi ' Have the Job Complete Before7 the Fall Rains . " ''" r ; ' -J iyVCarrv a Full Stock ? 4; -; t Roofing r.Iitcrials PcpcrV Fire Resist inrr Shinnies or Cedar Shingles- "1 .WtST SALEM TELEPIipriC 57 J , Tarda in West Salem, Albany, Lenta, 'iiuliardi'raniLJlI, Ilillsboro,. Eugene, CorvaUia, Grants Pass, rarfc Roa ' t port a larger number of inquiries from retailers in regard to avail stocks and' prices!' 'which indi cate that the' fall movement is be gfnning? Stocks""a't the mills as" a whole,, are ;pt . largeecause.dp?-: J lotne.Airsjt.fniriy-tnree weeks 01 the .year, ielf r.s.hipnients. expeeei their, cut, py tw.o.perceni, jprpauc- tton has recently, been a little more ax uve, ,qmpu( oj, mms re portlngf or ,th'e week, ended "August 20k and. ha vinga' standard fox. nor mal pfbiductlon, "jwas, tour percent knezce':'i't: noirmaIf and was eqiiaieiby new.rtoookjngs, t, , u i The midde' west fapd' spnthywest are'at' present the. most .active, sect t ions of the nation,a. .market, hut t(iere ar? jnqicaiions, jnat vaiiior nia' and the Atlantic coast will soon be taking . larger quantities The .southern pine producers re port, an excellent call from Texas and Oklahoma, and an increasing volume. of" business from the mid- dlf west. 'The west coast fir mills kjso find, that the movement to the agricultural districts of the middle west, Is expanding. , . These, . western mills have not been' shipping" heavily to Calif or pia,' so that unsold stocks there are at the: lowest nolnt in a lone while. .f.,il ... . Shipments rrpm the Jfacinc to tne Anaptic cqasr , areincreasing. ior sales' there are expected to gain as soon as. the vacation season comes to an end; Spftwopdprices as a whole re main at their" low summer 'levels. but.ere. aiid there, throughout the lists smalt advances are being put IntQ'reffecCTWhtji.,eitis not be licycd thar advances are being put to( firect, , .wni.Jt is not oe Ufve4.t'lat':ndVances of large, ampuiit,; some.,items have bten jslipg, below cost, and the nijufacturera wjl welcome, an op portunity to.4fet the worth of their lumber. ' Sales of-,' southern hardwood mlllsimad4 ltt good gain during the week ended August 20, but it is oeiievea tnat this was to some ex tent' due to price concessions. The larger' man a fact urers point out that. such concessions are not Jus Hit led", a mill a'tocks are none too large tor this season, and the hold tegs of most consumers are un usually small. The automobile -and furniture industries are now leaking fair-quantities, and there are. good prospects of a larger hiovement to flooring; and mill- ' S ."v'." . 1 : -" : -':. -: t 4 Motorcycle a White Elephant okin - SPRINGS, - o. The ( purchased a .. motorcrcle. -but couldn't find anyont to ride IL So 1 Luxurious ocean liners traveling Between rsew Tork ,apd European patta have made, a' tenpe: cant re- d;uctl,ln, rates, But, th,eyll have Jo ?o better than that- before they fe t mucn ci jour j)Ujl,aess. 1, 1; ii . ii i i- jfc ton wx-fett' - "j the right to honors last year, when aTLTtlte; RocK kWi4W lished a world's record for the mile on a half-mile, track by going, the distance-in S4 and. four-fifths ae& pnds, 'ovei two seconds 'faster than Haughd Ahlf "world ;maraX w ; ) s Secretary i ini S. Wilson Is of the' belief that; Lampkln has the better claim, and -"that . possession is'nine joInt."pf the law, so "it is Jikely that the gaunt Coloradoan, Who recently went Jnto business In the, land of mountains, will be the pilots who; wlll bring - the great speed creation to Salem. ' h t The- caf i holds twice as many world's records on dirt and beach courses 'as .any other - car; and is Considered the greatest racing auto fever built. T Comparison with- the Seagrave Sunbeam J" with! - which Major H. O. r, Seagrave made rec ord time'at Dayfona. this springy is InUleTaa Seagrave drove jk. freak and all " accorded "principles of a face car disregarded.' The Wisconsin was the first of one-man race Jobs and set the precedent for the present narrow stream-line speedway type. Lamp- kin is one of the best known pilots who: has ever Invaded the wfst, having raced In Montana, WyCfci ing and-Utah in past years, and is best known for his great comeback last .year. . as .world's dirt track champion after holding the. title In 1 9 1 7 nd 19 1 8 and then retain ing it in 1926. :. : r . ; : Mrs, Lampkin,'? former 'tworld"s woman.champlonVwiil be a special guest of. the Oregon State Fair if Lumpkin elects to accept - the bid being made for the: world's wonder Wisconsin. ' .. American, IbotUes, . boasts a tnanufaeturer, "erg very strong." They have, to-he" Think of what iYiav'ra nnttlnf In hm Des jUggeraaut, with-tread, wheelbaso Moinea Register. . tea we..,,, Ht COAST- t I - -5 r i f - ; - -i r : : ' , vHf x ,, ' V-'K r v . . i -y ' ' - iri Ct- i t' i V-Caiasine the ram runnerr from the Detroit river," called by border patrol men'nhe'most ftscinap- ipg game of today, Is played 24 hours daily as uncle Jama ary .navy wempw h'pwp,' w booties Uqnor from Canadian border cities to Detroit, Equipped with powerful speed! boats and car tW border patrol Ja (month confiscated 122 boats booUegginff in$-i-1hMn.ti&tm"JZBrt: legxwVParadise, as'lh .Ecorse road ia known, is lined with hundreds of tumble down hous each; with boat shack in " the back' yard in which a spee ly boat is moored. Chased y the border patxol, the. riim runners slip into, these boat houses and escape .capture, Above scenes at the border patrol dock In .Detroit, showing cases of confiscated beer loaded on the pier, the aUrt jammed with confiscated beer nd. several of the luggers" with their cargoes tied outside the crowded slip.' JLi. v fry P.IOUE muffle 1 Fall Activity : Under .' Way; Rural Sections ; Exceed Forecast irr Orders In its weekly review, the' Am erican ; Lumberman, Chicago, says: ' . , . . . , . In the lum,6er industry, there s now a great deal moreoptim- sm,: because of the beginning of the fall movement. A large t yol ime' of business has been expect- fid. f rom . the rura.r sections, and it 4 making Its appearance. Calculations, ot this year's farm Income show that it will be much larger than last year's, and, as Hq kiidation of agrlenlture , had . al keiady ;been practically completed. inere wui be large sums or money available for long-deferred con struction. J ; ' '- Industrial users 6J lumber are also showing mor,e interest In buy ing, for their stocks.,, have . been kept low, and .in,. steel, and - coal mining, automobiles and furniture J the , outlook for fall - trade is brighter. , J. , . , City building continues in good volume, and, the fact that labor premiums are n6y a thing' of the past, is permitting costs tQ, be re iduced' t8utficiehtfy 'tol 'stimulate Jtresh budding actlyitjr; 00 a some what"l6w.V price ierel while low ef In terest . rates are having a strong.. Influence' In the same di- ' The south and - middle west continue the most active sections of the nailonal ,jnar9t,;and ,are giving a. gqodj 'volume jQf business to both- southern - and west coast softwood mills. . - t.Theref ia " promise of mbre ac tivity Jn' the east as soon as the vacation season is over,: while Cal ifornia' demand should 'soon" be shoeing' the effects tf one of the bestr fruit crops, prpduied in' the state in several years. softwood shipments have "exceed ed the: production by about one hundred and fifty million feet, pind mill stocks in many cases re quire filling out. j ; Hardwood trade gives promise of improvement as soon as indus- 11 ial buyers start to 1 provide for (their fall needs. Production of hardwood "has been active, as the Manufacturers believe that fall i-ains will soon shut down many Mississippi valley mills that, be cause of broken levees, now lack protection from' floods, and in fact good number of them; had their log supply shut off and were f creed to suspend in the last week pr so.' Northern mills are at about the end of ' their season's cut. ' Buy ers are still holding off and prices are unsatisfactory to the mills, but the market is expected 10 show more strength as industrial iactivity Increases, for neither mills nor consumers have large stocks. VETERA OF DirtT. ' i TRACKS ENTERED (Continued from Page One) - ing up, the wires between Salem 'and Oaytona Beach, Fla., and Pueblo, Colo., : in an attempt j to straighten out the legal tangle ex Softwood prices are ' a ittl Itrmer. and- slight, advances have been, made in scattered items, hut thd v Si$ts a l whole not yet shown much gain from- the 'low and unsatisfactory level that has prevailed throughout.? -the '. sum mer.. The softwood mills are en couraged over Tall prospects, and J lCof them reporting -on opera tions for the": week' ended August 27," add'- having' a' standard'' for normal ihtpul, cut thfee "percent in excess of this. - " , ;.- For the year to date, however, ,; Telephone 1812 ' . ; ' FREEMAN 'STOUBLE .v t Ilia BANS OP C05mRCI5 BUILDING . Isting between Slg Haughdahl, former world's dirt, track cham pion and former owner' of the' car, and Ray. Lampkin, present dirt track champion and claimant of car ownership on a purchase made when Haughdahl retired. ; Haughdahl is - figuring on a coine-back'for the 1927 dirt tracks title, and realizes he must have the Wisconsin Special to earn back his laurels. .. . Lampkin claims 'he holds the bill of sale for the car and ex pects to retain the- wortd8 .dirt track title in 1927, having earned WeeSs f-t-.-i s .-..,- iA-fr... - ., F&rnt Bfairiage f r 1 a X I w The ", 'Willamette' Valley is one of the most fertile farming sections 'in the : tlnlted ..Sta'tesr but ' its productivity, is more than cut in half by a water-logged condition during most of the year .' ; " -- PRODUCTIVITY AND REDUCE COSTS Use Burned Clay Drain Tile. 'Ask. for information on our service and literature.: n K Salem Oregon f 11' I' j' ;1 lv I , . li.t: f -1 r f I '.- V-V: PENCIL -with thU ; RED BAND li"i, r. &SUPPLtCOT ! "Whhfc; you et always must depend upon where you'ga for itl Nothing can take the place of an honest desire to serve." . 11 LUMBER and! ALL 6O1LDIWG IvlAf ERfALSr I .I 1 I. Gl'ria Wi fler ftS0 Co. , ' Office.Vard and Warehouse nl. 610 r North ; Capitol Telephone 2213 .V - ' -I t .' - . t k : - m . ' , X - i-r. On Residence, Dusinesa and Farm Property art v-f- 3 'ii : For TlirW'to 20 Years' . Privilege to pay: part or all of principal on any interest date Ourtcms, interest rates and service cannot be equalled .r' 1 t rrRon jorrsponcienu .1 -,vv VL;hMONT,IOAlvl TUUST 667 " Jf rilUDEMIAL IVSUHANCE CX. t OF AMERICA " I-i AW K I WS-;'..a.v"R OBER-TS,-. INC. 4 r :