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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1927)
L Bridge and Sewer Bonds of the City of Salem Brought Bids as High asMOlM; ' Butiai:; io'-Be-Expecifd r60 Qregon- ty FORECAST: Fair- ana normal temperature;: rising humidity in. west portion with fog near, coast;, moderate westerly winds: "Max 'imuiu, temperature; yesterday 75. minimum 53V river -r.4rafn noneV atmoephere cloudy; wind northwest. - " ' - j' An English statistician .declares the averas? man who lives to be 7Tsleeps 23 years. Many of them are asleep a much longer period, but don't know it. -LAulsville Courier Journal. - -; , ' . ' - .v s -' , SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR SALEMi OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS s uvei mm f- f l " A. A. A 1 t - J; t fci - "V d"l t-'i . ' 1 W i i X i rv 1 r i i Is i R0SEBURGH1 LESUEPflSTOR ReVi Joseph Knotts SchedH uled For Appointment to ' Local M. E. Church : i MEETING STARTS TODAY 200.Mlolsters to be In Attendance From All Parta off State; , r Equal-Number of lay- men Arrlfe Friday . ' Oonfenwc FroKram Today ;9;00 A. M: Conference Exam lnations. ' .4:00, P. , M. "Meeting, o the Board of Examiners. ReY M. A. Marcy, chairman, pre siding . 5:00 P. M. Meeting of Con ference Undergraduates. 6:00 P. M. Conference Beard of Stewards Dinner in Y. C. A. ' , t 7:30t P. jM. Reeeptionv to Bls . hop; and Mrs. Shepard. Key. D. H. Leefthi D. p.. Superin tendent ,of Salem t District, presiding. .Words of'Greet ingGOTernor I 1. Patter son. Words - of Welcome. Di. B.,3Lfc-SteeVes. Response, Bishop W. Q. Shepard, . Rev ' Joseph . Knit ts, for fire years pastor of the First Metho dist church of Rosebuxt,. Is slated &dt annointment to teslis church ere,- according: to. .local church officials. The charge. waa. recent ly left I Tacant'by theeath of. 'J. Wlllard DeYoe. . . Rer. Ira Aldrich of Bend, is, al- S3niVntI6"tfed" for be "post, "and the choice by Bishop Shephar! probably J will " rest : between these two men.. Both have expressed a desire to comev to Salem, and can get releases, from their present pastorates.' An effort is being made by Ja son Lee Memorial church mem bers to induce Rev. Thomas Ache son to-remain at the Joca I charge. (Goetlaaed oa ptK 4) t MA' KENNEDY SPEAKER HERE A1MEK SI'PHERSOX'S MOTHER IX LOCAL TABERNACLE1 Large Crowd Gathers a Evangel Istlc Tenipl. 13th and ; Ferry Streets i lt was a. simple faith, unham- pered by logical analysis and 'iin- encumbered' with, theological dog ma, that was dispensed by'Ma" Kennedy, late or the . Angelus f Temple ln,'Los " Angeles, at the Evangelistic Temple at 13th and ' Ferry streets here If last night. 4 I There was once a Savior Who came to bring relief,-, to' ft feln-Btrickeii . world; He is coming again and : BWU. OUlll WVS I.U4S KOfc V . story, punctuated frequently;WHh the exclamation ' "Praise,, the Lord!" uttered. by herself, and more x frequently hy cries - of "Amen!" from a highly sympa- the tic audience. t ' .-" b The house was packed. -with a few standing inthe rear ,-,ri. Tf t hfira la anv ItnnKIa' Art af intr between herself and her daughter at the present time "Ma said, lit . ( tie or nothing to Indicate it last - uigiit. i m fnoi toe preacner in our family," was"" all' she said ! about It at thafopening of her prt of last night'" program, and she said it by way of. inodesty; for herself as a speaker, rather than h as a personal gibe at her daugh-A-4er and, erstwhile -assoclatn r ijX "This is a big crowd foi rn. to fce,J' she said modestly. :"Aa a 1 f matter pt fact I'm, trembling from She wag. dressed In.- a. plain , white dress covered with, a plain . white cape that reached nearly to her ankles. A pleasant face smil , ing at the crowd from beneath the , auburn hair that tops her, head 1 gave every evidence of .confiriw nd faith "in her own simple sto ry., tterore beglnnins. her speech she led the siriKlnti . i The shepherds on th tiii . first saw the angels appear tn t weraia tne coming of the Christ child- became the first evsnfreiic. ; she said,, and. it seemed manifest ARMISTICE DAY PLAN LAUNCHED IIIDDII, BISHOP , APPOINTED ' .-LFXJIOX CHAIRMAN Col. iAbratiM to 0ga lz Parade ; War Trophies On' Display I Here Xow t Capita! Post Number 9 of the American Legion diseussed. plana for; the Armistice day celebration at the regular meeting last itfghti Every indication points to the big seat and best celebration ever put on by the local organization. Commander Lyle Dunsmoor ap pointed "Biddy" Bishop, as gen eral chairman. Bishop has serv ed as chairman for the past "'two years and in a brief talk he, out lined, the preliminary plans for this. year. Col. Carle- Abrams was named as chairman of the parade committee.. Other committee ap pointents will be made later. , A special committee' reported that several large casew had been placed in the rouunda of the Cap itol building in which trophies of the. Great War are to be placed. The membership driye in Capitol Pois t for 1 9 2 5 rias s tar lod and 76 have"paid 'their dues. The drlve will be pushed to completion at an early d.ate. A short talk was given by State Vice-Commander Irl j S. McSherry and by. National Committeeman Victor MacKenzie, McSherry touched briefly upon the commun ity service' which i Is the problem of. each ladiridual. post and com plimented the. Salem organization UDOn their excellent wnrlr. ; MacKenzie gave a brief resume pi tae activities , or the Capital Post drunk ..corps,".. .the . Armistice day celebration and the gathering of. trophies to be placed, in the cases in the Capitol building. , MILLS FUNERAL TODAY Prominent; JLocal Alan J)ie SudV ' , denly While at Picnic ' Funeral serrlces' will fce held this afternoon &t ?:30 o'clock for the late J. A. Mills, prominent Sa lem citizen who died smddenJy Sunday afternoon, while atnending a pienre hear Falts City. . Services will be held at Webb's chaneL with the local branch of the I..Q. O. F. in charge; Revv Ayisn Will preach the funeral sermon. Mr. Mills had been identified with business , interests In Salem since 1904, moving here from in dependence. At the time of his death, and for. several years, he was engaged In the real estate business. He leaves a wid nw onf WO SOUS. Waldo O. Mills f SaUrn and Harry Q. Mills of Los An geletu GOVERNMENT WINS VOTE All Opposition Led 71 to fl8; Re turns Nearly Complete DUBLIN, Irish Free State. Sent- 19 (AP) With onlv 13 Pt in the Dail Eireann not yet filled the government has a lead of three seats .over, the combined opposi tion. "'The figures. are govrnment 71; opposition 68. Returns are awaited from Done gal and Cork and from these the government hopes to increase its lead and on final results, it is be lieved the government will be safe. Whether with such a narrow ma jority President Cosgrave will con sent to carry on is not known but be will-he sublected to ntrone nrra- sure from business and commercial interests to retain the helm., V0RkavS SERIES OCT. 4 Landls Calls., Representatives of , pTeams Togrther.hTMtoS' .'CHICAGO., Sept. 19- (AP) Keneawt Mountain Landis, base ball commifesJonerv tonight sent word to 'of ficials. of;the;Kew York Yankees. American league. pen nant winners, and to the four con tenders far the; .National, .league flag- wlthhin. here- next Friday jmprnlsg to arrange-for the Commissioner Landis intimated ' . . . . that the series wouia open proo- ably pit Tuesday, pcf. 4. FIRST' BUS CHRISTENED New Southern Pacific Stage Ser. I vice Gets Started Today; ' I Dnwn.AK'Ti. SeoL 19.-r(AE). --The first of the 112,000 parlor car buses which will leave at 7:30 tomorrow for Corvallis. aa part of the Southern-racmc com mnt-nav bus service to WlHam ette valleyolnts was christened today by Mi Helen Hawkins af a ceremonv at the city hail at wnicn Mayor Baker, members of jthe city couficil and prominent Dusiness tta ,ity j-articijated. CITY S SCHOOLS iSE IIEiOtlD 4067 ' Enter First Day, 195 More; Than on Opening , Day. One Year Ago; 4600 WILL BE REACHED Grade Instruction to Start Today, , With All Clat38 nt High School Swinging into Action Wednesday , A total of 4067 were registered in the public schools of Salem yes terday, the opening day. Regis tration will be continued todav. and before the end of the week, the, total is expected to reach about .4600 an increase of 40fl or more over last year. The enrollment yesterday ex ceeded that of the opening day last.year by, 195 pupils, the great est Increase being shown in the grade schools. The high., school showed a decrease of 2 8 students, but yesterday's figures are not a reliable index of the , future en rollment, ,, as several have yet to call for their cards, , r . :- ' ' " V . Some Change Courses Since- most of -the" high- school students outlined' their courses last spTing.-theToutine'Of-wrroil- ment .yesterday did; not 'require much time. A"1 number in' the, af ternoon, sought, to change their courses, however, and a long line was .formed, waiting.. in' turn for the registrar. Instruction in the high school . i " n ii i , . ATTEND. BRIDGE-OPENING Officials Make. Trip to Lincoln County For Dedication - Roy Klein, state highway engi neer, and a number of other state officials, ' spent Saturday in j Lin-? coin county where itbey attended the ceremonies' attending the ded ication of the new Ben Jones bridge. It was said that the bridge is one of the finest structures of its kind in Oregon. Ben Jones, for whom the bridge was named, was a member of the Oregon legislature for many years, and .was the original boos ter for the construction of the Roosevelt highway. SH01IIHE1 ABANDON WORLD FLIGHT ON CHILDREN'SPLEA When pleas. of government Schlee and William S. Brock, routl-thO-WOrtd'flyeMrfrom makbi; the dangerous l.e? ;frcta Jaa to the imitPd Siatps hv war of the Midway Islands,"tn:theifp:aae, "Pride of Dstroit," a caLleeraa from Schlea's "two children, 'Baby Edward Schlee, JrCandRose Marie; r?:1taj with their father to consider them before attempting the hor-offf route; time and total mileage ti.tta flyer f,ron liarccr, Grac to i- Move On, OXhurch of God Move on, O Church of GoJ, move on, i Thou living stream of grace! Not all the movements of the earth -; ' Can fill thy regal place. ' . Like sheep the people' run astray v Without thy. guiding. rod:' ; To pause would be a tragedy, . Move on, Church of God' March on O Church of God, march on I Blind pleasure, pelf and greed Are adding to ah age of jazz . if Insanity of speed. The .rahble rushes to their doom Across .the blood-stained. sod; No other arm is stretched to save, March on, O Church of God ! .... . . . ...... .. f L Advance, O Church of God, advance! Young life is on the march, Yea they have taken to their wings And. cleave, the ambient arch. Likeimoths they fly to fall and die Without a flower or clod. Blind bravery will noti suffice. Advance, O Church of God! , Speed up, O Church of God, speed up ! ,'" With battle-flags unfurled, . Let watch-fires blaze on every hill Around the. ransomed world! In tents of ease the soul will freeze Till funeral plumes shall nod. ' The Captain of the -Host commands : Speed up,. O Church of God ! Wiluam Steward Gordon, D. D. . Dallas, Oregon. MAIN AIR DERBY 1 GETS OFF TODAY f .i r,: i ; . '. , '. PIjAXR. RACKS START FROM XEW VORK AND FRlSSCO Fifteen Ready to Start from East; , Eight Leave California . Tomorrow ROOSEVLET FIELD. N. Y. Sept. 19.-AP) Fifteen pilots had their planes ready, tonight to hop off tomorrow morning- on the second of the transcontinental air l&c-heid.-u-axtof -the National Air Meet- at Spokane. ' ..", The race, scheduled tostart at 5:30. a. m., Eastern Standard Time, tomorrow, is for cenimercial planes capable ef carrying a pilot siid two passengers.; Winners are to be awarded a first prize of $10,r 000, second 15,000, third 2,000, fpurth.11,000 and fifth,, 5O0 The comeptitora will fly, approximately 2.275 miles to V Felts s field, Spo kne, making an overnight stop at St. .Paul, Minn., and: five minute compulsory, stops at Cleveland, Chicago, Aberdeen, S. D., Miles City, Mont. They are due to ar rive at Spokane on Wednesday. The fifteen entrants are; II. (Coaiioaed ti pt ) 1 j i-- - sk 1 1 r - $ . -r, i 1 officials, both In "Wsunlnsrton and Japan, persuaded- the two men ta at FRESHMEN HEAR OF CAMPUS LIFE ORGANIZATIONS EXPLAINED IN TALKS AT CHAPEL ' ' Student Officers and Faculty , Members Address ; Regis tration Today The why and the wherefore of student- organizations was . told to 180 aspiring freshmenyesterday afternoon by student body lead ers, headed bjr Charles Redding, student pre4Mant. - --' Those who addressed the first year men were William Walsh. Paul Trueblood. Mildred Mills, Ivan White, Kenneth LaVIoette, James Rettie. Graduate . Manager Sparks, and Professor Florian Von Eschen also talked, briefly. i Earlier- inn the day a library demonstration was conducted; by Dr. Fi G Franklin, and Professor James X. Matthews told the new students "how to study." . , Last night; following a tour of the. campus, the freshmen, were guests of the faculty at a recep tion in Eaton hall. Registration .' of . freshmen will take place today, after confer- (Coo tinned oa pas 6.) ' 1 " t SCHLES A Lie failed. t6. deter- riwrrd F: 'neon ; the night. Map shows t .a ' 1: BILL ASSAILED fPllTTEBSflfJ it r ' Reduction of r Income - For Road Building Purposes . ; Held Disastrous C. OF C. HEARS SPEECH- . - : ... t Governor of State Outlines De ep velopment of Present Program ' and Surveys Situation as It Now Stands ' Pointing out the disastrous ef fect a reduction of the automobile If cense fee by the proposed f 3 li cense bill would " have upon Ore gon's ambitious highway program, Governor! Patterson read a paper ULUL. ..l-1'..M -U-Ull.J L governor Patterson. at" the ' Chamber; of: Commerce luncheon "yesterday, in? which ? he summarized uhe' situation In the state since the Inception of the highway program i with:, regafd ,j,q finances, and road construction.-. ' "In l91V'gaid the-Governor, "we had irt this state a registra tion of 33,917 motor vehicles. In 1926 the motor registration - in cluded 234134 vehicles an in crease of; seven, hundred per cent in ten years. It is estimated that, In 1927; 250,000 motor vehicles will pay license fees in this state. When Oregon launched her ambi tious- highway program in 1917 there 'were no paved roads outside of Multnomah county, which had a few miles of paving. At the.pres ent time we have in Oregon ap proximately 45,000 miles of public roadsi' The State Highway Con mission has designated 4400 mites of road as state highways. ' Nin hundred miles of these statei'h ways' have been paved, nlv'e hun dred fifty are oiled macadam, fif teen hundred miles have a crushed rock or gravel surface, two hun dred fifty miles are graded but not (OoBtin4 a par S.) ' , PORTLAND HAS BIG FIRE Junk Company Located at ' Foot of 1 Went-Sheridan 'Wiped .Out ' - PORTjLANDr Sept1.--(AP)J A spectacular fir which broke out late tonigbl' totally destroyed two large., buildings-, occupied by thQ AUska Junk .company at. the foot of West, Sheridan street' The structures were owned by, the'O W, R.and Tfce fl re marshal was unable. t estimate the dany- asea.Ufco'agit-ir. waa unoff legally Placed at, " $ J 0 0 ,0 0 0. to the. huild tursTand contents,: the latter, con sisting mostly of machinery pipe and Junk of various, kinds.,' ; . -the fireboat. .Williams. and ten fire companies under, the. personal direction; ,f Chief ; batted the , flames Jfpt practlcaUy an t hpur before 4'the"y were extin guished ' ' ' s 4 HEARINGS A W U0 U N C E D Public Service . Coninii -sion. Mxes .-'1 Dates for Complaint Hearing . of Uhe. itpplicatlon of ihe Oregon Trunk Railway': com pany, for, permission to construct railways across certain streets pand ' highways. has : been set - by ine. public service commission for September 21, at Pcrtland. . The " commission " will go to Klamath Falls September 2S where, a, complaints of the Wood Hirer Power com-cainr arainsf Calif ornla-Oregon Power company wui .he .heard. - ,Thf; Wood River Power ' com tanv all.ta-o that California-Oregon Power company proposes to invade Its territory. ' The application of . the star highway eommlssion for an order eliminating a grad crcy-'-sr th Sprtngfield will be heard at Tn G.W.THOMPSON NEW ALDERMAN r ; : ;4 , - - ".- :"V . SUCCEEDS BYRON. BRUNK AS WARD 3 REPRESENTATIVE ; , Hollywood' District Asks PoHc ; Irotectlon; , Attorney's . pay Raised . - The city, council by a vote of 1 to 6 last night elected , George W. Thompson, 226 North 6th street, as a member of the council to suc ceed Byrun Brunk from. Ward 5, the Hollywood ' district. Thomp son's lone opponent for the place was David! O'Hara. candidate 'of the Hollywood community club. A petition bearing about; 20 names was submitted supporting O'Hara,' while - 133 names were attached' to the ; paper asking Thompson's election. : ; , j Thompson was a member of the city council until , 1926 when he retired:- He served' as chairman of the plumbing committee, and is said tOyhave done, a great deal of constructive, work on several other? committees. He ls a carpen ter, by; trade. Byrun, Brunk, the ! retiring councilman, has - moved to Ta coma. - His resignation . was pre sented by Mayor Livesley. - John. Williamson, a heavy prop erty,, ownerj: in the. Holly wod 'dis trict. . appeared before the- council and. asked that a police .officer be regularly assigned to patrol that sectionl.. With the state fair ne week, attracting; an undesirable element to the ifcity audi the d Ira lights, in., Hollywood making It convenient for night -prowlers, he declared that : police protection Was- indispensable. - The matter was referred to the police commit tee." ' . A-resolution increasing the sal ary of City Attorney Williams J75 per month, retroactive from Janu ary, 1, , 19 2 7,. waa passed, by the council. The; resolution was In troduced ,by Alderman Dancy. ' The present .salary of. 2150 per month was. set several -years:, ago, it was, pointed outand is not ad equate. Out of that the attomey reatjuid th tele phone.' Since January 1, the. new city improvement proposa lahave brought?a great deal ' more ' work attorney, it was also said. Another resolution introduced by, Dancy which passed called for the expenditure of 11200 through the city recorder for .'compiling binding; 'and radeking bid, ovdi nances. .,.-,... t Meney for the salary, increase and the ordinance! compiling are to come from the street , improve ment' fund. ANOTHER BIG GOLD FIND rrtl.d : Newspaper , Again Starts Reports of Rich Strike PORTLAND, Sept..l9--(AP) The Morning Oregon ia n's ; Bend correspondent ' says that, with scores of prospectors In the hillS and hundreds of quarts claim no tices scattered 'through thousands of acres of " timber, central Ore gon's greatest, mining, excitement in over, a quarter of a century has resulted in the nucleus of a new. tchrn coming into existence in the past few days at 'Windy Point,; on the McKenzie Pass highway, weal of Sisters. " TbQ t ult jfledged 'gold rush has centered, In the,r quarry at-,Wlndy Prints from 'which the bureau of publc roads. took hundreds of tons of rock lb surfaceuhe pass hlgh way"he correspondent says.' : 4 NAMED ON COMMISSION Portland Men ndf OaerAVoiua " 4 Appointed by Gorerno ' . Governor- Patterson- Monday appointed W.' H. "Masters Eugene X. Oppeahelmer. Mrs.'; J N.- Hel gerson. Earl' C. Bronaugh and C. C. Colt; all of Portland, members of the soldiers land: sailors' com-, mission. ' ' They will succeed Lotis Lang-; ley',', Lester Humphrey, Grace Phelps, S.'R. Winch and C: M, Bristol;' who asked to be relieved of their duties" on - the connlt sion. x - SHERIFF R023ED, $20 Funds Properiyx.of rriwtr in County Jail;. CUecJks Left " MARSHFIELD. ' Ore., Sept. 1 9 CAP) -Burglars broke into the office of Sheriff Gage, In the Coos county -courthouse last' night and escaped, with." about $20 r':?h, which Jbad been, left, ia a linked cash drawer. . TheburgUrs left the -hammer ' which, as cscd to force open the drawer, and atc-t $500 fa checks.' T- money I. longpd to prlsnner 1a 11 nrt to th temporary auto oMle license fund.' - GDUIIL1IES FOR EXTESlDu 0B70IT1EE Two; Lots oh i Court' Street East . of Church to Be Included, Decision RESIDENTS ALL FAV0H Alderman ; Rosebraugh's Oppo'sN tion Futile; Zoning Conimb- , 1 .Inn RnniHM, Klanil' Mt ! J i leetlng'Earlier la Day ; , Unswayed, by Alderman. W. W. Rosebraugh's 1 impassioned re marks against what be considere! a" threatened encroachment oa Salem's -beautiful civic center, elty4 councilmen last, night voted to Include two lots on, Court street owned by! R. B. and; Breyman, Boise- In. the general extension -of; the business district-north. 'i 1 Attorney: Walter E, Keyes ajx peared for the owners of the prop--erty, and F. G. Delano, a taxpayer In that block, voiced the penti ment of, all people, living there as In.favor of Including the two lots. A. petition bearing several.' names was presented. Nearly all coun cilnien had been ' approached be fore .the meeting and sounded ns to, their" views.- Alderman Town- send was the only other member of . the , group tor. vote .with Rosa hrough. L First St ami ltet'ersetl Alderman' Rosebraugh's stand was something in the. nat ure of - a minority report "from theZse. Jug commission as the coTr.mlsfdo i at a special meeting yestorJay ioon ' iOmntlttrttM 'bo 'pi' . COUNCIL SELLS 1 V$200C0a BONDS ' ., ' ' . ... ! EASTERN 4 BIDDERS SUCCEK-I FUL BY CIX)SD, MARGIN, ( . , - -" y 1 ' , l A., D. Wakeman. & .Co. -Make i. '' Best, Offer; Lumber n n's -, . J - ' -Trust Co. Hecorl : J ':'"r.-:: An' eastern firm, A. D. Wake man and company,' was the suci cessful bidder for two blocks ot $100,000 each sewer and bridge bonds, -when bids from five bond buyers were ? at, the city council meeting last night. The high bid was fl01.u3, only 3 mills per? hundred Above that of the Lorn bermen's Trust company, of Port land; On i the 1200,000 total there was a difference of only G " ;'Tve award to the eastern flrrm waj over,, the recommendation ofi b 'ways and means comralttoo which .held that an Oregon firm, s?M)uld be. favored since the. dif- -ferehce waa 'so slight. . Aldermaa iRosebraugh-presented the report A remark by the rep resentative "that don't see howr, the city can legally, accept thrt next highest bid,", brought rat- ton and Dancy to. their feet i:i protest to the committees report- Mayor Livesley declined to rec ognize the report of the commit tee, and entertained another mo tion that the bond go to the h?M bidder. The motion carried uaac imously., ,.;- OtKerbids 'submitted "were n I follows: Burr, 'Conrad, an. I Broom, $100,611; Lumberman'. Trust company, $101,027; Dlvti. Witter, "Co., $lt)0.31;, , Free:- . -ri. Smith. and .Camp cot r $101,521, , - Before 'the. bids could be r. ed it was necessary to repfl tain sections of an . which required 10 days notice the papers before bids c-ouKl 1 '. awarded. Only nine days, found to have elapsed sinf.-e t' j bids were first advertised. , Dempsey-Tunn'jy Extra . Thtircdciv I j The"b!s rlnu Lattl:-, towr I which all other r.iajcr h tvr weight contf"; for tLa r 1 year have bcn Iid!-!", will 1 staged at,t;c: ' 1- rs Ti ca.rct, TLurs 'iy nll.t. will be received here T about, "5:15 v. m. s- 1 ffjfct'wlll f over I and ;3 p. n. Tl.a l willbroarrt f.f.l t wi!! r ' . -i: i