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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
SUNDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 18, 1927 TIIE OREGON STATrXVAN. SAUKM, UKL'UON RUSSIA SBUiUG-- -I SIIKIEPII Soviet Government Gets Them For Experiment ; . StatlonsOver There " . In the Interests of thai-departr ment of agriculture of the United States of Soviet Russia, Michel S. Peref erkovitsb. chief of the bu reai of animal Industry.-and Alexander-Jlonianenko.(- specialist in animal breeding; spent" Thursday lu'jtuid about1 Marion county bay ing purebred Shropshire ewea. 4, Assisted by Kdgar L..Ludwlck Wtid Dewitt.U, Barnes of the, Pa fiefs Cooperative .Wool Growers' association the Russian delegates t.lei iOie flocks of P. A. Doer fler, Floyd Fo, Q.Jt Thompson, and J. Thompson, and pur chimed registered ewes to be ship ped to Russia, where they -w'lt be placed . at experiment stations. They. were particular, to select one and two year old ewes only, that the maximum of production might be" thus gained, since the cost pf transportation J too great to per mit it he purchase of older sheep.' J Th lambs from these ewes are to te ' sold -to Russian farmers at a price of from, five to ten dollars, per -hea$ on a three year credit fc PPtiiAR cote-oldjvshioneS ; Although EUiabethlYommyTBiair does not smoke, dance brrink he ly.been elected the most popular co-ed on the Oklahoma-Agricultural And Mechanical college campus at Stillwater. OkiAv, by men student. , f.K EEC 3 Lota me ret a es(era Cbfffracfifts a i W .M ,.'-." r ::i.o:"i:.v:::::i:;vl i-- ' V' 4 ' vs : , . , - . , . . ? i . x v ... - 1 . ' 1 - W 4 . i . ' - -1 - ' - . " ' V - -' !" . ...L.WI.r.u.i, I: . S .JT - Waibel at' WUlimlnla, Oregon. Mr and MrSf iD. .Adkina, and Mr and; Mrs. Bert Scott motorea to rortlandWfedmeadayi; 4 j- ! '. Mr and Mrs. Reuben Do Jardin visited . Mr. De Jardin' ; parents at GerTais Tuesday erenrng, . & Our recoM-uflRaJcs' eloqueaUy Jf ( oar; capacity' to. fulfill any demand in the building line.' Per manency and econ omy are two of our watchwords.,. Why not consult us? i'lLet us .Build - for You" - Capital Builder's Bligh Bide. ; . : Building Contractors u Phone 5 basis," " In accordance with the fanners. .ability totpay. ; Lradn Nations in WikkI Russia is now the. largest wool producing county In the world, with a total of one hundred and ten million sheep; Australia, with seventy-three . million, is second, making America; third, with Corty tottr: .htlllion. put, although her gfoss production Ls greater. Russia has, for the past few years,, been making great efforts, by import ing the best breeds of other coun tries.l;torfobtaiit' the, maximum of quality, fn both mutton and wool production. " . rMr.Pereferkoritsh and Mr. Ro manenko. have traveled through Englaid. Australia, .and all over Europe purchasing sheep, but thojr expressed their preference, for America j saying that American business methods are raor accom modating, and American hospi tality is more generous. Thf yplan'to' return to this val lej next year, and hey urge all' ftsheep breeders to hold their Shrip- snire iamls-, . -r . . The chaD who said he wouldn't watch the DempseyTanney fiRht i for-'a'gift. is not one of the 200, who got -passes. - - - - . Numerous Scotts Milts 'i People' y isit Relatves SCOTTS MILLS, Sept.', (Special) -Mr. 'and Mrs.; Floyd Shepherd and -family spent'the weekrend visiting $ira. Shepherd's brother,, Bruce Bellinger, and his family it LaFayette, Oregon. Mrs. Lena Bellinger; who has been vis iting her son Bruce, returned home with Mr. and Mrs., Shepherd. Mjss Dorfs Hogg has beetTv visit lv.K her grandparents and sister at 'Salem during theast wek. Miss Pauline Senvolke is visit friends in Portland. t - ' . A. surprise vbirtbday party was given Mrs. Amanda Mobei g at the home of Mrs. L. Vallen Thursday evening. At a late hour ire cream and waers were served, all 'Wish ing Mrsv Moberg many more bap-' py " iltthaays.; '.. ' ""' Mr, and .Mrs.i Willard Kellis and family, of Copao, Callofrnia, are visitine relatives and friends here on their .vacation. Mr. and Mrs. -.Allan Bellinger and daughter were Silverton vis itors Saturday afternoon. Mrs.. M., Waibel. with her son Herbert and also Glenn Shepard are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Levy Sets Up New StUdio on Chiirch Street Miss Elizabeth Levy has estab lished her new studio at 254 North Church street, near the In tersection of Church and Court Mfss Levy Is a Salem girl who has had rare advantages In prepara tlon'or her. chosen p'rofesslon. She is a certified pupil of Cesar Thorn fcon internationally ' famous vio lin "master, who has been the tea cher of such artists of Ruth Ray, Paul Kochanski and Frances Mac- Mllliani N Miss Levy has appeared as tIo liu soloist In eastern' ' cities and abroad with pronounced success, while' her violin choir and ensem bio have been-featured on many local programs. Pupils of Miss Le v-' have' met' with decided success in the professional field. -Miss Levy is president bf the S&iern Music Teachers association' and has recently 'been elected cor responding secretary of the state association ' H1MTORIO HOUSE BURNED CASCADE .LOCKS. . Ore., Sept. 16 AP 7 Bujlt, 43 years ago and occupied as a saloon until prom bition became effective - In the state, the frame structure on the main street of the town known all over the state as the Whito House saloon, , was destroyed early today by fire of undetermined or igin. ' ' Order Special Dress for Women at Church PINSK, Poland. (AP) The Roman Catholic Bishop Lejclnskl of the Diocese' of Pinsk has or dered all women indecently clad to be ejected from churches in his diocese. ' The order states that all women except brides entering churches must have their "hair covered while women with short ' sleeves, short and low dresses will not be admitted. The circular .orders sacristans to remain at the entrance gate, during all church services to see that women entering are :dressed In compliance with the rules. JOHNNY McCOY WINS HOLLYWOOD,. Sept 'IS (AP) - Johnny McCoy of Cleveland, won his second ( start; in Califor nia's elimination tournament to pick. a successor, for Fidel Labar ba's relinquished tlyweightfthrone, when he defeated Willie Davies, Charleroi, Pa., in a ten round bout here tonight. " i , " ' 1 ot or . .fi i INQUIRE "ABOUT OUR FINANCE PLAIT flONITBETTER f Small v i W . I J V ft Payment r- . . 7 Q. L 'A. C. W Payment Plan III 1 ' mA ..II ' U1L I Compare These Prices 25 Cars To Choose From sIgr A ';V,iy:..i.'" 1 I f I U.F 1 .0 2irs. Maryvf. f lynn tfcdfbcr daughter, Edna Mae', were married! irecently at Edgerton, ; l&nti.t ta Lsmbcrt and Andrew Huixenga,; br9tra"i('Mra;'Ibert. Huizcrga(ii Mrs. Andrew Huizenga's fiater?n-law ,wt-)l aa bwigh&r mother, Lambert Huuenjja ia step; f&ther-ln-Uyrf io Kii eifefjin:Jav? and to hia; own. .brother is well. Here's the tanked feroup,. v.cnd"erin, erLaps, what' .further com plications wilf follow alioull tetli bvltla huvi children .of their own. .7 J1" lJL-:?f'f-l J...' f General s markets I PORTf.b. Kept- . l?,-(AV)To- day' eetit: Sheep" l,l66 :Anvontrw-i ; toitla for wek, '(approximate) (jtil oits 4J, - uogs- 4,ll, hp-p 5,045. " - Ctt)t jfar week, active fully steady with rek poi on M f4Mr ronkdrinC quaiity bardiy wp to . last wek'K stand ard bulk slaughter atrs 8. $p 9.; top H.SI& Monday; top )Hifrs Monday 8.: ttt- m '7:85 -'down: top eow 7.40: bulla oxwtly 5. t$ 5.75, few 0.; valra ia.rQ down; otlier largely 11. j 12,r0. Halt: - ajpeaed ' glow with 3a to 5c decline MiMiday; remainder of week fair ly active at Monday's declines; bujk light butchers or . wek II 75 ot 12.2." ; nothing oer 12. after Monday; scatter ing iOlg letdioe uuts ir.25 . (l)' 12.2a. mostly 12. dufwn ; sows 7.50 11. oneeu nomutally steady with week a to : bulk of reteipts on contract; beat moun tain lamtia quotable no to Il."i(: vesr- FKOOXTCE1 PORTLAND. Sept. 17. (API BiSa to the farmer: Milk steady; rw. milk tJ ewt. 1. b- PoHland: but- tenat 43c f. o. h. Portland. - . Poultry, steady: heovv heu. 2f - 2 SScr light IS ft 13c; springs . 23 I5c; broilers aSe: pekin white ducks 0r- colored nominal ; turkey alive nominal. Onions steady; local I G. Po tatoes steady. $1.25 ft 1.65 sack. ' ' CHICAGO GSAIK ' w fro Canada that - was 'eontrary to biUIish predictions which "had bn circu lated gave a sharp setback to wheat ri ti es today. An important oaofficial report MBed at Winnipeg'- aid ' the jield of wheat this season in She- Canadian prairie provinces -would tokal only 8.O00.00O bUkhelg lesa tha nth latest covernmeiit est mat a. dosing qnotationa on wheat were y. I4c to 2?4c net lower, corn 1 1-8 to 2'ie down and oats to 3 4 ?-H f. Italy' "Faic Flower 99 4 POBTUUTD OEAIN f POETLiNJJ. Sept.. 17. -t iPiU'h..i "bids; :UB hard white Sepi. 1,84. Kict v. Hara wiiiie. b. s.. Ma art Sept 4.23,-Oi't., Toy., 1.24; federation all 1.34 Mf: soft white all 1.22: wmUm white Sept., 1.22. IH-t.. 1.22,: hard winter all 1.28 : northern surins- all l4 western red all 1 .20. . SOats. No 2, 36 pound V. V. and gray all 934, , Parley, Xa 2. 45 vonnd B. W. Sept., Oct. $37.75. NTov. f 37.25. Corn. No. 2.-E..-Y- hipaient. Supl f3.50; Oct. f49.-r0. Nov. mmn, standard all $26.50. HAT POBTIUrj. Kent. 17-l-f PiH,. birying prie$s; Kastern Oregon tiinothv $20 a 21.: diHo valley $!6.r0 17."; cneat si4.:; allalfa flT.; oat hav $13 fcl) L3JM1; . straw.. $7 per tn. Metling prices $2 a ton more. t JfcU: BXJRPRISING SAVINGS STANDARD CARS OF GRACEFUL LINES AND MILEAGH RFORMANCE, OF RELIABIiE ' tTTILITY A2TD . PRICED FOR A QTHCK; PICK-TJPa - 1925, Advance Sir Nash Sport Kdst . .$ 9.5.00 Studebaker, Light Sir Touring "-265.06 Studebaker Special Six Tourin 25Q.00 Ford Touring , . . 175J00 -Ford Coupe TV. :.. . . . . . ; . V 150j00 Nash Touring 150J00 Ford Sedan . .a..... 125J0O - EsseTouring . . . . . .v; . ... ; . 100)0 Overland .Touring ' 7500 : Chevrolet Touring . .............. . , j. : w 654)0 : Ford Touring,. ; J 5GJ0O iqr re,'ri:iiMA r - $2000.00 - 133 Packard Sedan ..... .Tv. . .'1200.00 1926 Uuick, 2 Door Sedan .. ".. ' 1UXX -Yellow Cab Knight Truck . . . : . . V .... 00.00 1927ell1flsmn1iilA aathpr Cnnne i Vi .N 850.00 1 .1926 Oldsmobile (Leather) Coupe .V-V 2'221 lazujfonuac, Coach r192S: Star Pniinsfpr . V. : : 1 . . . ;. 400.0a . . . . 4UU.UU Chevrolet Sedan . . ... C A PIT OX MOTORS Inc. 5 1" ; k i J . T: .: 350 North High St.; : O P, N . :; BIDDY' BISK 0? .Telephone " 2"f 2 1 Carrier pigeons "Sports Keporters" on the Riviera PARIS (AP) Newspapers on the French Riviera are using car rier pigeons to cover important sporting events. .; When-'the Tour de Frsrace Ihi? titycle race around -France -cam through the district reports of the race were brought In every thirty minutes by pigeons. It was. esti r.mted thni the newspapers gained two hours over th usual wire service, since much of the course mas through mountainous country where the telephone is unknown. - w ? r 1 ...J Baroness Lucy Morpurgo, of ft noted Italian family, has been called by "King: .Victor Emanuel of Jtaty "the fairest flower of the Italian court.'' . SaLly'5 Sallies 1 aW aT . II , V BTATE8MAH- RADIO CONTBJfT " UT OF CANDIDATES . . -.-v SEPT. 17, li7 t Kama ' Address - Votaa Howard Adams, R. 8, Box 80 77.300 Vrn Adamav 836 8.-1 43.000 Harrey Anstftrmuh!. ltfti N ' Liberty ..... . S.OOrt Pal Archart. 517 Capitol...... 6S.475 nu'ford Baker. 1125 Hin S.OOtl James Ben II, 10SO Norway. . 86.850 Jark Birtry.116S N. -ath . .. : 5.000 Ltanald BirJwell. 506 N. Com mercial ...r.' 5.000 Cha. ay Bishop. 15S N. 14th 'fi.OOir Walter Bodrfelt, R. 4. B. i:i s 86.525 Harold Brewer, Iadpendire( i ih-ejon 5.00O Paat Browa. J2.V N LJberl.., fi.OoO Homer Brown, 2205 Laurel.... fia.000 Edwanl BurtttB. 864, Mill.. 5,000 Wm. 'Bark, 1685 ( Lee .. ;. ::. 5.000 Jark ttu&h. 136U N. Coa t 6.000 Myron Butler. 256 N. 20th 5.025 tut Campbell. 8:Kj.S. 18th ..... 5.000 Wtlbam s. Campbell, 33a N. llUf 5.BOO Donald Cannon. K. 4, Bex 124 6.nttO fo. ' Canaey, 1015 N. VOth...,. 02.275 Wueh Jl Cnamee, Macleay, UrKoa v. 5.000 Leo Ctfttak. 180 12th . 5.000 Jack 'Clark, Monmouth. Ore. 5.0iK aaek Collin. 57 N. Liberty.. 6.OO0 Willard Collar. 20y N, 4h. .. 5.0OO Robert t'onnell, v 975 Front, .. West Salatn .., 84.250 Jly CamaAnca, R.-3, B."274 5.00 J. Delay wood, uto Park. 77,250 Alred Ltovrnt.. 8rt 2Tst... 77.4V5 Douflaa Draper,' 123 H K. 5th.. .. S.000 Warren Eisanbraadt, ft. 2, Box- 90 5.025 Albert Rider, Monmouth, Ore. 71.025 Walter Ktpttn R. , B. 143 ... 5.000 Kalph -r.jre, 870"N. -17th 75.6iO Kenneth Finney, 1305 High and .....,if.'..'-i 5.00ft Arthur Piaher. 515 Market St. 5.oou TrVvton Koreman.- 834 Center 5.0u0 Alfred French, Route 4 66.02: William fiahlwdorf, 1155 N. ' CVttit v. ff.OOO Shirley. Uaraide. 6U5 N. 21st . 5.0O0 Miss Bernia Uodsey,-' 375 N. - ' 14th - 87.250 Bernard- Uentkow. 1358 Honth 13th . .;.- 5.000 Lawrenea AlmoDt Grimes. 1Hj3 I , " 12tU 91.225 Bert , Halaeth; , 1595 Lee; 84.450 Andrew ilalverson. 1744 S. Liberty "... 5.000 Wilbur llarnea, 1910 N. Sim mer - ' 84.925 Daa Hamilton. MOu X. 2 1st ... 13.oo Mara-aret Belle Hill. 403 X. 2oth . ........ B.000 Rodney Hardman. 614 8. 21st 97.000 Kuss Hilt. 403 N. 20th.. 5.00O Joh Haurea, Route Wood- burn. Oreeon ' - 86.075 Ronald llawitt. 1311 K. 4th.. 82.950 1j55 X. Siun- ih T t fit - .1 t - . -f ' .' . -J -" -'W'- " ..." . .. ; j; v . , - r ? i .v. Direcfcry Bisiatxm Da Loia Bhlnln Parlor vrt lor ladles and Owttlamnw Coffay'a Phot Batrtaa Tel. 708. 0ar tha Mna TH1KD FLOOB Nowadays, it's" the young who dye good;. "... MM UJ I SPECIAL for Moiidau; We have about ten thousand feet 2x4 No. 3 common and aliout the same amount of . 1x12 No. 3 common which we will sell on .Monday .only for. cash $11.00- per J thousand. Get your order in. - . - . s GOBBS & MITCHELL r'vejett Hunter, mer i Vera Jlacbins. 2605 Pair- , CroiiBda .. "... Harold Jepften, 1209 Ferry Walter Kier, 1840 Bainaw Tlwimea KlUr. 1198 D ...... Manrire Keiaer, 1230. Ferry.... Kenneth Lewi. 1429 Lea.. Rolert Lobs. 2000 N. Cottage Floyd Maddy,. 1369 B. 13th.. Jrnimie Martindale. 1697 Cen ter ..'....:..;...... ....... Boy Mattox. 1590 K. Capitol.. KdwinrMattisbn. 899 N. Com- . mreiaL'- ...u ............ Milo Mathews. 1910 g. High.. Maurice 'Marrer. 1565 . N; 19th By KM Hia. f 2995 D Pern iMilbnrn, 2307 - tate'... Allon'McCallister. 14S3 $. X.ib- rty Clara : McCanliah, 182 , 8. Church Farl MeOuire. 1605 Broadway Kugene. Mriatyre, 337 .B.lth Leon Mickenbara, . 1295 S. It2h- ...l...i..r:.A........ Kenneth, Miller. 879 Liberty.; Herbert Morley, 795 N. 17th Rohert .Marrow. 1 095 ' Saginaw Mace, Morford, 1715, N. Shore h Ray Nieols. 209 MiH.......'..... Clifford Nile. 950 N. Capitol Harlen Orth. R. 7. Box 18...... Mis. Dorothy Ostliad, 1430 Mario .r.....:. Dllr Peters. 2215 iVrginia Alfred Paul 1048 lain . ... Hotter-. Pid kea a,- 865 17111 Hollands Perry. 1253 8ta.VJL Johnnie Perrine, 1096 N"17th If mM-fmy; 1 815 Shipping ' J ia row Meters, 2215 SI. Vir--ainia Mildred Petas, R. 1, Snbiim- ity.- Oreeon Willia Poole." 1585 'N. 5th. .:.... Henry Qaenv E. 8. B. 247.... Konald Uaamakten, 1309 Wal ler i CbariMt' "Bobbin. 787 - Center.. " Uobert RanMnaee. 613 Market Jerrie Kssnkins, 2390 N. Lib. rty -wK4.i s:.......-...... Harold Rydo, 1341 McCoy;,:. frank Kidout, K. 1, Inda- pendeaca .: Terrem-e Randall. 1460 N. 16th John Ray," 626 8. Capitol. ... ... Welrin . Riss. Salem Height.. Ted Bemhka. 20 8. Winter.. Oeorge Self. 879 ; N. Liberty Mason SfiiitU-TOl N. 14th.... Kobert Rkawia. ,J(:7 Vnter Rovre Sliroliart. CQ7 S. Cap- Itol . Etdon Slarens. 1 098 ' Thomp - on Teddy Snyder, 96 8. 15th : OonsM ' tirorkwell. 135 S. .Washington Lloyd Ktreel. 1810 Mission . Bob Steanaon; aKlem HeiKhta Billy Kyphert. 1395 N. Cot. tag . Reginald Saunders. 1275 K Krank Teraaaki. R. 8. . Bos 239 : Paul Toewa. 275 N. 20;.. Kolrert Utter. 446 Oak V- Sidney Van Lydegraf. 1225 'N. nitBMoer ......i.i..j.. Orvillo Varty. 650. D 8t... Kalman Vadney, 431 H. Cot tage' ' Paul Wagner, COS Jf. Rummer Iavtd Wain. -tiftO Ktlu orin M. -Walking, K, P. .D. 1: -. Box '258 Edmund Weitner 1072 Unioa Marwell White. 1(10 Oak Kelly WirkiseT; -1095 S. 18th Walter Wiena, 1431 N. , Cot- " -taga ': ...... ..i........ Cheater L. Wilts,' Independ- : enee, Oregon ..J... 66.025 5.000 5,000 5.000 ' 80.475 5.000 5.O0O 77.300 96.425 97.100 ' 5.000 fi.000 5;ooo 5.000 5.000 83.925 6.0(M) 5.000 ' 5.000 fi.OOO 5.000 93.625 5.000 95.700 5,000 91.750 6.OO0 6.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 92.825 " 6.OO0 94.150 82.000 &.000 fi.000 '5.000 5.000 . 81.650 5,000 69.400 5,000 5.000 .000 ' 6.000 5.000 5.000 6.00O ' 81.275 H9.050 88.200 ' 6,000 86250 5.000 5.000 5.000 6.000 5.000 5.OO0 " 5.000 68.750 - 6.00O 84.875 6.000 87,175 6.000 5.000 5.080 91.650 86,600 ,6.000 67.400 orria Optical Co. - - 8 1-801-808 Dr. Vutr K.i Marria, 0p(oaietrtat Talfpboaa 389 - tllllotta . Halta 810-11-18 Lawyer 7lepaoaa 106ft BooalOfsky Boa, Tf4. 870 80fc-8u4 Koal tatata. Loans, loaaraasa . De. David.. B. Hill, Orthodox i '"i " tatraightaaiag at irregular teeth) t 8ulta 800 - . ;. H6ora 9 to 6 Kvaryday aicept 'ikuradar. ttr-ri LTQV&TU VhOOM Dra. O'NalU Bardetto, Opfnolrtat. f aoa 68i -ti 40i-aua-4ja-404,-aua WUUrd L Wirta aad Paal 1. Barria Attoraaya. r : 410-411-418 , TaL 186 Laaa Morlay. 418, TaL 76T; Raa. lSlftw' Baal Kstate Loans lwanranee -t... SIXTH PLOQ8, Gao. B. Vahra M.D Phyaidaa. Bartaoa flulta 608. Tat. 1878-3679 JUa, 76 Mabia D. Day aad Dos a Id W. MJIfi : - Attoraaya a Law - Teleohoae 198. . ;.. 610mit-6r8 EIGHTH PLOOK Dr. O. Ward .Davia, ?nral Daatiatry Cel. 616. Cvaniag by appalataaaai, Kuosa 02. ' . "..".....--i . , -: .. Or. H. B- 'oflala ' H.t " 'ilTiTrtnr Nanromlwiaeta 8nrrn. MINTH FLOOR 3. H. M. Browa. lya, Iw. Moaa Throat a-aliat 8nlt oi TENTH FLOOR "Dr. W. A. Johaaoa, Daatlst ralaphona 1286 .i., 700k ' Chal-ar Lat Goorga, D. D. B. Oeaaral Dentistry . If . Ortffln, D. D. OrthodoatVa r'wW 181. Matte 1009-1 On t HZ Ah ESTATE City-and farm property ' . tot aala r trada Wt hava unit tradaa. What hara you t MONET TO LOAN; - -IMduK AKua BICH L. BJEIMAJTH - Koaltor PkiMl ft ft ft. . ' 818 D. S. Bank Bldg. 6a7t I Salem Malce is WL 3 GRAIN . ,' No. 1 . wheat, .white.. 1. 10 " Red wheat, sacked. .. , ..$1.08 Oats, per iillig , , t , ' , POBK, -07TT0K AND SEEP ' Top hoga . ..fllxC Boaa - . t5'07 Top ataara ; 065J.07M Co wa . . .0 8 yr .0 5 . .10V4 - .12 ' ' .15- 1927 Iambs, under 66 lba. Top live veal 1 Draased piga .1M .25 POTTLTaT Light hen a Maavy haaa Springa Rooatera j..06(3i.TiH EGGS. BUTTER, BUTTERPAT euindaraa ;2 Peuad . , . -.12 Buttarfat ' .45 Print butter .47.48 VEGETABLES Boeta. aaokad Oniooa, ; doa.5 nnehaa New cabbage ' .,, J Ntv MUtott : CeJary.-bnaeheg ijucai letiaca ... epinach. . . .0 , 8rt . .02t . .02 0 -61.75 f3 2V ' - An electro-loc which Is prac tically theft-proof , Is located , on the instrument board pf the new Chandler; Royal tsignt and Bjwt tel Six series. By giving the key a quarter turn, the electric, circuit is broken and 1 the ignlton shut off. , -. There are no moving .parts to get out of order the lock is simplicity itself. A strong cable which .cannot be cut or -unfastened leads from the lock to the distributor. ., 1 . , , This mechanism does not lock the steering wheel as it Is eftInfit the law la some states to make a car uncontrolable end immovable' in this manner. ' . : . . . . - e ' ' t f .'. ., . . .. .. . V .' ,. .... . - 1 - 1 hi 1 '-, B I SPECIAL e '.--'xj. 5-f- J .. . BRIDGE s Lamp $.95 Special prices during Sep tember on Lighting Fix tures. Get our price first. - Q ! . PAnviT-:PAINT A high'quaHtjr paini CJO '-'A at per ffallon O " ' f 1 -r;,-1 -i - CI-IA3ll-lTy; v i t ISiD S; 12th Street a-w-Mw ..A B. KELSAY, Manager ' twaaut-a .C5iC tau. 237 Ccrt St.