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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
i i Tim STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGOW SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 18. 1027 1 1 5 a i, 1 ILocal Rates For Classified Advertising S eeata per worst MU p word OmUm ' Three time 81 Wes - "Z"'-w4 8 u psv WTT I me. daily and - r " : la erd.r te .era the J" duMito, eavertisiag r 71.- to -.-Adv.rti.-.t w&Ek2?Z flituatloae Wealed will be takeo aver up" ae If th idrtiMr l -texiber to phoae. v' ''"i-" --v-' guMau will rlo edvor- lliwIiM at , Big L To tBar proper eleeeitWotloB Ada should be 1 before T p. an. TELEPHONE 33 OK Mt AUCTIONEERS F.N.Woodry IS Yr. Salem' leading Aaetioaoer and Furniture Dealer. Has. Store 1610 N. Saatmar St. Phoa 511. 1 H. F. Woodry & Son Right dowa town. Gash paid for ad farniture. Store 271 N. Comm'l Tel. 75, wU lw Ut Rit. 1 BATTER ELECTTOCIAN 8 B. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES etarter wi geaeraer" wwrk; 302 Booth High. - v TeL 1U HIGH AND CENTER Oa , ILLAAMS rUUXS fXECTRIO OO. HOD81 wiring by hour r eon tract, Irttmatea VrUBod Tel Tt We H , BICYCLES REPAIRING 8 LLOYD B. RAM8DEN COLUMBIA BJ veUw eopairlm T fUmt HELP WANTED FAMILY TO PICK PRUNES SUMMIT bora. Rt. 4. Box 28 A. Be-18 HELP WA5TED-4ba 11 WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER SUB criptiaa eaaTotaor. CU ClMiilitioi Maaeger. 8tUwtt effio llmllt WASTED FARMER ORt FARMER'S eon or imb to travel m country, steady work, food profit. MeCONNON n A COMPANY. Dept. Ci0, wimm- SALESMAN 12 TWO HIGH GRADE SALESMEN TO eii mciakir. w i ouia ni tPMt. 1 8 St. f?EL,U ' AMERICA'S QtTAMTT ALL. m m aMfA AHr:i fma opening for itftte nd county dutribut- toed; Writ "ASKO", CBtB. III. lit MO $75. 1 50. WEEKLT TO AORES8IVE men.. rraBent work, Tirtin territory aftlgBd. n obii ee; py Bunacer. 623 Broadway, Albany. N. Y. . s .... - . 12-18 ylMioa aUUic aew petay i xeiaw- baaagor. Bo SIS. Codar Kapij!.x2. SALESMEN; WHOLESALE HOUSE Es tablished 18 yean nut cava ais,T men In tbi twritory. - Previooa aellinc exporieae helpful but seeondary. Biy iriKoi bow. Liberal adTaneea. A. - w. V ibson. Jgr-. Dept 843 201 Eaelid. ATCIaTeUBd. Ohio 12a-lS COLLECT AND KEEP $7.00 COMMIS . ob 2 mvif 829.50 or Suit afad Overroet. HatUfaetioa gnaraBteed. Lat- i cat Fall afrd Winter pattern!, deaia-na J WHITE- ABBEY CLOTHES, 834 8o. Deiplainea St, Chicago. 12a-I8 -WAKE S50-175 WEEKLI iWltlluvu i : . i. . P. tl li. . rtf a Hi erica' rreatett tailored ahurta. Big Donbl 16x4 Sample iell ott tight. . FREE outfit, K experienea eee aary. -Writ today. Sinclair Shirt Manufacturing Company, 741 N Kings bury. Chicago. v 12a-18 SALESMAN WITH AUTO TO SELL EX- teaaiv liae advertising calendars ana novelties for Pacific Coast House,- Fall seaaoa now opening. Salesmen, etart ing now can make good money and pae way for U turnoTer at first of year. Comoiision basis. V. S. Walsh. 59 S Mission 8t- Ssb FtsbcHco. 1218 HELP WANTED Female 1 I WANTED GIRL TO STAT WITH " . lady nights. 1950 Fairmont At. alS LADIES EARN $18 DOZEN SEWING t apron home ; experience Baeetary ; ' materials cut; inatrnettona furnish sd. , Addressed enTelop Brings particulars. Mil Oarment, 235 3 roadway. Bar--: onne. N. J. . , 18-18 LADIES WE PAY $5 HUNDRED COL , oring cards kom; absolutely bo sU r ing; opportunity beginners; experience BBaeeesary. Addrssaed envelop brings V particulars. Artcraft, , 821 Broadwar. N. Y. 18 a-18 LADIES EARN r25 835 : WEEKLY - easy addressing envelopes at home. Everything farnished. Particulars free. . Writ at once June 11 Co.. P. O. Box 231 Hanunaod, lad. 13s-18 'LADIES EARN $15 DOZEN SEWING ' A I 9 . aprons; absolutely no 'JL lance aecesaary; aaateru a J" ed envelop bring) Y) 'ALPHA. 202 Market bo selling: xpert- te rials eat. Address- 44 envelop Brings; lastruetteas. t St.. Paterson. New Jersey. - 18s-18 WOMAN WANTED FOR TRAVELING POSITION not oarrled. entirely uninenmberod, ; with high school edueatioa. between. 25 and 40. Salary, bona sad transpor tation. Give fall information first let t ter. V. E. OOMPTON Co., 1002 N. Dearborn SC. Chicago. ' 13t l WOMAN ; WANTED FOR TRAVEL ING POSITION Not married, entirely unincumbered, with high school ' education, between 25 and 40. Salary, bonus and trauwporta tion. Give full information first letter. Pi K..COMPTON CO, 1002 N. lear born St., Clrirago. 1318 AGENTS WANTED 14 AGENTS SELL GAS Se A GALLON. ('usual high commiasion. tour ad 1 4r? oa cans. No fake. GuaranKed I KiidnH. Free partienlar it -PreoL f i ' ,I.KFEBVRE XMPANY, Alexando-ia. I 7 f. Out, Canada. 14s-18 $40.00 SUITS FOR $33,501 ALL ONE " price. Caioa made of fin quality Virgin Wool. You don't bav to know anytkinc abont . selling clothing. We guarantee your success if you ore haa oat and willing to work. Writ at once. WILLIAM C. BARTLETT, 8&0 Adams,' Dept. 630. Chicago. 14s-13 cimioiTJAcroRa is DR. H. B. BOOFFIKLD, P. B. GU 6 First Battoaai Baak Bl&g. : t. O. U SCOTT. PBO. rHIROPBSOTOI w Hi T.1 aa- mm FLOBI3TS OTTT FLOWER'S. WEDDING BOUQUETS , Fuaerel wreaths, decoratioaa, O. r. . Braithaupt, florist, 818 Stat Street, s REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY! BE0KK M Ut.tDRICM 18t X. Utgk J; i -i Tat. 168 L LKK W. BELL 04 Baak t OoesasorM Atdg. Tat. 484 P. W. (MC18EB 841 QsBrt t , TlapBBao 1811 JOHN W. ORB Hew BUgh Bid a. t TL S488 GE&TatCDR J. at. PAGB 1 B. Ooug - : Tel. X188 T&iAMGLB REALTY OO. 481 Oourt St. ; ; TL 881 t ULBJOH KOBCKTB 118 H. Commarsial Tsi. 1854 VICTOR SCHKELDBB. hWattor 4T . Coib'I Tel. S77 HMUARB DEAL REALTY ti. . Baak Bide. . Tel. 470 BOHHH MT E IrT FAYMsl 14 'iMnm-wtal. Te 87 rhe Oregon Statesman aBLiiaad every aaoralag (aaeept Mob lay) at Saloaa. ta eapiUl of Oragoa. ADTERTI8EMXNT HONEST ADVkJtTlSING Thes el ama mast ho kept fro from aaythiag of questionable aatara. Miarspnaoa tatioae will aot bo tolarasoC. Informa tion aaowiag aay qaestioaaal intent ea tha pan of the vrtiae shea la bo reported to this a swap pa a an Salem A4 elue. MAGAZINES Farm Papers 17 IF TOD WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send fiv 8-eoat atampa to lb rasin Homassead, Salosh, Oregoa, for a tare moata trial aubearipUoa. M( SULTRY MEN BEND BIGHT TWO coat itsapt fox spoeisl thro moatka' trial tor to best aad oldest Journal ia tko Wast. The articles ana sdver tiaomeata ar at apoeial iatoraat t the poaitry knatu f ta Kort.weat Northwoat Poultry Jouraal. 811 B. Com mercial St, Salem. Or. INSURANCE Id f ARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONKX to loaa oa good farm aoeurity. CITY LOAN& W are loaning Pro doatial Iaauraaeo oompaay avsay oa eity residoao aad business property at BV per east, pins a oommiaaioa. Hawkiaa 8) Roberts. Ia, SOS Oregon Botldlag. dl4tf Insure Year kerne or eat aw. Phone 161 BBCKB HENDRICKS HeiUg BMg, 188 N. High St. Jl-t OH BALE FIRST AND SECOND Mert gage, Truat Dooda. Uoatracts oa ; koaaaa Will aet $ to SO per sent. BECKB HENDRICKS HfHs ".. IM N Hllk W t1 WANTED Kmptoyment 19 COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. 8EV oral years' experience, desires posi- tioa. Phono 1732M. 19 S18 rOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT dia-ftinst aad team work. Tel. Tan. Ial4t WANTKD HOUSEWORK IN WIDOW ers home. Have one child. 815 or $20 a month or will take work in rooming house for board and room. Box 1209. rare Statesman. 19S18 FOB KENT 3U OR LEASE GROCERY STORE AND GAS . Station. Dreamland Auto Camp: 3118 STORE ROOM FOR RENT 860 FERRY treat. Between : Front aad OemfDareial formerly occupied by Wither Naal. 820 a month. Inaaira at Statesman ffio. ' ilaprtStf FOR RENT, BUSINESS BOOM AT 260 Ferry Street. 9'10 per month. Inquire at Statesman tfiee aad ask for Rho- v ten or Stiffler. l lfllfltf VOTl BENT Apartment 23 FIRST FLOOR i APARTMENT 1835 State St. zss-zs . FURNISHED APARTMENT. 293 N. Summer. - - 23i21 SLEEPING ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMI ly. Homo privilegea. 1453 Court. Tel. 2098 K. 33sl8 C linn MA WATER. T.TfiHT AXT1 FTTEL furnished, frivate interest. fiia.uo. Cloa ia. 555 Marion. - 23s 17 tf CLOSE IN 5 ROOM FURNISHED apartment on ground floor with ga rage. T. G. Albert, 860 Mill St. 2321 FURNISHED APARTMENT. PRIVATE bath. Furnace Heat. 545 Court. Phone 1057. , 23s24 FURNISHED 2 ROOM APT. ON FIRST floor. With garage, 3361 HsieL Phoae 1938-W. 33sl8tf THE AMBASSADOR, 550 N. SUMMER. Modera 3 and S-reom apartments fur- . atsnea ana aniurnisnea. n 3 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT Sewing machine aad piano included in . furnishings. Tel. 888 or 1337 W. 2318 NICELY FURNISHED. 8 ROOM MOD era apartment, private bath, down stairs, steam heat. 1188 Court St. i - 38B4tf I ROOM APARTMENT FURNISHED ffoa In 1047 S. Ooml -a-34-t FOR RENT Boons 25 LARGE . ATTRACTIVE FRONT BED- A.... - . 1 I . I room near oiai oggn, cmitpiiuj iuu several school. 834 N. Capitol. Tel. S069 M. : ! , - 3318 UOMB WITH BOA BO AT THE ALEX aader. Tat. 1889 1080 Oaamaketa. FOB BENT Ho 7 TWO ROOM FUBNI8HED COTTAGES Rsaaoaabla. Dreamlaaa A ato Camp. . ; !,:,. ' 37- Oct 13" FOR RENT. 4 i ROOM. FURNISHED House $30. -New modera six room n furaished $30. Four room unfurnished, 80. Two rooov$10 . . F. L. WOOD 841 ' Pmte Street.' ' - g718 MINUTE MOVIES MysTEFwX - Ctivwn tW ED .XxiHBlrlLAH - . ! ' I - .. ,: . Tsrrsoee o CALLERS I IDEALLY WANfEhiT GiVErH -1 ." - rvtuB i-TS ELSE THST; J. sir- :v,tfj.:-: . FOR RENT ITsnas ; 29 BO ACRE FARM FOR RENT ON 8 YEAR Leas at an annual cash rental f 8350.00. Farm witkia mile of Sa lem. A. C. Bohrastedt, Realtor. Logos. . loturmce, 14? No. CoosnereUl St., StUm. Oregon, ;. ,; ' 291 8tf FOR ItENT 75 ACRES. GOOD LEVEL laud in caltivation, ; fiv milea aouth from Salem, adjoining tko Willamette river. Would tell on eaty knu.) Call, phone or writ B. A. Kbotea, 1595 S. High St. Phoae 2538 K. S9?U WANTED TO RENT 30 SMALL GRAIN OR STOCK FARM, R. 8. Box 14TB. . 8021 ' ' i j ' ' ! ii LAUNDRIES 82 rn rUt HOME WIT WISH LAUN dry. Tel. 171. IBM B tftreot ' J17U CAPITAL OI1Y LAUNDRY The Laaadry t Pur matenaU. Telenbone lOi 1804 Broadway. ' THE NIW HAI.KM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY T.lote - - te a. High. .TA1LOBS td D. a. MOSHEK TAILOR FOB MEN and women, 474 Oourt St. WANTED MlacellaaeoTA 85 - rURNITURR PACKING FOB SHIP Bseata. 1 Gieeo-Powera Faraitur CO. BSaprSOU YOUNG REGISTERED JERSEY ? COW fresh or coming fresh sooa. Cheap for cash. Phone 17T. 85sl8 TO TRADE TWO MALE JERSEY CALV es. Each from excellent cow, and each entitled to register. What have youl Phono 17F2. 85S18 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm loana. Wa have aeveral applica tion oa hand. Hawkiaa Roberts, Iae. 305 Oregoa BJdg. 85dl4tf I WILL GIVE A HOLT CATERPILLAR tractor aad a four bottom plow to any ob that will plow 100 acres of level land for me. Phone 2538 R or call at 1595 South High St. S5a-17tf WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Rags not smaller than 1 yard to us for wiping machinery. Highest price paid for good clean rags, apply at Statesman office see Stifflcr. 35314tf MATTRESSES 88 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital Jity Bedding Co 1190 North OapitoL Ualled for aad. deUvorod. All wnrv roaranteod. TL 19 flOtf FOR SALE 97 GARAGE HOUSE. AND FIXE LOT. ON ride walk and pavement. Phone 1977-J. 3718 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS ARE beat all-round hnnters. Pups ready for training. 5 eaett.- 1S40 cast n risou, Portland. 37s-18 ONE TON FORD TRUCK IN GOOD condition, may be seen at Daugherty Bros., garage. Fairground road. 87S-20 MY HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS 5 acres, 5 room hou&e. Two wells. in fruit, bay barn, chicken bouse. Near the - John Steiwer Stork ranch, 10 mile south lOO rods east of Highway south. J. W. Clark, Kt. 1, Jefferson. 87sl8 AUCTION SALE, JERSEYS, HORSES. Implement : 35 head dairy cattle, registered and grsde Jersey. , heavy producing cowi, young , stock, tome fresh and producing heavily. Implements, full farm outfit and hand : tools. tractor, -dairy uteoaila. electric brooder. Horse, six. good heavy work horse. Sale to bo-held ob the-John Vernon Farm adjoining the Dallas-Salen -Highway 7 milea"vyee-; 4 tm4aw-Tkwradr.- Sep tember 2, starting at 10 o'clock, froa lunch at noon. Claude L. Brewer. Owner.- , v ' 87S21 FOR SALE- BOSTON BULL PUPS. IN quire 833 Millar st. . 87 8 2tf. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON NEW CROP hoaay. Pkea 6F&. H. M. Mead. Salem. . 878 BLACK J)1RT FOB SAL- IB B1THEH Nortk or Woutk 8atm. . RoaaonaLl. TeL T3F8. B7dl8tt FOR SALE Lire Stock 80 WHITE MALE PIG FOR SALE. BOX 147-B. Rte. . 89s21 T7ETEBLNABIAN FRED W. LAN6E, VETERINARIAN . Ofiie 639 8. Commercial. TeL 1198. baa. Tel 1666. A89m33tf WOOD SAWING 43 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. 1610 Nortk Commercial- : 43ilylStf CALL W. L. HUTCHIN8 FOR WOOD : sawing. Phone 1851M. ' - ' 4Soct.l6 WOOD FOR SALE '43 4 FOOT OJ. 16 INCH FIR. IMMEDIATE - delivery. Phone 1786. - . 48a26 ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND THE boat la the eity at Traooy'a' Fa' Tare, TL , 3S1S. PrioM roaaoaabl. ":; , . , : ,- - 4Sa3t COAL, WOOD, BRIQUETTES. SALEM Fuel aad Transfer Compaay. Tel. 6 9, Bight 1888. r 4Sa39tf 16-INCH OLD FIB SECOND GROWTH oak aad ask, TaL 7SF3. M. V. May field, 48I1SU OLD FIR, SECOND GROWTH AND OLD fir limbs. Call 1990, C. U. Harbaagh,' 1038 Highland Ave. . 4303 BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-locb. Large - load are cheaper to buy. Mill wood 1 ia our specialty. Prompt delivery aad reasonable price. . , FRED E. WELLS 880 8. Charek TaL 1548 V'. v - ' 4Sd9tf GOOD DRY WOOD FOB YOU D. A. r Larmor. TeL 980. 4Saprl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD . PROMPT DELIVERIES. ' -H1LLMAN FUEL OO. TELEPHONE 1855. ''" i- - - - ' - 48aB0tf Read the Classified Ads VrrfcLE COUMTfeSS OXXHZA AND MADISON F0 &E OSCUSSUi3 THE SU2ftNaTE DISAPPEARANCE OpTre " . tfALLeR APPEARS AT -t4B SECRET SERVlCB , S iva UELL- VJEU- VEll about so -ss?iousiy r VH SOST THEM li 111 r k - POCI.TRT AND EGGS 43 FRYS FOR SUNDAY DINNER, WEIGHT a nounda. Hhana Lu Uateherr. loti POULTRY WANTED ANY KIND, SIZE - r smouiit, tuu market, : highest cash price. : Salem Poultry Co. 145 Center St. Foot of tk bridge. Phone 3490 - . 45aepf?4 MUS1U STORES : - 48 GEO. - O. Wlul.' flANOS. PHOlTO graphs, sewing maehtaaa, ahoet aaaaie aad piano Stud mm. UiKairaaa pfcu - graphs aad aewiag aaaaktaaa, 483 Stat - atreet . Ha hot NEWSPAPERS' 47 TUB PORTLAND TELEGRAM BALEnt Aganey. The Ac. TaL 989. ' THE OREGON STATES at AM, SO CENTS par - aatiatk dalivwrad t your mm eerlv oack morning. Tal. 38 or-68k. PAPERHANGINU ' otf PHONB GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE , decorating, paperhanxing, Uatlag, ate. Raltabi wort-men - -- ' PAINTING OOa CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON traetor, paiating, pa par hanging, ft" t 187 Wat Miller. MISCULIaAJrfXUS 81 FOB SALEM 8CAYENUEB CALL 187. 1(10''3 FOB MALE OLD M EW8PAPERB,. U ante a bundle. Statu a offiee, 315 South Commercial. 8U9tl rURNlTUvE OPBOL8TERING AND RE pairing. Utota fewer Faraituro Storo. SlaSOtf FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR OAK WOOD 1 good heater, 1 good range. Tele phone 536-M. 51S-18 BUY USED MEN'S OLOTHINU. JBWEs. ry. Onus. Tools, Bieyeloa, ate. Star Exchange, 824 N. Oom'L TaL 858. OUbj OUSTOMERd ABB OUR BEST booster bocsus whea w do your wldng. 'tie doao. not yen. Electric aad aeetyiea welding, larg and amalL V. D. Op pea. 696 Mill St- TaL 372 aad 2086-J. 61my6U STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES AO SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kiads of woven wire feac. Fancy aad plaia. Bop baskets aad books, logaa hook. Salem Fence ed Stove Works, 350 Court Street 61jly87tf LOST AND FOUND 53 FOUND: SACK OF HOPS ON ROAD Telephone 165HM. 5318 PIANO TUNERS 84 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plane tuner. Leave order Will' Musi Store. PERSONAL 55 IF YOU ARE LONELY WRITE TO Portland Correspondence Club. 1009 E. 91 N., Portland, Ore. Strictly con fidential. Inform. lOcts, 55-18 WANTED TO LOCATE ED. BROWER. fomjerly employed on Bulgin Ranch. W. L. Bulgin. Telephone 2324 W. 55-20 PRINTING 88 KOR STATIONERY, CARDS. PAMPH lata, ptograma, booka or any kiad of printing, call at the Statesman Print ing Department. 315 8. Commercial MONEY TO LOAN 57 P. At. BEUi. 319 OV 8. BANK BLOCK Baaidaaee aad buaiaaaa loans. TeL 607 or 8141-W. i S7apr7M FEDERAL FARM LOAN F. L Wood.. 841 Stat St. .. . a. 87m7 MONEY TO LOAM FOB BUILDING AND on ity property. B. 8. Martin B L. K. - Martin, attornsys, 418 Oregoa Building. TaL 3084. - S7ml0tf WANTED: $4000 PRIVATE LOAN. AND A35UO private loaa on new. Salem horoea worth S8500 and $7500. Socolof sky and Son, First National Bank bldg. 578-18 CITY AND FARM LOANB AT LOWEST rataa. Beat tarma obtainable. Our iaauraaeo departmeat offera yoa ok: pert advise aad servieo ta all tinea. . HAWKINS A) ROBERTS (lac.) Tel. 1437. 80S Oregon Bldg. STflOtf WANTED LOANS 88 WANTED $450. 3 TO 5 YEARS 8& first mortgage, value $2500. Box 67. care Statesman. 691 ltf WANTED Private ; money to loaa oa BEAL ESTATE. W.H. GRABENH0BST 8 Co. 134 S. Liberty St. 5M36tf PLUMBING OO PLUMBING AND GENERAL BEPAIB work, Graber Broa, 144 B. Liberty. Tot 550. its, BUSINESS OPPR. 81 80ME OF OUB BEST BARGAINS Hardware and implement, splen did business . 1 $10,000.00 Garage, oil station, repair shop, - splendid , 5.000.00 Grocery and dry goods, making ' money 8.500.00 General store, P. O., oil station, home, acreage . , , , , . ...14.000.00 Oil station, repair shop aad camp. Very profitable 8.000.00 Many others and good one. .v So 8ALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. Now. - 61il8tf RADIO 82 Radlolas 'For evry purpeaa, fr every pes All staadard sixes of Rsdi Tub HALIK EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. B Court St. Tel. 4B8. OxawrtTtf REAL ESTATE 88 A REAL BARGAIN V4 .. 40 seres, all cleared. Stocked a 'equipped, all aaharveated crop. Family orchard, borriea, potatoes, carreta. corn, Boaas, sad beota. 4 room hoas. large barn - a other buildings. 8 wells. L ' mile from small town. Let va show yoa. tnis. ( r - , - . .... , Prise $3900, cash. - . -, r -SOCOLOFSKY a 80N . . ' Pint National Baak Bide. 63s-1tf f my. melloJ UELLO . CfiiPTAjrJ S DADDV . ErtJSyf 1 StWPLY MUST HIM AT ONCE iJHCsr ARE fl Etts A P0L.T1CAL LEAD E AHX A- STfeOHC? ADN0CATB TOR MOJE. RIG'.D mil .1 trii , i.a I M 83 : . 175 ACRES TIMBER -10 milea 8. of Buah Bank oa.. paved Highway. Price $11,000. part terms, or will take Satesa home a part. For Bale BY LKO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 220 tate Street, Phone 1737 ' 63a-ltf WE HAVE FOUR -CONFECTIONERY A GROCERY STORES With stork, fixture and lea. Priced for ale f rum $1250 to $3ut0. If interested SEE LKO N. CHILDS OO, Baalturs 320 State. Street, Phoae 1727 " v 63t18tf ' $3750 A BARK BARGAIN -Brand new. Bungalow of 5 cheerful rootuK, tmilt ina. hardwood floors, best of plumbing, fireplace,, full basement, furnace, laundry traya and garage. Down payment only 8250. -SKK LkX N. CHIIJJS CO., Realtors. 320 State Street Phone 1727 68s-I8tf SOME REAL BUYS la new coxy 4 and 5 room bungalows, $100 down balance like rent.- AI vacant- lota, and some clos 'in half acre tract with ae buagalows. priced right and with the atme term. See LOUJS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS ' 841 State St., Koom 2. . , 6S-S-17-tf BRAND NEW $2850 Make 1 your j own terms. Just com pleted 4- rootrt Bungalow, built ias, nook, good plumbing aad light fixtures. Immediate possession. Let us show you this reel bay. SEE LEO- N. CHILDS COw Realtor 320 State Street. - Phone 1727 - - I CSM-lMtf , - . , ; , i i i i i . , , I ti moderate price modern neraea we submit the following: 5 room No. 14th St... ..340O0.C 7 room South Salem , . 4650.00 t room cosy North Salem . S 600.00 6 room South- Salem .., 6800.00 The last 3 are new. A. C. BOHRN 8TEDT Realtor.-; - Loans - - Insurance 147 N. Com'L 8t.. Salem, Oregon. 63slltf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PflKIC COAST Wo hv aver 3iKH properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, vary price. ever 'nr.ation We can match your erhai,r- irXACTLY. - If yoa would lie to tml. your property TODAY, eoi-e n TttV. Se GASKILL EARI.E. Realtors I6R S. Liber.. Tel. 1242 63Sltf FOR SALE strirtly motieru Stucco bouse. Sonth Salem, beautiful view. Extra well built and the best of material, will have to be seen to be appreciated. The price ia below coat. If you want a good one let ua show you. Or if you want cheaper ones, we have them. F. L. Wood. Geo. F. Peed. 341 State St. 63S18 40 ACRE FARM SNAP -30 A. under cultivation 10 a. tim ber and pasture. Good house. large barn and poultry bouse. Five good cows. Abut 25 ton hay in barn.- bal ance of. crop. On good gravel road near pavement. Not far from Salem. Belongs to a - lady and unable to run the farm therefore will sell at a sacri fice price, $6500 Terras. See Louis Dechtel or J. D., Sears, 341 State St.. Room Two. 63s-17tf A REAL HOME i $10,000. If you wsnt the best home with 8 rooms. Everything up to the minute. Large grounds, with fruit aad shade treea, beautiful oaks. On the hill with the grand&t view you ever saw. On a clear day you can see the snow rap mountains: Hood. Jefferson, also ML Ranier and Adams in Wash - ington. Also of the city and valley river. Sue ray agents, Louis Heeb ie 1 or J D. Sear. 341 State St. Room Two. - . 63-s-lTtf 35 acre farm near town, buildings fruit, stock and equipment. 85000 terms. ; , , Nice modern 5 room bungalow and parage. Fine' location. $3200. Term " Extra; f ine all modern 5 'room bun galow. North "Salem. $3800. Good terms. . & room cottage, nice lot, good lo- cation. $1850. Easy terms., 2 fine large lota North Salem $650. each paved street cement walk. Fine modern suburban home close in. Want good residence. PEKRINE V MAKSTERS 212 Gray .Building 63S14tf THESE-1 Y-arres, 4 miles east of Salem, .j fruit, berried pasture, goutl buildjngs, modern chicken bouse and. brooder house.. Owner leav ing state.' Reduced price - $5750, ARE Yoa renting f ..Quit and bay this aew - plastered 4-room bungalow foe $t 130.: -$100. down aad the balance oa easy terma. :-- . - ALL Yoa seed is $100. cash aid you - Can have thes 8-roms aad woodshed and large lot. Price $1000. G 00D Li b d Well improved 86 H acre S- miles - from Salem. ; Some good timber, team and machinery, ' aU for $9500.00. TERMS. VALUES going up. See this well improv ed 40-acre farm, 2 miles from ' good valley town. Price 85000. 82100. 5 -room house on paved street sidewalk lights etc. 8800. 82 aerea in Howell Prairie see ion. 8 acres strawberries. Fiae ' road. $2600. Or trade for one. or" two acres. where you can keep chickens. $32.50 Per month for neat 3 -room bunga r r low ia Palmer-Court Apartments. .ULRICH a ROBERTS; Realtors. - ' 129 N. Commercial St. Phoae 1854. v- SSa-31 New modern home ia E. Salem. - Move right ia. Price $3000, yoar owa term. Distant owner write us to sell her modera home in Eaglewood District. Fur nace, fir place: ia fact, modera la every way. Price . $4000. good terms. ' New modern home Bear the Eaglewood School. Price $4000, $1000 cash, bal ance easy terms. Stucco horn ready to occupy ia N. Sa lem.' Shade and draperiea go with house. Price 84UOO, possession at once. Strictly atodera. house aad garag oa X. Winter St. Owner leaving Salem aad mut sell. Small payment down, balance just like rest. Good 5 room stucco house and, garsgt en N. Capitol St. Modera ia every way. Vacant: move right in. Price $4200, term. . - Modern English style home, lot 66x130. East: front, vacant, diatant owner.. This is a real home. Price, $4750. $1000 cash, balance terms. , A real English style home In the Oak Addition, one of best Teaidenea sections of -Salem. Walking- distance from busi ness center. ' Pric $7000. $2000 cask, balance to an it - :- For Good Home - - - ..- . remember. , ' KRUEGER - - the Realtor' Pbw 31.-t47-N. Cotn'l. ' ' 6315tf SALVIA RDJC.QNLy "OAllD OF THE WADOUJER', uAt- t fox , - MMCJM CAPTITkCi IwtaEEPLV HLCtit REAL ESTATE i v 1 1 V 11 K,' I V 83 4 FOB SALE .SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL 9. small acraago, tracts. Vary eloso ia. ' Each with city water., eleclrieity, gra vsl streets, trees, view. Term to suit. Phone, owner. 3716 63ol7 3 ACRE TRACT v 1 ; mil out on paved . road. . small ' buildiaga, well, light available far tllwl with easy terma. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Kealtor 320 SUt Street. . ' Phoo J727 Hi - t V ' - --,i :. .- u S'-' ri. 3-l 8tf CHOICE . SUBURBAN HOME SITE ; !i aerea. excellent ' ami, located two miles i, from' business - district; beauti ful view of eity; -valley aad mountain. . Electricity available. - , Snap at $275 an acre.' , WINNIE PETTY JOHN. Realtor 175 , South High . Street - 63S16tf A WONDERFri, HOME Worth 86IKIO for a short tin '.2.r0 v with terma. In the beasuifnl Oaks Addition. 5 large cheerful rooms, double . eoastructed, built ins fireplace, large aloaeta aad ' bath, porches, baseiuent, , furnace, laundry trays. If eu waat a real, real home, let us f ahow you this one. SEE ' LEO N. CHILDS -CO., Realtors 320 Stat Street, . . Phone 727 .,:,-,..: ' 63S-IHU WEEK END SPECIALS !r Well improved 15 aerea South. Close ia 8J0.. Would Uko good horn ia Salem for 350O0 equity. W have a few- good buys ia Salem homes. 6 room $1900 South. 6 room $2500 North. room $2500 East, These . houaes are good and ou good lota. A splendid boy for tb price nanjed, BARBER a BOND , . 200 Gray Bldgv - . 125 N. Liberty . : r. .-'---- '? . .. 63a-17tf SERVICE STATION. STORE AND MOD era hoeae. splesdid hx-atioa. exnelleat . Investment, yoa . will '.never regret the purchase $700. " - . . Restaurant at popular coast resort, busy the year around. Is fally cquiiuad, haa living quarters, $500. will handle. Confectionery, most modera equipment, well located. $1000 will handle it, 4, vwjB. i aad alcove, new; - parage, pave ment paid. 8325U. $300 down. , -uKRTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Cwart Str. Phono 1186. , 63tl8tf NORTH BALEM HOMES Larg Lota. $1800. 3 rooms A bath, blk. t tea. mail down payment, $2800.8300 eaah, NEW 4 rooms a bath. lot 50x137, garage, pavement. $3150, $500 dowa. NEW 4 reams, nook A batk. lot 50x150, garage, pavement, $3300, $500 rash. NEW 3 rooms, nook A bath, strictly modera. East fropt, fruit and But trees, electric range a 1 Mi oleum included, lot 50x120. garage. Modera houses to rent 8 room. Book a bath. T rooms a bath 8OO0LOKSKY a SON First National Baak Bldg. 63s-18tf SPECIAL ' 11 acres with fair buildings, some fruit and berries, hi mile from school, 12 miles from Salem. - Will trade for house in Salem. 3Vi acres with good house and filling station. Will exchange for small farm. lOO aerea with fair building, stock ed and equipped. $4500. Will trade 55 acres close to Sslem. , Waat bouse in Town. - - 1 V4 aerea with small buildings, some frait and creek. $1400. SKK Thome with LEO N. CHILDS CO. Realtors ; 820 State Street Phone 1727 -,' 63-18tf BARGAINS IN HOMES $100 dowa. balance monthly. Naw boa galow. 4 rooms a boos:, basement. furnace. firenlaee, hardwood floor, garage, paring, jralka, etc. Prle 83200. $800 down balance eaty, new modern f.ngnsh type home, 4 nook. Price 83500. $500 down balance monthly, 7 room modern bungalow, good location. Price. 84SOO. 91000 down term on balance, beautiful Knglith typ home $6300. Will trad for laraTt '- -. . . Loaa , , , Insurance ; Rentals V J MELVIN JOHNSON 820 U. E. Baak lildA". Pbone 687. 6318tf JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A close, ia Acre Horn. No City taxes and only 9 blocks' from Salem business - center. Chose level deep avlluvial oil. irrigated by a high pressure auto motive electric pump from well at house which . haa 5 . rooms .electric lightst. 2 poultry honsea. garage and work shop. Now Just think, we can sell you thia choice land aad homo where yoa eaa make a living for only $2500, - $700 eaah and halanre $2& a month iaelad- - ing intercftt. Owner not able to take care of place Js reason for telling. FOR ..THIS -CHOICE BARGAIN AND AN : EXTENSIVE - LI8T OF OTHER BAR GAINS in Salem city botues, acreage home -and - farms See -Wells Tallmaa ; A Sob. 216 Mssenie Temple. Phone 618 , 63s-18tf slAlTSI llytB' ; LOTSt $10 dowa balanae ..monthly lot on ' " Waltar.' ' $10 down, $10 per mo. tot on Haxel Ave., clot to ' South St. Pric $528, $10 down $10 per mo. let 52x128 oa N. 13th St. Pric $500. $50 dowa bslanee monthly, lot 52H 138 larg English walnut tree. east front. Pric 8700. $50 down balance monthly, lot 45x187 oa N. 16th ft Kansas Av. Price $850. $100 down, balanee monthly, lot 60x185 ' oa Hood St, Price $1850. -- $850 down, fiae east front corner lot on N. Winter Bt. Price 8 13 SO. $1600 fine lot on N. 8ummr St, Let in all part of the eity. MELVIN JOHNSON 820 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. Phoae 687, 63tl8tf M'ORTH WHILE ACREAGE BUYS 5 A. about mile north ; 8 H in culti vation, balance timber aad pasture, creek, fruit, garage, bouse, $3500. Ac cept residene. - 8 aU BOTTOM LAND ON THIS 11 A., 4 room with, boaement. water -- system Only 83000. On Pacific High way ISA, lot fruit and berrie. 7 rooms, electricity, water system, good barn $8200. Accept - Saleoy residence 25 ACRES NORTH 10 ia cultivation ad fruit, balance good timber and pas ture, along -large ereek. Good S room . bouse, barn - and- larg new chicken hens. Dandy buy for $4000. DAIRY AND STOCK FARM EUIP ped 169 A. all ia cultivation. 2 milea from town, good 8 rooms, with water system, 3 large barns aad other build ings. Full lino machinery' including . thrasher. 23 errs, horses, etc. $27000. Consider clear property a part Jay ' mant would rent. T WE HAVE ACREAGE all lises, price aad location So before T? yoa deal. -" TBI ANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street, , Ground Floor "HEADQUARTERS FOB FARMS" :ai:" - " - - - -- - ess-istf r REAL ESTATE ,Ta-r CDUr4TgSS Y3, IM OFFICE PRESENT WOO CAME, IN "3UST Vsl TiM2 , VJR, J.OB8VC O'- lrt?fS-. We MtSOOI TO AND I DOJT BLAME WM A BVT,rMSS SY1V1A AiQ.CREE - DAPriED X LXJ: VT-T FEAR 83 87- are Farm" weli improved - -With S room modera home stacked aad ".equipped e a good road. Will take Sal em or SilvertoB homo ia ea deal. SALEM REALTY CO. 4C2 Sut streot . easictt ANOTHER ONE- t 'HAVE : BUILT' 16 koeaea ia Halem Migbway Tracts aatd W each whoa euseplfted or before. That mesas real value. I have another. , ready to eccupyv ia eaa week. live . rooms aad anfiuished apstaira. plumb ing, aad eleetrie fmtnrea. tail taa. etc.. a jewel, with ae-balf .acre rirh garde Und. Price $3300. Terma. 8104 cask and $l per month. Carle Abrama ' 1465 ChcBivkeU St, Phone, l94J. ' - , - ,,' ,. ;- - 637tf FOR RENT tFriCE" SPE AND L (leak, .firs Nat- Bank Ttldg. cheap, i O Koom iwpiee. auuse, tuouern. . near Stat Hsuaa.'y' ' , v." - Room house furnished, aear High - sriiool. : .. - 5 Room Apt, nicely furnished.-modern. i 8 Room house furnish'!, modera;' For Kale Good lot ia " Walnut Park ' - - addition $&0. ' , . LANE MOKLF.Y AND CO. " 418 First NaC Bank Bldg. TeL 757. . - i 6:ral5tf : RANCH BARGAINS ' . - 8 acre, ft- roam modera bouse, barn. coop, some - fruit, , Hayesville district feivo; terras. J2I' aces, 4 room ' hou&e, barn. coop. fruit. 2 milea front town storked; aad qnipped, $2500,' terma. ' i - SO acres, ' all cleared,, barn, fenced. 60 rods of town with good kigk school, $2750. $500 eaah, balance te suit. - 40 acres, all cleared, old boose bara. $500 worth of crop. . stock a equipment. $3900. b - cash, balanee to uit.. --' "- - - SOCOlX)FSKY- a SON -Firxt National Bank Bldg. 63a-18tf , 8 acre ail ia eulttvauoa, good build ings, excellent chicken ranch. ' Only $3650.00. . $750J)O.,dowa,- - ' On of the beat restaaranta la Sal u doing a baaiaeaa of $128.00 per day r better. Dowa town location. Long 5 acres 1 mile 'from towa. r Good Drnldings, fruit, electric light, running , water. Only $4500.00. Will Uke a house to $2500.00 ia trad. S8K acres 13 miles from Salem all ia eultivatioa. 6 - acre ia - bearing S runes and walnuts. Good houaa. poor arn, good well, good family orchard nicely located o a good - macadam road. .Will trade for bouse la Salem. Small payment . down, balanee eaty terms. . 4 rooms and nook. Basement, fur aaco. fireplace. Located ia North Sal em. $100.00 dowa, balance . $30.00 a month. Why pay reatf 4 room plastered bouse, bssemeat, .- furnace, nice lot located oa Nob Hill for $2350.00. 8250.0O dowa. balanee $33.00 a month. 5 room new hous near Highland Avenue. Hardwood floor. furnace, basement. lots of fruit, for only $3500.00. $300.00 dowa, $30.00 a month. 6 room house with large lot 75x160. - Price $2600.00. Will take a ear a first payment, balanee like rent. GASKILL a EARLE. Realtors " 166 Sonth Liberty Street Phone 2242 ' - 6381 4tt REAL ESTATE TRADE 88 TO EXCHANGE 6Vi Acre tract near Mt. Angel, good 6 room house and other buildings for Salem property or would consider, property near San Francisco. Cal. Nicely located 20 aero ranch aear Sub limity, good 6 room house and barn, price $6000 including all stork and equipment. Will take good home to Salem as pari payment, . For Exchanges. ., Remember KRUEGER "The Realtor" T-Qrc. 851 8 TAXIDERMIST 88 DEER HEADS MOUNTED. OENE E. Wiggin, Taxidermist, 11 Norway. !' - 688-1 6tf REAL ESTATE ttobr-toam 8 AT A SACRIFICE MODERN SIX ROOM Fairmont district. Telephone 2564M. - '-- ' - "' - " 9sl8 TRANSFER HAULING TO CAPITAL UiTY TRAHBrik CO. S36 State 8k TtL 8. Diatribatiag. for warding aad storag oar specialty. Got wug rat..:- WE MOVE. STOKE AND SHIP HOUSE . Bold goods. , Oar poeialty ia piaa aad - rum lure moviag. wa sin make oaa- try trip. Wa- aaadJ the Beat eoa aad wood. Call b ua fr priee. We fir Coed meaaur, good oaaUty and oed : aerrio. Larmar Traaafer Oa. TaL UKO. TRANSFER AND HAULING OS ALL . tnaaa. Tat, 73F8. , - SALEM TRANSFER a FUEL CO. Local add loag diataaa hauling atorag aad fuel . . 9 8- Higb, TL 629. TOaSOtt WANTED Real Estate. 71 WANTED FARM. HAVE INCOME - Property. Also hsve three small ran , ha improved. Want hoaae and lot. Write box 1207 care Statesman. 7118 WANTED TO - HEAR FROM NON-RES idents owning Salem property. Write atatinr pric. - terms. Bos 1208, car Statesman. 71818 WATER . 74 OREGON WASH, WATER SERVICE CO. Office 804 South Commercial St. Tea -mmm mm J! A tfl, , iwm is aavaaoav mm ssasnisa tag as sess r aay aaa aalea water 1 ska ofv eenr neaeum TRAVEL 78 ' - - - T-B-A-V-8-L 8afety, Swiftly aad Comfortably la baaea of the Parker Stag - Ida. 8-T-A-G-E-8 L-E-A-V-E F-O-B Bilvrtoa-e 7 a. at. It a. au, 5 p. at, , Mt, Angel 11 a. m $ p. at, Dallas 7 at 9 a. m 1:35 p. ta. Fall City 7 a, m, 3:10 p. tav. 6:15. Independence 7 a, m 9 a. at.. 11:18 . a. as., 8:10 p am 5:15 p. m. Sub-,. ! day oaly 8:80 p. a,- Monmouth 7 a. m, 11:1$ a. av, " 8:10 p m, 6:15 p. as. Suaday r. only 7:10 p. as.; 8:80 p. m. MeMianville 8:80 a, nu, 3:10 p. m 8:1S p. a. Newberg 8:80 a. 9:10 p. at 5.1S p. at. Tillamook 1:10 t, a, 3:10 p. at,' Call 823 or 696 for lafonaatioa .-'- - dtf Z ; AUTOS WANTED X 77 CASH PAID FOB FOUDSeEIKXji AUTO flaltf By Ed Wheelan VtXJR Nice .cosr AT CECUMg VvrEV DcvrLcp. REAL ESTATE r. n USED T RS FOR AMJ ?I . Two 1-926 Hudson Coaches ae 1082 Paige Sedan line 1 - Willys Knight touriag One 1X2J Stndebaker lourinj. HARHrriT BKOS 204 N. t'spitol. Agency for Gardner Kigla to-lioe. ltaj) 0 ; ' iOm VAKlt CARS : .1954' Star teope. 1925 Ford Coupe. 19J3 rtndy. Upl. touring. 19.3 Maxwell touring. t i92V Hup 4 touring. , ' 19'.t Chevrulet touring. . 1JT24 Kaigkt Hedaw. 1922 Lare Big His touring, glass .n elosure. Just tlie car for a Su nn New tires. Lot of extras, A fine find 1 he class of a car. ; - Marion -Auto Co. "Stndebaker Bad Krki Si a Dealera for Salem aad VI anon County, Aak for K. L. UikUss. lid tar lt a.l-r South Com' I. HI. Telephone 3 !. USED CAR UT. NEXT TO rl KK STATION ON CHKMKKRTA Phone 2117. ' ' 8tf LOOK - THESB - OVEI 1927 . OidauMkbil Com pa . 1926 Pentiae Coach $o - , 125 Chevrolet Sedaa ..... 4 . 1924 Buirk Sedaa 1924 Star Conpater . . ...84i 19i4 Chevrolet Med a a . late Ford Con pea .. $i0 Several other good buy to choose from, priee rsogiag from 850 to $on. Capitol Motors Inc. ' Biddy Bishop 350 North High Street Two ' of the Best PACKARD ' OLDSMOB.LF 79a3--tf 1926 Essex Coach Equipped bumper front aad rear, fog tight, apar tiro almost sow. This car ha beea drives very little. aad it 1b fif hap. -Will take a smaller ear - ia trade and give time oa balanee. Call 493J. Mr Rappf Apt. 306 - . 79tirtr Used Car Bargains Fnrd touring, lfasaler Shock. rood tdp- aad curtains. Rune good . ... Baby Graod Touring In good . abac Newton Motor Co. 'Hudson Essex Dealer PHONE GOOD TRi NSPORTATION 1000 AT 1AW COST Ford Touring. New dueo good robber ... mechanically 10O tlM Ford Fordoor sedan finished in Ma. rooa. - Interior like new,'' good rubber .. 9-r.( - Overland Touring in fine than only 1926 CbevroUr Coac7ilooks like a new ear, been rua only a few miles. Equip- - ped bumpers front and rear fog light - spare tire. . R. V. ; Miror j and lii-ense 1927 Chevrolet 'jn.iaeu. . Demooitrator. Ha disc wheels, at the low price of -9 a tM ' a k FOR SALE -f,ATK MODEL OVERLAND . Sedan 6 at half price. Call or eddre-i A. W, 921 8. 25tb St. . 71 1928 Ford Touriag ,194 Dodge Ce 1925 Ford - Touring 1925 Ford 3 .Door Sedaa 1936 Chrysler Coach 1923 Ford Coupe With Rnxtel 1927 Ford Touring"" t 1V26 Ford Roadster Kirkwood Motor Co. , . 311 N. : Comm'I. Wa buy and aell aaed eara. Valley Motor Company Used Car Bulletin LV25 track, c Voted eb, 6 speed traa. - missioa, frame exteasioa, s tartar, pnen- mi - , ,,, , ... , , , ,. , nana 1924 Ford Touring, new paint 1084 Chevrolet touring - .8175 .8175 .OCA xwif rera coupe - - - - -- , .... rini, ..v 1 921 Vnrt T,iiTin, V . w , 1920 Delivery, $160 body $a Maay others t pick from iacludinr 1927 pickup Rdatr; 1927 Kdstr; 19Jt - Rdstr; 1924 Overland Coup Sedaa (4 pass.) 1920 Ford Toaring wiU l-msa top. ... We Can Sell Your Old Car See Us About Consign ing jit to our Open Air; v ' Market '' Act before it Is too late . Just the Car You Wanted Better t Automobile Values - Overlaal Sod a a 1 - . :as Coach -v Star Touring 1 ; " Overlaad 6 Sdaa . Chevrolet Coupe Dodge Touring - - - ' Oaklaad Sedaa . Essex Touting , Chevrolet Touring Overlaad Coupe : Ford Touring Ford Coup - ' CadUUe Sedaa, ; j Nh Touring. - ' Commercial Car ? Ford Delivery, excellent ahep . " Dodge Screen Dettvery a I-ook ver thia excellent offering of aod aatnmobile today, Yen will fit- Just th ear ya wasted, good n chandise, attractive in rppearsBee. hi;h ia quality aad rsa sea able ia pr'e. F. W. Pcttyo!:n Co. S6S .North Commercial Street ' Telephone I860 "iFTEB WE SELL WE SERVE" 70 f N?' 1 ' O I f.E7 COHPOBATIOmG I - - The Davis Tool company with capital etock of 150,000 cr. I LeaJ quarters In Portland, hit icea in corporated by. Charles A.' liar:, David L. Davlea and PLIIlp CM. -man. - - - Otber articles file! ia t! 3 state corpbratioa department f;' low:. ; . .. ' . ' ' : Interstate Flrirca ccr:;"r $50,000, Pcrtlari; J. II. IlaSsL. P. A, KafU ar l ran J. Ilenner- ' Pacific llercLazts - r.:::ct:. 1 association, Pcrtlrl, (lo c:': etock); U. L. C I. C::!