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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1926)
TOR OftaCQM STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY 'MORNING. DECEMBER 11. 1026 -If CHAPTER ,TilIRTY-TWO jderitrowth,; tumbllng. slipping. Just before reaching the fork, 'occasionally ratlin, but striding leading up to Btrcbwood he turn ed the car around and drore back a fiwi feet to a. spot preriouly se-' lCj for thin purpose, behind a IblFliAt of young birch at the road Ridel By day It would, ha re been Visible, but now only the pale trunks of the saplings could, be seen, the dark automobile- lost In tbe dense shadows ' of tbe back ground. Leaving It there, headed toward home and nafet v. they walked on down the road to the familiar trail, 'not wishing to arouae the doea. until certain preliminaries had been accomplished. Climb ing was slow, .owing to Piggy's burden; in one band he carried a demijohn of gasoline, and the other firmly gripped a box on hi shoulders from which plaint ire sounds still Issued at intervals. Roberta, behind, .had Janet's cloak and the torch, the light of the latter enabling them to choose their footing. At the summit there was a de lay while Piggy cut a smalt branch from a tree and fashioned himself a biuageon, Dranaisning it .once or twice to test Its weight. He,lop "e7 also pried up the cover of the box.', "Yes; I'm lightly secured by. a couple of nails, so It could be easily remov ed. Then, puckering his Hps, he faced Birch wood, and the crisp, calm night air was slit with the strains of his pregnant refrain. Celia. who bad listened for it in vain the nigbt before, wriggled joyously In her bed' and wondered whether she dared flash back an answer. Twice through It sound ed, and was followed by a frag ment from a more modern and widely popular ditty, the signifi cance of which temporarily- para lysed the prisoner "There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight." jiV3omethlng was going to happen! Undeniably something was, nut; none or mem toreaaw an me events of that memorable nigbt, for not even Piggy's prescient Per spicacity had warned him of Clif ford Nixon's insomnia. . Harassed by perplexity and doubt; unable to reconcile Scott's report of Roberta's conduct and conversation in New York with bis own knowledge or her plans; re morseful' because he had failed to meet her, yet assuring himself that he could not have done oth erwise In the circumstances;, ap prehensive that she might have re Jf6fd from Paris without teeing I M, and equally apprehensive that she might still be plotting Celia'a release, with disastrous consequences to blmself and his business should she succeed for in this event Scott would inevitab ly assume that her fiance 'had been in league with her and act accordinglyNixon found .' lnac galling and, sleep unthinkable. . Not baying -provided blmself with r reading matter, he decided late in the evening to take a walk. and almost without conscious in tent ion his f eejT led blm f toward tbe renter 'of disturbance, Bircb wpod. Only thfc f$ct thatJPlggy, under the aegis of his lucky star bid chosen a n Indirect; wayv pre vented their passing him on the road. ' T Noti ing that -the iouse was datk, NMxoa ..walked on for a short distance, and was about to turn back when be beard a shrill whistle from tbe top of the hill at his right. He looked up. Wonder ing' whether anyone lived' there and what the tone waa ttiat the fellow was whistling so lustily. As the refrain was repeated,- he re membered the worda. j Toco, Poco. keep thine eye On the fair-haired girl, for she ts sly; You'll be sorry by and by You ever bad a daughter." Nixon stopped short. Signifi cant, that! Could it be a signal? When he heard the melodious pre diction of an Immediate period of feverish activity, he plunged Into t he brush and began scrambling up the steep hillside. Not k&ow lng'of the rough irail within a few feet of him, he fought his way In the darkness through a thick un- STOP ; THAT t ' ' BARK Tak( '3 $CH AEFER'S HERBAL COUGH SYRUP 5-' SOLD ONLY AT- aCHAEFER'C V . DRUO STORE lt North CommetcUl St. ? L 5 Phone197 -i .: Original Yellow Front "':-:',lThe Pecilir Stctt ever upward, more and more con vinced that at last he was about to find Roberta., The noise of bis own progress deafened him to that Of the conspirators ranidlv des cending on the other side of the spur, but he heard the salvo of the dogs and turned his ourse In their direction, making what speed he could in his effort to reach Roberta before she had time to take whatever mad action she might contemplate. Juniper and wild blackberry vines stabbed him, impassable thickets of brush de layed htm, but breathlessly swear ing, be persevered. ah unaware of the danger at their heel. Roberta and Piggy ar rived at the barbed-wire barrier with their burdens and concen trated their attention on he doga, who were running to and fro on their own side of the fence, bark ing furiously. "Get behind me," he said, wire cutter in one hand and bludgeon in the other. "I may have to brain these brutes yet. If they're ugiy, nop through to the other Got the side. I'll keen 'em out holding It down. Ready?" "One. two. hree go." . (To be continued) (Copyright by Margaret Camer on Lewis. Released through Cen tral Press Ass'n.) Capital CUy cooparative Cream ery. Milk, cream, buttermilk. The Buttercup , butler has no equal Gold standard of perfection 13? 3- Com I. Phone 28. () First National Rank, tbe bank of friendship and leipfuinesa in time of nwl Interest oald on time deposits Open an account snd watch vour money grow. Reduction on all nats at the Vanity Hat Shoppe. 38? Court St. Be sure to see our line of bats be fore buying. Latest metal cloth hats Just In, () MINORITY PLAN WAY TO REVIVE TAX REDUCTION ' ' ' ( (jbnilnud from pat 1 ) tbe house. Old fit Id U confident of obtaining the support of the two farmer-labor members tbe ohm socialist and one independent. If all of these sign tbe petition, be still must obtain 32 signatures. Garner also expressed confi- - that the necessary vote.' from republican ranks could be obtained, "There are many mere than this number of republicans who favor tax reduction." he asserted. "We propose to give them an opportun ity to gp on record for it. "Either we are golug to force1 a tax cut. to which the people are entitled, or we are going to let the country know where the responsi bility lies." HaJik. fcoff Electric Shop, 337 Court St. Everything electric from motors and fixtures and sup plies to' wiring. Get price and nok.-a.t eomplete stock. t) Pojnieroy ft - Kerne. Jewelers never fall to gi yon 100 on he dollar. Watches., clocks, pin, charms. Standard high grade rtck it all departments. . fi CPRVALLIS BOY KILLED father Kxoneratt by Coroner's Verdict Following Inquest COItVALLIS. Or. Dc. 13. (AP)-Ernest Adams.! 14 years f ae. was shot and instantly killed in an accident late yester- The father, W. F. Adair- ref' 'g near, Bruce station, his son Krnest and some neighbors were returning home near dusk from a duck hunt and were after a pheas ant to close the dav'a shoot Tbe father saw something move be hind a stump, which -be took to be a pheasant, raised his shotgun and fired a broadside into his son's head. The boy died ntapv. The coroner's verdict this af ternoon exonerated the father, ue eiaring" that death was the result of an accident. Acclimated ornamental nursery .torK. evergreens, rose bushes, 'ruit and shade trees at Pearcy Bros.1n season. We have our own qrrle 7 ! Com! Hillsboro civic clubs plan $35. OUrt community building. SILVERWARE A WONDERFUL GIFT The silverware used by Miss Jeanette ' Beyer at the Statesman Cooking school at the Grand: theatre this week is furnished by us After attending the visit ii BURNETT BROS. 457 State Street .: - v . .. .. THEATRE OWNER SUED Ninth Death Recorded ia Deadly Liquor Traffic Fetid . BEATON, III.. Dec. 13. (AP). Relatives of "Big, Joe" Adams, m ay or of West City, near, here, who was that to 'death, late yes terday by two unidentified gun men, testified at the inquest today that threats against bis life had been ' made by Charles Blrger, leader of one of tbe southern Illi nois bootleg gangs. Previous attempts had been made to kill Asanas, who was s supporter of the rival Shelton ! gangster and his death was the ninth in the' deadly feud of the coal belt liquor traffic. The inquest was adjourned un til Wednesday after Gus Adams, a brother of the slain mayor, said be believed ; he recognized the handwriting on a note used to decoy the-mayor to his door where be was shot down. Gus Adams said be desired more time to in vestigate. ' Ira W Jorge wen, lu a High St. Parts for atl makes of cars Heet equipped i to accessory store in this section. Prompt and reli ibl service tb mk ( BOY FATALLY INJURED t Automobile Hits Jckle Rwcm on Way to Hu inlay School MEDFORD, Dec. 13. (AP). Jackie. Swem, the rive year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swem was lnjuredfatally her e yester day when struck by an automo bile while going to Sunday school. Apparently no one saw the acci dent except the driver whose iden tity was not learned. A man arrived at the Swem home shortly after 10 a. m. with the unconscious boy and left him with his parents with only the ex planation that be had seen the body on the street. He drove away before anyone in the excited family asked his name. MELLETT TRIAL STARTS Widow Tells of Threats Made Against Husband V Enemies CANTON, Ohio. Dec. 13. (AP) Two of the state's mist import ant witnesses in the murder of Don R. Mellett. crusading publish er of tbe Canton Dally News were presented today to the. jury try ing Patrick Eugene McDermott, one of the alleged slayers. Mrs. Florence Mellett, the edi tor's widow, small and pathetic, with the youngest of her four chil dren, fouF year old Jane at her knee, unfolded - tbe volley of threats hurled Into her home by Mellett's enemies and bis ultimate assassination. THREATS TOLD CORONER Alleged, Breach of Contract Cause of Action In Court KANSAS Clf Y.Iec; ll(AP) Suit for $2,300,000 'against Alexander Pantages. Los Angeles theatre owner, was filed In circuit court here today by J. B. Symonds, charging breach of contract. On the, strength of a telegraph U Your Child , Thin ibid Weak? Right Way to Put on Good Flesh and Make Them Grow I p Strong aad Vigorous , As a body builder, an appetite creator, -and to make' weak, skinny boys. and- girls sturdy, strong, and full of "Energy, there is nothing like. Cod" .Liver Oil nany physician will tell you that. -r ' -But lt' vile, horrible stuff to take, and is apt to upset any stom ach, so now doctors are prescrib ing and wise parents are buying McCoy's, Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets i sugar coated, i and as easy to take as candy. The son of George G. O Brien of Mabwah, N. J., was thin : and pale and did not get enough nour ishment frbm his food. In a little over two months, he gained eleven and one-half pounds, and feels and looks one hundred per cent better. rMothers, if any of your children are weak, thin or puny, give them these tablets, as directed for 30 days, and watch them gain flesh and health from day to day they seldom fail but If the unusual should happen and you are not supremely satisfied with results your druggist is authorized to re turn your money. Be sur always to Insist on the original and genuine McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets -60 tablets 60 cents at J. " C. Perry. D. J. Fry or any druggist. Thousands of boxes sold dally. AdV. school we invite you to our store r - message from Pantacesr, Symonda allege in: his petition he began construction of a theatre in D?n ver to be known as the Pantages theatre, which would "have been used for vaudeville us a member or the Pantages circuit. On arriv ing in Los Angeles, the petition asserts. Symonda was refused a franchise by Pantages. . . A. H. Moore. 23? N. High St. apartment!, and store where you can get high quality furniture and furnishings for rer rnom In rour house f) RPRM A N L A UD5 UCni,Ani LHUU; LEAGUE Stressemann Believes World War i4tu! ttave Been Avertctl GENEVA, SwiUerland. Dec. 12 AP) Lauding tbe league of nations, tbe existence of which "permits representatives of the governments to confer frequently man to -man" instead of depending on colorless exchanges of diplo matic correspondence. Foreign Minister StreHnetnann of Germay today expressed the belief that the worid war would have been averted if the statesmen in 1914 had been given as many oppor tunities of getting together as they have at present through the league. Elker Anto Co.. Ferry at Lib erty St. Autos stored, and bought and sold. Cars washed day and night. Low prices and service will make long friends. () JAPANESE WOMEN LAWYERS TOKYO. (AP) Thelmperial Legal Investigating committee has voted to recommend to the Diet a revision or the law covering the licensing of practicing "attorneys so that women lawyers may be admitted to the -bar. At present no woman I: eligible to practice before tbe Japanese courts. Astoria Booth Fisheries will build 10 new fibbing boats here this winter. Eugene New university bas ketball pavilion, to seat 6500 about finished. LAST TIMES TODAY 7 VAUDEVILLE (j VAU DOUBLE HEADLINER Joe Jackson Mary Haynes the t "Among t's Mortals" InirxiitAble f -th Pantomime v Eben Litchfield in Comedian Songs BARKER Off ho Beate Track Dolores Lopez 'Hie Clrl of the Golden Voice" Ma sk-al . rhy,- Not CkpUol OrcheMra VMa 1rler HOLMAV Directing? THREE REASONS WHY YOU SfJOULD USE DIAMOND mi - "rzmiii v M,in 1. Because of their great heat value 2 Because they are clean 3.' Because they are odorless r WE HANDLE. THE ; OF UTAH COALS Castle Gate and Rock Springs Lump Coal for,' a tbnV : Also. Bucoda. Furnace Coal , ; foria ton .....wC - . All fuel guaranteed .t FOR PROMPT DELIVERY t CALL 930 in. I A "bnIClO TRANSFER 143 South liberty Street tXI3RTtXATES Three men met when the day was done to relate what Its pass ing bad brought to them. "One was halt. One was deaf. -One bad not h; eye.-isht. And he who h:d never kno-vn what It was to .-".and firmly uon his own two feet raised ' himself upon the crutches that served bin in their stead and spoke: "All day do I sit behind my "tand and feast my eyes upon the beauty of the flowers that I sell to pessershy. 'Who'll buy? Who'il buy? Through the Ions hours I cry my wares and When none heed me I glance up at the blue arch of the sky above me and forget my disappointment. Alone in my corner with none at my side yet am I never lonely, tor tne voice of the people they comfort me. Borne on the breeze comes the news of the world, though from my bench I stir not. And think ing of these things my heart t. nar to bursting with pity for you. my brother, who cannot see. and for you whose ears do not their duty!" . He who was deaf read the word- on tbe other's lips and shookhis on tb others Hds and shook his head in protest. "In a measure you are right," said he. "But in measure only Sad indeed is the pnght of our sightless comrade. The glory ot the rising sun, the mystery of thf moonlight, all that is lovliest he cannot shaxe in. As to the rest, it is you not I to whom sympathy must be given. I. have scant need of it. For I have only o wish to be in a place and there by Shank's mare I am transported. You are forever doomed to hobble and must keep out of the way of the crowd lest in their haste they & WYNNE Humor of Kntcrtiiluet Kiddies DcllffTitJ Lady Alice's Pets . Inter fc national News -Cartoon -Comedy fVllcglans TOTTK.V i- at the Vnrlitzcr BRIQUETS HIGHEST GRADES $14.50 $11.00 & STORAGE v f r Salem, Oregon trample upon you. ' I may mingle j I will, for In time of need can run from trouble. " The blind man listened to his companious. then smiled a ekI rais ed his sightless eyes to the stars. "I am more Uesaed than either of you!" murmured be. "True, life's grandeur may be hidden from me. hut then so is its squal or. I bear. I feel. 1 dream and in my mind's looking glass is re flected nothing that is ugly, but onl vibat which is beautiful." WM'A he halt and 'he deaf and the bl!nd thus arjrued as to which f the fh'ee Fate had been kind et ihcre snnrosH.ed one. sound of limb and clear of nleht and hearing, who bung his head and scowled as he walked. Oh. but I am miserable among men: lamented the stranger. "This dav from dawn uml du"k have things rone awry. Like lead still lies upon my stomach my ill cooked breakfast. The plans that yesterday so well I arranged this morn ail went wrong. At the hour of need my best friend failed me. i nd I daresay the imp of evil who has continually dogged my foot steps has out run me and even now awaits me on my own door step." The man sonnd of ilrr.b and fac USE SULPHUR TO HEAL YOUR SKIN Broken Out Skin and Itching Eczema Helped Over Night For unsightly skin eruptions, rash or blotches on face, neck, arms or body. you do not have -to wait for rehet from torture or embarrassment, de clares a noted skin specialist. Apply a little Mentho-Sulphur and improve ment shows next day. Because of its germ destroying properties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation. The moment you apply it healing begins. Only those who have had unsightly skin troubles can know the delight this Mentho-Sulphur brings. Even fiery, itching eczema is dried right up. Let a small jar of Kowles Mentho- Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. For Free Se-mple MU This Advertisement t WHITEHALL PHARMACAL. CO.. Inc. 598 Madura Ave New York. N. Y. I Cooperation-the first principle of success ... All Union Men and Women, your Friends and Families, are requested to be CONSISTENT, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY and LOCAL MERCHANTS. The following BUSINESS INTER ESTS of our city solicit the support of all Working People and, together with all firms employing Union Labor or displaying the Union Card are recommended by the Salem Trades & Labor Council. ARMY AND OUTING STORE J - Army & Outing Stores 180 N. Commercial Phone 1828 AUTTOMOBILE DKALERS Cingrlch Motor & Tire Co. 515 H. Commercial Phone :5 MacDonald Auto Co. (UH) Ferry Phono 400 Marion Automobile Co. 233 8. Commercial Phone 362 Newton Chevrot Co. 52.1 tnemeketa Phone lOOO Valley Motor Co. 204 N. High Phone 1993 Vick llrother 280 S. High Phone 1841 BAKERIES Better Yet Baking Co. 204 N. Commercial Phone 344 Model Bakery 121 S. Commercial Phone 165T Peerless Bakery 170 X. Commercial Phono MH BRICK AXD TII,E flalcm Brick & Tile Co. Tile Road Plio 017 CHIROPRACTORS lr. O. I Scott 236 X. High Phone 87 ' CLEANERS' AXD DYERS City Cleaners and Dyers 1245 State Ihoiie 703 CLOTHING Hillpot A Son SOS State X. Ijidd & Bnsh Bk. Roxteln & Orecnbaum 40 N. Commercial Phone 973 CREAMERrES Capital City Cooperatlre Creamery 137 H. Commercial Phone 299 Marlon Creamery Co. 2O0 S. Commercial Phone OSS DAIRIES Falrmonnt Dairy 9 to 8. Commercial Phone 723 Salem Sanitary Milk Co. 1837 State Phone 316 DEPARTMENT STORES v C. J. Brelcr Co. 141 X. Commercial Directors Department Store ISSN. Commercial Phone 460 Worth's Department Store 177 X. Liberty , Plione 132 C & C.;Store North Commercial Phone 360 N. Commercial , : DRUGGISTS . Kelfem A Bant ' 108 S. Liberty . Phone 7 PATRONIZE ultiea and so intent upon his eted wrongs failed to. notice the three afflicted by the wayside, and grumbling pas. 1 on his way. And tbe lame and the blind, who bad evertmard his complaint and the deaf who had learned from the man's Hps of his dis content, nodded at each other. "Poor man, how unlucky!" cried they. "Not one of uh would trade our content heart for hl. eyes or his sight or his hearing. Truly for him we are sorry. We rejoice and ue exceedingly glad we are o much more fortunate than he is!" Tht- M.ti'MMi UliMUM!t- i T. 4tudehaker. the world' e r eaten ntmvllle vnltte OTcf'ti - malt Will lat s lifetime win "are. St- tit ( kInokks IAZZ VIRUS LONDON. (AP) .Ian has passed the zenteih of public fa vor. say Dame Clara Butt, and is now, on the down grade. The famous cpera singer, how- GROCERIES For Miss Jeanette Beyer Cooking Expert at the STATESMAN'S FREE COOKING SCHOOL Are Being Furnished by the Roth Grocery Co. 134 N. Liberty St. Phones 1885-6-7 Free Delivery Prompt Service WE SOLICIT MONTHLY CHARGE ACCOUNTS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ! Portland Electric Power Co. :23T N. Liberty Pbone 83 FftiLIXO HTATIOXS Harbison's Stations 'Capitol at Market Phone 1936 West Salem Phone 1792W3 " 8. Commercial at Owens n Pbone 1247 FLORISTS C. F. Brrlthaupt 123 N. liberty Phone 380 FUNERAL DIRECTORS , Vebhr Funeral Parlors 203S. Church Phone 120 FUEL DEALEItS HUlman Fuel Co. 1243 Broadway Phone 1833 Larnier Transfer Co. ' 143 8. Liberty - Phone 03O FURNITURE' Otwe-Power Furniture Co. 57 Court lhone 404 GROCERIES AXD MARKETS J. I.. BaMck & Son 1 07 X. Commercial Phone 433 Carl & Bowerox 383 Court 437 CMlcy A Pearon 211 X. Commerrial Phone 1371 " Pad & Krueger 1 1 !M S. Commercial! Phone 763 1244 State Phone 649 Simpson Grocery 135 X. Commercial - phones 48 and 49 Skaggs Xo. 37 162 N. Commercial Plione 4 78 State Street Market 1236 State Itione 374 GARAGE - TOWING - TIRES Lebengood Garage ' Pliones: Day 564 Night 2131-W MlUer and S. Commerrtal X i HARDWARE Donghtnn & Sherrrln 286 X. Commercial Plione 639 Ray Ij, Farmer llrlw. Co. 204 X. ConimerciMl Phone 191 - Kalem IMw. Co. " 120 X. Commercial llione 172 s Square Deal Ildw. Co. 220 Ns CTommcrrial Pbone 1 650 ICE COSIPANIUS . City Ice Works 1 44 i Center Phone 73 - 4 i JEWELERS ' ' Clande C. Moon 844 Court Ihone 633 : YOUR : HOME fan-jcverr does not "condemn Jatz al together. ftf Its typo some of it Is really clever." the declared, "and -1 do, not altogether condemn Jarz h-. cause it has at least had 'the ef fect of. making English dauclns popular. I do not contend though that jaxx now Is most assuredly on the wane. MAKJXtJ A LONG SlWT "oil CAN Take an ordinary oil caii. fasten cork over end of tbe spout, not 'o obstruct the opening, then stick; i wire o,f desired length into the cork, directly below the spout opening. The oil will -flow along the wire to the farther end. ROUGHS I Apply ovr throat and cbst Apply ovr tm wallow am -swallow small pieces pieces Ct V0 V VAP O RUG Owr IT MiHium Mr UJ Ym rff . LEATHER GOODS . F. B. Shafer ; . 1 70 S. Commerrial Pbone 411 LUMBER " - Gabriel Pottder A Supply Co. : i 73 S. Commercial Phone 728 MATTRESS FACTORIES . ' - - - Salem Flnff Rug A Mattreaa Factory . i- . ' Mattress Remaking Carpet and Rag Cleaning I3H and WUbnr PliOae 1154 ' MUSIC STORES . Sloore's Munlc Jltfuse 413 Ccmrt 4'hone 983 MONUMENT DEALERS Capital City Mori amenta I Works 2210 S. Commercial Phone 689 IMIXT STORES C.nhiicl Powder & Supply Co. 173 S. Commercial . Itwiite 72K PLOIBING AND SHEET METAL Nelson Brothers 333 Chcmekcta - PlMne 1903 REAL ESTATE AXD INSURANCE Bccke A Hendricks ' 189 X. High v Phone 161 SASH AND DOOR MFG. Hansen & JJlJeqali 362 Mill. Phone 344 SHOE DEALERS Buster BrOirn Shoe Store 123 X. Commercial Phone 683 Price Shoe Co -s 326 Stale ' ; lhone 610 John J. RoUle 113 State Plione 1196 TAILORS7 . 7 - -1 ; ' - " . V D. If. Mnaher 174 Crt . . Phone 360 THKA1 RES Tbe EDlnore The .Oregon TIRES AXD VUIXJAXIZIXG G. W. Iay 294 N. tmjiiiert ial llione 66 . ., . Sosel'w Tire Shop 198 8. Commercial Phone 471 f-'fr- . . Salem . Vulcanizing .Works 474' Ferry Phone 364 : TRANSFER COMPANTKS D. A Larmrr 143 S. Liberty V " Ptmne C33 : MERCHANT T