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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1926)
1 i ' 1 mm WEATHER FORECAST: Unsettled with ; rain, in the northwest portion; . warmer in west . portion ; : increasing southerly winds ; , on the coast. Maximum yesterday, 21; mlnimnm. 18; river, 4.1: rainfall, none; i atmosphere, ' cloudy; wind, northwest. ' . SHOP , EARLY: Only 9 shopping days remain before Christmas. - Do your shop ping early and aroid the rush. You will find a new delight in this early shopping and- also youll bring happiness J to. the merchants and the post office clerks.- 0m . ; fiVENTYSIXTH YEAR "SAt.EM OREGON, WHDNESDAXi MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1926 ; PRICE FIVE .CENTS i FISH1BEHU OOSTI'JIDEB Fill OFFICE '"Uclcf Harmony" Sole RloVOfferedfti6'nl-; ; 1 minion's Abt'ion CUNTON RESIGNS -POST tChairaaam ; Veatch ,' lieclares fial lagha Work Kntlrely 8atJs t actory witli )ewer Com plalnt Receired 4 PORTLAND,, Dec. l4:-r(APJ ' Edison ' I. Bllaeb, , master fish wsden since last Aaamst. was re state fish commission, and R. E. Clsaton: state director ot fish lihtcherieai, has tendered his resig nation as a result of Rattagh's dis -mUwaL flc ot harmony" was given as the reason for Ballagh's removal, which is to take effect on January 1. The motion asking for Ballagh's - tremoTal was made by W. T. Aiklb. of Astoria, and was second ed by J. F, .Hayes, Tillamook. John CU.yeatXPortlajad. opposed the action unconditionally. iw i r n Kim f m si nsr m ta n w i iih sole reason offered by Alkin in ' -placing his motion asking for i Ballagh's-. resignation, Clanton, who has been connected with the department for nearly 18 yean, (declared that Ballagh has been responsible for closer harmony In the commission than any man who has yet been master fish warden in t the state. At all times. Clan ton said Ballagh has been willing to cooperate -with the hatchery de yctment. .ClaDton. tendered, bis i,kjf f gnatlon to . Chairman Veateh carjriea. - ,,r,J,-.. : "If the commUalon wants to disrtipt the worg of the depart went at this time." Clanton said. "l do not want to be connected with it. Mr. Ballagh has per formed his duties well. I don't know what is behind this, but I rl iS t 1 iront tt ka a MM, tA It " - In opposing the motion asking for. Ballagh's resignation, .Chk'ir man Veatch declared -the master - tifth , warden's work had been "Uipst satisfactory." ";"As chairman. of thiskcommis loo," he said. V1 tave been in lose touch with the Vofk, of Mr. BaUagh. I can . say positively that since he has served as. fish war den the department his had fewer complaints and less friction than tuba? at any Other time during the life of the commission. I believe 'Contiancit pttt S.) MUTINOUS CftEW COAST GUARDSMEN' SOT AL LOWED ABOARD SCHOONER Four Tugs Despatched to Pull Wrecked Ship Off Frying Pan Shoals WILMINGTON. N. C. Dec. 14. (AP) A mutinous crew de manding their captain, to relin quish his command, while the skipper held them off single j handed with a gun. was a dra matic Incident of the sea, pic tured today in reports received here as having occurred on the four masted schooner Charles A. Dean, wrecked on the Frying Pan skoals. . ;.t v i Xost guardsmen, summoned to the schooner's aid. ' had hot been permitted late today to board, .her by the captain and. after procur ing, rifles at their station, re turned to make another board ing attempt. No word , of their second effprt had been received hire tonight. ' r j ; v.Wheh the guardsmen first ap proached the. schooner . in. :r their rj't boat;, they said .theydtacov- ' the cap taln, standing ft 4'Sjf h ;a gun guarding .'the . helm, vjrhlje the ;rew ;was. shouting ile m,ands that lie surrendct.! . . . , 1 .ih schooner .. '-Vwen .saishorfe while a heavy, gala was. blowing. besi was described"' by, the' coast guardsmen as "hard and fast' on ; theiahoal- v. ; . 4 I your tugs were. dispatched from 1 b,ere nd Southport, N5 C. tfr'a,fr ' tempt, to puU heBhip '. rom the rocks. Thq. captains of Ihe tugs ,however,did not Xpect to . . r.feach the schooner until the high ' tide, lte tonight. Tha-CharUa A. Dean -Is a 1100 ton Teasel had going- !f rom Savannah: to.' Baltlmoro with a STATE?fl6RT MEN TNHESSiONHERE SeTeral Addreaaes listed for To- , WiitVlioyd Reynolds Presiding The Oregon State, Horticultnrki society opened its 41st session herf Tuesday with State Senator-elect Lloyd Reynolds, president of the society, presiding. The f oreociij )vaa .taken ;np with committee ap pointmenta a&d preliminary talks, x Maybrneiect T. A. Llvesley of Salem, who was to have given the welcoming, address being unable to be present, C. IA. Park of a lem, member of the state board of horticulture, acted in his stead, the response being given , by . H. Weatherspoon, member of the state board from Elgin. ; "MalnUining the; : fertility in small fruits, cherry plantings and egetables" were subjects npon which Prof. C. V. Rusek of the soil department of Oregon Agrtcultaral college, addressed the meeting. George Cable. OAC engineer, spoke on irrigation. President' Reynolds . appointed the following cn the nominating committee for the annual election of officers; which will be held on Wednesday: Leroy Cailds of Hood Klver, chairman; A. C. Allen of Med ford and W. M. Elliot ot Dal las. Members of the resolution committee are Kenneth Miller of Sheridan, chairman; Henry Craw ford of Salem, and J. Robert Mc Kay of . Roseburg. An address by W. H. Vlock. di rector of research ot the California Spray Chemical company, on sum mer sprays, waa the feature of the afternoon session. H, P. Barse of OAC spoko on vegetable and cher ry disease: Don C. Mote of OAC, on Insects that infest' small fruits, vegetables and cherries, and R. W. Gill of Portland gave a talk on seed strains. Prof. C. E. Schuster of Oregon Agricultural .college wlU open jtOr diy's program with an address on cherries. Ray I. Qlatt. secretary Manager of the Wbodbnrn Ffuit Growers Cocperative association, win "speak., .on strawberry culture. Loganberries and raspberries wfll bo the subject of a talk given by H. W. Strong of Gresham. Hon. Sam H. Brown of Gervais will speak;, on the evergreen blackber ry, and Prof. Henry ,-Hartman of OAC on harvesting small fruits, cherries and prune's.- ..The election of officers will be held at 1:30 p. m., after, which DrriJ5. M. Keller of OAC will give illustrations on small fruit diseases.- He will be followed by PrOf. C. E. Schuster, who will speak on strawberry varieties. L-t M. Hatch, president of the Fuyallop-riunner Fruit Growers' association, will close the. day'c V-ogram with an address on the ."Economic Situation," and small fruits in the northwest. APPOINTED ON STAFF Miss Conkin - Receives Honor, 30 Applicants for Place OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallis, , Dec. 14. Marian Conklin ot Salem, a sopho more in home economics at the college, has been appointed to the staff of the Barometer, daily pub lication of the associated students. Miss Conklin is one of il persons appointed to the . staff from an aspirant class or more tnan go students who have been trying out this term. .... i - - . Students must show ability and interest in Journalism to become members . of the Barometer staff. Miss Conklin is one of the leading news-writers on the campus. She is a member ot Kappa Kappa Gamma, national social sorority. YESTERDAY IN WASHINGTON AitofiUUd Press The senate pased a bill to liber alize the immigration law. ..'.: The jsenate took tip the contro versial house, rivers and harbors bill. : - . . Fall-Doheny defense pleadings reached final phase in the oil 'trial.;-,; . ; :. . . Final consideration of the in terior department aupply bill con tinued by the house. . , . , The , revised ; McNary-llaugen farm bill waa introduced 1ycnf ator McNary of Oregon. ' -'narry P. Sinclair sought to have the Teapot Dome conspiracy in dictment iquaahed. ; --, SenatorFraziee xt North Dako ta.' was invited back tn to Organ b- xaii'on raaks - by ; senate . republi liRY OFFERS ii o ii il 'iio ii i ici TO AID FIlER Measure Shorn of Objection able Features and Brought Up to' Date ftUCE LEVEL . MISSING KqualixaUon Fee Kcniains but Assessed Axalnst "fjwh .Marketed Unit" of All Producers WASHINGTON. Dec. 14. i (AP) A new'Tarm relief bill in last year's gown altered to fill this season's demands " appeared in the senate today,, but a contro versy over whose name should grace it prevented its introduction in the house. The measure, embodying the es sential features of the McNary Haugen bill, but shorn of most of its objectlonal provisions, was of fered by Senator McXary, repub lican, Oregon, father of the bill which has weathered two years of stormy wrangling and the new chairman of the senate agricultur al committee. A- companion bill was turned over to Representative Purnell, re publican, Indiana, and Representa tive Fullmer, democrat, South Carolina, with a request from sen ate farm leaders- that they intro duce it jointly, thus indicating support from the three great farm ing regions far west, m kid lowest and south. Both Purnell and Fullmer .are members of the house agricultural committee. Meanwhile, jC hair man Haugen withheld final "approval until op portunity for further study was afforded. - "I an certalathat-8enator Mc Nary'a ibill is all that we hope for," he said, "but I wish to, study it before I give any' expression." The bill is understood to em body the latest views of a sub- stantial number of farm leaders in both houses. Representative Dickson, repub lican, of Iowa, a farm leader, said he" considered the measure the most finished piece' of legislation to ease the farm situation that could be devised. Although basically .a McXary; Haugen bill, the .new measure is different in several important re spects. The "tariff yardstick" ad vocated by Chairman Haugen and the "fair and reasonable" price standards are missing. The . new bill contains no reference to price (Continued on e 3.) STORM WARNINGS UP ALONG COAST a ii WEATljlEK FORETASTER SXYS rAix OR SXOW : i " 1 7 C . -i Man j- Pofata in Oregon Experience Coldest Temperature In alany Yeans V; The mercury mounted to - . 29 degrees shortly after midnight and .a steady snow began to fall which threatened to turn to rain before morning if the moderation in temperature continues. The minimum temperature for Salefi during the present cold spelt wis reached yesterday morning when the mercury . propped to 8 de grees at fire o'clock in the morn ing. . . EITG EXE, Dec. 15. (AP) . Shortly after midnight rain began falling and the mercury crawled up" to 42 degrees. POARTLAXD, Dec. 14. (API With storm warnings flying on the coast and many points la Oregon- .reporting sub-aero tempera lores tbday, some, hope for warm er weather is at ill held out, ac cording to Edward L. Wells, me teorologist in charge of the United States 'weather bureau here. A forecast at 1 o'clock to night read: "Unsettled and warmer Wed nesday, with snow, probably turn ing to rain Thursday. Increasingly southerly winds." The low pressure area which has been havering over the Pacific ocean was moving in rapidly, to night along the British Columbia coast, and not 'quite so rapidly along the Washington coast. Southeast storm warnings at all (Continued on pga 4.) ORMISTONTY1LL FIGHT REMOVAL WARRAXTH -FOR RADIO MAX ARRIVE IX CHICAGO Los 'Angeles jury Views Clothes In IJttlc Blue Steamef " Trunk CHICAGO, Dec. 14. (AP)- Kenneth Ormiston, radio announc er for Almee Semple McPherson, at her tabernacle before the worn an evangelist disappeared last summer, and sought by California officials since her reappearance, as a material witness . in charges against her, will be surrendered tomorrow to Chicago officials, his attorney promised today. Warrants for Ormiston's arrest reached Chicago by air mail from Los Angeles, and Edward II. S. Martin, Ormiston's lawyer, . said after a conference with Chief of Police Morgan A. Collins, that his client would give himself up to- Continued on p&c. 6.) StUMPED! COOKING SCHOOL ATTRACTS MANY JEAXETTE BETCU" PLANS PAS TRY PROGRAM FOR TODAY "Fruit Cake, Violins and Women improve TTitn Age" Says Efficient Cook Jeanette Beyer's cooking school in Salem which . opened at the Grand theatre yesterday afternoon in such an auspicious manner will continue through today, tomor row, and Friday. A score of sur prises were In store for those who well-filled the theatre yesterday, and a like number are promised for today. Folders of recipes were dis tributed early, and the visitors one row .of which was of men were allowed to choose the cake for the initial project. A Newport pound cakewas decided upon and, with the aid of candled pineapple, nuts, and candied cherries Was converted into 'a Christmas fruit cake which was sampled by those present. The lemon-banana pie, topped with a fluffy golden meringue was awarded. ( Miss Beyer drew the card bearing the name of Mrs. R. J. Hendricks and presented her with the pie. A moonshine cake made t its debut yesterday on the platform at the Grand. Miss Beyer made the making of puff paste a most intriguing pro cess, full of geometric maneuvers. Plan crust was made as we'll. Tbday the program will con tinue with French pastry confec tions and then branch into salads and salad accompaniments. Miss (Continued on page 6.) H6LIDAY LIQUOR CLAIMED SCARCE fJKXKRAL AX DREWS HOPKS TO GET SECRET SERVICE Rill "to. Permit Manufacture of A Medfriual Wlilskey Ready for House WASHINGTON,. Dec. 14.-r(AP) Three prohibition pronouncements were made today, by Lincoln C. Andrews, the enforcement chief that drinkers faced no cheerful outlook for Christmas liquor through rum row; that every ef fort will be made to give the en forcement unit the 'right to use $500,000 as secret service money, and that the government can save much money by permittting the manufacture of additional whiskey for medicinal purposes. As to rum row, General An drews said a check of his sources of information showed very little liquor had been smuggled through New York or other large cities and .Coat!aaa4 a par 6-) SEIZURE HELD ILLEGAL, NEED TIL BY JURY Justices Brown and Coshow Dissent, Maintain Pro vision' Constitutional AUTO NOT A NUISANCE Property of Innocent Person Can not be Forfeit ed to State, Act Void Without Jury Intervention When the Oregon legislature in the enactment of the state prohi bition law provided therein that automobiles in which liquor was being transported might be seized and forfeited to the state through an order by a circuit judge with out opportunity for a trial by jury and when there had been no pre vious conviction, of the offending person, it exceeded its authority in the opinion ot the supreme court. In an opinion written by Justice Rand reversing the decree of Judge C. M. Thomas ot the Jack son county circuit court in the case of the state of Oregon vs. Nona B. Heffling, the supreme court yesterday held unconstitu tional and void, that portion .of the search and seizure law, al though declaring that the remain der of the act should stand. When the husband of Nona B. Heffling was arrested in Jackson county fo" transporting liquor the automobile in which he was rid ing at the time, a Studebaker tour ing car of 1923 model, was seized. Heffling was bound over to the grand jury which' later refused to Indict him. His wife then put in hr claim, for ihe-Automobil aa owner, demanding a trial by jury to establish her claim. The jury trial was denied, as also was a motion to dismiss the case be cause -of lack of evidence, and af ter hearing testimony Judge Thomas issued an order forfeit ing the automobile to the state. "Like other property which may be and ordinarily is used for law ful purposes, an automobile is, not a nuisance per se," the opinion of the supreme court holds. ."This act, unlike the national prohibi tion act. does not declare that ah automobile or any other vehicle ir. which intoxicating liquor is be- (Continued oa pi 4.) VESSEL ANb 'CREW 'LOST Lloyds Report Steamer Balhohn Wrecked in Ray in Iceland - LONDON, Dec. 14. (AP). Lloyds report the wreck of the Norwegian steamer Batholm In Faxa bay, Iceland, with the loss of all hands. Advices from Oslo, the Nor wegian capital. -say "the Batholm's crew numbered 17. including two Englishmen, the others Norweg ians. It is believed that a few Icelanders were passengers on board. The Balholm was bound from Akreyrl, north coast of Iceland, for Hafnarfjord. DYER LISTED IN WILL Local Man Will Receive 3,000 From Kstate of Cousin PORTLAND, Dec. 14. (AP) W. Connell Dyer of Salem, a cous in. Is listed for a bequest of f 5, 000 in the will of Mrs. Mary E. Barlow, aged Portland resident, who. died November 28. The will makes O. G. Barlow, widower, 80, executor, -and specifies,. that a namber of bequests,. including that to" Dyer,5 are to be paid, subject to Barlow's discretion. The : estate Includes 550,000 in government bondB anLI20,000 real property. Mrs. -Nero to help put over ,-fiTarid.opeiV .in Salem " The Wolf so hn Musical 'Bureau of New York .has releaser! Mrs. Chloe; Nero for thfeweek -mid Monday, to help in , . . iriakitiff.Saieirf s . first grand opera '"engagement a -success . .. r The Statesman Christmas Cheer Fund Some place in this commun . ity, some little kiddies may arise on Christmas morn and K nnd an. empty slocking. The . spirit of the season will be ruined for him and it should not be. Santa' Claus wants to pay a visit to every worthy youngster, but he won't be able to unless he has more help. . Join the Cheer crowd and help the good old saint in his work. Send money contribu tions to the Christmas Cheer . editor,. of The Oregon States man and clothing and food supplies to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army Is cooperating with The Statesman in the Christmas Cheer work. Previously eknowledced $M.7j Ferguson 1.00 OLD SANTA SEEKS CHRISTMAS HELP CHEER Fl'XD GROWIXG RACH DAY; TIME XOW SHORT Send Contribhtions to The States man; Clothing to Salvation Army Relief Right around Salem there are many fathers and mothers who almost hate to" think bout Christ mas being so near. It is not be cause they do not believe in what the day stands for. but rather con ditions are such that they are not able to bring the real spirit of the time, into their home. In other words, they are afraid that Santa Claus will not visit their home this year and so the kiddies will face a big disappointment on Christmas morn. Santa ; Claus , knows about a good many of these people and so he is seeking , the cooperation of others in order to bring cheer to the needy ones, fle does, not know about all ot them, however, so. ha wanta their names reported to The Statesman Christmas cheer editor .and all ,joch, report will be treated confidentially. Also, the. youngsters, may address, their letters .to Santa Claus, care of The Statesman Christmas Cheer editor and they will be given to the right party. Santa Claus is f aciag a big task. He realises-it, and so has, enlisted the aid of The Statesman and the Salvation Array In his work of spreading the real spirit of the season. All contributions of money, should be sent to. the Christmas Cheer editor, in, care of The Oregon ."Statesman, whle clothing and food may be left with the Salvation Army, who are cooperating to the fullest extent in 'this work. The Cheer fund is growing slowly each passing day. Each passing day means that Christmas Is that much nearer, and in order to bring happiness to every worthy kiddle there should be a better re sponse. Why not Join the cheer crowd now and make sure that when every worthy child arises on Christmas morn be will find some thing in his stocking? What a sad day it will be for the kiddies who find nothing but an empty stocking.' It ? should .not be. , Santa Claus wants, your, help to make such a thing impossible. He wants to remember everyone. Join the Christmas Cheer f and crowd and help spread the spirit of the season. Help bring joy and happiness into the lives Of people, who would otherwise be sad on this joyous -day. CHERRIANS ELECT WEBB Long List of Officials Clioscn at nnnal Meeting Carl B. Webb was elected King Bing of the Cherrians for 1927 at the annual election held last eve ning at the chamber of commerce. , .Other officers T elected,. to serve next year as the Council of Nobles for the Cherrians were: , Ralph Cooley, Xjord Governor Wood; Bert T. Ford, .Chancellor of theRolls: Frank " Durbin,' Jr Keeper Of the. Orchard;. - P. VD. Qnlsenbcrry. King's Jester; II. R. Worth. Duke ot Lambert; 'Lee Cantield, Queen Anne's .Consort; T. AV Raffety, ,3larjuis pf, Mara- schino; George Graves, Archbishop of Rlckrcall; lr: O. AOIson, Earl Of Wldo. Ladles will be invited to the annual banquet, initiation, and crowning of the new King Bing, to be held at. the Marion "hotel Tuesday evening, January 4. , As usual for "years : past, tha Cherrians will decorate with elec tric lights the large fir tree in the southwest corner-, of- the court house lawn. "-' -," - i 'King'Bihg Ilafley OWhlte1 was authorized TO' name a' committee to arrange for the annual banquet PRUNE HI MET ilUTROE PLAN DEVISED Growers, PackersanrJ Deal ers to Cooperate in Pro posed Profjrarn TO STABILIZE INDUSTRY Leading Men in .Saleui Advocate Plan Now Being Used In Cali ' fornla, ' Coast Wide Or gaiiiaation in Sight - A plan is being 'proposed In California for the orderly market ing ot prunes that will no doubt command a great deal of attention from now on. The Statesman la. able, through the kindness of 'a Salem friend in the industry, .to give a sketchy outline of the plan. The pian owes in largest part its Inception to Joseph M. Parker, general manager of the California Prune arid Apricot Growers asso ciation (the California prune co operative), and It has been talked over extensively in that state, with both growers and packers - ot prunes. Taking in All Parties The cooperatives have set up the idea of .both a grower produc tion and marketing of prunes. leaving out of the picture the packers and dealers. The new plan proposes a 'joint control and working-out ot th marketing problems. - - Under the plan proposed, ' tha prune 'growers and, the -packing distributing "group will each elect its own board pf directors, out of each of which it la then atranged to name a joint execative commit-. tee composed of four, or an equal number from each "board, . th ninth or odd member ot the board to be an-appointed outside chair man by the thus combined' exe cntlve committee. ..This idea is ex pected to, and would . probably, if the personnel; is proper, result in an equitable control 'and satisfac tory adjudication of the. positions resulting oot ot the two dlffetent points of.view. The compensa tiyis and 'returns to be ; made by the packing-distributing group are worked oat' on such a basin as It Is thought will avoid "destructive price competitions but retain sell Ing enthusiasm. To Stabilize and Promote . California .prunes, aa. such would be advertised -and promoted under this arrangement. -in -competition (Coatianad a 9C t.) bjL JURY' HEARS . FINAL SPEECHES ARGU31KNTS RAXGK , FROM THI8PKRS TO SHOtTIXfi- Witnesses Either Initiated in An aniaa Clttb or' Called . ' Forgetfnl i WASHINOTbN, Dec. . If. (AP) 8lx hours of vitrioitic argument took ;,the. JfaU-Doheny case today to the threshhold of the jury room. ' " " . Tomorrow, under present plans, the jury will retire, f probably about 2 o'clock, to deliberate its verdict; convicting or acquitting Albert B. Fall, ;former jsetretary of the Interior, and Edward L, Do heny, leasee of the Elk Hills, Cal., naval oil reserve," oh trial for oon spiracy to defrand the government ' The crashing finale of acrimony ' and .' left-handed . bosquets ' today -between Owen J. Roberts, govern ment prosecutor, and Frank; J." Ho gan, chief defense attorney.Velec trified the thronged court room at few antl-cUmaxes of dramatic evi dence have done. ,' . - "The argument ranged . from whispered earnestness directly- in to the faces of the 12 young Jur ors to high pressure .oratorical acrobatics..'.' '"f'r ; , Practically ..everyone - called to the witness stand in the four weeks" 'trial was "either Initiated In the Ananias clab or put down a most f osgetf ul fellow. ' , : Mr. Roberts said Mr. Hogan did not call the most, important wit ness, and , Mr. t Hogal called ' Mr, Roberta "a" Philadelphia lawyer." ; ..'Roberts - ended ' hla - five-hour 3plea;f or conviction" shortly-'beforw -noon with the direct charge thaC,' In Novetaber,."192l; -Albert Fall knew that ,thb$10a,QOO loair (trom ,Doheny) was dirty 'busi ness.' - ' . Hogan "began Ills argument with raw. ;t- ------ t : :. .... .. ' .... ...iw:. lVvUia;4 sa i$n