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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1926)
- TUESDAY HOMING. DSCEI rrE 14, .3JD2G :: i .V - . FOOT OP 8XOW REPORTED n-- -. ---'- ' - . - ' - . . -SltyiTON pre.; pei; Special. )i A foot of sgow In the estops above SIlTerton was the re Jort :,irWch reached here this jnornlng. u Only a light covering of enow was on-the ground 'at SU rerton. V ""' The Man's Shop saves vbu a tea dollar bill on every quality snit. Shirts, hats, ties, collars. Hteh arade clothing,; perfect fitting. Ions wearing. 416 Stat () 75 Fail-15 Break Even 10 Become Independent .That's .what Dunn & Bradstreet says about grocers. Folks :We want to thank you for your response to our Clearance Sale. It will continue until the desired amount of cash is available. It's a good thing for Damon that yo CAME and SAW and BOT because wp nlannpr? n leaving the. court -appoint a county agent for aged and cuscrepantisnrocers wno Keep their stores open on the 4th of July to get rid of their fire crackers and on Sunday to get riHf their Oregonians. Holman you're a good drummer, but as ar spieler for a side show, you are the. (cat's meow). Well let's get back to business again : IMS El PTSFORM READ 'EM AND WEEP ,90c wooden box Kingsf ord Gloss Starch Clearance Sale price ' 25c Snider' Catsup Clearance Sale price ' Terminal. Hardwheat Flour Regular $2.10, Sale price 60c size M & R Vanilla Sale price "..k.... 60c 20c $1.90 40c 25c 25c 25c 10c 50c 75c 12c 60c 25c You'd be surprised. They are coming from every direc tion to take advantage of our clearance sale. Now is the time to fill your pantry at Sale Prices. Babbitt's Cleanser, Sale price 7 for Yes 7, that's correct lady , Imported Lemon Peel on Sale, pound....... 35c Bize Blue Jay Two Jay Washing Powder on Sale 15c Red Seal Lye On Sale .... '.. 70c Washboards On Sale-::-.-:... Nickel plated Knives and Forks, 6 knives and 6 forks for Mop Sticks, Sale price 6 Cups and 6 Saucers On Sale .... Christmas Candy on Sale 2 lbs. for 899 N. Commercial Street Phone 1-2-63 1 1 . .. . ... 285 Feet iof . Parking Space V ft'- Estimated ; Receipts From Other Sources Held In- adequate In Clatsop Declaring that the estimate of receipts from various sources oth er than taxes as computed for the annual budget by the county court of Clatsop county is "grossly Inad equate" A. G. Spexarth, a taxpay er of that county yesterday filed an original proceeding In manda mus with the supreme cdurt here to compel the county officials to eet out the estimate of receipts in detail as is required toy law. Chief Justice McBrfde has is sued an alternatire writ of man damus requiring the Clatsop coun ty court to either comply with the request or to appear in court here Friday morning to show cause as to why they should not make the detailed statement. According to the complaint as filed here the estimate of receipts as entered in the tax budget for the next year is only $42,220 whereas receipts for the past year up to November 11 amounted to 1142,801.23 or in excess of TiOCL 000 more than the estimate lor. the next year with six weeks yet to go pa the present , year's collec tions. Inasmuch as the estimated receipts are deducted from the to tal financial needs of the county In arriving, at the amount of mon ey to bft raised by taxation , the complaint points out that a cor rected Estimate of the receipts would result in a reduction of the county tax levy by more ,thaq $100,000. The budget Sor Clat sop county a prepared by . the countv court calls lor a total . , of $520,029.90 all of -which i to- he raised by taxes with the exception of the receipts from such sources as fees, fines, licenses, endow ments, annuities, penalties., which the county , court has eatl mated . at $42,220 and which Spexarth'g complaint contends should be increased by more than $100,000. , Members of the .Clatsop county corfrt against whom $be mandam us proceeding is directed are T. S Cornelius, county judge, and John Frye and William Larson, county commissioners. made V Uself felt across Illinois Indiana,; Ohio and Michigan, and. the first below aero weather of the winter, was promised before morn ing in all the central states. To the swest. thermometers recorded temperature ranging from .be low .zero in Sioux , City, Iowa, to 31 below, at Wilder. Mont, Half a dozen points in Minnesota and the Dakota reported 20 degrees or more.-under the zero mark. Deaths attributed to the storm stood tonight at-, Two aged men were frozen to death in Min nesota and Iowa, overcome by the cold near their homes, while .Colo rado reported two deaths and Montana one, in the storm, to In crease the total from the four deaths In the Pacific northwest and two in Canada, reported earlier today. ' . ' - Drops of 45 degrees in temper ature were reported from - many communities. . At Yankton, S. D., the temperature fell 68 degrees in IS' hours, and the weather bu reau; forecast drops of 40 to 50 degrees tonight in parts of Illinois, Michigan and Indiana. Minnesota, where drifts ten feet deep were reported in places, pas sengers of a train bound for the bTwin Cities waded a mile through the snow when the engine was de railed," to get a relief train. A car ferry, aground on the rocks- fn Laket Michigan, near Milwaukee, unloaded part of its cargo in a bitter? northwest gale, trying to free itself, while lour vessels stood by to rescue the crew; of -63 men if the storm prevented recov ery of the cargo. EALL-DOHEfJY DEFENSE ATTACKED BY ATTORUEY (Cob tinned tram ff I)- In his loan to Fall. lsr subversive to all government Inevitably su.b vertive to honest government ?ol any kind." Attacking the defense position that the navy department's inter est In the leading policy precluded collusion between Doheny and Fall. Roberts said that all con tracts were negotiated "and then carried ont to Secretary Denby for his rubber 'stamp signature that's all there was to that." v.The concluding arguments be gan after three hours of heeling and quibbling between counsel over 76 tenders of instructions lor the Jury, which probably will re ceive the case Wednesday noon. fyouMust SeelliisBrUfoefiieM The Greatest Development in Heater lanufacr , - 5 ture the Industry has ever known . The Briage-Beach WOOD "SUPERIOR- CIRCULATOR ts the most wondertil heater ever produced. Instead of radiating, it gently CIRCULATES the heated air to all adjoining rooms and halls. Will keen several rooms comfortably warm in the cold tst weather. And by means of a specially arranged humidifier, the circulated air car ties the right amount of moisture to insure good health. Takes the place of several heaters.' Besides wood, cut to regular size, chips, large blocks and JcnoU can be suc cessfully used. Very economical in fuel consumption. Shown in a beautiful Wal nut Enamel finish and also in a plain black with Wellsville polished Steel body. Reasonable in Price Trade In Your Old Range or Stove on a Circulator ..We Charge No Interest Parker it Co.. 444 S. Commer cial. Don't fan to see Parker about repairing your ear. Expert mechanics at your service. All work guaranteed. () G.iW. Dav. ttrea. tnhAa snt aiS. eessorles. Has th Good Year tirea. the standard of the world Mr, OajCcan give yon more mileage. Corner Com'l and Chemeketa. !) The Salem Hdw. Co.. most nro- grefsive. Every accommodation given to those in need of best hardware supplies, work and pros perity the motto. 120 N. Conn () Bonestsele Motor Co.. 474. &. Com'l. has the Dodge automobile for. yon. All steel body. Lasts a lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. They will ten yon. l) Walter H. Zosel, automobile tires, tabes and accessories. Vul canizing that holds. High quality, superior service. A trial makes a customer. 198 S. Com'l. ( ZERO WEATHER CLASPS STATES IN ICY GRIP (Coatinaed from pace 1) accompanied by "zero weather and heavy snow. A cold wave whirling across the northern United States sent tem peratures tumbling to the zero mark and burled the northwestern plains under a fall oV snow which Impeded traffic and caused acci denta and death. TTonighttbe, fall in , temperature a Klamath Falls nreooses to spend $60,880 on big county fairf in 1927. W Pontiae Six U1 sweeping to ward unchallenged leadership. Landan sedan f 8fr5 f. o. b. factofry. Easy to pay on General Motors time payment plan. VIck Bros. () Mr. Used Car Buyer: Have too seen the real "buys at the Capitol Motors Incorporated.! See Biddy Bishop. 350 N. High St. Tele phones 21J6 and 212$. () RUMOR REMOVAL STATE ANNUAL TOURNAMENT (Continued rm ptfa 1) of , high school principals and school superintendents toward changing the location of the tournament This annual meeting will be in Portland December 30, and the only way to have the location of the tournament changed would be to, have the principals agree to. it at this meeting. ' ' - : - ' According to one alleged ; plan, i the tournament would be held at the University of Oregon and OAC on . alternate years... jAlthough neither of these' institutions is ac tively , advocating such a- cnange, It is known that at least one of the two wo4i,ia npi pe auvese .to Ing the tournament. ; OAC ikas od6 the best basket ball floors, op . the coast, with a balcony and bleachers Jthst will hold several thousand spectators. Oregon is. jusjt .completLng a pew basketball pavilion that will also bold several thousand .spectators, and the state tournament could also be handled there. According to the plan that is said to be on foot In several quar ters, if the proposed change in the basketball tournament is made. the state intercholastic track meet, which has not been held for sev eral years, would be revived and would also be held on alternate years at the two state institutions. The state tournament has been held here in an efficient manner ever since it was started, and no reasonable objection to continuing it here is thought possible. The Willamette gymnasium is one of the best in the state, and the seating arrangements are as good as those -of any other. In case proposals for a change are made at the meeting in Portland, a hard fight for retaining the tournament will probably lie put up by local sports supporters. L. A. Scheeler Auto Wrecking Co.. oldest in the Willamette val ley. New and used parts and equipment. Low prices and Quality service here 1085 N. Com'l. () FIRST -NATIONAL m; : BUILDING-SOLD (CeatiBue iron pg 1) ; V- ? nearly i $2,000,000 'worth of : in stallment Jnveatment bonds sold. It does : business .. all ; over Ore trnn. nd briars a lot of money eac month to Salem, where it is lo&nad on . first mortjrares. This company nas had a considerable part Xn tpo reqent rapia growtn 01 S&Iem. i , .4 Jlome Concern - It -. is ' largely a home concern. Elmo S: White is president of the company; Roy S. Melson and Roy W. Poyer, vice presidents; Chas. Elery, secretary treasurer; Beryl De Cuirey cashier; and Lon Covert, auditor and head bookkeeper. It is planned to add a number of substantial Salem business men on the board. Publishing Company Also The White Publishing company will also have .Quarters with; the Flowers For Yotir Table Add to the Enjoyment of Your Meal ' v We aire furnishing" flow ers for Miss Beyer at The Statesman's cooking school at the Grand today Say it with Flowers C. F. Brexthaupt 512 State Street New Bligh Bldg. American Fidelity , Investment company. ' These two , concerns are uawin v the Masonic -emple, occupying . the west . half - of vtho fourth floor of that' buuaing. "The White Publishing company nas a business that extends over several states and is having and has -had a remarkable growth. Vlbbert 4b Todd Electric Store. High at Ferry Stfl. Agents tor the Easy Washer. -Good service and low prices are bringing-an incres. 10K. trdt to thU store. f ) . D. H. Mosher, Merchant Tailor, is turning put the nobbiest and best fitting tailor made salts to measure. 100 business and pro fessional men buy of Mosher. () H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., lead ers in complete home furnishings, priced to make you the owner. The store that studies your every need and is ready to meet IU ab solutely.' C) THEY NEVER DISAPPOINT PREFERRED : STOCK QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS INSIST ON THE BRAND ' ; V " LUSCIOUS Big, Rich, Ripe . it r-' il .. PEACHES M From the finest pro ducing orchards of the nation. Put up in just the right degree of syrup to preserve the natural taste you like that "off .the tree" flavor : ..7 ' . -u Z5 I I Sweet " H'r'?(i! jkq ll Mellow e no ao c ct' STNf?PIZeO CASH STORES Pennies -8750- F i, ii. a eeiaes It has been well said "Save the Pennies and the Dollars Will Care For Themselves." In our bakery department alone this year we have' saved-our customers 687,500 pennies, and in addition the quality of the bread is so high few can believe that' W6 can continue to sell at 15c loaf for 12c. The savings in our meat and grocery departments are equally as great for. every dollar spent. - FANCY BURBANK Potatoes 100 lbs. FANCY PACK Prunes S" V. 5 lb. Box $1 These potatoes are good cookers and are free from blight. . .: . . - 4X1?. Pail SNOWDRIFT ing 10 lb. Box 4 Lb. Package FANCY SEEDLESS Raisins 31c CLUSTER RAISINS i - ST" DATES FIGS LEMONS ORANGES AND CITRON PEELS CRYSTAL WHITE Syrup 1 Gallon Size FRESHLY BAKED Bread 2 Large Loaves 3 One Lb. Loayes fv FANCY SUGAR CURED Milk Pure Rich Milk Oregon NEW CROP GOLDEN AMBER 4 Cans Currents 15 c Package Syrup i - ' 1 Gallon Size c Sizes 8 to 12 lbs. Lb V 1. 1 FREE DELIVERY IN SALEM AND WEST SALEM PHONE 455-456 Orders Received After 4 P. M. Will Be DehVered tiic Following Dar , ii X iiThcLargcst Furniture Buying Organizatioii in the United States.; V i. - K' iZ ..r j - .-