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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1926)
u ISEDILtOIIIISs OPPOSE lHGREftSE f Magnates Feel Comrriission- er Should Use Advisory Council More ' NEWYORK, Dec 13.; tAP) A proposed salary increase of . $10,000 for Baseball Commission er iandia was , discussed without . enthusiasm: today ' by National LeaKue elub owners. "V Although the magnates unani mously favor re-election of Landis to another -term of seven yedrn. they indicated today on the eve of their annual meetintat-.tjhfjelr-coit will pppose ptpjr j??01 'his , 1 6 Of P 00 annually. comnitss'ionpr should Jncreasethe iiBefsojilairibrf ojrnclI, which iaru de 3 jiTeTj a tl o naTl e ag n e president and- the American league Tice president, league spokesmen paid. . . -. - , Themagnates will go into ses sion.'at 1 o'clock In the afternoon with President John A-'jlerdler, who ill ask the' ownrt(ir draw regulations to fovertrfthe rfffftual selemion of th-vleeJ ehatnpl batsman. Indications are that the league ; wlH approve opening the season AjtH 12 andCddncludlngt OctoMt 2. tms retummlr to Wrfe late hoV initiate in effect last year. Bar- I , neyV Dreyfusa of Pittsburgh spokesman for the National league I schedule makers, said the Septem f ber 25 closing date tried out this I year had proved tons&tisfacteryi 5 Only one club in each league he I explained, had been able to'cOrrf- 1 plete play on scheduled time, and I thflryorld series was no advanced, as.vpmnilssloner Lanqls J would be. ilartman Bros. .Jewelry Ure. Watches, clocks, rings, pins, dia monds, charms, eut glass, sllver 'ware. Standard goods. State at Liberty St. - - ) Doughton & Sherwln. Hard- ware. 286 N. Com'l 8t. Hardware Builders' Supplies, Paintsv Varn ishes. Give as a call, you'Jl fmd our prices reasonable.-' ' () wardrobe Trunks . as low as $24.70 and as high as $85. lg-lnch Cowhide Hand Bars' with leather lining Tedfatfed ttctm 'JSHaBO? Mtr O. Bnren. Iff N". Coral, i) Innately . no , broken : hones.".; Miss Stroud is a member: of the force 61 the M ariop County Child, Health Demonstration, having charge pi the northeastern faction of ihe county; .The Bake-Rlte i Bakery. -Bnsy every day supplying best hornet with bakery goods of all kinds: baked in a kitchen as clean as your own. 345 State .St.. ) The Cherry City Baking Co. bread, pies and cake are of high est quality. Qne of Oregon's most sanitary bakeries. , Visit it. "Worth while. A Salem show place. t") Army and Outing Store. Biggest bargains in clothing, shoes, under wear, hosiery, gloves, vallsea and suit cases. The working man's store, 189 N. Commercial. () Inter-County Council of Legion Organized The "Inter-county Council of AmericarijLegion,' District. 2, De- partment of Oregon," Was formed at a meeting here last" night, at tended by American Legion dele gates from Silverton, Amity, Sher idan. McMinnville, Tillamook, Dal: las, and .Salem Irl S. "Mcsnerry, district executive committeeman, presided at the meeting, at which j 5 were present. 5? A con'stitutlon and by-laws for the new, organization were adopt ed, .ajod Clifford Brown of Salem was elected president. Otner of ficers are. Roy Tate of McMinn- vllle. secretary and Dr. J. J. Shear er of Tillamook, sergeant-at-arrns. Counties "represented in the so cfety .are7 'Washington. Yamhill, Tillamook, Polk, and Marion. Iceland M. Cowan of Portland, past grand chef-de-guerre of the "Forty and Eight," and Carl Mos er, state adjutant, spoke briefly. Each post representative reported! on me pose activities. dande "was held following the meeting. Buster Brown Shoe Store. High class, stylish looking, comfort giving, long wearng shoes, or jthf least money. Cpme and be con vinced. 126 N. Com'l. i () - - r .1 x ; R LATE SPORTS . 0 ii ; JEW. YORK. Dec. 1 S . AP) Maxey Rosenbloom ot NewvYork defeated KO Pbif Kaplan, hfe fel low townsman, among the leading coilenders1 for middleweight box int honors, in a stow" ten" found feature bout at RfadlBon' Square GSrderr tonight; '"Rosenbloom wtlghed 159; Kaplan 157 3-4. The match was marred by con stant clinching throughout. Only intf'ther -late-TTounds did Rosen bloom's mauling style edge him to thf fore of, his home, town rial. Kajilan staged a rally in the final soloa,, scoring 'repeatedly with heavy' lefts to the 'head and "body, -buj could not overcome Rosen bloom's point advantage. . There were no knockdowns. Fewer than luTooo fans witnessed the show.' " --Teddy Baldock, British -bantam, w6n a technical knockout over Joe Clifford of New York m the 'sec ond round of a six round prelimi nary to the main event. The ref eree halted the -bout after two minute and S5,. seconds' of fight . inf in the rqund. ' Baldock we4ghed X20, Clifford . - The Dixie Bakery leads on high class breads, pies cookies and fatfcy. 'baked supplies" of very kifd BeMyttest. Ask old cus tojers. 49 ConH St, . , () - -' . in ' . ..i - ' " Jauality painting. .Ijoth varnish and laquer work, in our modern equipped :" paint igbop..'.Washlng, greasing and'-tilght -service f- tire renaJrs Wood s .Auto Service Co, If it comes from ns It will please yocp because it is so wholesome and good. Better Yet Bread made by Better Tet Baking Co., J 'North CommercUL () i '! -TTTT- r- , DiwW. E. Henry to Speak r . Dr. W. E. Henry of McMinnville wit be the'prlndparspeaker'at a meeting oi me uapust urotner hood to be held at the First 'Bap tist church Tuesday at 8:30 p. m. "A anquet' will be served, followed nya very interesting program. Early Settler Vishs Here airs. Carrie Warren of Oakland. CaC is visiting, with her daughter anfe son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. El mer King " of Silverton. - Mrs. Warren and her . - .late husband. Henry Warren, were early settlers in the Waldo Hills and were famil iarly known as Aunt Carrie and "Untie Warren far and wide, in the pioneer days. Though so years of -age, Mrs. Warren is hearty and active, thoroughly enjoying her " visit with relatives and old friends ""v here in Oregon.- - Tyler's Big Z Cold Capsules will cure your eqld. If yon don't be lieve it try- it for yourself. Tyler Is the' only place to get them,xl h fl. Com'l. . i) White 'House ResUurant, 362 State St:, where hundreds of peo ple prefer to eat.' All yon want to eat' for. less than you can eat ' home. Quality and service.' () i.rry.JJrug Store. 28 Q L.Com'l. the pioneer' store. Everything foi everybody in the drug supply line with standard-, goods and q service always. Darling Roof Burn A roof fire on the home of O. L. Darling, 740 South Twelfth street. called out the local fire depart ment last night at 11:15 o'clock It was put out before any damage worth considering had been done. A few shingles will replace all the Joss, it was stated by fire depart' raent officials. Suffer From Bad 'BruIsoe : - Miss Benets Stroud, at her home 425 North Cottage street. Is auf ferlng from' bad wrenches and bruises, and a fearful shock on C. A. Luthy. Reliable jewelry tore.- What yon are looking for Jn jewelry. Where a child can buy as safely as - a man or woman Repairing In all lines. ( F. B Shafer's Harness and Leather Goods Store. 170 S. Com'l Suit cases,' valises, portfolios, brief cases, gloves and mittens. Large stock. The pioneer store. ( ) saEemMpers SHOW ; INTEREST JN MEETING (Coatinne4 from pg 1) and sent out special invitations. Everything is set for a' big and profitable . convention, -with some of the' ' best authorities in the (jnied States oii, the program. "Hon. Lloyd T. Reynolds of Sa lem, is president of the society; C. A. Reed of Hood River vice pres ident, and Prof. Clayton L. Long of the Oregon Agricultural col lege secretary-treasurer. The members of the program committee are Chas. A. Park, W. G. Allen, E. C. Quinn. Geo. Vick, C. E. Wilson. :W. C. Franklin and Lloyd T. Reynolds of Salem, and Prof. Los? of Corvallis. Governor-elect I. L. Patterson will be the toastmaster at the Thursday evening banquet, at the Marion hotel. There will, be chances for in formal discussions of every con ceivable subject affecting our fruit Industry. The following very attractive program has been arranged: Tuesday Morning; 9:30 Meeting called to order. President L. T. Reynolds, Salem. 9:40 Address of. Welcome, Mayor T. A. Liyesley. Salem. 9:50 Response, H. H. Weath erspoon. Elgin. 10:00 -Maintaining Fertility in Small Fruit, Vegetable and Cher ry Plantings, Prof. C. V. Ruzek; OAC. 10:40 Irrigation of Small Fruits and Vegetables, George W. Kable. Agr.. -Engineer, OAC. Ex periment station.' 11:20 Varieties of Vegetables for Commercial Induction, Prof. A. G. B. Bouquet, OAC. 12:00, noon -Appointment of committees. Tuesday Afternoon 1:30 Importance of Vegetable Seed Strains, R. W. Gill, Gill Bros. Seed Co., Portland. . - 2:10; Vegetable and Cherry .Diseases, Prof. H. p. Barss, OAC. 2 : 50-HSmall Fruit,' Vegetable and Cherry Insects, Illustrated, Prof. Don C. Mote, OAC. ' 3:30 Summer Oil Sprays, W. -H. Volck, Director of Research. California Spray Chemical ,Co. Watsonville, Cal. - Wednesday Morning 9:00 Cherries. Prof. C. E. Schuster, OAC. u strawberries. Ray J. Glatt, secretary-manager Wood- burn Fruit Growers Coop. Assn., Woodburn. -. " . 10:20 Rasphfirrs and Logan berrie?, . V., Strong, Greshftm,. 11:00T-Evergreen BlaCktierrie?; LHon. Sam -K. Brown, Gervais- ...... 11:40 Harvesting Small Fruits, Cherries and Prunes, Profvt Hen n" Ilartman, OAC v ; .. Welneilay Afternoon . 1 : 3 0- Business, meeting. . 2:60 Small Fruit Dise'ases, Il lustrated. Dr. S. M. Zeller, OAC. 2:40 Strawberry Varieties. Prof. C. E. Schuster, OAC. 3:20 - Economic Situation Small Fruits in1 the Northwest- L. M. Hatch, president Puyaliup and Summer Fruit" Growers Assn., Puyaliup, Wash. -Thursday Morning 9:20 The Canning Industry Bert E. Mailng. Ray-Mailing Co., Inc., Hillsboro. 10.1 0 The. Canneryman and the Grower, E. M. Burns, Mgr. Northwest Canners Assn., Port land. '10:50 The Cannery as a Com munity Builder. J. O. Holt, secretary-manager Eugene Fruit Grow ers Assn., Eugene. 11:30 Canning as a Means of Marketing Small Fruit, Vegetables and Cherries, W. G. Allen, man ager Hunt Bros., Packing Co., Sa lem. Thursday Afternoon 1:30 Producing for the Mar ket, Paul V. Maris, director OAC extension service, Corvallis." 2:10 The Market Outlet for Small Fruits, Vegetables and Cherries, R. H. Kipp, manager marketing department, Portland Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 2:50 Public Markets, C. J Hurd. marketing specialist. OAC- 3:30 The Barreling Industry, If. H. GHson. Barriiigton, Case and Gilson, Seattle, WasS. . Thursday Evening i 6:30 Banquet Main Dining Room Marion Hotel, Hon, I. L Patterson, governor-elect. Xgazb master; musical and speaking pro gram. Friday Morning 9:30 Bulb Insects, Joseph Vil- cox, OAC. 16:45 Bulb Diseases, Prof. M P. McKay OAC. Friday Afternoon 1:30 Bulbs, Arthur Bowman, northwest manager H. A. Hyde Co.. Portland. 2:15 Growing and Handling Bulbs, W. C. Franklin, Salem. 1s Bits Tor Breakfast T 1 ... ..... . - .-- j Getting some winter "And likely to get most of it in the next three or four weeks. W . AH set for Statesman's most in teresting cooking school, begin ning at 2 this afternoon at Grand theatre. S V IvOAC will broadcast at "7:35 next 'Monday evenine. the 20th. Sugar Beet Possibilities in the Willamette Valley,' by Prof. G. R. Hyslop. "m S Wonderful four day session of the Oregon State Horticultural so ciety begins in Salem this morn ing at 9:30; Chamber of Com merce. Big all day prune meeting at Dallas, commencing at 10:30. next Thursday. Air is free if you buy gas and oil. S DJrt, iron, wood, stone, brick. mortar never build a city. They have to be mixed with human pep. brains, muscle and ever-lasting cooperation. Two Scotchmen entered a con test t to determine who could stay under the water longer. The et was for 10 shillings. Both were drowned. V V There isn't much left to try on Astoria exports for November amounted to $880,786. MILK AND CREAM For the STATESMAN COOKING SCHOOL AT THE GRANP THEATRE Furnished by JHPAIKY ISP BottUd 7f Sanitary Wl Telephone 725 "fir Tut tmmUj'tSait" I Ml This Wpek . Imported Satin Dqmaski ldQen Set Table Cloth and 6 Napkins In White Colored Border. Price mw m a .mm . lhese linens are good heavy quality -pure linen, wip hemstitched hems, full patterned cloth.. MItf FLOOR LINEN DEPARTMENT Also displayed at the Statesman Cooking School at the Grand theatre today, Wednes day, Thursday and Friday. "' Saint's Christmas Store 1 ' ' mm France 1y" "y df collect ihg, ex cept sad," death?bedi stories.'-. " We are slate , distributors for the Viking tires and tubes. Mal com Tire Company has the tires. Drive in. Corner Court and Com mercial str eels, () Capital Bargain House, Capital Tire Mfg. Co., Mike;s.Anto Wreck ing. Three in one. Bargain center of. Salem. Thousands of bargains. H. Steinbock, 215 Center.. () A man named William Shalce peare .was fined ma- midland court for game, trespass; , .-It. was or a. "liie offense the greatest William- Shakespeare was forced .to fly frorn hU Midland home. gill I PIUH II III I Tlll I I Date Your Sweety For (he Bijr NEW YEAR'S Frolic un Gal ore To CALIFORNIA By rtCKWICK STAGES 30 HOURS TO SAN FRANCISCO ft Through, RecllnteB Chair Car 8ervice Por Schedsle cb Day With Stop Over Prtvllege v Leaving the Terminal Hotel 9:20 A. M., 12:20 P. 7 P. ML, 1:25 Ait. ' SAN FRANCISCO One Way , -.r. ; . , , . , $150 Round Trip $3p.00 Out Way (tumid liip LOS ANGELES For Information Call At TERMINAL HOTEL or Phone 696 t t Y T T T SOON YOU WILL SEE A FOR RENT SIGN ON OUR PRESENT LOCATION WE WILL BE IN OUR NEW HOME WeW amt to Sell Our Efflre Present Every thing must go --All our large stock of shoes has been cut in price to sell. 4- SAVE YOUR MONEY HELP US GET READY TO MOVE Stock t T Y LADIES' PUMPS and SLIPPERS Our entire stock on sale. All styles in kid, suede, satin and patent. High or low heels, latest designs,, all sizes. Reg. 9.00 Values $6.95 Reg. 10 and $11 Values $7.95 x X LADIES' PUMPS and OXFORDS Black and tan calf and kid, patent, suede, satin and all combinations. High est grade, latest models. Reg. $12.00 Reg. $15 & 16.50 Values Values $8.95 $10.95 WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS Kid, satin and felt, all colors, styles and sizes. See them at Reg. 2.00 Values 65c Reg.2."50 Values :95 c Reg. 3.00 Values- $1.35 Reg. 4.00 Values $1.95 FLORSHEIM SHOES and OXFORDS Black and tan oxfords and shoes. Latest novelties for young "men, all styles and sizes. . "'"-..'.. Reg. 51Q.00 Reg. 12.00 .Values- Values $7.95 $8.95 HANAN OXFORDS and SHOES Black, brown, tan, staple lasts in calf or. kid. Xou know the quality and prices. Reg. 12.50 Reg. 15.00 . Oxfords ' Shoes $9.95 $10.95 f Y T f T T Y Y Y Y Y Y t T Y Y Y Y . i Y Y Y Y Y Y Y' Y rriut cki'c unncr ci mnrDO In kid, calf and felt, plain or with cuff, all styles and sizes. Regular 3.00 . Values Regular 4.00 Values Regular 5.00 Values 95 c $1.95 $2.95 Misses' & Children's HOUSE SLIPPERS All styles -in felt at ;95c and 1.35 WOMEN'S GALOSHES Black buckle Galoshes regular 4.00 2.95 WOMEN'S GALOSHES Black and colors, buckle or patent fasteners. $5.00 values V , 3.95 WOMEN'S GALOSHES Gray patent -fasteners-r-regular ?6.00 values 4.95 . CLOSING OUT OUR . Luxite Silk Hose V , All colors and sizes Regular $ 1 . 50 and 'iP I .J . X U UU3C LADIES $ 1 oOO ' SILK HOSE McGalliim Silk Hose All-colors, full fashion foot. 'Regular $1.95. To close j' , , , . 3 Pairs for $5.00 ' " 25c-Rubber Heel Day iyeryWedijesdfiy. All Heels Put on forHalf -25d Repair Departrnent Our shop is equipped "vrfth aU new machinery. We usf nothing but the very best grade of leath er that money can buy. . Mr. Jacobson, in charge of this department, is an expert in his line has' spent years in factor ies and repair shops and will do nothing' but high grade work. ; A " V . Settrj-Sioei Fox Purpc . DtxBdxOi! WttdtOkBoob 26 State&ti&ttltf taks& ' Do Your Feet r Corns and callouses removed without pain or soreness ? In grown nails removed and treated. Fains in feet, weak foot, flat toot foot strains and.fajlen arches ad justed, poriotsuffer.lwilj'gjve you the best that science can pro duce $n scientific "chiropody. Consult : VJ ? :i ' ' Dlt BLD.YINYAKD Y $ ; Y Y " Y :Y X Y -f Y Y ' Y , Y 4.1 v ; Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y account et being, run down by an automobile on the streets of Ba led ou Saturday-; -Ttere-'were Xo :i t s