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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1926)
' - rv .rwi I L O C A L Ministers Plan Meeting ; The Salem Ministerial union Mil meet this morning at 10:30 o'clock in the YMCA building. JCalversal Electric Range . ,. . QtPemonstration. at Stiff's all this week. .: d!4 Reconciliation Society to Meet The Society , of Reconciliation will meet tonight at the YMCA building. The society is sponsor ed by the Friends' church. Pre Cooking School Starts today at the Grand Thea tre. Room comfortably heated. dl4 Dinner Planned Tonight- The young men's division of the YMCA will have its weekly dinner tonight in the YMCA dining hall. Plans for perfection of the organi zation will be laid. Gift Goods at Great Reduction Mrs. Trover, 122 K. Com'l St. d!4 Comrades Plan Meeting The Comrade club of the First Tresbyterian , church, with -20 members, will meet tonight at the YMCA I building. C. A. Swope, local attorney. Is leader of the club. - See Our Assortment of. Klectrical Gifts. Halik & Eoff, Electric. , w . , dl4 Boys' Chores' to Meet The Salem Boys chorus will meet tonight at the YMCA build ing for weekly rehearsal. Plans are being laid by the chorus for several concerts to be given in the near future. Joy Gift A potted plant or fern. Petland. 273 State. dl4 Card of Thank We wish to express our sincere appreciation for your kindness and sympathy to ua in the loss of our father, son and brother. Trester family, and relatives. dl4 Parking Offenders Fined C. M. Lock wood, H. H. John son, Edward H sen an and R. II. Edge were fined f 1 each yesterday in police court on overtime park ing charges. The New Vita Tonic ; , - Permanent wave, J 10,--. Model Beauty Parlor. Phone 956.. d!4 Ges-scr Sentenced ; . A fine of flOO was assessed against A. C. Gosser yesterday in police court when he pleaded rdilty to a charge of possessing intoxicating liquor.' L. O. Grimes forfeited $150 bail by failing to appear to answer a charge of transporting intoxicating liquor. Hotel Mario Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8 every evening. n26tf Car Reported Stolen A Ford coupe, license No. 184 079. was - stolen late Saturday night from in front of the Mellow Moon dance hall, according to a ieport made at police- headquar ters by Kenneth Henry, route 1, owner. Choice Holly, for Sale In City View cemetery. d24 More to Dismiss Suit Alvah Prosser has fined a mo tion in circuit court to have the case in .which he Is plaintiff against C. H. Ftreeden dismissed, as it has been settled. Bert Banker, plain tiff against Earl W. Nichols and others, has filed a similar motion. . Free. Gold Flvli - With 5K.' tooth paste, while, .they last. Nelson & Hunt drug store, cor. Court and Liberty. d9tf - Disputed Uind Divided -e Decision was handed down in 'circuit court yesterday dividing 115 acres of land between Lena Knapp Johnson and llerminia Knapp Seeley, parties to a suit over ,the land. The land is locat ed near St. Paul. Furniture Upholstery And repairing, r Gicae- Power Furniture Co. ., . a2tf Church Worker to Meet Ministers and one laymen each from most of the churches in Sa lem will meet this morning at 9:30 o'clock in the YMCA build ing. Fred Hansen of San Fran cisco. YMCA religious worker, will address them and will help lay plans for the coming of George GHOICE of Traub Genuine Orange B'.ossom engage . ment and wedding rings is a tribute to the Judgment and jgood tate of tha wearer. V. nARTilAJT BROS. - , Usarty. -DEAF HEAR with, the Uny Uttle Gem Kar Phone can be wont with ot Headband,, ' Smallest hearing device. The wonder of the ago. By use of radio - princlplofl, 1 scientifically perfected. -Insuring clear, posi tive hearing .at home, church, theatre and radio. ..all these pleasures can be-yours. ' CAM FOR FREE TEST -Ask for booklet , : Peiry'a Drug Store " 115 B. Com'l. SU, Salem, Ore. N 'E WS I N BRIEF Irving of New York, senior re ligious, work secretary of the YMCA national council, who will be in Salem. February 7-11. Mr. Hansen will speak to the Wil lamette university chapel period at 11:30 o'clock. today and at a special board meeting of the "Y" at noon. . '. - The Universal Electric Range Mother would like to have is at Stiff's. dl4 Trustworthy Ah a Child's . Instinct. Children like Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It tastes good and makes them feel good. It is exactly the kind of a fine dependable family medicine that thoughtful parents .want to give for feverish, bronchial colds, distressing, alarming night coughs croupiness, and during whooping cough. An Indiana father says: "It is the best remedy for a bad cold,, croup, coughing and throat trouble that we ever had in the home;" No-substitute is as good as Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. Try it. Sold at Capital drug store. dl4 Olson Joins Chamber Dr. O. A. Olson, dentist, has become a member of the chamber" of commerce. He was introduced at the weekly luncheon Monday noon. Hoe'Our Assortment of Electrical . Gifts. Halik & Eoff, Electric. - :: " di4 Fereshetian Urges Support Rev. Martin Fereshetian made a brief talk at the chamber of commerce luncheon yesterday urg ing support of the coming per formance of the Manhattan Opera company at the Elsinore theater December 20. You'll Enjoy The Statesman Cooking school under the direction of Miss Jea nette Bever, cooking expert, at the Grand theatre today, Wednesday, Thursday cndrFrlday at 2 p. m. d!4 Mailbox Theft Charged Frank McFarland is charged In justice court here with larceny of a mailbox from Grace -Morgan. His hearing will be this morning at 1,0 o'clock. The hearing of James Wagner, charged with as sault and battery, will als6 be this morning in justice court. Over 1,000,000 At water-Kent Radios . were manufactured up to Dec. 3. The new one-dial re ceiver is the last word in radio. Vick Bros. Phone 1841. dlS Blixeth Hearing Set Hearing for. Bertllxeth. charg ed in justice court with non-support of two minor children. has been set for Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Charges against Blixeth were filed by a former wife. Ruy a Baby Grand For Christmas. Portland Mus'c Co., 355 N. High. d2o Dead Cougar Displayed Pedestrians on State street yes terday afternoon stopped to con gregate in front of Brown's sport ing goods store where a 121 -lb. cougar, killed by Alford Ferguson, was displayed. ,The cougar was killed by Mr. Ferguson in the hills seven miles south of Falls City. Acre In Fruit, Sl,0O0 Terms South, close to car and school. Adjoining properties . have been sold in half-acre parcels at $650 to 1750. This is nice. Becke & Hendricks, 189" N. High. dl5 Andree Quits Paper Company Frank Andree, secretary and director of the Oregon Pulp & Taper company, has resigned, as he will leave for England in Jan uary. His successor has toot been named. Excellent New Home, S4200 ;- Terms. Furnace, fireplace, gar age hardwood, etc. North, close schools and car. Quick possession. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High Street. dl5 at your DRUGSTORE .Neat and Practical. Laborlite Rubber Apron 'j 45c Just the thing' .to wear when washing the dishes or while giving baby the bath. Protects your dress. ' Perry V Drug 4Stor;f-vi on v TV fVWhrrf Nominating Committee N A nominating committee, con sisting of Lester Barr, Ed Schunke and John Orr, was yesterday ap pointed by George Grabenhorst, president of the chamber of com merce, to prepare a list of candi dates for ."the election to be held November 20. No Money Down on Pianos And phonographs: start paying iiext year. The Portland Music Co., 355 N. High St. d20 Allnort to Address Rotary . F. W. All port will be speaker at the Rotary club luncheon on Wednesday noon. He is a former attache of the department of com merce, and was in European coun tries for the last seven years. Atwater Kent One-dial radio is the last word in perfect reception. Cet "yours now. Vick Bros. d!3 Longfellow 'onight The Salem ellow meeting tonight, the fi e of the wln- ter season, wil held at the Gray Belle. All en six feet or more tall are invited to attend. SOe Chick Tom or Cat. at the Black dl4 Woman Hurt in ljull Ice n the pavement caused Mrs. WilU&m Watson, 76. to fall on South Church street yesterday morning, ' receiving a fractured hip. Sha wasrnkfrn to a local hos pital foTOtreatrnvnt. Keep Warm and Comfortable And enjoy an Interesting and instructive program at the States man Free cooking school, which starts today at 2 p. m. at the Grand theatre under the direction of Miss Jeanette Beyer, food ex pert. dl4 Spotlight I Tak A spotlight was stolen yesterday from the car owned by Homer Eagen of Ciervais, according to a report at police headquarters. The car was parked at 940 D street when the theft occurred, accord ing to the report. Eat at H illcrost Inn Chicken dinner, chicken on t.oast. Private.dining room. Place to dance. Five miles " north on Pacific highway. dl9 Keep Your Radiator From freezing. Denatured al cohol J 1.25 gal. Low temp, glyc erine $3.25 gal. Full instructions as to proper proportions you should use. Fry's drug store, 280 N. Commercial. dl4 Radios, $flV.DO up, Complete Easy terms. Portland Music Co , 355 K. High. , d20 Keep Your Radiator From freezing. Denatured al cohol $1.25 gal. Low temp, glyc erine $3.25 gal! Full instructions as to proper proportions you should use. Fry's drug store, 280 N. Commercial. dl4 Complete Line of Monarch Electric Ranges at Hamilton's. - a21tf Keep Y)ur Radiator From freezing. Denatured al cohol $1.25 gal. Low temp, glyc erine $3.25 gal. Full instructions as to proper proportions you should ute. Fry's drug store, 280 N. Commercial. dl4 Full Line of New Viva-Tonal phonographs; no money down until next year. The Portland Music Co., 355 N. High street. d20 Portland VKitoi Charles R. Smith of the Salem PEP office, is a Portland business visitor today. Investment of 82,000 Large piece of close in property with buildings netting 6 per cent. The cheapest inside property buy we know, and bound to increase in value. Suitable warehouse, wholesale, and certain types re tailing. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. dl5 - FOR INFORMATION ABOUT RAILROAD TRIPS Phone 727 OREGON a ELECTRIC Fresh Sweet Oranges $3 per box of three hundred large size Boxes larger than standard size. Sound fruit and satisfac tion guaranteed or money back. We pay express charges. A box of these makes an appre ciated Christmas gift. Remit With Order ACME ORANGE FARMS - LaGrangc, Texas Authorized Distributors ! The Personal Writing Machine Typewriter Exchange THOS. ROEN : Phone Aftl ' 421 Coort, Balena Underwood Typewriter Co. I : Direct Factory Branch ' 010 Ooari 8U Phone S83 Typewriters Rented, Sold, Repaired -Special rental rates to Students MfeTV vondf ni on . I "m "V rn winner- I I 1 . X HP1 ft m o: SAYS: A St ude baker touring, 1922, with good tires, new paint, fine motor, lots of extras, looks and runs like new, is real value for $393.00. m Phone 1841 280 South High Install Telephone The Hlllman Fuel company has fnnnl it necessary to install an other telephone in order to take care of their rapidly increasing ousiness. Rnrlnir Kalem Armory Prirfar Dec. 17. Bobby Clark vs. Frankie Grandetta, 10 round main uvont Kxtca zoo d orelim- inaries total 26 rounds of boxing. No raise in prices. a-' Recovering From - Illness-' Miss Ada Ford, wno uniu re fentiv was citv recorder of New port, Or., is visiting relatives in Salem while convalescing irom a severe illness. Givo the Family a Radio For Xmas. Halik & Eoff, Kiec- tric s Short Talks by Thoughtful Mothers. A Pennsylvania moth er speaks first: "I know the worth of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. We used it for years, and it never failed us. For cronpy children, feverish colds, disturbing night coughs, it gives us a feel ing of security to have Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the house." No opiates, no chloro form, made un-ler rigid sanitary control. Foley'n Honey and Tar Compound carrita a strong appeal to thoughtful mothers everywhere. Ask for it. Sold at Capital drug store. dl4 Inspects Local Agency N. G. Crowley, secretary of the United Underwriters, Inc., Auto Insurance company, was in Salem yesterday inspecting the local agency of the company. Mr. Crow ley leaves today for Tillamook on a round of agency visits. Beautiful Christinas Gifts , At great reduction. Mrs. Trover. dl4 Club to Meet The Wednesday club will meet at the home of Mrs. Charlea A. Park on Chemeketa street. 50c Chicken Dinner Tomorrow noon at the Black Cat. dl4 Brooks Bazaar Held A bazaar was held Friday night by the Ladies Aid society of the iuethodist church at Brooks. More than 80 persons were present. A sum of $60 was raised to help pay for charities and the like. f 1,000 Down Move In Pay. your entire balance exactly like rent. This on brand new double construction, union made home of 6 rooms. Other new homes, f00 to $500 down, bal ance terms. Priced $4200 to $8, ftflO. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High. dl5 The Oregon Statesman T ' FREE Gooking School Today, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 2 P.M. GRAND THEATRE Miss Jeanette Beyer ; In Charge Daily Programs , Come Early and Get a Good Seat Recipe programs will be given away free each afternoon ' of the school. There will be no admission charge as the cooking school is a public service given to the women of Salem by iTTierOregon Statesman. Every one is invited to attend each jof the daily programs. Th$ Oregon Statesman Visit in Portland ? Mrs. C. M. Keefer, Sirs. Alta M. Gentry ' and Miss HQred Moore of the Kimball School lof Theology, spent the week-id Ifc Portland to attend a meetikig of Methodist church women, held in -connection with the Men's council. " Order Now for. Christmas Fresh home-niade candies. Browning's candy factory. Liberty Road. dl5 Football Banquet Planned A football banqujet will be held Wednesday night at the senior high school. All football letter men. Coach Hollls Huntington, Louis Anderson, Principal J. C. Nelson, and several others will be guests. Eat at Hill crest Inn- Chicken dinner, chicken on toast. Private dining room. Place to dance. Five miles north on Pacific highway. ; dl9 Student Body Return? The entire student body of the Kimball School of Theology has returned from Portland, where' they attended the Methoxlist Men's council. Radio Headquarters, 175 S High Tel. 193 5. New 5-tube Crosley set, completely equipped, 100. dl4 The Best Cliristmas Iresent For mother is a Universal elec tric range. H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. dl4 New Year's Program Planned Col. Carle Abrams has been ap pointed cliairman of a YMCA com mittee in charge of extensive plans for a New Year's day celebration to be given in the building. Such celebrationis have been held each January 1 for the last five yeairs, and have drawn big attendance. Crowds numbering 2000 have been in the building at once. Each de partment of the building will put on some kind of a display. Orders Taken for Home Made Candy for Christmas. Order early. Phone 747-W. Constance Kantner. dl4 LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from lO a. m. to p. wm. GRAND THEATRE TONIGHT AT 8:15 The OLD TIME MINSTREL " DON'T BE ONE OF THOSE TO SAY "I WISH I HAD" There Are Still a Few Good Seats Left Box Office Open From 2 to 5 This Afternoon OBITUARY Hamilton James M. Hamilton, 65, died at his home1 near Cloverdale Decem ber 11. Survived by his widow. Nellie Hamilton. Funeral servi ces will hte held from the Webb chapel today at 10 a. m. The body will be sent to Portland for cre mation. The IOOF lodge of Tur ner will assist in the funeral ser vices. ltitaeler Alexander Curtis Dimeler, 15, died Dec 11. Survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dime ler of 1108 N. Church street, and a. sister, Mrs. C. A. Suing. The funeral cortege will leave the Ter williger funeral home this morn ing at 8:30 o'clock for the St. Paul du Vincent Catholic church where requiem mass will he said by Rev. Father. Keenan at 9 o'clock. In terment in St. Barbara cemetery. Reynolds. In this city. Dec. 12. Hugh J. Reynolds, at the age of 3 5 years. Remains at Sah-m mortuary. Senske In this city at the home of An thony Senske, 1425 North Sixth street, John Senske at the age of A HAVEN of peace, convenience and sympathy wherein calmness and reverence abide for all. Webb's Funeral Parlor. Telephone 120 TERWILXJGERS Perfect Funeral Seivlo For Leas Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeketa DuvtM Telephone 734 It years. The deceased is sur vived by three sons. John ; and Joseph of Nebraska, and Anthony of Salem; by two daughters, Mar tha Weber of Illinois and Mary Griesen of Nebraska. Remains are in charge of the Salem mor tuary. Wheeler In this city. Dec. 12th. George W. Wheeler age 73 years, former ly a resident of the Hopewell dis trict, father of W. O. Wheeler of Portland, Mrs. Helen Bernard of Mountain View, Cal., and step father of George Heller of Dillard, Oregon. Funeral services. Wed nesday, Dec. 15th at 10 a. m. from the Rigdon Mortuary, interment at Hopewell. LaKore At the home, 3 miles west of McCLAREN TIRES AND TUBES Mean Greater Mileage at Less Cost SMITH & WATKiNS Phone 44 AUCTION SALE of Furniture, Machinery, Horses, One Cow, Seven Goats, etc. THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1926, 1:30 (Note that date has been chanced from Tuesday) Located on Fairview Road between South 12th and South Commercial street about IVs miles south, Route 4, Box 8T. Watch for sale arrow on South 12th and South Com mercial street. Comprising; 6 rooms furniture, 1 kitchen range, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 heater, cast lined, 1 9x12 con goleum rug, 1 Brussels rug 9x12 like, new, 2 rocking chairs, 3 mattresses, 2 dressers, 2 springs, 3 beds, book racks, flower stands, sewing machine, etc. Other articles too numerous to mention. Machinery 1 Oliver 40 plow, 1 Oliver 111 plow, 1 14-inch South Bend plow, 1 8-inch orchard plow, 1 Oliver disc, 1 spring tooth harrow, 1 Dane lawn roller, 1 garden cultivator, 1 Davenport roller bearing wagon, 1 Moline light wagon, 1 light set .double harness, 1 set work harness, 1 6-foot cross cut saw, 1 rip saw, 2 garden cultivators, 2 22-inchcircular-aw8i gaso line drums 50, 60, 100 gallons, 1 John Deers riding plow, new, 1 No. 12 DeLaval cream" peparator; i No. 17 De Laval separator, 1 truck body, forks, Jioes, Takes", chains, crowbars, shovels, etc, auto trailer A-l condition, 3 colon ies of bees, quantity of bee supplies, horses, cow, goats, 1 Jersey cow, 4 years old, horse 9 years old, 1 brown mare 9 years old, 12 chickens, 1 thorobred Toginburg billy goat, 2 Toginburg milch goats, 2 Nubian milch goats, 2 Saanan milch goats. 5 - A. BENNETT, Owner H. F. WOODRY & SON Are the Auctioneers 271 N.'ComT. St Phone. 75 Rite Down Town See us before making your listings c&c EARGAIM T U E SO-'AM .500 Pairs of Arrowhead Silk Hosiery- In 30 different shades. Sold and advertised everywhere at $1.00 and 'worth it absolutely guaranteed : r. For Bargain Tuesday 89c Pair. Or 3 Pairs for 52.50 1 10 Dozen Men's Genuine Goat Hair Socks Placed on sale for - . . . Bargain Tuesday, pair.. 7... ; sC C Ladies' long and short sleeve, ankle length, Ct (( regular $1.75 Union Suits, Bargain Tuesday.vleUU Small Red Wheelbarrow and package of Swift's Pride Washing Powder. An extreme value. Bargain Tuesday 0 1 C Mixed Nuts comprising Almonds, Walnuts, Peanuts, Fil berts, Brazil Nuts. CQ Bargain' Tuesday, 3 lbs : 0C Regular 39c Coffee, fresh lot for Bargain Tuesday, 3 lbs.... Fresh lot of well streaked Side Bacon, well cured, lb You Make Your U C- & G. Phone 560 254 North Commercial Turner, Monday Dec. "13th, Win field Scott LaFore, and Mrs. J. C Lanpheirot Portland, grandfather of. Robert' 'Lanpheif . ; Funeral services Wednesday at 1 p. m. from the home 'interment Hun saker cemeteryy under " the direc tion of the Rigdon mortuary. Wann At the resdience No. 321 south 19th street, Monday, Dec 13th, Thomas .William Wann, age 70 years, husband of Mrs. Sarah E. Wann, father of L. W. Wann of La Cross, Wash., Mrs. James Al-. bert and Miss Marguerite Wann of Salem, brother ,of Mrs.; Mary Counts of Sundale, Wash., " Mrs. George Wilson of Seattle, Frank Wann of Harrisburg and Charles Whaley of RiekreaUY Announce ment of funeral later from the Rigdon mortuary. YOUR CAR : Deserves IcClaren's For Christmas $1.00 with lean 29c Dollars Reach At " STOR