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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1916)
r- THE - OREGON DAILY ." JOURNAL, PORTLAND. .TUESDAY, MAY - 9, -1916. 15 SUBURBAN TRACT IN DISTRICT OF OSWEGO HAS CHANG ED HANDS Piece of Three Acres Near Land Owned by the Cor - betts Purchased. OTHER DEALS REPORTED Residents of Ountnorp Are Discussing .project of Building- & arsw Fntu lio School tractor. Additional development In the ac quiring of property and the building of country homes In the district to the south of the city bordering on Oswego Is reported In the acquisition by P. L. Warren of the Hlggins & Warren company of Astoria, of a tract of about three acres near the subur ban holdings of Henry L. and Elliott R. Corbett. Mr. Warren neither confirm nor denies the report, saying that he haa been looking about that vicinity for a piece of property, but has not yet def initely determined In hs own mind Just what , he will do. It is generally understood in the neighborhood, how ever, that Mr. Warren ' has artuslly made arrangements to purchase a most sightly tract, which gives him a mag nificent view of both river and moun tains, and that he is having plans drawn for a house that will be In keeping with the character of the neighborhood and one that will be built to take advantage of every op portunity that the landscape and gen eral surroundings of the property af ford It Is also reported that Dr. Otis B. Wfght, who purchased a tract In Dun thorp last fall, will build this spring. The residents of the neighborhood era also discussing a project for the erection of a new so hood building to accommodate the growing population of the neighborhood. Will Speak at Ore ham. K. T. Byrnes of 657 Williams ave nue has taken out a permit to erect an addition to his building at 901 Williams avenue, and wlil remove his undertaking establishment to that lo cation when the changes are made. Heal Estate Transfers. Marie I'srrUU Veal to Mrs. Maste Kara L. 1, 2, 1'.. 5. Williams Ail. I No. 1! 4 10 II. P. Bush to Kilns Mar Hush, L. 34. 3ti, Ii. 41, Irrlngton Park 10 Elra V. Tate nl l iia. to J. W. Starr, I. 17, H. 2, Iranbue 1.000 Win T. pond and wf. to tynlnxiilsr Security Co., L. 8, U. 4. Ht. Johns lleiitlits l.noo W. W. Marry and wf. to Peninsular S- eurlty Co.. L. 11. 12. B. , Point View jt"rnk Mitchell and wf. to i'enlnaular I Security Co., 1.. a, 4, B. 4. Rontli St. Jobna Fred "V. Sylvester and wf. to Carter T. Allltighniu et al. I,. 1. 1. , 7, 20. B. 2. L. II, It. 1. Oakhtirt rCsster V. Paulson to Mathtlde Paul son. 1.71 acres, being- I,. Id. Hearer Aerea. aNo tract adjoining beginning cor. L. 16 Alois J. Kelnhofer et al to .Tolin W. Bennett et al. northeasterly SO ft. I.. 8. H. "K," Overlook Herman M. Tellkainn and wf. to Olias. riehcnrr. L. 14. H. 2:t. KllwrW 10 10 10 800 10 , I 10 I BheVlff to VV. A. Sloan, S. XI 18 ft. I,. 6. R. 1:1, Katlierlne 1.431 George E. Blum and wf. to W. J. Pat terson. I,. r. 11. 1, DleU Add Nadir Jmd ('. to P. A. Marqiiain Jr., 7. H. .'!". Portland City llosiestesd. O. O. (HildenherB and wf. to H. I. Iavla et al. Ij. 22. It. 14, Elherta Arthur J. Anderson to IWnxrri kllken- y et al, L. 41. 42. B. 174. fnlremltT Park 875 3. XV. Slarr Hnd wf to Klvs V. T:ite. I, . Ss, 8. 1.413 a res 1.. 41. rt(aer Acres l.fsV) Lenrelhtiral Co. to John H. Walker, I,. II. B. I.Mnrellinrst 1,800 John H. Walker and wf. to W". N. Everett et al, I,. II. B. 7i, Vvi:i-I- 10 ' luirat . , Hwlldlny: Permits. I R. I. KfrinRor. repair tw o atnry frm store ' and rooniK. l.i N. at . betwern Ankonr and out uni'ic iiuiiiii'i, diHin i.nm 4iia.. , r . . i . . I i. i . ii.vrn.PK. riiair one pior.r name rn neral dlrn-tors' parlor, fiOl Williams avc. b liwii lcn and Skldmore ata.; builder L. 11 Baili-y fn. : $:iooo. f). A. 'onnoll.c. eroct one atorr ordtnirr tlorea, :t4 N. nroadnay, botneen Itiirnaide and ch bib.; builder. Lurk at Hanrerfield: ai-r-oo. J. T. Kdwanla, rennlr fnur atory flrpproot rpinforcpd concrete factory, (WO Wasblngton S.. between 21at and 2d ata.; builder. 1 J. White; $oo. I'-eter Yoal. rfiialr one slorr frame dn-elllrr. 827 Union ave. N.. between Palling ami She I Ter eta.; builder. Oorge llalul: $;!.. H. P. Jnnca. repair two slorr fra lng, 420n aiid at.. S. R, , oimii Koxter Itoad Snd Laurelwood; builder, K. T. Scdffwirk: $4a. I . w. Olllette. erect on atory frame jar- ! se, 178 Thutnaa at., between Water and . f'm-hett ata.; builder. O. 11. Scbwrodtttuno; i t nariea M. relnn. erect one atorr ordlnarr plbllo garage. ;i4( Tjnlon are. N . between , Weldler and 1".. Broadway ata.; builder, N. 1'. I'aulaon-; $ 7(ajo. uuj ii. iiiirnpp. ri-ci nnfl inq one nair lory fraine atabte. 2HO E. at., between I Main and llawtliornc are.; builder, same; .'. Mrs. Kllaahr-tb ('alaunne. rt-tlr ntie atorr friimii dwelling. 0."i Saratoga at., between K. Hth and K. luili ata.; bulliler, A. K. Heekats; 7f. Ale1 estate, repair four atorr nrditmrr IWireboiue. 242 Front st.. between Main and plldlscu ata.; builder, 1'ertland W ice A Iron Worka; $il. A. W . llHwka. eroct one and one half atorr I frame dwellinit. fr. Junior t.. between E. 13th and K. liUi ata.; builder, H. W. Urlmm; iron. Hone rreahrter an church . ereet ini atorr frame church, mi K. 7th ni. N., between Kr- Ierett and CllUau hU.; builder. W. 11. Kret aar; $0OOO. Rose Met low, erect one atorr frame a-araie. I $64 K. 17th at. N., between 1'reacntt and lio lg eta.t builder, J. J. Aachwanden: J-.'i. Ili. M. ueuRiiun. renair two atory rrame rec tory, BOO rtandy bird., between 'fltli nd .With ate.; builder, Portland Curled Hair Kiu'torj; $30. t:n I'auiT. repair one Plorv frame dwe line ITM E. th at. N.. between Beech and Falling ata.:. builder, anme; $2.jO. Mary H. Unas, erect one atpry frame sar- Iige, 830 iantenleln are., between Falling and Shaver eta.; builder, amue; $l,r. g. W. Harmon, erect one story frame gar- Iage, 800 Scbuyler at., between K. l!Hb and K. 20 tb ata.; builder, aaine; $'!0. . Ellia J. Lerla, erect one atorr frame garage. I6W E. With at. N., between Sandy Kuad and Alameda: builder, aanie; $1,0. A. Rrdinan. renair two Htorr frame dwell- I ling. 315 Morris at., between' Wiillams and I Uoocey ares.; builder, same; fuo. B. J. Htll, repair two atorr name dwelllnz. IK-41) K. Main at., between K. :Uih and E. iBStli ata.; builder, W. Swart; i:m. L. O. Ralston, repeir one stiarr ordlnarr latere, 74-711 lat at., between Oak and Pine lata.; builder. Kerrell Roofing Co.; $200. Harding Is Picked In First Bet Made rooklya Betting commissioner says Ptrst Offer on PresldentUl Contest was f 10O to $800 oa Ohio Senator. New York, May a. (1. N. 8.) Fred jSchumm, the Brooklyn betting com rnlssloner, today announced the first loffer he has received on the presi IdentlaU contest. It Is an offer of $100 t gainst $800 that Warren Q. Harding, enator from Ohio. the temporary h airman of the Chicago convention. eVill be nominated as the Rennhllrnn fcandldate for president. iRev. David B. Gray, Aged Minister, Dies Oldest Conrrational FTsaeher la Oregon Passes Away Last night at the Age of 80 Tears. Kev. David Baxter Gray, 80 years old. an Oregon pioneer of 1S51 and the oldest Congregational minister In Ore gon, died at the Mann home at o'clock last night Yesterday was his birthday. Rev. Mr. Gray was born In Ohio June 8, 1836, and when a boy moved with his parents to Indiana. He came across the plains to Oregon in 1851. For scleral years he taught school In f cfJPty- ln 1883 waa ordained oWJregatlonal minister and took Is fir pastorate at Albany. Later he took charge of pastorates l other regon towns and for a time had charj e Of church Work In Oak After leaving California he ortland and for many years cUd with the Congregational rurch wc infers y une 1862. twa7iiarr!(J to Miss IMar Amanda SsTJwell of Eu- chlldrerwere born, botn gene. I Twl of wlaim aT noxQead, however. Mrs. months ago. B. Faxton, a brother. atrra, or., a brother-ln- A. StoTtell of this city, and several nieces suryive. Funera1 Services will be held from Holman'shapel tomorrow afternoon and interment will be delayed until completion of the mausoleum. TO HAVE A BRANCH OF NAVAL MILITIA OF THE STATE Enlistment Will Be Started at Once; Vote Taken at Club Meeting. Marshfield, Or., May 0. As the re sult of the vlMt of Adjutant General White of the Oregon national guard, it has been decided to form a branch of the naval militia on Coos bay, and enlistment will begin at once. At a meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce a proposition was put to a vote as to whether naval militia or a branch of the coast artillery should be established here. The vote was in favor of the naval militia. General White says he expects that later a torpedo boat In charre of a regular naval officer will be stationed permanently on Coos bay. Skull Fractured in Fall of Five Feet Frank Shack, Painter, Suffers Severe Injury by Drop from Ladder While Painting Portland Heights Souse. Frank Sltnck, a painter living at 273 Fifttt-atrett, la lying at 8c Vincent's i hospital, said to be suffering from a fractured skull caused by a fall of MARSHFIELD 10 '.ess than five feet. Shack -was painting the cottage of 10 Mrs. J. B. Loveland, 69 Conimon 10 1 wealth avenue, on the edge of Port land Heights near "The Castle" when he slipped from the small platform he had erected against the side of the house. .Patrolmen Pales. Shaffer and Soul rarried him down the precipitous sides of the hill three blocks to an ambu lance In which he was taken to the hospital. He was Bald to be subject to fajntnK attacks. CI I. T CI O K I HI I, l.llH LiriH. To See the Land And So Sold Canoe When Mrs. Louise Bunnett decided to move from her com fortable house boat home at Willamette Moorings and cease "sea going" life for landsman's abode, she found herself en cumbered by a canoe. "Well I'm leaving the rlrer snd have no use for this craft." she argued, "but how in the world am I going to find some one who wants It?" "Easy enough " Interposed a friend. "There are many people in Portland who like the water and lyve canoeing try a Journal want ad." The canoe has been sold. The want ad did if. and Mrs. Bun nett received $35 for the grace ful crart. Such cash transactions hap pen many times dally thanks to the classified columns. I X X NEW TODAY 6 Onoioe Loans of $10,000 and TTp On Improved Business Property (op lor Improvement Purposes). J. P. LIPSCOMB. 943 Stark Street. FOR SALE ! Two improved quarter blocks, part i tn,A- :t : i i T-545, JOURNAL " W TF11 11 "st"! .UpavWBsBsVSrVJBlBkMsSanas-. 0a City and ram rropertiee la Any Amau&t et Oarreat Katte, Hsrtmaa ft Tbamstoa, Baak.ra. Csresr sf keerth sad Stark Its. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 306 Dtkwm Blag Portland, Ox. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment si KortcatT Co. Offloea aOS-4, 170 3d St. FARM LOANS i Mortgage) Company for America Boom S3. Alnflworth Bid&r. , Pnone stain 6841. Portland. Or. NEW TODAV EDWARD V O L M A H N CO. ESTABX.ISZSD 187T. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS A STB FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT TKZSD an BALMOU BTBim, MATJT B07. A-1B11. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW m. at Ford Kurniture. til carpete. etc AT w tison A union ttuuse. t Sale a? Ill a. m MIJKTI.NO NOTICES 41 CAMP meets every Wednesday evening ln W. O. W. Temple, 128 llth st. All mem bers requested to at tend. Visitors welcome. W. W. G ARROW. c r. 07 Herman Schade, Clerk. HAWTHURNK Lodge, No. 111. A. F. and A. M- Bpe cial c ommunlcatioti tniu (Tuesday) evening at J :. Masonic Temple. Wcik in theM. M. degree. Come and new team work. ititing see the brethren welcome. c. K MILLKR. Sec'y. VORTlANlJ L.OUGB regular meeting. Moose hall. Broadway and Mor rison St.. at 8 o cloclfe p. m-. every Wednesday eve ning. Refreshments aft--rwlrds. P. U Proctor. eLec rotary. mm SAMAStlTAN Lodgf No. 2, 1 O. O. F. Regular meet ing Wednesday, at 8 P. M., t r i v TemDle. 226 Aider street. Second degree, visitors always welcome. . WM. L1NKLATER, N. G. R. QSVOL.U, bee y. liMKLEM Jewelry a specialty duiioii. pins, charms. jaeger prua.. ix-q BUSINESS CARDS 111 f o 'i 0 f - VV. ll. C5m Tn 0i UU.Vlaitlim cards. Third floor Morgan Bldg. Ul'.t.hS suns sola or rulileu. low prices, latest stvlew, all siies. we buy dress sult Hare'l's Misfit Cloth Store. SI 3d. lKh.6ri suits tor rent, all sizes. Uuikjue Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark St. XJital Statistics msrriages,Blrtbs. Deaths. BIRTHS KAN Ii To Mr. and Mra. Frank 3. Kane, 4627 5oth at. S. April 28, aon. M' CON NELL To Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge W. Mc- (.'onuell, 1508 Willow at.. April 30. a eon. JOHNSON To air. and Mra. William A. John- aou, 3734 o7Ui at. 8. April 2b, a daugh ter. CiORIIAM To Mr. and Mra. Rollln F. Gor- hn.r. flrant-a S.u H Aorll 21. a daUKDter. CAMikN To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cadden, 620 th at.. April a. a oaugnter. U'CARTY To Sir. and Mrs. Krancia O. Me I'artr. 74 rartasut ot.. April 25. a daughter. SCHI BALH To Mr. and Mia. Albert M. Kohu- bnch. 846 U. U reeu wood are., April a daughter. FKHRIN To Mr. anil Mrs. itasnei errin, Fnreat (irore. Or., May II. a son. KRANTZ To Mr. and Mis. trharles KianUs. 1M K. llth .. Airil 2r.asoH. DEATHS AND FUXERALS73 ri.KTCHKR At the residence. 9iS South Jer er street, St. Johns, uregon. May V. Frank I.awson Fletcher, aged 44 jcars. beloved aon ot Mr. and Mra. J. 11. Kletih-r. husband of Nellie Fletcher. Hither of James and Harold Fletcher, brother of Hamilton. Alfred and Norton Fletch er of St. Julius, oreguu; W. 11. Fletcher of Montana, Mra. I. t . Matlieney of Tacotna. Washington. Funeral will leare the borne at ).;! a. m. Thursday. Services will be held at K angelical ehurch, corner John and Iran h'v street, ft. Johns. Interment Mount Seott Park cemetery. Arrangements In care of Mil ler 'I rucey. . . l.OF.B In thia city. May 8, at 431 Benton si.. Adam l.oeb. aged 73 years months 17 days, father of Miss Carrie, George and Alfred Ioeb, Mra. Mary Nelson and Irene lxet, all of tlile city; brother of Mrs. Fred Mllus of Springfield, 111. The funeral seir Irea will be held at the chapel of the Portland rremat'Tlum at 2 "0 p. m. tomorrow (Wednes day;, Mar 10. r!enda lnrlted. The remains aru at home. Tbe funeral arrangement are In charge of tba F. b. Dunning, Inc., 414 . Alder Bt. . IIL'FFER May S. at 1088 East Thirteenth street north. Jialy A. Huffer, Hged 64 yaara, belored uiotlier of F. A. Uuffer of Tacoma. John 11. UufffH it Raymond. Wash., Mrs. Harld I Allen, lxiulse i). Uuffer, Rlabee. Aril., and Mra. W. C. Reagan of Portland. Fcnernl Kcrrlces tt i II be held Horn A. It. Keller lo.'n parlors. 504 Williams arenue, Wednesday. May 10, at 2 n.'ni. Frlenda are lnrlted. In tel itent Rlrervlew cemetery. BA RTHOI.OM A In Uils city. May X. at bis late residence, Sti N. 17th St., 'bnrle K. Bhrtholoma. aged 47 years, husband of Klma Rhrtholnma. 'Ite funeral serrlees will be held Wednesday. May Hi. at 2 oO o'rloi'k p m., at the resliem-e eBiahliahment of J. 1' Fluley & Son. Montgomery at 5lh. Friends lnrlted. MAVRERR1 Tile rnneral serricea of Frames Nern Mayberry will be held tomorrow, May 10. at 1 o'clock p. m., from the residence fu neral parlors of Walter C Keuw oitliy, l.".!2 and 1.VI4 F.ast Thirteenth afreet, Sellwood Frlenda lnrlted. Interment Ulrerriew ceui etery. HARI.OW The funeral services ef the late Ce lest Is C. Harlow will be beld Weilnesday Mar In, at 10 u clock a. in., at the residence establishment of J. I". Finley & Son. Mont ginicry at 0th. Friend inn led. Interment a1 lAine Fir cemetery. GRAY At the Old People borie. o2d and Sandy bird.. May 8. Her. Oavid ll. Gr:iy aued SO jears. Friends invited to attend fti neral serviette, which will be held at Holnian'i funeral parlors, at 2 p. ui. tomorrow (Wednes day i. May 10. MiZKN In thia city. May 7. Edwin .Mizen are 7T, vears. Remains cars Kricson t'n derlaking parlors. ADcouncemeut of funeral later. NORTON Louise Norton, age 3s jears. died auddenl; ot heart lailure. Funeral notice later. HUlVK Mrs. Vlala Ilowk. ht. Vincent's. May B, 31 years, urares ui-wisc. HAENKK Jobiimia Haeuer. 7d St., May 5. 61 veara, tulerciibia. BEOKtR t'hristtne Keeker. H4 K. 2.'ld at., May 5, B.1 ycaif, cei-ebral hemorrhage. DAY William VV. Day. S4 LocumI t.. May &( 73 years, nephritis and eiidiH'ardltls. JEWETT MeKlu t'liireuce Jewett. Good Sa nieritan. Mir H, 5 year, pneumonia. MARTIN Oi ftlKBta Co.. Jiunsls, o4. Wash. Main 2BW, A-l 26!). Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged, CLARKE BKua., tioriela, it i Morrison st Main or A-1805. Fins flowers snd floral designs. No branch stores. TOiNSETll FLORAL. CO.. Z)o Wash., bet. 4th and 6th. Main LI02. A-1102. OSCAR JOHN SON Glisan st Mar. FtAJRAC CO.. 4372. A-14S4. MAIN 6116: wreaths, billows. $3 ud. Sprays $1 up. Chappells.347 Morrison MAX M. fcMl T H. tiotist. 141H tn st. FUNERAL jJUtECTORS C D IPCHM RESIDENCE UND, PRLS. LnlUoUIN M. 6133 A-SS3S. 44S Morr. BREEZE ex biNDOk, B-1261. T 12SS. OiS Belnontt 34tS I.adv attendant. RT Dirnfir Williams and Knott 1 It Dyillcb East 1115. C-1943. u.-ilinn Eaat 80th and Glisan. Vu naiTllllOn neral services. Tabor 4S13 CICArQ "Undertaking Co. Main 4152 OiXLVVLO A-2321. Cor. 3d snd Clay. FUtfERAL DIRECTORS (Co tinned) Tears of Experience Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect. Service This modern establishment, with its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway. In sures absolute privacy, caus-, lng ln no way a departure' Ironi an established policy tH moderate prices. liXlieneiiceil Vy Oman Attendant. j. P, Finley & Son Tho Progressive KUNKKAL. UlKis;CTORS. Montgomery at FlflU. Wiln n, A-16y9. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral .Directors, 414 E. Alder st. Phone Kast 62. B-2525. A, L. Kli W OK i ll Y cu. Two imlabliklimcnta. Tabor 62ti!; 58u aza st.. Lents. Tabor 5Mi; 6ith st. and t osier road., Arieia. l UEimiiSjy ,ast Ui.i tiid ilaw thorne. K. i 81, H-1888. lady assls:a.ct. Dunning St McnteeiiJoua,.ir4rj every Broauway and Pine sts. Broadway 440, A-4ii. lady assistant. Walter C. Kenworthy 15S2-15B4 K. 13th. Sellwood 71. B-1122. Mll-L.liutt 6i iliACn.1, iiiuepeiiuein lu neial diieciors. Price m us i-v, J4U. 0. Vvas;i. at Kiia. m. to'Jl, A-Tti!a. A, H, Zellar Uo Lady aueuuajil. uay and nignt service. MONLMKMTS I'UKiLAMD MAKHLE WKS.. 2t4-2 4th st.. opp. city nail. Main 8664. Phmp Neu Sons, for memorials. spBLAE.5TNG GRANlTFCd II 2j7-3rtP STCOP. MADI3QN, ) RUSINE8S PROPERTY 60 A fine lot on Knott street, close to Williams avenue, in same blocK as Bates bank; 4uxl35 feet, pertectly level, all up to dale, street improve ments, no liens or incumbrance what ever. Taxes paid. This is an ideal bite for an apartment house. Owing to the unusual depth ot this lot (iso leeU a building could be set back feet from the street and stilt have ample space in the rear. Stores could be built in front and the whole would yield a fine return on the investment Price $35uO. Tso trades. Owner. K- ! lil. Journal. ton s al i cys iga i ui BUILD your home with one concern,- no middlemeu; ittive ihis difference, p,et a belter houtse for the same money. We guarantee everything m writiiiir from foundation to chimney tap. Artistic, practical, Ideas in free book. Homes." Get one. 133U Northw restern Bank bide. Oliver J. Jef fery. President. AM forced to give my home away, re- lused I50U0 tor it i yeaia ago., will take 12'JoO now. $450 .cash, oaiance in years, built o years ago. corner East 37th and VV ashing ton. 2 blocks trom Ladd park, ti rooms, sleeping ; porch and garage, furnace, fireplace and two toilets; Just painted a good modern house, line condition and neighborhood. Chance of a lifetime. Phone Tabor 67S7. Sacrifice in Hawthorne Dist. 6 rooms fireplace a fid furnace. Fold for .$125 Paving and street and sewer paid 450 Will now take 2850 Need cash 1100 Am sacrificing for quick sale. Ad dress, W-l 91, Journal. TO RELIABLE PEOPLE. $15 per mo. secures Rose City Park bungalow. rooms and bath, com pletely equipped basement, laundry, gas lixtures, shades, good location, nice lot,- U block to car, am leaving city, would rather reliable people have it on these terms than rent It. Tabor 3040. BUILD now; a lifetime knowing how; best staff of workmen on the coast. We save you the middleman's profit. Consult us; we finance. "Homes," a book of practical suggestions, free, j (lot mi. 1330 North western BanK bidg. The Oregon Home Builders, j ( Oliver lv. jeiiery, presiurin. 1 AM COMPELLED to dispose of my nearly new 6 room bungalow all modern conveniences, large attic, l block from Peninsula park on Missis sippi avc. If you have a little money 1 will surprise you in price. Would take auto as first payment. Broad way lfi5v 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. $1475. Up against it. 1 must move. My modern home on "lit St.. near Glisan st. carline; fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, lare porch. Cost me $2450; will sell for $1476. terms. Phone Broadway 165"!. 227 West Sumner New. 6 room bungalow; all modern conveniences, built-it. street improve- ments all in, fine view over Willam- i ette river. Will sell at a saeruice Marshall 3613. ' Why Not Build And get a home according to your Ideals. I design, build and finance any building; artistic sketches free. See me before you build. N. O. Eklund. US Henry bidg Main 6818. to, 5d0 Small house small monthly rent. Rose City and 50xl00-foot lot; payments, less than Park car to 72d St. SEE WOODMAN, Gregory Investment Company. MUsT sell mv 2i00 home for $210u house 1 year old, 5 rooms, modern fireplace, lull basement, lot 60x10" Mt Tator district, excellent view, on i2il St.. near Glisan. 1 block to car. lhone Broodway 1658. FORCED to sell my $950 equity for $150. House 2 years old, cost $3300. has 6 rooms, full basement, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, built in buf fet, large attic. Piedmont district, Mr. H a 'geman, Broadway 1668. $tii) WILL buy 4 room ceiled house on 50x100. use of 100x100, on 78th and Halsey; easy terms. Phone Broad v -tv 1658 . NEW bungalow just completed. l-14;viUE pav cash for small retail dairv Rodney ave.. Piedmont, by owner. ! witn route. Must be neat; room for Woodlawn 1905. ; about four cows. T-542, Journal. FORCED SALE My modern bungalow, $1150 equity in $2o0 cash or f trade. Mar. UKS mv hamutiful home. all furnished. Richmond district; only $3000. 20 . . . ' McKay bidg $2760 BEAUTIFUL 5 room bungalow, Highland Park district. Terms. Owner, Main 867. CHEAPEST rates, designing, repair ing, erecting and financing build in gsl4undly0JPUtoilck. 1 o-ROOM house In construction, is a Bnap. $4 25. Terms. Tabor This 3o2D. FOR SALE LOTS 1G GREAT bargain, 4 lots, $500; 5 lots. 117M1- Imnrovementa Da id. Irvintr- ton. Splendid locations. East 273. W. H. Herdman, BKAUtIFL'L corner lot, 50x100, all cultivated, 3 blks. from Eastmore land school, I blk. from paved St.; cheap for spot cash. Z-383, Journal. CORNER ru 100x167 ft., southeast facing, beautifully located; restrict ed dist.; improvements all in. M. 7033. FOR SALE. Rose City lot, $750, $300 cash; balance on easy terms. Tabor 6789. FOR SALE LOTS (Continued) IS 1 - 200 BEAUTIFUL, lots ln Mllwaukle; 6c I eled land, mils from from g row car fare; light, gas and water; $2iing railroad town, on good state road, cash and f 10 per month. U. G. Stark- ! 100 acres In crop, all kinds ofrult, weather. Risley station. Phone Oak with moderate buildings and good Grove 1-X. ' water. Sell part or all on eaBy terms, 100x100 ALAMRUA Park. 8 79 Kast Davis. 14 "i Owner ' - , ACREAGE pnfiSPP'HlTV ix niVini qooooO- 000 In new wealth added in 1916. Enormous crops and low taxation make farmers rich. Wheat average, 3S.1G j bushels per acre ln Alberta, 28.76 bush- els per acre ln Saskatchewan. 28.50 bushels per acre In Manitoba. Taxes av erage 24 and will not exceed $35 per quarter section, includes all taxes; no taxes on improvements. Free schooe and full religious liberty, good climate. Get jour farm home from the Canadian Pacific railway. 20 years to pay. Good land from $11 to $30 per acre; irrigat ed lands from $30, and the government guarantees your land and water titles. Balance, after firtt payment, extended over 19 years, with intere&t -it 6';i; Pi rlvileees of paylne in full any time. Before final payment becomes due our ' farm should have paid for itself. Wei will lend you up to $2000 in improve- I mejua in certain aisiriuis, wiui iiu t curity other than the land itself. Par- i titulars on, request Ready mad? farms i for sale. Special easy terms. Loans ! for livestock. In defined disiilcts. ! after one year's occupation, under cer tain conditions, we advance cattle, i sheep and hogs to farmers up to ;i value of $1000. We want you; we can: afford to help you. We own the land; we want the land cultivated. Our in terests are mutual. Buy direct unl get ! your farm home from the CANADIAN I PACIFIC RAILWAY. Send for free1 book. J. B. Dennis, assistant to the president, Canadian Pacific Railway, 112 Ninth avenue. Calgary, AlDerta, Canada. 6 ACRES near Oregon Electric, level land, fine oil nil rlpflrwl and under fence. 1 bought at a sacrifice six weeks ago, but am goins- aw:iy and ' will sell at still greater sacrifice now 1 also have 60 acres stump land near, St. Helens, worth $3750, mortgaged for' $1250; will sell my $26u0 equity for' $500 to prevent foreclosure. 28 Com-I merclal st. WoodlaWn 4357. forenoons. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line easy terms: will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1685 or Sell wood 476. John H Gibson, owner. 40 ACRES $1400. On macadam road, fine soil, only 85 miles from Portland. Can be bought on terms. AKERSON. GOOCH CO.. f5 Stock Exchange bidg. FOR SALE or rent, 2 1-3 acres, at Ti gard, new house and barn, electric lipnts, running water, 6 minutes to Oregon Electric. Price $2000; rent $10 per month. John Zimmerman, 6'.uh and E. Mad'son'sts. Phone Tabor CHICKEN, FRUIT GARDEN remchee near Portland, 2, 6. 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, itii to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar land. 309 Yeon bidg. Portland. I ABOUT 220 acres; good dairy ranch; ! suitable for fruit and dairy pur ! purposes', house and bai n and orchard. Ut: easy terms. VV. W. Irvin, Aurora, (jr. ! ACHE tracts on carline, near city, paved road; $5 cash, $5 per montn. 6" int. Owner, 517 Chamber of Com. TEN acre tracts 3 miles of ancou- ver, Wash. Particulars from owner, 4n7 Benton st.. Portland. Or. SUBLKBAX ACREAGE 7tl ' SXCRWTrTHOUSK." On new hard surfaced Base Line road, about 7 miles from city. 6 room house, large porch, good well, 2 acres i o" !: berries, young orchard, 1 block to.8 cTctrlc station; will sell cheap and j feive terms. BNAp F0R CHICKEN RANCH OR jahdi--n; GARDEN. 1 acre or less, in city limits, 4 blks. from car. 5c fare. 6 room house. CHICKEN RANCH. Nearly new 5 room house. near Gresham, 1 acre or less, at sacrifice ("lc, easy terms. ""V M B 1 ) E N STOCK & LARSON CO., Kilwv 165H. 306 Oak st. fob sal;; farms 17 GILLIAM COUNTY RANCHES. ISO acres alfalfa, A-l buildings, house insured for $1500; snap at $4600, half cash arid your time on balance. 320 acre larm, 100 bottom land, a-i erood house, cost $1200; good Well ami! windmill on porch; good barn. Price $2000. This is an estate and must be bold at once. 160 acres, all tn wheat, good build ings, $2000; half cash, and time on balance. 200 acre dairy farm, lots of well water, fair house and lots of good grass. All of these farms are snaps. Can and see R- E. Montague, room -i. it . mk St., Portland. RIVER not torn nnd bench land in Wil lamina valley, near good railroad town; running water, no rock; etnpioy nient. Let us snow you u acres oest soil with good, 4 room house. $26 down, $10 month. Or, 6 acres bench land, $25 down, $8 month. Or, uearly 6 acres with 537 bearing apple trees; $300 down, balance terms. Or, any amount of land, reduced prices, easy terms to settlers. J. R. Sharp, 667 Sherlock bidg. Farmers! Speculators 40 ACRES HOI SE BARNS CHICKEN HOUSES. 5 acres onion land. 2 ai n potato i laud. In highest state of cultivation, 400,000 ft. timber, all goes for price of a good city lot. Must have cash j and am sacrificing to get it. Address j X-771, Journal. Fenced with V wire j fence. 40 ACRES Ugarii, $125 per acre, 22 acres in cultivation, balance all till flble, shack buildings, good orchard, 3t4 miles from Tigard. 12 miles from Portland, $2600 cash, balance 4V years. The biggest snap in Oregon. Do not submit any. Junk on the trade basis. Fred VV. (terman Co., 732 Cham, of Com. 12H ACRES. $3500; good house, fair outbuildings. 7 acres in crop, gar den and small fruits; 4 mile, from railway station. 3 churches, grade and high schools; $1000 down, balance In lo equal yearly payments at 0 per cent. Write or call at once. C M. Ree.s. ,v rnlty. r. PRUNES pay big. 1 have 2b acres. Must sell Aillntna citv Hieh school. j fne g0;,i and improvements. Full par- ticulars Owner Box 157. Riddie Or FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY Ji WANTED fsrm In Willamette valley up to $50,000; lifive iirst class port la nu income. Also want farm up to $10,000; have j Portland income as part payment. I Owners onlv. 413 McKav- bidg. HOMIiNTLADS 47 , - on A pp C" rm Unnnluhmpnt Vinnco . ul,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 at. v rt. i I et.M.i k uuu vi. 11 1 l tinii' also una of A20 acres So acre nlnw.d e'oorl Water. 12x14 house. 1000 ft. of lumber, 2 horses. $300. We also know of several good 320 acre homesteads. 903 C. of C. Main I rrj'o. i HOME choice homesteads in Lake Co.. near new k. k. survey, fine rarm lanu. locator now neie as us a 001 1 ; them. Open Sundays ana evenings. 30t Couch bidg FoUR homesteads, t miles from town. level, gooa roil, no rock, climate Ideal, water 10 feet from surface in abundance. iniormauon dox 64, Ea ! Pine. Or. THREE good homesteads in Deschutes valley; land lays good, close to water and town; neighbors close; party now from there has photos. 411 Henry l ldg. .. . . . . TIMBER 2S HAVE 20,000,000 feet well located tim ber; will exchange all or part; might assume if property suited. F. D. Uuelat. 917 Parkside Drive. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FOR trade or sale, 185 acres, all lev- or traae ior email larm or city prop- erty. Address H. F. Mitchell. Junction City. Or. . 57.46H ACRES. 14 miles from Portland. on main niKiiwuy, nan unutr tun- tivatlon. balance nasture and timber. Soil A-l. Kspecially adapted for' fruit and berries. Must dispose of property. Bargain. Telephone E. 2540. RESIDENCE property for Grocery or second hand business. 6 room cottage for improved land. City income for Improved farm, stocked. EWEMT. 312 Panama bidg. UNIMPROVED land, no incumbrance, with lease of dairy ranch. W'ant home values easy access to city. FX 920. Journal. . WHAT have you to offer for 5 room house and 2 lots ln Shawnee. Okla.; (value $1600. .Call Tabor 4.Z or write fO-771. Journal. i hvk f acre of rard en land and i city ot Velasco, Texas., value tgnn- will traule for anything;. Csdl Tabor 647' or - write 8-771. Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE 8t HOCSE wanted; have $2000 first mort gage &' well secured; will assume Sloo?. (Ii. N.) Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. 232 Cham, of Cam, bidg. WANTED One lot in lrvington. Hose City Para or Kossmere tor tne least that cash money will buy. K-6J5, Jour nal. WANTED h room bungalow from owner wno will accept 4 beautiful acres in payment; value $3000. D- 5h'9, Journal. WE WILD SELL OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. J. C. CQRBIN CO., LEWIS BLDQ. 'A cash for best bargain, 4 tl 5 suburban lots Z-662. Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 Rooming House Snaps 12 rooms, brick, $560, terms fine 22 rooms, transient, down town, 1400. 30 rooms, modern. S8f0. terms. 18 rooms, h. k., rent $25, $35i. 42 rooms, modern, rent $60. $1250. Terms to suit on any above houses. GODDARD, 602 COUCH BLDG. Chance of a Lifetime 11 roomed house, few minutes walk from the postoftice; good money maker; cheap rent, for $250. BEE HALL, 511-13 PANAMA RLDO. TO LEASE Small apartment hounc. 2 and 3 rooms, partly furnished; furniture for sal": steam heat and phone service Included in rent; can be handled hv one person; a bargain X-45, Journal. 15 LOVELY rooms, a good living, modern house, walklna; distance, a fine place to live, just as clean as can be: I must sell al bargain. Main 67S5. ji ROOMS. must be Main 4885. all H. K.. good location; seen to be appreciated. 11 ROOMS First clas furniture, t minutes from postofflce. vV-768, Journal. NINE rooms of good furniture; will .i-c ,i,Q i im mo, .t IVXI' I ii ii. aoo l u ui rtv. 5 22 room furnished hotel, east side. very reasonable. J, C. CORBIN, CO.. LEWIS BLDG. 14 ROOMS, all housekeeping, for sals Or trade- terms. W-l 93, Journal. ROOMING house for sale cheap by owner. 204 4th st. room-; all hou Gr"?l,i -V, ou g?rnaij l4- stkeeping. rent $26. . BUSINESS OPPOUTUNITIKS 20 GROCERY, confec, clearing oer $100 month; large school trade; with 5 living rooms and bath; $50 month milk trade; $660 will handle. Millership, 724 i nam. t om. WAGON dairy lunoh. elegantly equipped, doing excellent business. I FDoO: $400 cash, remainder eaav tiav I hients. Rare opportunity. Investigation ! Invited. .1-574, Journal. CHANCE for live man. general mer cxiandise store in iarming commun ity. P. O. and ticket office ln connec tion; some cash; no agents. Tabor 3474. 1 WILL sell real cheap. interest in cigar, oft drink and pool room; must . i liava nttrtnar tt heir, o.n with lha l,iial- - - : - v"- J r 7X7,. nfternoons. Broadway 1147. CIGAR AND BOOTBLACK STAND Heart of west side; rent $20; doing fine business; place will Invoice $750. Am going to war, so will give away for $145. See Peters, 15 N. 5th t HMAlih cash store; have opening for energetic man: pay $25 week, whtesi can be increased, and small Invest ment required. Call room 329 Morgan map. DANDY confectionery, ice cream iar- I.,- nrltli 9 nli., ir furniuli.rl rrwtmu tiifi carilpn snd IS chickens Kent 110 i for all. Will sacrifice for $250. Mli lershtp 724 Cham. com. For BALi. i wo picture theatres in two 'southern Oregon towns, near Med ford. Easy terms. SX-771, Jour- rial. l'OK SALE Good creamery making over $000 pounds of huttef a week at present; will coublo this later On. YX- fcSi, Journal. LIGHT groceries, confectionery, ice cream; good location. Just thing for man and wite; price 3.-u caati $z&0. ta:. terms. Phone East 7409. RESTAURANT. bakery and lnnch house doing a good business in a good town. 'iwn?r leaving on account of poor health. Z-064. Jour ml. . heST fixtures, big stock, 3 furnished 1 anartinf nln over store. (Inmt hus.1- nees. Apartment district. Big discount if sold quick. 410 Montgomery. WHY WORRY When you can trade, sell or buy from M l ,Lt,rtslil P. 724 Chamber of Commerce. AUTOMOBILE business; owner wants a partner he can depend on to help him; good pay and very iittle money required. Call room 329 Morgan bidg FOR sale or trade, w modern up-to- date Creetons auto popcorn wagon For price, terms, etc.. address II, 20th and A St.. Cofvallls, Or. WANTED Partners with $2000 it wholesale produce business. Good salary with one-half of profits to right party. O-nny, journal. ; l)H SALE by owner, poolroom doing gOOU uueillC!j., ot-r.-. 1 rt 1 F, a ' 1 1 in hit, Don't buy until you see this. 101 Union avenue N. $ir.0 FIRST mortgage. $1300; good security. Wilcox bidg. will sell for Quigley. 202 SOMETHING state, $200. new; best investment In . Millership. 724 Cham Cotiv G0OI1 cash business in deslrabl neighborhood, near school; money maker; living rooms. M-186, Journal BEFORE you buy see what I have for your money In stores and hotel MASTERS. 607 Plttock Blk, vdr sai.K OR TRADE Motion Dlr ture equipment in good condition -- - - - .1 I--920. Journal. MAN Handy with tools, for plumbs1 to general repair snop. once. Millership. 724 Cham. App.y of com. RESTAURANT and Ice cream. A-l lo. I cation, good place for man and wife 1 owner, s 2 7 E. Division st. jKER Y lor rent, fully equipped. 30 yrs. estaonsnea. 3 40 Front. near auditorium FINE stamps, hinges, albums, etc. a. m.-6 p. m. Columbia Stamp Co.. ii North lth st. Main 76S0. BUSH. ESS CARDS. Rose City Printing Co Third st.. cor Taylor MEAT market. V interest; good busi ness. Swank. 601 Northwest bidg. Main 4190 RESTAURANT, l4ntnr cttA hiifllnca cheap. 462 (Jllsan MAN for woodsaw; good proposition. Millership, 724 Cham. Com. PLUMBING shop for sale. Will in voice stock. 6337 Foster Road. BUSINESS OPl'OHTUMXIEa 2u tConttnnedi OWNER must have outdoor employ ment; will sell confectionery, ice cream, soda fountain, cigars' and light groceries; central. West Bids; low rent, living room; all first class. Will take as part payment poultry or dairy atock. If you are satisfied with $76 to $100 per month, see this. Price $550. V 580, Journal. . I'll Prove It to You .that this is the best buy in the city. Grocery and delicatessen; living rooms; new stock, good fixtures, prom inent corner, close in. cheap rent; Worth $1200, for $760, part cash, bal ance trade or terms. SEE HALL. 512-13 PANAMA BLTG. Some Class to This Investigate this high school lunch, doing large business. taiidy home, living rooms, bath, lifetime location. N-733, Journal. BUblNE&S OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 08 FIRE Insurance business as a nucleus around which to build. In Portland or some other good town. X-76B. Jour nal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method Of paying a loan. $32.28 per month for its mouth or $21.24 for 60 months, or $13.17 for 99 months pays $1000 loan ana interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. EQUITABLE BVO'S A LOAN ASSN.. 242 8tark St., Portland, Oregon MONTHLY INSTALLMENT LOANS on Portland homes, tt'o, no commis sion. One cent per day for a safe de posit box insures the safety of valu able papers. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TROT CO.. 284 OAK ST. La MARK 1UUH LOANS. 00 kr 2000 8 I14U0 8 $300" 7j NKILAN & PARKHILU 203 .Slock Exchange Olds Srt and Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN. On improved real estate or for hntid- ing purposes; very flexible contracts; no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. z.' Stevens bids. YOU can borrow money at headquar ter on improved heal estate. He us. Oregon Jiome Ruliuers, 1830 North western Bank Building. Oliver K Jef frey. Pres. PORTLAND PROPERTY OR VALIDLY FARM LOANS. Make low rates on cood seeurttv H. L. ARCHER. 404 Northwestern liann Hldg. cut Loans, b, 6 and 7. I' ARM LOANS, 7'.i. ANY AMOUNT. GEO. E. WAGGONER & CO.. S'J5 Venn hldg. buiLnlAu loans on cay and uuuiuun property; money aavanred as work progressed. w. U. Reck, ill F Llllns Mb Main 34U7. ti,vii Oi iiioilgages. city or lanu property, fire insurance. McKenzla It v-o.. tieriiti('cr tiutg , 2n sn Alder i-Abll uaiu 11 uif: tgages. notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; rvueonable rates, r . 11. Lewis. 4 Eewls bidg. .UUAfil IO I.U.i.l 111 U1I1UUI1U ol Sll'u to ssuuu on city property. A. H Hen in oetiinger hldg $200-250-$4uu-lIOO-140iHi For immediate loans at 7 and 8 BOID REALTY CO. LEWIS BLDG .O.N I- 1 IO property uu iiiiiuii-u Cll, 1 HI 111 i' ' King. :tti spaldinn ilOOO IK 10s JuvD ,o loan OU Cily tnrm jirdiietiy Taboi Jii2 blU aiW, f UUU, lfU, fiuu, Fred W. German Co. 732 Char tlauv 1. Com 44U,VUU oil Ccfcfe. r AH RlNti 1 ON. 80 4tn st Board of Trade Hldg bb.11. ut oinaii loans, lusiaiimeai iuuhs. siuiuu.iUt luaiu. uW lo iLm oregun Inv A Mm t !). Co.. 170 3d St. 0 anil 1 V- Lvun k st . near 5th naioiuurc-ria '.i. .imi AiOAt. 1 10 loan, 0 to h'M w. ii am n :40 Spalding hldg Co . BUILDINGS financed and erected a: ravings. Hundley. ;07 PlttocK blk. MONEY TO LOATt CIIATTKL8, KALARIE3 07 SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor. rycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc.. at legal rules, with easy terms of nv. ment; no delay. Licensed by stats. IUHILAMJ LOAN COMPAN1. INC. 311 Dektim hi 1 J g. LOANS WANTED WANTED By a public utility com pany of Washington $7500. secured by a first mortgage on a $20,000 plant. niieresi payments 10 sun mortgagee. WX-769. Journal. WE WANT $1000 at 87,; $1600 at $T $11,000 at 7; I12.50U at g-Te; $40,000 t 6',c; and other amounts. The Ore gon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank hldg. WANT a loan of $1600 on improved farm etc will jim y r 413 McKay bidg, WANT $'J0O on Lents residence, new, modern. Main 1940. 430 Worcester hldg. WELL secured $600 chattel mortgage; will sell for $460. See Quigley, 202 Wilcox hldg. WANTED To borrow $300 for 1 year. good security; will pay 10',. T-643, Journal. FISTANCfAL SI fsTa and d mortgages purchased: also sellers' interest in contracts fir snd Wesn H. K. Noble Lumbermen bids C HA T T E L M O R T G A O E S PUR" CUAMKO. INWI'lKF, I1 Dekurn bid. ELI' WAMTEll MALE wiit'iM.witiuitT Must be accus tomed to automobile and motor truck work. Steady work year around. Up-to-date equipment. References as to aiilllly required. X-7B4. Journal. VVANTEi trong boy for factory worn; stcauy position ; must be will lng to start from ground up. Reply in writing to y,-hi, journal. W AN 1 EI ) young man to work In gro- cer J; state age, ournal. balary evicted. K 634 WANTED Country salesmen with Ford cars; big proposition. CalllVl 4th st. MACHINE man wanted. 970 Macadam st. Frfeelsnd furnlttire Co. EMPLOYMENT aepsrinint i. A Service fre- i, BJlLI' V A-VT43.D iilsc. J T M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and nlgnt aisaiaa; training IC rtpauripg. arizing anl machine work. inciuaing rorge, istne, snaper, drill rress, etc; tuns unlimited. Secu.e pass at Educational olflce X. M. C. A. Tildg t inspect our shops and meth 00s. COMPET1ENT CHAUFFEURi AN U ainr.HAMlCB SUPPLIED. Tul tion fee incluaes MEMBERSHIP IN v. M, C. A. and Its EMPLOYMKN'T iik. PAhTMENT as of 60-ft. aw.Aimln 'iiower i runs gymnasium, etc, MON Til. Uovarumaut iddk Man Women Wanted. List of tinaliumi free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 24-o, nui'iirmer, f. a. .. .' . u : . .' . . 1 w an 1 st Names men, wishing to Become Portland mail carrier com mence $67 month. OX-$I. Journal. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $.ku up. Taylor the Tailor 28H Burnside. HELI W ANTED FEMALF. 2 WANTKD Motherly woman, modern home, light services, family irlvl legea. small wages. Phone after 6:31 p. m., Woodlawn 4J18. Call 1039 Ii 10th st. n. Aioerta car. A WOMAN or girl for light general housework In exchange tor room. 475 Morrison. WANTED Girl for light housework, moderate wages. Apply 234 College, cor. Din. GIRL for general housework: must be gooa cook. iZ5. Kenwood 1S6U. HELP WANTED FEMALE lOoa tinned) WANTED nurse for small boyj im wages: no other work requires Phone Marshall 366 L . ' K1MSHKUS on pants. iiOS'j Jefferson UELV WAVTEo MALE AND" FEMALE 2: MAN. wife and big daughter want place in mining camp to take ran of boarding house: wife good meat and pastry cook; man nanay witn toon. can give" best of references. Y-670, Journal. UOLJbK UAHUbk COLLibtvast - I wants men and women to learn the trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured: summer ratusi writs ror catalogue. 4 N. la St. - ) MOHLER Barber school wants tneii; and women to learn barber trade. free in 8 weeks. Positions secured. Psyi while learning. 3 8 N, 2d St. I OKKGON - BARBER COLLEGlSMon and women to learn barber tradv free. 233 Madison st. ' MAN and wlf Swiss oerman. exeo- enced in dairying, want position On dairy or farm. Jour rnal. WANTED AGENTS SOLICITORS WANTED. ; MEN AND WOMEN. For every city and town in Oregon and Washington, exclusive territories hlgh-clase guaranteed article; will be used ln every home; sells at sight; big nroflts to agents. Cal at ones at Oregon hotel, suite i58-269. WANTED solicitor for cleaning and pressing parlor. Call 16 E. Sato, cor. Ash. ' . SITUATION; -MALE C11Y OK PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14th ar-d Johnson sts. EFFICIENT MEN ' i FOR ALL POSITIONS. Salesmen, office men. clerks, me chanics, fnrm hands, house men. cOOks. mm men. loggers, laborers etc, NO I lee charged employer or employe. Out of town orders uiveu prompt attontioo. Alain J6bt. A-24 ENERGETIC young single man, With some ahop experience, wishes posl tion in .machine shop where he can I learn the trade; salary secondary con sideration; can furnish references. O- 78X. Journal. SAUESMAN with several years' expsr ierrce on the road In Oregon, wants main or specialty line with, reliable nuunc, iJ 1 00, tvuiimt. EXPERIENCED man wishes position as hail man or elevator man. O' 1698. Room 3. cvjivipb. 1 tM' shop mechanics and chaufteurs furnlslied by X. M. C A Auto school Main 70SR. A-KStl. PAINTING, papei hanging, tinting, $2 per room up. c. A. Barnes, Marsiiail 2i. iain tin 5549. EXPERIENCED solicitor. Call Dowel 1. grocery Marshall clerk and 52J9. J.F. PRACTICAL painter, timer and papsr hanger and decorator, reduced prices for 30 days. Sell wood 2 772 . Lontractor plastering. brick and ement work S S Klneeev Mur 18 BOY wants work; delivei lng prefsrrid.' (1-1153, Journal. EVENING work wanted by man; jaul- tor or restaurant. .1-57 7, Journal, tl. ;) TINTING, puperuig, 2971, evenings room. Marshall hi I t A 1 IO. I LMALK clfi" o jr7' po rtland PUBLIC laiPLOYMENT BUREAU. W omen e Dcparinient, City llatU No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any lint, promptly supplied. Olflce, clerks. lOustKoepera. domestic. day 4100 workers, A-4IJI, sea 111st rchses. Ma tubal I CURTAINS hand laundered, repaired. called for and returned; best refer ences. I a bur ttii, - WANTED, any kind of housework Of care or cnnuren uy tne hour, reua-" ble. Phone Woodlawn 13H0. A MARRIED lady would 11 Ke VO do soni woi k in apt. houser-ror her apt. Phone lsl ilOO, Apt, 2. - ': REL1AHLK woni.ui wsnts work by day or liour Main 624, -f V'A NTEI Office work by competent. experiencei i wo man. 1-182, Journal., WANTED Any kind of housework.' 25c hour. Phone Main 8086. . WOMAN wunts work cleaning, etu. references. Woodlawn o72. DRESSMAKLNQ 40 ALL kinds dressmaking, remodeling, deslKHi'iK. reasonable. Also llisiruv-' tion ut Ei onoiiiy 1 iressmak lng parlor and school. 503 liettiim bid Main 8704. FAS 1 HON A RLE dressmaking. new ideas, also alterations, al home Of by day. Woodlawn a.122. .": KXPERIENCED dressmaker desires customers at her home, classy work skirts, dresses, suite Woodlawn 188. DRESSM A K ER wauls sewing by day,: Tabor 417. MRMEN my. ELKCTRIC treatments; your home If preferred; tralnel nurse, all aUV, menls. Tabor 2213. MALK nurse; references given, nrn: I ,e wis. Broadway 221 . ; Fl B.MSHKI) ItOOMS FURNISHF.I) rooms for young men In.; all parts of the ci.y. also in 1 . c. A. bidg., especially durable during the summer; rir-proor, teiepnons in eaen . room shower baths $1.76 to 4.7 per week,' inoludlng full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, wlrw mlng pool, hand-ball court, snd many other Club privileges. Full Informally ' st Y. M C. A. business office or ts's-' phone Main 7.165 A-6561. J0TH AND WAbd 1 NQTON til B. Btrlctlv modern, light, cool rooms, j $2 to $4 per week; pr 1 1 v fctp baths, Tlr wV.k THE GARLAND vt-U MODERN BRICK: oulsble rooms: respectable; hot water. 25 Trinity St., : cor, Washington, bet. 19th And 20th, BACHELORS HO.'EL Everything new and up to data. For men only. Tenth end Washington . Main till ftGDlfitl GlLMlMMWifc oak.ll,Mo'd.l; I'll. ili r ii'i.'rim- wmV e. ' NEATLY furnished front attic roon' modern, 2 windows. $1.50 week. 121 N. 2nd. $1.60 WKEK. up, fur, rms., central. 1 e King, 109 Jef. , 1. t tj : I c 1 J u1 n m a. ass am t lata rrian I i 17 I IVll iilil Ik ft awilin aui svs-a vieom -. wm : North I6th., cor. Davis. FLBMSHED ROOMS PXITATK TAMIXT, 10, NICE furnished rooms, lights. $5 month. 269 Fargo at. bath. ROOMH AND BOARD 19 THE HERKKORD. J 73S 787 MOT! HI. uuiri I.IMUCIIU,! IIVl. . uav. ,.. . plan Suites Single rooms. Exoeusni . taoie. main uaus, 1 . . FIRST class room and board, reason able; modern conveniences. $22 10th. : Main 971r. IMOMS AND BOAF.D 72 PaUTATB P AimjT. . .. i ' TWO large desirable rooms with pri vate family, with or without board, reasonable. Gentlemen or man ana wife preferred. East 2110 : BEAUTIFULLY furnished roomsr large, light, slry. with board, vary ; reasonable. 693 E. Ash. E. 3810. llOI'uL'VtL'IIIVIl' ItbflVttl A' ow .mam. VlterisristT pnmnl.lft. iv furnished, steam heat, ruhnltisr hot and cold water, phone in every. room; f blocks from tut and Morrison;, sts.. $18 tip 21 Cotumnts st. cor, 6th. En suite and single bay windows, ire; -r- nde light, phone and bath, $6 to $11 per, month. Mercedes, 2 (It h and Morrison, Horn AntR.F1, week up. 401 First si. ree bath, hot, cold water; (Ooatlansd oa Seat Vac