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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1916)
i- THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY. MAY 4$, 1916. f . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 X1VUXED AID irHTVXWUKZD. k)VVNTOWNmoaern H. K. suites. $15 I month up. Including heat, light, etc oyil -Annex. 350' Morrison. M. 4521. I ; HOUSKKKKI'INCi ROOMS 73 UUUHED aid uirrtrxirzaRED. j . . n fMTATE TtMILT. URNISUED. 10 minutes' walk from ) shopping; district; 2 2 -room house epln suites; light. water and (ione; free ga and bath; $10 and $12. 'nil Etlt 4S74. XWO furnished" II. K. rooms, ground floor front, bark entrance, water, tht, bath, walking distance. 214 -N. East Mild THREE large light rooms furnished, j $ month; 2 large light rooms, fin ished, $8 month. 631 Thurtnait at , between- lth and 20th. (H-TWO nl rooms and sleeping f porch. Includes lights, phone, hath; walking distance, tall after Sunday. f64 t th. Phon eK e M w oo. I 1109 . ' WELL furnished housekeeping I rooma, all upstairs, with hath anil phone. Rent $li. At 512 Clay st. Mar shall 2.H3. ii LARUE well f urniNlied I i. K. rooms. 1 With Sle pillK tM.lrli. . I n mil ni! wa M 4 i ii m Ti 10. V, At- 30 ' oil. K. M JlEDL'CEH . 1 I I . I'M llt.fl-l ye. I WO l oollis, i Millie, I $1; also i.i Montgomery ji'WO very pleus.-i Ii I . iica.n colli, in ( best close In rcsidem e distil, I, 'in 'jst aide, very i easoiiahle East 703.'. ii'WO rooms, $7 month . larjie room. I kitchenette, liKht. linen, phone, $S Tntri. Clone in I2! Kith. i''URNlKllKI houo kceidnK -f room, reasonable. vrM .side. h 4th. St. J., 2 ANI) it llirn- ino'l. in II In f first floor, J 1 1 l k I . (liliaiu Saln st. or T! N. KKiN I ( .60 AH (NTH. l uriiivhed sleeplnn porch; quiet dav or nU'lit. linT forrlson st. Phone KhI .Mil. i'LEJAKANT (iiiel bouMiUii). n looms, I reasonable, sleepjnx rooms, $5 per bno. . 305 12th st. . housekeeping rooms. Jtj ptr mo. I 666 6th st. iOVEIy new pulnled suile. IlKhl. hath. 110 month. .".xii I' ilWO $1 each. two $2. fii, I HI h st. S two thr 14. io.. FOH RENT HOUSES 12 tJNFUJt NTSHED. A BUBORBAN home. 7 rooms and I bath; newly pane rod and painted; mrfe garden, trult, henhouses, etc. Phone Tahor 6MX, Ii WV Kj iuu. i ,"ou..i incK. L.ui) per month, located on 8.'d st. .macad amised) urar Estacada car ! red vv. i4rmsn ( 73. 'hxn, of Com 10 ROOM house, nlshed, modern iiiinslii'il or ii 1 1 f ii r- uas, electricity. 3oo 15. 11th. East 2!M:t MUUtiK.'M, i room i uiigaiow. i irt.;ilace. 7 room I iiiiK'th'V lurftc yard. HO I lurnace. lursi yard. :j I aic ouveri ave. WnoiilHwn 1 :o 6 AND t room modern houses, like tiew. furnaces and sleeping porch, $1S. Woodlawn 1H7. AlOUERN H room , ottuue with small garden spot, at Ml'J Minnesota ave. Kent $11. Phone Marshall 2.'.3. KOR RENT Modern room hoiis-, beautiful yard in Improved residenc- section. Woodlawn 33u5. FOR RENT c lean 4 room colage. I'hone Eat 2'.S 42 1 large yard. K 8th st. FOR RENT- No. 70ti 13th st.; j : ' room modern bungalow, garage. I .'0 month. Call Han. Main 1 1 s:i WILL, lease vine room residence. Nob Hill, walking distance, block from! Wash. Z-374, Journal LOWER floor. .1 rooms, garden, bath. pantry, basement, $;i. 177 Fargo st. Woodlawn !IS4. .EIGHT room house, modern, gas. elec- tr.lclty. 353 K. 1 1 til st. K a st 294 3 . MODERN clean r, room house Grant st. I nqulre 3f,4 Lincoln 353 st. NEW 6 room bungalow, fireplace, fur Pace. $16. Sf. 2 E. Frn nklln ar.d 28th. MODERN 6 room cottage, 566 Mill, rent $15, including water. " i FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT FIRST CLASS fumed oak rurnltur;. almost new, terms to responsible parties; nice four room flat for rent; going away. :2s Commercial st.. Woodlawn 43F7 forenoons. 13 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. fine lawn, cheap rent, bargain for j rash. Marshall 2.,'.U AD4. u lurui llshed In the fftenftnr. ..1. ui fur fe.iie r-j puo Household Goods elas .y 'or rtnl FLKMSHLD IIOISKS 2.60 E. B3d St., between Hawthorne and I Madison. 6 room house, sleeping ! ?Oreh, completely furnished with piano. urnace. fireplace, gas range, hot water ' heater. Rent $.'7 tl abor M 3 $26 Modern 6 loom bungalow tor rent. Hawthorne district. lu2'J East Harrison. $20. MODERN lurmshed cottage Clean, 6 rooms Mlihlleuged or el derly people. 1 3115 Hth COMPLETE hV fu rnisned modern room bungalow ; piano, gas, electri, $17. Woodlawn 400 CLEAN 6 room furnished cottage, 4 blocks Broadway bridge. MI. 43S Hoaa t. East 486H. ROOM furnished house. '. blk car $10 mo. Tabor 4934 Marshall 128 $18 FOUR room piano. house, clean. Wood lawn 40: good 4. furniture. apartment: 43 FURNISIIE.-' AXIHX Ft;RN'DH Eh LUZERNE APTS.V 3d andl?aiTAlod- em brick bldg., 2 rooms, furnished, private phone in each apt., $16 and up. Marshall 4K3 PENROSE APTS.. and Grand ave., i room furnished. Wa 1 king- distance. N. W. cor. Relnront new modern, 3 and Service first-class. l'Hlfi SHEFFIELD 27t Broadway S., i and room fur. aid unfur. apts., Walking distance; at very reasonable rent; best of service. Alain 25utf. ROSE FR1E.ND. 2H6 Broadway a., mou ern unfurmsned apts.. large rooms, le8t service, walking d'st Marsh. 1410 (.6u PER we. k. 2 room apt., private) ; bath. Harrison Court, 6th and Har rtson; walking distance. ' JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS. - 614 Jefferson, three room furnished IPU., newiy tinteq., two Deds. J16 PENINSULA AK1 C1170; concrete bldtT- $ And 3 rooms; hot and cold wster, baths, phone, steam heat. $12 up l-ROOM furnished aiartnients; sepa - rate bath and phone; East side; guod loratton; $17. Tabor u6o. D-1u3o. TUDUR ARMS Apis., isth and Coucn. PuOIle A-1644. Main 255S); n'ew bricK bldK. ; ii. 3. 4 rooms, modern apts. YHfc2 Ii VLANL) AFAR I'M EN TS 2 rm Apartments with kitchenette, rea sonable rent. 490 Morrison. DIEL apts.. 790 East Ankeny, modern .-.completely furn. apts.; large, Ug-ht, sunny, clean, E. lights, stm. ht. E. 108. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmoni. Modern ! and 2 room apts., $1.50 per week up. Sleeping rooms. East 212. KOKUMIs apis. 565 Marshall st. Mod- ern, l rivate ualti and urea,sint r m; summer rates I AVK8TFAL, 410 Oth st. 3 rooui apt , ' jprlvate batli and phone, modern brick, 85 week and up. Walking distance. THE WOOUiViANSE-e-1, 2 and 3 room ' turnlshed apartments, rent from b to $20. Phone Main 8193. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room apts.. $15. I0. $27.50 Marshall 2917. niniinnoi! Court 401 10th, $10 modern to $20. Vinuiiiiiatii I apartments. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. o, rm. apts. Mar. 8860. M. (616. A-2676 LUXOR APTS. 324 Furn. and unfur. 13th 2. 3 Main room CLAlta, Apts., bads, phone. i rm. Ilehts tur.. disappearing heat free: $12 up LARGE 2 room apartments, furnished: cheap rent. Phone Marshall 3327. CLEAN, comfortable furnished-1 and 2 .room apta- $11.60 and. uu. 328 MilL APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Con tinned) ; . . ' McKinley Apartments Modern 2 and 3 room apta. 2 room, $12. 3 room. $14 per month and up. Fire proof bldft. private bath and phone. A nice place for nice people. Walking distance. Under new manage ment. K. 7th and Morrison. .Phone Kast 3100. The Knickerbocker Apt. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Attractive 3 room fur. and unfur. modern apt. All new furniture, refer ences. Main 1220. 10th and Harris, n mt Wwiklng -lint a nee 1'7ttLSLL A&aKlS& TIM rrfjn,ra hull"! of uuallty. coni'uri and e-Tlce VII. I, A 8T. ILAKA 12th and Taylor Modern, completely furnished apta. Walking distance- References . MARSHALL. AI'AKiJ(T..wj. ! 624 MarahaH st. Take W cars, S I cnr cr ltiih i. cars - Hca.iii.ul 3 mom fur nl ned af artme'itc. il iati;e i ouihide looms. Hrlyaie bails Hon- w h ' f r 1 1 . e laort- r tM'i ;, 1-1 I..N '. ft 1 ..i E.N l o. I UK.NEK 4TII AM) l.lM i.'i.S. - re m ruinlshed apts.. wnli private hath, phone, electric lights and steam heat. $18 to JJ3. Main 137 7. A-4152. BHKTMlIt a P.XRTM KNTS. 20th and Low-Joy. 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished; new hardwood floors; modern conveniences, reasonable. Kire fooof gHiHf in conneitlon. .1 A 1 1 fS(JNPA It k A f'TS I'ait st.. at Madison. Modern i'. 3 and 4 loom furnished fl ia t ' men t s. ro in l,v week o' moritli : liHW'.Mi'l nished. ;i iiarid ave. . V 4..II1. K .i i T . .u. d .j P urns i u i -. up. H i II on enteiices, I .. .V, Ileal lO llovt si i'hollrt , THE DEZENIjORK i 208 16'I H ST. Marshall 2316. I Nice 5 room fur. and unfur. apts.: ! si so 3 and 4 room fur. apts. E. apts. 7th and Taylor sts., : light free, private 2 and bath 3 room BALHOA A FT is. Large modern 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur., brick bide, best service, walk ing dis.; reasonal.U 42 Harrison. ; .SI ."' .VIEif rales, 3 and 4 rooms sleep ing porches, hwd. floors, walking 'distance; like a bungalow. Fortnonian, I 2.MI E. 13th St. FOR IEXT FLATS 13 $9.00 ITI'ER or lower 5 room flats. gas, bath, newly fitted, yard; Jt, Jef ferson. $', tent houses, electricit y, water, trees, view; near end of Jefferson car line. Imiuire i'1i Market st. 1'lione Main 41:.H. , v K.s I lil modern. finest xiew. I just renovated, 5 rooms, yard. Sell- wood 1 370. I NICE 4 room flat for rent, furniture I for sale; going away. !2S Commer cial st. Woodlawn 43ii7. forenoons. 3 FIVE room flats, 2'ith and Vaughn, near ball erounds, $S month. Key at premises. East 36.',8. I NK! KNISHEI) G room flat, ;iewly kalsomined; reasonable rent. Call at fil E 1Mb st.. cor Oak ROOM modern flat. Hall. Main 1 962. corner 11th and FURNISHED FIJVTH. 50 FOI'R room, well furnished, lower flat, clean and desirable, good neigh borhood, nice lawn, two car lines and walking distance. Only $18. inquire 772 E. Tavlor. East n20 $20 4 ROOMS, piano, lights, water, phone; $18. 5 rooms completely fur nished, walking distance. E. 3310. '3 rooms, $15; 3 rooms. $12.50. VERY clean, well furnished 3 room lower flat; good neighborhood; walk lng distance. 749 Mississippi. WooJ lawn 45 27 $25 3 HEAITIKI'L roonTZ heaT phone, lights, water, garage; walk ing distance. Thone E. 3310. FIVE room bungalow flat, completely furnished: lawn, flowers, walking dist ance. 4.'4 Tillamook. Main 9 J J n. 4 ROOM, mahogany fur., fireplace, hardwood floors, close In. refer eices; $lx 34 4 Benton St. W E'LL rurnisl.e and fireplace. 1 ; room flat f iirnHc trie fix- gas and ele, Hires. references. Marshall 6168. FOI'R rooms modern. 383 R'ss, cor ner E Kroadway Two blocks to brldire Low rent BH1CK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal )',il,Mlil. i'o Hrnndwnv and Ymh.ll THIRD M'ply lse... aid R se laylor. rear; low rent. City I'rintery, on prem- HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. IW DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20 Portland Rendering Co ; FOR SALE One erv wagon; $7." ! Phone Sel I wood 8 good horse and Jeltv 7 Milwaukie st isPKINO wagon and single harness, cheap. Oscar E. Dahlgren. Berkeley P O Parkwood. Or. FOR SALE or mare for cow or Journa I Exchange llnggy chickens. S-77a. GOOD, sound, true inch farm wagon Raleigh st. stables. team, 2400 lbs. 3 and harness. $175. 16th and Raleigh. GOOD work team; on the streets; team. Inquire 787 has been working will make ranch E. 28th st. south. SMALL horse to trade for larger .one; will pay difference. 67 E. 74th St. N. GOOD young team for sale and two fresh cows. Phone Sellwood 2461. 8PAN of mares 1100 66th s' S. E. Tabor lbs., 6028. $60. 3610 Wanted one good 2509. top buggy. Phone Wdln. DEAD HORSES and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. MUTT, AND JEFF Sewing Machines Should i w .IgL ."-S- 1 - HaaVRifcaiT, jWT'P H.ttSaUfc. .t0$ HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 1H (Ood tinned) , HAVE given up our homestead: want to sell our team of good farm horses, weight 2500, age 5 and 9; are true and gentle, free from all blemishes. In good condition for work. Come at once for I can't afford to keep thl te.m in town. Will sell at half , their value. Price $154). Mrs. F. E. Smith, 611 Everett st., west side, room 1. sv)ii burses and vcmcie. cot, and household pets and poultry. rea1 the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in thee classifications HANDSOME young bay family horse. weight about 1160 lbs., almost new buckboard and harness; must be sold at once; buyer must guarantee a kooo home. 10. '9 E. Yamhill st BARGAIN Team, mare and horse. good workers. 2400 lbs.; double hur 1 ess and nearly new farm wagon. lSt- E Stark st. Trial allowed GOOD team, mare and geldins, 2400 Wis., heavy set harness, cheap; also 1000 lb, mare, $2.',. Res., 799 Mrchigan. Take Mississippi car 10 Failing. FOR SALE 1 team well matched mares, 6 vears old. weight 3200 lbs., 1 team weil matched horses, weight : 9(111 Ihs. 226 Russejl st. N'ifK. mini team, sound ai.d true. Can p,in team, sound Hawthorne, ave. I2't LIVESTOCK CoWK WANTED. We have a demand for a few more gentle, rasj milking, lamily cows, through our auction sale everyIonday and Thursday and can guarantee 1 lie highest market price and cash for the same. We sell for anyone on 5''o commis sion. STAR HORSE SALES o., 302 Frctit St Main 171 T E N fresh ,0 s. some large dairT ows. some high-bred Jersey.-, pome test to 6 per cent, average 3 '-j to 6 ga.s. Jtn and up, for quicK sale. Will trade for beef cows. 1130 Macadam si . South Portland cur to Hamilton av. I IIKKI bert :- ear-old Jersey cow strain, eligihle to St. Lain 1 eglst ry. Price low. Leave address at 208 Al- der room 2. Fol'R just f a m i 1 y car to yrung, high fresh, with cows, verv 24th st. 793 grade Jersey cows, calves, extra good gentle. Hawthorne K. Main. HOLSTEIN in good condition, cheap for cash; terms to responsible partv. C C. Andrews, house at Vineyard sta tion. Oregon City car. WANTED 100 head of hogs from 12? up; will take thin sows that have pigs or larger boars. Phone Woodlawn 21 no 3 FRESH cows, 6 gall.. Guernsey-Durham. 5 gall. Jersey, young Holstein, $45. C S. Barns. 24 8 Front st. 1,1 mil large for good wood 24 76. Jersey, high tester, horse and money. trade Sel!- FOR good wood 476 family coins. Phone Sell- I'OU LTRY AX 1 VIG EON S 37 WHITE Leghorn baby cmcks from proved heavy laying stock; May de livery. $8 per 100: we guarantee safe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Peta- luma. Cal. ' THOROUGHBRED Barred Rocks eet ting eggs. 50c for 13, 144 Alberta st. L car. BARRED Roik Wdln. 2397. eggs, incubator lots. DOGS. BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 48 PEDIGREED months old ENGLISH bull dog. 16 1 female pointer and 1 all chean. if tnken At male pointer. otice. 244 M Washington st. Mrs. Lea. WHITE Persian cat, for sale or trade female. 1 yr. old, for male kitten. Main 3050, THOROUGHBRED English setter pups. 6 weeks old. Phone Tabor 4946 or write T-753. Journal. AUTOMOBIIJS-ACCl!iSSORIES 4 PIERCE-ARROW CHASSIS, with stake delivery body, makes a dandy 1-ton truck; a bargain. 363 EAST OREGON ST. EAST 7222. SE1-: our stock o? j'ord delivery bodies, also autj wheels, our own make; guaran teed. Carl Peterson, 121 Grand ave. north, ".ast 1433. 1916 OVERLANT. 5-pass , mod el '83." first ciass condition, 2 extra tires. 36,3 EAST ORE GON ST. East 7222. dodge: dodge: dodge: dodge: This car is in fine mechanical dition: has lots of power: $650. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington. con- I5TM&C.OUCH Manufactures and repairs auto spring, reduced Get a wmten guarantee, prices DOUBLE tread. puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them In. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash at 18th. Burnside st Broadwar. (335 Burnside ) FOR USED CARS VISIT Covey Motor Car Co.. Main 6214, and Washington, y list WILE trade 20 acres of land in Clarke Co., Wash., for automobile. 1001 E. 26th St.. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 741. 1911 Overland, good tires all round. $19; Hoyt st. after 6 P.- M condition good cash. Call 304 MONEY' loaned on automobiles, used cars bought and sold. 505 Alder. BRUSH runabout cheap. Sunday. 127 N. 6th st. Call after ELECTRIC coupe, fine 325 Washington st. shape. $100. SPEED bug, for light 5 sell for cash or exchange pass. 32 5 Washington st. FORD 5-passenger 331 Ankeny Phone A-11SS. Broadway 1031. st. f mutt tmoss guvs ) f vMeu.,Ks mohn t this'elpw TifAes 1 WASH(NGT0N r JOMex.CAfN, f THAT IN Ce OI- A ARJPALOT OP WMAn TH6 WOAAg-ot CARR,N(r WELL, WHATj BRGAr VJCXn CARfNN2A, 0 - J WAtrp AjotrT- Hfe vACHINeS Of IT ' j MiCANS UlOOUD f I I SftNLess BOO&S J xow.J ACROSS thg OORDeR. TR-N TO HrA PgRV4IN6j ; 0 v J lKlro Uco up on the BoR-oeR " I r NOSTOP I 1 41 Sensational Low Prices on Name your own price, from $200 up. Take your pick of many makes, many sizes, many colors every car a bar gain. SEE THEM TRY THEM BUY ONE It's the chance of a lifetime for we are selling cars at from $100 to $3u0 lower than the lowest prices ever of fered before. SALE ABSOLUTELY ON MAY 10 CLOSES T T 23d and Washington sts. open Sunday and evenings Used Auto Snaps LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1915 MITCHELL. 7 passenger. 6 cylinder, used very little. 1914 MITCHELL, o passenger, 6 cylinder, neailv new. "1914 1MEPERIAL. 5 pass.. 4 cyl. 1912 MITCHELL. 5 passenger. 6 cyl inder. Overhauled and painted. ABOVE CARS HAVE ELECTRIC .STARTER AND LIGHTS. 1912 MITCHELL. 2 pass.. 6 cyl. 1912 CASE. 5 pass.. 4 cyl. 1912 MAXWELL, 5 pass. 4 cyl. 1912 V ELI E. 2 pass, 4 cyl. 1911 STODDARD. 5 pass.. 4 cl. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, E 1st and E. Morrison sts. East 7272. B-12Hv All Kinds of Used Cars, Roadsters 6 passengers, 7 passen ger touring cars; also trucks and bodies in every style and make for sale at a sacrifice on cftsy terms, as we are closing out our -tock. Also several high class cars suitable to be converted Into bugs. Northwest Auto Co, 331 Couch St.. near Broadway. we have from roadster to seven passenger lias been completely overhauled and repainted and new tires equipped. Your chance to get a good car at the lowest price and terms. H, L. Keats Auto Co, Broadway at Burnside Phone Broadway .',36i Gasoline 18c Per Gallon, OVERLAND. 1912, roadster, first class condition $-50 STUDEBAKER. 4, 1914, touting car overhauled repainted, new tOD J 4 i 3."." 1914. touring OVERLAND car. electric starter arid ngnis. . ji-o Oregon Motor Car Co, STUDEBAKER Park and DISTRIBUTORS. Davis Sts. PARAGES $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood sheds, etc. M 1 1 1 m a d e Con struction Co. Main 1167. 54 4 Hood st. Woodlawn 3615. Sundays and evenings. OUR USED CAR LIST INCLUDES 1915 Overland six, Pierce-Arrow 36, also "48" 7-pass, Haynes, late modei; Dodge touring car; Hudson roadster; White roadster. Many others. Prices right. COV EY MOTOR CAR CO.. Main 6244. EVER-READY 1 TON TRUCK Attachment $360; Truck Complete. $776. TnOTJt-tH5-uurY IHt.wATEN T. C.743T WHITE ROADSTER. Late model, electric starter, very fine condition. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington. Let Us Solve lour Spring Trouble. Guaranteed wasminoton carriage Springs. Cor. m- .,, Union and Bel- . . J?fet , mont. E. 1305. uTo"i0OH $250 BUYS 5 pass. Studebaker. 20 1U P.. top. windshield, Warner speedometer, new tires, fine condition, easy and cheap to run. Garage for sale. $35. Taibor 3040. FINE ELECTRIC CAR. Battery in A-1 condition, new motor; bargain at $250. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sts. No Glare Auto Lens ED. BRUNS CO.. 43". 1st st. Broadway 954 USED motors, parts, tires, accessories, less than half price of original cost. Auto Wrecking Co.. 271 Front. Main 1939. 1912 25 H. P. model 35 Buick roadster to trade for diamond; nothing less than U, kt. will be considered; value of car $350. 0-986, Journal. IF it's scrap ruboer or melais' and you want the highest price, phone J. Leve. 186 Columbia Main 5198. Be Contraband of War AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES (Oomtlamsd) AUTOMOBrLES WANTED 78 WILL trade my $900 equity in 20 acre farm for 1916 Dodge car; will give an even trade if car is in good condi tion, a bargain. Write W. L. Davli, Sherwood, Or. WILL pay highest cash prices for Fords. H. O. Peck Garage, 1063 Haw thorne. Phone Tabor 2948. HAVE 2 beach lots to turn in on rur about or motorboat. What have you? W-988. Journal. WANTED A bug in good running con dition. State price and terms. J. H. Portland hotel. WILL trade 11 lots In Worden. Or., for motor truck or motor boat. Write O "76. Journal. WANT 4 trucks to haul wood. $1.75 and $2 per cord. Call Sellwood 133 7 after 6 p. m SMALL house or vacant lots for auto. 1-675. Journal. CASH lor Ford: not over $300. Quick deal. Main 5887. AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 GENTLEMAN owning Cadillac desires party of three to motor to San Fran cisco. Los Angeles or San Diego. Ex perienced chauffeur and acquainted with best scen e routes. Address J. A. J( . I -290. Journal. i'AKKI' I I. di ner, reasonable Ford. Woodlawn 3293 rate. SlOIOKt V( LE -BICYCLES 55 WILL trade 1913 Indian single for twin and pay difference: would like to buy twin for cash. S-766. Journal. 1315 DAYTON. A accept terms or 4510. 1 condition, part trade. Will Wrln. Bicycles & motorcycles bought & sold. R. H Blocker. 276 Taylor cor 4th st 1 : 1 4 - speed electric equipped Indian. $150. i;nn K Mb St. S. Sellw. 956. 1915 li-SPEED Indian. ("ASH -22 10th si. equipped. $165 Mair 5745. COASTER brake bicycle, $s. st. North. 91 tj 17 th LAUNCH ESAND BOATS 64 FOR SALE on Coos Bay, Or., steamer Powers, especially adapted for tow ing; 124 feet over all by 24 foot beam; excellent condition, fully 'equipped with electric lights, steam steering gear, search lights, etc., plenty of power. Communicate with Coos Bay Lumber Co., Syndicate Building, Oak land. ( a I EWiNKUDE rowboat and canoe mo tors, rowboats, canoes, motorboats .v - our beautiful motor boat and en gine for $143.00. Evinrude Motor Co. Moved to 211 Morrison st. MOTOR boat, 25 H. ,P.. for sale cheap. $150 cash takes it. Ft. Miles st.. Ful- T. DA N 1 ELSON Boat Shop,! t. Nebraska. Building, repairs, nest work, low price. FIANOS, UKti.l.NS) AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WE WILL CLOSE OUT TOMORROW 1 $35 Phonograph at 410.00 J. $45 Phonographs at. $6.00 1 $40 Phonograph at $6.00 1 $35 Disc Talking Machine at... $7.5 1 $100 Disc Cabinet at : $55.0') 1 $35 Phonograph $10 00 PCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill Fourth St. BEFORE purchasing see our Specials In Used Piano Bargains. New piantos mod'ately prload I&TH. AMD STAJBX STS. FISCHER. Shonninger. lladdorf. An drew Kohler and other pianos and player pianos, terms to fciiit your con venience, mail me a card and I will call. A. J. Dorand, agent, located at wholesale house of Kohler-& Chase, 9th and llovt sts., Portland. Or. $::. $65. iy5. $110 anu $145 cash se cures old and new models. Chicker lng, Haines Bros.. Heinze, Hallet & Da vis and Knabe pianos closed out at once by Security Storage Co.. 109 4th. FINE Cable piano, latest style case. Must sell this week. Very cheap Might give terms. This piano is al ways priced $400. No reasonable of fer refused. 3K3 Russell st.. Apt. 1. MAHOGANY piano, $95. Fine condi tion. Lot of music goes with it Earlton Apts., cor. Russell and Union ave., Room 1. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, refin ished by professional men. Satisfac l.on guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuniag, Rev fc Mte. Co.. 246 Mawtnorne t.. 10z UPRIGHT piano, standard make; very reasonable; with terms to respon ciHl nnriv 643 Oreeon hotel. $45 CASH buys small Boudoir uprigh 109 4th st. $35 CASH secures Jj50 mahogany pianola plaver at Security Storage Co. 109 4th st. FREE use of piano or player piano 2Vs years. See display adv., or Pchwan Piano C. 111 4th st. WILL exchange large Gratono'.a and records for piano or player piano. S-76S, Journal. PIAi-'O for sale at a bargain at 650 Preseott St. TYPEWRITERS WTO save you from bO to "5 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder, retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months tor $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on purchase price. Remington Type writer to., xo Kroadway OLIVER typewriter, practically new, $100 machine for $35 cash. 216 N. Tvanhoe St.. St. Johns. NEW rebuilt. 2d band, rentals, cut rates, p I). C. Co . 231 Stark. M. 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 5 Furniture Given Away For almost nothing at 212 4th -t. Car pets, rugs, runners, sheets, cases, bed ding, pillows, dressers, chairs, mat tresses, ranges, curtains; everything out of a 35 room hotel. Must be sold to satisfy mortgage 212 4th st. CHEAP! CHEAP! Furniture, entire bed $6, birch dresser same, piano, etc. 4136 63d st.. Laurelwood. GOOD furniture for sale, mcrcial st. 95 f Com- i9 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE Brand new caroom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit. $116; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowlirr alley and bil liard supplies: easy naymema. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda foun tain fixtures THE BKUNSWICK-BAI.KK-COLLENDER CO.. 46-48 Fifth MACHINES of all maaes sold (or !?. No agents employed. Machine rent ed $2 par mo. A-3626. M.9431. Sewlna Machine Emoorlum. 1 90 3d sc. near Taylor, rented. Electric motors sold and Printing Specials 1000 billheads, statements, noteheads or envelopes, $2.00. Bond letterheads. $2.25. Samples. Coicinnn Bros., Main 93S6. Box 682. Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and re paired. W a 1 k r Electric works, 4 IS Burnside, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-5674. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" anl "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisement of these goods ar published under thei respective classifications. Look them over. 10 DROPUEAD Singer sewing ma chines, complete witn attacliments, in good order, $17.50 while '.lev last. East 2359. B-3307. E. R. SlecD. 152 Grand ave.. near Belmont. AUTOMOBILE, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. ' S E W I N G MAi 'HI NES. all kinds, all maUes. guaranteed. 349 Morrison st. Main 1M5. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead 6l Mach Co, 311 Front St. Main 5492 FOR SALE -One 3 h. p. Stover gaso line engine and several pullevs, make offer. Tabor 2096. SEE it yourself. A bargain. liar land gas range, good condition. Mar shall 4244. Call 529 Northrup. FOR . SALE CHEAP Heavy fumed oak rocker, leather seat, good as new. Woodlawn 324. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell, Agt.. 194 1st Main izzi. GOOD lawn mower and water eight lawn roller, cheap. Woodlawn 435 1 forenoo. $12.50 DROPHEAD ' sewing machine, with attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. FOR SADE Second hand gasoline pump, perfect condition, cheap. 194 1st st. COMPLETE Edison outfit for ale or trade. 128 1st St., near Alder GAS RANGE, 5-burner, with oven; $7 5 72 Ten i no a,ve. FOR SALE $300 cash. $100 diamond ring 460 .j Larrabee st. for FOR SALli whole or A 2d band tn part. 2 1 1 dental out 1 1, Failing Idd SWAP COLUMN 23 FINE upright piano. $125. Will tak typewriter, talking machine or dia mond as part payment. 367 Russe;i st Phone East 2334. 7ANTED -5USCE1XANKOUS X PHONE Sellwood 1549 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. . R. Beater. 286 Grand ave. south of Haw t home. WANTED Second hand furniture, ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co.. 390 East Mor rison st. Phone East 223S. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay th highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M Seator.143 RusBell st. HIGHEST cash prioea for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, watches, Kodaks, Jewelry of all kinds. J. Golden, 167 1st st. CASH for household goods, stoves, ranges, merchandise, 1000 things to trade. N. Y. Bargain House, 128 1st, near Alder. WILL PA cash for floor bread caso 34 in. high by 6 or 8 ft. long; plate glass top. Must be cheap. Phone Main 4523. NOV-CE TO MOVERS. Wanted btoves, rockers, dressers, rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We ray the price. N. W. Furn. Ex. E. 636. WANT new and second-hand furniture stock in exchange for Portland prop erty. Tabor 4 4 26. WANTED Floor case, computing scales, store and office furniture. 12S 1st. near Alder. Main 4495. CASH lor SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, or trade something useful. 128 1st, near Alder. Main 4495. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND- HAND H O U S E II OLD GOODS PHONE MAIN 3332. A-2567. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. H. M. Pickering. mfe. jeweler. 21 Oregonlsn bldg. HIGHEST prices paid for second hand furniture and household goods. Broad wa v 119. ji. YOUR watch repaired, no matter how badly broken. $1; all work guar- anteed. Howard Jewelry Co . 93 6th. 2D HAND clothing buyer, J. Meyer, tailor, pavs more for clothing, shoes. Call Marshall 1229. 229 Madison st WANT Second hand Diano from pri vate family. Must be bargain. Ad dress Rot E-920. Journal WE pay the highest prices for second hand furniture. Call East 7777. STAMPS bought and sold. 308 McKay blri,g. Main 1004. Marshall 3793. WANTED Journal. -Second-hand trunk. WILL pay cash for portable garage. Woodlawn 4674. Alaska Bag & Junk Co. pays best prices, all kinds junk. Main 46S6. 235 Front. LOST ANU FOUND 21 LOST pair of spectacles between 1 and 2 o'clock. Monday. Reward Re turn 427 E. Broadway. I'hone East 6335. l.O.ST A large cameo pin. Reward if returned to 696 Everett st ( Copyright. Trade-Mark 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. and owners there of may claim same at the 1st and Alder St. station: Marshall 5100, A-6 1ol. May. 6 1 milk can, 5 pkgs., 1 basket, I,... ..i, . ..i , , , . j.i . - Mini,, loiw.i, i giove, i r uitiHii guide, 17 umbrellas. 1 .Mshlnir rod. 1 coat. 1 grip, 4 purses, 1 pr. overalls, 1 pr. gloves, 1 shopping bag, 1 pr. garters, men's, 1 baby carriage, 1 box station ery. 7th 9 umbrellas, 1 pr gloves, i pr. overshoes, 1 Bible, 1 envelope. 1 &aper bag, 1 knife. 1 sack lemons, 1 ox; 1 suitcase, 1 hand satchel LOST On 23d st. iitnev" nurse con taining small Swiss watch with ini tials S H. and small sum of1 money; l-.beral reward foi it-turn Phone Marshall 533!'. LOST on 6 o'clock tram 1'ioin Oregon City, one cigar box containing reel. line and hooks. Phone H Oict Mar. 606.1: Home A-S075. SCOTCH collie 6 mon i lis old. hit T v u Sunday morning, lie 348. Marshall st. ward. License J LOST, three lion head fob set with in mouth. ruby eyes and diamonds Reward Main 5)i98. PERSON Ai. 2J WHY pay big prices for glasses'.' 1 can f.t your eyes with first i,uallt lenses in a gold tilled frame as low as SI. 50 Lenses dupli cated ai a Mg saving: satisfaction guaranteed. Charles W. Gooiiram,. op tometriSH, 29 Morrison. Main 2124. FEB VET HANEBUT, leading wig and toute makers: finest sloes hu man hair goons, hairdressing, manicur ing, face and scalp treatment, comi' ings to -.rder 147 Broadway. Mlln 546 ELi :c i'!M-Hl DKOPA'illlC inslllute 1 : .crtli 2d st. it, or. or uverioni. Seient . I'aths massage. Electric Cabinet ( 'om f rt nbU rooms. Mar 2775. TAK A K A Hair Tonic, an ant4eptlc scalp cleanser, hair beautifier and dandru'f remover; price 50c bottle. For sale liv I1,, i t land Hotel Pharmacy. DON'T use expensive corn remedies, when you get the sure thing "Re moves It" 15c plasters at the Clemen son Drug Co 200 Morrison st. DR. V. G. KETCH I'M Women s mala dies and acute diseases of men Wash. Mdg.. 4th and Wash Rm. 441. Mar. 448. SPIRITUALISM Hew M. A. Price, cir cles Tues 2 p. m ; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m Readine -dailv 292 Clay st. Mm 3960 STORED FREE, co'd stor age vaults. Rummelin Fur Co.. 4 15-7 Dekum bldg. HAVE your uair permanently naved. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 4nn Iiekum Marshall 1702 NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and mani curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg BALM of Figs remedy lor i'i scenes of women. 5H4 Davl:: st. Main 23.42 SCIENTIFIC treatment, for diseases of scalp 162 Park st room 3. 10 io 7 Lawyer l Consultation free. Main 4993. 512 Selling hid-- NOTICES Ql'ARTKRM ASTI'.K'S Office. Portland. Oregon Sealed prcposa Ik. lu triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 o'clock a. ra., Pacific time. May H, 1MB, fur furnishing at I'nrt lomi. Oregon, or other prominent railroad KmlB. tJo.iiio pounds hi an. 3,o,000 pounds hfiy. olrl crop, xnd 2.4oo.omi pounda oata, old crop. Information furnished on application to Ujiartc! uiHMer. Portland, Oregon. 1 I 'KI. off 1, e Department (juarteruiatet, 210 Pine hI .. San Frnnclaco. Cal.: healed ro poKHla will be received bere until II a. no.. May 10. ism;, for furnlahlng wood. coke, charcoal, amituing, mineral and fuel oil, gasoline, etc. required at poat In the Weal em Department. Information furnished ou application ! ere or to Poat Quartermaster. PROPOSALS f.r l-iel oil I'. S. engineer of flee, 2d PNirlit. Portland. Or. - Sealed pro" potala for fuel :,1 for Teela will be re celverl here until I 1 :4lO a. nr. Jut, a F 1U1A and then opened. lurhier Information ou application. I WILL not pay any bllla that my wife, Mra. Catherine Fiiber. runa. II. Kaher. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING ACCORDION, kMKt AND BOX PLEATI Ml; HEMSU'.CHINU, BRAIDING; BUTTON. HOLKS, Bt.'TTONS LOViKED. EASTERN NOVELTY M K(i. CO.. (Wi 6TH. B'WAV iiooo R. STEPHEN HciDnlH, hlng, accordiou, aide and aunbunt pleatlug; 1 1 1 tons covered; foods Ki.nge1. Scalloping. Pittock blk. B'way lOOfl. AGATE CUTTERS. Mhli. Jrwelera. Dlaiuouda doug-tit and aoid Wafrh repalr'g. Mlller'a. .H3Waah M. 1874 AGRICULTU .AL IMPLEMENTS f. K. tSb t NSH ADE Imulemcnla, veul, l and general farm aufipllea. 14 Kront Portland. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND ABSAYER OILttlii-UAl.L CO. Coucb tlldg. II lb .1 BLANK BOOK MAKERS PAVIS & HOI. MAN. Inc.. luU 2d at. tllaak book manufacturera; ageota for Jooea Im proved Looae Leaf Ledgera. Sea tb Daw Eu reka Leaf. A S1S.1. Main 188. BUILDING CONTRACTORS r C knnrroc Kealdeuce Speclallal. UcUi Li IViailaO 400 Macleay Hl.lg CABINET WORK CABINET Wuilh, furniture repairing. Uuraca D Jonea Jr.. 62U, 2;'.d at. Main 332. CARPET CLEANING from old carpeta,. rag ruga, carpet cleaning. North E. 3.M40. B-12S0. vifti Kug Co.. I8M E. 8in. JcAcL BROS. Electric Caulug Worka Cr peta cleaned and laid; sflttlu- our apecialty. Faat 4-M. Ii-U)ti:i 'M K. IQIh at. north. t h..M.5l UK Hug Worka Rag rug and car pvl weaving 15IS Pal top ave. Wdln. 2" CHIROPRACTORS l)U McM A HON Curable caaea, uklng tima. il treaimeula, $13. Worth $00. Additional new offices 2,ih-212 Maclaay bldg.. 4th A Waah. llr C S Tigard Is treatuieuu, 10. OlO-il-W Noi'tbweat hliig. Main 72KS. COAL AND WOOD A-J DRY fir. 5.i5 cord. (JelivereU; alabwood. bait dry, $3.00 load; wreckage, $3 load; r,,,; tri.fjQ tun up. National Kwl Co. Eaat 2041. OI D gr, wtu fir w od, $4 to i.2i daliverad. Main 42 NITER A KAltlt. dry fir. 4 ft. 4.50 to $5 25. Blockw'd. .i'V Wster t. Main 4S0S. A-4S47 1816. by H. O. F1ber. l B. B. A- Patenl OfflcS LOST AND FOUND (Ooa tinned) OOAL AND WOOTt WHY pmf SB tor corduuod beu you can . good Ionide bloikwuod at , l,mi; doabls load $0.50. Bo kwh! tolled tb blit). $3 2S a load; 0 lor double !,,l. H,Ty dry Uls wood 3 ."hi n Ion,! Kremlin 2:i:t A.2ISI COWTRACTORg AH J bUILCERS Us K A It UUMtu. 'jam-Li cuuTufi i ..i lock bldg. -J CREDIT CLOTHING LA 1)1 KS' and Men'a I'loilm. nj r tvarkl payt'a. N.Y. Outfitting ., ios, w.hlnlon. tBBCAT:ca.'t. DANCING - NL'HKSTlvK Dmiclng Auili my, nji jij at., bet. Btark and Oak. S. I ruiei. 4 ,r!t lctauoa S2. Uiornuig. afternoon, rvpiilug; n latet dani-ee Kuamntovu; rlna TUura., Sat. frilling. 7s :iO lln,H(lw 'IBO. kin und Alia, lloaln a 6ctiia,l l.ri,, il,:y. (Inst Ki dajr . low . -I.. I,cicii liivt-1, an,: Slnrk. l.eoui V!Vc Muln aaitt LA I liM u(ic meim ....ltjr atunru ni ltuf Icr Pan, lug A cud cm 7, dally 111; bour. Mali 11 8:s). Inforumls YVeatirituay KaturjH.r La ijh.Sfe. Uii UKAU. orlniU opdiu. i,. naturg. Kgyfif fanry. ituolap Main K372. MU8IC SCHOOLS AND TEACHER. L. llllhi.lKJit.N v lollu tiaibar; pupil bcteik. - 'lUeidiier lilrtf. A-4IW). Mar.hall I02S. l'liOl-. '1. L.. LAll SON .rlno al jrvor boine. (!(ic Pli..,ieTh(r ZSHM M AUH; 11. K Kt m"; iT.Tea, her '.'.f " piiTiio. Plane i, 11:, i :i7Ui S I l,r ,,.'!7C POPULAR MU81C ri.iMi ;in,,i- 1 i.g ,. t au.K'iiu lu In iu JO le- t.ti. uiiru-i, siciiitinee ,,f iiiciiey back iT ! "l nil l,.n unit tK,a,t fier. Iinpro- Tii-lug ..i.i,nl 1 1 a, 1 nii.ny, rn-. .Vi -2 Ellera bldg. tYE. AR, NOEE. 'HKOAT. LPMdS t.eclnlll tjuuerale ,,l lira. U I., 1 1 1 It u. tir. t1"- faaeday. M7 iLltiim blitg.. 3l Wq FIRE INSURANCE PACIFIC SIAIKS rlUK I.NM KANck '-O..' enl Qregui, fire InurHiice i-euitiMiir. FLUFF RUGS AND RAG RUGS Ml I. 'IF u Made fruiii j1U lugtalu. i.iur.ciH. Axuitoiiar, fruvjrim carpel. K ruga, ail aiii'i. Mall or Cet proiniit attentlun. ,,Vlft. WESItK.N I'LI I K HI G CO. 61 Union Ae. N. Phenra t.aat 0916, B 14T5 HATS CLEANED. BLEACHED Ladlea', geuia 1'uuauiu i.ala cleioieU, t,f miii-tl 76c. btrawa, felta, Cue. , 2HS Waah.. nr. 4th. 88 and 4 Ud. Plioiie M 7026 l.ADll-lS' men'a t'anmuua rleaoed, t,l(a,'bei, blocked 7&c; lei 1 a 5ic. l'ortlnnii Cleaning Hal Wm-ln. 4 SO In Waslilngt.ju at. LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS iliU llllklUlN LLATUbit vo Oldeai tlrui lu uurtbweal. Agrula "Monarrh" anfl "L. M." m,I leather. Kverelt at. MATTRESSES OLD niaiireaea aud leaiuer i,rda uiaua low aaiutarr lil,llug turiua, fcuiliera rruoratad. Koldlug M fu., oli Wllllama. K. 74. NON-lNlOXlCAiINO BLVERAQEt VltlMIAIIlm (j .ileu allJ AUJbKl Noclar. Uu- ry WeluuuiU lilaui, itb aud iluruiilda ala. Mnlu 7. Pbom-a A UTi OPTICIANS ol.ollL. OI11CAL OlMI'AM "Beat 2.Caj CaUaaea uu Eartb " Sec, ml floor Allaky Hullillng. t'oruer lliird aud Morilaon snaeia. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS illli 1VX I'liLM JOHN M. MA.SN Stark n. Br.iailway 411. A-4QHM RUBBtR 8TAMPB AND SEALS Al bO Mrui'llH, iratle v.Uacka, bi ata aigu. I'ACIHI COAJil SlAill' VNOKKS 231 Waablngloli al. Main ill). A-UU0. SAFETY RAZORS HONED bAH.l I raxora uai ,,:, cd, all kl,,U. aud iVc per l,,len, M., .1. urar Mrrw, SHEET METAL WORKS UEI'AlltlNi, llu and gravel rola. Jacob LANi.i, Blo lal i. 1'boiie Main i4'24. STAMP DEALER dl'AMi'b bought aud a(j,l attar 2 p. U). 'MH Mckay blilg. Mam HUM, Maraball 8798. TRANSFERS AND STORAGE ' Oregon Transfer Co. Eatahllohed 170. Tranafer and ForivaidJng Ageuta. Storage Free Trackage Office and Storage. 474 (,,lan St. 13th and (Jllaan. Main tld. A-1IS0. ALVVTVS PICK" THE BBS!' hTTlisEM'')I,I GOODS PEC'lALISlh Storage. Packing, Shipping aud Moving. Horae or Auto Vaua. SiecUl freight ratea to all polnla. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A SToRAoE CO. 2d and Pine. Broadway C'.ih A lima. OLSON-RoE TRANSFER CO. turn r iik v- era, packera, atorage; fireproof Maiehuiiae, lKtb ami Hoyt ala MhIu 547 A 224 7 "MANUFACTU RE RS I lJOBBERS WHOLESALERS) DRY GOODS WHOLESALE L. Dinkelspiet Co. Third Sherio. k B'Ug. corner Oag PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RASML&SEN ar CO.. High standard" paiui. N. K. corner M and Tut l..i M 1771 A -S.Vtl. PLUMBINO SUPPLIES ILUMBINCi tuapllea. wboleaale prUea. Slnrk Davla tn.. 212 itd at. Main 707 SANITARY WIPING RAGS L. SHANK CO, ;tl2 FRONT S T HONE MAIN ISM WATER 8UPPLY SYSTEMS KKWANEK WAFER SYSTEMS D. Htncer. Agent 103 Weal Park St. WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO Factory and office near 24th and York ate. Main 4S. XBTOXMATIOir COUPON. If you want the name of a reliable business house dealing in any line of merchandise, or information regard ing resorts, hotels, railroads, steam ship lines, etc., add res, oi eaiou Jour nal Information Bureau Information desired: Name Address By "Bud" Fisher km . , ' i ' J . I