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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1907)
.V; ! v-. .3 " THE'- OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING," SEPTEMBER 30, 1007. v 11 The man wlio contemplates buying findslhere a hundrpd various chan- L'rheisfe to invest all wortfiof investigation f v - FOR SALB -REAL ESTATE : For lot 50x100, 10 minute from center of the city; a block from carlinr,w 111 'furnish till Insurance; term $6 down ! and II pr montn. ;' ,,'. . Without doubt on of tha beat btnra in . Multnomah: I blocks from I carllnea. stores, - school, to.; , lot 80x100 eaat front; street graded; sewer end lde walk, Call at onoa and aour tbla bar ' rv ar 100x100 In Central .' Alblna ' ; lays aa fine aa fiddle; muit be teen to pe appreciates Tor a" comer lot on Skldmora at; terms 9 down and iv per mown. .. ' Fine lot on Alblna atre.; east front ; on carline. .. ; . : , - . Ion a; ' time Va mall na virion t down on balanoe, providing buyer will build at once, will aeoure a beautiful lot in Clifford add. on Mississippi ave. ,., - , , THOMPSON A OUDEN. .848 Mississippi Ave. "! ' . A"&viJI1tirrfnk Co" Realty Agents, northeast corner Id and Morrison- sis., t ,. 'Are offerlnr a few food bargain. ' I acres, a miles from city-, a-room house, good orchard, chicken house, barn, all fenced; $1,800. . . 1 acre In town of Mllwaukle. Clac mas iinuntr rlnsa to carllna.' 8660.' A T-room house on 8 full lota, fine bearing fruit tree, barn, chicken-bouse. .... city water and cistern, 10 minutes irons i o canine, si.eou. DDIH1 ..wot wvi,;w WM. 10x90, in Montavtlla, on the Installment nlan iliA naaK rinwn balance from SIS to $20 monthly; price from 11,(00 to - ,UUU. - , " Oood 4-room bouse in North Irrlng ! ton; lot 0xie0, some fine fruit tree. ful lota. 10x180 each and I frac tlenal lots at atreet intersection. In Bell wood. U for 1760. I fine lota In Point View addition, ft Johns, 1400. . . Only hotel in thriving suburb of Port land, SO furnished rooms, eieoino tigni. monthly rent 12 S. prlee 1600. 4 fine lots SOxlOO each. B. 14th and IMvlslon its. adjoining Iadda addition. 1900 to Sl.OUP. ' THE COAST REALTY c6. 226 M Morrison 8t The Leading Real Estate and Business Brokers. A Few Bpecials. , 111,000 Inooma property, II per cent; can lncreaae income fioo per month. Other Income property all parta cuy. 1,600 Lot 100x100. I rooms; terms. ' 11,160 S rooms, 1160 cash. 11,400 6 rooms, (600 cash. Rooming-house, It rooms, $1,600. 12.000 86 rooms: cheen rent 1600, half cash, buys 14 rooms, close In. 180011 rooms; good buy. 12.600 Grocery. 1126 dally. 1300 Old established real estate of floe, 11,000 Restaurant, $75 dally. ISOoEmployment agency; money maker. 1900 I acrea, 6o car fare; small ranch for rent. Other places, all prlcae and locations. Some fine chicken ranch propositions. Choice homesteads and timber located. THE COAST REALTY CO., 128 H Morrison Bt. Main 1668; A-4160. SOME SMALL CHEAP PLACES. 4 lota and small box houee, Mount Scott line, 1800. ' 3 lots and a poor excuse for a house, 1760; terms. ' - , 3 -room houae, i lota, Woodstock, 800; terms. . ... S-room house, lot 60x100, near Union ve. N.; $800. S-room cottage, corner lot near Union ave. N.; $1,160. , - Oood fi-room cottage, bath, sewer, . A. car; $1,200. J. J. OEDER, Corner Grand ave and E. Ankeny. M6bEAiJ -ro6 Ji6tfsEi, beecH and Height ate.; fine corner, I lota, or will aell one; terms. Owner, $64 Mon roe at. FOR SALE REAL 'ESTATE 4 LOTS $700 EACH. KA8T YAMIUXJU - between $4th and 25th, ; ' 1 lot 60x100, $700, 2th St and Bel- moni, ,.'. , .. ;t .,, '100x100 Improved, lid and East Yam- hllL " i ; i ' ' " 6 -room house,' modern, East Taylor 11-room, house tot rent, 16th and K.J R. CORNELL A CO.. 101 Bl Yamhill. Phone East 169., $2,000 (500 cah.: balance t R.rAAtn kAii ArtaMt ln w watar uwuao, V"l wairnw i Alblna. II. A. Pitting sr. 76 Oanten ave., corner f ergo St.; fnone r.n TTMDEIl WB NOW HAVE CLAIMS. WITHIN seven miles of streetcars that will eut 8,000,000, and good farm lands. Sta piee iand co. sos Worcester bidg. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND iouna, ror saie, to tel. eto in Tne Journal cost only 1 cent a word I 16 woraa or less, it oents eacn insertion, rnnnes Main TITS, Jjoma A-3iao , Vii . nnaih T Bier laee, ents. ' I $20 a month,. U H. e;,B a..m ';.., aa'ia' J n a, 60x100 MODERN 1 block ; from iiou faun: naianra izu a monin. . a. i ,. . , , - Freelanrt t.n1 Co. IVOH SALE 4 OOOD MILK Mud flWT ina .nr.iU.l : on jren. mi co car, a OWNER , tlful l-room resldenae. new, and very convenient: aas and liaht; large grounds, 70x126; alt kinds or fruit, berries and flowers; nose in; very cheap (terms, inquire jbj re mont. or nhone Woodlawn 70. fiACRlFiCE 6ALE Mf. HdO& VlE'W lots $176 to 1190: terms $6 down s per montn: water mama iaia; vvooa- stock car. Stout, 616 Commercial blk. blocks went or Nashville station. T. T. Oould. a and" Sectrlo Wo CHOIC KAMiLY C6W8 tjHEAP, rmrr genua, ae m. sutn. corner waan ingion. fhone Enut 6606. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Fllley Park VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stelnway (and other) planoe, Sherman, Clay A Co, 6th and Morrison sis., opp. postorrico. LlttLE LINERS, WAklS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc., in The Chean nleaaant . homes for working tWVf) 11V lISll-ll VW B J"Jiai paaw" I " vs m'rwrt. w V astsa VSiVII II menta forced upon you; lots $80 and I Phone Main 717$. Home A-1230. up, $6 monthly payments; $ lots is Journal cost only 1 words or less, 15 ce cent a word: II cents each insertion. monthly;.- 6 and . S-room cottages f or I HORSE S ' Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark ate., port lano or. pnone Main 0854. VEHICLES, HARNESS. AHcniy,A.TiWiiscEi 8 flTARIT IT . ROOM It City real esUte. timber, farms, eharda. Portland Investors Co., Preferred Stock. C R. Doonell & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room 12, 146 Stark at HORSES AND BUOQII'S FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rata to ouameaa nousea. etn and uawiaoraa Eaet 71. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. in The Journal coat only 1 oent a word; II worda or less, 16 cents each insertloa Phone Main 7178, Home A-1230. EXCHANGE NEW HARNESS FOR old. Keller Harneee Co.. 49 N. 6th at. Fine hamhi.ktonian mare. 4 vrs., wen Droaen; buggy, narneaa. 14 ANTHONY HARDY. LINNTON. OR. 8th. Phone East 8952, ldenca and bualnass lots, .water front and factory sites; farms and tim- j oer. isnas. BE WISE. INVEST IN A HOME. 11,000 4 rooms. 768 E. Sth. 1,6006 rooms, 7b k. stn. 1,650 I rooms, 716 E. Sth. 1,860 I rooms, Iilallory and Mason. 1.400 U block South Portland. All Mr rA MAasn A .a (Al A ft i rvii iw miu uivuei iii vwiivi. mv w - aaa Tel Main 1990 or Pacific 1126. TWO SECOND-HAND BUGGIES, IN good condition. Bee Fashion painters. 1th Fashion Stablea. 20th and Wash ington YOUNG BAY MARE. USED TO SAD- dle or. fcernees. rood roadster. 90 E. 45th at Phone Tabor 720. F6R BALE-FINE DRIVING AND aaddle horse, good draft or express horse, cheap. 446 Flanders, LOTS 100i9O ALL IN CULT1VA, ,Un .In.. a 1 A -nnm ni,AAl - f Tnt.f extra bargain $400: terms; so rare. o. K. Aflditon. Lnts. ur. M. VAN aLbTINE. Wanted teams for hauling wood. Portland Wood ft Coal Co.. 16th and Havler. Main 417ft and A-4B76. c P. iALMEfi. PALMER-VAN AITINE CO., REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE, 122 Falling Bldg. Main 6661. A-2668. BEAUT iFLT U CkEAP. 1450. at WAVERLEIGH: owner leav- Ine- Portland, will aell one of the finest view lots on this beautiful tract; Install ment plan If necessary. See H. W. Lemcke Co., (th and Washington sta , FOR SALE; REAL ESTATE. Acre and Half Acre Tract. We make a specialty of acre-tracts with water mains laid and payments only $10 cash and $10 per month: much better puruhaae for a home or8upply Co, investment loan 101s. Jy, nurcnui, 110 Id st FOR SALF MISCELLANEOUS FREE FOR EVER T BOD YRINO UP Main 4290 or call 213 U Front at We buy and aell furniture, clothing or any old tning, HdLDENS RHEUMATIC CUK-tiDR euro for rheumatism, sold or ail druggist a. show cases and fixtures, new and second-hand. Jaa. T. Marshall Mfg. Co., 889 Couch at For BALE ONE HOTEL. RANGE. Inquire 271 1st st CLEAN. WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING purposea The Overall Laundry and LOOK ME UP. 6 to 8-rootn, new modern houses, 500.00 to $4040.00: terms. $260.00 caah VjaVa.kS Daiance as rent, location gooa in an parts of the city. A. S. Draper, 343ft Washington st, rooms 3 and 4, cor. 7th. FOR SALE BY OWNER, NEW, MOD- Buntily Co.. onone Bellwooa SALE 116 00 and rood new household roods at The Dollar, 232 1st st. $$$$$$$$ PHILIPPINE BLANKETB, relics, etc. Beauegard's Ex., 460 ft Wash. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOSY AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 worda or less, 15 cents each lnaertlon. Phones Main 7178, Home A-8230. ern 6-room cottage, lawn, concrete basement, flrst-clana plumbing; rooms tin tea: iz.iou; terms iui Missouri i - . A pr,n-ppjli,., aktt 6AtK'Ak ave., i block from piedmont carbarns PI,AN.0,8, fx.R B0JP,AJt and aehnnl , I Installments. H. Slnshelmer. 78 3d St. BUCHTEL ft. KERNS MAKE A ITS: ciaity of' east side realty, rental, loans, etc. 362 E. Morrison st SEE HERE, MR. RENTER; I HAVE A fine modem home that l must sen nd you can make money by buying Uiment BEa $ 9 $1.50, $2.60, SPRINGS $1.26, MAT- Iron tress $1.50, dresser $7.60, mantel bed $5.60. Anstey Bros.. 826 1st Pao. 1970. MUSIC AND BAND INSTRUMENTS; expert repairing, C. E.York, 327ft BtarK BUY JEWELRY AT A SAVING, li lt. 10 mlnutea from center of city. 1 T. Zul, 66 N. 4th et. ,bi( fIJ!irn'lhl,r,n,d m-mC" MANURE F6R ROSES AND LAWNS, r510CUrTeTm.eronnPhUa7fb,nacd Alii ..W' " r load' Phon Mln PERSONAL CLAIRVOTANTS AND 'PALMISTS tiesMtteHtioi! .FEE EJr Do not be deceived by false advertise-1 menta. , Th original and only Dr. Hair Lane Lady physician, with the old atabllehed . JL Radium Me edical Institute and ManlfaHilm. -r- For years 1 still at the old stand. Dr. Mary Lane f la atmarintandant of ChlcarO Wo men's Hospital, treat diseases of wo men and children exclusively! ladle neartln immadlata aaalatano win con ult thalr Hmmt Intaraat bv eommunlcat Im 4w . . . .a ,a. AAnailltatlnn correspondence absolutely confidential; PlTfu N matarnltv aaaaa aivan , aoeelal atten-1 I lyia a tlon. ResDeetabla arrangements made .... ... for the adoption of Infanta., The finest r7RZrM mm eoulDDed aanltarium In the northweat .of.Ih. It'iADylBER OF BUSI nna 1M nnrnur .td. Portland. or. Phones Main 2T9S. Home A-ie. ONLY FOR ONE WEEK MORS. BRING THIS AD AND TITCKIYB ABSOLUTELY FREE, : . One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. . The above CONSULTATION RBADINO will be v v Given Free This I trleH a matter of bu!na on your part, to call at my office and become familiar with my SPIRITUAL ana hi;iiv ritriG work. A mm i toe wise la aufflolent THE ORIGINAL AND MART LANE can always obtain your aeaireo results. nc.oa.nmJ au w r, whom you will marry, now to control the one you love, even ' though mils away: reunites the separated: alvea se cret powers to control others; nodlf Institute, ha severed all connection with that Institution and can now be found with the DrMary Lane Institute Where she will ba nleasad to aee any or nar oia pauents, Telle you Juet how. where and .When to invest your money to obtain tho best posslbls result a If you ate sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or dlaoouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual ad rice that win Expert treatment given women and help you to i receive HEALTH. WSAXTH AilV AAA A AIUOEN fi, 1 I will do all othera adverUe to do, and a great deal more. v Office, Noa. $-4. Grand Theetr bldg. 352 1-2 wasninc;-t- Phone Main 1247.; ... children's allmenta. Maternity caaea alven aoeelal attention. Un-to-date aan tanum in connection. no cnarge ror consultation and correspondence abso- utelv confidential. - Address all corre spondence to The Dr. Marv Lane Insti tute, Medical and Surgical, Incorporated, room a a to it, urana theatre mag., cor, I'arK and wash. sts. pnone Main BANKS. TTNITED STATE" NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREOON. J ' m i jNonnwesi corner 'rnira ar.a O-k Ht rests. in i-i.I"cl1 4 J,'"l Banking Buslnes. DRAFTS , ISSUED AvaHable In Ail cities of the United Statea and Europe. Honzkonv and Manila, Collections 5? ?'K"Orable Terms. i t", , . V tiSS&Sttiiii"-3-S Myronrn i c.hier..r'.... :wV. ecirr.rn Ica-President a LEA BARNES Assistant HMmr. "" V. W. A. llu-X Aawlstnnt Cashier. A. M. W-'.IGHT " - A TILTON, BANKERS Port' ond. Oregon,. V ... m. iuaiju. j. a;, lauu. Established 181. J. W, LAD1. KmltSJfV0 11 Onoral Banking Pulnfc SAVINGS BANK bEPAKTMFNT. ttHCJfAVTH w a ir am i r smv d-.i a- , -a ' i -ri f,?A.NJ? WATSON.. President I R. L. DURHAM. .... '""T', i R W. HOTT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT. .Aaalstant Caauier . a. w. tAn:mnu. . . .oecnna assistant t nsnier . . -Traneaeti a General Banking Bualnesa Drafts and Letter of Credit Issue.! Available to All Piirts of the World. Collections Specialty. T11 BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1864. Heed Offlco, Ban TTn"i. "Capital paid up $4,000,000 fsurplua and undivided profit $10,163 til ' v f General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted, v InWrest on , Time Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of $10 nd "P" ' wrd. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce- Building. ' WM. R. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELT. . .Aat Mna FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldeat NaUonal IJaokon Paolflo Coaat CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. llJi06.000.00. DEPOSITS. $14,000,000.00 A. L, MILLS... J. W. NEWKIRK ........... President .Cashier I W. C ALVORD. . I . . Assistant raM-J I 15. F. HTTTgttNS.. Second Asa't Cwhtr TRUST COSIP ANTES. SECT7RITT SAVINGS TRUST CO.- 281 Morrison Street.. Pn.,""'li rf""' , Transact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. J." est allowed on Time and Savings Accounts. Acts as Trustee V1" JPr1 fd Letters of Credit Available on AH Partg f tw!?ff AZ1 C. F. ADAMS President L. A. LEWIS. .. .Flrt yflll A. U MILLS... Second Vice-President R C. JUBITZ. t-"'Portrr; ,- . GEO. B. RUSSELL Assistant , , ' ' , r We Cure All dlaeaaea of men. women and children both acute and chronic dlaeaaea of the eye, ear, noae, throat and lungs, heart kidneys, bladder, brain and atom- ach catarrh, rheumatlam, goitre. Indiges tion, constipation and asm diseases nromntly cured. All nrlvate and wast ing- disease promptlv oured and their ef recta permanently removed from the eyatem. Consul tat Ion free and strictly confidential. We guarantee all of our cures. NewYork Surgical Medical Institute, Raleigh Mdg., 6th and Wash. MME. ADWARD, EPiRlfUALisT'-B- dlum. can be consulted on business. lawsuits, love, matrimony; unite the aeparated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction gunrsnteed; reading oo cents, daily and ttanany;- uovea to the Mllner, 350 ft Morrison, cok park at. levator secona floor. . rariors and 4. ' . iee m& PropheteS'i Viola Marahfleld. 268t -Slorrlton'st. The cosmos, between d emt eth. Madame Lnckcy. will be found at her former" location 208 ft 4th st. bet weens Tftylnf and Bal- mon, where ahe will M glad to receive Dr. Pbllip T. Ball Nervous and chronlo dlaeases of men, her friends and patromv Phone Main men and children; pllea cured pain- I 772. " m v. a - women leaslv and promptly: constipation, rheu matlsm. Daralyals. goiter, cured by scl- entlfia methods: electric batna. lady at tendant 60S Sth st, corner Sherman. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER aealakln aarmenta redyed and remod eled; expert fitter; estimates alven; low est prices: open evenings. 563 Wash ington, fnone mam vavs MAY 325 AMDRfiWfl. CarB' ItKALEn, AT Main at. 25o, I'lione Main 7648. COAL AM) AVOOD. PORTLAND 8AWDU8T ft SLAB WOOD Co 866 Front ni.,. auccessor to Fel ton Wood Co. Fir. oak. alabwood. ooal jei. wain isss. MP.A.M JASi--XlSS?.- FOR Prompt' DELtvHiRY of slab- ustiiMPf mi mm vuuviruui v st DR. BING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI- nese root medicines: aell Chines tee. certain cure for all dlaeaaea 111 2d t between Yamhill and Taylor. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60a Ladle skirt praised. 60a Gil bert 104 ft Sixth st, next to Quell Phone Mam 2088. flD II1QV VDIUITD Vf T T WT T f IT home Tor patients: treatment ror . all blood diseases: examination free. 161 Isslsslppl ave. East 6543. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV els. etc; German. English. French, Spaniah, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all klnda. Schmale Co.. 321 First at wood call Main 4876. Oak. ash. fir and coal. Fort lend wood Coal Co, im ana rsevier-is. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coal a eoka charcoal, kindling. , Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. r. B. JUNES ft CXI.. Wood and Coal 181 East Water st FOR QUICK DELIVER I PHONE Oregon Fuel Co.. 334 Alder MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO.. WOOD AND coal. (50 Water st. Phone Main 8270. DRESSMAKING. MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA- elfle 982. Little liners, wants lost and experienced dressmaker, suits found, for sale, to let. etc.. In The I Journal cost only 1 rent a word; 16 1 worda or -less, 1& oents each insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. a specialty. Call at 247 Knott at. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C E. BROWN. D. C. M. DOGS and horse hospital. 10S N. ftn at DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; flexina Pllla cure all weakne: 21 a w m . t . ... - . A A I Vain iAHS 1 or call J. G. Clemenson. druggist Port. I V. M MILLAR, V. 8.. VETEHINARIAN. una, kit. I - KB in. Bin si, uriica zi rianaers. MOLES, WRINKLES. BITPERFLUOUB Mlln . . , hair removed, no charge to talk it I CARNEY o vktekinabk HUBriTAL 266 Stark st. 100x100, CORNER, SOUTHEAST front unfurnished building. Zella Goasett, Riverside office, St John car. TWO LOTS AT UNIVERSITY PARK for $650. Inquire John Kanno, 1608 Flske. A MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, CLOSE In : convenient to two car lines, for 11.750: it Is easily worth $2,000; must be sold before Wednesday; $300 down, balanoe to ault The Spanton Co., 270 Stark at. beautiful Lots In WdobMERtf for 11 (b. iewis u. onani, room iu, 168 Stark. fWVS LOTS AND gas and electrio light lawn 100. 8-R06M fi6UfiE; fnone vvooa- IcIIiky Park Call on Gunderaon A Williams, 183 ft 1st st, rooms 2 and 3, for full partic ulars. Either lota or acrea, at bottom rice. HO WANTS 7-ROOMNEW HOUSE on E. Madison st, near In, atrlctly modern In all respects; house will be ready for use In few days; $8,000. Gunderscn .-Wllllains Rooma a and 3, No. 138ft Front nt BARGAIN . NEW 6-ROOM HOU8E from owner; close to Sunnyslde, $1,600. X-33, Journal. kslSOO HERE 18 THE PLACE YOU have been looking for; 6-room mod ern and up-to-date bungalow, on river bank overlooking the wbole city on a high point, adjoining Overlook addition. This place must be seen to b appreci ated; can arrange terms. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Sth and Ankeny. a BARGAIN. New 4-room cottage, lot 80x100, near carline. ; $oo; aiscoum iur -u. NEW. aTnlviii X mwann FINE. NEW MODERN HOUSE FOR ale or rent; 1 store, S living rooms ror sale: l house on Willamette bouie vard for sale cheap. 'St Johns car to Willamette station. H. N. Smith, own er, 1241 Greeley st CORNER $660 CASH. FINE 8-room cottage; Sellwood Taeoma ave. v 60x100 car. 71 FOR SALE FARMS "LOOK" ONCE IN A LIFETIME "LOOK." $6,000 cash and $4,000 easy terms buys 122 acres best of rich, level land 100 acrea thoroughly cleared and under Tine state of cultlcatlon; 22 acrea freen merchantable timber fenced Into 0 and 20-acre lots; 3 acres of bearing orchard, assorted fruits; nice 2-story -room house, strictly modern; barn 40x 80; silo with contents and all necessary outbuildings; buildings alone could not be duplicated.. for. less than $3,000; 2 good wells, new windmill, etc.: 200 yards rrom graded achool. church i. o. o. f. halt store and P. O.: telephone In house 10 miles from Vancouver on nice level road; guaranteed aa advertised; must be aeen to be appreciated. THOMPSON SWAM, $06-7 Swetland bid.. Portland. Or. Citizens Bank bldg., Vancouver, Wash. APPLE LAND. 5 acre In the famoua Hood River apple belt will make you Independent; a few more of these at $200. $20 down and $10 per month. You will. never have this chance again, aa thev will all be aold in a short time, write or call, A. L. DUNDAS. 225 Lumber Ex., 2d and Stark, Portland. TURNER HAS "ALL KINDS IM proved and unimproved farm lands and atock ranches: residence nronnrtv In all parts of the city; also some good propositions in tne exchange line. Room 4. 80S. Washington at, Portland, Or. 2-story. 7-room houae, 36th and E. waahinaton: $400 down, balance month MS; A P, Smith. Main 8953. HAVE LEFT AT E. 3Tri BT. FOUR v) iz an3 1 live ft acrea, one block yj . . ft "d,iv..iSh near ehool: aood iorclearedrBulT Run water; easyBey mentni rTV. Belford. owner.v Phone East 4788. "A Bungalow-A Bungalow ne?,lTo,mio1.2Vor006,dSnwtn?$!b $20 per month beats paying rent ' " tt . WTT TAN A HOLMAN. OM nnnAnnnth Bldg.. opp. P. O, Bth St FARM FOR SALE 185 ACRES, ft mile from Snoer Station. Henry Jones. Snoer, Or. T7 OREGON FARMS. I have choice lands in different coun ties In Oregon, In tracts, of 5 acres to 1,100 acres, and in price from $11 per acre up. Some special bargains In small tracts eight miles from tne city. D. L. LE FEVRE, Room 10, 142ft 2d st 1400 THE LAST CHANCE $400 tu secfe one of those fine Sft aere tracta. 8 mile out, 1ft le r?: V "lST tlon. Worth double the sprlce. D. F. T.eFvre. room 10. 'dt- , , so acres, first class Improvement and convenient to railroad ana majget. Room liJ FINE DAIRY FARM, 130 ACAES, 6n Estacada carline, 1ft miles from Cur rlnsvllle station, store and graded school, ft mile from church, 2 mall routes, phone and milk route. Orchard, all kinds fruit ,new barn 62x64. house and other buildings, 3 miles from Es tacada, Or. Box 48, R. F. D. No. 1. Phone R. Q. Palmatcer. Estacada. ANY OFFER TAKEN FOR ONE $50 and one $30 Reed-French piano or or Kn certificates. N-33. Journal. LEANING AND TAILOR FOR SALE shop; good location; price $66 298 Ru.iaell st. Call at GAS WATER HEATER FOR SALE cheap. 8-33. Journal. TWENTY VARIETIES 5f STRAW berry plants; send for price list Dixon ft Stafford, Oregon City, or, GOOD BUTTERMILK BUSINESS FOR" sale, cheap. Inquire Creamery, 127 1st st of Brandes FOR SALE ONE B'ULL COURSE IN Holmes business college, Portland, or. Price $76. J. F. Kice, Harriaburg, or. WILL ' SELL CHEAP, OR TRADE, have n complete Edison movlng-pic ture outfit, as follows: Fine machine. 3,500 feet feature film, 260 fine view. 6 sets song slides. M-36. Journal. FOR SALE SELF-PROPELLING IN valid chairs; factory prices. Church Pharmacy. 677 Williams ave. Phone Eaat 6169. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR REAL estate. Royal tourist automobile, in good .condition 42d -And -Division sts. Phone Tabor 854. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR REAL estate, z bowline- auevs. with nana. filna and all equipment; price $250; this s a snap; look It up. Call on or address Northwestern Realty Co., 404 Waahing ton st., Vancouver. Wash. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND rouna, lor sale, to let, etc. in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less. 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-82SO. OFFICE ROOM IN EXCHANGE FOR collecting rent and taking care of Building, o-si, journal. OKLA. FARM, 160 ACRES, ON CITY or country property. 146 Webster st over. Mr. M. D. Hill, room 830 Filed I ner bldr. Phone Pacific lis. CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL J diseases of me- and women cured by modern scientific methods; electric treat ment ror diseases of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard. Com-' monwealth bldg.. Sth St.. cor. Pine. for horses and does. Phon Main 1484. ,231 GlUan at TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY S40 Waahlngton Strert r MORTOAOB LOANS OW Portland Real KsUte at Lowest Rate . Title Insured. Abstracts Furnished. ' J. TTTORBTTRN ROSS President I JNO. F. AITCHIPOX. ...... i,r,! OEORQB H. HILL. . . .Vice-President T. T. BURKHART Tr!T BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. fnrOftr.I8 BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bond. T OWNING-HOPKIN3 COMPANY Established 1893 BROKERS. U STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Bold for Caah and on Margin. . Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone itnln 87. Oyerbeck & Cooke Company! fiSw GRAIN. PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Market by Private Wire. Quick Service. , -- - '. j GRAND CENTRAL STATION TDIE CARD. I S l J- LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Express 8:15 a. m. Cottage Grove Paaenger . 4:15 p. m. California Express 7:45 p. m. San Francisco Express ....11:30 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvsllls Passenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Passenger ...11:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 6:20 p. m. Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND,, Oregon Express .......... T:I5 -. m. Cottage Grove Passenger.. 11:30 a. rti. . i:w n. nit Shasta Express Portland Express ..11:30 p. to. WMT BTt-HTl Corvalll Passenger 6:6$ t. m Sherldsn Passenger .....10:30 a. nw Forest Grove Paasenger ... 1:00 a. m. . Forest Grove Passenger ... 8:60 p. m, Northern Pacific T aroma and Seattle Exp.... 8:80 a. m. North Coaat ft Chicago Llm. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Express 11:45 p. m. North Coast Limited ...... T:00 m.. Portland Express ........ 4:1$ p. m. Overland Exp res 8:16 p. m. Puget SounX Limited 10:66 p. m. Local Passenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane r iyer . , Kan. City ft Chi Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Spokane Flyer 8:00 a. m. Chi.. Kan. City A Port Ex.. :4S a. m. Chicago-Portland Special 8:20 p. m. Local Passenger 6:45 p. ra. 8:00 a. ra 8:80 a. m, n.nn ......... i,v, v. II. Exp 7:40 p. m. Astoria & Columbia- River. Astoria and Seaside Exp.... Astoria ft Beaalde Express, 8:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. II Astoria ft: Port Pakaenrer.13:I5' p. m. II Portland Express ;. .... .10:00 p. m, Canadian Taclfic Railway Co. a P. R. Short Line, via Spok Via 7:00 p. m. Seat, Vic. ft Vancouver. :ajp. m. . 1 1 :o p. m. Via Human C. P. R. Short Line, via Spok. 3:00 a.m. Via Van., Vic. and Seattle.,.,, 4:15 p.m. Via Buman and Seattle. . ...10:55 p. tn. MON-JT'TC LOAN DANCING. TURKISH BATHS, 300 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladlea day, gentlemen night. Main 1968. ART. A. BERGER'S ART STUDIO. 644 ft Wash. st. High grade oil paintings In landscape and portrait made to order. ATTORNEYS. PIGGOTT, FINCH ft BIGGER, TTOR ney at law, 4 Mulkey bldgv-corner 2d and Morrison sts. h'1;' INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. A. J. Chrlatopherson, pres.; law, collections, reports. 414 Buchanan bldg. Main 8130. A8SAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor- rlann at. WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. 'MINING EN glneers, assay ers, chemists and sur veyors. Z04ft Washington at.i Main 7eog. WESTERN ACADEMY DANCING 1 school, F. S. Carter, prln.; 6 assistants. including lady ciaas Mon., i nurs., eat. eve.; ladies' class Thura. afternoon; chll dren Sat. afternoon: cor. 2d and Mor. PROF. RiNGLER DANCING ACADE my; a select school; class or private lessons dally 888ft K. Morrison. Phone. EDUCATIONAL ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 6th st, near postofnee; central lo ates; low tuition; day and night achool; new pupil daily. W. W. Williams, M. 8., Prln. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland, C. Write for cat alogue. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. COM monwealth bldg., Sth and Ankeny sts.. teiegrapny, typewriting, spanisn, mng' Hah, penmanship; day and evenings. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. -AUTOMOBILES- HOWARD M. COVET. rent Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobile. caainao ana Knox. Temporary location Club oarage. 16th and 'Alder sta BLANK-BOOKMAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM. 109-111 3D st Blank books manufactured: arenta for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledger; see the new Eureka' leaf, th beat on th maraet. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. PERSONAL GENTLEMAN WISHES ACQUAINT- ance young - widow, lady havlna own home; lady with little girl preferred; object matrimony. Address Box 61, ny. MRS OBROCK, MASSEUSE, CABINET Datn, salt glow, cream massage; ref erence. 282ft Park. Paclflo 2611: A-2784. BIRKENWALD ft CO.. 204-10S BV. erett at, largest butcher supply house uil Vila vunai, TVili iur caiaiUKua. ; BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekum, 131-183 1st at. Carrie a full line and c .it-letf assortment at lowest market prleei BAividv.: nrtlNft AWAY: 8600: 6- room cottage; 1 acre of land, fruit . bertae. henhou; 0 minute' walk to " carline; near Oregon City. J-31, Journal PORTLAND HEIGHTS FROM OWN er, qua Her blook and 6-room house, ' corner lot, worth what I ask for all; fin view of city and mountain! terms. Phone Paclflo 148. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS FROM OWN ' er; quarter-block and 6-room house, fine view of city; fine building site on corner lot. Phone Pacific 146. 4 BEAUTIFUL HOME IN HOLLADAY'S - . addition, oloee in. . for $1,600 down, " balance- to uit new, modern. Inquire C j&OINO AWAt. WILL SACRIFICE MY J fT new 6-room cotUge forl.SSO; $350 ' '? v. cash: $20 par month.? BIT Marti""! is-SX-.. ntavllla. , i: . i-is'.ii.C ;i . TDIBER, LOOKING FOR TTMRHTR We offer you every advantage through our system of expert examination which enable you to determine th suit ability of a tract without spending time or niuney. our general report indi cate that we have what you want our estimate by two and a half acres are easily verified. TRY THE LAC" f WAY." . JAMES D. LACEY ft CO., 1 138 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. wi jumper exenange. ueattla. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE HAS engaged the services of Miss English, eleclropath. Room 10, 350ft Morrison st. rnone Mam 78Z0 or A-1644. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root pills are the only sure remeay ror aeiayed periods; oy man iz per oox. ir. Pierce, 181 1st. BATHS AND st., cor. Wash- LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for aale, to let etc, In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 worda or less,' 15 cent each Insertion. Phones Main 7178, Home A-3230. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOt to timber buyer only; we have a few choice tract for aale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. O. T. Sanbourn ft Co 401-3-3 . Buchanan hldg. ' - ' TIMBER TIMBERTtMBER. . Will Buy and 8e11 Timber. -'U Choice homesteads and timber claims, near R. R. and river. Call or address the Coaat Realty Co., 228ft 'Morrisons. i THE COAST REALTY CO., w , 26ft Morrio St r MANICURING, TUB massage. 110ft 4th ington. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cur for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 628 E. Belmont. East 4084. MISS MARCELLA LE ROY, 291ft Al der. room 4. ecientifio messages. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases, 303 Flledner bldg. Main 7721. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU- nate giris: good care. 8 Mllner bldg. v..... . ,aj .ji 1 L " 1 rlttNUl.JU I . PROFESSOR UUNifl ' can McDonald tells both sexes bow t?j win success; 40 years' practice. 849M Morrison at SNOWDEN "IHE SNOWDEN RATHS" 14EU at, room 25; vapor and sponge baths; massage; electricity; lady attendant. -fV. WANTED H6NORABLE LADIIIS nd gent to Join our S. A. club: ladles free. Mrs. Orav. y: v. sth at :vnil YOUNG. MAN.. Aram an " '-tvioutccr.' I meet lady: oljject matrimony, J Ad- j uresg m. j B., 45 Grand .,.-. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN JL ME-TON, 204 4TH ST. OF flee and .store fixtures built and re modeled ; , showcase and countera. Phone Main 1787. E. MELT0N-rOFFICE, STORE FC tures; general t Jobbing. 47 lat at Phone m?m ll M. J. WALSH CO.. 811 STARK ST, Electrla and Gat Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels. Tiling, orates ana do gi rone. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGI neera. contractors, repairer. . leotrlo wiring, supplies. ist, cor. etara. Main 668. R.,H.Tate, Mgr.. Western .'electric "6rks, i r -tfith at Contractors, electrla supplies, motor and dynamos; w Install light and power plant. MORR1S6N ELECTRIC CO. 2Bl -Morrison at Flxturea wiring, re- palring. East '3128 or B-1625.. FA1R3ANKS. MORBE MOTORS AND dvnamoa. Stark sts. ' A- C. and D.e 1st and FENCE ASD WIRE WORKS. MONEY MONEY MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. UKT I1V IV J1UU. NO MORTGAGE NO INDOHSER "ARSnT.TTTKT.V NO HKCURITY." LOWEST RATES BA8IESTPA YMENTS A nit.f, WIIX. CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER, IF fOU WORK. WE WTTJT. ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD TOU ASK? RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDG. - , norma t a m to i P.' ML WED. AND SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY -MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY v MONEY '''t'Xtj ; IiAKl) SCRIP WANTED AND FOR BAUD ALL klnda. Including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, nn surveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland." Portland. MONOIENTSi NEU KINGS LEY. 368 1ST BT. Portland' leading tnarbia and granlt works. - MONEY TO LOAN 1 On Improved city property or for build ing purposes for from I to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two year. Loan ap nrnvtui from nlana and money advanced aa building progresses; mortgage taken up a not repiBca. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent 243. Stark st. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON SAL arlaa Inaiiranna nollcles. Pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.: any de serving person may secure a iiDerai ad vance, repaying py easy weekly or mnntlilv InalMllmeTita NEW ERA LOAN A MORTGaGB COM- rANI. 106 Ablngton Bldg." MUSICAL. MANDOLIN, GUITAR. BANJO JESS3 Parker, virtuoso, late of Illinois Col lege of Music, Tllfprd bldg, 10th and morn son sis. NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, 55. M. , Parvln, Mus.Doe.,36 Russelbldg. Voice culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint PIANO, VIOLIN. CORNET, " TROM bone, clarinet - Prof esaor B. A. Smith. 292 12th St.- Home A8360. v v LESSONS 60c. PIANO, GUIAR. BAN.' Jo, mandolin, violin. Mr. Martin.- 10 77 Bl. rBCllIC 1VD9. ON OCTOBER FIRST 1 WlLL"dPENt A, class In mtisio i for beginner only;, prices reasonable. - Phone E-6088. UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN ' OFFICE. 143 Id at, near Aldan established 1870: old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry and seal skins. . .... MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO - pie and others upon their own names rlthrmt aaenrltv: cneanest rates, easiest payments; office In 0 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first TOLMAN, xzs Aoingxon ttiag. , . .. 106ft 8d st PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS 2d and Everett sts. pnone Mam suoo. GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine: electric eaulo- ments: launches: accessories: wholesale and retail; engine repairing.' Reierson Machinery Co.. 182-4-6 Morrison st 6HEFFIEU) MARINfi ENGINES. AMY ts. Mors & vo propeller,.'1 Fairpat 1st and Stark sts. jCARPET CLEANING. STANDARD-CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Loring and Harding, ata.; phone Eaat 280; carpets cieaneai,1 reniiea. sewea ana iaia; steam and com pressed air process: renovating matrresse ann icmnura a apaciny, j6 Y"C-' BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THIS Elttotrlc Cleaning works; " carpet c.eaned ana iaia, ootn . ary ana com pressed air Cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed, phone Maiq Xlji OQ A-ioia ti-i urmni si. THB-JONE STEAM CARPST CLEA rng-"works; carpet cleaned, refitted nd laid: mattresses and feathers ren kovated. 321 E. 21st St. N. East 860. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co $09 Stark st - , Si W. TURNER. DYER CARPETS dved a specialty. Main 2613. 605 Jefferson at CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURINO , Mra. M. ix mu, oom irieidner bldfcijBoth phoneg. uX-'A HELSER &.UNDEN MACHINE WORKS Marine alatlonArv enarlnea. 250 uiisan. -; : . MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEO Dl Just on your own name; don't borrow until you se me; my system 1. Ymm itnr railroad men. clerks. bookkeepers, streetcsr men and all other employes; business strrctly confldentiaL F. A. Newton. 611 Buohanan bldg., 186 Waahlngton. MACHINERT. PATENT PERFECTING CO. Ilsrvmv. tions perfected: we are bulldara ' suiomaiio macninery, aiea, moaeu, etc 1 Manufacture metal specialties, under ' contract. Western office, 266 Stark at. Portland Or.. E. C Hurlbert, manager. ' , THE IT. S ALBEE CO SECO.nLv ' ' hand machinery, aawmiUa, etc. 24S Grand ava, . r . . A J. PAUL, 100 IS St. A COM- pleto line sawmill machinery! also " engines and boilers. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Anything you may need, come in and tell us about It; everything confidential; courteous treatment; reasonable rates. W. W. SMITH & CO. 256ft Alder cor. 3d. Room 1. CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money, -mortgages, bonds for deeda or contract of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington. HARDWARE. WINDOW." AND r made 'to order. Co.. 74 4th.' DOOR SCREENS Portland Hardware HOTELS. THB BELLEVUE, "EUROPEAN PLAN. .: etn ana aaimon. HOTEL Portland, Am. plan. 83, 3b day. BELVEDERE. European; ,4th. and Aider. Insurance. ISAAC L. WHIT FIRE INSURANCE. . 144 Bherloclc Mdg.- , JAS. McL WOOD; EMPLOYERS' LIA blllty and Individual accident security bonds of all klnda. - Phone 47. 801 Mo Kay bldg. - . ; A. " JEWELERS J. WOLF, RELIABLE WATCHMAKER. mainsprings 760. tea was a. pao. bbo. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MA8TICK CO., FRONT and Oak ata.. leather and skin of every description for all purposes; ol and tap cutters; flndtnga. . . . . . LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for se, to let, etc., tn The Journal cost oirly 1 cent a word: 15 words or less, 15 cents each lnaertlon. Phones Main 7173. Home A-8230. bON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until vou see Button Credit Co. 613 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. chattel mortgage or personal se curity; notes bought C W. Pallett $04 renton mag. , OSTEOPATHIC PHIBIC1ANS.-' THE PORTLAND INSTITUTB r Ladle and gentlemen, if you ara- In trouble about the condition of your health, do not fall to consult me. T can convince you that I can .help you by natural methods. Consultation and aminatlon free. Dr. Iaabella Macklo. 860ft Morrison st Room 10. Phono Main 7320 or A-1644. - '- PR. lillebeLLe pAtters6M, iP: clallst on nervous, acute and chronlo ' diseases. Office 317 Fenton bldg. Phono Paclflo 1100. DR. R. B. N6RTHRfJP, 4l.-l-17 tE.' kum bldg-, 3d and Washington sta. Phone Main 349. Examination fro. DR. CLYTHIE RAMSEY. 414 ' MAC'- " leay bldg. M. 1420: A-4741? res. M7604. 1. PRINTiyQ. Mann & BeacU, Printers 92 1st st. Both phones.' OGtLBKE RHUS,,' PRINTERS CAkOS.' billheads, etc. Main 1868. 164ft lat K L. E. WHITES & COH 102 ft lSfST; s Phone A-3315. '- - - r : RUBBER STAMPS DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED salaried people, with or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co, 121 Mo- hnwK biag. 1 QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. . w. ta vvcusningion oag. Main 6100. , TO'LOAtt ON ALL KINDS P. C STAMP WORKS. 346 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trad ehecaa; float aigiia aiiu jiva : ALL ABOVE. ALSO SLUGS." NUMBER. Ing machines, check protector, ofi'ice stationary. P. D. C, Co.. 231 Stark. MONEY of security, wuiiam Holl. room Washington oldg. MONEY TO LOAN IN $500 Tp $6, . Phone Charleson A Co.. CotnmerclaL pacific iib. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chattel. The Loaj Co, 410 Dekum bldg. MORTGAGES WANTED, INSIDE OR suburban: charaes right- W. S. Ward. Allsky blag. Main 7326. $4,000 OR SMALLER SUMS TO LOAN ! on; Improved clt DroDerty- . Wt3S. Journal, y WILL LOAN $7,000 .OR LESS, 4 PER cent, on real estate.. Farrinaton. 313 Fanton bldg-' 1 x.i i'-i-M-----Vf ' PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. : BASS-HUETER PIJRE PAINTS' WEAR longest, go farthest Hueter Su perior Varnishes, standard for 6 3 years. Wholesale and retail warehouse Ral eigh and 13th sts. Take "S" car. or phone Main 7638. Free delivery, with-. in city limits. F. - E. BEACH A CO., THE PIONUCit Paint Co. Window glaaa and glaainaj, 18S let at Phone 1334. - JSIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER A KLEISER SIGNS. Wa' hava .built 00 the larrest alsn business In the city by flrst-ulas worn and tkeenlng- our promises. Our rrio r right 6 tk and Everett gt. , I beoe exchange aa. - ,J - SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" I'o r. Und Sign Co. 237 Stark, JaclfU lit. :