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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1907)
t. ' 13 ' 1 THE OREGON :" DAILY' JOURNAL;: PORTLAND, MONDAY ' EVENING. SEPTEMBER SO. 1007. XV You'll -keep V tHem y6iiligct tticm Quicker if :'y ffilfi1 !? M&Mowp- Safr Francisco Office on Journal MARRIAGE LICENSES x f 789 Markct,St., bet 3d &4th AJJTrwTTSrRwrTWTi AITS SVB CaVIVTIO BBOBXTBO. Oregoaian when tm Saa Franclso ran hav their mail Bant la car of Tn Journal offloe. , , : t , ARTHUR V FISH. Rprntatlv. William Fleming. Mood River. Or- 19: Nellie Kennan. 17. v . ' William F. Dunback. 14: TOargaret wood. is. Wedding Card W. O. Smith A Co,. Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash ington ata. " Weddings carda the beat. 100 for IS. Alvin 8. HHWK, 144 Id st - Tonseth A Co., florist, for flower of I all kind Clark "Ilroa.. and floral design TuTT II th at Florists Fine do were 288 Morrlaon at. alT NEW TODAY. dreaa aulta for rent, all else. unique Tailoring- Co., 101 Stark at MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST. ISO ITH at. opp. Meier aV Frank'. Main 7111. BIRTHS. avc That Rent AND BUI A LOT FOR , $550 $55, Down,, $10 Per Month - - ONLY ltt LOTS LEFT lit HANCOCK ST. ADDITION Come out and aee the lot. Take F.os City Park car and ret off at O. ii. A N. crossing and Bandy road and eve th ma la to otnc. Thompson & Ogden 848 KlslslppiAve. raoae Woodlawa - , , aoa. KLOSTERMAN Sept 17, to Mr. nd Mra. John Henry . Klosterman, toil Thurman street. aon. , GRAY Sept 17, to Mr. and Mr Wil liam H. u ray, as j cur ton , a i reel, a on. '- - OHREN Sept. , to Mr. and Mr Er- neat, Arnold nonren, jc zzna atreet, a aon. . -J TONSETH Sept 11, to Mr. and Mr. uerger Tonseth, 141 K. 48tn atreet, a on. HOLMBERG Sept 18, to Mr. and Mr. Charles Holm berg, ! Wter street, aon. GASTON Sept 17. to Mr. and Mr Joseph 8. Gaston. Council Creat daughter. RAABE Sept 25. to Mr.' and Mr Charlee Raab, 770 E. 8th street north, a daughter. PEER x Sept IS. to Mr. and Mr. Al bert K. Peary. 110 Grand avenue, a on. LOST and found FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR tnattrea renovated and returned same nay. zss rroni st. . juain eie. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Meu ger. proprietor. UTTLJS LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., In Th Journal coat only 1 cent a word; la worda or leas. It cent each Insertion. Phones Main 7171. Home A-S210. Lost open-faced watch, on Llnnton road. Finder return to 118 Everett. Reward. HELP WANTEDMALE WANTED. BTAVHJ BOLT CUTTERS. TVe tay 11.50 per cord; steady work goo a accommodations at camp. . Room 101 Stearns bldg. Portland. Or. DEATHS BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON Th most exclualva, close-in residence district In city. Special Inducement to builder ox cboic Domes. ixt evsioo. $900.00 . xast mm. IRVINCTON ; INVESTMENT COMPANY BOOK 39, XAXTXTOST USO. BURGHARDT Sept.r7, Mra. Dor L. uurgoarat, agea a years, iu raonina and II days, at Olyftiia, Wash., acuta nephritis. aged 67 years, 1 months and 4 days. ia Ktigene street; enronio nepnrui ORNST Sept 18. Mteabeth Ornat. aged i months and II days, 4IS Borthwlck Street; cnoiera -morbus. MAOEE Sept. 17, Mr Laura E. Ma- see. aged 24 vears. months and 1 day, 1714 Van Houten avenue; tubercu loma or lungs. HUTTON Sept 18. Oarence Nelaon - Mutton, ami 47 veer 4 mnnthfl and I days, at Good Samaritan hospital abceaa of liver. TUFFORD Sept 11, Florence Frederic Tufford, aged I years, 6 months and 18 day, 111 East Ith street; acute nephrlti TRA VERSO Sept 17, Alfred Trvero, aged 1 year, 7 months snd II days, 7 North 4th street; bronchitis. SCHNEITER Sept 26. Headrlg Schnet- ter, aged i days, Bauviea island; lack or vitality. UNDERTAKERS ''' .i I I II Qf, ". mi Ml ' J. P. FINLET it SONS, ID AND MADI- son u. uii:cs or county coroner. Phone Main I. H 5! HEMSTOCK. FUNERAL DI- I rector. East 11th and Umatilla. Phone Sellwood'Tl. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN, UNDERTAKER. 220 id st ZKLLER-BYRNES CO., FUNERAL DI- East Everything 1 real estate. Xlst fowl . jiruperues wim bi (or (uci saiea. U7.L D. SCIIULZE SOfl wUa4 Sanding. rectors, embalmer. 171 RusselL 1088. Lady assistant DUNNINO. . M'ENTEE ft GILBAUGH. undertakers snd embalmers; modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 480. La fly mielwtant. ERICKSON UNDERTAKING CO., AND embalming. 401 Alder st Main 111. Lady assistant. CEMETERIES WEATHER REPORT Southern storm warnings were or 1ered at 7:80 a. m. st all seaports In this dlatrict for a fresh southerly gale nlong the coast and for strong southerly breezes on inland navigable water. wy wireless irom steamsnip uovernor off Heeeta Head t lt;30 p. tn., 8ep- temDer !, iut: Barometer 0.06t ther mometer 68. wind northwest A disturbance of moderate strength has made its appearance over Van couver island, which wlu move eastward during the next 14 hours and cause gen eral rains in Oregon, Washington and normern xaano, wun increasing south easterly winds becoming high this af i ternoon and later shifting to southwest. An Immense high pressure area cen tral over the upper Mississippi valley -conixoia tne . weatner in the eastern states, where the temperatures are be low normal and the weather Is gen " erally clear. A-weak low pressure area ; ' la central over New Mexico and the barometer la rising off the north Cali fornia coast . , Temp. I v Max. Mln. Chicago. Ill 18 Cincinnati, O. ..,.60 Denver, Colo. ,..,.68 Kansas City, Mo. .40 Los Angeles. Cal.,7 New York. N. Y...80 Omaha. Neb. ..... 14 Philadelphia. Pa. .64 Portland, ,Or. 6a Bt Louis, Mo 66 Bt. Paul. Minn.. ...84 Rait Lake. Utah ..66 ' Ban Francisco, Cal.70 Washington. D. C74 64 64 12 64 64 64 48 66 41 62 82 4 62 ' 68 Preclp. "o .0 .18 . .02 .18 .0 .0 .0 .0 .01 .0 .0 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES. $10; family lots, 10x16, for 1100, snd upwards, according to else; the only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For Information, apply to W. R. Mackensie. Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president. ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, 110; family lots. 126 to 876.' Superintend ent AT"lntery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phone Tabor 106. For run information apply to Frank Bchlegel, Worcester dik. Fnone AZ8Z3. SOUND v6tJNO MEN. 'aC.EB 18 TO 86 for firemen and brakeman during rush season on leading railroads here in th west ana on new inea oemr comnieiea: experience unnecessary; firemen, 1 100 monthly, become engineers, 1200; brake- men, 180. become conductors, llfio. Many positions now open. writ at once for particular. National Railway Training Ass'n. Ill Paxton elk., omana. Neb., or 111 Central bldg, Kansas City. Mo, - WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE HOT) to 1160 per month: some even more: stock clean, grown on reaerva tlon. far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Top- pen Uh. Wsshlngton. Union Hotel II N. SIXTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. Free employment to all; boarders' rates 91. bv per weex; room, Iftc ana up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson, proprietor. WANTED SHINGLE KNEE BOLTER. Apply office Western Coopersge Co., Stearns bldg, city. WANT LIVE MAN TO MANAGE PORT- land branch of Washington Motor Car Co., and sell automobiles on com mission. Best reference and 1800 cash required. For particulars see Jud Toho. Portland hotel. WANTED BOTS FOR GOOD Posi tions In candy department Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis st. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted-Youne Ladles THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ?ELEGRAPH CO. WILL TEACH OU TELEPHONE OPERATING AND PAT TOU WHILE LEARN RAPID ADVANCEMENT: BEST WAGES IN THE CITY: HOURS BHOKT AND WORK UOHT FINE LUNCH SERVED FREE. applt Chief operator, sd FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING, COR. TIT D Dtf 'avttv if rtnin GIRLS WANTED APPLY HiANDAKU factory No. a, Grand avs, and East Taylor st WANTED GIRLS Td MAkE " " Flti well shirts and Boas of All evaralla at 71 1st st. GIRLS WANTED OPERA TORS TO wore en snirrs and averaiia. - limhi given to Inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard raoiory in& s, urana av. and Jat xayior st HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY,' 148 H wasnincton sl. oorrer Hevantn. tin stairs. Phone Main I ell. Female help winifa, Western employment aoencV. ..for ladles; female help, wanted. Main 117. A-1417. 110 Buoharfan bljg.. 216 H Washington. PACKERS AND WRAPPERS; GOOD positions, work llrht and clean: oer- manent emDloymenL AddIv cendv de- rartment Paclflo Coaat Blacult Co., 2 th and Da vl OIRLS FOR CUTTING. EDGING AND paating. ioz (th st N. D. M. Ave rill Co. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED FOR H classes of- laundry work: good wage Troy Laundry Co, 101 E. water t srruATioxs wanted female LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let eta., m i ne Journal, cost only 1 cent a word) II worda or less, 16 cent each Insertion. Phones Main 7171. Home A-1280. EXPERIENCED, MIDDLE-AGED WO msn wants nlacs as cook In camp, ca pabl of tsklng charge. Apply Sarsnao, room it, sin ana uoucn sts., roniana. REFINED EASTERN rienced housekeeper, desires - position iy;, office i H.. general delivery, Spokane, Wash In widower' fami experienced In office ; also young lady EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 105 U Morrlaon at.... Phone Paclflo III 17 N. 2d st...:.... ..Phone-Paclflo 110 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT Ca Logging camo and farm help spe rlalty. Id N. Id st Phone Main till. We pay all telegraph charges. UAASKMd EMPLOYMENT C-PFlCK 16 N. ACME FOR MEN. td st. Phone Main 1526. "C3T EM P. CO.. FARMERS' AND loggers' heln esoeolally. 14 and Ilia N. Id. 110 Burnslde: Main 6417. JAPANESE EMP. CO. ALL KINDS OF help suppllel. Main 4661. 168 Everett WANTED AGENTS LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND round, for sale, to let, etc., In The journal cost only 1 cent a word; IS words or less, 16 cents each Insertion. rnones Main 7171. Home A-1230. WANTED GIRLS TO LAY MACA ronl. Apply 101 N. 6th st. WANTED A WAITRESS AT PARK WILLING GIRL TO HELP WITH 460 6th st light housework. WANTED YOUNG LADY APPHEN- tlce for dress-maklnar. out of town Applicant preferred; can assist with housework for room and board; good home to right party. Call or address 874 ROSS st. ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER 16 FOR position wltn wholesale house: experl- rnct uneceBPary, i-za, journal. MEN TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Charley Lee. IS N. 3d st Perfect fit guaranteed; all work first clans. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MEN TO learn railway and commercial teleg raDhv: rood wages and permanent dos). 'hen competent. Oregon college. 406 Commonwealth LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. In Th Tnn.nal twmt nn I.. 1 .An. to 1 words or less 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7171. Home A-3210, SEN ANfl) BOYS .WANTED, TO" learn plumbing, plastering, bricklay ing: day and nicht classes: free cata logue: nosltlons secured: no book learn lng. Coyne Trade School, 230-240 8th i., oh i rranciBcu ana ntw iur. EXPERIENCED AX-HANDLE MEN for bolter, lathe, finishing sander. A. Mills, write western Handle Co Dallas, Or. WANTED. Live men to sell rural directories nine farmers out of ten buy them: 7 per cent cor.nnission; Doys are maklnj o to ii per aay. oau at zoft Wash ington sr., room 13, and get busy. $1.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOUR time against sickness or accident. Pacific Aid association. Lumber Ex. bldg., Portland, Or. Liberal pay to good agents. CARD OF THANKS RELATIVES OF MRS. W. E. ALMY . wish to express their gratitude to the many friends who were so kind to them in their bereavement. Mrs. Almy and Daughters. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co. 417 Flledner Diag. aiain si ETC7 and HENRICHSEf CO.. JEWELER& opticians. 284 Washington st COMMERCIAL AND SOCIETY PRINT- mg isast Hide Printing Co.. 94 Union nve. East 491. B-.1888. NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 131 10fH ai.; oooKs toanea at a cents the day. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND xouna. ror sale, to let. etc. in Th Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 woras or less, is cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-8280. FIRST-CLASS DYER AND STEAM cleaner; top wages. Also 10 solici tors. 347 2d. The Wsrdrobe. BOY WITH WHEEL. 110 WEEK. 421 H Morrison. WANTED FOUR RAFTSMEN AT" inne River boom. Fllda, Wash. Call Twin Falls Logging Co., 380 Mohawk bldg. BOY WANTED IN TIl4 SHbP; g6oD 401 N. 36th st. pay. ONE TINNER'S HELPER, INQUIRE 271 1st st. WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR OUR special membership $3. members: T. M. C. A. ELIGIBLE MEN FO"r" POSTAL clerks and letter-carrier. Another ex amination announced. Salary from 8900 to $1,400 on promotion; file your ap plication at once to euallrv ror mm Call today. Pacific States school. 613 McKay bldg. MEETING NOTICES M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6.466 meets Wednesday nvAnlnff All.fev bldg.. 3d and Morrison st M 450 6ecnrltyi Abstract Trust Co. to Alvin C Harms, lot 16. block 46, Ro City Park. S. W. D...1 Cordelia and Charles F. Ehman to : Harry CL Kenney. lot 19. block 8. , ' Alblna, W. X. 1,070 John 9. and Allle Greeny to Ber - tha Krohn, south 60 feet of lot A. block 2. Colonial Heights. W. D. 1,860 ; Thoma C. Devlin to Egbert F. Ferris, lot 8. block 286. Couch - addition, W. D. 8,600 "Norman D.-and Minnie E. Root to , : Helen K. Winslow, lots 9 and 10, ; '. block 11. Tremont Place, W. D.. John B, and Elizabeth Moon to Jo ieDh T. Adams, lot 2. block 4. . Home addition to East Portland, , W. D, Charles A. and Annie B. Whale to ' W. R. Williams, lot 12. block 10. subdivision Proebstel's addition ' to Albina. W. D. -Tltl Guarantee V Trust Co. to L. B. Robinson, lot - 7, block 66, : Bunnyslde third addition, deed.. 8.. L. and -Annie Peterson to Wal lace B. and Leora Davles, north east ?4' of northwest of northwest M of section 22, townstup l south, range 4, east, w, av...., : Wllllant B, Murray to Dr. J. M. IS hort, southeast Vl of section , 15. township I south, range 4 . . east, agreement 1,860 Clara Rv nd Ferdinand Hartman to Henry Lvltus, lots 1 1 and ; 12, block 2. Point View, W. p.. Becurlty i Savings V Trust Co., , trustee, te Nellie D. Felter, lot 6, block 16, John Irving' first addition, S. W. D.......T -T. S. West to Mary M. Edris. lot 6. block 11, Park View exten sion, W. J. A. R. and Kittle B. Need ham to nanea muward Topham, lot 8. lockl4. Clty; Vlw Park addi- tlon. W. 1,700 - Investment company to Thoma J. lgmo. lot 8 and block I, J'l.idmont' 8. W. D ........... 771 Q. Q. and Laura M. Gamman to Napoleon Ar?in. lot 14. block 8. Lincoln-Park. S. W. P.. . . , . t . . . IQQ FOR -.ABSTRACTS, -.TITLE INSt'R-' .nc T "ffWlotM, call tm Paclflo Till Trust C.. 204-5-4-7 Falling bldg. lUl'K INSURANCE AND AB- 276 U00 600 375 2,000 850 160 600 W. A. OREGON ORAPIC rAMP S.VYB. Uondava 17th and Visitors welrom. Marshall NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND TO all persons, firms and corporations Interested In the Oregon Trust A Sav ings bank. In pursuance of an order made by the Honorable, the circuit court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah county In the suit of Louis J. Wilde, plaintiff, against the Oregon Trust & Savings bank, a corporation, and others, notice ib uereoy given to tne creditors, as wen as all persons, firms and corporations having any claim or demand against the said Oregon Trust & Saving bank, a corpora on or Portland, or., to present the same. With the voucher theranf duly verified, to Uie undersigned re ceiver of said Oregon TruBt & Savings bank at his office In the city of Port land, Or., on or before the 1st day of January, 1908. Portland, Or.. September 25, 1907. Thomas r nicvr.iM Receiver of the Oregon Trust & Sav ing Mann. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNO WANTED FIRST-CLASS TINTERS. painters and paper-hanaers. Anniv 269 Taylor st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN candy trade. Aldon Candy Co.. loth and Gllxan sts. WANTED A GOOD PLUMBER steady work for a sober rrtan. L-32, WANTED A GIRL TO BE USEFUL in;nuonen oilman Hotel, 142 hi 1st A OjlRL TO ASSIST WITH SEWING Steady work; good wages. Pacific 109 or A-1436. 647 Washington street SALESWOMEN. MILLINERY MAKERS. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. GIRLS 16 YEARS AND OVER Good, permanent positions to compe tent and reliable people. OLDS, WORTMAN KING. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER; GObD wages, work easy, one man to cook for. Address Al Nichols. Howard. Or. A HOME COMPANY LOW PREM1LM rates and high cash values make th policies of the Columbia Life A Trust Ca easy to sell. - Apply to Jesse R., Sharp, manager of agent, 114 Lumber f.xcnange Ding. - - AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goodsT If so w need you: complete outfit free; cash weekly. Writ for hoice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Halem, or. GIRLS. BOYS. WOMEN AND MEN make good money taking orders and selling goods; see us at once. Plum- mer Drug Co.. 3d and Madison. LITTLE LINERS. WANTa LOST AND found, for sale, to let -to.. In Th Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 worda or less. 16 cent each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-1210. WANTED FINANCIAL. LITTLE LINERS. WANT8. LOST AND found, for sale, to let eta. In Th journal cosi oniy i cent a worn; l words or lesa, 16 cent each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Horn A-1210. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT tages, flata, stores, offices, rooming houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OPEGON. Phone Ex. 72. 8. E. Cor. Id and Oak, LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 woros or less, 16 cents eacn insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-S230. QUIET YOUNG MAN WISHES FUR- nlshed room. Q-38, Journal. west side; state price. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED MISCELLANEOUS LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. In Th journal cost only 1 cent a word; - 16 words or less, li cents each Insertion, Phones Main 7178. Horn A-8230, PHONE EAST' 6204 IF YOU WISH TO sell your furniture. It! Hawthorn av. EEsf L6gger . s!i6Efl maM - to order. Union made shoes In tock. called for and delivered. Writ tli 4th st. . 1 ' AA' M 'l .awA 'nr I mlim a little boy kept: 4 year old. Calf at 411 K. Morrison st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOB RENT LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND round, xor saie, 10 let,' etc.. in ire journal cost oniy i cent a word: 1 words or lesa, 16 cent each Insertion, Phones Main 7173. Horn A-1230. HYLAND, 490 MORRISON, MAINr 1926. Furnished room with -bath and tam APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED, and 4 room In new building, ate 1 steam heat, and hot water; adult. 401 E. Burnslde st. - ' F-UBNIflkEb , rooms", . at v L. 11 ' & : nIceLV round floor. 7th snd Oak. 141 Yamhill, between 1 1 THE aW4ANL-UW N". ID St. roomjS tor gentlemen, 41. z par weeg ana up. THE kICHELlEU. life N. (TH ST.- .Elegantly furnished: steam heat and Dams. FOR REAT FLATS 1 . TO RIGHT PARTT. NICELT. nished, pleasant loww bath, Call INS Wllliama av. - 19 1 ROOM FURNISHED " R close In. 632 S. 7th st. Phone E. 1! FOR RENT FA1D1S LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST Al found for sale, to 1st eta, in Tl Journal coat onlv 1 cent a words 1J woras or less, li cent eacn insertion. -y Phonea Main 7178. Home A-8230. A u 1W.W1 UAIKI FARM ONJU Miua 1 r id , i .'"'. from lhed 78.9U Oregon City courthouse, rr I ! or unfurnished. Phoue , FOR RENT STORES-OFFICE OFFICES iolt ".fA- bldg., 6th and Burnslde; fin eleviv, I light heat : and Janitor service; r-yf about half what you would pay Washington or Morrison st.; ten. ' now in Commonwealth first-class: .1-1 Strictly an office bulldlna. Innulre elevator man, Commonwealth bldg. LARGE, LlGtlT ST6rA(1E - RO?)fc with new elevator. Call uu Main 40Ti of f cea Frnt and Ankeny st AK "il f R. T. Cox Telephone Main 421. - ? ? ill A"Kidte office! fluitE i-6n Rkr3 . Madlwoa bldg., Id and Madison st,'---.3 NEWLY FURNISHED. ROOMS, 12.00 ilK1 and up. 103 H Id st - - LlTtLE For rent one 'furnished i.f."1d' OFFlCE8 FOR RENT IN THE WC v cester. and Hamilton bldss.. at rl I rat rate;-- .Apply to Robert Stim i 114 Wdrceeter bldg. v Tor rent one 'furnished front room suitable for arentlemen: phone, bath and wood, tl per week, : 412 Alder st - comfortablV furnished rooms. electric light and stovee: transient and weekly; reasonable. 18IH 8d st ELEGANT OUTSIDE STEAM-HEAT ed rooms, reasonable, bath. aaa. elec trlclty, both phone. 494 Morrison, Flat 10. LINERS. WANTS. LOST A.N -for sale.lo let. ate. In "TV. ffltirnftl JIAat An w T nm rt , m w. - . T . words or less, 18 cents each lnseftlftit Phones Main 7173, Home A-1230. fHREE-STORVBLDG. WITH BOltT and engine. Apply 147 N. Ith st. ROOMS AND BOARD LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let eta. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or les li cent each Insertion. pnones Main 717S-Hme A-3II0. - 08B0RN HOTEL. CORNER GRAND av and E. Ash: furnished room, sin gle or en suite, with or without board. Kaat ifi. THE DEXTER. FURNISHED ROOMS corner 13th and Washington, entrance on jztn. THE COLONADE. ROOM AND BOARD, all latest Couch. convenience 11th am UNFURNISHED ROOMS. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less. 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7178. Home A-3230. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING GIRLS OF 16 OR 17 AT THE P6RT land Cigar Box factory. Light work. good wages. 43 H E. 3d st. SECOND Burns, GIRL APPLY MRS. W.' X lot lain north. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. remaie neip wanted. Main 6297; A 1417. 610 Buchanan bide.. 286U Wuh ingion. MALE AND FEMALE HELP MEN AND WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN crease ineir earning capacity: wt have helped thousands, let us help you. ENCE SCHOOL, 64 H th st Open Evenings. STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer to., as tn st. HELP WANTED AN5 SUPPLIED, male or female. R. G. Drake. 205 U Washington st. racmc 1370 or A 1670 MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE oar Per trade in 8 weeks: cost lean. better salaries, learned In less time than other trades; catalogue free. Moler ttarper college, it N. 4tl st LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND round, for sale, to let. etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less. 16 cent each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-8230. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL HOTEL and restaurant help. Heln of all Kinds rree to employer. Pacific Coast iLmployment office; phone Pacific 1406, vaVi Morrison. GOOD POSITIONS OPEN TO TWO men and women to sell the Red Cross line of sanitary brushes. Call at 203 n?inner nidg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Collecting WANTED GOOD TAILOR TO WORK on laaice garments; best wages steady Job, J. K. Stern, ladles' tailor, 429 Washington st.; call today A COMPETENT CLOTHES-CLEANER and spotter at East Portland Cleaning oL iyw utmiH, na ijrHnn ave. BOY FOR STORE WORK. ETf. I.IfiN limning jo., ieo inird St. BOY WANTED TO WORK IN PAPER box factory. 68 First st. BOY TO WORK 129 First st. IN STORE. APPLY WANTED 2 phone East CARPENTERS. 676. KING, WA NT ED AT ONCE. A BARTENDER. Apply the Louvre cafe, St. Johns. Or. etracts to real estate from tha Titi. nuarsntee A Trust Co 140 VaVrton t, cor, 14. v. . ;. - ; : ' mah County, Oregon Notice is hereby given that on Monday, Oct. 21, 1907, the board of equalisation of Multnomah coun ty will attend at the office of the county cie 01 earn county and puDlIcly examine the assessment rolls for the year 1907 and correct all errors in valuation, descrip tion or qualities of land, lots and other property, and It Is the duty of all per sons Interested to appear at the time and plare appointed, and If it shall nn rear to such board of equalization that here are any lands, lots or other prop erty assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands, lots or otner nroo- eiiy 1101 anseBsea. said ooaro or equali sation shall make the proper correction. B. D. 8IGLER, County Assessor. Portland. Or.. Sent. 28. 1907. NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN THA the office of The Hawthorn Estate If now located at No. 118 Worcester Bldg., Third and Oak sts., .where, all matter pertaining to the affair of this state, or Rachel L. Hawthorn, must be transacted. THE HAWTHORNE ESTATE. RACHEL L. HAWTHORNE. Dated at Portland, Or.. Sept. 26, 1107 THOSE DESIRING T6 GO In THE 6c moving picture tneatre business see me, fine locations and machines gratis; further particulars. Newman's Motion Picture Co.. 383 Ankeny, near 6th HELP WANTED FEMALE GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8E work that understands cooking, good wages. 128 14th st. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED TO work in fruit cannery. Apply at Holmes' Canning Co.. E. 8th and Di vision sts. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. rnune f-aciric . Wanted City collecting by an experi enced collector; can give best of refer ence or bond. Call at the Sun Realty . . . f .1 A, A . . . . 1 . 1 I LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less, 16 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. EXPERIENCED TIMBER CRUISER wants permanent position with tlm- Der company, or as manager of sawmill. V-32, Journal. WANTED POSITION AS ADVERTIS Ing manager or first assistant' in de partment store, by man of experience; capable of writing and displaying busl-ness-gettlng ads. Address 796 Oregon st. SOBER, RELIABLE YOUNG MAN wishes steady Inside employment. Phone Tabor 288. BY FIRST-CLASS HIDE MAN If? hide house or warehouse, in Portland or western Oregon. Address 8, Journal. STEADY INSIDE WORK OF ANY kind desired; moderate salary. Am honest, sober and reliable laborer. Sln gle, age 49. Address T-36, Journal. MIDDLE-AGED MAN QUICK AND AC curate at figures, wants position. J 32, Journal. WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL kinds of city property. What have you for saleT Come and list it at one:. ror we nave the purcnaser; we are mak ing a specialty of city property. WASHINGTON A OREGON REALTY COMPANY. 108 Second St.. Portland. Or. FOR QUICK SALE LIST YOUR PROP erty with F. Dubois, Washington bldg., room 3. WANTED LIST GOOD HOMES AND city property for a quick sale with F. Fuchs. 221 Morrison street. WANTED TIMBER CLAIM OR TlM bered homestead relinquishment; state cruise and lowest cash price. N-36, Journal. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less, 15 cent each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. I WANT EAST SIDE PROPERTY: I am selling east side property all the time. J. J. Oedor, cor. Grand ave and fC. Ankeny. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suites, I to 3 rooms, rent 110 to 114 East 4251. 240 E. 36th at. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sts. $1.60 WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman st, south, Portland. 1.25 WEEK UP CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard, 203 Vk Stan ton st U car. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let eta. In The Journal cost only 1,-cent word; 16 words or lea. 15 cent each Insertion. ynones Main 7173, Home A-8230. PLEASANT UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, women only, on car line, 1 mil from courthouse. Phone Main 292. between 10 and 12 a. tn. APARTMENT, BUYERS WAITING FOR HOMES from 11,600 to 85,000. Now Is th time, today. Don t wait for tomorrow, A. 8. Draper, 141H Washington st rooms 1 and 4, corner 7th. IN SOUTH PORTLAND 6-ROOM house; not over 11,800; part paymen down, balance as rent; must have sewer and street improved. Address lozo Kelly st. South Portland. WANTED ROOM. AND BOARD LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let., etc., In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 Phones Main 7173 Home A-3230. GENTLEMAN AND daughter, want place board. T-31, Journal. 5-YEAR-OLD to room and WANTED A PLACE FOR A 4-YEAR- E. old boy; state prloe for keeping. 491 Morrison st. A SWEDE WANTS A ROOM WITH BwoJ sh family. Address S. H. Wal engren, General Delivery. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone or write. S. J. A L. Rubensteln, 75 Front at., opposite National hotel, Pacific 140L CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS, age ft Pennell, 346-247 1st. SAV- Pac. 360. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main S666. 211 1st st F YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE U& Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. Z67 Flan ders. Phone Main 3618. HIGHEST PRICES PAID .FOR ALL kinds of second-hand goods. Union Exchange, 262 Front st Pacific 1431. DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE1 TO order. keny st. K. K. Karlson A Co.. 861 An- Main S2b0. WANTED TO CONTRACT FOR WIN- ter's wood. Hotel oak. cor. 7th and Oak. Pacific 2348. WANTED--GIRL8 TO LEARN CHOCO late dipping, steady work. Aldon i:anoy ;o., iiitn and onsan sts. WOMAN TO WORK ON COATS waists, also shirt-makers; button-hole womers and apprentices; good pay. the Mpencer Co., ladies' tailors, shirt ana waist-maKers, iz& 10th st. FJKHT-CLASS MANGLE GIRLS. IN- oapenaent launory w, zgg Gllsan. LOST AND FOUND LOST POCKETBOOK CONTAINING chattel mortgage and check payable to H. Levilua Pleas return to House's coffe bouse. 181 ft at . Rsward. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO" learn commercial telegraphy; $60 to 49V per month soon as competent Ore- gon college, 4Q commonwealth bldg. WANTED YOUNG LADY CLERK "if? out store. Swetland'a. 271 Morrison. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In small family; good wages in a nice home. Apply 411 Swet land building. WANTED ELDERLY LADY TO ROOM : and board, one block from carllne, fine locality; . would take Invalid. Am a gooo. practical nurse. Terms reason apie. Address py 1 605 .Castle st.. N 1 jwontavuia car. etter. Mrs. Dunne. Mt. Tabor, or take WANTED 2 GIRLS TO MAKE BEDS day and evening; $30 per month and room eacn. ; uewey house, ZB w. 3d. WANTED LADY CASHIER FROM 10:10 a. m. to 6:80 p. nv Saturday all day. Only one living with parents need apply. Crystal barber abop, 6th and Masblnctoav , . i.-. , , S. E & COMPANY- REAL ESTATE 251 Alder St. Phone Main 953 Portland, Or., Sept. 28, 1907. Editor of The Journal, Dear Sir As a result of an advertisement of two in sertions for rent, "A small cottage," we have received up to the present time (the second day) fifty-three responses. We conclude the result of this advertising worthy of re port and a commendation for your columns as an adver tising medium. Respectfully, B. S. COOK & CO. 1 251 Alder St - 230 W RUS- Two apartments of two Also single rooms. A HOUSE- gas OWENS sell street rooms each. 4 OR 6 UNFURNISHED keeping- rooms- electric lights, ncinc Z464. 47 Columbia si. ana engine. .Apply 14 1 JN. tin st. .,, i FIRST-CLASS STORE IN NEW BUILD? in, fin front and reasonable rent 409 East Burnslde st. k NEWLY FURNISHED OFFICE IVv new building at reasonable rate: re serve use evenings. Address W-l Journal. .A" r FOR RENT MI8CE1XANEOU8.' i. y'-i LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. louno, xor saia, to let Journal cost only 1 cent mmrA m n, .1... tl stmmtm " v. .-, v - tn. mv. , i iu mnnn main 7i7S. Home a-izzo. . t tlAlU -AKU. MAL,kKOOM. NEW W Ts7 LOST A N' f t etc.. In lift at a word; ;, ,.' each lnsertid . ' I modern convenience Phons Mala" "r f tii roe, RESORTS (Twelv.fc ' ; and ' I .rrlllT i ' ? . CASTLE EDEL BRAU House) Most unlaue house in the -went: kitchen trnm mi p firmi- flraii... land- nrleaa li'rarf T Vfarrlll BOSWELL SPRINGS REOR '.fat mnes irom urain. or.ti .f".!!.' BUSINESS CHA ' -'iJlS li Bepartment StQT for Sale Best legitimate nrosi-osltlon. or v times. Money maker. ThbrouXhl-e tabllshed. Requires 16.000 to tt I Cash or equivalent. Grand opportiv N. L. SHAFRR. .fl 426 Lumber Exchange 2nd and Start!' BIS. ' - ' ... . Legitimate Business Chances X . Th. Ames Mercantile Arennr re ¬ lished 1816) furnishes free Information on opportunities In mercantile or manu fBcturing lines, city or country. THE AMESXMERCANTILE AGENCTj - 204-206 Abington Bid . I I MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCkar and bonds boushi init um r-n. i pondanc. JnvitdT H. W, Donahue Ai Co... Ill Buchanan bldg. ' Phone Main LARGE, LIGHT FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; running, water. 603 H Aioer. GOOD FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, west side of river; suite of two ror g and 410 montn: 4-roon new lower Hat, $22. Coast Realty Co.. 226 H Morrison. a . APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED . I and 4 rooms In new building, steam heat and hot water; adults. 401 hk E. Burnslde Bt TWO FINE HOUSEKEEPiNG ROOMS, with every modern convenience. 809 Jefferson st. ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE APPOINT ments. rooms large and well lighted. Good location. 634 Morrison. FOR RENT HOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE ( anil nlinn. vnnvari ,tnr.H a, ihlniuil u. . r fnone Mam 1618. We rent and sell pianos. man, Clay A Co. FOR SALE A -. PROFITABLE BUT Durban drua- niislnaaa MhH mu 16 yenrsi stock,. flK4ur building and lot all go; be independent; Tv-:3 aell '" ana teas ouudlng; no CUfflsQaB slon: onlv those nln. kii.i.... 77- wflte. , H-50.. JouVrtsl. " FOUR-HwRiiEPOWER WOOD gluT Inquire Lowengardt 11 Park at i . c' INTEREST IN, j first-clsss resuurant new: a V'IV nniin... n 1 . t i .- bv. ....yco yi w,jvioii.iun. . cjn BAIjB A FINIC T0.3o!o0uernner KOln " Vk FOR SALE CONFECTIONER Yj f"a a. . Mm v 1 CU III nar np anH . reasonable If taken t nn,a . Owner. 402 E. Morrlaon. Phone once. L. 1 L Zl V PARTNER WANTED AMaW 6HER- LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. In The Journal -cost -only 1 - cnt a-word; 16 woras or less. J 6 cents eacn insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-8230. HOUSE AND STABLE FOR TEAM,$7 per monrn. rnone Main ROOM HOUSE. WITH BATH; DE slrable location; walking distance: "L car. $86 Larrabee st. East 3098. FOR RENT at $13 THREE-ROOM cottage, furnished complete, large yard ano rruit trees. peninsula. COTTAGES AND FLATS, WEST SIDE of lver; 7-room cottage, $21 J-now lower flat, $16; will furnish for little more. Coast Realty Co.. 226 H Morrison. ttt ;c inocd ffvpa voitt house, barn. well, graded school: 6 miles east from center of Portland, near car line; $15 month. Coast Realty Co,, 226H Morrison. TO LET COMFORTABLE 4-HO0M cottage, water connection, close , in. Apply 194 N. KMB st, FOR RENT BY OWNER 7-ROOM house, across Steel bridge. $20. . In quire room zs. Washington bldg, 4-ROOM MODERN Rodnev ave.. 814 204 Stark. COTTAGE 876 Beattie A Hofman, $16 MONTH SMALL 4-ROOM HqirSE, partly1 furnished, near carllne. Large yard. Mam 2001. .. - ability aftd ahnut tl Knn U,v,?. ,nterest In an established i Will bear strictest Investigate show very liberal profits: P-?n ? FOR SALE STOCK nir mittTA , . . ' n mj : v if" a nt- furnishlni Shoes, milliner ind "J about 18,000; located in eastern Wo K il ' V ! aouui jb.vuv: located in a Ington, N-80, Journal FOR SALE A GEN Kit AT. tMtra'ihxj" vlse ktore In an old and estabf' ? H " V growing mining town, carry $i.06 " tl ' $L200:?ock. doing a largS "u'TtHt -..v.v... ar,.i irnum; more opening';, splendid outlook, sIcK mirKBB nvx d'm, paKer city, Or.- " ,,, DonT Miss Hearing the Wonaeri . "TEt.KrtR ltHOVD" . 1 At Rooms 403 and 404, Oregonian' B " r5Si. Free! Free! .I1 Frank O'Relliy. State Agent. IN AND SEE 178 WME .! AND SEE US IB' Iff a..i fTOiiim.-noumj, restaurants.' h tels; grocery stores, meat markets r- estate. business rhnn HtS'AJiFlly Co- room' 510, Rucr bid.. 286 U 'WMhln.Mn at i- , 0R feALE-MALL grocSrys;, wrucvuuiwijr siure. call YSbiV.. !- Price $550. II rt FOR j SALE SMALL FIRST. . restaurant good location; dolft -ttif teusiness.- L-33, Journal. - .Jj BEE 661' MORRISON ST" FORI A mu nt e moles; zn, at once. i ents FOR i SALE LODGING HrvFr r rooms.- centrsllv lnaul " tr a. ii nai FOR SALE BAkERY AT ONCfiT' 31, Jmtrnal. . u. FURNISHED HOUSES. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND round, ior sale, to let, etc., in The journal cost only 1 cent a word: 15 words or less, 15 cent each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-32S0. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE : LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, . etc.. In The journal cost only 1, cent a word; '15 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion, Phones Main 7173, Home A-3210. FURNITURE FOR SALE. HOUSE FOR rent. 55 N. MODERN FLAT, Park. ROOMS. NICELY desirable location; 4 rooms furnished rented permanently; bargain. 60 H Ith. FOR RENT FLATS FOR SALE r FURNITURE ; ROOMS; flat for rent; steam heat, hot water; janitor; cheap. - 407 10th st, flat L.- LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to. let eta, In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 word or less, 16 cent each Insertion. phones Main 7173. Home A-8230. ; -ROOM MODERN , FLATS. " 48.'' 153 and 854 Corbett st, $12.60 per month. L. E, Thompson A Co., 228 Id. , .. WANTED PARTNER IN OOOD-PAA uuoiiicHB i nmau investment. Cai Hotel Ohio, Front snd Mdison A - NEAT, UP-TO-DATE -jJnol hotel for sale; every roo.WiDccuprea' win exchange for a small home. if yuu .mni tu worn ior yourseii we can make terms. Write or see Immediately. v.'H..- w.. pork hotel, 8th and Gllsan is FOR SALE BNAP, DYEING AND 4 vivKiiins rta,uiiiiinv, . yesrs tn f Dusiness; owner must leave city at once f f Address N-36, Journal. i ) OOI run DAttUi. CUWJJlUCliONERY and cigar ! stand Alexander Land Co. In srood . local inn osjstn-st, GOOD FURNITURE OF brick flat close in. rent 1 lease; price $1,200. 242 Madison. Mai1-?001 Vift $100; 1-yeaf. V 4 tdlson., . t- . 4tf I GOOD 'FURNITURE I. house, close In: this price, $425., Call 242 Madison of 1 n-Rooit V?i : must be old;f'c l 1 .dlson. . $ FOR SALE REAL ESTA1 FOR SALE CHEAP " BtJTCMir fixtures, tools, dials and omniiaLt - scales. ' Address V-34. Journal. -J Thoma ' slace, who us shovel loctrlo Una - .very . so- : turday by Dreamnar firing h' i. lOBplUl t ' FOR ; A SHORT TIME ONLY. A, ern i-room 'cottage on RodntS between Hancockr and Tillamook, Dsrgain. inquire 411 juancotK. East. 817k - . , '.. - , : - J : 0