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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1907)
Y 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER'. 30, ' 1907. PLUMBERS. FOX CO. 8ANITART PLUMBERS, Jul 2d, bt Main and Salmon. Oregon r-hone Main 9001. . . i LCNNfcRBERO ' moved & RADRMAcIIER RB- lo No. 101 Hurnsld et PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS . MISS' L B. MAT. 0t WETLAND Copying deeds and abstracts epeo'ity. FA V E ., HANDLE, 465 .. BHEULOCK " H.ig. " - -v- 1 . 1 AIMING AXD PAPEKLNQ. P. A. DOANB GIVES BEST ESTIMATE for sstlsfactory work. IM Yamhill AL ESTATE.' ' THOMPSON tate. lusuran buying, its Woortjawn ZOJ. OODEN REAL K8 loana 8m ua before sslaslppl eve. Phone ONE FOR GRAIN JIIID OWE FOR rm Two Large Steamers Char tered Today to Load Here at Early Date. WIIUAT FOR EUROPE LUMBER FOR CHINA mm sV s HT5G"nSf:A, RfiAt febtltB aNd I . . v tain loans: estaoiianea . iu -. i room II. 6phTnx AoiiMcrV DEALERS nJ real eetate and rentals. tQl Stark at. Main (144. FOR F"ARM 8 ' OF KVERf DEBcRlP- tlon. W. w. JCapey. Ill vommrciai bid. ' W. WOLFSTEIN, DEALER IN REAL French Bark Vlnccnnrs Recur Cargo In Quick Order and Will Probably Start for England To morrow Dalgnnar Clean. tat and rents collected. 110 1st at. TIN ROOFINO. OUTTERINO, . RB - pairing and general jobbing. J. Losli, ill jerrersnn at. raeuic nzt STREET PAVING. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. . Etreet paving. aMawajka and crosa- ' ,nt- ' Lumber Exchange. THE RARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. I of Portland. Office CKt Worcester blk. ' . '. ; SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS ror Herring-Haii-Marvln aafea and Manganese Steel Safa Co,' bank aafaa; 20 aecond-band fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. Sea them or write , ua. i Ttn at. VI EliULD WANuAKESS SAFES iarga lina carried. Lock-outit opened. Ihona. J. Fi. furniture. DaTle. C Id. Both SAFES FOR SALE. LOCKOUTS OPEN. el. autoa and machinery repaired. Co- ttnn r.nyinwft; Bare worKa. Z44 HI. MANGANESE BTEEL BANK SAFES (original) fire-proof aafea, "vault rrontn. Tbe MoalT Pafe Co.. 108 2d at. fellOWCASES AND FIXTURES." . SHOWCASES ' OF. EVERT DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and atore . flzturaa maa to wraer. The L,utke Manufao taring vo.. Portland. . R. 11. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER: AOT. M. winter mumper Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. Exportera are atlll engaging reeeala to carry away Oregon producta, although the fleet of grain and lumber-carrlera now en rout la much larger than ever before In the history of the port. Two new chartera were announced thla morn Ing, one being the British ateamer Bramley for lumber for the orient, and the other being the Brltlab ateamer Fitapatrick for wheat for Europe. Balfour. Quthrle A Co. will load the Fitapatrick and the cargo of the Bram ley will be furnlahed by aeveral ml 11 a. The Fltanatrlck la now about to arrive at San Franclaco with a cargo of coal from Newport Newe and the Bramley Is now about due there with m. ririo of coal from Auatralla. Roth are larra rarrlere, the Fitapatrick being able to carry away about 7,000 tone of wheat and the Bramley about 1. 600,000 feet of lumber. ' - Portland haa held tha lead on the Pacific coast In point of the amount of tnnnaaa en route to loa.4 rraln nt lum ber, and the (hipping hooked for thla port during the winter will by far aur- paaa all former, record That the greater bulk of the grain from both Washington and Oregon will find Ita war to the world'a markets thrnnrh Portland la now mada certain alnra 11 of the Puget Sound cttlea combined have only about one-third aa much tonnage to arrive aa Portland. It waa reported thla morning that the Britlah at en mer Onracube Which waa charter the other day to load on the Sound will in all probability be diverted to thla port also. ma vrencn oar vincennea finished I ( -aMtvv "" null if a a - , V4i-'W.ijt-'-. ;--?--,v .f. ' : V;;S;; v '"' ;; ;. VV '' v''v J.' ..... j,,. .. , - ..... ... S ' S: , , .. : (. T: y '. fined him to hie room for a time. Re covering be finished hie achooL : Thla start In Oregon waa the fotinda tlon of hla after brilliant career. Peace to hla memory. CYRUS IL WALKER. ' "aawaaaaaiBBaiaiawwwiBaw f Spokane at the A. V. P. ." '"(Special Mapateh to The Journii.)' Spokane, Wash., Sept 10. Thla city will have a -430,000 building - at - tha Alaaka-Tukon exposition to be held at Seattle In 1909. Seventy-flva of Seattle's ' leading business men, aeveral exrjy tion offlcera and Senatora Pilee Jd Ankeny -were here and banqueted, at Davenport'a. Harmony prevailed and all decided to pull for Seattle In 1909. Am RMSIffi OF y ....... noa Engine and Train, 10 Miles from Shanlko, on In UlaJ Trip. (Special Dtapetcb ' te The JoeraaL) I California, by the Central Oreeon Trana. Shanlko, Or, Sept. 0. The great l. Portatlon and Forwarding company. ii" cugum im oi iv norsepower. or the latest type, and burna oil aa fuel. It la 1eala-nud eaneclallv fnr nn logging grounda and rough roada. It la ..( i A ton road engine that la to carry freight between thla railway terminal and the Interior plalna in lieu of rail transpor tation, la at laat on Ita own wheel a. travel In tinder Ita nwn aluai . H drawing ita atrlng of 10-ton freight WaCOna With MM It haa Kn Krn.i.h, - wm ui iupj ii k i a'aus j ui ow H lU 4 I'll X ilB CaaiB D up from the factory at Sacramento, 1 10-ton carrying capacity each. A geared in auch a manner that hill climb. ma. ia mane comparatively eaay. Reside the engine there are alx care and the water tender, which haa a ca pacity of 800 gallons. The cars bavs a tank on tha front of tha engine has a capac ity of 400 gallons. The first car back or ma engine la provided with an auxil iary engine of 14 horsepower. This en glne la uaed only on very ateep grades, womi int t rain is neavuy inaoea. Tha train will be operated between thla point s and Madras, a dlatance of 40 miiea, and will no doubt be a great boon to the Interior country In general. The average apeed traveled la about inree muee per hour. MEN'S ' 7 f A 11 la nee. Coos Bay Johan Poulsen, San Franclaco. . .Oct. .Oct. TIUXSIFR An HAtrirwn loading here this morning, and will prob ?f ByUt AAU HAUIONO ably leave down tomorrow. She was OLSIEN-ROE TRANSFER CO.. Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. F. P. Sbeascreen. General transfer and storage; aafaa, - pianoa and furniture moved, packed and hipped. 204 Oak at Phone Main 547. Pacific 1061. Home A-2247. C O. PICK OFFICE (I 1ST ST BE- tween Star' and Oak atar Bhu It! Pianoa and furniture moved and packed for shipping r -commodious brick ware house with separata Iron rooms. Front and Clay ate. . ' PENINSULAR EXPRESS 4k BAOOAOS n 2171. Transfer. 247 Alder at. Mai OREGON TRANSFER CO., 144 N. 4TH. Main 49. Heavy hauling and storage. Independent baggage! a r an a-' far Co. Storage. 324 Stark. Main 407. dispatched In unusually quick time, the iirii aacK or gram naving oeen sent Into the hold laat Thuraday. The car go consists or z,o tone of barley and 400 tone of wheat to atlffen her. The Vincennea will clear for Ipswich, Eng land. . The British ahlp Dalgonar, Captain rect With 149,334 bushels of wheat, val- uru ai fict.fuu. ene ia in tne stream reauy 10 proceed to sea. City of Panama. San Francisco. .Oct Roanoke. San Pedro and way.. Oct 10 Alesla, orient net. if jv icomeaia. orient Nov. Numantla, orient Nov. 30 easeia la Port. Tola. Br. ah.Y ' N. P Mill ImlKOnar. Br. ah. Rtream Slam,. Or. ah.. .... .Portland Lumber Ca vincennea r. hk .nnliimhla Mn North King, Am. tug Astoria Aniemne. Am. sen Foot of St. Nicholas, Am. ah Aatorla Bt. ixuia. Ft. bk ....Astoria Biramneae, Br. aa.. Portland Lumber Co North Star Am. tug Astoria yoi. oe vuie Muriel. Fr. bk..Col. No. 2 Berlin, Am. ah Oobla r.muv r. wmtney, Am. bk St. Johns uraye Harbor, Am. aa..Wlll. I. A R wks. oaivaior, Am. acn. Admiral Borrenaon, Nor. as. Arabia, Oer. as. Klsa. Am. aa. Andy Mahoney, Am. ach. Redhill. Br. aa Irene, Am. ach. Ty merle, Br. aa Caaco, Am. aa Den of Airlie, Br. aa . . Nome City. Am. aa Breakwater. Am. aa. ... Wailacut, Am. barge Astoria .Llnnton . .Albtnn Llnnton . . .P. Lbr. co. . ..O. R. & Preacott O. St C. Rainier Irving Prescott . . .Oak street .Greenwich DELAYED BT FOG. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILT COMB. brush, aoap, $1 per month. Portland Towel supply Ca. 9ut and rnone 410. Laundry b Couch sts. ' TYPEWRITERS. ' THE OLIVER TTPEWRITER AQENCT. phone Main 7952. Raleigh bldg., Port land, Or. . See the new model No. 6 Oli ver, before buying a typewriter. Oliver typewriters sold and rented. NEW AND 2ND HAND. ALL MAKES. rented, repaired, sold. f. 1). C Uo. Tel. IS1 8tnrk. 1407. ( WHOLESALE JOBBER3 ' M. A. GUN8T A CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. - EVERD1NG A FARKELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants. 140 Front 1et. Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturera of furnl ' tore for the trade. Portland. Or. WADHAM1 A CO- WHOLESALE ORO-" cera," manufacturers and commission i merohS'ts. 4th and oak ata. . FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND s 3 special ordera. L. Ruvenakys furnl- - fOPlasloryr 7 roni at. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND .. v produce- merchant. Front and Davis ata.. fort land. or. WHOLESALE Ilarrlman Liner Costa Rica In From Bay CItjr. The Harrlman liner Costa Rica had to arop ancnor aeveral tlmee laat night on ner way up tne river from Astoria and It waa nearly 8 o clock . when she reacnen Ainsworth wharf this morning. She waa expected here last night Banks of dense fog made it Impossible to pro ceed, and the mudhooka were left hang ing over the bow all the way up ao they could be let go an a moment's no tice In case of getting lost in the de ceiving vapor. . i , The Costa Rica brourht a full rn and a aoodlv number of naasenffera captain mason reports a line voyage, aside from the fog on the river, and says he sighted two French vessels off the mouth of the Columbia. By cross ing in yesterday afternoon the Costa Rica escaped the blow which sprang up shortly after and which Is now tossing i the aea Into towering breakers. I The North Paolflc Steamship com pany a ateamer George W. Elder la due here tomorrow from San Pedro vio 8an Francisco. Johan Poulsen Am. as. .. Montgomery 3 Genevieve Mollinoa, Fr. bk.. .Greenwich W. F. Jewett. Am. ach. Goble Coata Rica, Am. atr. Ainsworth W. F. Garms, Am. ach Knappton James Ralph, Am. ach Westport Redondo, Am. atr Couch street steamers Northland and Tosemlte for jTuruana. naiuMi yesterday, ateamera Georg, v. Eiaer and R. D. Inman for riiruann. San Pedro, Sept. 19. Arrived, steamer vaaunne. irom Astoria, Astoria, Sept 30. Condition of the uar ai a. m.. amootn; wind southeaat 40 miles; weather cloudy. Tldea at Aatoria todayHigh water: 3:05 a. m., 5.9 feet; 7:21 p. m.. 7.0 feet. Low water: 1:25 a. m,. 1.4 feet: 1:25 p. m., 4.1 feet rg Hull . .Antwerp . . .London .Hamburg . .Swansea . . .London .Hamburg glassware. land. Or. CROCKERT AND praei. Hegele A Co, Port LEWIS-8TENGER BARBERS' 6UPPLT o., Haroers- supplies. Barbers' Fur nlture. Barbers Chairs, loth A Morrison, TRANSPORTATION. : Low Rates From the East During September and October the Great Northern railway will aell colo nist tickets from all eastern polnta at greatly reduced rates. Jfew Tork to Portland ftKO.OO Mtautau to jroxxiana .4!.4F. Chicago to Portland... 833. OO Mlnneapolla to Portland ( Duluth to Portland -825.00 Sioux City to Portland. .) , Proportionate reductions from other points. Now la the time to send for your friends. Orders for ticketa will receive prompt attention. Additional Information on application to H. Dick son. C. P. A T. A.. 122 Third street. Portland. Or. Phones Main S0. Home A-22S6. MESSAGES FROM OCEAN. New Steamship Governor Reports Off Heceta Head. The weather bureau station at North Head received several wireless messages irom tne .i-acinc coast Hteamshlp com- ?any's new ateamer Governor, bound rom San Francisco for Puget Sound, last night. The messages were picked up by wireless station at North Head and transferred to the weather bureau for transmission to the head office here. xv;v ocioca last nignt the Gov ernor waa off Heceta Head and should be well along toward Cape Flattery thla afternoon and ought to reach Port Townaend this evening. This is the first voyage north of the Governor, and henceforth messages will ha nmIv from her regularly. With the Governor aim x-rmiueni sending in messages both going south and north the weather bu reau here will be In pretty good shape ivi cr i uuhlru tin r imnn stnnsfi-! - a- a- - WUUIVJUIIB UI 111 If CUttBL. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, Bagnlar Zdaers Due to Arrive. G. W. Elder. San Pedro and way. .Oct Redondo, Seattle Oct Alliance. Coos Bav ' ' w rean water, ceos Bay Oct City of Panama, San Francisco.. .Oct wanuw, nan fearo and way Alesia, orient coata Rica, Ban Francisco Oct 11 Numantla, orient Oct 2? Nlcomedla, orient bet 25. Arabia, orient Dec. 25 Begnlar Llnars to Depart Breakwater, Cooa Bay Sept 30 Arabia, orient Oct Redondo, Seattle Oct' 3 SJ?' San Franclaco '.'.Oct J G. W. Elder. San Pedro and way. .. .Oct 3 Zinntber Carriers 8a Xoata. Thomas L Wand. Am. atr. San Francisco Susie M. Pluramer, Am. sch..Guaymas Lettitla, Am. nch San Franclaco Mabel Gale, Am. ach San Francisco tt. r. uanns, Am. sen Ban Pedro Virginia, Am. ach Port Loa Angeles iaiunu, jm. as Ban Franclaco J. B. Stetson. Am. aa San Pnnni. Aurella. Am. sa San Francisco Excelsior. Am. ss Ran Northland. Am. ss San Francisco R D. Inman. Am. aa. ...Ban Franrlam Sn Sonte With Cement and General., or. an ..Hambur orenn, T. ok Europe. Br. bk Genevieve Molinoa, Fr. bk. nene iwervuer, Fr. an Laennec. Fri ah Le Pilier. Fr. bk Martha Roux. Fr. bk Mozambique, Br. bk Newoaatla v. Samoa, bc Sbleldi Thiers, Fr. sh Newcastle, E. Marechal Turrene, Fr. bk Hamburg Villa de Mulhouse. Fr. bk An two Guethary, Fr. bk Antwerp Plerrl Loti, Fr. bk. Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. ah Am twern Gleneaslln, Br. ah .Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk Lelth General de Bolsdeffre. Fr. bk... London General de Negrier, Fr. bk London Bayard, Fr. bk ....Antwerp Ville de Dijon, Fr. bk Antwerp aiivsb jnaric, r r. Da Antwerp Eugene Rergallne, Fr. bk. .... .Antwerp n. riiusiiiiciu, ur. oa . . . .Honolulu Arctic Stream, Br. sh Rotterdam Crown of India, Br. bk Antwerp Cornll Bart, Fr. bk Antwerp Juim uummes, ( r. ok KOtterdam Edward DetallleFr. bk....... Antwerp Emilia Galllne, Fr. bk. ........ .London n,mesi iegouve, Fr. bk Antwerp itajore, tsr. sn London Goal Snips Sn Bout. Belen, Fx. bark Nwecastle, A. Ciaverdon. Ur. sh Newcastle. A. Wlllscott. Am. bk Newcastle, A. Port Patrick, Br. sh Newcastle, A. ot xmrren, tir. an Newcastle, A. Crlllon, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Ardencralg, Br. bk Newcastle, A. riUgene isjcnneioer, mr. DK.lNewcastie, A. Buffon. Fr. bk ..Newcastle, A. astie nocK, ur. en.. Sydney, A. Knight Templar. Br. aa. . .Newcastle. A. wenry vniaro, Am. str. . . .Newcastle, A. Thordia, Nor. atr. . . . . . .Moraran, Japan Homeward Bound, Am. bk. Newcastle, A. mmuy rieea, Am. Bh Newcastle, A. Ancalos, Br. sh . . .Newcastle, A. Brlzeux, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Brodick Castle, Br. sh. ...Newcastle, A. Tramp Steamers Ba Bonta, African Monarch, Br. ss....,,. ...Japan Inveran. Br. aa . .Port Los Ant-plea rernuene, jesr. sir.,.. Terje Viken, Nor. ss Strathenrlk, Br. ss San Francisco a iituiuii iviuiiartjii.' ni. ma. . .Ban irranciaco Ort in I wtratnniian, Br. ss..... Vancouver, B. C. riT. , I Strathearn. Br. ss. .. San Francisco Netherlee, Br. ss .-.Bremerton tiriusn Monarch, ur. an. .aan-Francisco FitspatneiafBr. ss San Francisco Bramley, Br. ss. ........ San Francisco Garacube. Br. ss. ......San Franclaco Oil Steamers One. Maverick. Am ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steam schooner Breakwater de. parts thla evening for Cooa Bay. Sh Will go On the drydock here nnnn hap ratilrn The steam achooner Paam haa o iou lumoer. Tne steam schooner Johan Poulsen 1 at one of th east sine docks loading wheat for San The schooner W. T. Jewett whlnh ar rived at Aatoria last nlarht waa out it unys irum nan reoro. tne will load I cargo of railroad ties at Gnhla for R dondo. E. Walllna. fireman on tha ataamar weown. was badly burned by an explo sion on uie Doai yesterday morning and taken to the St Vlncent'a hosnltal. In starting the fire In the furnace Walling iwi"i i uiivii ma u&mufri ana nju in tne nrerox ignited wltn tremendous rorce. throwing the fireman un on deck. His eyes were not Injured. xne steam schooner Aurella la due to arrive here tomorrow with freight for tne oan Francisco Portland steamship company. She will discharge it at the Ainsworth wharf. She will probably maae several trips ror tne ran Fran cisco A Portland Steamship company until tne steamer mwton is ready to go un me run. DB TATXOB, The Iteadiny Specialist, TELLS OF EARLY LIFE OF C. LA FOLLETTEi Late Pioneer Taught In Pa- ciflc University Fifty Years Ago. "I suffered habitually from constipa tion. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengtneneo tne Dowels, so that they have been regular ever since." A. E. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Tex. .MERCHANT MISSING FOR FIFTY-ONE DAYS A. Osborne of Wilson Creek, Washington, Left Home With Much Money on Him. (Special Dlipitcb to Tha Joarsal.) Spokane, Wash., Sept 40. Mystery still surrounds the disappearance 61 days ago of S. A. Osborne, of Wilson Creek, Wush. He left home with $1,600 cash. Intending to buy cattle near Seat tie, and haa not been heard from since. Home think he has been murdered. In tne meantime, tne well-known mer chant's business haa been In tha banda or a receiver. The assets of the firm of 8. A. Osborne A Sons are given at $130,000, while their liabilities will scarcely exceed $50,000. Mr. Osborne'a brother Bays he will find his brother if it takes every cent he haa The unfortunate man is 64 years of age; oaia, except a slight fringe of Jlght hair lightly tinged with gray; light complexion; weight about 190 pounds; helzht. fi fent 7 Innh.a itinfrv Xi.ii. short, stubby mustache; little finger oi left hand off at first Joint; small mole on back of neck;, heavy, bushy eye brows; wore a dark suit when last seen. Albany, Or., Sept M. To th Ed- Itor: Though pained to learn through Th Journal of th death of Captain cnanea La Follette, a pioneer of 1549, I was pleased to a his llke neaa and read the splendid sketch of bis Uf In your issue of th 24th Inst MntIOn 1 made Of his bavlna- tanahr penmanship In Pad no University. My I iTOiuKuoa is mat it was during th """"r v o.-; m m lower north room of th old academy building. i Th evenlna- he nra-anlaa hi. " gave a lecture ana aa a phrenologist made some examlnatlnna mw kumn.4 being among them. Th characteristics given me were in the main - tha aama a; given me in a chart In tb summer oi in I at Foreat nmn h, Pi v.. ier, canea tne ratner or phrenology. During Prof La Follatta'a TtnM aoove mentioned, n told ua bow to cul tivate th memory. Commenclnr. ear Monday nla-ht txfnV over tne events or tne aay. Than Tn... bay nigni recall in event of that day, and of th previous one, and ao on through the week, then th next week the same, and also recall In a- tha nm. ious week, and so on through a year r mwifl x urKCUCKDlfl. fian l talran fila aavice i wouia no doubt have a much better recollection of pioneer history "u ui uwm. anowieage man l nave. I advise some of your vounrer raaAara m try in plan. uurlng th writing school referral to, we had some f reeling weather, and cuiniua uui ox tne very warmly kept room into the chilly night air. Prof. La Foneite caugnt a severe cold that con- P 1 Not th ' announcements of all other sneolal. lets and medical Institutes and yon will ae how little they say about their treatment for Men's. Weaknesses and how lightly they pass over th subject Tet on man out of every four, has- a vital weakness, which constantly drains bis powar, and that man "must continually fore him- -self alone in Ms veryday path of living. Thar Is no real joy or happiness that Is not marred by hla ver-preaent feeling that he Is not as other' men. Now. to auch men I offer hope. I not only hold out a helping hand to lift them up, but I urg them earnestly to ac cept my aid. I can gain their confidence from th flrat examination by locating th seat of their trouble exactly, and can always entirely eon vine them ff th logical effect of my treatment when I explain Its ac tion. I never charg for this examination or consultation. V ' "Weakness" Means Jus! This That there Is soma functional darana-am an t the ill rax t vaanlr n In flammation, enlargement r axceaalve aanaitlvanaaa nf tha nrnatata alan . brought on by arly dissipation or resulting from imnrooerlv treated eon. - tr5f"1 disorder. This condition cannot possibly be removed by Internal miviim, nu any lunio system or treatment in at . stimulates in ac tivity of th function can but result In- aggravating tha real ailment Thla la a aclentlflo truth I hay ascertained after a careful and scientific study and upon which my own original system of treatment is baaed. I employ neither tonlca, stimulants nor electrlo belt a - I treat by local di rect methods exclusively, and my auccess In curing even thoae caaea that others have failed to temporarily relieve with their tonics is conclualv evidence that my method Is th only posslbl means of a complete, radi cal and permanent cur. A Guarantee Worth Something' I do not car what your experience has bean with other treatments, what guarantees you have, and what Droralsea were nnfiilnilai in th. past as unsuccessful, unscientific treatments and unreliable concerns are I in no way a reflection upon honest truatworthy bualneas methods lived up to In this city by me for twenty yeara I hay an established reputa tion, and my guarantee means that my patients are Indisputably Insured of success In their case. There la all th difference In the world between m iu,nnin oi ima aina ana me promise ox loose mushroom concerns which ar continually falling In business. 1 repeat my straightforward, squar proposition to wait for my fee until th cur is effected. TABIOOCZIig, SPZBKATOBBXXA, &OST YXGrOB, OBOaJrXO WfeAJC ITSM, COXTTBAOTSD DZSOBDSBS, STBZOTTTBBS, PBCTTZO BX.OOD POZSOV and PIXXS I also treat and cur promptly and thoroughly. TO REVISE CODE FOR THE W. N. G. CARTERS f IVER OUR - 1 Examination free I offer not only FREE Consultation and Advica, but of every caa that comes to ma I will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without charg. No ailing man should neglect thla opportunity to get expert opinion about his trouble , If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart My offices ar open all day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. and Sundays from 10 to 1. me DOCTOR TAYLOR co. 234 Morrison St., Cor. Second PORTLAND, OR. gov of Washing- COOS BAV Jreekly Freight and Passenger srvto of th Pin Steamship Breakwater Zieaves POBTXt&HD vsry Monday, 8:00 . p. nt. front Oak-street Dock, for EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIELD . Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day f Sailing. P ABB From Portland, XstHilass, $10,001 Sd-elaas, $7.00, lnaiodlag bertn and xaaala. Inquire City Ticket Office. Third and . Washington ata, or Oak-street Dock. POBTXABS Am PVOBT SOTHTD TRANSPORTATION. S. S. "Redondo" (Spedal Dlipatcb to The Joaraal.) Olympla, Wash., Sept 30. Adjutant General Ortls Hamilton ha announced the appointment of a board to revise the military code and rerulatlonai ernlng the National Guard of Was tnn Tha rtnflril Mnalala n pnl-.! c. ti. i z, : WlUtWI un r laiiuisisv lienrn K I Jlmnlni? Main, w T. Tn.A .San Francisco captain W. M. Inglish, Captain Fred Llewellyn, Captain D. M. Crow, Lieu tenant Hart W. Palmer and Lieutenant Howard a. Hanson. This board will hold meetinga at OlrmDla in January. April and July. 1908. the exact date to oe selected Dy ine president of the Doard. it ia directed that this revised code be completed before October, 1908. in connection witn revisina the raa-n. latlons. the board will recommend mlea ss ........ . ean Francisco i ror tne government or tne armories mn. coi. ni. x. uraae, Am. as..gan Francisco structea and under course, of construe . . ", I Hnn In tha atata juu avHN w a.iiiw. .w waa iriun. I . Sailing from Couch land for Seattle. street dock. Port- Taooma vnriitt a nrl Beilingham, September 13 at 4 p. m. PBEZOBT Connecting at Spbih. tn. . Golofnlnin, St. Michael, Chena and Fair banks with steamere Pleiades. Hyades, Lyra. Mackinaw. Ohio. I Schubach A Hamilton. General Agents, Doaiuj, wasn. F. P. Baumgartner, Agent Portland, Couch street dock. Phones: Main 861; Home A414L OO v Ho! For Astoria raph rastSteamerTelef Coltimbla River Scenery BECrUXATOB Ifll STBABCBBS. : aervlce between Portland and T.h . except Sunday, leaving Portland at- 7 a..ra., arriving about I , 1,1 -carrying freight and passengers, feplendid accommodations - for - outfits and livestock. . . ....... Iock foot of Alder st, Portland; foot Vlf?: "Lon.'Ma,n Dally (except Thursdays), Leaves Aldet street dock 7 am. Snaday 8 a. a. f 1 round trip. PBOVB laalar asa. Gael. Fr. bk......... Puget Sound Turgot, FT. bk....... Puget Sound Mlltonburn, ur. dk., Santa Rosalia Dumflreshlre, Br. sh...Port Los Angeles Sully, Ft. bk San Francisco Celtic cmer, lar. an,. Honolulu Admiral Corneulier. Fr. bk .San Fr. I Strathgryfe, Br. sh Callao castor, nr. sn Valparaiso Noemi. Fr. bk Seattle Ajsteraamp, v uer. an caieta Colosa Schubek, Ger. bk Valparaiso Uleneivan, ur. sn Iranta Rosalia Ostara. uer. sh Valparaiso Amazon, or. dk MOllendO Alexander Black, Br. bk. San Diego Windsor Park, Br. sh Caldera cian uucnanan, ur. an. ..Kanta Rosalia MARINE NOTES CASTOR I A For Inlantf and Children. , The Kind You Have Always Bought Slek Headache and relieve all the troubles taaV ami 10 a Diuoua atateof the aystam,suoh a DicKttMss, Mansaa, Drowsiness, DUtrm after sting, rain la th Sida as. While their most xaawaaoia snoeeas oaa bean ahowa la ourtag man Headaeha yet Carter's Little Llmr Pins ar qnauy varaaDl la GoasUpaUon, curing and pra- uiiaaanojinsoompuuncwDiia taarai eorraot all diaordara of tha a tnmuli atl nf nlaia t hrerudragulate the bowels. XyenUtbayoab "HEAD Ache they wonld be almost priceless to thess who suffer from this dUtmaing complaint; trat fortu nately thair goodness doas notend hereand those whoonoetry them will find these little pills valu able la ao many way. that they wul not be wil ling to do without them. But after allsick head ACM Is th bane of so many lives that her Is wbare we make our gnat boast. Our pills oureil wail other do not Cartars Little Urme Pills ar very .mail and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. Tbsy are strlotly vageUble and do not gripe or nJgbntbT thairgaiitlaaction pUasU who eiirn lusrena ot. tow mtr , Bears the Signatnre of Specialty lira. ' 8. x,' Chan. Bead what Mrs. jr. p. Warner has to amy! Mrs. Dr. 8, K. Chan, 282 Clay at, city. Dear Doctor For a long time I suffered from sickness, but since taking your medicine and 'advice wnicn you gave m, I feel rMyJjkl cannot praise vour meii-in too highly. . Also those friends that I sent to you are now all well. 1 shall b too glad for any information In re gard to this great and well educated Chines lady doctor. I am gratefully. yours. Mrs. J. F. Warner, 83 N. 9th at, woman A Be a Perfect iVJaim Did you ever stop to consider th fact that yon are not as good a man aa you uaed to be; phyaically, mentaUy and otherwiaT Do you know why? Falling power, loss of vitality and drain are th moat frequent cause. It stands you in hand to stop those drains on your Trjr.v,tal ,torc .u,eI t0 apeclaliSt who can cur the ailments quickly and surely. Com to ua BZBX XZXJf WSXBB XT ZS CBBTAXB TO BB FOOTTD. a.Ii!f Institution -has built up its splendid practice mor by th recommendations given It by its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS. !!?k?veceive! tne tene,,t of its modern, aclentlflo and lgltlmat methods, than fn any other way If you ar not a perfect mancome to ua isn't It worth th little tlmalt will tak when you ar CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST. SINCERE physicians.. A .mi j uvuuui BAmri ,,our own time. OUR FEE $10.00 Establish 17 Tsar In Portland. Consultation Free W Will Treat Any Slngl TJnoompll- eavaa juunnii xor gio.oo. Absolute Guarantee , ISq Pay Unless Cured n 47 Tears' Bxprlenc. We cur safely and I nromntlv fXTV.!i"T rwr uiMttnnn anvs. MATORRHOBA. SPECIFIC; RLDOn Pnrsnisi im atT. avirZfa imdi COCELE. HYDROCELE. GONORRHOEA. GLEET. OR ANT or THK DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all Datlenta WE CURE WEAKNESS 3 VOBTX PACXFIO STBAKSKZP CM : STBAKSHZPS '": "A-"; Roanoke and Ceo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka. San Francisco and" Los Angeles direct every Thursday at p. m. Ticket i oltlc , 141 1 TbiFu .near Astoria, Sept. 30. Arrived at 6:16 and left up at 8 a. m., steamer Asuncion, from San Francisco. Arrived at 7-20 and left up at 9:30 a. m.. 8tpmer b,. dondo, from Seattle, Arrived down at a a. m., jpxencn Dara Bt. xouis. Left up San Francisco, Bept. 80. Arrived, d u.ii i m-nt, 1 1 jm uriiand San Pedro, Sept. 30". Arrived, a. er Americana, from Columbia river Astoria, Sept. 29. Arrived down at J and aailed at 8:15 a. m., ateamer Al liance, for Coos bay. Arrived at 11 a. m.. achooner James Rnlnh . Francisco. Arrived down at, 1:30 p. m, barkentlne Gardiner City. Arrived down at 4 and sailed at 6 p. m., steamer In diana for San Franclaco. ' Arrived at 4:30 and left up at 7 t. m steamer Costa Rica, f roji San Francisco. Left up at 6 p. m., French bark Genevieve Molinoa. Arrived at t p. m., schooners W. F. Garms and W. p. Jewett f rom San- Pedro. Arrived down and sailed 5' u" i ' ""n eteamer Kalomo. for Hongkong and way ports. Sailed at 8:60 p m., Britlah steamer Barkston, for Hongkong. . i . 1 ' San Francisco, Sept. - S9 '-Arrived I schooner Olecdal from Aatoria. Balled,' I trc Somcfliing Need Painting ? No matter what it is, yotx can get the right paint for it at your nearest dealer s under the name ACMEQimLnY a mark that makes it easy to paint, enamel stain or varnish anything, new or old. Let us send you a copy of the only com- plete paint guide everjpnnted, The Selection and Use ol Paints and Hoishes." If your dealer cannot supply yott with the Acme Quality " kind, we will. - " , MEW ERA PAINT-& VARNISH CO. 173 PTJtST STBBST, POBTjVABS. ' Distributers " J. SjqUALIirjY This Is to men who lack eouras-a. Whose nnr. ... .l-.v- eves have lost the sparkle, whose brains are muddled, ideas confused, sleep restless, confidence gone, spirits low and easily depressed, who are backward, hesitating, unabla tn vanrura haoanaa th ... ..ii.a . failure, who want somebody to rlarMa .fnr thorn o,hn . down and restless.- It la to men whn h.v. ... ' UW8J" rrw eupeciaiiy soucii mose cases -in which many so-called treatments have failed, or where money has h.n . on other methods of treatment Don't exnarlmenr wh An Alii 1 .MrMa.M4 1 1LA -V offers a certain means of cur by local treatment WE CURE VARICOCELE r I. J.yrt"sl jsuses congestion of th blood in som of . tha most vital Mood vessels of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling, which is ...often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline. Varleocelere! stilta from partial paralyai. of the delicate nerv fibers that coStocS circulation of the, blood. Th muscular coating of th veins Tla deprived of nervous control and become inactive, weakens Md relaxea, Thb ood vessels expand from tb presaure within. Tho circulation becomes C tX- con-UnUy pcefaW appliancee and thaUtear Inventlona-esaenlial for th proper and up-to-date treatment and cure of spec! al dlaeaaes. vs' vper. na t Son may consult us privately In confidence. Tou will be examined "-thoroughly aclentlflo manner and our diagnosis Tand advlc will b2 cheerfully gTveii to you absolutely free of charge, After this if you d! vcu ouht toahSd; wl e you nd make you well and strong aa your akUlful Its ; No matter what your ailments ar. call or write to us today, statins ",cf2lplaln,y tn r',ouf own wy- aA "csive th benefit of a modern. iTT1rffA'T-rwHa1"eL '.n,wirea sealed envelgpeV a. m. to 12 noon. - . ' "". ' .; sundaya, ST. LOUIS "surgical10 DISPENSARY MEDICAL AND SURGICAL COBBZB BBOOBS JJTS TAXKZXiXi STBBBTS, POBTXABS, OBXOOW, J I 1 (