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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1907)
TQP'iJt 5lL Hire or Rent any (EH UiOliO0UpALS !! I II I I JUJ-J. '' TfeO Vefcttier Rain. an4 warmer VOL. VI, ; NO, 178, ; PORTLAND, r OREGON,' -MONDAY ' EVENING, v SEPTEMBER 80, 1907. FOURTEEN PAGES. !.PRICE TWO CENTS, ifixoF'hvit clVn: I i ... ,m . I I , .ii . , w a .'' M i 111 WW I Win '! W M ' W ... mmmt " - ' .- - , -aaaaa. . . waaaaaaa i PRISOl! '-'.. i. '. . .-. I ! , . , .. . . . . , .. . . I . , . ;v:': ' x . iiimf ninu rrAn that & hJUikih tchr mar RAnillNR A ' , if i mm mr .t ; nnriic rnirnn IVILUL niiEinu V THAT IE NOT IN PLOT oner Siiows Decided In flation to Protect Those o Are Suspected of Con- liracy Against Mayor e. THE WOMAN VH0 - WONT SAY WHY a. fa.. Belle Wgjrmtre, accused of ba th woman decor uaed In the aensa- dal attempt to blackmail Mayor Lane u Thuraday last, consented to com to ortland this morning- from ' Vancouver where she had been held by Sheriff Bap pint ton since Saturday afternoon. She will aopear for her preliminary hearing In the municipal court on Wednesday morning:. , In the. meantime an effort is being made br iter attorneys, Senaca Fouts and W. R. McOarry. to secure the $1,000 . Dial required by tne court, out tne task is provlns; a hard one. Up to 1 o'clock ao one. bad been found who would go security for the appearance of toe wo man on weanesaay morning. So far there have been no added d . ' velopments in the case other than the setting of the nrellmlnary hearing- foi : Wednesday.' Raddlng and Mandelay v- the two men accused of beina consplra ' tors In the plot, were arraigned In -the - municipal court this morning- and the " ease was then set by Judge Cameron. i uotit o( tp jnea. are out -on oau, , , , - Womaa Holds to Btory. ; : . The woman in the case still maintains her determined stand of injured Inno 1 rende and it must be admitted that she f "does well In sustaining ner part. If she ) is guilty, of the charges made against her she-is maln-taining a very stralght terward front and story. All the stories rsne iQAe-iire mo paino, wtiuuuv uevm "I do not know what Mr. Raddlng has f told, or Mr: Mandelay, whom I 69 not a now Jit all, but I do anow that i nave only ne story to tell and that 1 the truth.". That is the way she puts her case and sticks to It She declines to discuss the, facta or to go Into details saying that the trial will reveal all she knows. Until that time she will remain silent " -- -And she does remain silent She talks, it la true, freely and openly, but. whenever the conversation ranges close t anything vital as affecting herself. Raddlng or Mandelay, - ahe veers- off most skillfully or else says very frank, ly. "I can't talk about that now, you know." v Mr. Waymlre says ahe Is going straight into the circuit court with her story, for she wants to escape the pre liminary hearing and get past the lower court to where she thinks ahe will get justice unadulterated. , "Will you waive your preliminary hearing and go straight into the upper court er will you go into the lower court first V she was asked this morn ing as she set in the sheriffs quarters at Vancouver, - "1 do not want a preliminary hearing," he jsald.. "I want to go into the cir cuit court at once, for I believe I I' V I ' X '. - - A . . i Pi J r ' t t ' I Los Angeles Constables and United Eailroads, Attor neys May Be Called to Ex plain Attack on Fremon Older. Bulletin's Editor Alleges Agents of Calhoun Threat ened His Life 3Iessage Seized by Southern Off! cials to Whom Entrusted MRS. BELLE WAYMIRE. WHO RE FUSES TO EXPLAIN WHY RAD- DINO AND MANDELAY WERE "AT HAND" WHEN WANTED. ROAD HEADS FOR CENTRAL GO (United Pri Uawd Wire.) San Francisco, Sept SO. Indictments on the charge of abduction may be launohed against Detective Luther Brown, Attorney Porter Ashe and Con stables Cohn and . Cochrane after the grand Jury finishes Its consideration of the testimony of Fremont Older this af ternoon'. - Whether the Los Angeles constables will be called as witnesses or defendants haa not been definitely de cided by the district attorney's office. Fremont uioer naa not been sum moned, but will go voluntarily on the stand to relate the details of the at tempt that was .recently. made to kid nap mm. uider win testify that ne Was lured to the Savoy hotel bv tele- pnone, taaen in an automonu by pri vate detectives In Patrick Calhoun's em EaiL . laying on Portland- te40 &welth.W IS rpiacea on s irain Dounn ror uom Angeiee. He was rescued bv a habeas coiuus writ and released at Santa -Barbara, return ing to Han Francisco under bonds. -Older will also testify that he was threatened with death by ajne of Cal houn's meri -if - he made a struggle or Within 20 days there will be received outcry. consuiDie -eonn jnay also be in Poruaad the first ' consignment of cXgto Vde..lTo'nVyTt rails that will become a part of an Ban Jose to telephone to Older wife to all-electric railway reaching from Port-1 allay her fears. Older says, he discov- land to Salt Lake, 1.000 miles. The T uo,euenuy mat tne message name of the road will be the Portland telephone where Cohn was sunnosed to eastern, a corporation mat receivea a I nave wirea. charter from the state of Oregon- six months ago and has already graded about IS miles of Its line from Falrview to Bull Run. ; -.' : What the connection at its eastern I terminus will .be Is , still, a mystery tol most people. The' few having- that I knowledge have succeeded in keeping It I secret. Tne rock island or the Bur-1 Sift? Me1 Line Starts CHEATS JUDGE AND , . JUBY mm SUltlDE can get justice there. The police court of- ncers are ait unaer obligations or can trol of the mayor," continued Mrs. Wayt mire, "and they would be afraid of los- (Contlnued on Pag Two.) (Caltod Press Leased Wire.) fiat Wanflani Hmrf 9 A llnnA M 4 . a 11 t J -.4 . vi.-il -a- -- connections, land it has been surmised countT JaU at InleaWe. watting trial that Senator W. A. Clara tuid D. H. Mot-1 ror murder, jonn Morreii, gray-haired fat are in the combination with their I and a srandfather of arown-un children. properties, the San Pedro Los Angeles I expiated his crime with his own life. & Paciflo and the Denver .A Northwest- Morrell chose a blood-chilling way to em. both coming together at salt Lake kill himself.- Firmly fixing a large nail, and meeting the Portland road. It Is point outward, in a crevice of his cell certain that the Portland .Eastern wilt he lowered bis head and threw his penetrate through central Oregon and weight against It head foremost He that It will . afford connections that died last night will bring one or more eastern trunk Morrell was being held for the kllllns- lines Into this city.. Crosses Central Oregon. The route of - the new road extends from Portland to the Junction of the Sandy and Bull Run. rivers, 25 miles, thenoe follows the' Sandy- and its tribu taries to a pass at the south of Mount Hood. Its course then follows the Des- alrashouse, last Ju ily. the Killed in Anto Accident. (United Press Leatod Wire.) Pittsburg. Sept 80. As the result of an automobile accident todav. Geora-e chute, river to the peninsula of the D M,?fe!S StTSVi?" ohutes and . Crookef rivers, - where it takes a southeasterly direction, passes near . Crook, Fife and . Smith, crosses (Continued . on Page Three.)' ft George A. Morgan, Ex-County Clerk " of Washington County, Meets Untimely Death in Camp Near Hills : boro Associated With Lytle & Hare. (Special DUpttch 1 Tb jroaraal.) Hillsboro, Or., Sept." lO.-Oearg A. Morgan, ex-county clerk of- Washing ton county, was killed this morning, at a logging camp 12 miles northwest of this place. Mr. Morgan was associated with K R Lytle and J. C. Hare in the aawmill business at Hillsboro. He went out to the company's logging camp this mornlnsr and In some wav was knocked down by a heavy log. which rolled over nis boay. fining mm instantly. . U waM 'a ann-ln.laav nf .Tiiiaat TIT T Hare of Hillsboro and a brother-in-law of . J. C. Hare: of- Portland. , He leaves a wife and two' children. - Mr. Morgan wss about 45 year tld and had been a resident of .Washington counny lor many years. Advertising Record for the" Week i Ending September 29lh J The-volume of paid advertisintr carried' bv"the'three -?1 ! dailv oaoers' of Portland. forthe week ending , Senterfiher $ . 29, was as follow i ' ' ' ; f ... . ' ' ' - t Journal Oregonian Telegram ; t Local, indies 7,237 t . 6,839 . , 6,018 Foreign, inche 841 vJ 1,023 517 Classified and real estate ins. 2,086 3,370 1,7G3 Total .A .-11.054 - -11.232X 8.298 ; The increase in 'The-Journal's : advertising for the' week f t oMast year was 2,607 inches, , ' ' - ' 1 the machine and crushed to death and four companions were injured. HAS TRADE Seattle Boosters Told by Lewiston People That Portland's Lead Over the Sound Would Be Hard to Overcome. HONOR MEMORY OF NlcKINLEY Dedication of Final Resting Place of Martyred President-Theo dore Roosevelt Speaks of Great Ohioan's Character and life Excursion of Business Men Entertained by Commer cial Bodies of Gate City Must Establish Branches "or Lose Business. (Special DUpiteh to Tbt Journal.) Lewlston. Ida., Sept SO. A peculiar outcome of the visit of a delegation of Seattle business men to this city was that they came here firm in the belief that they would capture Lewis- ton and It now appears that Lewlston has captured Seattle. In brief, bust ness-Uke addresses the men of Lewis- ton sketched to their visitors the chang ing of the Lewlston country and with that change the necessity of the Seattle wholesale houses opening branches in Lewlston If they would keep that por tion of its wholesale trade which they now eniov. vvitti' tne onenins- or the Celllo rapids giving an open river with Lewlston at one end and Portland at the other, and with the building of direct, water grade railroad lines be tween these two cities, the roundabout, heavy rraded roads from Seattle will be outclassed, witn tne result mat Lewis- ton's trade will go to the Rose City. The Seattle boosters were 80 stronr. They thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality of Lewlston, partook of the choice peaches and grapes produced here, sipped of the wine from Lewlston cel lars and viewed the twin cities of the northwest from touring cars which hsd been provided to whirl the visitors about Lewlston and Clarkston durinar their Drier stay. The rooms or tne commercial club were made the headauarters for the party and it was there that the peaches ana grapes were passea ana oner ad dresses of welcome delivered and aotlv answered.' The special train bearing JM party DEAD was received at the station Saturday pntfSTrncNT THOrwiRlR inonSKVE'irTrT.T . WHO ; tnm.nriTirn uy a aeieKaimn oi uuniom men. toe , . . i xuciviiuiii i iUAin inau -r-jn.cioiJJii.ii,' ai iticj uuuiuatiuin ur THE .' McKINLY NATIONAL MONUMENT ' TODAY. ; The most 'striking feature of the pro- visitors immediately took automobiles and began the tour of the two cities. At 8 o'clock they returned to the commer cial club. The address of welcome was riven bv Judge E. S. Fowler. In the absence of Mayor Heltfeld. The responses were made bv former Governor John McOraw. now president of the Seattle chamber of commerce; United States Senators Ankeny and Piles and I. A. Nadeau, dl rector general- of the Alaaka-Yakon-Pa- ciflc exposition. . SWEDEN MAY TEY TO (United Press Leaed Wire.) Canton,' O., Sept. SO. To the many memorable events which have taken place in Canton since her most 'distin guished and beloved son, William Mc Klnley, first entered into the public life of the nation must be added one other, the dedication of the filial resting place of the martyred president and Mrs. Mc Kinley with solemn and Impressive cer WTTVT AMtfRTTU'S PTTP emonles this afternoon. presence of the president of the United States, by the aovernors of a numbfer of states, oy memoera -oi tne -senate ana house of representatives, justices of the United States supreme court and count less other persons or prominence wno were associated personally pr in public lire with Mr. Mcjumey. (United ' Preaa Leased Wire.) London, Sept. 80. A dispatch to the London News agency from Stockholm, says that the Swedish Tacht club has forwarded a challenge to the New York Yacht club for the America's cup. The details of the challenge are lacking. HOW HICKS FORETOLD BIG MIDDLE WEST STORM. DMMJMIOJ Jih, in I ri J I I J 4 ""IMW'lltM .r. ttlW"' ttixicm nit L PHOTO Y ff. C FKWXBNfitXD from tne r; many men of wide prominence, wasr the great parade of military which preceded i no iormai aeaicauon or tne mausoleum. The thousands of troops In line included detachments of regulars from nearly all of the army posts in the east, south and middle West. In addition to these there ws a full representation of the Ohio national guard. The procession moved through streets 'lined with spectators, Who-cheered the soldiers enthusiastically. The stars and stripes floated from all the public buildings and business houses along- the line of march, and from hundreds- of privathe residences. The mausoleum is set upon a hill In the picturesque West La wn "cemetery, and it was here that the , exercise of the day took place. Great attention had been paid to the care and comfort of the scores of distinguished persons who had been invited to witness the exer cises and to listen to the address of President Roosevelt (Continued on Page Two.) FIRST GALE New Steamship Governor Sends Word of Approach-, ing Storm to North Head Station Glass is Falling and Blow Will Follow. Two Bii? Carriers Off Co lumbia Bar and May Keep Away for Day or So Tugs Near by to Give Assistance, When Needed. - ' . North Head wireless telegraph sta tion received this morning a message ' from the Pacific Coast Steamship com pany's new steamer Governor. '-. The Oovernor was passing the Columbia river en route on her maiden voyage to Puget sound. According to the Gov- ernor'a message there la a severe storm brewing. A strong northwest wind waav blowing and gradually increasing - and - shifting to the south.'' The barometer was down to 21.79 and falling. Two French sailing vessels, the four- masted bark La Filler , and the' ship Laennec, are today-riding out the first autumn storm of the season off the mouth of the Columbia river.' ' The Laennec is 16S days out from Swansea, Wsies. via Hobart. Tasmania, and the ' Le Filler, comes direct from London, 16 S days out. The Laennec - went bv waV of Hobart to earn mileage bounty and to take on provisions. i ' Tne irrencn vessels were sirnxea from the I station at North Head late yesterday afternoon and they were also seen by Captain Mason of the Harri man liner Costa Rica which arrived here this morning from San Francisco. Captain Mason believes that the ves sels have pilots on board and one was In close proximity to one of -the bar tugs. For some reason or other the . tug did not bring her. In. - This mornlnsr the vessels had disap peared from view, but It Is believed they stood out to keeD free from the danger of drifting ashore in the southerly gale that was springing np along the coast. torm warnings were oiapiayea ry tne weather bureau at 7:30 . o clock this morning and by S o'clock the-. wind was tearing atong witn a speea ox av miles . an hour. indications are that it will attain a velocity, of from, 60 to 80 miles . mis aiiemoon. i . The vessels are In no danger what- ever, both belna well laden and deen. but the blow may keep them away, from ' port ror a lew aays. tsotn - are con- lanea to tuurour. uutnrie co- tne - Laennec with a cargo of coal.- and the Le Pllier. with general cargo, prtncl- - pally cement They are also under char ter to tne same zirm to carry vwneat back to Europe. 1 v v ' s .. District Forecaster Heais stated tills ; morning that the blow Is making Itself reit along tne coast ana at sea win robably be noticed eulte perceptibly ere this afternoon and evening becaus of the storm center traveling In an eaaU any direction. t..i,..t . 1 . ii i ii -iy';,. r, -.; . Taft to Talk Peace. 1 ,-. ' (United Press Leattd -Wire.) Tokio. Seot. -30. Secretary Taft will deliver his only public address during . his stay in japan at. a Danquet to te ven In his honor tonight "Jointly by he Toklo municipality -and . the local chamber of commerce...!. ,-. LIZZIES I This Led Thomas C. Johnson by Imperceptible Grada- tions to Manslaughter and the Pen Supreme Court Says Stay There. KENfc IN FAILWAYYAKD. KTOA CITY, A?TER Tlt VISITATION Of A TLOOP.' Ira Hicks of St Louis, the weather prophet, has said .that there will be .storms this win tef and fair that would bet ter be prepared for. -Hicks predicted the great Kansas City storms and floods last year and hit words; cams) true, a A la; shown In the above picture! - Tbe'flrst. big sfnrfti of the season ,1s raging oft the California and Oregon coast,- aa told" la tbgtorx ef .wkaiesa ntnaga txoo the ft$attaiJ Goxerpoc s rout Xron gaa Fraaolaet) to gagtUa.--. , (Sperlil Dispatch to Tbs JonniiL) Olympla. Wash., Sept. 30. The su preme court has affirmed the case of the state of Washington, respondent, vs. Thomas C. Johnson, appellant, from Spokane county appellant having been convicted of manslaughter.' According to the testimony In this case, appellant was sleeping in -his room at the hotel when suffering from neu ralgia, and-was finally awakened by a noise In the ' hallway. The noise,. ccm tlnued so long that he was unable to go to eleep, and he recognised; the' voice of a man and-a -Womnn,rtha latter, as he thought, the voice of a . chambermaid whom he knew as Lizzie. He got out of bed, opened his door and called to the disturbers to stop their noise. By that time the woman had disap peared, and the man said: ."What da you wantT" " Appellant replied r "I ' want to tetl Llxzle to atop, that noise." ..- : , . . Well," replied the -other' man," a stranger to hlm,1f you have any kick . coming . at Llisle, go and Jump or Lis sle. anl not on me." - v ' This, controversy goon Ted up to a fftrsonal encounter, I resulting . In the tiling of the man: Scott,, from kntt -wounds - inflicted by Johnson. The supreme court refuses to disturb; the verdict ef the lower court, r PROSECUTION WANTS 'S TESTIMONY - (tTBlted 'Press';- Ltestd Wire.).,. - -Sanr Francisco,.-' Sept JO.- Abraham Ruef will be a' witness before the grand Jury this afternoon. Ruef has of lata been, frequently . summoned -to supply what the prosecution believes to be missing links In the United -Railroad briberies and has failed to. give evidence that - Uia proaecuVloa- i coaviaced he i haa up his sleeve. " Efforts lo secure thi Information will be repeatvd denue Ruefs- attempt . to- turn ' ronsyn a from the district atti-irnr's cnice. Ruef. it is said, will now t.ll of th passinr of the coin from himaolf tt Oallagner and mar make a diw t ment connectlrin f riirk-k Calhonn i the payment of the nioricy. 1 da r r--cutlon thinks tlmt 1 if win t. a t.. ) factg and aid to eoav.a i'u; i.