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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1907)
t 1 . a PRESIDENT HONORS MARTYR'S MEMORY (Continued from Par ,Ono.) The nresldsnt arrived at 10:11 a. m. I his people of the virtue that build and -. ,i . ,iPu I conserve the atate, society, and the th Children at the High school, after "Berkelev. Mav 15. 101." which he waa escorted to the atand In I it would be hard to Imagine an epl- front of the monument taph which a good cltlaen would be Tha unvalllnsr ceremonlea were wit-1 mora anxloua to deserve or one which nessed by 3.000 persons from the atand would mors happily describe the aualt nd 1,000, more were seated In the fv.b- ties' of that jrroat and good citizen lie atanda. It la eatlmated that 1I0,- whoan life we here commemorate. He 000 people from surrounding towna poaaeaaed to a very extraordinary de were alto. present Two thousand rs- gree the rift of uniting dlacordnnt tilar tnnr aoldlera and i.OOO OWo mill- forces and securing from them a har- mnivn 4ruinuiu jrrrniuvui juurmi i iiiuiutiun nuuun wnmi (tiiu km nni and other notablea and kept the crowd government. From purposes not merely from breaking through the ropes. diverse, but bitterly conflicting, he waa Areata Uttle Child, aoie to eeoure neaitnrui action rorine I a aaI a 1 U a a a fa. Vi nl It hAlaa at a si On the war to the school the Presl- fudgrnVnt he ro.T level to the" ae'yerM emergencies - he had to meet aa leaner or the nation, and like all men witn tne . dent rode with Major Trumbull. Becre- i tar loo ann two anoret service men. vZW i," . r?. , , -. . ,, v I;T t , 1 rot ' true greatness In them he grew hSj,!?J0...,Wn larger stature under the i.hPrLw -?,hXor-.rrJrrfViM "t"""" of 'heavy responsibilities. He ght talking with Seoretarlee Garfield I .. . .,. m. .;. . t.-. ... ..iji.. "honest men of ftteans: thl-1 the dis couragement or nianonest Dullness men, the war upon chicaner and wrongdoing which are peoullarljr repulsive, pecu liarly noxious,' when exhibited by men who have no excus of want, poverty, of Ignorance, for their crimes. Ilea of mean a, and. above all men of great wealth, can ex let In safety tinder the ficoceful protection of the atate, only n orderly aocletiea, where liberty mani fest Itself through and under the law. It fs these men who, more than any uthera, should, in tho lntereata of the class to which they belong, In tha Inter eats of their children and their chil dren's children, seek In every way. but especially In the conduct of their Uvea, to lnalat upon and to build up reapeet for tha Uw. It may not be true from the etaadpolnt of aome particular Indi vidual of this claas. but In the long run It la preeminently true from the tandpolnt of the claaa as a whole, no leas than of the country as a whole, that It la a veritable calamity to achieve a temporary triumph by violation or evasion or the law; ana we are tne oeai friends of tha man of property, we show ouraelves the atancheat upholders of tha rlghta of property, when we set our racea ilka runt agmnst tnoae Of fenders who do wrong In order to Bo- quire great wealth or who use thla wealth as a help to wrongdoing. Mo Claaa la W roar doing. Wrongdoing is confined to no class. Oood and evil are to be found aniens K H w V n,l nnnr n ni In H ta w Iti ar thn 1 1 naa amin m nnr To i m a tbv a mnar n ru WILSON CENTENARY CHURCH SECURES DR. Rev. W. II. Heppe is Transferred to Grace Church Ac cording: to the List of Appointments Given Out Today by Bishop Mooro Closing of Conference and Wilson.--At one of the Ohio sta- rrhl:f VxTcutwrwhose wlidom entTtled U ? conducl .tnd on .'' P0" tlona the oresldent waved his greeting a."'e"?c"'''wn! In the abetract moat of us to a youngater standing on the platform J,h"oulh(1.7' ,1" natn n. wai not 1 wli' "amU thJ8- In.the c?nr,rt w" c,a" with Teddy bear In her arma. ii2u'Jlui S JPAf'S"-. et "Pn uch doctrine only If we really - " : . , T. " ----- - r gf;rfniiriiai 1 II uiv hubi.bui liivn t ut usi him to the trust which he received wU1 BdmU thB In the concrete we can throughout the nation. Tie waa not o nnn ni r ,..nw ii. .v.. .iJ. . w. ..ui 7. nil. "y ir oi men qui preemwuinwy have knnwlerlne nt and avmnathv with v.- . i - -.l -1 . u...i.i neiper oi men: Tor one or nis mom , nn ,nmhir re hnih th miAira wnricnr K mnnuir u i wi i 1 1 .iia.uui , w. ,u v. . . n - - ...... . - - - " pet, O. A. R., waa knocked down by tha "'-",7" .m. VZr.L ,v ,n(1 the capitalist are able to enter each carriage Mntalnlng Vice-President Wlr- IV the other a life, to meet him no v w- t nrvn..v mi. .- r inawr, ne nm mernr preacneu. no u, tn inin .Annln avmnathv with 1L Harris, former mlnliter to Austria. iJ??0" "J.U" ?JL- wl ,,n' n'" of tn 'r.lsunderatanding bo- GlHxrt was not Injured, . itJjAlJSt " m.V ."i i tween them will disappear and Its place . JZ hlgheat place served u undonsc ous w, UJten hy a Judgment broader. ..Tha prrld-nt spoke at the opening of HJMiSi " lh."-'i!JaiT! u.' Ju,'- Wpl'. "d "-: tho ceremonies as' follows: JSV .hVfVJKSKlJaT r In tnhff? Mf. tha W's have gathered together today to "? hf '?.5ndAt,0A0Lubn th pay our meed of resnect and affection ' . im nora. to tho memory of William McKlnlay. Zssoas of Xls Career. who aa Prealdent won a Place ln the u .lunma m t.nvht h hi. hearts of the American people such as oareer, but none more valuable than the but three or four of all the erealdents I ,rm nr of thta oountry have ever won. He waa w4 among all of our cltisens of all of aJngular uprightness and purity of classes and oreads. - No other president character, allka in public and fn prfvats has ever more deserved to have bis life lif.' gs ritlMn vISa rvfl n fiifl . u. -a.i a i r i - i j his fluty faithfully and well for four bnj carrled on "with mallcs toward ! brotherly democracy of the spirit. It Is years of war when the honor of the none, with aharltr toward alL" As a ' not f'',ei to many of ua in our lives act- nation called him to arma. Aa con-1 w . u. .i.u t.i- i t . k. uailv to realise thla attitude to the ex- - - . , wij wui nau UIMU n i.n 1 1 . iimuun, li o - , , A . . prenrain, as romror or nis siaie. inn ni. th. artnv nr aM r. flnallyas prealdent he roae to the fore- he kM-r DOvertv: he earned hla own :"" .i"1."" iirinooa ana Dy nis own exertions ne for each will find ln the other the aarae essential human attributes that exist In himself. It waa Prealdent McKin ley's peculiar glory that In actual prao tlee he realised thla aa It Is given to but few men to realize It: that hia broad and deep sympathies made him fee ha genu ine sense of oneness with all till fellow Americana, whatever their station or work in life, so that to his soul they were' all joined with hfm in a great The Important buelneas of tha 86th Lacy; Springfield, George Ellis:' Wend- annual aesslona of tha Qrejon confer- .Unj. t. W. Perkins; tfoncalla, enoe of 'the Methodist Episcopal Buiem district, B. F. Rowland, presld- church cam to a close at li:80 o'clock Ing elder, Salem, -OregonAmity, G A. thi. aft.rnonii at rtr.r church with tha Stookwell; Ballston, W, C.8tewart; announcement of appointment, for th. gja lSWS! ensuing year by Bishop Moore. s Hs Hamlin; Canby, W. J. Wber: Carlton, promlaed many surprises and they came. Joseph Knotts; Cedar, J. H.-Woods; rm in ntii.iniiim.i mn. ohuimi Central Point circuit, Arthur May; Contrary to anticipations, many changea clacK.m Md Oswego. W. B. Moora; in puiowN wsre-mouo. Cornelius, Henry Bpelss; Ijayton, J. J. In Portland proper there was a gen- Pat ton; DIHey and Banks, C. L. Creesy; eral changing about out of far moat Estacada, M. B. Paranouglan; Forest Importance, perhaps, was th changing Orove, Hiram Gould; Oresham, A. of nluces of two of th moat widely Thomoson: Hlllsboro. 1 K. Bel knap i known ministers In that church, they Hubbard, W. T. Beattyj , Lents circuit were ut. twrniin irui nura u i w. m. ingaiis; Lincoln, u, o. n. rraiaer, W. H. Heppa. These two minister Marquajn, John Oval; Mehama, D. L. change places. T. Wilson will preside Fields; McMlnnvil), A. & Brackenbury; over r!entnarr church and Rev. Mr. u.h.r i. UiniiiM. North vam. llepp will do lkewls over Oraclnm( F. a. chapman; Oregon City, R. C church, on this side of th river. I Black well; Pleasant Horn, C E. Cran- Each mlnlater wprB hmlf Vdall: Pleasant Vally, Thomas Wiles; heartily pleased with th chang and of-1 g,.,,, Flr,t church), W. H. SelUck; fered as reason that no mlnlater In th I j,, V. H BelknaD: Bherld'an. A. J, Metnoa.isi jcpiscopa! cnurcn nao any i HolUn- orth. sliv-rton. h r. Balls- bury; Tillamook, I. V. Parker; Turner complaints to make when th best In terests or th church a a wnoi were concerned, O. O. Oliver; Woodbum, James Moor. Klamath district, R. E. Dunlap, P. E.. Tha Inn nf ffia Mnfur. I - - ence openld this morning at l:S0 JtJ: with an ntertalnlng lectur on blblioal X?nti "point n ? 2 Hi.tol FoVt Kla"Jni history by Rev. J. T. Abbett. The bus- Central Point B . A. Brlatol . Fort Klam- STOP VOMAfl AND CONSIDER First that almost TrT operation In our hospital, performed upon women r boomea necessary baoana "of neyleot of suoh ijmptoma at Backache, IrrefularUie.,, Displace ment, Pain in the Side, Dngring Senutlona, Dizziness and Sleepless-' ness. -' ' .-'w ' '' " Second, that Lydla S. Plnkhsm't Veretabls - Compound, made from native roots and herbs, bae, mors case of female jus than any ' . other one inedlclns known. It rejr- , M..M- nlates. 'iStrenfthens and restores women's heslth preparing women foyhUd-Wfth nd . durbf ths psriod of Changa Third, the rreat volume of nnsollcltea ana etiui ... , file at th Pinfchem Laboratory st Lynn. Mass.. many 0'hJa"? Urn to time being- psblUhed by special permUelon, flTei boluU ! dene of the Tain of ldl B. Plnkham'S VejeUbls Oompoand Plnkham'sadvlc. ; ; -l;.S.': r-'" 'yi' Lydla EPinkbam's Vegetable Compound Tor snore than 10 years has been onrlnf Female compiainw, -on Drafglnr Sensations. Weak Back, FallTnr s,nd WspWmenIf flammaUon and Ulceration, and Orjanls Dlsesses, nd It dissolve and expels Tutors at sa ssjtIj sure. , i.: : " Mrs. Plnkham Standlrigtnvltatlon to Women Women snffsrlnf from ar rm of female weaknsas fOnteai writs Mrs. Pinkham, Lrnn, Ms, for advice. ShslstheMrs. Plnkhamwh ha been advisinr sick women free of charg-s for mors than i. twsnt J years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law, LydU bam 1a advising-. Thu she U especially well qualified to n.lda slot I women back to health. .Writs today, dont wait until too late. ... - s mens session loiiowen naii n nuui .:, .... ,n.- ,i n-... . later until adjournment Reports of -,"WV,T"1?L. 1,.rv' i j s --ji . I xvimniBtn r mum. jr. vuiiaun, ivtainatu VnriUUS OUIII IIIl l ItJSJ WOIP I OHU U -K I I.Jl nsTI.-lnH tl T tmta 1 Wa. protred..- Principal amon. them were ?- A"Tohn' AYm7tron:"Merrlu:"j: in; a position wnicn would satisfy tn nnuy rose to th position of a man of i VV? - i .L' " .... , T.. V" ,u7l '""i moderat means. Not merely waa he tn elmpl and thouhtful kindness toward p-r,onal touch with farmer and town very humaaj belna; . rreat or small, lofty dweller, with capitalist and ware worker, or humble, with whom he was broujht but h felt an Intimate understandlnff n cunuioi. wnico so manna nun 10 0f each, and therefore an intimate sym- our people. H had to arappl wHh p.thy with each; and hi consistent more serious and complex problems than effort waa to try to Judae all by the any president lnc Lincoln, and yet, same standard and to treat all with th whll meettnf every demand of states- same juatlc. Arrofanoe toward th mansnip, ne continued to live a beantt- weak, and envioua hatred of those well ful nd touching family life, a life very 0ff. wer -equally abhorrent to hla Just healthy for this nation to see In Its and rentl souL . foremost cltlsen; and now the woman Surely this attitude of hla should be who walked In th shadow ever after the attitude of all our people today. It Ma death, th wife to whom his loss would be a cruel disaster to this coun- wa a calamity more cruahlnf than It try to permit ourselves to adopt an could be to any other human belna, lie attitude of hatred and envy toward suc bsld him hr In th earn aepulcher. cess worthily won, toward wealth hon- . Honored hy California. eativ acauirec. Lt ua in mis respect rv. - - .. i. profit by th example of th republics tha tf,7rHnM liJIf VrP thl western hemisphere to th south roTt.rn P wnJ- ii!m u2fS.t t 8om of tn republics has n?anhbri!!Si prospered sreaUy; but there ar cer- tMUZTt$PlF 7 tain ones that hay lacked far bhOnd, 'It mm.i th,lt tlU contlnu In a ondtlon or in thi Tanrti of l fpiJUMft wi,!lS mtertl poverty, of social and political J,f th PHnlv.!tV of ?7fn!2tlP? nTat confusion. Wlthouf ixcep tlJtto lElyi Uon th WWcs of the former class iSr mZVVLSLtlEt XZZ -lJS r thos In whtch honeat industry has thl T flsMdion. taaSTSf Jon wl ft btMn "red of rward and protwtlon; Ilf f . M i ! ... 5 ?T'.I!2 thos wher a cordial wlcom ha been Z-m r&f-it . from' ."d.nt rflt? t biff substantial reward to thos who th th ' re th average id the lot of reouestf Tu will have 'the words in 'aD""nm" .w.? "5 ?F'l t - ...-u n.i i . iciaeiv inoae reDUOiica in wnioa lnauairy me wmarkabTs " welTOwei Md rtSeW " ben becaue wealth exposed ;MVSU0tam, SrViSSnl owners spollatloni To thew com- McKinley. a If tter which now m.'"'"a'rx ffiiaSS? f ; ? nc?r ,ou' SSSS. Pwn.rdh VpuhbiUh.; a at Vx cltlsen 1 lat deairabl. and IQ SI myif,. i.w.. man it all "Dear- Mr. Prsldnt VPTieeler 'sent sit th Inclosed tent thst he did: but w can at leaat have It before us as the xoal of our arv- deavor, and by so doing we shall pay honor better than In any other way to the memory of the dead president whose srvlcs In Hf we this day commemorate. EADDING MERE FRIEND . (Continued from Page One.) 4. ujgniiieo cauuii 10 sorvtf ions I i .,.l .,.! hence, please Ood aa-your epitaph. "Iwunltle forelf n i capital now. jarely H iZ2aurmi faJthfullv I somes,- bcaus M'.hasbeen found that V y4ti-Pt9--;rlIfa wiVw on s capital U employed so as to iJniwrsitr.' er-. tann ' th Prealdent B authorlt f mn by -the repent of the Unlveralty of California., i roomer tn degree or Doo - tor-of Maiw upon William McKinley, president of the United 8tates, a states i man singularly gifted to unit th dla . cordant force of the government and mold the diverse purposes of men to i ' ward progressiva and salutary action, ' a. magistrate whose pots of Judgment ha been tested and vindicated In a suc cession of national emergencie; good ' cltlsen, brave soldier, wis reoutlvs, v- helper and leader of men, exemplar to r to those gnorant envy t In such od- press! ve aot.on, within or without the law, aa sooner or later to work a virtual confiscation. Every manifestation of feeling of this kind ln our civilisation should be crushed at the outset by' th weight of a aensibi public opinion. BlBoonragM Dishonesty, From the standpoint of our mate rial prosperity there I only one other thing as Important a th discourage ment of a spirit of envy and hostility toward honest business men, toward There are all Kinds of Tea 1 v --r - 5 Good tea bad tea artificially colored tea and pure tea. They may all look alike but there is a vast difference. Folger's Golden Gate Teas are pure- flavory-r health"-" ful. Six flavors lnr their jobs If they did not give me the worst of it. I realise that It Is a pretty tough Job for a woman to go against the mayor of a big city." Mrs. Way ml re states that she went to Vancouver simply to escape noto riety and th JalL She had no intention of running away, she says and was not In hiding. Her assumed names were Imply to assist her in keeping out of notice. X did not want to be put In Jail." con tinued Mra. Maymire ln telling why she wnt to Vancouver "I never have been ln Jail and I did not desire tne experi ence. I am wlllln to return to Port land as soon as I can be released on ball and have no fear of the outcome." Mrs. Waymlr contends most emphat ically that h ha Yio connection with any plot or blackmailing scheme. seal Complaints. 1 had no raaaon to blackmail the mayor or to Injur him,' ah aald. "I am not in that bualness anyway. If I thought that . Raddlng or Mandelay or i any oiner person was connected witn such a plot 1 1 would turn on them ln a minute... aut i--ao noi neneve ii ir there is such a plot It Is entirely un known to me. ,j "It is testified thst Ridding-told C M. Habyl that he waa going to get S 1.000 for a deal and that there was a woman in It and waa going to be pulled orr -on Wednesday or Thursday night of last week," Mrs. Waymlr was told. "I do not know anything about that. I do not bellev that Raddlng would have been such a' fool as to say that even If there had been such a plot But I do not belteva he said It. I do not know what deal Raddlng was going to Full off. I did not confer with him. had no understanding and do not know that he was in the building at the time this thing happened. If he was there It was not with my knowledge, for I did not know he was going or knew that I was to be there. "You walked away with him after th scene tn the mayor's officer' It was suggested, but Mrs. Waymlre was un certain. "It ha been said that I was with him, but I do not know anything about It," she answered. "I do not know who I went out of the building with. I was excited after what had Happened and just went away. I do not know Man those on missionary funds, steward.' J,' "jS ford w & feeuter- Nw appropriations to wornout ministers and nfLivkM-awwVl their widow treasurer" report and n- PnfTCrf..t V. Parkr. deavor. along temperance and .vang.l- r,r"w" a PeDDer;" . " icai lines. i - - , . . . Home missionary funds to th amount Special Appotatmonts. of $,59 waa apportioned by Blahop I The following speclaf appointment Moore where he thought It would do the will be made: moat good. I A. N. Fisher, librarian and lecturer on Ala fo unsranaaated. I nirtoric Meinouiam. jumoiu ocnooi oi Th chairman of the tward' com- TIJ?0l?gyV.,f. e.u ...r.i.f. interna. Ml IDT IU0I i-out ministers and . their widows l .'w ,..,..-i ....... pnrii.n VIIUIVII. VI 1 1 . . L . . 1 V.Mi.v I .in.., . w. W. P. Drew, professor In Itnox coi- mltt worn with $4,000 subscribed. Th balance ws wiucnno ana 4,vuu is over wniuu i , n , h -tiii,,,.!,. . will be the uncluee tor permanent fund le5e0'hKorIfi;, 'upe'rlntendent; H. T. ih. f, - lAtklneon. missionaries to AiasKa. the fund. Blahop Moore appointed O. H. Feeae. W. T. Kerr and C. M. Van Marter con ference evangeliats for the ensuing year. A resolution presented by Kev. J. H. Lt-iper, field secretary of the Northwest- H. J. Talbot, superintendent: F. B. Short, missionary to Utah. D. L. Fleida. H. x. Adam, lert with out appointment to attend on of schools. D. A., Watters, financial agent, con re r- ern Sabbath association requesting th cfamtnt fund, member of" Central closing of theatre in Oregon on Sun- nnilr(,h ouarterlv conference. Portland. Tetsuljl Kltlxaw, Pacific Japanese day was passed. The conference prom ised Its ardent aid in seeking legisla tion on that line at the nanus oi tne next state legislature. Appeal for th Advocate, Dr. Rader mad another strong ap peal for subscriptions to th pacltic Advocate. He said the official organ of the conference ahould have at least mlanlon Georte H. Feese. w. T. Kerr and E. M. Van Master, conference evangelists. E. F. Zimmerman. missionary to Black Hills mission, stationed at Spear fish, South Dakota. Other Appointment Made. District committee appointment wer oil UT rr oflii a rc II Ml Railroad Case Opened This Morning and Will Last For Weeks. 'nrlclrouUtlon ot,0'.?.0i.COple and announced by Blahop Moor: ne hoped pastor would aid him. Dr. J. 11. Colaman of Willamette uni versity took occasion to express bl heartfelt tharuta lor tne manner in which the endowment fund was being District missionary secretaries Eu gene district, foreign mission, D. H. Leech: home missions and church ex tension, D. H. Trimble. , Balem district, foreign missions, w. delay, and I do not remember whether I was with Raddlng or not ae(. j'i.1 Elshop Moore's assistance I jj. Selllck; homi misefons and church he said h knew he would be more than I M .n.ion. n c. Black welL UCCeasfUl ln his fUlurS endeavors. Rn.rrl of rhnroh Inmllnn Portland Many younger minister. , some of ai. .. other talths, were introduced and.Blshop M m WIr8: home missions and church extension. J. K. Hawkins. Klamath dlatrict. foreign missions. C. O. Beckman; home missions and church M . . . , . . . , . . , , . v iiivwii vijtj ill iLiaiuiii.i , nniiiiun II r a I ie of the touching thing of the Rev. w, H. Heppe, with Rev. D. H. Ion was i the raising of 100 for the Trlmble as alternate. . x w of the Ute John Nagl. evange-1 Tn, conference deaconess boarfl, pre- M Moore, prior to making appointments, maae an auareaa in waico ne vungraiu luted the conference and termed it bv . , .. . I DCvklUKHi UUlll- III 11 far the gTeateat in the history of Ore- extension. p Conklin. gon. One sees: widow list, who last resided ln Portland. Per haps the deceased was better known ss "Camp Meeting John." Death overtook the evangelist with a wife and large family. He left all practically pennl leaa. The money waa raised by collec tion within Ave minutes, Bishop Moore contributing 16. Thla evenlna- at 7:30 o'clock Will oc cur the temperance anniversary, with Rev. EL F. Zimmerman presiding. Ad- dresaes will be delivered by Rev. D. H, Trimble and Rev. Asa fileeth. Prior to adjournment thl afternoon th conference extended vote of thanks to all who had aided in making the meeting a success, with an especial thanks to the Portland cany news DtDeri. A resolution presented thl morning oeiore tne uregun tuui.rui; ifiiumi mar the member of the executive board of tha Woman' a Horn Missionary so ciety to ask th deaconess board of nine to formerly consent to tne opening of a Deaconess Home in Portland unoer (rtetfle Coast, Press tatd Whs.) Lo Angeles, Sept SO. After a pre liminary skirmish lasting for many month, th first railroad rebate case to be triad ln th local United States district court opened thla morning with th Santa F company aa defendant It Is expected that the trial will consume nearly two week. Th government ha summoned mora than 60 witnesses. Ponderous book of account, ledgers and Immense plies of documentary evi dence will be presented. If th railway company shall be found guilty. It Is ln maximum fin running up Into th mil- obtain an equal V J ilon. I under the proposed reduction, prcv Th prosecution depend on the al Clllf WILL LOSE y - I mi Oil 1 LI S y v Eeduction of Tax on VehicK T j Will Cost Street Bepair 'Should th city council wfuiv .'I ? sanction th recommendation thi.t,, of the vehicle used ror iranspr. ' passenger and merchandise ln thr!4.f - fi be licensed and reduce th r.v cat of S2p a year for.doubl ruv , a rear for lngl rigs to si a yr -4 H.IU oar annum to th street. fund. . , Under the present system the revenuy I I actually $9,320 from the 466 doubl rigs and tSS from the tit single maaing a luimi vi u vmir- me auspices of the society, unanimous. You' went up to your room with fed. ;; M (JoWentate i -1 ifT f-w Tea f- m rFVlflN Crlon Gvnpewdsr Japan EntfllaH BreaKfast Oolong BlacR A Green Packed flavor-tight in dust proof cartons to protect the delicate leaf from exposure. J. A. Folger (EL Co. San Francisco Importers of Pure Teas The choice of flor b s matter of tuts. Raddlng and according to the story had some words with him, did you not," was the next Question. "That is -an absolute lie," was th way Mra. Waymlre made answer. "That story has not a single word of truth In It. I never bad any words with Mr. ttadding. we never have about anything, Assignments by Bishop. Assignment as announced by Bishop Moore, with several minor places yet to be filled, are as follows: Portland district W. B. Holllngshead, presiding aider, Portland; Astoria, C. C. RaVlck: Clatskanle. E. Glttens: Houlton. quarreled Asa Bleeth; Llnnton, J. D. Voce; Knappa, A. J. Edwards; Portland uenienary, There Is nothina I csn talk about. " n fintnn. Trua. TOTUann! Antral. J. T. continued the woman; "I do not want Abbett: Chinese mission. Chan Sing 1V V(f aBSBBBB, .:fflfr r fmthi . PACIFIC OCf AN. iYOC TllLAMOOK BAY CpF THAT mch-talked-of model of JLL Bayocean Park; It is true-to-nature, and it tells the truth as Lj ,no map or photograph can do. Come aim see n ueiore noon tomorrow ana ; ask all the questions you wish. J5yCity POMuR-CIIAPJN to discuss the-case. I have talked more now than I intended to do or should have done. I have only one story to tell, however, and am not afraid to tell it when the time .comes." Grows Uneasy. Mrs. Waymlre agreed to come back to Portland without extradition after a conference with her attorney yesterday. Accordingly she accompanied Detective Hlllyer to the city this morning, reach ing here a short time before noon. She was taken Into the private office of the chief for a short conference and was then taken up stairs into the woman's department of the Jail. For the first time since she has been taken into cus ody . sha showed signs of uneasiness when she found that her attorney had not been able to find bail for her before ner arrival, wnen tola that she would ! have to go upstair she hung back an ' Instant, then recovered herself and went j quietly without remonstrance. ! According to Senneca Fouts, Mrs. 1 Waymire will have no statement to make to the district attorney until she is on the witness sand. "If Mr. Manning wants to talk to her she can ,go up and call upon him, but she will have no statement to make be . fore the trial." Is the way Mr. Fouts aisposes oi me suoject. The police court was crowded in lt capacity this morning when the pro. ceedlngs were opened. The crowd was a motley one, drawn from all walks of life, and all bound by the common bonds-of morbid curiosity, yearning for a sight of the three prisoners. The non appearance of the woman in the case seemed to be a great disappointment to the majority. tALTYCGMPAN Kai: Eoworth. C. T. Mcpherson; First church, Benjamin Young; Grace. W. H. Heppe; Kelly Memorial, S. J. Kester; Laurel wood, E. H. Bryant; Mount Ta bor, J. W. McDougall; Mon ta villa,- H. Oberg; Patton, M. T. Wire: Sellwood, A. P. Boyd: St. Johns, F. jL. Young; Sunnyslde, T. B. Ford; Trinity, L. F. Smith; University Park, W. R. Jeffrey Jr.; Woodstock, H. P. Blake; Wood lawn, W. J. Douglass; Rainier, W. C Fry; seaside, A. U. Wagner. Eugene district, M. C. Wire, Presiding Elder, Eugepe, Oregon Albany, S. H. Dewart: Coqullle & Bandon, W. S. Gor don; uoDurn & HarrisDurg, w. M. Ersklne: Brownsville. T. L. Jones: Cres well, J. H. Skldmore; Cottage Grove, B. M. NicKie; corvauis, v. h. Leech; uai la. X XI mAH riMln T T . f... f? Elkton. J. M. Sweney: Eugene, D. H. Trimble; Falls City, G. F. Round; -Oar-diner, C. H. Wooley; Halsey, George uiame; independence, eanrord enyoer; Jefferson, R H. Allen; Junction City, T. H. Downs: Lebanon. J. L. Beattv: Marshfield, W. R. F. Browne; Myrtle Point, W. F. Roger; North Bend. A. F. siding elders of the four districts, Mrs. O. J. Balls. Mrs. F. W. Brooke, Mrs. T 8. McDanlel. J. T. Abbott. J. C. Roberts, C. T. Wilson. H Oberg. Salem district, presiding district; W. II. Selleck. James Moore, W. N. Barrett. F. Is. Beckett. Eugene district, presiding elder, J. H. Skldmore, T. H. Downs, R. A. Booth, J. J, Walton. Klamath district, presid ing elder. H. J.'Yan Fossen, G. A. Gray, J. L. Gllkey, C. Meeker. District missionary secretaries port land district, foreign missions, T. B. Ford. Triers of appeals J. T. Abbott, D. H. Leech, W. M. Ersklne, C. T. Wilson, James Moore. Union Service Testerday. Conference sessions end tonight at Grace church with the observation of the anniversary of the Temperance so ciety. At the union service yesterday morn ing in the Marquam Grand theatre, Bishop Moore preached to one of the largest audiences ever crowded Into that playhouse. Every seat was occu pied, hundreds stood and as many more were turned away, xne speaker por trayed the life of Christ, declaring that ne was uod, manifest m tne riesn. Rev. B. D. Watters conducted a tes timony meeting. A collection was taken up for superannuates, 15 In number, and 10 widows of wornout ministers. Last evening two- large Eoworth league rallies were held at Grace and Taylor Street churches. Rev. J. W. Me Doucall. psstor of the Albany charge and delegate-elect to the Baltimore gen eral conference, preached at Grace church, and Dr. John H. Coleman, pres ident of Willamette university, preached at Taylor Street church leged giving of rebates to the Grand Canyon Lime A Cement company, which lust year billed hundreds of carloads of material from Nelson, ' Arlsona, to the Ganah Lumber company or Kedondo and other dealera. The dealer ar not Involved. 110 SEASON FOR wmmu Secretary Taft and Viscount Terauchi Discuss Immi gration Situation. SOUB OWJTEK LIVED AT MARQUAM. , Trio Occupied Housekeeping Rooms For Two Weeks. Additional detail of the career of Mrs. Belle Waymlre previous to- the en counter Thursday evening with Mayor Lane -ehow that she has led rather an unusual life during the last few weeks In the fact that since BeDtember la ahn Lhad been living at the Marquam room- iib, iiuuDo, nijim a.,, .niuor streets, in company with two men, presumably Radding and Bell. Mrs. Waymlre en gaged the rooms for herself, her hus band and a friend. She did not give any name. The trio occupied two rooms and did light housekeeping. Fror. Information gathered at the rooming house little at tention was paid , to the woman and men, as they were not unusual -In their actions. The man who answers to the descrip tion of Raddlng -was not seen around the hotel very often- The other man. however, who I thought to have been -went back to work repairing watches. t - , maw 03 OOVCM BIWCIh 109 TOTXT STXEET ,v)v:;"!' iaJ&W Portland, Or. wl-c one week ln advance. When the time was up she came forward with money enough ror anoiner week occupancy, Thev had considerable baggage, consist ing of trunks and grips, which are still st the room lnr house. Raddlnar and HaII e vman kal Via lham li&va visited- the room sine Thursday but Mrs. Waymire seem td have left on the night of the affair ln the Hamilton bunding. Little was eeen of Mr. Waymlr at the rooming house. She went out fre quently during, the day, but at other times remained ln her apartments most of the time and did not associate with the other guests. INFATUATED WITH WOMAN. W. P. Bell Proud of His Acquaint- ance With Mrs. Waymlre. W. F. Bell, the Jeweler who, accom panied Mrs. waymire 10 Vancouver, Washington, Thursday night, was not inclined to discuss his connection with the affair this morning. That he is in fatuated with the woman he does not deny. "Mrs Waymlre seems to , appreciate your errort to cetena her, a Journal reporter said 'to Bell today, "and from her talks she apparently think a great deal of you." "I am proud of It." Bell said, T am glad to have known her." And with thl remark the young Jew eler tapped his breast near where his heart lies and almost dramatically, but still In a way rather mechanical, he Bell, waa around the place more and the general Impression from his man mere and lnteret In Mrs Waymlre, was ihst he was the-hnsband, , Mn , Wkjrtnjr paid Sot the rooms for Bell would not av that he went with Mr. Waymlre to Vancouver and en gaged room for her, "t hav nothing to say," waa about, the extent o Hell's Washington State College Opening. (RcMelal Ptamitoli to Th JoarnaLt Spokane, Wash.. Sept. 80. Washing ton State college at Pullman opened to day. About (40 students have enrolled. President Bryan expects the enrollment to reach cloae to 750. Many changes have been made In the faculty and new buildings have been added. (United Prats Leased Wire.) Toklo, Sept 80, Secretary Taft and Viscount Terauchi, mlnlater of war, passed two hours Sunday Informally discussing relation between the United States and Japan. It Is possible their conference will bear fruit In formal ne gotlatlons between the two govern ments. The two war minister are close friends. Boon after nis arrival, Taft drove to General Terauchl's house, Minister Terauchi expressed a wish to discuss at lengtn tne general relations between the two countries and Secre tary Taft promptly Invited him to call Sunday. One of Minister Terauchi' aides acted aa Interpreter. Both agreed that there waa no real difficulty or difference menacing to peace or seriously threatening the good relation that have existed. Idaho Logger Killed. ' (Special Dispatch to Tii Journal) Bolse Ida Sept. 80. George Rich ardson was killed Friday at Rossi's logging camp about 60 miles above Boise on the south fork of the Boise river, while unloading logs from trucks. His head was crushed almost to a pulp. The body ha been brought to this city He leaves a widow and two children, who were livlnar with him at the camp. A brother of Richardson was killed near the same place ln a similar way four years ago. all il.llv.rv ti.h.1 Ifi llcnSMf f must be 1.864 double and 1,10 si i rigs ln the city which are Uxi These do not Include pleaaur vehloUK Without extending the license to InvV elude private delivery wagons ana r- i - .1 I . Y mm. fm m Ik, npAMTll fl 011 M . . ' UULI 11 tiwt vwna " ... - " , - to the proposed one, the revenue will amount to IS, 010 for both double and Ingle rigs. Seventy-five thousand dollar Is re quired yearly to keep the street In re pair nd th loss of $9,674. It I said, will cripple the service. The total revenue to the street repair department from the license department amounted last year to t.6,771160. HORSEMAN ALLEGES TACIT CONSPIRACY - .. 5 Says Verily Believes It Was Kill JlcBroom or Be 4 Killed. -ii;;, (Special Dltpatch to The Jonra!. .' Pendleton, Or., Sept. SO. Th Aii closed It case ln the Horierr jr today and the defense opfrg tat made an apparently agalnat the defendant. Geoi v man, who is accused of kllllnUI McBroom, as the climax oi o. t feud. - ifi'ti Horseman made a remarka,t J ment in his own behalf thl i He said: "I did not want them to kill me. I shot to keep them from 1L I h i tney intended killing me. McBri l had threatened me. I believed my till had come, and I verily believe now tl It would have been so if I hsd not she I He told at length of hi troubles wl 1 McBroom. ' i Aiiorncyn rra anci naiey are ror ill defense and District Attorney Phel-.I ror me siaie. jnany witnesses are ytf A HKni aeainst tne usa nr nnnrii labor in the state of Wisconsin ha been taken up by the Wisconsin Stat Federation of Labor. The federation ' desires particularly to stop the manu-j facture of brooms by convicts, v "No meat brpakfast for mine! I can hardly wait mornings for the . clock to strike time for The KID. - Begin the day well by saying ' "Malta-Vita and cream." : - -A crispy flake that melts in. your mouth-dainty and appetizing, yet " full of nonrishmerit. 'Trie that ever went onta a 'table. ' ' 5C T All 10c, all jrocers.