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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAlW JOURNAlj fPORTLAND SATWRDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 14, 'l807. Popular Wants NOVEL TRUCK ular Wants Popular Wnts Degiffned . Eapeclally for , ', Tlantlllng y , ' '. Cases on Stalrwaya. i, ' FEXCK AKD WIRE WORKS, BANKS. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. tin tb building where ther ar no elevator the problem of transferring V PORTLAND WIRB IRON WORKS '.IrflilH -ta Phone Main 200. nNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRlP- tlon: bank, bar and store flxtu large pac sung cases ana simuar cuiay Id and Ewwtt f- V . . , . , iiui rr j im men Available Ill mad to order. Tha Lutk Manufao turlng Co., Portland. : ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. All Cltlea of the United State and Europe. Honjkonff and, Manila. K. H. BlkbSALL, DESIGNER: AOf. U. VLl.f" "voraow Term. , -w PlCHMltER . m J WALSH CO- 111 BTARK ST riaetrYo and Oai Fixture) and Htipplfea, .J. U. AIN8WUK1 n 1 IMnitr,.,,,.,. "wr HOLT winter Lumoer Co. i Hamilton mag. Ex-Lieutenant i "Nixon," Kaval Expert, Says Ttoe Is Dan' t.1 Vice-President R. LEA BARNES A. M. W.;IOHT Mantel. Tiling, Orate ana togirona. .. Aaslatant Caahler TRANSPORTATION. ger In. Sending Ships to the Pacific Coast- . . Advocates the Cape Horn Koiite. T ADD A TILTON, BANKERS Portland. Oregon. . EJLu?'!"rV?? l" , r nierfc contractor. NpMMri, ltrlo ' ..drE? uppllea 1 ft cor. stark. - Tranct . Oral Banking Bualneaiu SA VINOS BANK DEPARTMENT. time epoalta mi s. R- H.Taie, Mgr. aaylnga book lsaurd on aavlnga depoalta Intereat paid on Pop ll ADv cmrii a (ii n m ui u r . , . .. -v . t ' aM M m m mm-" m mm I aWx' I -, I ""g- v lAKt HAIMU -IIM .rlun I . ' " i. IT i - : th t Contraptora. lectr1o upplle. motor and aynamoa; w uuu - . and power plant. i " unrrtun at. Fixture, wiring, re- irtn Fast tlt8 : ; FATOlATJKSTMSRfiE MOTORS AND f dynamo. A. C and D. C, 1st and J gtark ata HARDWARE. WINDOW AND DOOR BCRKKNn ' mad to order. Portland Hardware Co. T4 th. HOTELS. t -i THE BELLEVUK. EUROPEAN PLAN, 41. ,n,l RlllTIDIL : TPiLngrtT Am. plan. 88. 16 day" ' SeLVEDKRK. European: 4th and Alder. INSURANCE. ISAAC L WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 144 Bnerioca uiua. TTB wTt tvnAh F.M PLOVERS' UA blilty and Individual accident cujt' Bond or au ainaa. r Kjrbldy. JEWELERS. 2. WOLF, RELIABLE WATCHMAKER. Malnaprlngs lie. 868 Wash. Pac .60. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L MASTICK CO, FRONT - and Oak eta, l-atbr ant) skin of very description for all purposes; aol and tap cutters; findings. LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR BALE ALL, - kinds. Including apjrored foreat re erv ecrlp for aurveyed. onaurveyed. timber and pralrl government nd. H. H. Hammon. me rvrmn-. " MQXE-T TO LOAN MONET MONET MONET MONET Ml? Ki? m8n!I : 1. NOTEa HO MORTGAGE NO INDOHSER "ABSOLTJTELT NO SECURITY. - RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTT. BTATB BECURITT CO, J ; 704 DEKUM BLDO HOTTRS 8 A. M. TO P. C WED AND SATURJ3AT TILL 8 P. M. MONET MONEY MONET MONET Sonet monet monet money WONKY MONEY MONEY MONEY J. FRANK WATSON. .Prualdent I R. L. ny' 'i- V ' u.. Cuhl R. w HfiTT ruhi.r OEOROE W. HOTT..AisttBt uumw a C. CATCHINO Second Aanletant Oaahler t,,u4 Tranaaet. a Oenr.l Ranklna Hualnena Drafta and Letter of Credit laauea Available to All Part a of the World. Collection a Specialty. . . ..... . nM sbi irranoiBoa. I nK hajvk OF CALIFORNIA EaiaDllsnea rjc.i V. ' m it 171 ft?"'.1. W1?. -up- "4A L8"rpi"" M2 FitiSir on Tline Depoalta PAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounte may be OP"?, "'i ward.' Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce .Building WM T uiron u.....P I I T TITTRTPH A ELL A aa t Manager T7IRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldeet National Bank on PaclHo Coaal 1 CAPITAL, AND SURPLUS. Il.6O0.000.00. DEPOSITS, 114.000,000.00 A. L MTT.I.H Pre.Ment I W. C ALVORD Aaalatant Caahlef J. W. NEWK1RK Caahler R. F. STEVENS " Second Aea't Caahler TRUST COMPANIES. vivrPMw n . .n. . n nm i - c-. TArt lann. fjregon. X . i . i mviuna nirPARTSlKNT intr- eaf allowed on Time and Savlnga Acrounta Acta aa Truatee for E"taia. Drafta and Letter of Credit Available on All Parte of "?i(,t C F. ADAMS President I L A. LEWIS Firat Vloa-Prealdent A. L MILLS... Second Vlce-Prealdent R. C JUBITZ OEO. K. RUSSELL Aaalatant Secretary .Secretary ' ITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY 140 Waahlngton Htreet. MORTGAGE I1ANS ON Portland Title Inaured. Abati J. THORBURN ROS8 President I Ji GEORGE H HILL VlcPrealdent tl Eatate at fct Furnlhad. JO. E. AITPHISON T. RURKHAK r. . Loweat Rate. .Secretary .Treaaurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. MORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building. D Municipal. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonda OWNING-HOPKIN3 COMPANY Eatabllahed Utt BROKERS. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Caah and on Margin, Private Wlrea ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main IT. r i n r ' ( Member Chlcaao Board of Trada) UTCrrjCCK" (KCOCK-C Company t - touen war,rrh at.-. WaaWtav GRAIN. PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. ' WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESa Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Servloa GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME, CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Expresa I:1S a. m. Cottage Grove Paasenger . 4:16 p. jn. California Expreaa 7:48 p. m. San Francisco Expreaa ....11:30 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Paeaenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Paaaenger 4:10 p. m. Foreat Grove Paaaenger ...11:00 a. m. Foreat Prove Paaaenger ... 6:20 p. m. Southern Pacific. ARRTVINO PORTLAND. Oregon Erpreaa T:16 a. m. Cottage Grove Paaaenger. .11:80 a. m. . 7:u p. m .11:10 p. m. Shaata Expresa Portland Expresa WEST BIDE. Corvallls Paaaenger 6:66 p. m, Sheridan Paenger 10:20 a, m Foreat Grove Paaaenger ... 8:00 a. m. Foreat Grove Passenger ... 1:50 p. m. Northern Pacific. "MONEf TO LOAN . On Improved city property) or for build. Ing purpoaet for from 1 to 10 yr5" tlma, with prWllega to repay all or part rioan after two year. Loans ap proved from plans and money advanced aa building progreaaes; mortgages taken FftEDdiLP STRONG. Financial Agent. ... ' . T m stark st. U MONEY T6 LOAK ON REAL ESTATE, t chattel, mortgagee or' Vg$ ' , eiirlty, note bought C W. PaUett. 804 iiXJN-T WORRY JlO TO 8100 LOANED r aIariel people, wivn L .' r urlty. Crescent t hawk bldg. Tacoma and Seattle Exp. North Coaat ft Chicago L Puget Sound Limited Overland Expreaa 8:80 a. m. ,1m. 8:00 p. m. ... 4:30 p. m. ...11:45 p. m. North Coaat Limited Portland Expreaa . . . Overland Expreaa .... Puget Sounil Limited . 7:00 a. m . 4:16 p. m. . 8:16 p. m. .10:66 p. m. Oregon Railroad Navigation Companj. Spokane Flyer Local Paaaenger 8:00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Spaclal .. 8:30 - m. Spokane riyer v- " City ft Chi Exp t:4Q p. m. Hpoki Chi.. Kan. City A Port Ex., Chicago-Portland Special . Local Paenger 8:00 a. m. 8:46 a. m. 8:10 p. m. 6:46 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp 8:00 a. m. Astoria ft Seaside Express. 6:00 p. m. . . c i . Dnui.i 1:10 D. in. Saturday only. All other trains dally. Astoria ft Port Passenger. 18:10 p. m. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. MUSICAL. PROFES80R T. E. LAWSON. 168 12TH St., near Morrison. Main 4643. Piano lessons. 60c. PIANO, VIOLIN. CORNET. uuiiAK, Loan Co, 438 Mo- ' arlea, Insnranc pollolea, piano, fur- i rill u re, wirraouKi ri'-. --r,! - - , mv secure a liberal ad' Wl I1IIK ftro.. j . . vanca. repaying by easy weekly or .monthly (nstallmenta . i NEW BRA LOAN ft MORTGAGE COM- t .... ' .- MB I , f ; - 105 Ablnaton Bldg. ? UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE 148 i Sd t- near AJder, established 1870; Miki- nv amount loaned on watcbea. diamonds. Jewelry and seal- akin a. MONEt ADVANCED SALARIED PEO pla and others upon their own name; . without security; cheapeat ratea, aas est payment; of flee In 0 principal cltlea; save yourelf money by getting our Urm?oU&JLl, tit Ablngton Bldg. EDTOBALARIED PEO- pie jut on your own borrow untn you sea ma; my yatera 1 tha best for railroad men, cloka. bookkeepers, streetcsr mi and all other employes; business strictly oonfldontlaL F7 JL Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. Washington ' "CASH! ON HAND FOR PURCHASE , money, mortgages, bonds fordaeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E, Nobla, Commercial blk- 2d and Washington. WILL LOAN $3000. PER CENT. ON real estata Farrington. 818 Fenton , bldg, " QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES, aw King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. - lONEY T6 LOAN OW ALL KINDS of security. William Holl, room . ( Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN IN $500 TO 36.000. Charleson ft Co.. Commercial . Phone Pacific 1198. - EiON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY u&tu you see HEtton Credit Co. v 612 Pekum bldg. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chatteL The Loan Co, 410 Dekum Dldg. banjo. 12th st Professor E. Main 4703. A. Smith, 254 REAL ESTATE. MACHINERY. THE H. C ALBEE CO. 8ECOND ha.nd machinery. sawmiUa. eta 248 Grand ave. 7 T PAlTf. 100 1ST ST. A COM- plete line sawmill machinery; also engines and boilers. ',. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. nn I.IT.I.RBELLE PATTERSON. 8PB -I -It. Hneirmi B m -11 1 a ainrl a"h TOf. tfl dUeases. Offlc 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Paclflo 1180. bR. R. B. NORTHRUt, 416-16-17 Dp kum bldg., 8d and waaningion Phone Main 34. Examination frea PRINTING. OrtTTRWTC RROR. PRINTERS CARDS, billhead, etc Phona Main 1868. 146H 1st st , . PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATE for satisfactory work. 286 Tamhlll. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH ft CO. THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glaslng. 135 1st st. Phone 1384. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MISS L B. MAY. 602 8 WET LA ND Copying deed and abntricts speo'lty. PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, 231 2d. bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. DONNERBERG ft RADEMACHER RE- moved to No. 308 MurnBio si. RESTAURANTS. MORTGAGES WANTED, INSIDE OR suburban; charges right W. Sward, Allsky bldg. Main 7826. MOXOtENTS 1 UEU A KINGSLEY, 268 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite work. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI cateosens. Home cooking. 434 Waah lngton st. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. GUTTERING, RE palring and general jobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jefferson st. Pacific 14X4. THOMPSON OGDEN REAL Es tate, Insurance, loans. See us before buying. 843 Mississippi ava Phone Woodlawn 202. J. W. OGILBEE, REAL ESTATE AND loans: established 1883. 146 1st, room 11. SPHINX AGENCY, DEALERS W real eatate and rentala 806 Stark st Main 6164. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DE8CRIP uon. bldg. Low 'Rates From the East During September- and October the Great Northern railway will sell colo nist tickets from all eastern points at greatly raduoed rata. Hew Tork to 8ortlaad .ItKO.OO Boston to Portland ...4ft.4R vuoaf o roruaaUl S3S.OO s. rmw o roruana .... a Dalntb to Vortlaad S25.00 8lou Oity to Portb-na.. Proportionate reduction from other points. Now la the tun to send for your friends. Orders for tickets will receive prompt attention. Additional Information on application to H. Pick. on. C P. ft T. A.. 132 Third street, Portland, Or. Phones Main 680, Horn A-I286. W. W. Espey, 818 Commercial STREET PAVING. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 814 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER A PHALT PAVING CO. of Portland. Office 55 Worcester blk. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER ft KLEISER SIGNS. We have built up the largest sign business in the city by ftrst-claa work and keeping our prnmlBes. Our price are right 6th and Everett eta Phone Exchange 66. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Paclflo 169. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS for Herrlng-Hall-Marvln aafe and Manganese Bteel safe Co. s Dank safes; 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. See them or writ us. 82 7th at. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal furniture. Both phones. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. SAFES FOR SALE, LOCKOUTS opened, autos and machinery repaired. Columbia Gas Engine ft Safe Works. 244 2d. TRANSFER AND HAULING OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO.. Henry Roe. W. A. CI eland. F. P. Bheascreen. General transfer and storage: safes. pianos and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak st Phone Main 547, Pacific 1081. Home A-2Z47. C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST.. BB- tween Star!: and Oak sta: phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware house with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps. seals, stencils; baggage, trad checks; brass signs and plates. ' n EZSZECEXeUSZEEBEEZalZESBIBISZBK B H M II -H -II ! , ii . M -f-II 1 I he Journal TO insure insertion under proper classification on the Want Pages of the big Sunday issue of T I', advertisements should be presented at the business , office before 9 o'Clock Saturday Evening ' Office : open until 10:30 Saturday evening : phone your ad if you cannot bring it to the office. Phones: Main 7173, A3230. PENINSULAR i5XPRESS ft BAGGAGB Transfer. 247 Alder st Phone Main 2171. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 184 N. 6TH. wain 6. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANS. fer Co. Storage. 324 Stark. Main 407. TOWEL SUPPLY. . CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB, brush, soap, fl per month. Portland LAunary ft iowel supply Co, sth and Couch ata. Phone 410. TYPEWRITERS. NEW AND 2ND HAND. ALL MAKES, rented, repaired, sold. P. D. C Co, Z3l BtarK. 'J'ei. i7. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY, phone Main 7962, Raleigh bldg., Port land, Or. See the new model No. 6 Oli ver, before buying a typewriter. Oliver typewriters sold and rented. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M A GUNST ft CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREQQN. EVERDINO ft FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchant, 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC- turlng Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portland, Or. WADHAMf & CO, WHOLESALE GRO- cers, manufacturers and commission mercha' ts. 4th and Oak t. KURNttURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders. T. Ruvensky'a furni ture factory, 807 Front st ALLEN ft LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce -merchants. Front and Davis bis, fortiana, ur. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND PraeL Hegel ft Co, Port- glass ware. lanq. ur. LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co.. Barbers' SuPDlles. Barber Fur- i nltur. Barbers' Cbaira. iotb 4 Morrlaoa. I COOS BAY Weekly TraifTnt and rasng nrlc of ti Tloe B team hip Breakwater Imth VOBTT-Airs every Moaday, tiOO p. m, rrom uaa-axreei dock, to EMPffcE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIELD Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day or Bailing, -rrom Portland, lsVolasa, 910.001 Sd-elaa. t7.0O, Inolndlng but and meals. Inquire City Ticket Office, Third and Washington ata, or Oak-etreet Dock. rOXTLAVS AJTD PTTOXT BOTXITD SOTTTB S. S."Redondo" Sailing from Couch street dock. Port land for Seattle. Tacoma, Everett and Ballingbam, September 13 at I p. m. FKEIOKT Connecting at Seattle for Noma Golofnintn, St Michael, Chena and Fair banks with steamers Pleiades, Hyadea, Lyra, Macalnaw, unio. Schubach ft Hamilton. General Agent, Seattle. Wash. F. P. Baumgartner, Agent. Portland, Couch street dock. Phona: Main 861; Horn A41IL Columbia River dcencry UDaVX-4.TOB XaZn BTBAJCna. fcallr aarrte tietwaaa r"ortl a ad Tha DallM, icpt Boodar, laavtag Portia 4 t I i. , arriving a boat B . a., earrytag rralght aad paaocra. Spleadld aanauda. tlona for oetllta d lira tack. Dock foot ef Alder at- rorUaadt Coot ef Court at., Tb Dallaa. Pboa Vain 014. Portlaaa, ELIMINATES JOLTS AND JARS. article to the uDDer floor 1 a per Dlaxlnar on. Generally It 1 neceasary lo otn tha case on the around floor nd transfer the content in aaction. The ordinary two-wheel truck la prac tically uaeles In such emergencies, and only of alight use in hauling the cases down the stens. A truck that should prove useful for either hauling cases up or down steps is shown In the ac companying 'illustration, the Invention of a Ca..iorata man. The Inventor untlllaea six wheel, three on each side. Each wheel revolvea on an extenalon of the axle. Tbe position assumed by the wneei or mis truca on a iairway is clearly shown by the dotted line In ui the lluatratlon. All lol lni ta and Jar to the content of the case on the truck. In adaltion no unnecessary strain 1 placed on the operator, it being pos sible for on man to handle large, heavy article witn m trucg, . Several candidate are already In (the field to succeed Governor Olenn of North Carolina whose term will ex pi re within another year. Up to date the leaaing aspirant appears 10 u w 11- 11am W. Kltchln. renreaentati ve in oon- gress from the fifth district. Repre sentative Kltchln has served six con aecutiv term in congress and 1 known a an opponent or tn ranroaaa ana big corporation. Maryland may again be represented in the UnllKJd State senate by an Ar thur P. Gorman. To av himaelf the humiliation Q voting for hi father1 old political enemy. Governor War- field, who 1 a candidate for the en ate, young Gorman, a state senator, ill ryohaDly he forced into Deooming candidal for the place himself. TRANSPORTATION. Ho! For Astoria CK OH PastSteamerTelegraph Dally (axeept Thursdays). Leave Aldw treat aoca 7 a. m. Sunday a a. m. fl round trip, 3NEOM MAXar MS. . aTOBTX WACXTZO STZAMJTJCTJP OO.'B STEAafBaTTf Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Franolaco and Lo Angela direct every Thursday at 1p.m. Ticket offlc 132 Third .near Alder. Columbia Rivr Through Line Steamers of the vO PEN RIVER" line leave OAK-STREET DOCK every Mon day. Wednesday and Friday at FIVE O'CLOCK A. M, for all point between Portland, the Dalles and Umatilla. Leave early and see all the river. Ar rive early. Low rates. Prompt serv lc. Telephone Main 820L Home, A 8627. matte No Emm Consult a live, wide-awake specialist about your ease one who ha ex perience, skill and ability, one who can give you the best treatment to be had on the Pacific coast, regardless of price. We cur men, and have cured more case of weakness and special ailment of men than any other specialist In Portland. If you do not know what the trouble 1, consult u free of charge and find out Is Seek Help Where It Certain to Be Found This institution baa built up its splendid practice more by the free advertising given It by it PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS who have received the benefit of Its modern, scientific and legitimate methods than In any other way. If you. are not a perfect man come to us. Isn't It worth the little time It will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST, SINCERE , physicians who never attempt to deceive you In any' way T A consulta tion costs you nothing EXCEPT your own time. OUR FEE $10.00 87 Tear' Zxpaxlrao. Established 27 Years la Portland. Consultation Free W Will Treat Any Singl Uncompli cated Ailment for 110.00. Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD, SPERn MATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES. VARI COCELE. HYDROCELE. GONORRHOEA, GLEET, OR ANY OF THE DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all patients. In selecting a physician or specialist, when In need of one, soma consideration and thought should be given to the qualifications, experi ence and length of time an institute or medical man baa been located ln the city. It stands to- reason that an Institution that ha stood tha test of time and numbers Its cures by tha thousands is far superior to mushroom Institution that pring up In a night, last a few month and are gone. We have been ourlng men 27 year and are tha oldest spe cialists curing men in Portland. WI Invite those who have deep-seated and chronic disorder to call and be examined. Consultation and examination la fr, and oarrle with it no obligation to engage our rrlo. Our office are equipped with tha moat modem and scientific me chanical devices for the treatment of chronlo diseases. Our charges are reasonable and In reach of any worklngman. Write if you cannot call. Our ayatem of home treatment is always CERTAIN and most successful. All correspondence sacredly confidential. HOURS v a. m. to ftp. m.; juvenings. r to :av; eunaays, a. m. to 11 noon. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL COXITES CXOOHS AXTO TAXHXXX. BVJUtXVa, TOUTXJUTD, OKEOO. . (BpeeUI Dfcpatca t Ta leaf!) Nw York. Bent 14. DeflnlU an nounoement that the government will not abandon It plana to end the bat tleahlp fleet to the Paclflo coaat ha illenoed the gun of th6 who have been fighting hard to have tn amp atay on the Atlantic stations. Among the beat Informed naval ex pert In tha country 1 is Lieutenant Lewi Nlxort. formerly In tb eonatruo tlon department of tha United State navy, and tn man wno in part as signed the Oregon. Mr. Nixon 1 now a ahlp-bullder and has furnlahed tor pedo boat to Ruaala and other power. He wa asked yeaterday, assuming mac in is oattieamps ana bjx cruiser were actuallv aolna to ths Pacific by way of tha Straits of Magellan, what he thought of the manoeuvre from a strategical point of view as well as a political ona "I do not know the real conditions ex isting, hence It Is difficult for ma' .to have n opinion, he replied. "But personally. I wish we were going to keep on fleet here." "Much comment ha been passed .upon the order sending the fleet around South America Instead of through the more obvious Sues canal. Have you any explanation to make of this con clusion upon the part of the president?" was asked. 'Yea I think I can commend this at titude on the part of the president You see there are many ways of crip pling a fleet While Bailing through a nariow end -shallow channel like the canal," he replied. "It would be un wise for many reasons for us toend the fleet through the canal. But In a lesser - degree) - thai - hja4t . saay - be made to the Strait of Magellan. There ar tha narrow and tortuoua water of Smith' sound, where it la eaay for a lurking enemy to alnk a ship or two and block the paeaage. ' I ' remember when' tha Russians war Bailing to ward the China sea the Japa hid be hind soma of tha Indian Island, . ready to pouno upon laolated vassal or a mall aquadron. "Then there wa the Incident In the North aea, where Rolesvensky elatmed to have been attached by torpedo-boat of the Jap before -war had bean de clared, and resulted 4n hi firing Into omi fishing boats. Now. there seems to be bo doubt ln tha mind of many well-Informed men that there were Jap anese torpedo-boat there. "So you will perceive. It 1 not "wis to omit any precaution - under the clr cumstancea. Then, again, It Is possible that the president doe not want to in any way embnrraa Great Britain, ajid for that reason doe not eck to send our vessel through tb canal. Why Ho Around fth Xoraf "But I say. why not atnd them around the Horn? Thera 1 no reaaon why our great amp, practically un- alnkable In any sea, should not go around the Horn, Instead of through the danaeroua straita Why. llttla ail ing vessels go around every day. T'But to revert to the voyage to the Pacific. A a patriotic cltlsen I must believe that tha president is acting as he consider wisest a he only can view the question of fleet disposition from ail point of view, having infor mation not now available to the public. "I am not an alarmist But I am free to say that I think if there la any need of aendlng those ship to the Pa cific they ought to hav been there six month ago. i oon wn n wr acaraa. Rut I aav that had tnoa amps baea thera alx months ago there would never be a war with Japan. At least not 111 vul a vui a.v.,. Thoughtful Landlord. From Harper's Weekly. New Yorker whose business fre quently take htm through the south tell or an amusing experience in a country hotel In- one of the Carol lnaa. The New Yorker had left a can ror . The landlord of this establishment laid It down as one of his principles of ao tion to give hi patron a little more than thev aaked for to be "extra ac commodating," a he termed It The New Yorker had left a call for In the morning. o that he might take an early train north; and he went to Bleep In the calm assurance that he woud be aroused at the proper hour. I seemed hardly to have fallen into a aouna siumoer, ay na, wnn i heard a terrific pounding at my door. I sprang up, wide awske. he, at 1 What' the matterf I called out. " TVmr o'clock! 4 o'clock!' came the landlord s voice from the other side of the door. Two more hour to sleep t ' But What la a Democrat? Say Colonel Watterson In a recent Issue of the Courier-Journal: "The Courier-Journal la a Democrat. It 1 a Democrat dyed In the wool, and it know why It Is a Democrat." Our Socratio neighbor, the New York World, ought to lose no time h serving a aubpoena on a witneaa in wboae breast a much dealred secret 1 burled. What S d Weak Mao? No man is stronger than his wakest part Pew .men have perfect strength. DR. TAYLOR The Leading Specialist If I were asked to point out a man in full and perfect strength I would not look for one with the largest muscles, the strongest frame, nor the ablest in physical endurance. It is true that strength of the muscles, cords and sinews must be built upon the foundation of a good vitality, but on the other hand it is most easily undermined when the vitality is impaired. I would rather choose a man that I knew had true vigor, that I knew had undergone no early dissipation, that had no spermatorrhoea, varicocele or hydrocele, and who was not suffering from any latent disease such as contracted disorders and contagious blood poison. Men who are free and clean from disease and weaknesses of this special nature have better vim, more .energy and vitality, and who accomplish most in every field of endeavor, WeaRnoss Wrecks Men's Lives Many a youth of splendid promise has failed because of some weakness the nature of which made him delay seeking medical aid until it had become serious, and greatly injured his life's opportuni ties. I have seen thousands of these cases, and have heard the story of their suffering. Usually there is als a history of incompetent treatment by family doctors, patent medicines, electric belts, and un principled medical institutes and so-called "specialists." Get the Best Treatment First I have been treating Men, and men only, for nearly 25 years. I have an established reputation in Portland, which I hold as a priceless asset. I undertake only curable cases, and when I promise a cure I guarantee it, and my business standing and bank references assure the patient that my guarantee is absolutely binding. I do not think I can show bettet. faith in my ability and methods than my unqualified offer to patients to PAY WHEN CURED FEE MY in Simple Disorders $10 Why Pay More to Others of Less Ex perience and Skill ? Weakness Functional weakness in men Is In reality a comparatively simple ailment, and 1 but a symptom of local disorder, a state of chronic In flammation .of the prostate gland. No stimulating treatment, whether Internal or locally applied, can do more than excite a temporary ac trivity. By my system of local treatment I restore absolutely normal condition throughout the -organs Involved, which promptly results in complete and permanent restoration of strength and vigor. This treatment Is original with me, end Is the only radical and certain cure yet devised. Varicocele Varicocele"" I relaxation, knotting and twisting of the most vital blood vessels of the organic sys tem. It stagnates the local circu lation and interferes with the pro cesses of waste and repair. Neglect brings derangement of function and Injury to the general health. Most physicians resort to surgical operations and "hospital treatment without opera- busi- I cure Varicocele tlon, pain or detention from nesa. My cure ar absolutely permanent and no 111 effects what ever can follow my treatment Contracted Dlaseases I have reduced the time required for curing contracted disorders about one half. This 1 an Im portant achievement It replaces danger with safety. It forestalls Kchronlc complications. It removes the infection and Inflammation be fore that vital center, the ..pros tate gland, can become involved. . To many men it mean the difference- between perfect health and a lifetime of misery and functional weakness. My method 1 mine alone. My treatment 1 original. In some features it resembles the ordinary.' In It chief essentials It Vs different. In results It is en tirely different. It is safe, prompt and thorough. The above together with Organic Weakness, Nerve Debilitation, Lost Vigor, Speclfio Blood Poison, Stric ture, j-iie and Keriex - Ailment, constitute my specialty and are the only disease I , treat. EXAMINATION PRBB ' V ...... ... , . I offer not only FREE Consultation and Advice, but of every case that comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about hi trouble. If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My office are open all day from 9 a. m' to 8 p. m., and Sunday from 10 to 1. , me DOCTOR TAYLOR co. , '. S34K Xorrlaoa St- Corner Saoond." tOaTlAJro. OKBGOaT. ; -