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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1907)
I v. TIIE OREGON v. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' SATURDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, M907. II PdpularWaritis PopularWants PopularWants PopularWants PopularWai: PopularWants FOB SALEREAL ESTATE ' ' noon iiMVfnnTMmNTia 1100 Each for one doxea full ' lota. v near street car line, on easy ln stallmenla. . , ( 00 Each for I good corners. I lota aoh; city water cloae by; eaay term. - . 1880 roc a flna corner, i lota, on Alneworth avenue; beautiful o ., cation, 11,000 A fine corner, t lota, near Union avenue car line. I860 Good lot . on Rodney . avenue. Piedmont. Thla la leaa ' than Other Intfl In tha lima MaaW. $800 Fine lot on Lexington avenue. An. X,IV view arg; eaay terma. 18,000 quarter block, 4 houaea; i bring 10 per cent Income, 100 Per acre for lOacraa of good land; no gravel. acres cleared, about eight tnllea out near a good motor line; other land fur ther out In the earn neighbor hood, held at $100 per acre, . JAS. L. MELRATH. Rooms 18 and IT Labbe Bldg., 127 K Washington flt Phone Pacific 5t. 12 AM A Lot HOLLYHURST ADDITION, On Woodatock Car Line. $828 $10 down, $10 per month. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.. Sixth and Ankeny. OR dALiV-OWNBR LEAVING Ctt Y; ,A"IC" room nouaa ana Darn, grounaa ivvxjuu, streets improved, sewer, gaa, jp cnoice rrutt trees rearing; neat anap in vny. a i wit Hi. mtn at. n. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM COTTAGE. $8,800; $1,600 oaah, balance like rent Apply owner, O. P. Raeder,.lU0 E. Alder, after 8:80 p. m. IM caBH, baLancJB MOnTHLy--8-room modern houae, wired for llghte, aummer kitchen, large woodahed; 4 lota, 80x100, on corner; picket fence, lawn, fruit trees, etc.; cloae to car $1,860. Phone Tabor 781. . COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Ha a a big Hat of good tnveatmenta In large and email income-bearing prop erties, fine residences, amall homea, building lots, cloae In, and auburban property. Call on ua. COLUMBIA TRU8T COMPANY, Couch bldBN 81.000 CASH, BALAN(5eTS SUIT New, modern 6-room bungalow, beat or ptumoing. cnina cioaer, tinted walla, concrete basement; lot 40x180; shade trees; iuu reet rrom car 1,860: a Jewel Inside and out. Phone., Tabor 732. $700 CASH, BY OWNER, GOING away; 6-room houae, 8 leta, 44x110; fruit and berries; one mile from carllne, near Oregon City. Inveattgate thla, or you will be aorry. If you want a home cheap. Address A-607, Journal. 850 FOR NICE BlX-R-OOM HOttSE FOR BALE REAL ESTATE COAST REALTY CO.. - an. Morrison at, The leading real estate and busl- neaa Droxers. Main 16681 A-4160, Just a few specials; 81,600 Half eaah, buy a strictly mod ern iTmn souse, new, gooa lot, I blocks from carllne, worth over 68.000. aa.iuv r-art caah, new i-room house, lot 60x100; othera all price. - $1,800 Part cash, buya flhe roora- iDC-hOUae of 14 rooma: beat value nn our net lor tne money. if6 ouys 10 housekeeping rooma. 11.100 Part 'cash. 17 rooma- .aihinr an Dricea. Partner for real estate office; $800, a good chanoe to get a aUrt with a live man in a ground-floor office. $760 Butoher ahop, aalea $1,700 per month, - , 81.600 burs half lntereat In grocery, $186 eaah dally. 8800 Half caah, light office bualneea doing aeveral hundred . dollara per month; no experience needed beyond ability to keep plain accounts. - $600 buya timber claim, worth $5,000, on R. R. and river; only $0 mtlea away. 3600 Beet email restaurant In city. 8800 aecure business that made $10 000 In paet t rears; other opportunities for Investment COAST REALTY CO.. 316 Morrison at, Main 1688; A-4180. ' just a few kEAL snAps: 24 acrea nf land near willem,) r $ acrea In cultivation K Araa la.hari' balance timber and brush, 8 aorea fine river ooiiom land, I -room houae, barn not finished; all fenced, only $1,200. Acreage' Improved and unimproved, near new carllne, Juet beyond Lenta, no gravel, will aell you any number of acres you want rrom 10 to 7 6, or ex change for city property. 20 avea near Lents all Improved, 6 room houae. new barn, chicken hnuaea and other outbuildings, a beautiful FOR BALE FARMS . " "- - -Tn - i Tl - "I 1 li ), ,i -I. 'i ,.ifL Mt. clear, balance brush, near auld make fine home. and two lota. 1 block from Mt. Hnott car; 8200 caah, balance monthly. Owner. 825 1st at. . HOUSE, 8 ROOMS AND BA8EMENf, lot 60x110, improved atreet; terma or might take vacant lot for part pay. Phone Woodlawn 1280. 1 Less than cost new 1-A66M house; two blocks from cars. X-606. Journal. COTTAGE, BATH. FULL LOT. 789 E. 8th at N., $900. Inquire within. Tel. Woodlawn 1236. home, leaa than hk mile from car line. Let ua ahow you Ihia, it la fine and a Dargain. 10 acrea carllne: wo leo acres rine timber land, eome Clear. 4.000.000 feet fir ami cnilar In Clackamas county, Or. Will make good terms or exchange for city property. Rooming and boardlna house for aaJe or exchange for farm, fine kitchen and dining-room. 19 bedrooms, all well fur nished: everything in good condition; cioae in; nice community; a money niunrr. Bee J. E. Smith, rooma 16 and 17 Labbe Bldg., 2nd and Washington at FARM 60 acr, 40 acrea under cultivation, balance patature; 10 acrea timber suit able for oofdwood; all level land and fine eoil; new 8-atory houae; good, large barn, and other out-bulldlnga; good well; mile from school, 1H miles to railway elation; one of the beet farm in mia a set ion ana cneap at the price, $8,800. . balance pasture and brush land, most of wnicn ia eaawy Cleared; 40 acres beaver dam land; large houae In good con dition: Jarge barn; plenty of fruit; mil' from country town: land all leva! and fine soil; a first-class dairy farm; price, $6,000; terms if deelred. We nave a number of eood bura In farm property of varioua slats and In all parte of the country: for further In formation reeardlnx above farma or about other farma, call on or write the NORTHWESTERN REALTY CO.. 404 Washington st, Vaucouver, Wash. A BARGAIN FOR YOU. Thla Dlaoe will' euit rou. It don't need fixing up. It la ready for bual neea; 166 acrea. 180 in high atate of cultivation, balance fine timber. Thla land will produce grain, clover, timothy, corn, potatoes, fruit and In fact any thing that you want to grow. Fine large barn, granary, atorehouae, root- house, chicken-houses, wood snarl and one of the best farm houaea In the valley with a complete system of water woras, oatn, toilets ana a gaa plant, on county road and river, two miles from R. R. town, and boat landing on plaoe. Thla la without doubt the beat buy on the market today and must be aeen to be appreciated. Price 866 per acre; food terma. George W. Turner, room , 608H Washington at. Portland, Or. Z. Sl V. FARM BARGAINS. FOR SALEFARMS. Bargains 8 acrea, In the city limits, auitable for platting. Small tracta, $85 per acre, 8 mllea out Room 10, 142V4 Second St. FOR BALE A THRKE-ROOM HOUSE and corner lot one block from carllne. 8850. D. E. Huffman, owner, 21 Anne at.. Montavllla, Or. FOR SALE AT COST TO BUILD, figures produced to prove it; 6-room houees, first-class, modern in every re spect and guaranteed; E. 16th, between Halsey and Weldler streets; on one car line and one block from another; sold on time or for oaah. E. L. Boss, store phones East 93; B-1863; residence phone Etst, 718 . . BE WISE. INVEST IN A HOME " 61,000 4 rooma, 768 E. 8th. $1.600 6 rooma, 756 B. 8th, $1,6506 rooms, 746 E. 6th. $1,860 6 rooms, Idallory and Maapn. $1,400 14 block South Portland. All new and modern, owner. 208 4th. Tel Main 8890 or Pacific 2125. KLAMATH FALLS. $500 FOR 6 ACRES - adjoining city, government Irrigated. 14 down; also larger tracts. Oregon Realty & Trust company, Fenton bldg., 6th and Stark. $700 A BARGAIN IF TAKEN SOON. houae and t lota, necessary outbuild ings, 22 fruit trees (variety), berries (variety), 7 cords wood in shed, 20 Chickens, tools, furniture, stove: 6 block a from Mt. Scott car. Kern Park station. Mettger St., No. 38. owner Y. H. Neal. GREAT HARflAINK IN HOMES 82,100 Beautiful 6-room bungalow; fireplace; complete bathroom; electrlo ltghta; nice baaement; cement walk. This place la worth 82,600, but party must aell at once; part caah. 82,000 6-room bungalow in Holladay addition; full corner lot; 6-foot porohes on three sides of houae; full basement; bath, etc.; half cash. $1,726 6-room house; bat, toilet; full upstairs with open stairway; room for 2 large rooms; a dandy place for the money; half cash. Call and aee ua for homes. F. J. 8TEINMETZ & CO.. The Homaseller. 18 Morrison fit C. L. PARKER. REAL ESTATE AND Insurance, P. O. box 27, Woodatock. Or., phone Sell wood 621, has been eatab llahed in real eatate business in Wood atock for the last five years, and ia mereiure wen acquainted with prop erty valuea In Woodstock, Tremont flare, Tremont Park, Avonla. Germanla, Lenox and vicinity. His list of houses and lots Is very complete, ana persons wishing to buy can be assured of fair treatment. He has several good bar galna in houaea and lots now on hand. upon reasonable- terms. Take the Woodstock car which wllj land you at his office door. His office ia not open READ THIS AND THEN LOOK ME U'p ii.buo lor 2 cottages of 6 rooms, all piaaierea, nearly new. colonial porch fruit of various klnda, on corner. blocks from 2 car lines. 20 mintues ride, or will sell separately; the beet Dargain in foruand; terma easy. A. 8 draper, Mjij vvasnington st., rooma i ana 4, corner 7th. IF YOU HAVE $800 CASH AND WANT a nice b-room cottage, 15 minutes' ride from center of city, you can have ii dv cauing on ja, u. Hurlbert, 286 Stark st Price $2,800: must have $800 at once; 88x100 feet of ground; 1 block rrom car. zbb starK St. A FINE FRUIT FARM, 8 MILES FROM Vancouver; modern house, 110 acres; z,ouu oaen win nandle this. E. C. Hurl bert, 266 Stark st. MUST SACRIFICE AT ONCE. A FINB 14-acre. 1 block car. Mount Scott line, near Anabel. Owner, 86 E. 7th at. Phone East 462. 100-acre farm adjoining Monmouth corporation limits; fine soil, plenty of water; will grow anything; nearly new 8 -room houae and all klnda of outbuild ings; nearly $8,000 worth of atock and rl u h ln., liimt Iti nflM n -.1,1, kI.a.' price only 87,600; eaay terma; number of photographa in office. 700-arrea farm located about three mllea from Cottage Grove, on the South ern Paclflo railroad: 260 acrea In culti vation, 260 more easily placed In culti vation: about 2.000.000 feet aaw timber on place and plenty of spring water and open paature; one new 8-room house and one new 4-roorn houae, new barn. ooi'ie, nay barn, 60x69, and a number of other outbuildinga; price only $30 per acre, and terms. ZIMMERMAN ft VAUGHAN, Room 303 Buchanan bldg., 286 H Washington at. Washington & Oregon -: Realty Co. 140 aor 17 xniimm from Portland, In aW whJ TV sa sstttllK IISII j A eases a a, wa road to Portland; t mllea from railroad station on main county road; R. F. D. and telephone) one mile to a good ooun try town; $0 aorea In cultivation; I aorea bearing orchard; fine aprlng near houae; all level, very beat of eoil; no rook or gravel; fine looatlon; will divide thla place In amall tracta. 20 to 80 acres; price for whole traot 68.600; will take part In exchange for Portland city prop erty; will give good terma $2,700 $0 acrea, 10 miles from Van couver, 2 mllea to railroad atatlon; aev eral acrea of green timber, 18 acrea in cultivation, all level, 60 acrea of fine aah and vine maple ewale, easily cleared; 4-room houae, new barn 80x60; 1 mile to sawmill, on main county road, level gravel road to Portland, R. F. D- near school; give terms; best of soil. $1,100 10 acrea, 6 miles from Van couver, 6 acres In cultivation, balance easily cleared 1 acre beaver dam. mixed orchard, 8 -room house 16x24. barn 16x24. sheds on each aide, good well. 2 cows. 1 heifer, cream aeDarator. 7 tona of hay; one half oaah. balance good terma; near achool. TD1BER. HOMESTEADS. '. 10 good homeateada, brush lan da. eaay cleared; all In a bunch; plenty of tim ber handy for building and fuel; no ir rigation scheme; location fee 8100; in rartlea of 6, 676. Eldredge Realty Co., 10 4th at., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records ; fi tain way (and other) planoa Sherman, Clay ft Co., 4th and Morrison ate., op p. postofflcQ. FOR 8 ALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE SOUND. young, good horses, good workers, also mares to breed, reasonable time given, or will trade for lots. 1004 Mll waukle ave. Take Sellwood car to Oratton's Grove. THREfi VRESlK COWS FOR SaLE- t. $660 6 acrea, 4Vt mllea from Van couver, t acrea in cultivation, all level, on main county road, 4-room houae, mall atable, fine aolL $8,000 40 acres In Clarke county. Waahlngton, 6 mllea from rallroaiPand boat landing; all in cultivation and In crop, 6 acrea bearing orchard, variety. S-room houae. good barn, good well, flna aprlng R. F. D. of a ml)s to achool horse and buggy, I oowa, 2 hogs, 60 chickena, eome small tools, all crop and the very best of black soil; this place Is guaranteed as advertised; Investigate thia before buying; give terma. 22,400 160 acres, 14 miles from Van couver, thb miles from railroad station, all level, 1,000,000 feet good saw timber, 1,000,000 feet piling; give terms. Good milkers. 1668 18th Umatilla, Sellwood. dOOD FAMILY COW. ALBERT" BRAl wick, Mt Tabor Heights, one block west Maaaachusetta bldg. A TEAM OF WORK HORSK8 FOR aale; will allow buyer to try them; price $300; call at once. 848 Mississippi. 6 COWS. WITH MILK ROUTE. IN Highland. 28114 Bumslde St.. or 627 RoeoTawn ave. FINE COW. 486 CHAPMAN, PORT land Heights. HOUSE AND FURNITURE; PARTIES going away; bargain. Vaughn, be- tween ltth and 20th. niRIP AND 1 CROSSCUT SAW, TA ble; oomplete, with 12-Inch aawa; dirt cheap. 4614 E. 6d at. PERSONAL CLAIRVOYANTS '. AXD : FREE I; FOR ONE WEEK fcldniO. BRI140 THI8 AD AND RFCEIVC ABSOLUTELY FBii-ii One of my ' CONSULTATION READING 3. The above CONSULTATION READING will be v ,;. -v Given Free . to every peraon who eomee preperel t take one of my celebrated ($8 04 Jr gv" chopahno Readlnga for only $1.00) to all who bring thla paper ad. Thla la atrictly a matter of bualnese on your part, to call at my office anil berome familiar with my SPIRITUAL ami SCIENTIFIC work.- A hint to tho wise is sufficient HOUSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS. Choice Home 88 acres, all A No. l soil, part rich river bottom land; 60 acrea cultivated, 20 acrea fine timber, balance In paature, nice house and good frame barn, all out buildings, fine fruits and berries, beau tiful rock bottom stream of water flows through farm, nice aprlng water, land all nearly level, fronta on main high way, 1 mile to a growing railroad town In Willamette valley wnere you have stores, mill, bank, graded schools, col lege and churches; a very desirable home; will take Portland property as part pay. . . HENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. $2,000 80 acres, 11 miles from Van couver; 20 acres In cultivation, all fenced, all level, on main county road R. F. D., near school, 2 miles from rail road atatlon. best of black soil; half cash, balance good terms; will exchange for city property. $1,600 20 acres. 11 miles from Van couvsr, 12 acrea In cultivation. 2 acrea orchard, some timber, fine spring near house, old house, good barn, on main county road, mile to school, all fenced, all level, very beat of soli, fine location; give terms. HORSES AND BUGGIUB FOR RENT by day, week and month; special ratea to bualneea houaea. 6th and Hawthorne East 72. . HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harneas Co.. 48 N. 6th at A TEAM OF w6Rk HORSES FOR sale: will allow buyer to try them; price 6300; call at onre. 848 Mississippi. Ladies, Attention! Do not be deceived by false advertise ments. The original and only Dr. Mary Lane Lady physician, with the old establlahed X Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium For yeara la still at the old stand. Dr. Mary Lane Lata superintendent of Chicago Wo men's Hospital, treata dlaeaaea of wo- needing Immediate assistance will con- Greatest living aatral dead-trance) clelr suit their best Interests by oommunicat- voy.nt of the age; ADVISER OF PUHT lng with me; no fee for consultation; NKSS AND ALL AFFAIR OF LI-: correspondence ubaolutely confidential; whom you will marry, how to control maternity cases alven special atten-. the one you love, even though mil tlon. Respectable arrangements made away; reunitea the separated; glvea a- '. E for the adoption of Infants. The finest equipped sanitarium In the northwest Office, 263 Alder corner 8d. Portland, Or. Phones Main 2796. Home A-2794. GOING EAST AND MUST SELL AT some price, one 1400-lb. horae little, lame, good old driving horae, 1 200-lb. delivery horae, 8 buggies, 1 new one horse wason. 1 light double driving harness saddle and nrldle. Call at onoe If vou want a bargain. 836 E. 28th at. "w-W" car to Kenllworth curve. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLT Dr. Mary tame Formerly with the X-Rcdlum Medical Institute, has severed all connection with that institution and can now be found with the Dr. Mary Lane Institute Where ahe will be pleased to see any of her old patients. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHIL dren a SDeclaltv: sufferlna women will I do well to consult me; consultation free; correspondence solicited. Rooms 6 to 14. Grand Theatre bldg. Phone Main 8928. Correspondence confidential. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE I HAVE SOME CHOICE PROPERTY to aell in St. Johns and all parts of the city. Terma on lota and houses. See me before investing. E. C. HURLBERT, 266 Stark St. TWO 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSES IN City View park; terma or cash; a snap if taken at once. Call at 488 L,eo ave. Sellwood car. TO LEASECORNER LOT FOR TERM of years on 10th at.; fine apartment or nata location, ja-soa , journal. BETTER THAN BANKING. 8 new cottages, modern, will pay 10 per cent net on Investment Inquire Gor don, owner. 208 4th. Phone Main 3990. LOTS 100x290 ALL IN CULTIVA tlon. close to 10-room school at Lenta; extra bargain $400; terms; 6c fare. O. R. Addlton, Lents, Or. tt P. palmer. m. Van aLSTIne. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, 222 Falling Bldg. Main 6661. A-2683. " ' BEAUTIFUL LOT CHEAP. 8460, at WAVERLEIGH; owner leav ing Portland, will sell one of the finest view lota on this beautiful tract; install ment plan If necessary. See H. VV. Lemcke Co., 6th and Washington fits. 268 STARK ST.. ROOM 18 City real estate, timber, farms, or chards. Portland Investors Co.. Preferred Stock. THE OWNER OF A FINE MODERN home at St. Johns muat have money; will sacrifice his home; will take part in trade, small farm or vacant lots. Call on E. C. Hurlbert. 266 Stark st. FOR SALE; REAL ESTATE. Acre and Half Acre Tracts. We make a specialty of acre-tracta with "water mains laid and payments of only $10 cash and $10 per month; a much better purchase for a home or investment than lots. A. C. Churchill, 110 2d at. SPARKMAN ft CO.. 682 MILWAUKIE at. offer for sale 8 or 10 first-class modern homea. We will atake our repu tation ag real estate dealera that each and every one. of these ia a bargain; good neighbors; fine view; good loca tiona; 1 and 2 blocks of car; 16-mlnute service: don't wait but call at 682 Mll waukle at Sparkman ft Co. C ft Donnell & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room 12, 268 Stark st ANTHONY HARDY, LINNTON, OR..' residence ana business lota, water front and factory altes; farma and tim ber lands. t)0 YOU WANT TO BUY 2 ACRES OF land cheaD. in one nf the heat ri. dence localities of thla city, centrally located, 2 blocka from carllne? Write w i r,am oin at., rrom 7 to g a m. or from 6:30 to 9 p. m. NirK i.RrtoM HnrrSTri tat tn.rM snap at $860; $260 cash. 188 Powelf Ft., amarr. station. Mount Beott oar. 2 Cnoice Acres For Sale Right on carllne; best of soil: spring branch across back end; fronts on high way; will pay ror itself in snort time in celery, onions, cauliflower and choice garden truck; close to city; near Berke ley; $500 per acre. HENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. An Ideal Acreage Home 11 acres, all in cultivation ; fine assort ment of fruit, good houae. burn, chicken house and park; soil Is all good; spring and well on place; a typical mountain stream cute one corner; on electric line. 6c fare, station on place; good gravel roads; fences all first class. -Henkle & Harrison 217 ABIN'GTON BLDG. $1.200 82 acres In Clarke county, Waan.; 2 hi from railroad station, all level, on main county road, R. F. D., H mile from school; 40 acres of fine ash and vine maple swale, best of soli; half mflo to sawmill: give good terma. Land Bargain 40 acrea. all first-class soli, all level. nearly all fenced, 16 acrea slashed, 8 248 acrea 30 miles from Portland in Clarke county. Wash.. 5 miles from boat landing and railroad station; 160 a res in fine state of cultivation, free from stumps; 6 acres In bearing orchard; aev eral acres green timber, balance pasture; all fenced with five and six wires: 2 large barns, 6-room house, two good springs; schoolhouse on plHre, K. F. I)., very beat of blark noil, no rocks or grave,l; personal property, gooil team, good driving horse. 12 head of cattle, 24 sheep, several head of hogs, some chirk ens; all farm Implements, all crops; price, $43 per acre; give good terms; will exohanae for city property; this Is one of the best buys on the market; guaranteed as advertised. $3.600 46 acres, 4 miles from Van couver, 80 acres In cultivation, 4 acrea In orchard, balance timber and pasture; 8-room house, barn, on main county road; fine location; best of soil: no rock or gravel: will exchange for Port land city property. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S' CO. Ravin and Cotton Root I'illa are the only aure remedy for delayed perloda; bv mall $ box. Or. IMrre, HI lt 1 1 a vi r- run rxi.i aiilh j i.... : - -- i Oreson. a 640-acre grain farm In Al- I A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER; berta; 200 acres cultivated; balance can eealskln garments redyed ana remoa- good buildings; well and . eled; expert fitter; eatimatea given; iw- mlll; all fenced; 24 miles to R. R. est prices: open evenings. 63 vvasn- town; a flrt-ela proposition. Ad- I lngton. l-none Main tau. dresa B-26, Journal. i TURKISH BATHS. 300 OREGONI AN WHAT HAVK YOU TO TRADE F( )R b'dg ; ladlea days, gentlemen nlghta an .rr.a re AnH 1ft rnlli from Van- main wuo. cret powers to control othera: no dlf- feronce how cloae or how far away, you can always obtain your desired result. Tells you Juat how, where and when to invest your money to obtain tho beat possible reaulta. If you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged, ' DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; om and receive spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all othera advertlaa to do. and a great deal more. Office, Noa. 8-4. Grand Theatre bldff. 352 1-2 Washington ;;y,. Phone Main 1267. bo plowed; wlndr SEE MELVIN, THE RENOWNED t; CLAIRVOYANT SPIRITUAL ADVISER. ' GUARANTEES SATI8FACTT0IC ON ALL AFFAIR8 OF LIFE. , TOU HEAR THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT TUB TRUTH. , . SPECIAL THIS WEEK v " LOW FEE. : BOo, 60r, 60n, 60c, 80a. . 291 H MORRISON, COR. 6TB. PHONE MAIN 7246. CONSULT THE BEST. Your Fortune Told Free corner; all level land and good soil; t MRS OBROCK. MASSEUSE, L'AlilWBl' will take In exchange property value I bath, ealt glow, cream massage; ref from I50 to 31,000; prb e $1,000. Ad- erenrea. 2824 Park. Pacific 2611; dress Northwestern Realty Co., 404 I A-2734 . Washington at.. Vancouver. Wash. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE, WOULD LIKE TO TRADE A NICE , electrical, alcoholic, medicated and houBe and 2 lots in bus i it tie town genuine tub batha. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th on S. I. railway. 23 miles from Port- , and Washington. land, for 6 or (.-room cottage, not too THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE far out; I am owner, and prefer trading, ladles ami gentlemen. If you are with owner. Address K. its fine st., or trouble about the condition of you phone Eaat 1136. health, do not fall to consult me. I can WANTED TO TRADE CITY PROP-1 convince you that I cen help you by ertv for acreage near Portland. The natural methods. Consultation and ex- Curtlss Co.. 30!) Ablnirton bldsr. lamination free. Dr. Isabella Mackla, tRrnnv-TyrrfY im WAKiTHrmau 3504 Morrison t. Room 10. block on railroad K1BL0 303 H Waahlngton. N WAREHOUSE j"50, ,M0rrl!,'' "fi. ..d .trtn.. iin,Maln 320 or A-1644. to exchange for city property, Im-1 DON T BE DULL AND proved or unimproved; would like little i Madame Luckey r 1 Gives electric baths and vibratory treat, menta; also scientific? masaage; usee the) celebrated French paate for removing wrinkles. 146 Front at Main 2011. In j MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER, AT? ur ! 825 Main st. 26c. Phone Main 7648. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. IflHV a VTC-T TAW fla 1TH BT -OTT Phone I o .i A ain fixtures hullt - and raw INACTIVE; Phone Main 1787. Saxlne Pills cure all weakness; $1 a v. x.f ir.i tom opiticv. ftTOnn irix- rash difference, but not in particular ' box, 6 for $5' full guarantee. Address tures; general lobbing. 67 lat U K-L'5, Journal. IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED CITY I lend, Or. . r A. " , , . W lures; general or call J. G. Clemonson. druggist Port- pnone Main 8190 or country property for nice country MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 380 Flled ner bldg. Phone Pacific 186. borne on Oregon Oltv line, from 3 to 15 acres. H-26, Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE A MILLI- nery store and futures in good loca- , UK RING UHOONO. IMPOHiER CHI- tlon. W-25, Journal. ' nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, WILL TRADE OLDSMOBILE FIVE- certain cure for all diseases. 191 2d at. i .... ...... A i.n...i h.fwppn Yamhill and Tartar 'finnri ift . I 1 n 1 i w i . in at. I J 1 . - property. A-37. Journal ! SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. A COMFORTABLE 1 V4 -STORY. 7- too. I.adler smrre pressed, boo. un room house .n 8 a-ond lota R0rin7 Deri. lUBft eixtn at., LARSON & HENDERSON. 364 FRONT) st., contractors and builder; Office . end store fixtures a specialty; eatimatea furnished on short notice; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Main 8147. CARPET CLEANING. 1,800 acres 24 miles from Portland, 1,000 acres Columbia river bottom land, halnnee inland: 76 acres in cultivation: acres seeded to timotny, acres good 350 acres partly cleared; good pasture, beaverdam, timber for 2.000 cards wood 250 aorea and brush pasture; there are which will much more than pay for the several thousand dollars' worth of oak land: good neighborhood, thickly popu- rnd fr timber, all accessible to naviga lated; quarter mile to railroad atatlon tlon ; dally boat to Portland; landing at large 2-atory house, built of Call each, in Portsmouth; will exchange for Phone Main 2086. n nltm 1 I for m T Y) iriTIV 1 I ) , IT UT I 1 1 T L I." . If vou have anything to trade. If thla home for patients: treatment for all trivr upiw pRfiPHlETftRntPTiin flon t sun you, can me up ana i tnina . blood diseases: examination rr;ee. m ; Electric Cleaning works: cameta STANDARD . CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on. coast; Loring and Harfllnt ata nhone Raat !0: Mrnall next to Quell. ; cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses anc leathers a specialty. that I can suit vou. JOSEPH L. MELRATH, Rooms 16 and 17, Labbe Bldg.. Waahlngton St. Phone Pacific 652. Mississippi ave. East 6543. c.eaned and laid, both dry and oom near Vancouver, Wash. nd store. snap. HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. ,,, i CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL praseed air cleaning; carpet refitting our 22' V4 ! diseases of me- and women cured by specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Mailt ' modern scientific methods: electri" treat- : 2672 and A-2672 271 Grant at ment for dlaeaaea of the orostate: con- ' . . , , - 86.SOO EQUITY IN WAREHOUSE OR sulfation free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Corn factory site valued at $8,000; location ' monwealth blda.. 6th st. cor. Pine. COAL AND WOOD. door; A-l. with 3R0 feet on railroad track and OKRMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NOV- dodti a kit-. oiwrmiiT a. or isnrnAn fornla redwood, stone foundation; full j 200 feet on streetcar line. Will con- ' els, etc; German. English. French.. Co jjj Front st successor to Ful- water piped In house; siaer acreage, vacant iota or improved Spanish, swedisn and Italian diction- ; ton Wood Co. Fir oak. Slabwood. ooaL basement; spring 3 barns, one 168x30 frame baaement. frame, one 60x36, one 70x70; creamery. hog and noultry houees; house for la- roll- borers. This is one of the finest stock Farm Bargain 143 acres. 70 cultivated. 73 acres ing (In pasture), some timber for and dairy ranches on the market. Price use of farm; 6 acrea in orchard; only $20 per acre; will give rood terms; 8-room houae. plastered, good condition: take part in exchange for Portland city frame bank barn. 65x80 feet on solid , nronertv. stone wall foundation: hay shed 20x40 , feet, machinery Shed. Chicken-house, i The ahnira nlaoea are . all marantaa' buggy-house; well watered by springs j aa advertised. and stream; water piped to houae with good force: 7 head of horses. 11 head i Above bargains are but a few of the of cattle. 15 hogs. 200 chickens, turkeva .. u-. v..... .v.. i . and ducks, 7 standi of bees, about 30. n.t nt r.m. e .nV firm n c-ri.i A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCB20 acrea good soil, fruit and berries; modern 6-room house, 2 barns; 15 min utes' walk from carllne. 6c fare; roorn 427 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and Diarx sis EIGHT LOTS FOR SALE AT $50 EACH in one of the most prosperous towns or ureron. jror rurther particulars ad dress F-25, Journal. $2.600 FOR SALE, 6 LOTS. 60x100, all fenced and cross-fenced; 4-room house, woodshed, chickenhouse, barn; young orchard and email fruit; take W-W car. get off at Raymond ave.. 2 blocks east, terms; no agent. NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, WOODFIBER Plaster, tinted walls, larae rooma: hot and cold water, cement basement; fruit trees and roses; 2 lots, 50x100 each; price $2,650, $500 down; balance like rent Must have money. X-25, Journal. Filley Park Lota $80 and up. Eaay payments. Streets graded, water maina laid, 6o fare. 5 and 6-room cottages for aale on eaay terma. Room 427 Lumber Ex change bldg. Second and Stark sta. Phone Main 8864. BY OWNER NEW MODERN, 7-ROOM and 8-room houses, Holladay Park ad dition. Lots for sale. Phone Eaat 3482. R. B. Rice. 690 Wasco at SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR IT" car line; .atreeta Improved, aewer and gas: lot buxiuo; location can't oe beat; price $2,100; no agents. 206 Tay- lor at I -ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $3,000; $304 cash, $26 monthly. Phone East 675. See milleR ABbut tHAT"res1 dence lot in Alberta; eaay terma. 253 H Washington st, room 12. NEW 7ROOM THOROUGHLY MOD ern houae, fine location, cheap. Owner 82 E. 28th. " Sale A SACRIFICE HOTEL. 8 BEDROOMS, parlor, dining-room and kitchen and all the necessary out-bulldlngs; all fur nished and doing a good business: 3 lots 60x100: owners leaving country: $1,500 down. $1,600 long time. William Cant- well, City hotel, Canby. Or $T300 LOT 60x118 FRET, WitH NEW 4-room hard-finished cottage, just built and ready for occupancy, near 42d st. one block from Hawthorne ave; Inquire of owner at premises. Art Klnne. Phone Tabor 642. tons of hay. 20 sacka wheat and oats. binder, mower, rake. 2 plows, 2 har rows, cultivator diac, new wagon, buggy, hack, new single and dou ble harness. 2 eets plow harness, garden cultivator and seed drill, all amall tools, all furniture and every thing In the house goes with place; one mne to Baptist cnurcn, l ft miles to Methodist church, half mile to school: phone and mall route: 6 miles out from a prosperous county seat town in Wil lamette valley; fine, level graveled roadway. For special reasona will offer you this farm, well equipped, short time only, for 85,500. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg.. 104 H 2d at. Port- land, Or. vicinity. Pricea range from $600 to $30,000. Write or call if you are In the market for. a farm. city property. Lafayette Realty Co., a 13 viasnington st. arlea: foreign booka of Schmale Co.. 229 Flrat at all FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS $7$7$7$7$7$T$7m$T$ $ $ $ $ $7$$$$$$?$ $ it $ $10,000 WORTH OF NEW AND GOOD Klnda Tel Main 19SH i kvv5 PunuPT nc-r fvrtjV ritr or m. MRS O BROCK. GRADUATE MAS- j wood caU Mfti ig75. Oak, aah. flf sense; cabinet both, ealt glow, alcohol and coaL portlrnd Wood A Coal Co.. rub. cream massage: references. 282ft igtn anj Savler ita. --i 7- Park st. Pacific 2611. . ttiv ponri ivn ivstittttr has as new furniture, stoves, ranges, beds,, ' r TV iitr "T't-L. "??'fi?5 A-?- : elee t rona t h Room 1 0. 8 80 Vfc Morriaon can give ine oeei variciy oi aecona-i l rC " i.u a nn beddli We r-liu IurlU nantlnir filrnltnr. will HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE- save $ and centa by coming to u. We Sure cure for rheumatism. Hold by all want your trade and will white. Square dealing. WESTERN FEED FlJEL CO. ' House and blacksmith coala, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. r. xj. aivno or v.w.a Wood and Coal. 181 Eaat Water at Small Farm 8 acres, all lies nice, all first-clasa lanq ana cultivated; houae. barn, out Washington & Oregon Realty Co. 108 Second st, Portland, Or., And 300 Main at., Vancouver, Wash, Phone Main 2404. 232 1st Hi;,imiUU)ll)ll treat vou i druggists. MADAM VASHTI. VAPOR AND TUB FOR QUICK DELIVERY Oregon Fuel Co.. 884 Alder- PHONlil HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES, NEW and second-hand. Jaa. T. Marshall Mfg. Co., 289 Couch at. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call 213 H Front at We buy and aell furniture, clothing or any old thing. FOR SALE ONE HOTEL Inquire 271 let at FOR SALE CHEAP VIOLIN. 8, 23 N. 6th at. RANGE. ROOM 64 acres, all good soil, all fenced and cross-fenced; 44 acres cultivated; good orchard, some full bearing walnut trees, loaded with nuts: good 7-room house, barn and outbuildings; running stream binder, mower, rake and other farm CLEAN. WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING FOR SALE CHEAP. ONE MOTOR cycle in first-class shape. Inquire at No. 3 N. union ave. tools; 10 acres In potatoes; 20 tons hay housea, good water, fruit, berries; on ! In barn; nicely located at atatlon on good road 10 miles out and near the I electric car line, 10 miles out; nice, level new carllne: a nice little home, onlvlroads: a aood farm, well located and $1,300. HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE ON W. Yamhill, near E. 23d at.; ready for occupancy October 1. E. M. Schewer man, Lents, Or. FOR REASONABLY PRICED HOMES, lots, half acrea and aorea, see Lenta Realty company at Graya crossing on Mount Scott line. FOR SALE 6-ACRE CHICKEN ranch; close to car; 3300 down, $16 per month. 126 Flrat at. where values are steadily increasing. HENKLK & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. "FOR -BY- OWNER NEW atrictly modern six-room house at Piedmont Easy terms. Phono Tabor 225. . DON'T YOU THINK 10 ACRES ON the edge of Klamath Falls, which hag the natural advantage of Denver, Spo kane and Salt Lake City combined, of fers assure road to prosperity T We have) the i land, ' Irrigated by the government. , - OREdON REALTr TRUST CO. : ei- Fenton Wt!.. Mtfcfi FOR SALE FARMS FARM LAND IN EASTERN ORE gon'a .coming wheat field: 600 acrea 6 miles east of Madras, Crook County; 460 tillable; plenty of well and spring water; 6-room house; large barn and other buildings; $6,000. on easy pay ments. J. A. Douthlt, The Dalles, Or. 20 ACRES, AN IDEAL LITTLE HOME. . 6 acres In strawberries, in beat of berry country ; clear $ 1,000. net; balance arranged ty practical man; horae, cow, chickens, and all equipments go with the plaoe, and are practically new; worth going to aee; only mile from railroad and 10 miles from Portland on fine-road: $7,600: terma. T IPiVPTTP I JT a T TV "- Lafayette bldg., 81$ H Washing'feon. x CRES, 250 ACRES. HAajF MILE ELECTRIC .line. atatlon; $0 mllea to Portland; 41 acrea orcnara: per acre. rtorwi western Investment Co., 1$ 4th at ,- FARMS FOR SALE. 80 acres, 40 acres under plow, balance covered with timber; haa running water; good 6-room house, large barn, granary with basement; 3-acre orchard, has run ning water; land lays well, mod nit- all crops, couple of cows, all Imple ments: can oe oougni very reasonable; It Is 15 miles south of Portland, close to a good store; 2H miles from boat landing. 165 acres. 8 mllea from Forest Grove. close to stores; there are 80 acres under cultivation, about 60 acres bottom, has running water, about 60 acres of good mimrr, iikh kuou ouiinings, good ramlly orchard; one team of work horses, 6 extra good milch cows, 10 head of hogs, 10 tons of rood hay, SOO bushela of oats, nice lot of potatoes, all implements $5,800; It Is a good bargain. OTTO, CROCKETT ft HARKSON. 183H First Street. SACRIFICE. UNIMPROVED LAND:" 3375 will buy 71 acres, close to the Columbia river; timber enough to pay for place. 160 acrea In Harney county, about 13 miles from Burns, $3.60 per acre; would exchange for vacant lota or house and lot OTTO, CROCKETT ft HARKSON. 188 H First Street. FOR SALE CHEAP 170 6 ACRES, CLEAR, GOOD SOIL, $600. 10 acres, 6 clear, and timber, $1,400. 10 acres, improved garden soil, $2,000 20 acres, all clear. Improved, $2,800. 20 acres, fine orchard land, $1,800. 40 acres, spring, fine soil, $2,000. 40 acres, good potato land, $3,600. FARMERS' LAND CO., 203 3d St. A TEAM OF WORK HORSEg f5r sale; will allow buyer to try them: price $300; call at once. 648 Mississippi: nurDoses. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co., phone Sellwood 86. FOR SALE CHEAP, ALMOST NEW gaa range and water heater. T-608, Journal. FOR SALE FURNITURE, AT 481 E. st. batha, massage, chiropody. 201 H 3d J ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE, electricity. 145H 6th at, room 25. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 626 B. Belmont Phone East 4034. PRIVATE HOSPITAL, HOME FOlt unfortunate girls; good care. ner bldg. 8 M1I- MISS ETHEL WARD'S MANICURING and chiropody parlors, in suite 16, 351 H Morrison st. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM nound: safe, speedy regulator: 25 cents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. Lie. Franco, rnnaoeipnia. re.- CHIROPODISTS. CHIF.OPODT AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room 130 Fleldnee bldg. Both phones. . .,',.... MISS MARCELLA LE ROY 291 AL der, room 4. massage and baths. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P. DAILY IN OF flce, 302 Aliskv bldg.; spiritual cir cles Tuesday Friday evenings; Sunday evening. Belllng-Hlrach bldg. hall. GET A HEIDLEBERO BANK. A HOME and big interest on your Investment, Morrison at. ' all In one. See tho Pacific Coast Realty FOlTl8Al7E-ONE $40 AND ONE $60 , Co.. 305-6 Buchanan bldg., Portland, OK Rbed-French piano credit certificate. Inquire 999 Belmont st, city. Phone Kasl ok or w-1408 DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C. E. BROWN, D. C M. DOGS and horse hospital. 106 N. 6th at (Main 4086). - ' W. M. MILLAR, V. S.. VETEHINARlAN.' 26 N. 8th st. Office $17 Flanders. Phone Main 7844. . CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and doga. 288 Ollaaa U Phone Main 1484. 3. F. VETERINARY COLLbgA OPENS October 1. For catalogue apply to Dr. Charles Keane president, 181$ Market at., San Francisco. ...... DANCING. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM FLAT FOR sale, Including piano, $250 If taken by September 20. 154H N. 14th st. ART. A TEAM OF WORK HORSES FOR sale; will allow buyer to try them; price $300; call at once. 848 Mississippi. 40 ACRES UNIMPROVED, 3 MILES rrom city, o per acre, sza Lumber Exchange. TIMBER. ACRKS fenced, prairie; owner aged and Hi! at til nn st., cuy. HOME SEEKERS ATTENTION 180" acres; 44 wen cleared; 12 acres slashed and burned; large orchard; all kinds fruits; large house, barn out houses; fine water; near school; good out range; a fine home; price $3,600; terms given. Write or call J. S. Hunt Ington. Kelso. Wash. LOOKING FOR TIMBERT We offer you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending timo or money. If our general report indi cates that we have what you want our evtlmates by two and a half acrea are easily verified. TRY "THE LACEY WAY." JAMES D. LACEY ft CO., 828 Chamber of Comtneroe, Portland, 607 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. 20 ACRES, 6 MILES FROM CITY, highly improved near carllne, $7,600; terma.':" 826 Lumber Buehanget - irlnun Before buying come and see us. We liava anvlhlnr ?mm rtr, a unr 9rtA acre tracts; also city property. Oe- ourn oros., iv jncnay niag. or rice phone Paclflo 141; residence, Scott IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN VI- - einuy vi tajiman ana ieoanon; also stock ox general mercnanoise and rix turee, Addraag ?, Q, B, 10, Tallman, Or. FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF TIMBER, 6,000.000 feet saw timber and cedar for millions of shingles. Sawmill 16,000 capacity, planer, blacksmith toola, chains, etc., all for $7,000; 11 miles of Bonanza. Or., the metropolis of the up per irrigation project. More adjoining timber land If wanted. Address Bald Butte sawmill. Bonanxa. Klamath Co, Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only; we have a few choice traots for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F. Sanbourn ft Co.. 401-2-1 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE AT A BIG 8ACRIFICE. everything complete for housekeep ing In a 6-room cottage, furniture, china, cookstove, etc. Also a new plane. Must be sold this week on account of party leaving city. Call at 486 10th st. b- tween 7 and 9 p. m. 60 HORSEPOWER ATLAS ENGINE and boiler; good as new. Inquire Dyer's shop, east end Madison bridge. A. BERGER'S ART STUDIO. 644 H Wash. st. High grade oil paintings in landscapes and portraits made to order. WESTERN ACADEMY DANCING) school. F. 8. Carter, prln.; 6 assistants. Including lady; class Mon.. Thurs., Sat eve.; ladles' class Thurs. afternoon; children Sat afternoon; eor. 2d and Mor rison. - ' ' - PROF. RINGLER. DANCING MASTER, private lessons dally. Rlngler Hall, -Grand and E. Morrison. East 6670. ATTORNEYS. PIGOOTT. FINCH ft BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison sts. AUTOMOBILES. PIANOS FOR RENT AND SOLD ON installments. H. ainsheimer. 73 3d st FOR SAL.E ONE DOUBLE-DRUM, double cylinder, 7x10 hoisting en gine. Phona Main 630X HOWARD M. COVEY. rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, Cadillac anJ Knoz. Temporary location Club Garage. 15th and Alder sts. DRESSMAKING. MADAME ANGELES $41 FIFTH. FA ' cific 982. EDUCATIONAL FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN AN old established restaurant. 266 Burn side st. FINE EDISON MOTION PICTURE machine and films cheap. Y-25, Jour nal. CHaS. A YORK, 227K STARK, MUSIC and band Instruments; expert repairing. AUTOMOBILE Belmont st. FOR SALE AT 991 a very rigid 9-horse 1 SPLENDID TIMBER CLAIMS NKAH railroad and water with 8,000,000 to 6,000,000 feet each; also 6 homesteads; $600 buys claim worth $5,J00 when proved up; others all pricea. The Coast Realty Co., 226 H Morrison st Phones Main 1668. A-4160. TIMBER RELINQUISHMENT FOR sale; must sell at once. 602 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 4877. FOR FARM AND TIMBER LAND SEE .. Dlllard Clayton. Roaeburg. Or. power runabout auto; price $200 cash. GET A. TffilDLEBERG BANK. A HOME and big interest on your Investment, all in one. See the Pacific Coast Realty Co.. 306-6 Buchanan bldg., Portland. Or. STEEL KaNGETUSED VERY LITTLE. $25. 717 E. Bumslde. WILL EXCHANGE HIGH-GRADE 'dental work for tailoring, typewriter, graDhophone, ladles atoli. automobile. ..pistol, gun. kodak, leather goods. Ad- aresa v-si, vournai- AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CAN BE used for a runabout or touring car: machine In perfoct condition. Apply f oster at .ieiser. atn ana y.-ygrett. 1 SAFE, 1 CHEESE-CUTTER, 1 SHOW- case, l Fairbanks l-ton platrorm scales, 1 writing desk; cheap. Room 17. Labbe bldg. ASSAYER8. WELLS & PROEBSTEL, MINING EN glneers and assayers; determinations of goods and mineral waters. 20414 Washington St. Main 7805. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor rison st. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM, 109-111 3D st Blank books manufactured; agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES, S. BIRKENWALD ft CO., 804-306 Ev erett St., largest butoher supply house on the coast Write for catalogue. B JTCHE'ffS SUPPLIES ADQLFH A. Dekvm, 131-183 let st, carries a full line and. r!ete assortment at lowest market price. - BEHNKE-WALKEK BUSINESS COL LEGE. , Elka' Building. Portland. Oregon. ."' Chartier shorthand and Bliss book keeping aa taught in the Behnke-Walker will lead you to suooese. Facts 737 calls for help and placed 111 since Aug. 1. 1906.. Will place you when compe tent. Enron now. CLEANING AND Dl'ElNGr. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co 809 Stark at v H. W. TURNER, 'DYER CARPETS RE A PRIVATE SECRETARY, Holmes Business college, at Washing ton and 10th ata.. Portland, Oregon, haa raised its commercial courses W Jha standard of a university training. Tn private aeoretary course may be had either day or night Do not decide Upon a school until you have written for in formation. Open every day and eyenlwg. ROSE CiTY BUSINESS COLLEGBT Elegant new quartera on 6th street near postoffice. Pitman shorthand by court reporter 30 to 40 per cent saved' on expenses. W. W. Williams. M, S.. Ptf. SEND YOUR BOY TOJULL MILITTii V academy. Portland, C.. Write fur cat. alogue. ' jl . ; -l'- OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE,.- C6T u monwealth bldg.. U and Anknny aia, teleirraohv. tvDewritlng. Spanish., Eus lishjVwimanahlpr dayand evnlng. ii "I SS CAWSRLMXR"Y"TrN D CiiiAJi: mar opens Hep t ' is. ' rutoring in lrighr f bjrancheiar j Phona -Eest tVuO. dyed a specialty. Main $11$. . . .. lot Jeff ersoB at I r:QASOUN;lCiINES.Qv.. . , Stationary and marine: electrlo equip ments; launches; accessories; wrioi,., . , an4 retails' engine repairing. tieira , Machinery Co., 183-4-6 Mnrriini i. SHEFFIELD MARrxlTL-Y';: I,. ; A ralrbaia, i. at &. wonei r. j t axa utaxa sta.