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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1907)
"1 .r 1 r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1907. 13 to d Ays MARKETS Choice Hops Will Be Worth Much More in Proportion to Other Grades This Season on Account of Small Pick SALMON PRICE SENSATIONAL Freezers Paying Enormous Values ,for Steelheads Will Be Sent Abroad. Latest market features: Excellent peach demand. Egg supplies very small. Poultry market In fine shape. Too muoh heavy veal coming. Banana arrive In fair shape. Trade crazy over fish supplies. Fine strawberries from Oak Grove. Fair oriental flour business. Wheat Is steady, but unchanged. Trio of Salmon on Jam p. Sensational values are ruling for fall- caught salmon on the Columbia, river. At this time the cold storage operators are said to be offering as high u Itt and to a pound for eteeUiead. So great is the demand for freeslng purposes that some interests predict that the piioe will move several cents higher berore its movement is stopped ror the season. The present price is one of the highest that ever ruled on the Co lumbia ror tan risn ana snows in ex tent of the demand as compared with the current catch. Last year as high as 8o a pound was paid for steelheads In a small war but this was only for a fractional lot to fill in an order for a oar. Cold storage operators are this year gathering in all the supplies they can possibly land and this Inflicts much hardship on the fresh fish trade of the coast. The spirited bidding has made the fishers the most Independent people on earth and If one firm will not pay the price they go to another and get It, too. The result Is that on account of the extremely small supplies, very high prices may be the outcome of the present competition for fish. Ooes to East and Europe. Practically all the cold storage fish put up on the Columbia river Is shipped in ioe to the eastern states, where It Is again shipped to the large European oenters. At this time of year the steelhead is the premier fish of the river because it Is In much firmer con dition than the famous chlnook. There fore fishers receive a much better price ror tne former man ror the latter, uur ins the soring season the chlnook sal mon Is frozen and finds Its way to the large cities of Europe where prices are obtained that would loo It ridiculous to those that live along; the stream where the fish is caught Fifty, 75c and even $1 a pound Is obtained on occasion when the fish Is required for royal eating. Bxoellent aoa Demand. A very excellent demand Is ruling for peaches along Front street today. Sup plies are somewhat larger, but demand is very good, and prlcea are holding well. Grape market still In a bad way with sales at a very wide range. Several cars of bananas came In yes terday afternoon and were unloaded this morning- Fair shape. Apple market continues quiet with re . celpt quit liberal. From Oak Grove. Miss M. I. Rupert sent SO pounds of excellent quality strawberries to Front street today. Condition so good that they were, readily sold at SOo a pound. Orange market la -quiet but the trade is holding prices very stiff. Valenclas at 16 for best. Lemon market Is easing off aome . what and sales of fancy stock are be ing made at IS and $6.25 a case. y rati Oriental now Business. Oriental flour business showed a fair volume today. Trade was mostly wltn Japan, although some China business Is reported by interior shippers. Local flour trade continues quite good, with old grade selling at former prices. It is stated that some of the smaller mil lers are offering new flour at a reduc- tlon of 5 to 10c a barrel under old f rade but no stocks have yet arrived In his city neither does the trade want any at this time. Local wheat market is holding rather steady, although the immediate- require ments of the larger millers seem to have been filled. Exporters still doing some business at former prices. Hops Are Quiet Again. While a small amount of business Is still reported In the hop market, trade Is not over-brisk anywhere. The New ' York. English. German and California markets are exceedingly quiet for this time of the year. 'Neverthersss short sellers are hurrying arouna trying 10 gobble up the small amount of strictly . choice hops In Oregon and are very much pained wnen growers ao noi rive them away. It's the ordinary quality hop that will be hard to move thia year from present Indications. Front street prloes: drain, Floar and Teed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, o, large lots: small lots, Hc WHEAT New Club. 82cj red Rus ' slan, 7Vc; blueatem, 84c; valley, 82c CORN Whole;, 9: cracked. $50 ton. BARLEY New Feed, J22.6O28.60 per ton; rolled, $24.60 26.60; brewing, J28.5024.O0 RYE $1.66 per cwt. OATS New Proucer' price No. 1 white. $24.00 per ton; gray, $23.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents, $4.80; straights, it.zo; exports, TALLOW Prime, per lb, I HO to; No. I and grease, jiffiYmQ. CHITT1M BARK-7e. Traits and Tstreiablss. POTATOES Fancy, $1.0091.2$ sell. mg; buying, white, foowfl per sacK; wests, ihvo id. ONIONS Jobblna nrice Oregon. $$0)1.26; buying, 11.5001.70; garllo, 8c per id. APPLES New. $1.0001.7$. FRESH FRUITS Oranges. 14.600 1.00: bananaa So lb: lamona 88 6.60 per boa; limes. Mexican. $4.00 per 100; rlneapples, $3.2696.00 dosen; grapes, 0o 11.26; concords, 20c; peaches, lie 9 tool cantaloupes. $1. 2601.00; piums, aooiuc; watermelons, io; orabapples. fo lb; Bartlett peara, f 1.2S0 i.ov per oox; casabas, la.ov uoi. VEGETABLES Turnips, new, IOo0 11.00 sack: carrots, 76c0fl per sack; beets, $1.60 per sack; parsnips, 11.00 0 $1.26; cabbage, lfcc lb: tomatoes. Oregon. 60c; beans, Itflc; green. I08o per lb: cauliflower. lOctt $1.26 doa: reas, 6o; horseradish. So lb: artichokes, 6076o dos; green onions, 16c per doa; bell peppers, 6 08c per lb; hothouse let tuce, $1 box; cucumbers, hothouse. 16 026a dos: radishes. 16o dozen bunches: eggplant, 12 Ho lb: green corn, 76o aack, celery, $76o0$i.OO. Oroo cries, Vats, Xta. SUGAR Cuba 16.1214: Dowdered. 11.87 H; berry, $6.77; dry granulated. $6.77; Star. 35.47 H; eonf. A.. $6.77: extra B. $6.27; golden O, $6.17: D yellow. $8.07: beet granulated, $6.67: barrels, 10c; half barrels, 26c; boxes, 60s advance on sack basis. (Above prices are $0 days net cash quotations.; HONEY $$.60 per crate. $16,180 COFFEE i'ackag brands. SALT Coarse Half around 100s. Sll.eO per ton: 60s. 113.00; table, dairy 60s. 117.50: 100s. $17.26: bales. $2.26: Imported Liverpool, 60s, $20.00; 100s, Id (in. A . ftianA. .... Ana. havMl,- 9m tf,vvi . fig.vvj ...... araaa a via., , i 6a and 10s. $4.1006.60: Liverpool lump rock, 110.60 per ton; 60-lb rock, lll.uo; 100s. $10.60. (Above nrices acDlr to sales .of less than car lota Car lots at special prices subject to lluotuatlona) kice imperial japan, no. I, bo; no. . 6tt06lkc) New Orleans, bead. Tel AJax. 60: Creole. tc DtfiWh 3 1 1 U.KIa. ft A - la. UWaUlW ft.aU.Vaa Wtl.vv. a,,,v, .aaimv white, 11.60; pink, $8.66: bayou, $8.80; Lima. $6.85; Mexican reds, 4o. NUTS Peanuts; Jumbo, c per 10: Virginia, 7o per lb; roasted, 10a per lb; Japanese, 66c; roasted, 707o lMliniHlTr.1. HI.IHLUHI DDinno mum tllHILU OnillUO ..IILHI HUROY RAID OUfJUIGE Bears Act Against Copper Long Stuff Sold at Chicago and Steel and Force Rest Whenever Price Goes Up KNIGHTS of Stock Market Down. Gain at the Close. STOCK MARKET LOSSES. 4 Amalgamated Csr at Found.. Locomotive . . Sugar Smelter Anaconda . . . . Atohlson Brooklyn Can. Pacifio... Bt Paul C O. Press. Steel... Reading 8. P S. R. 12 i i Is i West Union. Colo. Fuel . . Denver Erie Gt. Northern . Katy Mo. Pacific... Nat Lead ... Nor. Pacific. Pao. Mail ... Penn. Rep Steel . , . Kock laiana.. U. 8. Steel... do pfd ?ln nuts, 14016o per lb: hickory nuts, Oo per lb; Brazil nuts, lBo per lb; fil berts, l(o per lb; fancy pecans, 18080a per lb; almonds. It021c Keats, Xfc.h and Provisions. FRESH MEa'S Front street Hogs, fancy, 8o per lb; large, 708c per lb; ve&i, exira, ittf ic per lu, oroinary, est 8c per lb; poor, (07o per lb; mutton, fancy, 8 09o per lb. HAMS, BACON, ETC Portland pack, (local) hamr 10 to li lbs, 16o per .b; 1 A A 1 a IKai H U n 1 . 1ft aA 9A 1 Vi 16o: breakfast bacon. 16022o per id; pionics. line per 10; oottag run, 18c per lb; regular short clears, un smoked. 12o per lb; smoked 12o per lb; olear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked. 13o per lb: Union butts, 10 to IS lbs, un smoked, 12o per lb; smoked, 13c per lb; olear bellies, unsmoked, 11 Ho per lb; smoked 13 per lb; shoulders, 12o per lb; pickled tongues, 70o each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s. 13 Ho per lb; 6s, 8c per lb; 60-lb tins. lto fier lb; steam rendered, lus, 9o per b; 6s, 11 o per lb; compound, 10s, (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) wall Street. New York. Sept. 14. stock market trading too ay was on a small scale with but little Interest In values outside of a few leaders. Tne market was Irregular and weak the weakness in the steels and coppers having a bad effect The bank state ment was colorless and Inclined slightly toward the bear aide. It caused some profit taking. There was a raid on Amalgamated, as well as U. S. Steel by the bears but tbe movement had little force and little fresh liquidation came out. Official price range: 4 bowers Likely Again. Western Oregon Fair and warmer north portion tonight; Sunday showers and cooler; southerly winds. Western Washington Show ers tonight; warmer Interior; Sunday showers; southwesterly winds. Eastern Oregon Fair and warmer tonight; Sunday, show ers and cooler. Eastern Washington and north ern Idaho Fair south; showers north portion tonight; warmer; Sunday shower and cooler. Southern Idaho Fair and warmer tonight; Sunday possi bly showers, warmer east, cooler west portion. FROM COOS BAY Cheer Captain Macgenn as Steamer Breakwater Pulls Into Oak Street Dock. BEAUTIFUL WEATIIER MAKES TIUP PLEASANT Went to Coos liar Last Monday to Initiate Large Number of Mem bers and Returned Pleased With Woal Outing."" DnCKIPTION. Amal. Cop. Co... 11 c per lb. FISH f D n.k ' ..Mi. a,. It,, fin. n.4 Aral 6o Der lb: halibut, (c Der lb: striped bass, 16c per lb; catfish, 11c per lb; sal mon, fresh Columbia chlnook. He per lb; silvers, 7o per lb; herring". 6o par lb; soles, 6c per lb; shrimps, 12o per lb; perch, 6c per lb; tomcod, 7c per lb; lobsters, 16c per lb; fresh mackerel, 8c per lb: oraw risn. zbc per dozen; sturgeon lifto per lb; black bass, zoc per id; silver smelt, 7o per lb: frozen shad. 6o Der lb: black cod, 7HC per ID. OYSTERS flhnnlwater bur. nor a-al ion. $2.50: per 100-lb sack. $5.00; Olym Kta 1 ' .... 0 Z n a lit IV .anW $6.()O06.6O; Eagle, canned, 60c can; $7 dozen; eastern In shell, $1.76 per hun dred. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $2.40 razor clams, $2.00 per box; 10c per doa mints, Goal OH, Bto. ROPEr-Pure Manila, ldc; standard. ll.c: sisal, 11c. COAL OIi Pearl cr Astral Cases, lSUn Der sal: water white, iron bbls. 14c per aa'.; wooden, l"o oer gal; head light, 170 (leg., cases, 21o per gal. GASOLINE 86 deg., cases, 24o per gai; iron nDis, iso per gaj. BENZINE -68deg., cases, 26c per gal; iron DDis, 23a per gai. TURPENTINE In cases, 6o per gal fAhrlsn KKI Oln isae rati WHITE LEAD Ton lots, l.o per lb; 600-lb lots. 8o per lb; less lots, 8c. WIRE NAILS Present basis at $3.18 per keg. valley, $4.3004.40; graham, s, $3.76; . whole wheat $4.00; rye, 60s, $6.60; bales, $3.00. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $17.00 per ton; middlings, $25.00; shorts, country, $20; 'city, $10; chop, $16.00021.00. HAY Producer's price Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy, $16.00017.00; ordinary, $12.00014.00; eastern Oregon. tienn: mixed. 110.004910.60: clover. $8.0009.00; grain, $8.00010.00; cheat JlO.OOdGPii.uu. Butt, Eggs and Foul try. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland Sweet cream, 33c; sour, 31 c. rtttter City creamery. 86o; seconds, 32 c; eastern, 82 o; state fancy. S2Hc; seconds, iufitku, store, Oreiron. 22 Wo. ECrGS Extra fancy, candled, 18 30r auatatm. 2nO CHEESE New Full cream, flats, 16016o per lb.; Young Americans, 17c per lb.; eastern, 17o. POtTLTRY Mixed chickens. 18o lb: fancy hens, l4o lb; roosters. old, 10c lb; fryers, 14o; broilers. 14c lb; ducks, 14c lb: geese, old, 801Oo lb; turkeys, 11013c lb for old; squabs. $2.50 doz.; pigeons, $1.25 do; dressed poultry, ItflHO per 10. nigner. Bops. Wool and Hides. HOPS 1807 crop Choi, 707c; prime to choice. 7o: ordinary, 5c per lb; 1906, choice, 6c. WOOL 1907 clip Valley, $O021o; eastern Oregon, 18021a MOHAIR New 1907 29' $o. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 16 0 20c each; short wool, 45 0 400; medium, wool, 600760 each; long wool, 7$0$1 each. NOMINAL ARRIVALS III LOCAL LIVESTOCK PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hoars. Cattle. Sheen. Today . . 280 Week ago 25 125 Year ago 26 Previous year ... 81 EGG SUPPLIES ARE PRACTICALLY NOMINAL Egg values are sensational, 4 owing to the very small supplies e 4 of local ranch "stock. Sales are ) being made along Front street 4 today at prices that range from 4 28 to 10c. This price Is con- sldered . excessive ;f or this time of year, but .supplies! were never so small with egg at such a 4. price. In fact the arrivals are f A. mwnnnm ihk AiriallMt tvtr IMS lit mm mf mMfvfm . this njarketi ' 4, 4. .Av-y-':'-?j ' ''v -; ' e ' Portland Union Stockyards. Sept. 14 With but a normal run during the past 24 hours tne livestock market wjds steady today and all prloes held as pre viously quoted. A year ago: All lines easy; sheep weak. Official yard prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon, $6,600 6.76; stoekers and feeders, $6.0006.25; China fata, $6.00. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $3.8604 00: best cows and heifers, $2.76 03.00; bulls, $1.7602.40. Sheep Best wethers, $4.60: mixed. $4.00; lambs. $4.6006.00. Sheep Weak In East. Chicago, Sept 14. Official run: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 12,000 600 s 2,600 Kansas City . . . 2,000 1,000 .... Omaha 7.000 600 600 Hogs are steady; left over. 6,700; the reoelpts a year ago were 11,000; mixed, $5.85W6.65; heavy $6.0006.26; rough, $6.6506.90; light, $6.1006.22. cattle steady. Sheep Weak. Heavy Fruit Crop. (Special Dlipttck to The JoareaL) Lewiston, Ida., Sept 14. Though It was said early in the season that the Lewiston fruit crop was a total failure, nearly 100 carloads of fruit will be shipped from this city by rail this sea son, this not including the vast amount consumed at home and the quantities shipped to higher points by wagon. 'rom tne onaae river country, trib utary to" Lewiston, there have been shipped more than 200 carloads already of mixed fruits. About a fifth of all this fruit was peaches. Among the many cars of these the Elbertas have taken tne prize ior size ana iiavor. two earloads were, shipped that averaged 42 to 66 to tbe box, a record that Is bard to surpass. Am. c. at F. a . . . do pfd. . . . Am. Loco, a Am. Sugar, o Am. Smelt c, . . . do pro. Ana. Min. Co... Am. Wool. a... Atchison, c... do pfd Br. Rap. Tran.. Can. Pac. c Cent. Leather, c. do pfd C. AO. W. c... C. M. A St. P... C. & N.-W. o. . . . C. A O Col. F. & I. c... Col. So. c do 2d pfd. . . . do aSt pfd. . . . Del. & Hudson. D. & R. O do pfd Erie, com Gr. Nor. pfd.... 111. Central L. A N Manhat. Ry. . . . Mex. Cent Ry... M. K. A T. c. . M. K.. AT Ore Iands Vtr. Chemical .. do pfd. Missouri Pao. . . Nat. Lead N. Y. Central . . . N. Y.. O. & W... N. A Western, c do Dreferred . . North American. Northern Pac, c, P. M. Steam. Co Penn. Ry P. a, L. A C. Co. Pressed S. C, c. . do preferred. . . Reading, c do 2d pfd. ... do 1st pfd. . . . Ren. I. A S., c. . . do preferred . . Rock Island, c... do preferred . . S. L. A S. F. 2-p. do 1st prd. . . Southern Pac. o. do preferred . Southern Ry. c. . do orererred . Texas & Pacific T.. 8. L. A W., c. do Drererrea . . Union Pac. o. . . U. 8. Rubber, c. do preferred , . U. S. Steel Co. c. do preferred . . Wabash, c do pfd W. U. Telegraph. E 61 62 69 8834 $9 87 ii" 'ii" '60 112 112 111 90 90 88 97 97 97 89 39 86 22 22 21 86 86 86 '46 46 44 166 166 165 "9 "9 "9 120 120 118 84 ' '84 ' 33 23 23 22 24 24 23 166 156 165' 23 23 23 '20 20 '26 127127 108 17 85 64! 63 108 ' j.7 85 64 " 64 64 69 47 106 33 70 129 Z5 120 27 94 22" ' i9 46 87 69 47 105 33 70 129 Z5 125 27 '96 '22' '26' 46 37 86 110 10 26 47 128 29 29 98 11 85 110 16 125 108 ' 'ii' 35 64 63 64 69 46 104 38 69 Q CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Sept 14. Sept. 13. Oaln. 1906. 94 93A 71 S 7B 104HA 104 U Sept Deo May- 60 (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) Chlcaa-o. Sent. 14 Thorn was num. 87 ber of attempt mad to rally wheat at 92 different time today and bull news 61 I kerjt comlnir mora or lean frnm (hit nlhnr 110 I side and from the northwest. On the 88 V4 bulge, long wheat came on the market 96 I Just as It has on every swell for several 87 days. This caused weakness. Theru was a repitition of the frost damage new from Winnipeg at the close. There waa excellent buylnr of corn on tbe break and a natural recovery of moderate character before the close. There waa considerable long oat for sale by local traders. Market showed 21 85 98 44 165 17 82 9 a tendency to recover at the close. 118'il uiriciai gram prloes open. High. lxw. Close. The steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgenn, returned laat night from Coos bay with the Knights of Columbus dele gation that left on the Breakwater last Monday night to Initiate a number of new members on the bay. It was n happy lot that came ashore when the steamer had made fast at the Oak street dock, and they had a right to be happy because the voyage both going and coming had been ideal. The Knights cheered lustily, three times for Captain Macgenn, three times for Purser McCullum and the other of ficers and crew and three times for their fellow tmsaenxers who had ad mired the beautiful panorama rolled up before the travelers off the mouth of the Columbia river yesterday morning when the sea was perfect and the sky an Immense dome of speckles blue. The Knlghta were royally entertained on board the steamer leaving Portland Monday evening, a program having been prepared for their benefit by the of ficers. Captain Macgenn recited his Doeni on the "Battle of Manila Bay." and Purser McCullum rendered aeveial vocal solus. Several of the passengers also assisted on the program. From the mastheads of the steamer floated the word Columbus spelled out In flags of the commercial oode of signals. Fur thermore the Knights were so well en tertained t Coos bay that they would have liked to remain longer and the Coos buy Knights were so pleaaod with the visitors that they promised faith fully soon to repay the call. The Breakwater brought a full list of passengers and about all the freigrtt her capacity would permit, tfhe sails for Coos Monday night The Alliance, which arrived here yesterday morning. Is booked to leave Couch street dock this evening for Coos. Honolpu. Am. soh. Wetport Oliver J. Olsan, Am. ss,..Tongu Point Eva, Oer. as... Flour mills Berlin, Am. sH. Albina Kalomo, Br. as Alaska Olondale, Am. sch Astoria Wrestler Am. bktn Llnnton Wallacut, Am. barge Btream Johan Poulsen, Aju. str Llnnton Redondo, Am. ss Couoh Kmlly F. Whitney, Am. bk. . .On way up Grays Harbor. Am. as.. Will. I. A 8. wks Santa Rita, Am. ss Portsmouth Atlas, Am. ss. Llnnton City of Panama, Am. ss Alnsworth tialvator. Am. sch. Astoria Alliance, Am. ss Couch st. Breakwater, Am. ss Oak st Admiral Borrenson. Nor. ss Astoria Lumber Carriers En Boats. Thomas L. Wand. Am. str. Ban Francisco SuHle M. Plummer, Am. sch. . .Qurfyma Lettltln, Am. sch San Francisco Annie M. Campbell, Am. sch Ban Francisco Glendale, Am. sch San Francisco Mabel Gale. Am. sch San Francisco Andy Mahoney, Am. sch... San Francisco', w. r . liar ms, Am. sch Ban rearo Virginia Am. sch Port Los Angeles I.akrne, Am. ss Ban Francisco (JeorKe Loomls, Am. ss..Han Francisco Aurulla, Am. hh San Frunclaco En Koute With Cement and Oeneral. Uuccleuch, Br. sh t-'rgnn, Fr. bk Kurooe. Br. bk Genevieve Mollnoa, Fr. bk. Kune Kervlter, Fr. h Laennec, Fr. sh Le filler. Fr. bk Martha Roux, Fr. bk Mozambique, Br. bk. Samoa, Br. bk 1 tilers, t r. sh Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk... Hamburg Vllle de Mulhoune, Fr. bk Antwerp Guethary, Fr. bk Antwerp Plerrj iotl, T. dk Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. in Antwerp Glenesulln, Br. sh Antwerp Versalllea, Fr. bk Lelth General de Bolsdeffre, Fr. bk.. London General de Negrler, Fr. bk London Uayard. Fr. bk Antwerp Vllle de Dijon, Fr. bk Antwerp Alice Marie, Fr. bk Antwerp Eugene Rergalln. Fr. bk Antwerp 11 Maektleld. Gr. bk Honolulu Arctic Stream, Br. sh Rotterdam Crown of India, Br. bk Antwerp Cornll Hart. Fr bk Antwerp Jules Qommes. Fr. bk Rotterdam Kdward Detallle. Ft. bk Antwerp Emllie Oalllne, Fr. bk Lontlon Coal Ships En Boat. MtioRsIy-... , . .... -. 1miiiWCVWi' W Umm tk Stmtt mf Ort ESnXJWRH A1XKINI33 OZf UVK I4TOCK AOAINST JDKATII FROM ANY ' HatMMtM At . .Hamburg , , Hull . . .Antwerp . . . . London . .Hamburg Swansea London Hamburg .Newcastle, Shields . .Newcastle, K. $. r. PiWttent Wm. R. Smith V.rW E. al Ore b1Mri? Jm. M. Ober Secretary Ks.ttiswOllt lUog A swort Qarl Ceunssl -;; ) . 1 1 1 i , ;', ; MiMBEft ' :; p-t rbrrian Chmmbmt at CtssraMS ' . Partlaol Boar of TntSS RSFBUNCB9 Owfas Traa mrti (arkifi Bank foitmtOm The Bimdauaat CeMseag i,. a. a Oun A Co. Coasaarclal t Sept Dec. May 127 24 119 27' 93 21 i9 44 37 84 110 16 26 46 7 29 27 Ml 143 83 22 28 41 61 154 28 Bept e Dec 20 May 1Z9 Sept. Deo. May Rant 63 Oct 19 Jan. High, WHEAT. . 93 94 . 98 98 .104 104 CORN. . 61 61 . 68 68 . 69 69 OATS. . 62 63 . 62 62 . 63 63 MESS PORK. ..1637 1527 1637 ..1546 1545 ..1560 1665 LARD. 93 97 103 67 62 61 62 1645 1545 Sept Oct Jan. Oct. Jan. 905 906 900 872 695 862 SHORT RIBS. 847 850 847 860 660 850 807 807 797 104A 69 67 68 62 62 63 1637 1645 900 862 847 850 800 Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Sept 14. Official prices: WHEAT. Sept. 14. Sept 13. Loss, Oa.n 7 . Ti In 1 A H Dec. .".'7s 10d 7sl0d d CORN. Sept 6s6d 5s6d Oct ts oa ts o ADMIRAL DORREBON IX. ....Newcastle, A. ....Newcastle, A. ....Newcastle. A. . . . .Newcastle, A. , . . .Newcastle, A. , . . .Newcastle, A. .Newcastle. A. 75 19 44 87 62 84 110 15 66'i 27 26 Maroh 46 April 11 May d d Ifew York Cotton Market. January 1172 February . , Open. High. Low. Close, 1170 1166 September October . . November December . ..1189 .1191 .1193 .1146 .1160 .1165 .1171 1189 1191 1196 1146 1165 1168 1173 1179 1180 1185 1146 1162 1167 1169 1166 1170 117V 1181 1186 1146 1162 1167 1169 Liverpool Cotton Lower. Total sales for day, 367,700 shares. PRICE OF NEVADA SHARES IN FRISCO T Cant 1 at PAtlnn rSitiiMS closed 6 to 6 points lower; spots 7 points lower. Boston Copper Market. Boston. Sept. 14. Monawk on San Francisco. Sept 14. Official bid AdvenUire ... z . I JU1UUQ1 WW Pr,ces- iroUn 86 . . ... 1. ... I.1,.M. I -v- oanasiorm oc, munnw wmuiuu R nrhum ... Mt. 49eA. Jumbo Ext $1.60. Vernal n,,tt. rni 1B 16eA, Booth 39o. Blue Bull 82o, Adam Cal & Hecla.626A jac, onver ric bud, d. o. iv. o.u Centennial .. 18 Rfiii iiv ni-xie ec HiDernia ica. hi. sa Ives 75c. Conqueror 10c, Blk. Rock 4c, ohftnnnn "' " '. '. 10 6cA, Oro 19c, Kendall Ext 2c Sandat i-rlnitv 14 Bend boo, Florence O. Daisy Pomti. Fraet. Or Rend Anx. 9cA. Mlllstorm 26c. B. B. Bonanza 6c, Kewanos 69c. Portland 18o, Cracker Jack 18c, Francis Monawa ii. Red Hill 61c, Mohawk Ext 11c, Lou Dillon 9c Y. Tiger 21o, Orandma 16c, H Plolc Kxt. 8eA. Y. Rose 6c. Col. Mt Ext 6cA. Goldf. Cons. $6.82, Diam'f. Triangle 19c. COMSTOCK. -Bid prices: Daly West 12 Franklin 8 Mass 8 Nevada 9 N. Butte 47 Old Dominion. 24 Osceola 88 Parrot 13 Wolverine ... .118 Royal 14 Green Con 9 Sup. A Pitts.. 110 Norwegian Steamer Conies for Cargo of Lumber. The Norwegian steamer Admiral Bor rcson will be In the harbor late this evenlnir to load a cargo of lumber for Shangliu!. She reached Astoria at 6 o'clock this morning from San Francisco and after having passed through quar antine left up shortly before noon. The steainei was presumably fumigated and rid of her rats as precaution against a possible spread of bubonic plague. The Admiral Borreson comes under charter to Frank Waterhouso & Co. and will receive most of her cargo at the mills of the North Pacific Lumber com pany. Sho Is a large steamer and will carry away about 8,000,000 feet. Yesterday afternoon the British steamer Strathfillan was chartered to carry wheat from this port to Europe and: the French bark Emllle Galllne was engaged to carry general cargo from London to Portland. She was here early this spring and reached Queenstowu August 20 with a cargo of Oregon wheat. Sailing from London In a couple of months will bring her In time to take the last part of the crop now coming In. Belen. Fr. bk Claverdon, Br. sh.. VVIUscott Am bk.-. Port Patrick, Br. sh BL Mlrren. Br. sh. . CrUlon. Fr. bK Ardencralg. Br. bk . Eugene Schneider, Fr. bk. Newcastle, A. Buffon, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Castle Rock, Br. sh Sydney, A Redhill, Br. ss Newcastle, A. Knight Templar, Br. ss. .Newcastle, A. Tymerlc, Br. str Newcastle, A. Henry Vlllard, Am. str. .. Newcastle. A. Thordls, Nor. str Morovan, Japan Homeward Bound, Am. bk. Newcastle, A. Emily Reed, Am. sh. . .Newcastle, Aus. Aru-alos. 11 r. ah Newcastle, A. Brlzeux. Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Tramp Btamrs Bn Bout. Elaa, Nor. ss San Francisco African Monarch, Br. ss Japan Inveran. Br. ss Port Los Angeles Kerndene. Br. str San Francisco Terle Vlkon, Nor. ss San Francisco Barkston. Br. ss Ssn Franicsco Strathenrlk. Br. ss. Indian Monarch, Br. ss...San Francisco Strathfillan. Br. ss Vancouver. B. C Oil Steamars Due. Maverick. Am. as San Francisco i W. 8. Porter, Am. ss Gavloto Col. E. T. Drake, Am. ss..San Francisco En Bout In Ballast to Ioad Grain. Gael, Fr. bk Puget Sound Turgot. Fr. bk Puget Sound Mlltonburn, Br. bk Santa Rosalia liumflreshlre. Br. ah.. Port Los Angeles Sully. Fr. bk Coltlc Chief. Br. sh Admiral Corneuller, Fr. bk otratngryre, ur. ah Wt tsafea bo amalM w P W (! ran s iqiin , Lk s r0 " ,' BOMB OFFICB t-t-t LAM TXTTMSUXt C WuklmlHn i Sim fmrtUaJ t -7T CGeeVo Ts WH.2tBwa CHINESE"" Em ul Bart DOCTOR Hu sxda Ui atodr of reots !s4 herbs, sad la tbit ateaj titeonr4 eas I glrlat to tht world bis woiidorfol reSMdlaS, VO MEBCQ1Y, rOIBOVt OB DBUOI VBCBm HZ OVBEB WITHOUT 0PIBAT JOIT 0 WITHOUT THB AID 01 A Uln. - - I . ! cuarantaea to c-iro Cstarrk. AatksM. -I.DBf . Tbroat. Rhaemarlssi .Marvoaanaaa, . KarToaa IVbHtr. Rtnmirk. Liver. (Mh Tmabloi: alw ttmt Manhnos. Festals - VS Bsaa and ill PHat Dtaaaaa. A SURE CANCER CURE fast EaoshrM Tnm Paktsf . Ola laf. aad Bailable, San Francisco ; Jr T00 ARtJ 4rrLICTTO. DOlfT SkXAZ. DELAYS ABB DAMOEBOuS. Custor, Br. sh . . Noeml, Fr. bk Alsterkamp. Oer. ah.. Schubek, Ger. bk .San Francisco . .Honolulu . . .San Ft. . Callao . .Valparaiso Seattle , . . .Caleta Colosa Valparaiso If ftm raooot call, writ for ST si Dd etrralar. Inclose 4 cents la stamp. CONSULTATION FREE tUX C. GEE wp cilJIEU MXBICUrX OA 18 rtrat St., On. at anil aa, , . rortlaad, OrMea, . riaaaa Maatto TUs 1MB, ALONG THE WATERFRONT FAST DISPATCH BOAT. (government Engineers Buy Graves' Motorboat PaJouse. The steamer Cltv of Panama sails for Ban Francisco tomorrow morning. The steamer Kedondo sailed for Seat tle and Tacoma last night with a large quantity of general freight. The steamer Alliance Is expected to get away for Coos bay this evening. She hus a full cargo. The British ship Conway Castle will probably not finish loading until next Wednesday. She Is at Columbia dock No. 2. The government engineers have pur chased the speedy motor boat Palouse from O. F. Graves, who buirt her re cently. She will be taken to the upper Snake river to be used as a dispatch boat In connection with the government work In progress thero. The Palouse is 32 feet long, and has an Eastern Standard engine of 26 horwe power, capable of driving her at the steamer Aurena, irom san rrancisco; rate of about 18 miles an hour. At this arrived down at 4 a. m., steamer Re- uonno Sun MARINE NOTES Astoria, Or., Sept. 14. Arrived at 6:10 a. m., and left up at 11 a. m., Nor wegian steamer Admiral Borresen, from San Francisco. Arrived at 10:10 a. m.. the steamer Aurella, from San Francisco; speed the engineers will be able to take her through the swiftest kind of water, and when It Is low, too, because she draws only a few feet. Mr. Graves had the Palousef out for a trial trip In the harbor this morning, and she but the water so neatly that everybody along the waterfront stopped to take a look. She will probably start for the Snake Monday. Besides the Palouse. Mr. Graves has built Stoppen bach's launch Helen and Beyers' Dlx, both among the prettiest pleasure craft on the river. KEGS WERE EMPTY. n,ippirB uc, xvou lup rj- juu. victoria 4 V;,.u2 I Helvenla .... 21 ai.OlTl, liuu-jii-ooiui ,w, rnrr,m Punr. ATI $2.05. Gr. Bend Ext 15cA, '"" " - 1 No Damage to Grain. I (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Garfield, Wash., Sept. 14. "There has been no damage to the grain, worth mentioning say the conservative and careful farmers. In some Instances oats has been colored, but so far we hava heard of no wheat or oats being docked by the grain buyers on account of damage by tha wet spell. The larmer are very nopaxui now thai, this rain will1 soon blow over, and that the entlr crop will be saved with out any great amount of damage. . The crops are turning out splendidly, and tha yield In many instances la larger than was at first anticipated toy til wheat (rower. . - . , .5 -;V; ;, ; v- i.: ; Jf Onhir $1.25. Mexican 67c. Gould & Curry 26c, Con. Virginia 80c, Savage 8Jc, Hale & Norcross $1.05, Yellow Jacket $1.17H, Belcher 20o. Sierra Nev. 32o, Union 41c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. A.uinal Km Pnllf.fiff M P 11i fnnt Bullfrog 3o, National Bank 17c, L. Har ris 2c Amethyst $1.80, Gold Bar 62c, Stelnway 6cA, Denver Buf. Annex 6cA, Bonnie Clare 88c, Mayflower Con. 30c, llnal. rthlA tiV Kl CI HnATttAf fin PJUII VJ, v. 1 . . V. ,aAW. ' . u. wwa.w. w, Monty. Mt. 11c A, Homestake Con. 880, Yankee Girl 6cA. Nugget 4c, Tramp Con. 830, Victor 6cA. North SUr 6cA, Sun set 5c. TONOPAH. Ton. Nev. 10c. Mont. Ton. $3 A, Ton. Ext. $1.25; MacNamara 21c, Midway 77c, Ton. North Star 19c, West End Con. 74c, Rescue l2e. Ton. A Cal. 4c, Golden Anchor 12o. Jim Butler 80c, Ton. Home 4o, Boston Ton, lOcA, Mon arch Pitts. Ext 6c, Mont Mid. Ext 38CA" MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Man. Con. 85c, Man. M. Co. 60. G. Wedge 6c, Seyler Hump. 6c. Dexter 12c, L. Joe .c. Crescent 6cA, Granny 24c, Mustang 20c, Little Grey 15cA, Cow boy oca, orig. man. iuca, jrine xsui ic, Buffalo dca, inaian camp no. ' VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fair-view Silver King 20cA, Falrvlew Eagle $L40A, Nevada Hius . Pitts burg Silver Peak $1.46. North Star Won. der 4c Eagle's Nest 31c, Ruby Wonder 26cA, Alice of Wonder ScA. United States Government Bonds. New York, Sept 14.- Government Elv Con. Eagles . . . Neplsalng Apex . . . 2H t7 1. New York Bank Statement. New York, iept 14. Bsnk statement: Increase. Decrease. $ 458.650 217,260 Reserve Reserve, less U. S, Loans pecle . . . egals . . . Deposits . Circulation $375,000 ' 645,'7'66 'ni.Yoo 1,407,600 1.6S2,s66 hnnria: Bid. Twos, registered 10614 do coupon ... ,,,.,,.106 Threes, registered 108 do coupon ...........108 Three, small bonds ....101 Pis. Columbia, 3-65. . . .113 Hours, regis terea, new.. lzs do coupon ' Twos. Panama Philippine Fours Asked. 106 1064 103 10$ a 104$ ura ...... .10$ " 126 106 Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today $1,197,812.10 do year ago 937.367.36 Gain today $ 260,444.74 Balances today 88,385.63 do year ago 129,917.07 Want Higher Price. (Brwclal DUpatcb to Tb Jonrnal.) Albany, Or., Sept 14. The hop pick ing season is rapidly coming to a close in Linn county and before the first of the next week practically all the fields will be devoid 01 picaers. Tne quality has been first class and the output will be or a quality to demand recog nition among the buyers and dealers. The season has been' exceptionally sat isfactory as to the output and with the Increase of the hop demand so as to In sure a higher market price, joy would reign in the nearts or tne growers. Try to Save the Wheat. Hatton. Wash.. Sept 14. The die couraged farmers are trying to make the most of their blighted prospects, and still have hopes that the remainder of the season may give tnern good wAKther. The harvest her Is a big on and If the crops can do savea mey wur De tne largest in the history of the country, and at price prevailing there will be a great deal' of money distributed throughout the county. 1 New York-London Sliver. New York, Sept 14. Bar silver, 680; London. 31d. . Dramatic From the Philadelphia Bulletin. - When - the actor makes up - his mind It must alter the complexion of his thoughts. Longshoreman Thinks He Has Laugh on Teetotalers. 'They'll never tell me that Coos is a dry county," exclaimed longshoreman Barney" disgustedly this morning as he was called upon to assist In dis charging 600 beer kegs, more or less, from the hold of the steamer Break water which arrived at Oak street dock from Coos bay last night. The kegs were empty, but bor evidence of having been all right and In the swim not so many days ago. "Pshaw, tell me. will ye, that Coos Is dry. Looks like It, don't It, these here 600 kegs on the dock an' off the Break water. Now there's an Item for your ?a per. If that county is dry. how's hem empties come up here? Don't ever give me no talk of dry towns, dry counties or dry anything else dry, be cause it don't go. Seel" Officers of the steamer explain that the kegs come from various parts of the county, only part of which has gone dry as a result of local option. Myrtle Point Is the only dry town on the bay, while Marshfleld. North Bend and other sites observe the state law as here. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Francisco. Sept. 14. Arrived. steamer Nome City, from Portland; ar rived last night, steamer Northland, from Portland. Astoria, Sept. 13. Sailed at 12:13 p. m., steamer Roanoke, for San Pedro and way porta; sailed at 2 p. m., schooner Compeer, for San Francisco. Astoria. Sept. 14. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m., smooth; wind south 12 miles; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria today High water: 6:46 a. m., 6.1 feet; 5:32 p. m., 8.2 feet Low water: 11:15 a. m., 3.1 feet. mt EvorylVcr a. bintamua nd thoaM knew . aoOQi In VOOUnu MARVEL W Wrung Spray i now vaataas iram Jnft- aav-Moa conranlant. . aw w laaiaaiaf fc M -aSaBaaSaWa. ' ' MM MmrlnnUhflL If ha cannot (apply tb uln. souent bo other, but trad scamp for lllnatrated book mU n fall Dartlealan and dliwtlona Is. valuable to ladlca. RtaRVKt, COL, -a .. ih bi nmn w .inn. WOOSABD, CXA&aB 00. AND LaTB-DATlB sauo 004 sxoBXJaT . JEFFERSON'S POLITICS. Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capsol: A POSITIVE CURE I "-aA..JaW' ?9 Vorlnflsmmatioa orOaUrrfcot a Bladder and Dlaaaaad aid says, ao otz bo rar. onra qnickly and fannanantir tha worat eaaaa of aVakMAPr laAAaK sad J I, no aiattar of how ' long atandlDS. abaolotaly barmleas. Sold by dreffttt. Prlca SI Ml or It BsalL aoaa. pait6i.CtXboxaa,ta.74. , 'TKESAXTAL-PEPSIXa aMMosrtslas, Ohlt . , old ky Alt Draagkrt. Was One of the Greatest Party Or ganizers of His Day. From the St Louis Republic. Jefferson, who more than any other man in American history stood for tho "sovereignty" which, according to the late George William Curtis, every American ought to carry under his own hat, was nevertheless the great est party organizer In American his tory. As organizer only two other Americans are In his class. One Is Abraham Lincoln. The other Is An- , lAfafcf A bJ a 4s.nFsTl A I TV drew Jackson. Both recognized party tTUFIAN O If L VIAL. I I organization as inevitable if men who think alike are to work together for ' the common ends in view. Both saw that whatever evils result from or ganization and co-operation in a re public, there Is no pther way of car rying on republican government. In dependence itself makes co-operation necessary and creates parties as a leans of expressing Itself. P00K FINANCING. atag-ular liners Dm to Arrlv. R. D. Inman, San Francisco. .. .Sept. 15 O. W. Elder. San Pedro and way Sept. 16 Arabia, orient Sept. 17 Costa Rica, San Francisco Sept. 18 Alliance. Coos Bay Sept. 19 Breakwater. Coos Bay Sept. 20 Roanoke. ShA Pedro ana way.. sept. 24 Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. .Sept. 25 Nioomedta, orient Oct. 1 Alesla, orient Oct 2 Numantia, orient Oct. 20 Bgnlar Z,lnr to Depart. Alliance. Coos Bay Sept. 14 Redondo, Seattle Sept 15 Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. .Sept 15 Breakwater, Coos bay Sept 16 O W. Elder, San Pedro and way.Sept. 19 Costa Rica, San Francisco Sept 21 Arabia, orient Sept. 26 Roanoke, San Pedro and way... Sept 26 Alesla, orient Oct. 19 Nicomedia, orient Nov. 2 Numantia. orient Nov. 30. Vassals In Port. Tola. Br. sir ..Elevator dock Dalgonar, Br. sh Oceanic Bee, Am. aoh Willamette I. & a Wks Slam. Qt. sh.. Portland Lumber Co. Conway Castle, Br. bk.. Columbia No. 8 Vlncennes. Fr. bk Columbia No. 1 North King, Am. tug Astoria Antelope. Am. sch Foot of Lincoln St. Nicholas. Am. sh Astoria St Louis, Fr. bk Centennial Compeer, Am. sch Astoria Strathness, Br. ss. .Portland Lumber Co. North Star, Am. tug Astoria Americana, Am. sch .Vancouver Gardiner City. Am. bktn Stella Col. de VlUebfla Muriel, Fr. bk. Bunkers i New York Will Never Again Be Forced to Pay High Rates. From the Springfield Republican. It is the stated opinion of the acting; comptroller of New York that the pro ceeds of this loan will carry the city into next spring and that it will never again be forced to name so high a rate for its loans. Rut if that is a sincere belief and should prove to be true, then no Justi fication would exist for making a 60 year loan. The city would do far better to pay 6 or even more per cent for a much shorter time. Of course, bids for these city bonds will take Into account the chances that Interest rates wlU subside long before the 60 years are past, and the city will benefit from this; but for any corporation to load Itself up with debt extending; nearly two (fenerations at what may be a mo mentary extreme or hign interest rates. this is a poucy wnicn cannot coramen Itself to sober Judgment Mahogany Railroad Ties. From the Chicago Record-Herald. Mahogany iff often used for ties by the railroads In Cuba as well as ia other tropioai countries, cut Bir Wil liam Van Horn has forbidden It on his road. He considers It a crime - to out small mahogany trees, and there 1 plenty' of other timber In the forests suitable for construction purposes. V Jique (pronounced hlckey) amn Ju caro negro, all hard woods whioh do not grow large and cannot d utilizer for cabinet work, are Just aa good as S. S. JC. CXAJV The only Chines woman doctor In' this city. Shw has cured many afflicted ufferera. Cured private and female diseases, also throat and lung; trouble j stomaoh bladder and kidney -and 1 diseases of all kinds that the human flesh - Is heir to. Cured by Chinese herbs and roota Remedies harmless. No operations. Honest treatment Examination free 26$ Clay st, corner Third. t Kldniy and Bladdsr Trcuilis URINARY DISCHARGES JUOJiEVKOIir 24 Hours Each Cap- ""S sul bsrW!DYJ XttarnftmrntiiftUt ALL DRtOOISTS. : 1 f Aft rt .-W) I ' ir ...a P.HICHESTER'S PILL 111 la Me4 aad i14 KxuiwV V aaa. anlad wnb Bla Ho. aka atfcor. fmt f?T' . IaVNb MKANl MLl , n . MatonMleOlat AlMy. ki. sciDwmuMKmm:::: : 1 a 1 m aj iay . Bk I mm, ti - Dr. - - Sandron's r Compoun-t Savin and Cotton Root l i. , Th beat and only reii" 1 remedy for PTCI.ATFTj 1 , . IODS. -Cur th moat -i,i at jn I to 10 d.y. I'n mahogany for ties ana win ovuust steel 1 per dob. faua in rain u'- -r, rails in this ollmata, bcau thay won't I by artia-fista every hr. . r- rust. ..:;r-: - t...i lJ.--riii.ugi3, isi urn ,, r-i 1, ..1: