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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1907)
. : 4 . 4 . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. 'SEPTEMBER V 1807, y i t:- I?: 1 it' r VERYFEIVCARSTO HWWLIIfB . ? iWillainett Valley Lumber v 4 YarVvBecbmlnff Quite f "Badly Congested. OLDBATETOBAY city POINTS IS ASKED FOB MANY PLANS FOR' NBVJESIDENCES Architects Busy Preparing Specifications for Dozens of City Homes. Reciprocal Demurrage Law As a partial Indication of the ImmMM amount of resident building now In progress and soon to begin in Portland. the following newly ordered work wa fathered In a casual vlalt to a few of Ha I the local architect' offices I ri Prn.ui.r twn-atorv. elcht Resulted In Benefit to in wneai f dwelling. Willamette Ufa. mttA Ma n Inrnked to Aid I Heights. 15,600 I W. J. Zimmerman, two-story, nlne- Lumbennen. I room residence t Twenty-second and IWiMlar ilr.ali Irvlna-ton. 16.000. Un rnon hunraJow. Mount Adams Locally the lumber marcel remains m i drive. Council Crest. 5.ouu. i-. h. Ran Francisco or Cal- I Walter Smith, residence atTwenty- . - -- . .,, upVuih . atraata. Portland Ifornla market Is looking up, dui in. e", nt, ' ,5,000. ear shortage Is so acute that ths Wll-1 or-'e M. I r viand, two-story dwell- lamett ralley mills south of this city I jn, Halsey. between East Sixteenth and are Mid to be able) to deliver only about East Seventeenth streets. Irvington. $4,- II per cent of their output ana in yaras Q A Bollars, two-story frame dwell ara belna: over locked. I Inc.' Williams avenue, between Sumner Several mills threaten to nui aown i ana jB.merun im-ia, i,vuv. - a w. riir,, mnii. i w u i"i r " .-' until soma sort or an arrangem-Mi. cu -k..Mn sh.rman and be made to hava the lumber taken cars 1 vmrhin atraeta, IJ.00. f br the transportation people. The Alex Scott, two-story dwelling, Kln aarae condiUon exists as to shipments I gn ,treet. near Ourtts avenun, M.OO. for the east from nearly aU sections of I William Balla, two-story, residence ths Paclnc nortnwesi. onjppers ny on cornea roaa. near jonnson Bircn t hunt their own cars In the terminal 1 1 son yards and then take chances on get-J A bungalow In West Park, between tins; them after ordering tnem. . I Columbia and Clay streets, to cost ,- i with the nervine crlDDled by lack Of I nnn cars and the transcontinental companies pr. Rjr Matson, two-story dwelling. innirin rer a mm mnuLrw ui iub uwrim i Tmimntv-mmnnnA Ann Kroaawav .irrcia. .the air on future -conditions. Tbey ars I ii. ,k. .hove are practically ne kent arueaslna- and can only hops for ths I niona rnr mnmt nf which are still . best. , Of courss. ina car anonags quw- the architects' hands. lion Will oe seiueuj muuiu iu mwi.w. commerce coram lesion fall to Interoeds QUEER USE OF imnn Dim I FOURTEEN ROOM HOME pAinui mwu uu iuhluh Northern Houses Given Title Vastly Different From Original Tj-pe. XAME ORIGINATED IN TKOPICS OF INDIA ON JOHNSON STREET Winlock -Woman Will Erect Handsome Structure on . corner of Twentieth. PUIS LIMIT Oil ALL BUILDINGS MMMMMS- Proposed Spencer Ordinance Prescribes Maximum fori Three Classes. 1 If Same Character of , Mrs. J. X. Veness, of Winlock, Wash- Ington, Is having the plans prepared for a 14-room residence to be built at the northwest corner of Twentieth and Johnson streets. The building will be of frame construction resting on a oonorste Dasemeni ana will ds equipped r..nAt Ttlxi . Hl.tanrA all ths modern and up-to-date - " ' STEEL STRUCTURES ARE ALSO LIMITED Habitation I with ..-..c ., - irupro n vhiu I oi Duiiaing win ne fso.uou. Arcnueci Kmll Bchacht is preparing the plana, which will be ready for the contractors September 14. The sams architect Is drawing the plans for a three-story brick building to go jup at First and Madlaon streets for the Star Brewery company. The of Vrrextf to Doath Southern Bun' galows Minis Affairs. More Than 200 Feet Ban Like wise Pot Strong on Concrete, Stone and Brick. in behalf- of the lumber.manuXacturers. b th, iumbarmen and It la said that because , ths Inorsaaed tariff Is expected thJ ,heiit men are setting, fairly good f to kill the business now enjoyed. I results this season at the expense of . . ... Ask Old JUts BOMB. the lumbermen who snip mosuy out 01 Thaarwiilametta vnllev mlllmen are the s'ate. The railroads are corner ..kl Xe 8outheV car. possible and devoting them ration of the f 1.10 rats on lumber Francisco bay 'common, points anc n.2L.-i"i'' m;rZ.,nct thtr MmteTn shippers of lumber SoS freights water So far this peculiar and to the mill !?.J? i!Sn nffihout 5oV cint ii very unsatlafactory state of affairs has 'in.d wlthth? frelahtr of Sirly had no tendency to weaken the rlocal compared wltn the rreignis or eariy mark-t tu the jocal demand Is ?ti, nntrome of this fleht Is watched about as strong as it could be expected wVSW ZSffi jo be under the mont favorab , c ondi- i'S t"2J Sr.?1": ilMSSSd Confer further Inducing bu.i- upon the California business here lncs I : , It will bring ths valley mills in Jlrwt iol competrtion with the local plants If f?"f"a,Ltha mmnetltion ths railroad after granting the rate also are not over plentiful, log- ?ers say that mlllmen need not rear a amine In that line. They point to the What a curious error the American improvement will coat about IZ6.000. people nave ration into with rererence to the use of the word bungalow? Like many other architectural terms ths word is Ynuch abused by ths public or rather It Is loosely rather than definite ly and accurately applied. The bungalow, as a place of habita tion. Is eisentlally tropical and had Its origin In India, where buildings of this style were first built for Englishmen NUM. IU LIST OF APARTMENTS The new building ordinance drafted by Building Inspector Spencer and which will come up for a hearing befora the special building committee of ths coun cil nsxt Wednesday evening, makes some radical amendments to th law now In force, which was drafted by sx- Councilman Shepherd and adopted by the council last soring. The bill covers 160 pages of typewritten matter, and will keep the special committee busy for some hours In getting familiar wltn Gas LARGEST STOCK OF Fixtures and . 1 V ' Chandeliers AT BARRETT'S 408-410-412 Morrison Street 2: diUTwhicnl Building to Be ht.Tnump.oprov,.,on..uiidi wmrmfW llEl VE: TjWfiWl ot ViandUK, anrl r-sehW lm.t vlla lp t ere-t Twenty-First were more comfortable than the native habitations. Built for hot climates, they had to to the nubile in general and to bulla era. architects and contractors in par ticular. Is that which limits ins neigui of new construction. Building ta Tars Clai T'nH.r the nrnnosed law. building whioh m v hereafter be erected within h. flp Kmlta are divided Into three ers and Twenty-first street, a locality classes, known as class A, class B and the walls not very tlehtlv Inclosed and whsra several structures of this char- class C. Class A buildings are nmiiea the whole character of the dot.M "."r- act.r are under construction. Dr. Louis to those of .tee 1m id ncret.con.truo- rnniriment aa wll th. .ni,n i .v.. . .... . . . . I lion, Bteei saeieion siruuvurc. dkHiKn wa. ;0;i v"'' ;: : BUCK oromer nave commissioned run up to a height ot 200- reet. ,pui and informal. Architect A. C. Ewart to prepare the those of concrete construction iu To be true to Its nam th. Am.-i. plana ror a tnree-story rrams apart- ilea to io reei can bungalow should not denart wirioiv ment to go up on a to-root lot at M . i ' . I n.1 J T ... t . irom nm Asiatic prototype although I u iwnn;-ur.i. supply plenty of shade and permit the fullost possible circulation of air through them. They were cheap bulld- nTrmp.X P.fl? . ni n?,tr Another handsome apartment housi w.. - is announced for th. vicinity of Fland- The apartments were large and airy. ;ea to low reei. , ria. Hiiildtna-s are those of brick nr .Inn. with WHIlH DOStS. alfderS SJld within ouil, borders and .n.AVti In The building will contain II three- floors. All woodworm nowever, in c.aa- the northwest, we have no .trictiv fmn room apartments and wiU be equipped B buildings. must be coverea witn mi leal climate. So. for the most Dart In with all up-to-date conveniences and lath, and plaster, ana must not mww our country, the bungalow as above de- appointments and will coat approxl-1 six stories, or u . tA "ut ot V. except a. matajr m,000. 18. The contract for the concrete base- I over four atones in neigni. lummer home. In a recent number of the Arvhltnt. ural Record, Arthur C. David gives the I ment will be let separately. luuuwiiig apt aescnption or the Amr - can type of bungalow: Model After Japanese. "We are aware that th. . n bungalow derives more of Its character istics from Japanese model thin it Hnu from buildings erected In tropical coun- iiicb, mm we are aware that In Japan CnTJRCII EXCAVATION CONTRACT TO BE LETj a ar.Mi nrnvlaion la Inserted In the ordinance permitting mill constructed warehouses. These are limited to six stories, or if equipped with an auto matic sprinkling apparatus, seven sto ries Is allowed. Di.iMinn Tnanartnr Rnencer SSVS that his ordinance la drawn with the two-fold purpose of properly protecting mo uny a Interests and of not driving capital from I f..l .hat mlantltlAa nt lofl-a flrfl Cr" UPn restlnK on the banks of the upper r ...' .v. .hAWaa-a nt ran the reaches of the tributaries to the Colum miVrn 'lfy wanins for I main waterway wu ina iirai irennrn K",r"L. thla fall. When these logs begin roll -lucisncT or pr- VI in- lnto the Columbia then there will iZZ. kL. a nh.W tn Mt Jalta wort be-any amount of material again for the Trial of 9 em arras's Zaiw. I mills they say. and In the meantime there are enough logs In sight to keep ' lii. rwinnuoi , miii-rare law was In- the milla going. Prices still remain at troduced by th. wheat men and Indorsed I from $8 to HO a thousand feet. ',:.':-:: i' 0 Modern Lighting Is being demonstrated at the handsome and large lighting emporium of the M. J. Walsh Co. EVERY BUILDER Should make a visit at once to our salesrooms and get acquainted with all the new lighting ideas. ' M. J. WALSH CO. aUXJeSKOOKS 311 BTAJMC ST. Bet. 8th and 6th. Both Phones. The plans for building the proposed they enjoy a Deiiod of the rrt new church for the Roman Catholic Par- i.vtitiit here. m which the temDerutur innniiim.i.. i.h t h.unii.iii..i... Thm. whn have aaatrhed the progress to that of our own northern states, but .u .' i. ..... k. .v.. .. I of the city's building ordinances are of we are also aware that the Japanese fc " "UUV . the opinion that at last a law Is found do not make any provision against this I toT tne excavation will be let In a short I that will meet with the minimum of cb cold which would seem auffielant m I time. The new edifice will occupy a I etlnn The committee having the Tr- a steam-heated American. Their hnuaaa I site on East Oak, between East Elev-1 finance In hand may probably make THE MAN WHO LOVES MONEY Always buys at the store where ha haa to spend th. least for the belt values. That Is why the eoonomloal always buy HARDWARE AND TOOLS at thla store. We always hav. tha latest and best that Is mads and sell at tha lowest prices. AVERY & CO. 48 Third SL Bet Pine and Ash Build Your House With Hollow Cement Blodts Frostproof, fireproof, dampproof. Tha htav viest, strongest and best ar MADE BY, PARRISH & THOMPSON Office 226 Alisky Bldg. Factory, St Johns, Or. Repair Work Olven Prompt Attention Founders, Machinists and Boilermakers, Building and Structural Work. PHOENIX IRON WORKS EMGIM BERS Offloe and Works, awthorne Avenue and Bast Third Btreet. Paoava Bast 99. rOBT&AsTB, OBBOOW. are open and airy even In winter, and I entn an1 East Twelfth streets. Ootholc I some unimportant amendmenta, but It mere id no attempt to plan them In the I ' to De me sijia oi Brcniiwcxure, ami I a not believed mat tne main pro- wav that we Americans do, as chiefly the material will be stone. Rev. Father visions will be changed ana essentially fortresses to protect Back, or Bl. Tancis rann made a-1 tncir innaDiiants against the attacYs of close Btuay or cnuren arcnuectur. Jack Frost. No the bungalow Is out of while abroad, with the result that i place in the northern and eastern states, I of the Ideas gained by him then "tciji nen jnienaea exclusively ror I De incorporated in wie aeeigmn ciuiiimer resilience, ana as tne prevailing I constructing or me new leniency is to Duild country houses, cost of the building -11111:11 may, n necensary, ne occupied In I mo miner, it 1a not 10 oe expected tnat church. -The will be -about oufnCiTmgw tfthTC HANDSOME EAST SIDE 11 imB. nowever. aireanv hnm. an extremely popular type in the temperate climate of California, and it Is there m PORTLANDERS BUILD SEASIDE COTTAGES THE LUTKE MFG. CO. ,. Manufacturers of SHOW CASES Bank and Store Fixtures Xojt and Sixth Bts. POBTXAITD, OKEOOB. Fire Escapes - Elevator Enclosures - Fences Wire and Iron Work of All Kinds. Columbia Wire & Iron Works 86870 EAST WASHINGTON ST. PHONE EAST 702. that bungalows are beins- built better than anywhere else in the coun try. The climate of California being both warm and drv. la nnrnlinriv adapted to a low. spacious, airy house, of light frame construction, in which as little distinction as possible is made between in-doors and out, and the char acter of the social life makes this sort of dwelling still more suitable. Most Callfornians are people of substantial but moderate means, and of informal tastes, who want an attractive hut Inex pensive residence, and who are not quite sure that they Intend to live In their present abiding place for more than a few years. California Type Closer. "The California bungalow consequent ly, both as a matter of design and as a matter of plan, has about it a practical and aesthetic tendency. Its whole pur pose is to minimize the distinction which exists between being inside and outside of four walls. The rooms of such a building should consequently be spacious, they a) ould not- he shut off any more than Is necessary one from another, and they should be finished in wood simply designed and stained, so as to kep as far as possible. Its natural texture and hue. The. exterior, on the other hai'.t!. should not be mnde to count very strongly in the landscape. It should sink, ho fur as ponslble, its archi tectural individuality and tend to dis appear in Its natural background. Its color, consequently, no matter whether it is shingled or clap-bonnled. should be low in key and should correspond to that of the-- natural wood. Its most prominent architectural member will in evitably be Its roof, because It will combine a considerable area with an Inconsiderable height, and such a roof must, have sharp projections and cast heavy shadows, not only for the prac tical purpose of shading windows and tiazzat,. but for the aesthetic one of mHlcine sharp contrasts in line and shade to compensate for the moderation of color. Its aesthetic character will BUILDING RECEIVES FINISHING TOUCHES A picture of the new Markell building, plans for which were prepared by Travis & Wilson, appears In this Issue of Th. Journal. It adjoins the hand some new Healer building and is located on the corner of East Morrison street and Union ave nue. The building Is now receiving the finishing touches on the In terior and will be ready for oc cupancy in a short while. The Markell stores on Orand avenue ' and Rast Alder street will oc cupy it. necessarily be wholly picturesque; and It should be both surrounded by trees and covered, so far as is convenient, with vines. Bungalows la rasalonabla Districts. "A bungalow, designed In the manner described above, constitutes an appro priate and un interesting architectural type. The type Is not very often com pletely fulfilled, because they ere gen erally nuch cheap little buildings that no architect's fee can enter Into their cost of construction." Just now the bungalow type, so-called, is coming; into great popularity In Port land. Everv fa&felonable residence has ls quota of these cosy, artistic look ing little habitations. iany of them built at a cost of $5,000, and even more. But they are constructed not for the tropical suns of India or Mexloo, but rather to keep out the Jack Frosts of a northern latitude. i Summer Homes Will Be Erected This Winter at the Ocean Beaches. 1 Phones: Main til; Horn. A-S9S1. CEMENT- A cargo of J. B. Whit. A Bros. English Cement Just arrived. Usd on tha Chamber of Commerce and other well-known buildings In Portland. OEO. B. BATH ft CO, 189 Kadlson St, Portland, Oregon. A. T. SAMUELS. W. W. SANSOM. DOWT WOBBT Quite a number of Portland residents are preparing; to build summer homes at th. ocean aide this fall. Isom White haa ordered plans for a two and one half-story cottage to b. built at th. Breaxers. worm ueacn. ine ouuuing will cost about $3,600. Mrs. L. 8. Carter will put up an at tractive bungalaw at Heaview, wasn lngton. x ,.,.. At Seaside a large amount of building for Portland summer resident will be done In the next three montns. DRAW PLANS FOR NEW PAGE FLATS .Tudre Charles Page has commissioned a local architect to prepare the plans and specifications for a four-series flat to be erected on King street, near Washlns-ton. The nronosed Improve ment wUl cost approximately $10,0d. I. u Burtcnaeii win aiso nuiia a four-series flat on Irving street, be tween Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth at a cost of 110,000. Real Estate Activity. Otto. Crockett A Harkson hav. been kept busy with many sale, during the past morith and report the following sales: $12,000, dairy ranch. Marlon county; $3,100, farm In Clackamas county; $3,600, bungalow. Piedmont; $2,1000, house in Highland Park; $950. H block 1n Highland Park: $1,100, lot in Irvington; also several lota on Al berta carllna. The Electrical Applianco Co. WILL, DO TOUR WIRING AND INSTALL TOUR LIGHT FIXTURES WITH OUT 'ANT AFTER TROUBLE. 490 Washington St Phones M 4884 and A 3881 THE ADAMANT COMPANY'S Celebrated HARD, WALL PLASTERS are th. best CROWN BRAND Hair Flbered WOOD FIBRE PLASTER RINISHINO PLASTER (Unflberd) Orflo", Worcester Bid. Phon. Main Tit. Soma A1S18. - - - Taotory, Feat 14ta St. Phon. Main. 10, THE J. McCRAKEN COMPANY Roche Harbor Lime, Alsen's Portland Cement; Nephl Building, Casting and Dental Plaster, Imported Fir. Brick, Imported and Domestic Fir. Clay, Halr Fibered Hard wall Plaster, Plastering Hair and Fiber, Allunited Steel Studding, Herringbone Expanded Steel Lath, Boston Sheet Metal Lath. 931-835 FIITS STBBET. Phon. Main 870. POBTTjAW, OBBOOsT. JOS. HORNUNO PXOZCB MAUf 71BS E. FISCHER CITY IRON WORKS BLACKSMITHS, MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS Tanks, Sawdust, 'Conveyers, Hydraulic Pipe, Orating, Iron Doors, Fir. Escapes. General Repairing. works. 303 nourr bt. , pobtiabt), obbpow. ASBESTOS tEXTD YOB 8AMPX1B.' Portland Asbestos Mfg. Co. (Ink) Office and Salesroom, 272 Gllsaa. Street noM ftla 4711. fi H - iyi I I - " r-'-T 1 ? jo it Ii' ft if U aaaaaaawaaaaaa"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaa . ' - jt x t v Tt 1 M TTL 1 TST r JC I M P JJ 5 H O I LS R A iiT MOT. Rt ZCM ,ST "'-Si - 'vMwl IV fc - If V WS " " r..fca vw a m - --w- - v Wi:' MOBGAi&5 JtV AVBNW SLOCK