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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1907)
- A " THE ORlEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY i EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1007.' The Store Which studies the Interests Of ita customer, ' striving:.. to see how much, rather than how little, can b given 'ss the equivalent of certain price; is .the, one that succeeds nowadays. The knowledge that at such and such a place one can always rely upon quality.; that, whatever the price quoted, investigation will prove It as low ot, lowr than in any other house; that if the slightest dissatisfaction arises after purchase goods may be returned; that courtesy U. that Attitude attending every stage of a shopping tour; that showing merchandise is con sidered a favor whether a sale results or not all these are points in favor of the store that includes them among the cardinal principles of its policy. Such a store is bound to lead, and in every city, whether little or big, the store that most closely lives up to these principles is slways foremost if New Plaids Af K ft re New Plaid Suiting in a ttJfsrmat ...ftrtmrnt..' hriirht. . mwr W O ' rich coloriners. in the most pleasing com binations: all wool and silk and wool mix- Ltures; all are 36 inched wide and wondenul values at this lpw price. New Plaids. At !7flONew Ombre 'Plaids, full 46 ' inches wide, in all the new worsted weaves, an excellent wearing hard twisted fabric, comes in all the new Shades etc.; extra good value at this price. Novelty Suitings A SI.OOSt Frcs Nove!iy w w v Suiting Fine, import ed fabrics, in a great assortment of hand some shaded effects; brown shading to black, green to fed, red to black, etc., etc., interwoven with self-colored silk overplaids, one of the most stylish and popular new fabrics ; full 44 inches wide ; warranted pure silk and wool ; prices elsewhere at $1.50 yd. Novelty Broad cloth At CI ft ft New Novelty Broad Xt V cloths, full.. 5.6 inches wide, in all the new fancy colorings, navys, reds, browns, etc, in hath striped 4md plaid effects ; finest of pure wool ; splendid weight for coats and jacket suits; many exclusive . patterns. New Black Goods Best and Broadest Showing" 31 The most authentic display of Black Dress goods for the c-ming season is here. All the newest imported and domestic weaves many of which are exclusive. The world's best makers are represented. V e are show ing an unlimited assortment of Priestley's celebrated fabrics. New serges, new chev iots, new unfinished worsteds, India twills, poplins, wool taffetas, etc., etc. And our prices are lowest, commensurate with the high quality of the fabrics. Unexcelled Values from 50c up to $1.50 a Yard Handsome New Silks PLAIDS! PLAIDS 1 PLAIDS! Will have first call for correct fall dressersl Wc have just received a great shipment of hundreds of yards, in bright, rich colorings. NEW OMBRE AND SCOTCH PLAIDS in all the latest color schemes, embracing the new shades of brown, blue, green, red, etc.; a magnificent assortment; real works of art, that are a revelation to Portland shoppers. The best values in the city at 75c, 85c, $1.00, 91.25, $1.50 New Persian Silks at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 New Persian Silks in taffeta and Louisine weaves ; the very choicest patterns to be found in the northwest. Nothing short, of a trip to the store can give you an idea of their beauty. Values that cannot be dupli cated in the city. Grand Initial Display of Fall and Winter Black aid Colored! Biess Goods FALL 10 0 7 Our Magnificent Dress Goods Department 'Is Now Crowded With a Superb Showing: of New Fabrics for Fall , and "Winter More Elaborate! More Extensive! More Exclusive! Winter 19 0 8 How better could we express the extraordinary preparations that have been carried out for this splendid exposition of the New Dress Goods for the fall and winter season of 1907-8? A more comprehensive and authoritative presentation and at the same time characterized by a greater number of exclusive novelties could not be found anywhere. Every pattern reveals the high art of modern weaving and coloring; and there are scores of patterns. Come in tomorrow and inspect the new fall and winter fabrics. Here Is a Mere Mention for Tuesday! Filet Allover Waisting Net 1 46 inches wide, Filet Allover Waisting Net, the newest weave, and most popqlar Waisting of the season ; regular $2.50 grade, specially priced '-for one rftl -tfk day only, Tuesday, at vie ! Yatoes iik the Suit Room That Hefleot Great Credit on Our Store Correct Styles Dependable Qualities Fair Prices Are Assured Seldom Have Such Values Been Offered Anywhere Per haps Never So Early in the Season Come Tomorrow. L . . Sale of Sliirt Waists This is the last week in which to dispose of the bal ance of our stock of summer shirt waists. They must be sold and we have marked them at such ridiculously low prices that they will go with a rush. For Tues day's selling we will place on table about 15 dozen beautiful white lawn waists, handsomely trimmed with laces, embroideries or tucks in all sizes and worth $1.25 to $1.90 each, AT EACH. .... f DC Early Fall Suits Great variety of new suits in hip lengths, military, Prince Chap and long tight-fitting suits in broadcloth, serges and fancy materials. Exception- fiA al values at $12.50, $15 $19.50 and DdUU Great Skirt Values A miscellaneous lot of women's and misses' Skirts Panamas in black, brown, navy and green, also mix tures. Best materials and tailoring, worth $Q A A up to $7.50. TUESDAY SPECIALS.. ... O. VJ Sale of Childrens' Dresses Tuesday morning special values in children's dresses will be placed on counters that have not been shown before. They are gingham, chambray and percale dresses in solid colors, plaids, stripes and checks in sizes 6 to 14 years. Come in and look them over, for they are excellent school dresses and are worth regularly from 854 to 31.25. On Sale Tuesday at 680 $15.00 Silk Petticoats Rustling Taffeta Silk Petticoats in black and all the desirable colors, having deep flounces formed of ac cordion plaiting and sectional attached ruffles, near silk underlay and dust ruffle, worth $6.60. AA ON SALE TUESDAY tfJ.UU New Fall Coats Hundreds of new Coats have now arrived and will be shown for the first time this week. We are offer ing full length broadcloth and Kersey Coats, satin lined, at $7.50, $10.50, $12.50 AND Good Wrappers That is the kind you will find here and in an extensive line of styles and patterns, light, medium and dark brown colors, in both percale and flannelette: all sizes on sale. TUESDAY SPECIAL AT Sale ot Petticoats Here is a chance to get either a black sateen or white cambric Petticoat that are made of good quality materials at the price of a poor one. The white petticoats have deep flounce, finished with several rows of torchon insertion and edge, underlay and dust uffle. The black sateen petticoats have also a deep flounce, fin ished with ruffle straps, fagoting and underlay. Both are splen did values at the regular $1.25 price. Special Price Tuesday 9 80 $1.50 Long Silk Gloves Fownes or Kayser's 16 - button length best quality Milan ese Silk Gloves, in black, white and tan, all sizes; $2.50 qual lty, spe cial at . r $1.98 Fine Imported Silk Gloves, elbow length in black, white and colors, all sizes ; spe- $1.50 2-Clasp Silk Gloves, in black, white and colors; Kayser's double. tipped; special at 50 and I DC mm Phenomenal Savings in Hosiery Knit Underwear For Women and Children Prices That Will Appeal Favorably to Economical Women "BURSON" Hosiery Sale Keg-ular 40o Grade Tomor- QPg "Do in row as Many as You Want . . JT Oj IX The famous Burson Stocking for women, made extra elastic of fine combed yarn; a guaranteed black. This is the only stocking manufactured that is made absolutely without a seam A boon to women wifh tender feet; no seam in the foot, no seam across the toe, no seam on the leg, and still has all the good features of an imported stocking. Full fashioned throughout, made with widened leg, narrowed ankle and shaped football in first quality; we allow no "seconds" in this hosiery stock; when you purchase here you are assured of getting the best 100 OP. dozen of these stockings will be at your disposal tomorrow at, a pair wC Children's Stocking, Best 25c Grade at 17c A special underpriced purchase of children's Stockings placed on sale tomorrow for the first time. This, indeed, is a great saving opportunity io secure children's school stockings. Children's fine ribbed, medium weight, fleece-lined Stock-1 ings, all sizes; regular 25c grade, specialty t priced ,for this sale at 1 1 C Women's Underwear Half Price Correct Fall Weight Unparalleled bargains specially planned for Tues day's selling. Women's flat-knit Underwear in gray color; Norfolk and New. Brunswick make, both vests and pants in all sizes; regular djf AA $2 grade, specially priced at........... f 1UU. Special Offerings in Our Economy Basement Shoe Dep'tment The wonderful success of our big economy Shoe Department in the basement is not due to chance, but is determined by fixed and correct principles of merchandising management. We rigidly exclude all in ferior, trashy, "made just to sell" shoes from our stocks. We transact business on an enormous scale, and the vast quantities of. shoes handled enable us to secure from manufacturers unusual price advantages, which we invariably share with out patrons. The Following Items Will be Found in Our Basement Shoe Department Misses' Oxfords Value to $1.50 50c Final clearance sale of Misses' Oxfords, 18 nobby styles to choose from, made with light and heavy soles, in both lace and Blu cher cut, all sizes up to 2; regular $1.25 and $1.50 grades; wonderful values at this "s!5,..': Only 50c Men's Oxfords Reduced We think we have reached the lowest rec ord in Oxford selling this season in this splendid sale for tomorrow. Our entire $3.50 line of Men's Oxfords, in all the best leath ers, black vici, patent colt and tan vici ; all new, up-to-date styles; excellent values, regular price ; special, $2.00 a Pair Women's Oxfords Values to 82.50 80e A most extraordinary offering Women's Oxfords, all this season's styles in the best leathers, with light, medium and heavy soles, medium and low heels, odds and ends, not all sizes in each style, but all sizes in the lot ; every pair fully guaranteed, regular $2.00 and $2.50 grades ; all to go at one price, while they las, pair SOME PARTICULARLY ECO NOMICAL OFFERS FOR TUES DAY A FEW REASONS WHY THIS STORE IS ALWAYS BUSY.. Only 80c Fine Torchon Laces The Time for Blanket Buying to Best Advantage Is Here Every Blanket we sell is a dependable Blanket. And we don't hesitate to tell you what it is made of, either. If of wool, we say so ; if half wool, half cotton, we tell you; and if it is all cotton, we are just as frank about it. This is a safe place to buy blan-! kets. Just now our fall and winter stock is most complete. These Special Values for - Tomorrow Al" y "iO otton Blankets, of good rtl J quality, full three-quarter size, colors white and gray; extra good val ues at this low price. , " - At $1 00 Cotton Blankets, full size for m .pi.vv double bcdSj color$ white) gray and tan, well made, light weight, but durable. ' c At ( 1 1 Cotton Blankets, full size for AU 4i.u dQJlble beds al, white, just the thing to use as sheets; special values at this price. At 41 Cotton Blankets, full double tl fl.JJ 9;ZCj s;iver p.ay tolor, neatly finished with blue and pink borders. At A AC Cotton Blankets, extra large m fl.HV and heavy, full 12-4 size, colors .-gray- an d- tau; special -valueaat-thia-j price. At t1 Q0 Fleecedown Blankets, extra Ml fl.VV heavy weight, full double size, very soft finish, colors gray and white. 10- 4 ffray wool Blankets, great values at f 3.50 11- 4 (ray wool Blankets, Made-in-OregOn, S4.75 11-4 mottled wool Blankets, full 6-lb, at f B.fS 11-4 white wool Blankets, extra spl. vaU f 5.00 Bed Comforters 0 QC Well Worth $3.50 &VD Extra Special Tomorrow A great bargain sale of Full Size Extra Heavy Comforters, made with white lamin ated cotton filling, covered with best quality sateen, plain centers with fancy floral bor ders, colors pink, blue, tan, green, etc.; Comforters that are fully worth Aff $3.50, specially priced for this salep4?) Pillows, 18x26 Inches, 75 Feather Pil lows, 18x6 inches, covered with strong blue and white, narrow striped ticking, full 8 pounds in weight, filled with nice, clean feathers. Pillows, 20x27 Inches, 08 Feather Pil lows, 20x27 inches, full 3yi pounds m weight, filled with sanitary cleaned feath ers, covered with ,the best quality fancy flowered ticking; regular $1.25 grade. Pillows, 22x28 Inches, 81.50 Feather Pil lows, 22x28 inches, full 2y pounds in weight, covered with linen ticking, m blue and white and tan and white stripes; filled with sanitary cleaned feathers and down; regular grauc. 6 Yards to Bolt 10 Cents a Bolt 15,000 yards fine Wash Torchon .Laces, in a great variety of choice patterns, from the dainty -inch edges to the wide lyi to 2 inch lace and insertion ; regularly sold at 5c the yard or 25c a bolt, specially n priced for this sale, 6 yards for . . . . . rl UC Allover Embroideries 22 to 24 Inches Wide 53c Cents a Yard Allover Embroideries of fine Swiss and Ba tistes, beautiful rich patterns in both small and large scroll patterns, cut effacts, and floral designs of 'perfect finish and finest workmanship; made to sell regularly at $1.50 to $2.50 a yard. Bought at a great saving and offered to you tomorrow the same way; specially priced, Q per yard OOC $1.00 Mirrors at 73o Hand Mirrors of fine French plate glass, ebony back, ring handle, very attractive, good values at $1.00, specially priced at jC 25o Hose Supporters 15o Women's Silk ElasticJiose SupportersH made or both plain and fancy elastic; all the best colors ; usual 25c kinds, specially priced at 15c 12c 25o Box Paper 12o Box Paper at Half Price Good quality Linen Paper, with envelopes to match, all the best tints, put up in attractive boxes, real 25c kind specially priced. . Pillow Tops AT 25 We have just received another large assortment of pretty Oriental Tap estry rulow lops, rich colorings and de signs; usual 35c grade, specially j priced at &3C Excellent Values in Men's Wear Very Tempting Tuesday Specials Men's $1.00 Shirts 49c Less than half price. That's the story for tomorrow about 500 men's Negligee Shirts, made with cuffs attached or detached, come in plain white, tan, blue, also an extensive line of light, medium and dark patterns, all sizes; well worth $1, specially priced for this sale at f. ... " Men's 25o Socks 19c Men's plain black Half Hose, made full fashioned with double sole, absolutely fast black; extra good values at 25c a pair, spe- 1Q cially priced for this sale at 1C Men's $1.00 Underwear 59o Men's cotton elastic ribbed Shirts and Drawers, made form fitting, shirts are silk faced and bound with silk tape; regular $1 CQ value, special sale for the week, per garment 7C Men's $1.00 Shirts 7 9o Men's Negligee Shirts, made with button-down ' collar and two'.;. button sleeves, come in a large range of patterns; regular 7Q ' value, special sale price for the week I 27C Corset Covers A dozen pretty styles, made of fine quality muslin ana cambric, neatly trimmeo, lace, insertion an ribbons; extra good values at oUc, 35c Flannel Groyne jSojneA'aJlanifceiu Ti outing 'flannel cut full ue, many pretty 'styles to choose from,- ;---. -:: ' C,, TUESDAY 8PECIA t..i....'"'