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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1907)
' PORTLANb, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING,' SEPTEMBER 1, 1807. VOL, IV. NO. 25. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 1M 111 IliiLllU ilttll j iii .- UlUlUUillJJiL! UTtt li ii-J a av m w m aa m . v a . aa v '., i- aw, a b aw st ai .'', m a Ban 1 . a v . r a 1 iimaiis iisi Jit rp iiiius ftt GET- -7 . ' w.-. Whole Northwest Will Appeal to Con- gress for Aid Letters Are Sent to Every Senator arid Congressman; in Oregon, Washington , and. Idahoi CouIdmplele - . The Celflo canal must be placed eo the continuing contract basis, " . Tfivttrv aiihatantla anmmeralal and agricultural Interest , In . the Paclflo -' northwest demands that the Celtlo canal be completed and th Columbia river opened aa tar eaat and north as navlga- perative that the canal work be placed on a continuing contract baals and that the government thus provide funds tor Its rapid and economical construction. Letters are being sent to every sena tor and congressman in, Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho urging that they con centrate their efforts and at the com ing session compel congress to reoog tvlse these facts. Cam Complete la. Two Team , Colonel '8. W. Boessler, United States engineer in charge of Columbia river Improvements, Is credited with the completed within two ) ears if worlc is .funds has- prevented such a policy, al though Colonel Roessler has, It is satu, used every resource -and precaution' in money from, year to year and be baa made the meagre appropriations go as far as they will reach. That. the Celllo canal meet be plaoed on the -continuing contract basis, the ; fumbla river Jetty, Is the, determination IHDIAIi SCOUT; TOO I!! Bnf falo Bill's Friend 1 and ' Companion Goes to Jail . lajuoioraao. - f united rrM oy upecui usm wwt Sterling, Colo., Aug. II. Philemon B. - Cookr a veteran of the civil war and friend and "fellow scout and Indian ja a. a. ,. .at h .. m - at a... ... ... ;days, Is in Jail here, charged with ob v talnlnc property undee falsa renresenta- ' and the charge against htm was pre ferred by D. C Gbddard, president of fhik t1att VaTlatr . . T.tirtiHai x J. nnmvkli company. - - . Biz weeks aro Cook ansa red Miss M. I.' Morey ef Denver as his housekeeper. ter he- introduced her as his bride. ciowuna.. tney Jiad been ouietiy married at i odlst church. Cook presenting a letter .' of Introduction- and credentials' from , Bhenannlng, Michlgari. , ' ' t Three , weeks ago. Cook suddenly 'dropped out of sight, without bidding his wife good-bye.- Yesterday he was located at Raton, Now Mexico, where, a week ago he married Mrs. Annie Dillon, after a four-days' courtship.-1 JUUSLY MARRIED PILLSBURY DENOUNCED BY GLASS' ATTORNEYS Dftlmas and Associates Rav . Company Tnrew Down Glass and Caused His Con- ' . lictions -Should. Haro (Beant Weir by tengest leased Wire.) " San Franolsqo, 'Aug. ,81. Attorneys for Glass are angrily accusing Evan, S.' Pillsbury, chief counsel of the Paclflo Telephone' Telegraph , Company ot "throwing down" .their client They elalra it was through his testimony that the vice-president - of the 1 corporation was oonvicted. Delmas, Coogan and MpPlke are loud In their denunciations of Pillsbury and charge him with deliberate bad faith. They sw that as chief counsel for the corpveiuon be should have protected its woaCka and - availed himself of the Old UML . 1 1 -I..1T. .. J AAnWMk.l A M fillip. -jclare that Glass could not have been convicted naa it not oeen ior me state ments made by Pillsbury from the wit ness chair. v f , , j, What Buaf Drew ay Vox. Pillsburv la blamed by the attorneys 'or supplying the link connecting the 'ormer vice-president - of . the Paclflo reiepnone lemBrnpn company.j wiin lie actual Drine-giving oi wnicn u nns een contended ne was in Ignorance. Usbury testified to a conversation M OEDIEST RESULTS Canal - iihvo - Years of all the great interests affected, and a powerful effort will be exerted at the coming session of congress to se oure action that will permit the engi neers to crowd on ail possible forces and drive the great Improvement to a finish. Three States Demand Aotloa. : There - will be no general . river and harbor appropriation bill to be passed by congress this year. Such a bill Is considered only at every alternate sea. slon. and "this is the off vear. There will be leas of the pull and haul taotloa this session that usually characterise the 'sessions in which the rivers and harbors of the entire country are atrlv lng for recognition ; and "tle.r i' The res) needs of waterway improve ment can. it Is believed, receive con siderate attention and as the Columbia river has gained a standing In congress second only to - the Mississippi, It is thought that this will be as good a time as any for making a strong; united and effective flrht for- a. reaannahls .nn.l policy. There Is - but one way for the Kuvornmoni u carry on tnis reat work, it is aeciarea, ana experience Jiae proven that the cotitiuliuCxaantcaet system is we most economical and satisfactory. steps are oein g taken to - eliolt an adequate expression of the great popu lar demand in the Pacific northwest for the promot onanlna of tas Poinmhia. rlver.j. Already a strong appeal has w.n inno nnn lira senators ana nd con gressmen oi tne tnrea statei aner this rresslvs movement by the commercial ooaiea or au ine oines in tnese states., CRUISER ARRIS FROM AROUfID HORN Scout Ship -Arranges For Coal For Big Battleship Fleet (Burst Mews by Leagest Lessee Wire.) Ban Diego, CaL, Aug. il. The firgt warship te report on the California coast since the ordsrs were issued from L Washington to mobilise the big fleet on the Pacific coast, arrived here last night, when the cruiser St. Louis put into port The St Louis came around the Horn as a sort of scout shin. In ad vance of the Atlantic fleet, and on the way naa maae arrangements lor coai inn the big ships when they make the trip. ' She -came up the coast from Acapuloo, Mexloo, and had been heard from - by wireless Thursday i morning. She la the sister ship of the cruiser Charleston, the flagship of the Paclflo aauadron. - ' The ships of the first division of the Pacific fleet of cruisers are on their way to this coast now from Yokohama via Honolulu, under command of Rear Admiral -Dayton. The division Is made 11 of the Pennsylvania, West Virginia, tryiand and Colorado, and should be In Calif ornis . waters by the middle of next month. - V (Thief rnnnspl.Trtr TnhrvnA Protected Secrets. v which Glass told him that Abe Buef was on the payroll of the company,' not as a legal adviser, but to perform some other service the nature of which was not mentioned, but which could, be easily Implied. - . T When the defendant is arraigned for sentence on Wednesday a request will be made for a longer continuance In order to prepare papers in support of a motion for a new trial and la arrest ot Judgment. Probably a week will be decupled with this tank, ' . . . In the meantime -Glass will, be held a prisoner at the- county JaiL with no chance of regaining his liberty. , , . , - f . .. , , ; j ."SERVICE WAS ROTTEN." . V ,' K , , , i, ,..f ( f" Official Said Improvement - Would 1 1 tJost Ten Millions. ," , ' (Hennrt News tty Loivrect Leiied Wire.) San Francisco, Aug. SI. With . the conviction of Louis Glass, ; vice presi dent of the - Paclflo ' "Pelephone com pany, for bribing members of the board ot supervisors for franchises,- - Assist- Continued oa Page I'our, FEOMINENT; " " ' r .-"-v.. - t rt nf - - -' 7l '"i Uv-ir f-'- ill r. i v , fi : i t-tt. F-,r w t' ' ' lalQaUaQSaa . . IN TOT CENTER IS. MRS. NATHANIEL TAlJiANT, ,MAID OF .HONOR. TO THE QUEEN. IN THE UPPER LEFT ' IS HON.- JOHN Mo- PUE, CHIEF OF, ADJHRAL'3 8TAFFj IN UPPER RIGHT ?S S." L. NANTHRUP, PRESIDENT.OF THe1j3AENGERFEST.' BELOW ON THE,. LEFT. IS ALBERT DUNBAR, REGATTA-TREASURER, AND ON THE RIGHT CHARLES VJ BROWN, GRAND MARSHAL ': AVFUL PENALTY OF WIRE'S DELAY Frightful Quebec Disaster Believed Due to Failure to Send Message, (Hearst Hews by Longest Leased Wire.) New Tork, Aug, 81. A sensation was created today by a charge made on behalf of the Phoenix Bridge company that the long delay In transmission of a Western Union telegram was re sponsibls for the terrible loss of life In the Quebec bridge disaster. The col lapse, which killed 7A men, among them 1 skilled American ' mechanics, em ployed on the. huge ' eantlleves bridge across the St. Lawrence river, occurred Thursday evening at 6:30 p. m almost nve hours after a warning telegram had been filed in New York by the con sulting engineer,' Theodore Cooper, to (Continued on Page Four.) . Railroad Magnate Changes Plans Returns Through; Crook County." ; L By another sudden and unexpected enanga o urogram, b. a. uarnman naa again upset the calculations of those who ares watching with much -Interest for Him to emerge from central Oregon. Instead of coming-out via Bhanlkq and arriving in Portland today, he will, re turn to; the first announoed , route via Sisters, the Mlnto pass and Detroit, and will not reach Portland. for two or three days. i . t '. -' ' ' , ' i ', , In obedience to rush orders received in this city at noon yesterday from General Uanager J. P. O'Brien at Bend tne operating department ot tne aiuea lines made -up a special .'train and - It was about to be dispatched to Shanlko to recelva the returning party. . Changs Plans guddenly, . , Departure of the train was delayed, and at ; o'clock yesterday afternoon when it was about to start. Mr. O'Brien telephoned from Bend that the plana .of ths Harriman party-were being altered, and . that ther would not return via Shanlko. It was ordered that the Pull man car "Cascade"' be cut out, and the train later In -th afternoon proceeded with only a locomotive and baggage car to SUanlko. , - . ---It- is presumed the object of this run is to gel the private car of Mr. O'Hrien and the three freight cars" la which; the A 1 .PABTICIPANTS H-ASTOEIA EEGATTA AOT SAENfiEKFEST. OPERATORS Postal Superintendent Capen Declares Mechanical De vices and Eight Dollar Girls !Have Broken Strike Telegraphers Confident of Winning Victory. (United Preas by Special leased Win.) Chicago, Aug. 81. Claims that the telegraphers' strike has been broken by, machines are made tonight by officials of -the telegraph companies.' General Secretary Wesley Russell of ths 'teleg raphers' union says these claims are preposterous, that the union can hold out 80 day or more with present re sources;' and asserts .the belief that the operators will surely win. w General Superintendent Capen of the Postal company. In summing up ths situation, said: "The telegraphers' strike is broken. The operators are defeated more signal ly titan they were in 1888, The walk out -of the men has educated the tele- i'')'ffiv-t''B'''l ' l " -. S ' f cl f -K X: . ; It-: "r- . , . w V ' - E.; IK IIARIUMAN' , DOUBLES IGUES rraphTcompahles. They ' have learned how to use octoplez machines with $8-a-week girl operators, snd to double their sending capacity. This will reduce the number "of employes at least 26 per cent The strike has also started an Inventive research which will result in still fur ther Improvement and consequent great er eflciency in the mechanical telegraph machine After ' three weeks of the tHIra Secretary Russell issued a state ment to tne eirect that the men have won the strike and asserts the strikers have positive evidence of the weakening of the companies with the resolution formed by their directors to yield If the operators remain out another fortnight He declared the men Continued on Page Four.) Party Will Go Over Moun tains Reaching Portland v Tuesday via Detroit. automobiles used by the Harriman party Will ha ahinnart hack- n' - Harriman and his friends and offisjalir wilt mma nxtt vt ri..i .uA-wi.iikT special train has since Thursday been awaiting his arrival. A special dispatch from The Journal's correspondent at prlnevUle was received late last night, giving details of the movements of the Harriman party. J Mr. Harriman arrived at PrlnevUle at 7 o'clock' last' evening, after visiting Bend and- the segregated lands of the Des chutes 'Irrigation & Power company. - ' Magnate Speaks at rrlmerUIe. ' He. went tq PrlnevUle on invitation of the PrlnevUle chamber of . commerce. At a meeting of citizens last evening he attended and responded to an invitation to make a few remarks. - Reviewing briefly his remarkable trip through the Interior from Klamath Falls, he said: 1 have given out no Information nor statements on this trip concerning rail road matters. - I will say. however, that had - not the money market been so stringent as it has-: been in recent months, a railroad would npw be Under construction Into central Oreon. Vhen the unfavorable conditions of the money market are changed, the prospect will he hrlsrht i tfir Immsiftot apHnn . ttar 'I The llarrirnan nnrtv will leave Prlne vUle ,. today tnd . travel northward through ahe grain growing sections of 0 TRACKS V h (Continued on Page rourJi i SOCIHY BELLE DOFFS CORSETS - 3I3ss Palmer Wears Toga and Sandals and Says Stockings are Bad. . (Hearst News by Leagest Leased Wire.) : New Tork, Aug. 81. Wouldst . be Parisian a la modal - Then take off your shoes and stockings, toss cruel corsets out of the fourth story window, don a toga and sandals and with your bare nfeet peering - out at every step, pass through the main corridor of the Hotel : Buckingham as did Miss Eva Cortland Palmer today. If you aren't frowsy,, but' have masses of rich, red f old hair, the face of a Minerva and the orm of a Venus de Milo, the same sort of a gasping sensation aa Miss Palmer created Is guaranteed. Miss Palmer is a society girt Of In (Continued- on Page Four.) , paai tdiit bUHU I nuo I I VIIIHLU i u AID REPUBLICAN PARTY Pennsylvania Barons Declare Government is Scandalous ly Impertinent to Start Actions Against Them At- . ter Their Service (Hearst News by Longest Leased Wire.) ; . Philadelphia. Aug. 81. Ths Reading company, the Philadelphia & Reading company and the, Philadelphia. & Read ing Coal & Iron company tiled remarks 'able sets Of answers to the suits ot the United States government to break up the anthracite coal trust. . Ths answers of the three concerns,, ot which Goorge, P. Baer is president, characterise the government's charges aa - "impertinent and scandalous," and declare the def end ants were coerced by the-late Senator Marcus Hanna into buying their peace with the striking -miners in 1800 in order to assist the Republican presidential ticket All the companies make the same answers to the government's charges that they entered into aa un lawful combination to control the pro? duction and sale ot coal.- They refer to the strike 'of "1900, and say that substantially all the workmen In the anthracite regions "abandoned their work, under the force and erieet 6t -Violence, turbulence and intimiila tlon.' and that shortly afterward It w reiwtad-ln. substance to t:. uf... ' ..j SM1GM AT MM -3ERIIICE 1 V J Southern Oregon; Residents Up In Arms Over Contin ual Delay oi ' Two ' To Three Days in Delivery of Mail By Southern Pacific, Harriman Lines prop .Ore-, Train ; at Green ; EiTer, picked- Up By Slower Train Hours Later. -, A united protest steadily increasing! in volume and - vehemence . la rising throughout Southern Oregon and being lodged in Portland against the unsatis factory mall service given by the Har riman lines to that part of the state, especially in regard to all 'mail .whlolt comes from the east. - - . - ' J Ail weai-Douna mau irum puinia of Green River, Wyoming, is being nei by the Harriman mall train schedule from three to four hours, thus throw, ing It practically one business day bo hind time in reaching Portland. Mot satisfied with this delay the mall for Southern. Oregon oolnta is now be ing sent out - - of Portland on the Southern Pacific train which leave Portland at 11:80 iO'clock In the evening instead of at 7:40 o'clock aa formerly, and thrs erttlad delay- 1ms tlx ctifect at shutting the Coos Bay country, clea put of the running-' While the mail to Roseburg, Ashland, Medford. Jacksonville and all the other stations along the main Ime'is de layed practically another day by being sent out of Portland at such a late hour, the interior districts are cut off entirely by the failure some four days nut nf MKh vmIi tn me ka connections between the trains and the star routes. Kail Delayed Three Days. Mall out of Portland, not taking Into consideration the day lost at Green River, is two and three days late la reaching Coos Bay because of the lost connections at Roseburg, owing to lata Southern Pacific trains and the conse quent fact that the mail on those trains is missed by the stage and thug left over another day, According to the Harriman plan of serving the northwest with mall a fast mall train leaves Chicago; running be tween that city and San Francisco. On this train is put the Portland mall an 1 when the traln 'reachea Green River thig mail is dumped off while the fast train makes the remainder of its run to Ban Francisco. This train reaches . Greet tv.i . g-SA in thi mnrnlni.i , t .,. At that ttme the Oregon mat lsj dumped upon the siding and remains there until picked up by a Jater and much slower overland train at 10:40 o'clock in (the morning, four hours and ten minutes laterS.By this arrangement the Oregon mail from the east loses) what la to all practical Intenta a wholtj business day at Green River, . Postofflcs Officials Act. " -,.( The slow overland train bearing Its"; accumulation of Portland mall reaches; Portland at 7:30 o clock when it la on time, which is a rare, occurrence, is the train was on time It would-be-oos. . sible to-throw eastern mail bound for southern Oregon points onto :; the T;4ft Southern Paclflo train. lUlliaru fttuixiv vi-M. . . " 1 ' r ' ; Owtna- to the fact, however, that th train never came on time and, the Har riman management did - not seem t have power to make it keep Its sched ule, . tne railway mail officials some time ago arbitrarily out the majl aerv Ice out of the 7:40 Southern Paclflo train and sent all eastern mall out oft passenger train. ' It is this arbitrary action on the par - (Continued on Page Pour.) monnirn ta to Roosevelt ot the defendant and the ropresnnraH of other mining companies by nun ;. i;ir. cus A. Hanna, acting; n rlmlr.n.irn r the Republican national cotumiti,.,, the then pending political t-j.,... ,,t the election of candidate- ( , ), t and vice-president of the ri., j- , ,t - that if the strike shout, l n..i settled by an advance In t! the workmen in and Bb.iot t t , , x ' s the entire anthraoite ri;iim, t , of Mr. WcKinli-y ami . ,,r. , would be emianKt'r.l. ' . It is set forth that the agree to advance the , . , and colliery wormnoi, i, t principal mlneowivi i , , , . conference with ?.ir !1j ,,i , to the same cnnr -.- ,. It Is stated ; , i ? . -advance in wn jr. v i i sary to Increaeo th j i tJ , , contracts. . ).... . . In reference to t!e ! .-.r. Readlnir eonif "iy c orporations, vi sivv..r.- . company gdmi t .t i holis a smai i j. r i phla & i;Riiin r , ., aacipiil-i a i v. I t ri