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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
?VV r Tviv-''' -; XifoJsr1'- 'Sfr'C :!r-4:S.i w?J-tulr-; , . LOOKING XORTIf FZQff OAT 77Tffi t$T lrJ r run Amur .trPrirTrrv.. v:r v v - ..... M3:U.-5 l -Tl" ' . , Vs .TJi! VS,tl till III III ... K, l OLD STEUCTUZEiS ON 51TE OP : PE0PO5ED YK.C. A. - ! ; STREET PillG Harmonious Action " Over Street ImproTements Brings Complaints. ' PUBLIC EXPECTED DIFFEEENT TREATMENT .With Many Contnets Awarded It Beemp Imposslblo Now That Con . templated Beantlflcatlon Plana Can Be Carried Out Soon. ' Another summer Is 'nearly rone and on-all sides there Is loud complaint be- - cause of the small amount of street ' paving that has been done. It was given out last spring that great strides were to be mads this summer In laying hard ' surface pavements. The pavement - companies and the city officials assured ' the public that Portland should ne . longer be pointed to as the worst and least paved city on the Paciflo coast. Contracts Awarded, , Contracts have been awarded for a vr7 larre amount of paving that the JuWtp had a right to expect would be aid before the rainy season sets In; but It seems well nigh Impossible to get harmonious action from all the confllct ' ln'lnUr?"ta lnat can. and too often do, , binder tha progress of a paving con tract j On the west side the following prom- inent strebts have been ordered paved with hard surface pavement and the Contracts awarded: Park. Second Mar. .shalL Trinity Place, Johnson, Jefferson and Madison. streets. On ths east side: Knott, McMillan, Thompson, , Schuyler, Hancock, Weldler and Twenty nrst streets, and Grand and Union ave ' ri?-e J..1 ' 'assertion to sav that not IB per cent of this work will be done this summer and fall Oas Resident's Tlewa. resident of Portland, who is per baps the best informed man in th (City n matters nertaintn t , improvements while discussing tt caving tangle, said: . "Portland has necessarily eaann tar at v. .. .5"" hlM , . - - ' usvauh UI tale .long period f continued wet weather in conjunction "with a heavy dai ...k.I, wb'ch once soaked up does not dry oui until the following hot season. This necessitates rusulnif construction work during the comparative short dry sea son. Every advantage should be taken of the dry season by being prepared to push everythlnr to the -utmost "Contractors should have everyibins on hand and nroperty owners and city officials should see that nothing stands in ths Vav of cerformln the work (lAn. tlnuously and expeditiously. Ths popu lar impression Is that all that is neoes- cry io improve me streets is to sav -We shall improve this or that' snd the tijinc is dona. In actual practice the i rm-Kdure is somewhat different Prop rty owners first require a statement of i r,.r n.1 character of the different iii.i'!iv nu-iiis on which to-base 'their t r, .. (;.. They next' petition the 'Hini-;l lor tt certain Improvement, who in turn rcjtifct, that the tflty englnw i bw up i ins and speclfloatlons for (, !:. xhcvfl are men aaopteo ny tne cuuutU, rJer t-bs proposed 1m- N7i COMPLAINT OVER proyamrat a4rrtlMd to 6jn to air property owner chanc to remon strate. The proposed Improvement har- lnc- paesed the period of remonetranoe without beinr killed, the council adopt the time and .manner the ordinance and the exeoutlve board call for bid. The oontraot la then mada with the loweat bidder, who la euppoeed to exe cute tee worn without delay, Delay? Are Toe Kaar. "Under the present tyatem, or lak of ayatem, there are many delay De lays are caused before the Improvement Is ordered by Inability of the property owners to agree as to the necessity of me improvement or tne character 01 tne same. There is a delav after the im-l firovement is ordered by the inability of he enaineerlna deoartment to oreoare the plans and specifications, which ue- isy sometimes amounts to a loss 01 sixi months to a year. "After the contract for th lmnrovln. I 01 streets is let delay in the actual con-1 company falls to Improve Its rlg-ht ofl war as provided dt .ne ordinanoe. it I month. hrvTiiaF-edf flcatlon, while delays o: mon. and in one case of a year are com- It has taken the company two years to lmnrova the rlarht of way after being- ordered to do so by the city. The delay of six months on the part of the street railway company means a year to ths contractor as the delay of ths street railway company Md the contractor 1- nn?bla to'prad until the following dry season. I hlX,.y" 7?- -b' the neglect of I s aetata oiyuvn Wiuyo Jl IC tU J II- Stall mains and conduits. Delays are causea oy Tne water department by failure to Install permanent mains until the labt moment failure on the part of property owners to make connection with water, sewers and gas. "It seems to bs Impossible to get ao- panlefai Tthe' dlff.renrbranche';'ofCe city do not work in harmony and ouea- tions relating to these companies are sent from pillar to post The water board says It is up to the city engineer, the city engineer says look to the coun cil and the council passes it on to the executive board, who in turn refers it to the auditor, and so on around the circle Ini1pftnltlv Who la resnonalhlet fiomabn-lv be. or the laws Should bs chana-ed SuniTX&fflffriSl responsibilities whether it be the mayor. city council, engineer or water board. If all work in harmony to expedite these preliminaries to actual construction work, there would be little delay, and the amount of streets . .nnM be trehleil mriA nnaifi-iinl " GUSTAVE E. BEUERE ju jiuiiAbEs am lot Oustave E. Bruere has purchased rrom tne i-oniana i rust company, a 40 foot lot and residence on Twenty-fourth street, between Overtoa and North rup for $6,600. Another residence sals closed, during me past ween was mat oi tne wnanes L. Rebenelck home in - South Portland to Robert . Benart Ths property is a 70 by 100-foot lot and two-story, modern residence, on the southeast corner of Arinur ana second streets. ' The con sideration Involved was $4. BOO. n . n sm 'r Arm Cut Offby Saw. V . '. v : (Special Dlptch to The Joarnai.ll : :, St Helens. Or.. Auar. 10 w t. man lost his right arm Monday whllsl uiuiiiH me neaaing saw in tne west ern Cooperage company's mill at Hon l- Y!3t -S". arm wa! caught by, ths saw 2Jt.i '.TzXJ rea osrore ne could be i:Tr. w taken to Portland .... 1 ; JAnmol Dakim -'i- s i e Mustice court' for practicing merllctna . r?J v- 1: ""yriiBwa. . wui conrsr 1 fki JZ i liS'f 'tl&ll-r that thsy saw J . . .. -,. . .v THE OREGON-SUNDAY ' ' i'vV'SV-. S ' ..?V A'.'" V-jV Jll Next Month Hteh Grade Black Diamonds Promised From Nearby Fields. One of the important sales of resl- TT17T nmrwa T?TfT v I V llrjli I A) TjCS F ItUM ' I . . - n i I " I wormng ara I to Get Everything Beady to Sup ply Local Consumers by Not Later Than September 1. Member 1. the first coal mine that has ever been developed In this lmmedi- Ate territory will begin the delivery In this city of 100 ton. per day of a high e-rada lifnlta ooaL I Ths mine Is located at Ostrander. on the east bank of the Cowllts river seven miles above Its Junction with ths Co lumbia, Ths company operating the yn a. ths Coumer,. CoyU company. J. H. Johnson a local timber dealer. Is nreaident of the corporation. who together with D. L. Keyt, a Perry- oaie mercnant ana nanaer, a, a. xirace. Dave Calbreath. nroorletor of the Hotel Columbia, Vancouver, Washington, and J. C. Lee. form the directorate. Ken Bard at Work. The company now bas apout 70 mm The company now has about 70 man employee, at ine mines, mpsi ox wnom JwbSKJ lh. ""'"S 1ui'nfvt?ASS mlsssry and residences for tha chief en gineer ana otner oinciais or tne com-1 pany. One mile of railroad track has the bunkers on the river bank. While the mine is closer to the Northern Pa- uvvii uuu vvuimv vaasss aw euauwss vv a vas I entire output will be shipped to Port land by narges as it can te nandiea m fhla vaw fn, a froif Iati i-i r th, n 8Mp " wife. Mnnjf V WJMMt The company has 840 acres, all under laid with an elghfoot vein of coat Five tunnels have been run In, tapping me vein irom tnree siaes. The entire output has been . sold to Banfield-Veysey company for a period of six years. The coal company Is un der contract to begin Bentember 1. the delivery of 100 tons per day; November 16, this is to be increased to ZOO. tons daily, and February 1. next the contract palls for 800 tons per day. Th offi cials of the company are confident that by January i. iv, tne dally output Will exceed 1,000 tons per day. . i Chief engineer tsioeum or the General getting better as the shafts go deeper. v,Dr. Best 'Acquitted. . .; .;:''.' (SoeeUt DUpitch U Tat Jottraal.t Evsene. Or.. Aug. 10. Dr. W. m R.t . a rli-nv Vjhn torn m I .1 . cases it taueu x prove tnai ns received anything for his services. ..About 0 witnesses wa war EleotriO company has made a careful r nothing like In ths records of e) ft"? ,naafSrrIyf fehCquaUt? oU,w tern 1U"'I T' 1 um Savs that the coal iiSvTf: ' have been one or two other oom- JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY , MORWinu, AUUuar i':H' "ItV; ' ':-.-.' f i-; :ii .. .V i "' V..TV t- . , .i iv .: Iff VALUABLE LOTS H. W. Hogue Takes Over Propertjron Willamette Heights. . rf. v, dence property mads durin the past week was that of 18 lota on Willamette iT.t.v.. h. p.. tr -nivtit w xir property Is known as lots 1 to 18, In v.i .- a. k Qamiby, Pettygrove. Twenty-nlnth and Thirtieth streets and was sold for 114.- 700. or at the rate of about 1876 a lot The lots are beautifully situated, having an outlet on the Cornell road and Qulmby street, and are on one or tne most ele vated SDots In that district The choice, elevated building sites in the western section of the city are rap Idly passing into the hands of purchas ers who intend to improve tnem wun handsome and expensive homes. WATTPm DTULTNTr TN ST. JOHNS PK0PEETY R. T. and F. A. Stahl have purchased from Mary K. Arnold, the west 70 feet of the lot at the southeast corner of Arthur and First street South Fort- land, for. $4,500. a. EJ. Walling has recently sold ths a.mnm residence tosether with a auar- ter-block site, at the oorner of Leo avenue and East Ninth street, to jura J. I Snarer ror is.ouy. . -Mr waiiin haa been maklnr oon .Mar. hi a investment at St Johns, hav ing Just closed a deal for a 10-lot blSck' theri- which Investment XIV niu livtu MSJ pM ,T v-n-rrv-m TTrClTTTiTTrTTTT SPLENDID PE0SPEE1TI mmm" a B . 18 rUKTLAJNJJ o JjUT Portland ha. enjoyed pros- e perity for so many years that it would bs difficult to select the 4 year In which the tide of good time, was at the highest flood. Slnos 100 each year, upon the whole, ' ha.-twltnesse . a-Algbtw level, and at no time hay buai- nes. conditions been quits so 4) healthy or satisfactory as now. 4 A review, or the prbgres. of this. city during th past .even years e would read like -a1 romance. In this tlma Portland', development ,; e nas been phenomenal. Viewed . in all It phases there has been e muni ties whose building develop- s bent has equaled Portland', but e certainly none can lay claim to s the sams commercial. Industrial : e e and building advancement that this city has nndergone sines the e 4 opening year- of" the twentieth- century, - - V' ATTORHEY INVESTS 1 IHd . . Ai ' .w..lif - 'A v.. i ai ; . 'tr.s'; i ii - At?:. . ? - t:;vr, mv .-v. -vs .5 Tt-; r,Vy .-sr 'Cv;V ' 'f.- - . .F I I IW I ' """v ? ft Li-'-' St - T,i. ' IV ' . A" W" BUYS VALUABLE TRACT "' "' Seattle, Spokane and Port land Capital Acquires Hillside Acreage. A syndicate backed by Seattle and Spokane capital as, well as by Portland ,.- ntr.A - n money has acquired a large tract on ,ths hillside in the extreme southern part of ths city which it will hold for sale and which It la Intended to terrace and improve generally. Streets are to be graded and sidewalks laid with ths end in view of making It on of ths most de sirable residence sites Ih the city. It la expected to expend on this tract about 1160.000. When it is ready for .7 "i:""',., iv smuj 1 marketing it wlU be one of the choioest I m now i uyei lies uu iud vuuu according to the promoters. In view of tne raot that outside capital is Interest ing lUelf in this hiU property in and about Portland . the move in South Portland is considered Quit significant The property is located Just above me noidings or tns Boutn Portland im provement association. This latter property bas been improved and has sold at an enormous profit and it was not crowueu ui tne mantel as property usually la when nut nn hv rnl aniata I Srty-wMTeif IWK tnan tne association s property ana tne panoramic view from it Is much larger ana granaer. x ' . "Portland people are so used to won derful views and their stately snow. clad mountains,' said Marion MacRae. Portland agent of the syndicate, "that they have neglected this exquisite prop erty. Eastern people are wild over tness oeautirui residence sites and in the real estats boom that Is sure to coma this rail I looic forward to greater I movement In this kind of property than iu any vuier jliuu vt reauiy. . "This property Is unusually valuable, I believe, because of the arand view it commands of the river, the city and the snow mountains. (Resides it is admir ably provided with streetcar facilities and when the extensions and new lines are completed that are now under way. there will be no property better provided with communication with the citv." , .. - r .. v mvr mm mm : 4-v AT irx a Y i-w CLOSED BY ONE AGENT Marlon MacRae closed three Important real estate deals during tne past week. The auarter block at the southeast cor ner of East Seventh and Paciflo streets was. sold by Mrs. MacRae to xr. W. H. Ewln. The property was owned by Mrs. Laurence Knapp. and is in a locality that is rapidly coming into notice as a result or tne construction or tns stem bridge over Sullivan's Gulch. The same dealer also sold two tracts of -, timber - last week. one In Lena County to H. M. Clement, and ths other to a, w. wngnu . Potter Schedule for Beach. r ,'i v 4 u ' . - . .- a The steamer' rotter . will : sail from I Portland. Ash street dock. Monday. Aug ust 12, t a. m.i Tuesday 8 a. m.; Wed nesday and Thursday a. m.j Satur day 1 p. m. ' i Get tickets and : make reservations at city ticket office Third and Washington streets, C. W. Stinger, city ucKei Watch, cleaned, L $43 Wash." si u, lvvf. a m .: ,.. MM A II HOME AT WGTDH J. H. Truby Secures Property Qn East Tenth Street :Near Broadway. W J. H. Traby has purchased a hand some Irvington resldenca The property which is located on East Tenth street, iv" . , . . v I between Schuyler and Broadway, be- longed to Ralph R. Ruffner and was sold for $4,600. t Another handsoms home that changed hands during the past week was that of John H. Bogt. located on Twenty-fourth Street between jaarsnau ana tortnrup, and purchased by Mrs. a & Paxton for ID,OUU. Mn. Jennie A. Wsst has purchased from J. E. Kaston the Improved quarter-block at the southwest corner of iDast ii-ourteentn ana owuvui bucci. The consideration Involved was $0,600. East Fourteenth and Belmont streets. SUIT FOR DAMAGES FOLLOWS COLLISION - ( OwncM of Alliance Demand $25,000 From City of Panama Charterers. Ths California ft Oregon Coast Steam- s'hip company filed' a libel suit in United States district court here yesterday against ths steamer City of Panama to recover '$26,000 zor. damages to tne t earner - Alllanae. Which it 18 alleged were Inflicted by the City of Panama. The suit grows out of the collision which occurred - at the mouth, lot the Willamette river ths other day when the City of Panama ran afoul the Al liance wnne tne latter was oeaensa. it Is claimed the Alliance was damaged to the extent of $16,000. The steamship teopie seek to recover : tne remaining J.uuo tor toss or traas wniis tne Al- nce is being renalred. A bond of $26,000 was posted by tns charterers of tha City of Panama In - Order to clear tne vessel lor ner tnp to Ban rran clsoo. 1,1 n n NEST BTJENS AS V..BIEDS AEE MATING Bnokane. Wash.. Aug.? 10. A bridal eounle had their new horns burned down last niaht before they had slept in it one night - The couple, Miss Elsie Zehn and John H. Sleek, went to the church and were married, amid a great gather ing or rrienas. ; u ne rire.wnistie Mew but no one paid any attention to ft As 'MfT not uu uua burned house, and waved the! SnmeJ house- and waved thai hnrt . th noble men, but did not leara that U waa their house that burned until the cam In vlsw of tha ruins. V r. ;-. The fates may have in store for you a realty satisiactory servant, tiut you must member that the want ads. are the agents .of "th fates". In such nat ters, i : . v iw i. -i'r.,:r . ?' . BUYS SMALLER DEALS WERE FEATURE Eesidenoe Purchases Made by Score Every Day Dur- ; ing Last Week. TWO WEALTHY TEXANS SECUEE TWELVE LOTS Property in Question Is on Portland Heights Consideration Involved Was $50,000 -Ilandsome Besk dences Will Be Erected aa Itesolt. . But one large transaction in ths tecal real estats market was closed during f' the past week. The small deal a waarl numerous. In fact purchasers -ofesi. -dence. and residence lots wereTuade by, the score every day during the week. Two wealthy timber land owners, wha . have recently, come to Oregon front Texas purchased last Friday from Mrs. Preston W. Smith a block of 11 lots on Portland Heights, for which $60,000 was) paid. The sale was made throuah tha - agency of D. H. Keasey & Co. The prop- ', erty is known as th pear-shaped block, and is partly surrounded by th MonU ; gomery street drive. . It Is announced that Messrs. Mene- a fee and Allen will at once erect hand- -' some residences on their new purchase.' ' The two owners of this tract are broth- 4 ers-in-law. who formerly ; resided, in !: Houston, Texas. A few months ago -V they purchased from M. B. Rankin a : large tract of timber land located in the Willamette valley, for which they i aid Detween ikoo.uoo and 700,uou. 'hey have other timber lands In- Ore- . gon, which will probably bring the yal us of their holdings well up toward. ' $1.000,000. .,. . , J ,y. PACKEES OF FEUITS : COMPLAIN TO WILSON i v - ' 4 " 1 ' v.v:v.;. (Bpeelal tnspatca to 3Ti JoorsaL) ' : San Francisco, Aug. 10. Th fruit- " growers and packers of California and V; Nevada have met Secretary Wilson in a conference on the pure food law In relation - to the amount ft' . sulphur used In drying fruit The fruit men clajmejl.. the enforcement ot, th ' ; law was a travesty of justlos - and " would cause the loss of million, to th , V fruitdealers of the west; They said It was Impossible to conform to th ruling & and keep th contracta Secretary WW- , ' son offered no immediate relief, , v; W0EK STAETS ON v ' ' r; DIVINITY SCH00D "Ooerial fctispatck to Th. Jmrnat.t school of th Christian church startewv Will COSt over ISO.000. Tha. Ti1ill,lln I' will bs of solid--stone, three stories la T height,' and will be one of th best in .V town. The members of th famiit ': now soliciting funds all over Oregon and Washington, the district they have to draw UDon. Two . hundred ihpi.flan - churches are In th two states.