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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
4. I f f - iff THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1S07. RUSSIAN PRISONERS LJIJI-JWILILJ i "rav - WOT TREATED IBSOLY prlaon yard or garden for exerclae. Soma Of th prison hav one been palaces. and th Favlak prison In Waraw has a largo yard.., Hera tba prtaonera can walk about for half an hour or an hour, when their friend climb up the wait which la not high. and paaa the time of day. Women with baskets full of sauaages, rolls, cakes, fruit and cigar ettes oome and. sell their, ware to the prisoners, who find the regulation bill I1IC11MMII MAZES LOIIDOII .Mceptionai- Hulk of Inmates in tzar s renal ?f far potato soup and piekid cab. I am. institutions Have far Greater Freedom Than Is Allowed Offenders in Other Countries; , Duchess of Eoiburghe En- i tertainsT Prince and i. 5 Prinwss of Wales. tha uproar over the bargaining, which la enlivened with Jokes and i compli ments, would do credit to the) market round the corner. ' Thla happy-go-aucky way or letting nHinna baa rtiitil(f fa raanlnal Kl a ISJSlmSJSz KINO EDWAED HATES tlonary society and took part In a train I br, of the military guard, who ac- He will be, in I company the men when tney tana ex (By a Staff Corrupa-deatJ Warsaw.1 Polndd.-An. lflMtmh has I raid tomt m'antha ajro. ben , published about tha erualtlea to I" probability, transported to Siberia, erclse, Joke wktv-the market women and o,Fuoijanea apout tna cruen ea. to b . dr-vnot affect hla fore-et their charcea. One young prie- Z? "u prlaonera are aubjected. spirits, for he la Joking with another oner, named Flnkelstein, ran off the rtHilan Tint ally revolutionist. . ' Tha promlnenc re- cigarettes. All In the room amoks t hui U alater dreaaed aa a market-woman earfifv Ju,. TJ tt.t,JI.t.A ZlPft th ' " thick aa that of Lon- entered the yard with what looked like uoi!. ,n " pe-up iog. ; - - . .x . i a, goodly auppiy or roiia. . iner are no prison ciotne ana ' out - Keoaned In Slants. aa Mm il uii fctk Inns . aa a. mail I , U ina- doea not cheek" the guard or trr to I Flnkelateln and hl. frlenda at onoa eacapa he ; can do pretty much aa he I surrounded her, crowding oui ma een llkea. He can get up at whatever hourltrlea. But the next day when tha roll pleaaea him: If he doea not care about I call waa made he waa mlaalng. Hie al- waahina; nobodv will oerauada him toltr hmA hidden a woman's cloak, aklrt uae the very small baaln that aUndsl.nd kerchief under her rolla and ha by the door and looka mora aa If it I quickly changed, whllat hia fellow prla- UNCAEPETED FLOOES cently given to the torturea Inflicted on them at Riga and elsewhere may have created, an erroneous Impression con earning the character of Russian prisons generally, i-v-V-.-. Ruaala la the land Of xtremea and contrast. While it ,1a true that bai barttles. unknown la ' other ' civilised countrlea are frequently practiced upon 1 tna mmatea oi Kuaaiaa jana. it . eoually true that tha bulk of the prlao era confined in them enjoy fnr greater 11 Deny ana mora privuegea man jowea tnose upon wnora tne law Blips ; oa jPoIlahed Wood and Tells Friend .That They Hut Place CarpeU Where He Haa ; to Walk. ' ' : -'.i'.V: ' By X-ady Mary. :, Uoanial Bpeelal ervtea.) London, Aug. 10. Meat of tha London announced tha brilliant dinner given by tha Ducheaa of Rox- Will I nan arara aaarchad before ' admittance 1 burcha in honor Af the PrtrtTa mrA Prln. dosea upon served ea an ash tray than anything oners pressed round and walked out It' la else. If he chooses to wake the night Wth her as quietly as poaslble a few pp"" laon- echoea by singing songe and if hie minttia later. After that all tha wo- party1 ater chuma don't, oblect the aentnt - Will .... .aamha hfnra amlttano hnwh. n U al- rather like it than otherwise, as It helps Ltut on)y for a day or two, whan the .... -a ara.u. ui la.. h.n . A haa laid to keep him aweka aa he trampa up and borltlea forgo th incident . 0t Jl, f it enjoy down the corridor outalde. So in thla xother 'mas Taeiped from tha same worda. -. Thie was a eonoaaeton to Its heavy, hand In countries that enjoy down the corridor outalde. So In thla I inother roan escaped from tha aara I worda. This was a concession to tba a far greater measurement of frea gov- room there la a certain amount of free- by , runnjntf racea with his j duke, whose objection to .having his own ernmeoL. . , Btualaaa Good Vatnrad. people the Russians are lethar- ana gooa naturea. : Ana; with nota- 1 ' -'V A 6am, which the prlaonera use la . dlf xereni waye. . . -,, , . . .. .-. OamhUBT Is Frevaaent. Tha thing that atHkea one tha'most friends and leaping over tha wali when or w, wlfa'e name In print la a standing tie axnentlona. of course, these sire tha I is the amount of (rambling that KPea on. characteristics of most Russian off!-. ,n u Parte of th room are little kroups ciala. They hat doing mora for their I or men trying 10 win lomnnim, u pay-than tney nave got to ao. j For I if oniy ugurnm, 1"5". the aentry waa busy calming a violent I. . . . .hih hai aiiriiAniv arisen . Joka among his friends. the other end of th yard. Though thai The unction waa on of tha most aoldlera ran after him and there were brilliant tha haa taken plac in town many people in ma aii-eeie m um uiu VTr. t., . . nobodr troubled to aton him aad ha got looked ilka, aa orienUl princess, glitter- off, a , few weeks later tha rovernor M"g n Jewela as aha waa from tha i crown 1! pitch and toae with a copper piece tha j hla own a lot of good after th heavy I t 1,1'' hVnA L tsar'a head loses and the imperial aagle I prison atmoapbera. .v . , I !" , "scribed it, )alUvely bUnd- 'me , vrnilik atanBetarv Muaata. I wins. Incredible as it may seem, so way. ' The-applloatlon of thla aystem seen to perfection in th Russian crl one. The enforcement of rigid rules nd therefor they are ; not enforced. ' .e h.d- ?n th2 TKa1,l..nma,ill..lrH- nr. valla I PaSSSd UlTOUgh ' half ttlt. MnUl IB the in mnVu-h A-,rt.H ..n.i 1 room won at carda or pitch. lions, and more or lesa in all eniight ng. t: nea-couninea. la unanown ia.uasian : r hir t Mrn.- Jt. Roma lnaenioua o.en-r.nn;i has" improvlaed a . roulette, .with keeping the prisoners within the walls of tb JalL For th rest they are allowed to do pretty much as they piease. iney maae meir own ruiea ha new s-oM dinner service which Refractory nrisonara are deprived Of haa been esDSdallv dealamed and made the dally exercise and of hay mattresses. I this year for the ducheaa waa used for : i. -...j 1 a luxurr Tor ins ceil inniDiuoia xiui 1 1 na nrst time, it ia or onentaj nab XSTZXJjM V,,. h becom. so t.rn made, howler, in M;, and 'the 1 near lu Home 111 xbiiiuui i r v -. . . r -t ' 1 uuvuva .... uiv.bu .vm, v nvi It they show their solidarity by break worth seeing.: A square wooden stool, which serves in tb prison ror a cnair. la used as a table, . On it Is a prison plate of enamel, turned upside down famoua turquoise ornamenta with which to Jewel it Thoee in a position to irig doors, windows, ahuttera and stools. J judge and have seen the historic gold dinner service at Windsor caatie ana and reflation, and enforce them, to fiS wuahfy marked". ia"trt tne extent or wnioting sever punisn- a9ntly with a hot iron or poker.- A raents and sometimes even death, on j piM bone cut and polished aa well obnoxloua comradea ; ' las a prlaon knife will allow, aervea aa Totur Kea ia One Cell. . Ia needle or Indicator, which is spun Even their enameled mugs and plattera are sacrificed to the ood . causa and pattered out lr an recognition. Then tna soldiers have to be called that belonging to Lady Navior-Ler- land consider the Roxburgh, on mora beautiful than either. The tables were m. h..-k. ..- k.... . I around - bv the owner . in true Mont auv ukiuvhivi mnw ua.,a. . v v.iuukwi. . . . . . i.i can mi nrn to.nnt ar . due In the -main to overcrowdlmr. I uario atyi. i n gam ia rouowea wiiii 1 iMTiS Z .,. Pk of.nlut'lorand thelr'ow dirty breathle -a latere but the lnventorwlll JtMdaTnS " "".r .;rntlt 1 considered "tl llan'1lbytt?-.l.rl1l6com decorated with palest mauve and blue fta VMsumr ZZZr. r J ii tTJVZtZ. orchids which were sent especially rrom tha troublesom OneBJ for all th piia- I moan Caatla for tha occaaion .-.nsl aaa-ak itl1 sa AWateirl aibtI n aa rTV-. al. I - tocr&tlo prUonerv that U. thoM who! Bowf of mom. can afford tobrU th war3er Uv I A apcUl dresslnff room wu arranved tro often aa erowdad aa I on tha around floor for tba prlncm i.vii. w. wi -o.. I.. 1 irimir nrtna in it .ho nnvi not: cudp- i z -t ... --w wv..HVa vwhi vu w asa wea -vnvB v .we wlnaror wlnge conU ning ths . cella and allowed. , , . ,, mor chance of eacape, as theiVar i?SZi.w"SlSa,.V : h.'ti." "ri! . .I - n0."'. comrades to giv hints to th r"-r . .: 1 Mave you arot anvinmr to ia.yr ne 1 inwiu . - Ru7.Ta ifa0; nrn;kayUVrleUr,rnoiltrcai ch .wcner. "for you han t r Th. favorlU way of eph, fromth anil oHminal that i,,n in tha amallaat 1 J"' can ciearuil ana not laieriera win ; . 1' 'Bia iunn ana criminal, mat even in tna amaneaiif. . Wkan a mmi., I under the floor to hvonri tha nntairia Thoaa who eZi ffiSwT'S rf.r a'tl. come, in V "gS T what 1. afootTh. too wait, Prtaoner. v it 1. mor exciting ar sent to th larger cella: ft poorer takeaa nana at tne game ano. tries -"" .. n. nau niori lllkk. 0Ufr a ia B HITIlVOU ffl WW I age and can a take a cigarette if he I Xak Turns at -Tight, th thing" to get into I One vary novel feature also greeted the th aueata. in tha conservatory where the company partook of coffee and liqueurs after dinner, mechanical ones to the common rooms. These last ar a eight to b aeen Imagine a room such as I saw in a prlaon I visited tha ether day, butlt to accommodate 10 people, nut occupied roooe nlghtlngalea sang in suchperfect Imi tation of th real birds that at first the f rlncesa kald ah "was of th opinion hat ah was listening to those at Sand- rlngham." Th hoatess explained that ah had Imported" theae artificial song birds from Paris and had placed them among th plants. likes. --H is on th best terms with They take turns to die- at nit nafna- i'At. ?f "P11 rxipas)t of th .royal hla charge and especially with those th lega oF their stooSi el? mum an! aesta Uiacheaa wlio la now aoknowl- who hav a littl caah. On man Is "Sla'gSi. TttSmiSj ffin ? JS & tnrina tn rari ht tha din nrovaa tort i. tw. J...7 tVL TTi. v5 a Scotland, tripped a Highland fling to Energetic VJork in the Orient tawaa-ai v a wvuiir aaMU ia4BS.wa via ' rmrvt a f'sychology. , These were written in i Ian in a good hand and a almpla. atyle suoh aa any American college migm D. proua perfection. Thla being vigorously ap- niauded. an rouowed ud witn a tscotcn reel in which aha waa Joined by her U ia fPk. .k.t .Vl.k ..... I . W.., w. ill. aa I . ' T . . . ay. iu wwucii ni wiiivii lima niiiB iv ram, wi w tuuiinr uiey put mi earin tney nave auar ud round tn wans is a Deq at nignt and much lor mm, and tossing away nis in their trousey pockets and behind their a taoie dv aay ii is uiierea wun cnetrjaner. ha n&iia to a reonairea routn. ehirta mil ,mnt it n i .k. .h. h... Mm. nr. h. I r " rr, M i " " i. . . - I . L. I: . . l husband. Thla entertainment being rtihtto .1..0 on tha -half th-'lata? K.?-"S5t- Vi" Si" "5'""k ." J"" i"a'a'rn'ri"" "J,""PI?i0U?? quite Impromptu, no tartan plaids were bnea have Tto TW content wlth th floor .u,:.u .h- '..xu JTr.'.'K C.."! JL,riv,t ,a"? available, but the hoateaa in her gor- 4i aV-a, a , mfc- I .!!- v a w w ativi.ww ouw a wuaw.-iw hw muiv mv uviv aa WtviVli l.f S D IVyVl Uf 111 hi lay aa savaila arasw ' A 11 V limu i ikiAlta-ia f II vita Aawtta Ar . AAwatiafl I ilinrniria1 trA awtealraa lAnl aa a. wh'o'SaJnoV'affSrdS "SlTwW.SSn't l '' ?totMS WhlaWSprff 7,, "h.0.1 5 JWft 7oV'hSnnf -m. of th Idler, spinning. . . . l,WAf!"! through d -: i . - . . . t . - . - . I it ,nr, aaa. na no muni nia in in, uuaiAa I mil r inrc in naaa Tna mi.m. common roomav One man will accuse I Borne escape in a more daring way. another of ehaatlnar or exDraaa nolltlcaJ I They sets th head warder whan ha vlewa which dd not please some other mes rouna. -gag him, take away the occupanvs o ui ruom, ana apvuna, pw aiiu aiwr upsning (OS aoors OI tare an, tin muss fly about till a I other oells. march in a body to tha arataa aentrv nuta hla head in th -door and I which ar generally ruarded by onlv two Another is mendina- hia nether aar-lvowa ha will cool their breina'wlth the I men, rush them, take awsv their riflaa ments with in remains or some- thread i butt or hie rule if . they ar not-quiet I ana marcn orx in triumph. Th sol- he happened to nav in ma pocxet wnen I in th tentn part or a second, oen- I aiera win not rouow them unless an arrested, ror ne is to go up ror trial erauy this threat has the right effect; I onicer nappena to come along and or- tomorrow. ana neinar rainer nroua oriDut sometimes tn Drawl enaa in a aer wem to oecause tnev are too in. tits personal wishes to look ( tragedy. (different to care about half a dozen hla beat. . He ia a member of a revolu-' Every day theae man go Into th prisoners out of th thousand or so they uf wiiiuu ium waits. Baoaped Vrlaomars Bold. at noma, haa washed hla ahlrt in half a pint of water begged from th aentry I -and hung It out on th tall, white! etova wnicn stands m on comer or tne room, . . -. - --, - Yokes la Ids Do now. , v Wl geous Jeweled draperiea and coronet made a striking though certainly some what incongruous figure performing dances which for yeara were eaeentially those or tne peasant classes. uonsueio Duchess or Manchester naa triumphed over Mr a. Potter Palmer, having acquired possession of Egypt House for the regatta at Cowea. The combat between theae two American woman for the acnulsltlon of tha smart est house on th island waa flare and bitter. But it is not much good for any woman, even an American "mu- llonajireas," to try to outrival King Ed ward a oldest ana neat woman menu. She la bound to succeed, whatever th odds agatnat her. Nevertheleaa th atruggla between th. ladles has V re sulted in a "fancy price having to be paid by Conauelo who is giving 16,000 or thereaboute for th house for a fortnight Tha klna- and aueen with Princess Victoria, are to dine with Conauelo dur 53.50 53.50 51.00 "ELECTRO-PAINLESS SYSTEM" : . "No" More Fear of the Dental Chair" "Nor a High Dental BUT . , " . ' " ' y. ..... ,- . v 4 .. ... . r : Hstying fitted up our- offi.ces with the most modern appliances we are now; doing xiental work at half, what , one usually pays for first class work. ; ( FULL SET TEETH that fit. .35.00 GOLD CROWNS, 22-k , BRIDGE TEETH r.nT.n PTT.T.Trjna V . BJ J." i . WaW aBaW aaaw as, aasaitaa NjKN SILVER FILLINGS , . ,50fV . 1 v Extractiprty Free : --v- .. wnen - nates or unaere work are ; ordered. With- the latest equipment, both mechanical and electrical, we are now able to do all kinds of scientific dental work. - - - I ; A' 12Tyear guarantee with all ' work. J ' . We do strictly as we adveriise. " Bank1 rl - reference, , vpen .evenings ana ounaays , ' ft Baa'.i! .ll-.'apa 'vvV-l'aa '' ' k- aa. ,a1 a '.''i'VK the electro uental Parlors 303i Washiafllott SL,cor. of Fifih E. AUSPLUNl D. D. S Mgr; DR. WHITE DR. INGLES, Associates Escaned nrlaonera hava haan irnnwn o waia Doiaiy into in nrst iikeiv hmiu and obtain food and clothing. If they are "politicals" neonle are aorrv fnr them: If bandits, thev are ko afrnM nf ..ElJi w.u,a :lv tMm Byth,n Ing the comlni week. She has. aa usual, wSlf1.. -.-aii" . "a. arranged, to "fall In" with th klngTa - Th women ar reneraliv iranr in un. . a,. "'K!0??.1 majesty having an aversion to the M'anT.arnm'Ei ftoora at Egypt Hqus. and i, k . i i; ; rj -rt '"a."' ane ia sending aown ner Lionoon oeco- v...B "iuiiiui euos un; lor 1 ratnr tn mv inmn ta V tha hall, stair case, dining and drawing-room of her abode at Cowea. Ever since th king had a few nasty slips on polished floors he haa made it known to his friends that if they desire his presence they must carpel au parte in wnicn n ia likely to tread. Conauelo alwaya takea to Cowea her chef - from Grosvenor square one of the pastmaatera of th culinary art. Home or th biggeat hotels in Lionaoivnave maoe overtures to him with offers' of handsome aalariea. but being loyal to hia distinguished mis tress n has declined all advances say ing. "Ah. but were I to ao to an hotel I, should never have th honor of cook- f J 1 A V when tner have been several marriages in Prisona lately, some In ahon na of th partlea la going' to be exiled and wlahea to hav the benefit of a com. S anion: othera when the man is con emned to death and wants to give his name io nia Deiovea neror ne perishes for th cause." -Such marriages are performed by a priest called in by the f ftrtiea and in tha presence of one of he higher orison officials, generally the suvcrnor nimsen. wno mnkaa a n. nt to the bride. A collection la also ra auo ior ner amongst n prisoners and many a little trinket haa hn v.nt in uiomurjr vi long occaaion 8.1 SCad Counterfeit Koaey. ThUS life goes on In the Rnl,n prison, feopi arink vodka, play cards, make love and marrv aa in tha wpm ouisiae. tiui tome prisoners in Random I hU upon aa novel a way of paasing th I time and raising th wmo aa any. Thev naa oeen raise monev coiners nni meant to carry on their trade Inside the prison. After a few daya they made arrangemenis witn ; tne nead warder, who agreed to bring the plant and pass the coin when it was made. Tne men had a cell to themselves and were warned of th apnroach of tha governor oy in waroer. who removed all th Implements to his own quarters when he saw danker a.haoA Th vuinou jnouoy mr over bix months, and might have been coining it today had not tha warder's wife been arrested aa she waa nasaine- soma of it in tha mar. ket Nobody was so astonished aa tha governor, who had not the slightest idea that th aourloua monn whirh h, been flooding the town for the last six mvawu came irom pu own prison. v. riant a Uyrtery. How th plant waa imuniM into tna building seems a mystery, but the whole aystem or aurveuiance is so i that aa a local wag said, the next thing they. wuuiu in uujujf 111 iag prisons Will DO making bomba and Drlntlna- ravointiAn. ary literature. . v v Buch a lax prison aystem reflects no credit on the Russian government. But It is far less discreditable than the sto ries of horrors and atrocities which nubllshed broadcast as tvnlcal tha way Russian prisona are run. It ia only lair mai in otner aide tne normal Biae or Kussian prison lira snnuM ha 1 preaeniea. cruelty is not a - Russian cnaracteriaiio, even among tn govern' ling reactionaries. ing for the king." 'very one met durinar tha weak haa Deen demanding u 11 is true that Win ston Churchill haa won the matrimonial prize of the aeason as represented in the neautuui Margaret ta Drexel. daugh ter of Mrs. Anthony Drexel. Margaretta lias reignea supreme .ail tnrougn th season and has com In for more atten tion than any other American girl here. Right and left ah haa faseinated and It is estimated mat ane ha received of fers of marriage at tha average rat of seven a weeK cnrouraoui ina aeaaon. it must not be forgotten that she Is one Old Man's Spring. From tha Westminster Oaaetta. I "How can apring hold auaht for thee . But fond regret?" said Youth to Atnv "Soring is a day that was made for m. 1 . . . . . anaiw viiHa vne Gup, ana in iryst - mar wc", . .,, . And the warm blood's heritage." I Age smiled kindly, "Drain your toasts And whirl your mgnt 1 an fanojrs wing. And kiss your aueen and elay your hosts. Then call for ma to lay your ghosts Ana snar wun you my spring: , Tor i aplrlt-sena then holds me fast . xwixi new oi neav n ana old of earth- No moaning weird of a bygone past. But the living souls of things that last io prove mis wonai aweei wortn. 'It tells of cups no longer rlf wub lees, oi a worx mat aagg no . ware. :; i - - , ' . Of love that knowa no passion's strife, A tryst to keep 'neath the tree of life, of th greatest American halraaaaa nt the moment, but If half what la said d true mis ract is out a secondary uuuaitienii.iun wun ner wouia-De suitors who stat were ah penniless she would oe quite as precious to tnem. Her man ners ar absolutely bewitching anm twists men of all ages round her little linger. Would Be Frlme mnlster. For soma tlma it haa haan nnHfaA that Winston Churchill haa. a. w aav In England, been trvinsr to "hane un hia uai - at me urexei a. tie certainly naa received some encouragement from tha ramiiv ana nas Deen with them a a-reat i deal. One day he asplrea to prim mln-1 later of England, so that the smartest neiress or tne season might do worse than accent him. Being ambitious her. self thla fact, no doubt, carries weight with it Money would not come amiss 10 Winston, wno is oy no means well off. He works as hard as moat men ror a rew tnesuajid pounda a year a .very email s) 4 to keep a man of nis aspirationsveind ma small but emin ently smart establishment in Bolton I start one or tne prettiest and most perfectly appointed houses in London for its size. The marriage of. Lady Cunard'a dVugh- ier ana in xion. ttODen urosvenor will in pi ace eariy in tne autumn, in a telesram conaratulatlnar tha hrida-alet PrtndAB. flllBlavlia nr 4h. daughter of the . Duke and bucheas of uonnaugnt, states mat ane intended to come to th wedding. Lady Cunard, who has a genius for entertaining and haa been on of th foremost American hostesses of th season, intends to mak the. wedding a brilliant affair, .and th Driae a trousseau win d gorgeous, un well-known R. A. has offered to deala-n the wedding gown, which is to be of the picture order, while the lace Is to be mad in Ireland, mere will b a erest bevy of American girla in the bride's train, among others Jean Reld. Clare jpTewen ana eua ragei, juaay ragerg Qaugnier. Aa everyone knows, th hrlderronm. elect will on day ba Lord Eburv- and a very rich man. High Time to Be Cantlons. From Harper's WeekTyt Ha So you inslat in breakina off tha ngagementT ' . She Most decidedly. What do ' you take m forf Ha Oh. about 40. Better think It tn cannot bop for much mor than to mak one's mark and die." To this wall of Herbert Bpencer hi friend Hux ley gave' tha ' energetlo reply. 'Never mind about th mark; It is enough it one can alv a nuah." Thla anacdot Is recalled by tha ln terestlng story of ow an American n terprise Is bains; pushed In th ancient city of Tarsus, . in bom of th apostl Paul. A few years ago money was given by th fat CoL Elliott F. Bhepard of New Tork to start aa academy or nigh school In Tarsus, which would furnish th advantages of a Christian education Jo th young tnn of that region, . and prepar them to b useful eltlsena of tn Ottoman empire. The school received th appropriate nam of Bt Paul'a Inatl tut, and in 1901 was formally trans ferred to th American Board, th for lgn missionary aurenoy of tb congre gational church In America. A party or tourists who visited th school not long ago spoke particularly of a class in trigonometry, taugnt oy miss n-uia- of tb United Btatea Supreme court, and of some examination - papers In Mil' clear y of iiandlng to his taacher. - j .:':.. riv language ar taugnt-ungiisn. rTcncn. Turtun. ureex ana Armenian. Th man who cannot speak at least three of these langusges In Turkey Is greatly nanaioappeo. - in pupus numoor aooui K0, many of whom ar orphans from th Armenian maaseorea. Th Quality of manhood In thea rel- lowa is shown by tb way they ar help. Ing In tha erection of some new build in aa. Th original auartera became wholly inadequate and last autumn ma teriala tor a new hall war brought to tha camnua ' Owlna- to tha danaar of arrest and imprisonment If they ven tured out. tne workmen were obiired to remain day and night upon th prem ises. So tney occupied the dormitories and elaas rooms, while th student slept in tents and recited out of doors. Thanks to President Roosevelt and Am bassador Lelshman. restrictions, hay sine been removed.' bat for weeks a guard stood at th gat to, protect the workmen busy Inside. ( Anotner oirncuity was to racn a good aolld foundation, for modern Tar sus standa on ton of tha ruina of sev eral ancient cities. The students them selves took hold of th. digging with a wilt They cam to many an ancient wall, to fragmenta of marble pillars, to water pipes, water jars, old lamps. Oreek and Roman bricka,- human skele tons, a rerr ancient coins and other rel ics of long vanished peoplea. It was a great laDor to oreax tne nig stones to ?ices and haul them and th earth up o th surfac In baaketa by rone and pulley, then to carry th baskets to some distance and empty them. But nothing could damp the energy of th brave workers. Tney thought of th building that was to be, and cheered on each other to the work with eon a and laughter. They were not ambitious to mak a mark but simply to "give a Vi a J iU LJ RESTOnHD CIIAY IIAU loiLa NATURAL COLOI!. Stor its falling oat. and positire. It remoTei Dandruff. Keeps hair lous poaltlon. Mamorlea of thsa x toft ' and glOSST. 001 OJC. mnteed peneeuy pr. t m.n. u.a r.. Newark. N. J. 50o. bpttles. U amlta puah. Tat from this school may yet com som young Baul who will mak as deep an Impression upon Asia Minor aa did hla prototype whoa boyhood was spent in this earn city. . Th man at tha head of this enter rrlae, Thomas Davidson Christie, dis Ingulshed himself during our civil war by taking many a difficult "measag to Garcia." He waa with Bherman on his march to tha aea, and waa hit three tlmea in battle. One h rod day and nignt to aav a reglmant from a per ilous Position. Memories of theaa ex ploits were revived during the days .,f,.,(f n-rfrCtlr DUfe, when his boys in Tarsus were dla-alng Gomnteea periccuv ju.i for th foundatlone of their new school building. On night in particular 0 of them volunteered to work all night, in order to be ready for the masons th next morning. . By th light of candle they went down into th deep, dark pita with pickax, aledk-hammer and ahoveL . "It was a weird and inspiring scan' said Dr. Chrlstta,t "reminding an old soldier of many a similar one fct Vlcks burg and Atlanta, onlv tha work of digging ther was not helped by th lia-ht of even a candle " For thirty yeara he has been hard at I work In - Turkey training boys . and young men for live of usefulness. One I graduate ia instructor in tne enerneia scientific school at Tale, but the ma- lttllfiSS Did It Last Week and Will misineas men. ins great purpose oil th school is to qualify men to render th beat service to th various races of I Asia Minor. A sign of th world-wide Interest in Bt. Paul's institute la the fact that it was visited not long ago Portland Auction Company 211 FIRST ST. Do It Again Thla Week Please Our Patrons by Dr. Meyers of Cincinnati, the erol nent historian, who aav an address oi th significant subject, "The parliament I ulehlnga, ail t b sold at our With a grand assortment of high-grade, medium : and miscellaneous houaef ur of Man. th Federation of th World. Dr. Christie - has received degrees from th University of New Tork and from Aberdeen. He la a typical mis sionary, a fair Sample of the sort of men who represent th Congregational church of tha United Stat la foralsn land a - Auction Sales ' ; aiuuarj, lair aawpm oi iu uri vi I arC m aw. ' . ' men who represent th Congregational I Tuesdays and Thursday at 10 m. and Fnaara at 2 p. m. , Second-hand Btov.. Buy "from us WHT DON'T TOUT Th goods ar per fect and clean, lust th earn aa new for leas than half th money. , Don't Come to Buy But Just to see how w conduct our AUCTION1 8 ALE 3. We hav pianos. Organs, Davenport-, Gondola Daven ports, Refrigerator Extension Tablea, Buffets, Sideboaris, - Dining Chalrs Photograph of Hindu Woman. From th Shanghai Mercury. Th curious fat of a - nhotorranh I tagen in tn muis during tn late fac tory commission comes from Bombay. It contained a party of three Hindu women who cult underatood th tak ing of a picture and cfem with alac rity area sea m their best; they were taken tn a group with several Moham medan men. Alaal Th canons of decorum were I rtocnera or au kinds, beat Steel Ranges, broken. When th photograph appeared I Beds of every description. Lac ear th lurking objections of cast, took I tainsy rortierav carpets, Offlo and concrete anap. The Shameless . ones I owmwm m uuiiuxa, tu, eta. were Doycotied, no on would go near them, other women would not allow them to go to th sam wells for water, stall holders and ahona refused their wares. W only sell trash at auction. Som Finally tha Injured women petitioned I or th finest goods In h city ar Bac on ox in agenta or tn miu to-appiyi nnoea in our auction salesrooms at in to - in government ior in return or i irsi avroou th negative. Thla was don, th of fending negative was handed to th husbands of th women and was Im mediately dashed ' to pieces. . Don't Think - "The Patriotic association of Labor Unions" haa been formed in Hamburg, Germany, to oppose socialists . In the labor movement In that country. We Buy More We Sell More T We Pay More ill I l uv' yniiaruio $ urn im$tef. For any kind of furniture 'or merchan dise than any other house in th city. The Portland Auction Co. Fkoass Ms ha Beoo, A-41SL Auction Sales A Startling Confession Say, Jim, did yon ever really tn& truly think; did yon ever hold a camp meeting with yourself to"find our how really selfish and mean you are? I do sometimes, and it makes me almost ashamed of my self. Did you ever figure out this insane, wild scramble for the "MIGHTY DOLLAR," how. siUy it all really is? Don't you wish that you and I and everybody else were ON THE SQUARE? That the DOLLAR only counted for a medium of exchange, and that love, charity and homely honesty were collateral at the bank? ,1 do, and I firmly believe you do, too. Jim, the whole proposition is more or less a LEMON. It is sour becaues you and I make it so. You are after my DOLLAR and I am after yours, and the devil is after both of us. We will cut no figure one hundred years hence, only so far as we have helped some other fellow to live, laugh and love. We dont count for much, but if we try hard we might leave a record that might count for considerable. Dave Harum said: "If you get a dollar, put it in tO VOU. Or on to WOU. aa soon aa Wa im here today and gone tomorrow. We- are a long time dead, and there are no pockets in a shroud." I will add to the above quotation: Divide the dollar with some one who needs it more than you or I: it may dosome good. The good we do is ail that counts (or any thing in this world." I have had twenty-five years' experience in Portland, have quit chasing any dollar that I don't need to support my family, and noW dividine with the fellow that needs them mora than I do. You may think that I am attempting to convert you to my way of thinking about the dollar. Not on your life, Jim I I am only trying hard to fasten forever in your memory the name of W. M. Killingswortb, and that he is in the real estate business, a firm believer in Portland, and Walnut Park property, also in all lands lo cated between the rivers. There never was, and probably will never be, ads more closely read than are mine, because I am not afraid to always tell the truth. X am after your dollar, and I expect to give you full value for that dollar, otherwise I would soon be out of bud- ness. As stated, for twenty-five years I have conducted in Portland a successful real estate business. My knowledge is valuable; as. proof, I have made far more coin for my numerous nstomers than for myself. Every investor will be benefited by my advice.: I need you in my business, and you need me. I can save you a few dollars, and make a few for myself. Come to my office and talk it over.; Life' is short; you cannot afford to make mistakes. I am prepared to give experienced counsel in my line of business. I have a deal on now; one of great merit. Come, don't be afraid to know all about it Call on W. M KILUNGSWORTII 323 CHAUCER OF COUUERCE rtczs tlrla 4S57 ; TTTESDAT VXXT At Baker's Auction Douse . Corner jjd and rrk Sta, lffra. & ' Trovlfah baa inatrnntaA 11 a to sell th almost new furnlahlnn re moved from her residence on East Ank eny st- comprising elegant DININO ! ROOM SUITE, via.. PEDESTAL TABLE. . BUFFET CHAIRS, Cabinet and Box-seat Chairs (lri genuine leather seats) and polished quarter-sawed: oak; Body Brus sels Rug, 14x15; Parlor Lounges, Cen ter Tablea. ' Rockers. Oak Combination Bookcase and Desk. Wardrobe Daven. , port, can be used for bed at night- Oil ranting, lac curtains, ikon BEDS, . I Spring Mattreaaes and Feather Pillows, oiruaey axapia rnirnjuMa UKtasKK, other Dressers , In oak, . Chiffoniers, Comforters, Bedroom Rooters and Brus sels carpets, Cooketov with water back. Refrigerator. Kitohen Treasure and other effect. Also at this time we shall sellpart furnishings of flat, including nuuu bla. x jam o njr 'rAULis, xjining room chairs, two Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses, separata Dressers, Carpets and other effects. , .'...'-ilV,..v Parties furnishing , will do . well to attend these sales, as w handle nothing but - good, clean, - up-to-date furniture. W hav furnished soma of th beat house in this city at a great saving to tha purchasers.' We shall be glad to hav you call and Inspect . th goods displayed for this sale. W have re ceived - many good compliments from eastern peopl as to the appearance of our salesrooms, also the bualneaallk . methods w us tn conducting our auc- - tlona. On view tomorrow (Monday). 81 TUESDAY at 10 o'clock, prompt. On Thursday Next We hold our regular weekly sal for varloua consignors. If you havo any surplus furniture that , ia clean and serviceable, aend It in s on Wednesday so that it may be properly displayed to bring best reaulta. . Bal at Iff o'clock, BAXSS BoW, AT0TX0HXX1U. Office and Salesrooms IS1-4 Alder St J. T. WILSON, Auctlonier Monday. Wednesday, Friday At Salesroom, 208 First $U at 10a.m. ' : ' ' , Wo -ar advised to sell at auction sal on th daya mentioned all the varl oua consignments from different narta of th city, comprising tha htgh-grado class of house furnishings, also the lea expensive grades of parlor and dining room furniture. A Tine annortmanr nt bedroom effects, several different styles folding beds, Morris chairs, wall decora tions, hangings, gaa stoves, steel rano-aa and cookstoves, carpets, rug and line, oleum, dlahea and cooking utensils, etc TUESDAY'S SALE ".. Groceries, Cigars, Provisions, etc. at Salesroom, 203 First St., at 10 a. m. Our lat-st conelgnmeft comprises a Stock Of FRESH GROCERIES, removed to our salesroom for disposal on account of "EXORBITANT RKNT." Hou-ku-era will find on sale this day all th leading brands of claara and tobacro. canned frulta, cereals, vegetables, mrufi, fish - oIIb, and salad dressing, hmi; i food a, coffee, tea, spiers, extracts "i all other lines of atapl groceriv -; provisions..; ... N. B. In vlW Of th prevatMn? ' pric Of living th--economical ' keepers Will find it profUti ' this sal. Remember the um -Tuesday, August 13, at 10 - ' Not W want all th t-"- turea, to w fn secti- f trade. If VOU h ive arr. ; 'call up Main IS" or ' ; spot cash for anything --'' Ana uoa i gooa neriiage, - ' ' VauUer Qoldlng. over: It may b your last chanca, -