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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAE, PORTEANDt SATURDAY EVENING. JULY M 1907. 13 1 TODAY'S MARKETS Bears Are Trying Again, to Crush Out All the Hope of the Hopgrowers for a Living Price for Their Crop of Hops. lQ GAD MADIfTT TUlll IIIHIULI nra 10 CENTS UP Both Befineries Advance the List at the Same Time Early This Morning. Today's markst features: Sugar market lOo higher. Lower prices on peaches. Loganberries sell lower again. Wild blackberries In demand. Eggs still show wide range. Continued demand for poultry. Potato market holding well. English still after coast hops. Local eggplant Is still high. String beans still glut trade. Sugar Market 2s Tea Cents Up Alagost at the same Instant both the rnla A Hawaiian and the Western ar Refining companies notified the il trade today of an advance of 10c per 100 pounds all through the sugar marsei. ine advance occurred at a o'clock sharp. While the rise came in the nature of a surprise to moat deal ers, it was expected by some. The late manipulation of the eastern price and the larger fruit crop than expected a short time ago botb helped to boost val ues on the Pacific coast. The new list puts dry granulated at $6.87 V. Lower rrloes oa reaches. Because of the small sixes of a large ?er cent of the fruit now arriving from 'he Dalles and the much more liberal supplies from other local points, peaches are today selling as low as 76o a box along Front street Good ordinary stock brings 11 a box and It takes something out of the ordinary run to sell at a higher figure. At present only the early varieties are being received In this city, Hales early being In largest receipt. Loganberries Sell Lower Again. This being Saturday and a very bad day ifor canning, loganberries are lower again along the street. In aome quar ters receipts were quite small but in others supplies came thick and fast. Most of the dealers, however, notified their shippers not to send loganberries for a Saturday market, as trade in can ning stock Is always bad on that day. wild blackberries continue to show a good demand . because of the generally small arrivals. Sales are still being made along the street at 10c a pound for the ordinary run. Local eggplant from The Dalles shows fine quality today. Sales at 15.26 a crate. String beano especially the wax are In too great supply and low prices continue. Potato Market Molding WslL Prices In the local potato market are holding well. Receipts from nearby points are increasing: and there Is like wise an increase In quality. Shipping stock will likely enter the market from local points within the next week. There is a good demand ruimg Dom nere ana in the south. New spuds ruling from ' $1.75 to $2.25 per sack. Old DOtatoes are almost useless and for that reason holders are forced to aacrlflce them at lower values. California red onions are In only fal supply and values are holding close to $3 r r ewt. Wnlia Walla globes selling at rmer price. Local onions expected the fir. of the coming month. English $niU After Our Kops. T kn.nll. tha rrast ImnmvAmAnt rftnort ' ed In a morning paper In the English crop condition during the past 24 hours, ' reliable cables rrom abroad ten or DacK ward weather with plenty of vermin bpraylng has been carried on so much there that the vines are almost killed. The true state of the Englinh hop crop prospects can be safely told by trie in creased number of inquiries being re celved from abroad by local people who want to i :e on a few lots of old hops at the low price, of course. Brief Notes of the Trade, Egg market continues mixed as to quality ana selling price. Poultry demand never better than now. Price holds at ton. Dressed meats hardly coming at all Famine worse than ever. Some dealers asking more for what few they get. Tomatoes are coming so fast that sales are being made considerably lower. Oregons now selling down to $1.50 for lancy. Creamerv butter and cheese firm Tone of former Improved by small ar rivals, due to continued warm weather and the lighter supply of cream. One larre city creamery was so short yes terday that It purchased supplies from a Front street nous. Today's Front street prices: drain, Flour and reed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, o. large lots; small lots, Hio. WHEAT Club, 84 16c; red Russian, . 1mHKp: vallnv fnakRn - dORN Whole, $28.00; cracked, $i 00 per ton. BARLET New Feed, $21.0022.00 per ton: rolled, $2S.ooQpZt.OO; brewing, t22.0028.00. RTE $1.65 per cwt OATS New Producers' prices No. 1 IAD 1 A QT An )UH eastern uregon patents, 1(1 straights, $4.25; export. $4.00; is, ii.d; whole wneai. .uu; rye. ous. .uu; Dates, 12 75. MILLSTUFF8 Bran, $17.00 per ton; middlings, $25.00; shorts, country, $20; city. fll.OO; chop. 116.0021.00. HAY Producers' price Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy. $16.00(317.00; ordinary, $12.0014.OO; eastern Oregon, $19.uouzo.uo: mixea. iu.vuj u.ou; clover. 8.609.00; grain. $8.00010.00; Cheat. $8.609.00. Batter, Eggs and Poultry' BUTTER FAT f. o. b. Portland Sweet cream, 26c; sour, 24c RL'TTER Cltv creamery. 27 Vic: sec ends, 25 Vic; outside fancy, 25c; seconds, 22 He; store, urairon, l assise. hiiUS Extra fancy candicii, j. X3Vfcc. CHEESE New Full cream, flats. HH& lic per lb; Young Americas, 16V4 16c per lb. POULTRY Mixed chickens. 13V4c; fancv hens. Ho per lb: roosters. old, lOVic lb; fryers, 1617c lb; broilers, 16(317o lb; old ducks, 16c lb; spring ducks, lb Wise lb; geese, old, 89 10c per b; spring geese, 12H13o per lb; tur keys. Ill4c lb for old; squabs. $2.60 per dos; pigeons, $1.25 per do. Dressed poultry. llVio per lb higher. Xops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1808 crop prim to choice, ty-Qlc; medium to prime, V4c; con tracts. 1K07 crop. lOiulllc WOOL 1907 clip Valley. lOOJlc astern Oregon, 16 lie MOHAIR New 1907 IIAMU:, SHEEPSKINS -Sheatt. 16 0 20c FBUIT SEASON IS VERY WELL ADVANCED ' ' f - ' - M 4 ' lTreewater, Or., July 13. As 4 4 tha season advances the differ- 4 ent fruits In this section continue 4 4' to' coma In. At present the ) 4 cherry crop Is almost gone, and 4 only a few crates are obtainable. 4 4 Raspberries, both red and black, 4 have reached their close, and 4 found a ready market, while 1n 4 season on account of the scarcity 4 of this perishable fruit. Black- e berries and dewberries are com- lng In plentifully, and early S peaches and apples are beginning e) 4 to come In. Apricots also are on S) the market' e 87. each: short wool, zaqftvc; tosumz. wool, 60075c each; long wool. 76cH.OO each. TALLOW Prime, par lb, H4; No. CHITTIM BARK 6c per lb. Traits and Vegetables. POTATOES 2 V4 8c per lb. ONIONS Jobbing pries New Cali fornia red, $3 per sack; New Walla Walla 2Qi lo.; garlic, 80 per lb. PPLEB New, 11.0001.vs. RR8H FRUITS Oranses, $104: . n Km IX. lmnna). S4.fi69S.l& n box; limes, Mexican. n.ov per 100; pineapples, uua, imi fruit, $3.25; cherries, 6 11c per lb.; fooseberrles, 6c per lb; loganberries, 5c11.26 per crate; peaches, 75co 1 6; cantaloupes, fancy, $2.7603.26; raspberries. $1.26; plums, $1.251.60; watermelons, 2 Ho per lb. . VEGETABLES Turnips, new, 90c $1.00 sock; carrots, 76c$1.00 per sack, t...t SITS oer saok: oarsnlps, $1000 fornla, 90c $1; Oregon, I1J50 ; par snips, 80c$1.00; wax beans, $0; green, 4e per lb.; cauliflower, $1.25-0 1.50 dozen; peas, 4B6o; horseradish, 80 lb; artichokes, 6575o per dos: aspara gus, 90c per dos bunches; rhubarb, to lb; mrrnn' rtfitrtns, 25o per dor: bell pep pers, 12 Vic per lb.; head lettuce, ( ) dox; cucumbers, notnouse, 4ow 60c dox; outdoor, 76c1.00 a box; rad ishes, 15o dos bunches; eggplant, $5.26 crate; irreen corn, 8O0 dot. Orocerles, Vats, Sto. SUGAR Cube, $6.22 V4: powdered, 8.074; berry. $5.7V; dry, granulated. 5.87V.; Star, $5.7V; conf. A, $6.87 Vi; extra b, $5.37Vf. golden C, 15.27V; D yellow, $6.17 Vi; beet granulated. $5.77 V; barrels, iuo; nair barrels, 100; coxes, 6O0 advance on sack basis. (Above prices are 10 days net caan quotations.) hunki l.o per crate. COFFEE Pacaace brands. 16.t$0 16.6$. . SALT Coarse Half pouna. 100s. 111 rer ton; ROs, $11.60; table, dairy. 60s, 16.60: 160s. 116.26: bales. $2.10: Im ported Liverpool. 60s. $18.00; 100s. $17: 224s. $16.00; extra fine, bbls, 2s. 6 and 10a 14.60OS.60: Liverpool lumo rock. $10.60 per ton; 60-lb rock, $11.00; 100s, $10 60. 0 (Above prices sppiy to saies or less than csr lota Car lots at special prices subject to fluctuations.) RICE imperial Japan, no. 1. c; ro. $, 5H5c: New Orleans, nead, 7c; AJax, 6e: Creole, 6c. beans tsmau wnite, .u; isrso white. $3 25; pink. $3.26: bavou, $3.90; Llmas, 8 Vic; Mexican red V4c NUT8 Peanuts, jumeo, Yio pr iu; Virginia, 7 Vie per lb; roasted. 10c per lb: Japanese. 66Vic: roasted. ?4J7V4c oer lb: wslnuts. California. 16c per lb: pins nuts, 14T16e per lb: hickory nuts, 10c per lb; Brazil nuts, I80 per lb; fil berts. 16o per lb; fancy pecans, 18 020c per lb; slmonds. ltfzitc. Keats, rish and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. 88Vic per lb; large, 7c per lb: veal, extra. Vic per 1 Be per 10; poor. wo fancy. 8io per lb. HA MS, BACON, ETC rortiana pars flocal) hams, 10 to 1 lbs, lV4o per lb; 14 to 16 lbs, 16o per lb; 18 to 30 lbs, 15fcc; breakfast bacon. 16Vi22o pet lb; picnics. 12c per lb; cottage rolL 11 Vic per lb: regular short clears, un smoked, 12c per lb: smoked. 12c per lb; clear backs, unsmoked. 12c; smoked, ISc IK ITnlnn K,,Ma 10 tn 13 lhfl Un- smoked, 80 per lb; smoked. 9o per lb; rlnar hlllea. unamoked. 11 Vic Per lb; smoked, IS Vic per lb; shoulders. 12 Vic per lb; pickled tongues. 60c each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10c. 13c per lb; 6s, lSVtc per lb; 60-lb tins. 12Vic per lb: steam rendered, 10s, 11 c per lb; 6s, 11 o per lb; compound, 10s, 10c per ib. FISH Rook cod. 7e ber lb: flounders 6c ber lb.; halibut. 7c per lb.; striped bass. 12c tier lb: catfish. 10c per 10; i-ai mon. fresh Columbia chlnook. 11 He per lb.; Steelheads, 10c per lb: herrings, be Fier lb; soles, 6c per lb; shrimps, 10c per b; perch, 6c per lb: black cod, 7c per lb; tomcod. 7c per lb; lobsters, 16o per lb: rresn macKerei, nc per 10: crawnsn. 20c per dox; sturgeon. 10c per lb; black bass. 20c per lb; Columbia river smelt. 60 per lb; shad, 4c per lb; black cod, 7 Vic per lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. per gal lon. $2 .60; per 100-lb sack, $4.60: Olym pla, per gallon, $2.26: per 115-lb sack, $5,500)6.25; Eagle, canned, 10c can; $7.00 dox. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $1.40: raxor clams. $2.00 per box: 10c per dox Paints. Coal Oil. Etc ROPE Pure Manila, lbc; standard, 13 44c; sisal, 11c. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases. 19V4c per gal; water. white. Iron bbls, 14o per gal: wooden. 17c per gal; head light. 170 deg.. cases. 21 Vic per gaL GASOLINE 88 deg., cases. 24 Vic per gal: Iron bbls, 18c per gal. BENZINED IS deg.. cases, 16o per gal; Iron bbls. 93c per gal. TURPENTINE In cases. 96c per gal; wooden bbls, 93c per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7o per lb; 600-lb lots. 8c per lb; less lots, $V4c per lb. WIRE NAILS Present basis at $3.16. HALF MILLION 0 F WH E AT Prospects for Crop of Five and a Half Million Bush els for Umatilla Fields. 4444 Beoord-Breaklmjr Crop. Pendleton, Or.. July 13. Ther Is now ripening In Umatilla coun ty the largest wheat 4rop ever grown in the county. The area la larger by several thousand acres this year, and It Is esti mated that the yield for 1907 will bs 6,500,000 bushels, half a million bushels more than has ever been produoed in the county before. In the wheat belt around Helix. Athena, Adams and Fulton are many fields which It Is conserva tively estimated wlU yield mors than 60 bushels. 4) per lb; ordinary, per id; mutton, Chicago Wheat Talass. July 13. July 12. Gain. 1908. July 91 90V4 774 Sept. 94B 94V4 Vi IVi Doc 98H 97ViB 80Vi May lOSVi 102 lVi Chicago. July IS. The action of the market today shows that liquidation of wheat holdings has been very thorough. There 'was a little tall-end liquidation "early today, coupled with some holding sales by cash interests wno were snort gave the market its early strength. As soon as the market began to hardjsn the shorts were quick to cover. Ths news In areneral as bullish as ever. The lm Dortant news today was from ths north west. It caused an upturn in wheat and at the close flarures are Vi to lVi better lor the trading. Ths trads sccmod to forget the talk of a million bushels increase in Minneapolis, the fine weather lor harvesting in tne soutnwes and gave very little attention to the Modern Miller report, which claims that farmers are selling wheat freely and that the yields are turning out u any thlna- better than the previous estimates, although all reports today were Just as bullish ss they have been for some time. Liverpool was yery bullish and olosed with a gain of to id higher man yes terdav. uroomhall estimated tne woria shipments at 8,000.000 bushels and the prospect for a good decrease In the quantity on paasagn. Official Chicago prices by Orerbeck & Cooke Co. WHEAT. STOCK MARKET CLOSES HIGHER Tone Acts Very Well in New YorkCopper and Union Pacific Are Leaders. (Journal gpeelal (terries.) New York, July IS. The stock market acted very well today and there was good advances all through the list. Union Paolflo and Copper were the lead ers and advanced quite extensively. The bank statement had a good effect and the strength continued In the most active list towards the close. The money situation is the serious one, and until this Is In much better shape ths trade cannot hope for any sustained ad vances. At the close ths feeling was much better and hopeful. Official New York prices by Overbeck & Cooko company: DESCRIPTION. Amal. Cor iMi 41 5 f 2 SATURDAY DULLNESS IN ALL LIVESTOCK Receipts and Demand Both Light- Prices Holding the Same as Friday. Sheep. 188 450 645 Portland Uulon Stockyards, July 18. Official receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Today 131 81 Week ago Year ago 100 Previous year ... 18 247 with small arrivals and today being Saturday, there was little of Interest in the trading In the local livestock mar ket. . All prices held as, previously quot ed. Today a few horses were among the arrivals. A year ago today hogs and sheep were firm, cattle dull; values same. Official livestock prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon, $6.50; stockers and feeders, $6.006.25; China fats, $6.256.60. cattle Best eastern Oregon steers. $4.00; best cows and heifers, $3.25; bulls. $2.00. Sheep wetners, 14.Z6Sp4.BO; lambs. $5.ou. HOGS LOSE IN EAST Open High Low Close Julv . 91V 91 91 91H Sep!. . H 95 Vi 94Vi 94B Dec. . 97 98 97 98 Ma" . 102W 103Vi 102V4 103V4 CORN. July . 63 64 ti 63Ti Sept. . 64 54 64 64ViB Lcc. .. 52Vi 02 62Vi 62B OATS. Sept. . 89 40 89 40 Ueo. . 40 41 40 41 May . 42i 43 42 42 MESS PORK. Julv .1861 1650 1660 1850 Sept. . 1635 1637 1632 1650 LARD. Sept . 900 02 895 900 Jan. . 882 885 860 860B SHORT RIBS. Sept . 867 870 862 880 Oct . 857 860 865 865 Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, July 13. Official prices: Wheat. July 13. July 13. Gain July 7s ld 7s d 1 d Sept 7s 3d 7s 2d Dec 7s 6d 7s 4d CORN. Sept. 4slld 4slld New York Grain Market. New York. July 13. Wheat close: Sep tember, $1:01. ld ld d Duluth Grain Market. Wheat close: Duluth. July 13. tember, $1.01. Sep- St. Louis Grain Market. St. Louis. July 13. Wheat close: Sep tember, 91 c. NEVADA MINING STOCKS Price Wek to Fire Cents Lower Others Hold Steady. Chicago, July IS. Official estimated recelDts: Hosts. Cattle. Chicas-o 2,000 600 Kansas City 6,000 200 Omaha 10,000 600 Hosts are wean to a cents lower, with S.100 left over. Receipts a year ago were 14.000. Mixea, lo.xvmt.n h heavy, $6.906.05; rough, j&.eu .v&; $5.86 P 6.15. cattle Bteaay. Sheep Steady. Sheep. 3,000 light, Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today. do, year ago . Gain today, r. Balances- today. ao year ago . .$1,173,824.83 . 722,532.76 450,792.07 .$97,260.27 . 89.918.09 Change In Firm. The wheat stock and cotton brokerage firm of Overbeck, Starr & Cooke com pany will hereafter be known as the Overbeck & . Cooks company. Oscar E. Overbeck and James P. Cooke purchas ing the Interests of Everett u. ana JU U. Bid Prices Current on the San Fran cisco Exchange. San Francisco, July 13. Official bid prices: Sandstorm 48c. Red Top $4.10, Mo hawk $16, Columbia Mt. 61o, Jumbo $4.20. Jumbo Ext $1.87. Vernal 16c, Pennsylvania 3cA, Goldfield M. Co. $1.60, Kendall 33c, Booth 49c, Blue -Bull 81r, Adams 13c, Silver Pick 65c, May Queen 20c, Nev. Boy 9c, B. B. Ext 8c, Blue Bell 10c, Dixie 6c, G. Columbia S4c, Hl bernla 6c, St. ,Ives $1, Conqueror 12c, Blk. Rock 4c, Lone Star 20c, G. Wonder 2c, Oro 20c, Kendall Ext 2c, Sandst Ext. 4c, Mayne 6c, Atlanta 62c, Great Bend 73c, Sirnerone 10c, Empire llcA, Red Top Ext. 24c, Florence $6, Dlamf. B. B. Con. 26c, G. Daisy $2.26, Lag una. $1.60, Commonwealth 28c, Comb. Fract. $3.05, Gr. Bend Ext. 15c, Gr. Bend Anx. 11c. B. B. Bonanza 7c. Kewanos 78c, Esmeralda 10c, Portland 23c, Cracker Jack 18c. Francis Mohawk $1.26A, Red Hill 62c, Mohawk Ext 10c, Lou Dillon 8c, Y. Tiger 20c, Grandma 13c, s. Pick Kxt. 5c, Col. Mt. Ext. 6cA, Goldf. Cons. $8.65, Dlamf. Triangle 21q. COMSTOCK. Ophlr $1.75, Mexican 49c, Gould & Curry 12c, Con. Virginia 60c, Savage 60c, Hale & Norcross 60cA, Yellow Jacket 91c, Belcher 23c, Confidence 69c, Sierra Nev. 82c, Exchequer 36c, Union 25c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 6c, Bullf. M. C. 16c, Nat. Bank 23e, L. Harris 2c, Amethyst 28c, Gold Bnr 72c, Steinwav 6c, Denver Buf. Anx. lOcA, Bonnie Clare 65c, Maylf. Cons. 36c, Monty. Ohio Ext 7c. G. Scep ter 9c. Monty. Mt. 16c, B. Daisy 7c. Homestake Cons. 90c, Yankee Girl 6c, Nugget 7cA. Tramp Cons. 60c, Victor 9cA, North Star 6c, .,. , . TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. $13, Mont. Ton. $8.26, Ton. Ext, $1.70, MacNamara 29c, Midway $1.17, Ton. Belmont $3.46, Ton. No. Star 24c, Ohio Ton. 3c, West End Cons 8O0, Rescue 17c, Ton. A Calif. 8cA, Gold en Anchor 19c, Jim Butler $1.06, Ton. Cash Bov 5c. Ton. Home 6c, Boat Ton. lOcA, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 8c, Mont Mid. Ext 4c, Golden Crown 8c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 7c, G. Wedge 6cj Seyler Hump. ISc, Dexter 2c. L Joe 6cA, Cres cent 3c, Combination l7e, Oratoiy 22o, Little Grey 6cA. Cowboy 12c" Orlg. Manh 7c. Rroncho 10c. Jums. Jack 7c Pinenut Sc. Buffalo 16c. S. Dog 4c, Y. Horse 60. Indian uamn zc. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Silver King lOcA, Falrv. Eagle 60o, Nevada Hillx $, No. Star Wonder 3c, Eagle's Nest 15o Ruby Wonder 16c, Alice of Wonder toA Pittsburg Silver fsak L4S, - v 31 68 122 118 H" '90 93 97 67" 174 11 134 147 34 Ml '60 170 28 '25" 41 116 33 66 65 111 61 112 88 128 28 122 91 102 80" 27 44 i: 68 122 119 '68 'i 93 97 '68 176 11 133 148 35 82 24 P. Co.. Am. C. & V. com. Am. C. & F. pfd. Am. Cot O., com. Am. Loc. com . . Am. Bug., com.. Am. Smlt, com. Am. Smlt. pfd . . Anaconda M. Co. . Am. Woolen com. Atchison, com.. Atchison, pfd. . . . B. & O., com B. & O. pfd Brook. Rap. Tr. . Can. Pao., com . . Oen. Leath., pfd. Cen. Leth., pfd. C. ft G. W., com. C. M. ft 8. P C. & N. W., com. Ches. ft O C. F. ft I., com. . Col. So., com. . . , CoU 80. 2n pfd. Col. So. 1st prd. Dels, ft Hud. .. D. ft R. G.. c do preferred . . Erie, c do td pfd. . . . do 1st pfd. . . . Illinois Central . Louis, ft Nash.. Manhattan Ry. . Mex. Cent Ry. . . M. K. ft T . c. . . M.. K. & T.. pfd. Distillers Great. North . . Ore. Track Mo. Pacific National Lead . . N. Y. Central . . . N. Y.. O. ft W N. ii W., com . . . do preferred . . North American. Nor. Pac.. com . . Pac. M. 8. Co Penn. Ry. P. O., L. ft C. Co. P. S. C, com do preferred . . Reading, com. . . do 2d pfd do 1st pfd R. I. & S . com . . do preferred.. R 1., com do preferred . . St. L. & 8. F.. 2pf do 1st pfd So. Pac, c do pfd So. Railway, a . . do pfd Tenn. C, ft I... Texas ft Pac. . . T., StL. ft W.. a I S7 28 8 111 zu 60 170 $8 34 66 133 'oivil'si 113H12 88 43 '33 68 123 118 67" '96 92 97 '67' 174 ;ii 147 24 ii' ' 170 27 ii" 41 116 33 65 65 132 88 130 29 123 92 04 80 28 2i 47 36 801 112 20 38 128 28 122 ft 102 80" 27 2i 47 35 78 110 zo 89 48 99 IZ 58 122 119 105 68 S 90 92 98 86 68 176 28 91 lis ft 14$ 34 32 24 46 60 170 $8 70 25 41 68 141 116 130 21 84 66 65 138 68 7 6 113 38 76 90 68 129 28 123 92 86 89 103 79 80 28 83 21 47 35 63 tu 111U 20 67 143 29 28 76 51 Union Pao., c. 27 137116 137 140- do pfd I I I I 88 U. 8. Rub., pfd. 1101 1101 1100 1100 U. S. 8 . Co.. o. I 86 87l 86 3. , do pfd I 99 100) 99100 Wabash, c do Dfd West Un. TeL . .1 77) 78 Wis. Cen., c. . do pfd I I Vir. Chem I I 77 Z4ft 77 17 40 25 Total sales for day, 245,600 shares. United States Government Bonds. New York. July IS. ' Government bonds: Date. Bid. Twos, registered 1905 105 do coupon iu& 10& Threes, registered ..1918 102 do coupon 1918 103 Fours, reg., new.... 1925 128 do coupon 1924 128 Four, reg.. old 1907 104 do coupon 1907 104 Fours, Philippines 109 do coupon 104 Twoj, Pan . ma, new 114 District of Columbia. ... 114 Asked. 105 105 103 108 129 129 105 105 106 New York Bank Statement. New York, July IS. Bank statement: Increase. Reserve $6,020,800 Do. less U. S 6,642.350 Loans 1,889,400 Specie 2,107,600 Legale 1.948.200 Deposits 7,780,400 Circulation 74,700 Decrease. New York-London Silver. New York. July IS. Bar stiver, 67 o; London, SI l-16d. New York Cotton Market. July Open. High. Low. 18. 12 Jan 1186 1188 1176 1178 1185 Feb 1181 1188 March. ...1196 1198 1191 1185 1196 April 1192 May 1199 1199 1199 1199 1207 July 1145 1170 Aug 1150 1168 1133 1186 1163 1 Sept 1162 1152 1133 1137 1160 1 Oct 1175 1176 1162 1166 1174 1 Nov. 1170 1170 1170 1163 1170 Deo 1177 1178 1187 1171 1178' Liverpool Cotton Market, Liverpool. Julv 18. Cotton futures closed 6 to 7 points up; middlings, steady, 4 riointa lower. DISPLAYING FLOWERS They Show to Best Advantage in the Simplest Vases. From the St Louis Globe-Democrat When displaying flowers in vases, as on a metal or oenter table, one thing ought to be borne in mind, and that is. the plainer the vase the better the flowers will show, Somebody says that the difference between a vase and a "value" is that the latter costs more than $2.50. But a "vahse" that costs $6 or $6 Is now called an amphora, and both the "vahse" and the amphora were never intend.! for use, but to be placed on stands or In niches as evidence that their owner has money to burn. To put flowers In, eitner wvuia spun wia vixoci ui iuv flowers, for the -wye would be attracted by. the beauty or material of the re ceptacle and the flowers would be over shadowed. To gat the best possible effect of flowers put them In ths plainest possi ble vase "or bowl that will not attract attention, then they will be appreciated for themselves and no comparison will , be instituted Between them and the re ceptacle that holds them. A double handful of oxeye daisies, black-eyed Susans. rudbecJtiaa, cornflowers or any other common blossom will show to more advantage In a - brown earthen pitcher than in ths costliest amphora ever carved nut nt Parian marble. Ths Japanese understand this princi ple. All their flower vases are of tirt plainest possible construction. But the flower-loving Japs go to ths opposite extreme In displaying their flowers and try by Judicious arrangement to get the best possible results from very few flowers. They seldom display more than half a dosen flowers In a vase, and try always to have mora foliage than bloom, making green ths predominant color, thus setting off to ths best ad vantage the tint of tha flower against a neutral background. That' however. Is a matter of taste. A few flowers well displayed give an effect of dainty ele gance. Americans like flowers in the mass, but ths good taste of both agrees regarding the simplicity of the vase. MORGAN TESTIFIES AGAINST WOMAN CROOK (Journal Special Brrle.) London. July 18. Pierpont Morgan to day was a witness In a London court against Mrs. rfosepnino bomoi wnu in accused of alleging friendship with Mor- i n ..t mnn.? thrnurh her an in wiui v" ... f schemes. Morgan declared he had never known or seen tne woman dip. Annie Blount an Irish heiress, charges .- A .with mmnrrw til KOA from her on pretenses of friendship with Morgan. Gnawed Way Out of Prison. A burglar named Schaarschmldt, in jrlson st Gera, deliberately set to work .nJ thrnurh n . thlrk oaken beam In front of his cell window. It was a work of seven weeks. The rragraents or mui whinh wer torn away he replaced with chewed bread, until ths beam was almost gnawed through. A final smashing noiss wss neara 07 v. . ..a ,rm Hni hAfnr thev could an- pear, Schaarschmldt had escaped. Tha first line-up of ths Democrats of Texas on the Bailey Issue will likely In thm rnn f vmA far attornev- general. This Is the most Important office to be fought for In the Lone Star state next year. The second term prece dent Insures the renomlnatlon of Gover nor Campbell without opposition. Wise Counsel Trom ths Soata. "I want to give some valuable advice to those who suffer with lams back and kidney trouble," says J. R. Blanken shlp of Beck, Tenn. 'T have proved to an absolute certainty that Electric Bit ters will positively curs this distress ing condition. The first bottle gave me great relief and after taking a few aiors bottles I was completely cured; so completely that It becomes a pleasure to recommend this great remedy." Sold under guarantee at Red Cross Phar macy. Price 60c. Evory Woman u uuansiea aaa uoaia snow eboot the wonderful MARVEL whlrUna Spray ITbe pew Tialaal Sjttof. . no sad ow-no. Matt Hue. It Mow CoDTealaat. . iM iiiilii ualaaur. r Sraastat ftr a. If kaVsnnot taf sly the , aumepi so otbar. but (and a lams far lllaatnicd book-Ml4. It girts full nftrtlcalmra and rltrwtiona In. Taluabla to Uwllaa. M4RVBI. CO., a. aaa st.. new work. X9i sale y WOODAU), CLAMS CO. AND LACX-DATIS DftUe 004 MOKES. Scott's Santat-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Tor Inflammation orOatorrhot tha Blsddar and blaaasad Kid nan. MO OVBS SO AT. Cores qnickly aaa parmaaantlT toa arorat eaaaa of SlaHiori'Boeal aod Cllew, do siattar of bow loot ataodlnf. Absolntaly harmlaaa. Bold by drofgiata. fries tl.00. or By Ball, leaf said, f Loo, I bexaa, .7&. THE SANTAL-PLfSIN CO, Bellafostalne, Obft. ky all Prassists. FIGHTERS PUT OUT FIRE ON SIUSLAW (Special DUpatdb to The Jos real.) Eugene, Or., July ll-r-A,; fir; along the fiulalav rinr a. mil and a half be low Mapleton early in ths week de imu can nnn nt tinm aawlors. valued at $i,000, belonging to ths Ore gon A California Lumber company, which owns tha big sawmill at Flor ence, rormerly owned tor O. xturu. It la not known how ths firs originated. When first discovered It had spread over considerable territory, hut by P' sistent arrort on the part or a large number of loggers and farmers It was arrestea. ino green timber was Dumea. ax.1. m wous Knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment has no superior for rheumatism, stiff Joints, cuts, sprains, lumbago and all pains. Buy it, try it and you will al says use It Anv body who has used Ballard's Snow Liniment is a living roof of what It does. All we ask of you Is to get a trlsl bottle. Price X60, 60o and $1.00. Sold by all druggists. mm STATUE OF ITALIAN " PATRIOT UNVEILED ! JaarsU SpaeUl fctrlssV'i ' ' ' '' Parts, July status of Vart Qartbaldl. Italy's gift to Parts. wss unveiled today with Imposing etrl! n4 military ceremonies, . , . CGefcVo CHINESE aUat ftaA l4 1 r DOCTOR Has stade s Bfs arodr ef roots sad karto. sad la tkst stady Slseaveras asd Is glataa A A 11. .a J. lafWI a a ll I a IO UrV WsrifJ DaW wwbwti i us waai auiv VO MXBOVKTPOIBOMg OS DBOOi VIVO WITHOUT XBX AID Ot A kslITL Re narsateM to ear Cstarrk. Aatbaaa. Lost. Tlrroat. BDeamtlssa .Naranaiia.aa. Narroaa DablUty, gtoBiscSj. tlver. KHlBof Trmblaet saw Lest Manhood, Fans ale Week aaa ass All mvsts inseesaa. A SURE CANCER CURE Just Xeealroa yroaa (., Cstss fa, mm aaa jtanaaw. ir TOO 4 ft! AITtlCTCD. fAFff OBXAT. DSLATB Aaa DAItaSaODBL, If yoo mnaot can. write far sysaptoss Mssfe sod rtrcslar. Iselose 4 easts ia staaiss, CONSULTATION FREE txi c. oh wo citnit maiom (ML rartlaoa, Orafoa. riaaoa MaatlM Tab Vases, old Kfdnty and Biidder Troublis URINARY 'mm 1 1 4-h scV2 DISCHARGES BBLTJBVBD Uf 24 Hours Each Cap- : aule bean (MIOV : the nimeW s ; Bemut tfcountttftUt ALL rRCOOISTS. ' We Cure Men SEE US FIRST AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE SO MANY MEDICAL FEES TO PAY. We sre curing more men than any two spe cialists in Portland. Our small fee enables as to cure for less money than many self-styled specialists ask for their services. Our sdvict OUR ttat t0 T0U wl11 be worth much in your case it you FCe xTj 1 V Deed the services of a skilled, reliable specialist Bo aot waste your life ooastdtlar Irregular "doctors' who possess nei ther the education, skill nor esrpeilence necessary to find out what your ailment Is, much less to cope with It and make you well. Thtnars thst are not done right never turn out well Berla rtgail Consult nsl We are regularly graduated University Trained sfoaolaUatsk whose original investigations and long study into the cause and ours of special diseases have caused us to be duly recognized as the leading spe cialists tn our line. We Cure Nervous Debility This Is to men who lack courage, whose nerves are shaky, whose eyes have lost the sparkle, whose brains are muddled, ideas confused, sleep restless, oonf ldenoe gone, spirits low and easily depressed, who ars backward, hesitating, unable to venture because they ars afraid of failure; who want somebody to decide for them, who are weak, run down and rest less. It Is to men who have part or all of these symptoms and want new life new energy. We especially solicit those cases In which many so called treatments have failed, or where money has been wasted on other methods of treatment. Don't experiment when our direct method of fers a certain means of cure by local treatment. We Cure Varicocele Varicocele causes congestion of ths blood In some of ths most vital blond vessels of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling, which Is often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline. Varicocele re sults from partial paralysis of the delicate nerve fibers that control lo cal circulation of the blood. The muscular coating of the veins Is deprived of nervous control and becomes Inactive, weakens and relaxes. Ths blood vessels expand from the pressure within. The circulation becomes sluggish snd clots form in little nooks and pockets that constantly on large as the relaxation continues. No Pay Unless Cured v Consultation Free Our reputation 'and work ars not a mushroom gTowth. We havo been curing men for 27 years. . Write, If you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies sent in plain envelope. Englose J-cent stamp to insure re ply. OFFICE HOTTRS a. m. to ( p. m.: evenings, 7 to S:0; Sundays, a. m. to 12 noon. ST.lOUIS "ST DISPENSARY COBWEB RCOXTD ABD TaHTTTT.t ITBSBT8, POBTZaAVD, OBB. HERTS DMSES flWLY t 1 11 ' IN UNCOMPLICATED CASES MY FEE IS ONLY YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED I Have the Largest Prac tice Because I Invaria bly Fulfill My Promises Success isn't attained at a bound. It is made IAJi I up of many little triumphs. A large medical fall I practice doesn't await the young pnysician at fill I the college door. He most prove himself. He I must work toward success day after day, doing J VI well each day's tasks. y I It has always been my rule to promise noth ing that I am not absolutely certain of accomplishing-. Realizing that no one physician can successfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered special courses of study In preparation for my present work. For 16 years I havs bssn proving my ability and building my suc ,... t tnaatrrrt first the simpler dis eases, then the serious complex and stubborn ones thst others neither curs nor comprehend. .1 have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively and there is no ailment belonging to this class that l cannot iuiit conquer. t l k,n .rri sUfinit T tell men that I can cure them, even though others have failed. Jealous doctors have charged ms wHh claiming too much. But, I ask, wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My prac tice is now fully twice that of any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men's diseases. It has grown to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them. Each cure I have effected a triumph and a manifestation of skill that has had its part in the making of my suc cess. Each day new cures are completed, and my present growth of prac tice is more rapid than ever before. Consultation is free. If you are afflicted, consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept vour case you can rest assured that ft complete and permanent cure will follow my treatment. SB. 'ATWB ' Taa Beating VpeeiaUst. sTBAjarass." ' All necessary X-Ray examinations are abso lutely frts to patients. My equipment for X-Ray work is ths finest and most complete ever pro duced, and equally per fect results art not possi ble with an inferior appa ratus. All medicine are pre pared from standardized drugs in my own private laboratory and ars sup plied to patients at actual cost, The Dr. Taylor To produce temporary activity ef the functions In eases ot so- called weakness Is a slmpM mat tsr, but to permanently restore strenartn ana Timor is a Drooiem that but few physicians hava solved. I never treat for torn- fiorary err acta, under my sys em of treatment, every nit of Improvement la a cart of a per manent cur. Though other physicians have, through my sue sees in effecting permanent cares, been convinced of the fact that prematures eea, loss ef pow er, etc, are butr symptoms re- tultlna . from ehronlo Inflamma loa or oongestlon In the prostate yet oeen have as Company 234)4 Morrison SL, Cor. 2nd Portland, Oregon Patients living out of the etty and eomtmaT to Portland for treatment will be furnished with line room free of charge. Check your trunks di rect to 114 tt Morrison street. - , nana. - none able to duplicate my eures. My system of local treatment Is the only effective means yet knows foe restoring the prostate to Its normal state, which always re sults In full an eoiapiete return of strength and vigor. faoh a are is absolutely permanent, be cause the condition respof slble for the functional disorder la en tirely removed. Xt Is the enly kind ef a our a P" desire, and is the only kind ef euro X wtli treat for. I state Sothlnta mr.on nonneemeate but the strsisM square troth. It will sort yoi MthSt y to eall anl W W yeur oaae. xo eaa find est a.4 About your trouble and you aa later arras r to begla tw'iU anytime you like. My -..-. comprising ten, room " largest, meet elaat as4 euipped la the wsst. , - - L16; cabbage, $2.26, tomatoes. Call- Starr. r ..-: J.. ; . i s. -.-