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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1907)
. ,'-' 1807.-, 12 THE OREGCjN DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, : SATURDAY, EVENING, . JULY 13. CAKTEXTERS AND BUILDERS ' JOHN A. MELTON. t04 TH ST.OFa - lire and stors fixtures built id n niuiolto: ihowrttM and. counters. tikina Main 17SJ. '. 1 1 tTiifcLTONOFFlCE, STORE VIX'-' tures; central Jobbing. 7 t at - Phone Main 1190 HONEY TO LOAN. baby swings, Washington at citT or 'Lawn sWIWgs. lawn seats. ISO CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND .PEDICURING Mrs, M. D. Hill. Room ISO Fleidnar bldg. Both phone ' DOQ AND HORSE HOSPITAL. nun C K. BROWN AND MILLER Dog n(1 horse hospital, 106 N. Cto at. Phone Main wn. CARNEV'8 VbiTKRINART HOSPITAL. horses and dogs.. ll Glisaa at. Phone Main HM. DENTISTS Tiw W H. KNAFr HAS KUlUKnr-u from east Office 10 Hamilton bldg. DRESSMAKING nurMUlKCH FROM BAN FKAK . ieo wishes a few mora customers; .i..Mtinn wnrk neatly done. ZB4 3d at. Phone Pacific (106 umlWF ANGELES Zt j tit am. -j- elflo DANCING wit.Tl TWO-STEP. THREE-8TEP and stage dancing; lessons 25c during months. Prof. Wal Wlllson's fanclng School. 04 Allaky bldg.. Sd and M orrison at a. ' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES " M. J. WALSH CO.. 311 STARK ST.. Electric and Oaa Fixtures n'PPJM r. Tilinv Grate and Doglrona. feT.KTRiC CO. ENO MONET TO LOAN specialty; alao bulldln ratea: fire Insurance, l.v--R:-H.T.te. Mgr; WESTERN EtTECTRTC WORKS, 6 1 th st-Contraetors. electric mm lee, motors and dynamoa; we install light and power plants. a ... llrjRRISON ELECTRIC Morrison st Fixtures, Miring. Eaat S1J8. aIrbanks, wiring, ra- dynaraos. Stark sts , MORSE MOTORS AND A.-C. and D. C. 1st and EDUCATIONAL BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL- LEGE. Elks' Building. Portland. Oregon. Chsrtler aborthand and Bllaa book keeping aa taught In the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. Facta 7S7 calli for help and placed 111 elnoe Aug. 1. Will place you when competent En ron now, Unt.MKD RTTBINESS COLLEGE. Washington and 10th ata. Fliedner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and all English branchea taught both day and night JlNANClAL Alb TO SIX WORTHY Vrt.ti,. n A flmiriut. Annlv at once at office. 817 Commonwealth bldg., Ith young la J lea who wlah to take a aft nil RnrnalA ata. L BRONS6N SALMbN'S STUDIO 6f shorthand and typewriting: full course. In II ' weeks; open all summer; established 18S8. Mllnor bldg., W. Park and Morrison. DON'T BORROW MONET ON SALART until you aee ' , . , Hutton Credit Co. tit Pekum bldg. CRESCENT LOAN (U. 4ii MC-HaWK bldg. Money to iimn on easy-pay ment plan to was earners; siripuy con fidential. KSN EY LOANEb To baLaRIKd Pko pie Just on your own nam; don't borrow until you see me: my system la the beat for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes:' business strictly confidential. IF. A. Newton. 411 Buchanan bldg., m I Washington, MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property or for , building pur- i oiumoia, Lire & Trust Co., zi poses. Lumber Exchange bldg. BANKS. kasaWm u: OREGON. Arallable tn Collections MITWn STiTVH MITfrlVi V. RINK r8" PORTLAND. Nortbwaat Corner Th ro anJ wr.r- All Cities of the United Statea and Europe, Honjkong and Manila. made on Favorable Terms. nAirw-v'tj President J. C. AINSWORTH I Cashier........ R. V. SCHMEER Vlca-President...... R. LEA BARNES I Assistant tjbler. ...... .W. A. HOLT Assistant Caahler A. M. W.UGHT LADD TILTON. BANKERS Portland, Oregon. Established is. W M LADD C E. LADD. J. W. LADD Savings books Issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on time depos'ts. W ERCHANTS' NATIONAL RANK Portland, Oregon. J. FRANK WATSON. .President I R. L. DURHAM vice-f resioenv R. W. HOTT ....Cashier GEORGE W. HOTT. .Assistant Cashier ft c CiT'cuma ...Second Aaslstant Cashier Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafta and Letters of Credit Issued Available to All Psrts of the World. Collections a HpeclMty. HomifoOAirbM ALL, klDfl of security. William HolL room , wawninyion oing. TO LOAN SUMS o stH-i OM CrUT te security. R. A. Frsme. 416 the Marauam. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. 8. W. King., 41 Waahlngton bldg. Main loo. L6an for THe AbkINg-ttALARY or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 JJekum bldg. MONET to L6AM ItN 1506 T6 I.Oo6. Charleson & Co, Pacific 11 CASH Commercial. Phone ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money, mortgagee, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country 'Or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Waahlngton. 1200 TO IJ7OO0 ON MORTGAGE FOR July only: low Interest smsll expense to borrower. Ward, Allsky bldg. M-7S26. WILL LOAN $3,000. 6 PER CENT. ON real- estate. Farrlnston. 313 Fenton bldg. LARGE LOANS eretTfr mvir nie r t timoMi a irtahtlaaV 111 Huil nfflrn. Ran Francisco. I Capital paid up $4,000,000 SurpTos and undivided proflta $10.16!,$7$ General Bnnklns; and Exchsnge Business' Transacted. interest on Time Depoalta. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounta may be opened of $10 and up ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL-. . . .Ass't Manager FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldeat National Bank on Paclfie Coaat CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $1,500,000.00. DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.00 L. MILLS... W. NEWKIRK. , .President . . .Cashier W. C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier B. F. STKVENS. .Second Ass't Cashier TRUST COMPANIES. (ORTLAND TRT'RT COM PANT OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,200,000. General Banking. Two per cent Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balancea of l&oo or over. Letters of credit and exchange on all parts of the world. Bayinge ac counts. Time certificates. 8 to 4 per cent; ahort-call special certincatea, $500 or over, ty, to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Southeast rnrner TMrH and Hair flta PhnnK Private Exchange 71. BEN J. I. COFJEN President I H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretsry J. O. GOLTRA. .. .Assistant Secretary 11 Falling bldg. Inr loans; lowest Wllltetn O. Beck. C ECURITT SAVINGS & TRUST CO. 284 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Transact a nnr I Rinlilnr Dualnaaa HAVlNrtH DEPARTMENT Inter- est sllowed on Time and Ssvlngs Accounts. Acts as Trustee for Estates. Drafts nnd Letters of Credit Available on AH Parte of the World C. F. ADAMS Preeldent L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. . .Second Vice-President R, C. JUBITZ Secretary GEO. E. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary MACHINERY T" TLB GtTARANTEE A TRUST COMPANT !40 Washington Street THE H. C ALBEE CO. SECONIV hand machinery, sawmills, etc 14$ Grand ave. J. PAUL. 100 1ST ST. A COM plete line sawmill machinery; also engines and boilers. MUSICAL S. MITCHELL. THE TALENTED musician, is now available for all Dlano engagements, first-class piano and mandolin Instruction at reasonable rates. Call at 484 H Washington st. PIANO, VINTCORNET. TROM- bone. clarinet Professor tc A. Bmltn. 54 12th st Main 470$. MONITHENTS NEU at KINGS LET, 248 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite work a. 03TEOPATHIC PHTSICIANL FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS td and Everett sta. Phone Main $000. GASOLINE" ENGINES GASOLINE ENGINES, Stationary and marine; electric equip ments; launches; accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 182-4-4 Morrison st Sheffield marine engines, ant fropeller. Falrbarka, Morse A Co and Stark sts. REFITTED GASOLINE ENGINES; low price; call or write. Fairbanka, Morse A Co., 1st and Stark sts. HOTELS THE BELLEVUE, 4th and Salmon. EUROPEAN PLAN. HOTEL f prtland. Am. plan. $. $5 dayT 3TEL f f LVEt: BELVEt'l'RE, European; 4th and AlderT HARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS mads to order. Portland Hardtrare Co., 74 4th. ' INSURANCE J ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 144 Sherlock bldg. . W. L. PAGE, INSURANCE; EMPLOT er liability., surety bonds, burglar and accident insurance. Phone Main . sag. 204 Failing bldg. AAS. Met WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA ' ' bllity and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. $01 Mc- i Kay bldg. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. SPB clallst on nervous, aeute and chronic diseases. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Pacific 1110. DR. a B. NORTHRUP, 415-14-17 DE- kum bldg.. Id and Waahlngton sta Phone Main 34ft. Examination free. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATE for satisfactory work. 284 Tamhlll. PLUMBERS FOX A CO. SANITART PLUMBERS. 231 2d, bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. DONNERBERG A RADEMACHER RE- moved to No. 103 Burnslde st PRINTING OOILBEE BROS., PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Phone Main ISIS. 145H 1st st MODERN PRINTERT. PHONE PA clfic 1526. R. 24. Russel bldg.. 4th and Morrison sts. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MORTGAGE IAN8 ON Portland Real Estate at Lowest Ratea Till InitiirMt Ahstrarta Furnished. J. THORRURN ROSS President I JNO. E. AlTCHTf ON Secretary GEORG1': H. HILI Vice-President T. T. BURKHART Tressurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonds. OVVNING-HOPKlNS COMPANT Established 1893 BROKERS. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main D 87. Qverbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. STht w.'ion. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLT COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. TYPEWRITERS BLICKEN8DERFER , TTPEWRITER Agency Suppltea; repairs. Raleigh bldg.. 4th snd Washington sts. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILT COMB. brush, sosp, $1 per month. Portland Laundry A Towel Supply Co.. th and Couch sts. Phone 410; TRANSPORTATION. 04) 444f444444444444T444444w444w 444444444)44) WE REPEAT IT O Tt M fl U1 Acre IS THE IDEAL PLACE FOR THE HOMESEEKER f JHE LOCATION , LENTS. I THE SOIL tvvw v af-w far a iTirmrtftf1! WILL UKUW Ari x 1 XlllMvJ. THE WATER ABUNDANT, INEXHAUSTIBLE. CONSIDER, -"-, THE CAR SERVICE ' EVERT TEN MINUTES. THE PRICE $300 AND UP. THE TERMS 10 PER CENTCASH, BAL. TO SUI1 LAST, BUT AN ACRE FOR THE KNAPP & MACKEY Room 2 Chamber of Commerce. 4)4X44444444 NOT LEAST PRICE OF A LOT. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. TRANSFER AND HAULING C O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST., BE tween Stark and Oak sts.; phone 698. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware house with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay ata. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. F. P. Sheascreen. General transfer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and a h 1 ppeo. ZQB uag si. Motn pnones. VAN HORN TRANSFER & STORAGE Co., Inc. Furniture and piano moving a specialty; storage warehouse. 40-42 2d St.. corner Ash. Phone Main 1618. PENINSULAR EXPRESS & Transfer, 21H. 247 Alder st BAGGAGE Phone Main PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND TTPE- wrlter. Main 1271. 814 Dekum bldg FA YE KANDLE. 208 ALISKT BLDG. PAINTS, OIL ANr GLASS F, E. BEACH A CO.. THE PIONEER Paint Ca Window glass and glaslng. 135 1st st. Phone 13S4. REAL ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE, REAL ESTATE AND loans: established 1883. 146 H 1st, room 11. AQENC t, DEALERS IN rentals. 306 H Stark SPHINX' real estate and st Main 4144. FOR FARMS OF EVERT DESCRIP tion. W. W. Espey, 810 Commercial bldg. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurvey timber and prairie government land. II M. Hamilton. "The Portland," Portland LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MA8TICK A CO., FRONT , and Oak ata., leather and skins of very description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters; findings. RUBBER STAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS, 24 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade checks; brass signs and plates. ROOFING TIN ROOFING. GUTTERING. RE palring and general Jobbing. J. Losll, 212 Jefferson st. Pacific 1424 OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 N. 6TH. Main 49. Heavy hauling and etorage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANS fer Co. Storage. 324 Stark. Main 407. WHOLESALE JOBBERS ST?" M. A. GUNST A CO., DISTRIBUTORS OK FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. EVKRDlNO A FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchanta, 140 Front St., Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES ArjOUgT . , 10) SZTTZXBEX 12, 19. 11, Chicago and return, $71.60. St Louis and return, $47.60. St PauL Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior, Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, $40. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 For tickets, sleeping car reservations and additional Information, call on or address H. DICKSON. C. P. A T. A. 123 THOU) ST, Telephones: Msln ORTXA3n, ox. 680. Home A-2286. AT THE THE ATE ES OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC- turlnir Co. Manufacturer of furni ture for the trade. Portland, Or. WADHAMr & CO WHOLESALE GRO- eers. manufacturers ana commission rnercha- s. 4th and Oak sts. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders, i. rcuvensxy s rurni ture factory. 307 Front st. ALLEN ft LEWIS, COMMISSION AND nroduce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. foriiana. ur. WHOLESALE CROCKERT AND glassware. Prael, Hegele A Ca, Port land. Or. THE OREGON CHEESE CO. (INC.) Cheese, butter, eggs, etc., dairy prod ucts bought or handled on commission. 126 6th st (Hweuana Diag.j, -ornana. Or. RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUST BEE FOR DELI catessens. Home cooking. 434 Wash ington st THE PORTLAND COFFEE HOUSE IS now open for business. 269 1st. with first-class bakery In connection. MONEY. TO LOAN MONET MONET MONET NOTES. MONET, MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET - MONET SALART LOANS ON PLAIN GET $10 TO $100. .NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER "ABSOLUTELT NO SECURITY." LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS i A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK, WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITT CO., 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SATURDAT TILL 8 P. M. MONET MONET MONET MONEY MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET TO LOAN or for buila- SPIRITUALISM. MRS. STEVENS. PORTLAND'S RELIA ble palmist and spiritual life reader; readings dally. , $43 Tamhlll. MRS. SHAVER, SPIRITUAL READER. 424 Burnslde St., corner 10th. CARMENCITA SPIRITUAL CARD medium. reader, palmist and trance 81 N. 3d st. MADAM WALTMAN, CLAIRVOYANT, medium and healer. Phone Paciflo 2861. 147 11th st LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., Barbers' Supplies, Barbers' Fur niture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th A Morrison. TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS S. 8, 3 TRIPS Spokane, July 9. S. S. Si Xosa, July 18. 26; V0M3 MOVTB. S. Senator 3v1t 17, 8. B. ALASKA BOUTB. Anf. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER SIGNS. We have built up tho largest sign business in the city by first-class work and keeping our promises. Our prices are right 6th and Everett sta. Phone Exohange 66. uo improved city property ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part or loan atter two years. losns ap- "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" POR T land Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pacific 1684. proved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up ana repiacea. " t FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent .. $42 Stark st. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS 513 gAL . arias, insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.; any de ? aerying, prson may secure a liberal ad- vance. repaying by easy weekly or ' monthly Installments. KBW ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE COM - PANT. , . 'it'' 205 Abtngton Bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED Pkd pie and others upon their own names without security : cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In CO principal cities; save yourself money by getting our 'TomaH m 'Ablngton Bldg. - in h Mst UNCLE METERS'. LOAN OFFICE, 143 Id it, near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds.; jewelry and seal skins. . i, , if , ; STOCKS AND BONDS OF ESTAB llshed enterprises bought' and aoiu: commercial paper bought and money loaned on all classes of good aecurity. lioom JOT Couch bldg, 4th andWash- iioN kf-fd L6aM 6M reAL KaTATJfl, chattel raortgaws . y' curity: notes bouglit. or oersonsj se- aw. Pauttt, io STREET PAVTNO WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks - and cross ings. 314 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. of Portland. Office 665 Worcester blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES Lkag-wa;. Sitka, Junean and way porta. Sailing 9 p. m. X. 8. 8. Co.'s Humboldt July 12, 22 City of Seattle .July 20 Cottage City, via Sitka July 14, SAN FBANCISOO BOUTB. Sailing a. m. Prom Ssattls. President July 20 S. 8. Umatilla July 24 Sonoma amy w, m City l fflce, 949 Washington St. "The. Man Prom tho West." One of the most intensely interesting offerings ever made by the Allen TStock company Is "The Man From the West," which has ben a big drawing card at the Lyric all week. It Is an up-to-date drama of life as it exists on the frontier. Why You Should Buy; This Property I LOTS 7 LOTS S LOTS f I S300 TO J S44VO TO ) 350 I I 600 ( 500 I To 1 I Z fvmioiuj h I A I Ij 9 I i ( 2 llRVINGTON f aBMSMaaaaaaaaia J w . Lots Only $200 to $300 Carllne to center of tract this summer; city water, h l g h -grade Improvements, stricter building re strictions, g r a a t o r amount of shade and higher elevation than any of others. Low prices can't remain; demand too great BUT NOW. Why So Cheap? We bought this property some time ago at a ridiculously low price, and we're giving you the benefit. It's worth more than surrounding property, but want to do right by the pub lic let the buyers reap the difference. That's all there is to It Tou'll want a lot aa soon as you've seen the addi tion. ' See It tomorrow. originally O Irvington Park "The Addition With Character." F. B. Holbrook Co. 850 Stark 81 Ffcona Main 0396. Lots TOO; now gl 50 to BZ OOO Irving ton Park, only 18 blocks north, Son aa good carllne. on r. B. 8 0 X W A V. grounds all the time. Ale to East 27th; go three blocks north to Killings worth Ave. Agent, Alberta car "Utah" at the Star. Tomorrow afternoon and night will witness the last performances of "Utah." the new atate drama which has been holding the boards at the Star all weeK. it is a thrilling comedy-drama with scenes laid near Salt Lake City, Seats are now selling at theatre box orcice. PEOPLE W Sfl Sunday Vaudeville. It is far from being a dry and un interesting show at the Grand this week. Anigatl I'rlce is a mind reader who answers written Questions like Anna ay; Charles Carter is a magician; the Four Shannons are singers and dancers and there are besides other good O.CIS. Tires of St. John" Next Week. Beginning Monday night Miss Nance O'Nell will appear at the Marquam lrt "The Fires of St. John." It is the piece in wnicn sne acnievea ner greatest als tlnctlon In New York and is probably the most pronounced hit or her career. The piece will be magnificently pro- aucea. Animal Show at the Oaks. A really good animal show Is the one on exhibition at the Oaks. It contains two of the most magnificent specimens of the leopard family that were ever seen In Portland. It also has many other rare animals. J here is to be a free dog show at the park next week. SHOWCASES OF EVERT DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufac turing Co.. Portland. R. H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER; AGT. M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. SEWING MACHINES. THE SEWING MACHINE REPAIR CO., 872 First st, formerly machinist for the Singer Sewing Machine company. All kinds of machine repair work at lowest rate; the only gntollne engine expert on the Paciflo coaat : Homs Phone A 3820. SAFES Ho! For Astoria SO OB FastSteamerTelegraph Daily (except Thursdays!. Leaves Aldei street dock 7 a. m. PEONS MAIjT 03. PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS for Herring-Hall-Marvln safes and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank asfes; 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank .safes, very cheap. See them , or writ W 2 7th st. DIEBOLD ,. MANGANESHi . SAFES Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, . Jails, metal furniture. Both fboae J. A Da.rU, It. , BOAT'S TACIPIC STEAXSXJP CO.'S Steamships BOANCKt and GEO. W. ELDER Sell for Kareka. San Franclaco and Los Arrelea direct evary Thursday at t p. m. 'licket office 112 Third, near Alder. Phones M. Ill 4. H. YOUNG. Agent Colombia River Scenery BZOUXaVTOB UBB STBAXXms. Dally servte ketweea Portland aod The Dallas, except Baodar, leaving Portland at J a. a, arriving aboat S p. -, carry big freight and paaaeoters. Bpleodld accomnuxla Uona for Mtflut and livestock. Deck foot of Alder st Portland j foot at Cfearf ft, ' W3h. Mail M. FtgUagda COMPANY SUES FOR TITLE TO PROPERTY That Helen and Henry F. Goode, the children of the Jate H. W. Goode, hold the title to a Jjflock of real estate that belongs to the Portland General Elec trls company Is an allegation made In a suit filed in the circuit court yester day by the electric company against Goode'ft heirs. It Is alleged that Goode, as president of the Portland Railway, Light & Pow er company, bought the block bounded bj First Second, Ash and Pine streets for $33S),ouu ana neia in trust ior tne company, ljater tne diock was as signed to the Portland General Electric company, a Dranch or tne itauway, Liight & fower company. While holding the block In trust for his company President Goode suddenly died, with the title to the block in his name. The title passes to nis neirs. and the suit is brought to have the title changed to the electric company. EX-SLEUTtfS' HEARING HAS BEEN POSTPONED Attorney Ralph E. Moody, who looks after the Interest of the Snow, Day, Carpenter and Reslng, Is In Philadelphia and the police commis sion has continued their trial until the return of the lawyer in August The commission was scheduled to meet at 10 o'clock this morning. Chairman - Greene stated that the charges preferred by Captain , Bruin against Detectives Kay and Klen- lln would te investigated oy tne com mission soon after the return of, the latter, wht U ww, oa ibis ycUon. , nNGRASSiriPARKS Members of Board All Agree That Allowance Shall Be Made in New Rules. Councilman A. G. Rushlight appeared before the park board at its meeting yesterday and petitioned for the Improvement of the triangular tract owned by the, city at the Intersection of Brooklyn and Mllwaukie streets and the installation of a drinking foun tain. The board favored the petition and in structed the park1 superintendent to In vestigate and estimate the cost of curb ing, placing the fountain and building a small pavilion. Immediate action will be taken on the reports. Rules regulating the conduct of the public parks were again dlsoussed and tn ordinance will be presented to the city attorney and then to the nitv rnnncll hj5 soon as a report can be made on it. Board members fully discussed the rights of the people to use the grass in public parks and all were of the opinion thai this should be allowed except in places where tho grass was scarce ana errort was oeing made to preserve the growth. In tne new rules the publlo will have free ac cess to every public park except in places designated by sign boards. Councilman Concannon and others ap peared before the board with the Infor mation that the public could have use of the fair grounds on the evening that the band concerts were held there. TRIAL OF HAU WILL LAST jBUT FEW DAYS (Journal Special 8ervlce.) Karlsruhe, Germany, July 1$. Karl nan fni-mar nrnfessor of Roman law at George Washington university, Wash ington, who is charged with the murder of Frau Molltor. his motner-in-iaw, wiu be placed on trial next Wednesday. It Is expected that the legal proceedings will be brief and will not occupy more than three or four days. Frau Molltor was shot at Baden-Baden last November, and the American educator was arrested on a charge of having killed her, extra dited from England and has since been tn prison here awaiting trlaL Friends of Hau allege that he has been terribly abused by the officers in an attempt to make him confess. PEACEFUL ENDING OF PIONEER'S LIFE Sirs. Elizabeth Story, Well Known Port land Woman, Passed Away at Her Home. Mrs. Elizabeth Story, a Portland pion eer and for 34 years a resident of this city, died at her home, 62 East Eighth street North, last night. She suffered a stroke or paralysis some montns ago, and passed gradually and peacefully away. Mrs. Story was born in Germany, January 8, 1S43. but came to this coun try when a child of 9 years, settling WATER SUPPLY IIL BE GOOD Improved System,, Including Fire Hydrants, for Town of Lents in Ten Days. I i , - - if M. s ' i 1 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Story. ENDEAVORERS HAVE VERY NARROW ESCAPE V- .ii i (gpaeial Dispatch to Tne Joarml.r Hatton, Wash., July 12. Christian Endeavorers on a special train bound for Seattle had a narrow escape yesterday when a Northern Paciflo bridge near here caught fire. Trackwalkers dis covered the flames and flagged the ape clal just In time to save the lives of the aicttrsloBiata, .. , with her parents In New Tork state. After marrying she came with her hus band to the Paciflo coast by the Isth mus of Panama route when 24 years old and first made her home In Albany. Then she came to Portland. For 27 years she has lived continuously in the homer on East Eighth street. - But one child is left. Miss Lena E. Story. There are three grandchildren. S. B. Story, husband of deceased, rilnri' obout 20 years ago." ' Mr. Storsr lived a ouiet life anf wna of a kindly and lovable dIs?oiionv She had many friends- on account of her long residence in the same portion of the city, who were devoted to her. 8he was r member of the ChrHtlair Hrlnnon church and the funeral will be held un der the auspices of that organisation. Funeral arrangements hav notTetbeen completed. Within 10 days the Improved water system of Lents will be In operation. Only a few days' work remains to be done before the new tank will be com pleted. Pipes have been laid for soma time and everything Is waiting on the construction of the tank which will supply large mains 'that have been sub stituted for older and smaller ones I. F. Coffman Is proprietor of ths pla and la making the lmDrovements. .ats Hereafter Lents will have plewxy of water for all purposes and fire hydrants will be established. The Lents Im provement club Is considering the pur- ' chase of them and Mr. Coffman has i signified his jSllllngness to furnish I water free of charge. A. . Brown, owner or the old wood mere waterworks, is also enlarging his system. Lents Is making rapid strides to ward becoming a city? New places of business are springing up and many new homes are In course of erection. The streetcar company, is making im- rovements continually and will soon egln construction of a double track to Lents from ths city. Real estate sales are numerous and property values are increasing. PRESIDENT J0SSELYN ' HONOR DINNER GUEST Frederick V. Holman Host at Social Gathering for New Traction Head at Arlington Club. Frederick V. Holman gave a dinner last night at the Arlington club In honor of Benage S. Josselyn, the newly elected president of the Portland Rail way,' Light & Power company. In ad dition, those present were: Judge W. B. Gilbert, Judge, C. H. Wolverton. Judge A. F. Sears I Jr., C. S. Jackson, J. F. Carroll, A. L. Mills, J. C. Ainsworth, C. F. Adams, E. M. Brannlck and W. L. Boise v Letters and telegrams of regret were received from Governor George B. Chamberlain, Senator C. W. Fultan and James J jsrien, wnu ware union w Trout for. Eastern Oregon. (Special Dispatch to Tb Jeornsl.1 J La Grande, Or., July IS. a J. Scriber and William Miller have Just received 18.000 young trout from the hatcheries, which they placed In Beavar creek snd the Grand Ronde riverr. Br, Bacon, Adolph Newlln and others have also re oiy4 large, ghlpmeats. . , v. be present by reason of previous 3Hc ro'na e-acreninnta nnit beintr awav from land. Mavor Lane. Judrs L. R. Web ster and several others sent regrets on Account of previous engagements. . ,,, i , i a i .... airs. Easier Allege Drunkenness. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Elgin, Or., July IS. Mrs. Velma Eas ier of this place has filed a suit fof di vorce from S. N. Easley, on ths grounds of 'habitual drunkenness. Mr. and Mrs. fiasjey havs lived U Elgin slQce l0f. - ;-r-v-zs f -'.. Hi r III