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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING; JUNE - 6, 1S07. '' CRAWFORD ACCUSED OF BAD FAITH BY- GRANGE "Attorney General Alleged to i Hayei Given Organization -me iouuie. vruws. b.-- ASK DUET'S AID TO INVOKE EEFERENDUM I '4 . V Una Coontf Farmers tTUI -Secure Writ of Mandamus to' Coflipel, Of ficial to Flla Petitions and Place 7- (he Same the Ballot. - : fSnaelai' 1 Dboab ' ts Tb loeraat.l '-'i "Albany. Or,' JTutu . Th,.ranf of ; ; Linn couaty,li i up .la arm against- the I attorney-generaT They-have' determine - . to invoke the aid of tha higher court ,ln obtaining an unbiased opinion In tbel matter of tha validity of tha petitions ., lued to refer the unlrerSltr appropria- Uon to a -rote of the people. A wrtt of) , mandamus la to be asked for oompeU- lag the secretary of eUte to flla the I Petitions and rive the same a piaoe on the ballot for tht next general election. ,' They accuse Attorney-General Crawford of double dealing, unfairness and lneln . oerlty toward tne backers of the move- .went and of. being hostile to the meaa xaua Auegea. ' ,, : A e ff OREGOn NEEDS HOME BUILDERS Astoria Chamber of Com merce Kember Tells Ad Men's Club How. Attorney General Crawford. In speaking of the matter yesterday, Cyrus H. Walker, secretary or tne com mittee naving tne worn or ins rereren- . dum in charge, said that last Monday a conference was held with the attor v ney-general in reference to the matter of oung tne petitions on tne university ' appropriation, and that a promise was exaoted from that official to the effect 1 that he would not. pass on the points at t issue and an agreement reached where '"by the petitioners we're to select a dls ' Interested Jurist to pass on the validity of the petitions and his decision be ao cepted as gnai and binding to all par- . ties oonoerneav TMe agreement was reached and agreed to In the presence of George i. Pearce and Hon. TIL Ford of Salem and himself. Instead of abid- inr by the terms of his promise, Mr. Crawford is accused of breaking his . word by filing at once an opinion la the ; matter aaverce to tne petitioners, vio lating the terms or Ms verbal agr , nent vand com Diet el y retracting from the position and promise of a few hours I , Derore. -,--. - -.r-' ' Secretary ' Walker was ' greatly sur prised when be learned that an adverse opinion had been filed by the attorney--general before they were' given an op portunity to carry out the agreement entered into but tne day previous. Hs ' - considers that the grange baa been dons a great injustice and tha advocates . ; of the referendum denied a "square deal." .v. . zmtuta Vsw Xav. 1; Eugene Palmer, one of tha Isadora in the work of the referendum, went to , Salem yesterday ta .consult with com , potent legal talent and obtain counsel and take the Initial steps to force the - filing of the petitions through means of a writ of mandamus. Should the writ ' be Ineffectual and the .work of the petl i tloner brought to naught, the petition V( ers and those, in favor of referring the matter to a vote of the people will take steps 'to Initiate a law governing tho points at issue-na one that will settle once and , for all the strife and varl- torney-generaL In ousting the contestee. Many other similar contests for the state will-follow if this one la auo- cesafuL The enabllnr act sranted to the state or waaninrton land sections numbered IS, but where actual settlere were found on land In thess sections before their survey, they were given prior rigni to nomeeteaa, - ana ine state was then allowed to select lieu lands In. steao. in many eases contestants ap peared after survey and sneoeedsd in acaulrlnar lands In section II by cont proceedings. . It has now been deelded by the at torney-general s omoe that the state, and not the oonteatant. la entitled to an tanas rrom which the original set tier is thus ousted by a subsequent eiuer as contestant. . . Mob Attacks Welchon. ' f Josrnal Beeeial tarrfaa.i Hon Konar. June a. A nub at. tackinc the cltv of Welehou. Tranm are rushing to defend It i to exist between legislators am The Intent of tbe the ancs that Beefri nd ttm te and not to be mistaken. According to ths common reonla . . . . - r . titioners is' rxain SchooJL Children Preparing. iiivery ooy ana gin in Forusnd is on ul vlve. awaiting ths great time the ou that Hartman It Thompson has planned for them at Rose City nexf Satur day. There will be games of all kinds, races and contests, swings, bands, par radeg and everything that can be de vised to make the young hearts happy. Btreetcara will ttm fre tn th rhil. dren and every effort on the part of Hartman A Thompson will be put forth to make the day one long to be remem bered. Special announcements will be made from day to day In the dally papers, giving all the details of the celebration. Parents will be especially well taken care of and those who can not go should arrange to give the chil dren a pleasant day, as they will all in weu taaen-care ox onnae grounds. 4 John H. Wbyte, manager of the As- u im. soMtaumv oc oommerceb in aa aa dress before the Ad : Men's club , last night,'' placed Portland and the , coast city in the same front rank of a pub Ilclty campaign." -Tor ' both cities he urpea ma earns Kind or adverUalng to iiiciuuw a larger settlement and growth. Both cities, he said could profit largely vj Hpimn na. aa van ceo ror more extended publicity In the east. . He asserted that Oregon would be vanoea auicaer and tn rnnta wnnH be more lasting by securlna im. ers and wags earners on the coast than by attracting only men of capital, al though both were needed and there Is a world of opportunities for each class. . - "You may say we, mors MnAlH wui int nun or muni rn rnm, ia i gon, the man of Influence, the man who uaa .nun inyeatmenis. Mt me ask then, what state of this union, what section of this great republic has ever been built up by rich meat Did rich men come across the Rocky mountains & ths tiresome prooese of ox teams? Were the pilgrim fathers rich men? However suooessfut we might be in se curing the Invostmsnts of capitalists in n. is It not a fact that wa would still depend more on the men who chop down the forests, who dig dsep in our mines, r who toil In our orchards, who catch the fish for our fisheries, who make butter In our dairies than we would on the man who furnishes us mere money T" ' ; Mr. Whyte urged publicity' through the small want ad In newspapers throughout the union and read soms of the striking samples he had brought with him..-.,' 'j- " ' ' ;- At the conclusion of the meeting the members elected the speaker an hon orary member of the club. He was folv lowed In his remarks by EL V. Cannon who spoke on the progress of the Rose carnival and Tom Richardson who made a few remarks concerning, the Oregon Development Jeague, the work It has ac complished and the coming convention of the sssoclatlons which will be held in Portlsnd this month. ' ' - f ANNIVEES AKY. OF FIKE '0 THAT BURNT SEATTLE Seattle, June I. Eighteen years ago today Seattle waa practically destroyed by firs. - Today the Seattle Volunteer Fireman's association, which is perpet uating the old Seattle Volunteer Fire men's Company, whlrh helped check ths flames on June s. ibs, is holding -a basket pionio in wild wood park, across laae wasnington, or tne event, annual event. ? In commemoration The celebration is an Fref erred Vtoot Canned woods. nd. Allen aV Lewla' Best Brand ; r:.4! ' '. . '' w,. 'J' '. ly T'..i'"" fe'"-i ' 1-r '' .'.'.'', The Bejt Scotrtins Soap A Bcoarino; Sotj A Meuf Polish A GUm Cleaner t- . r ONE WEEK i: One Third Oriental Ru admirer read this ad carefully and don't miss the great oppor tunity offered you. Probably you will never tee it repeated again. W offer. 00 pieces of ' ' K , ' t Oriental Rugs and Carpets Of Best Design, Quality and Weave at One-Third Off The reduction in price will be for one week only. Be sure' io call and see , for yourself. All prices marked in plain figures. ;.,.v. , GEO. JABOUR & C O. lii TAT.l.2MaM Ca--.-a .' o ' aiA a-i '. , jii ffdwuiiBiuu ljucci - "wuiucr Dcvcmn aircci ' ii. f ; i , h-.;-i-j'y-iZ; These summer-whispering days we ;are : all..., dreaming of the seaside and the mountains, but A lmost of us spend the greater part of the summer right here in Portland. : Realizing this' we have made "The House of .Quality" ,a restfuPcenter .: ; , fpr you every sight; pleasing to the eye, every v? sound soothing to the ear," every; attention' sug- gested - by courtesy--cool and comfdrtableaU y ? combining to make your visit a memorable onVn 'p and productiyelof many" others. Mng ' your; "it. out of town friends and when downtown shoVr ; ping, drop in for a little restful recreation. ; ' For your enterUinment tomorrow we suggest; l: :S a Visit especially to the player-piano department. 1 . Ask particularly to hear the Knabe-Angelusf or j 'the ' Emerson-Angelus,1, both of which! ; are . equipped with the Melodanta' playing device J 'that secures automatically, ;thesympathetcje ;pression commonly thought possible only as th ; result, of the human touch. ' :A musician will ap- v predate the technical possibilities of this wonder-;f ful ;device, and every listener will know he en- ?. .joys the music, immensely because there VeemsV to be nothing mechanical about it ; r ; Portland, Seattle, Tacorru, Si(siv.r,-l-...-.v, vv-,r :, nerman Everett, Belllnflwfi, ''. Spokane, uo -THE ' HOUSE -OP .QUALITY- : ' 7 ' Sixth tad Utrrtson Sis. (Opp. Pcslolllce) PorUmd, Or. t 1 Flowering t. Plants Postpaid We have thousands "of . strong rooted flowerlnc bedding plants at the following prices, mail or express charges prepaid: Sweet Alyssum 60s) per dozen, Asters 385e, Carnations T5e , . " Cosmos 40f, Geraniums T5s Heliotrope 60- Lobelia 30, " Panilei 60s),' Petunias 5V verbenas 40e,, Cobia Sctnden, best climbing plant, grows 40 feet in a season, 25e each. -Send cash with order. : No. C O. D. shipments. - ; f PORTLAND SEEb CO'PO"- ;.) ..... i rrar be a fight to the finish between the ad vocates of the' referendum and those : STATE CLAIMS LAND ... OF 0FSTE1) SETTLED 'X.VV --V.". . - v (Special Dtopatea to ne Joeraair Olvmpla, Wash June 6. The attor-ney-reneral'a pfflce is-preparing to par , tlclpate In a land contest before tbe state land oommlsslonsr with the avowed purpose of taking; the land , away from the contestant If be succeeds,- with the assistance of the at- osjurosirzA xotzxa rr---'- .- 1 1 , ' ... j .. . . v ...... 1 ' ' ,- ' " -"' "' " ' ' - ' . "" 11 1 " 1 ' 11 ' "" " ' 1 '" 1 " ' " - " A LIST OF REGORD-BREAKINQ VALUES wmmm 1C TTTTt TTI -X. II II III! mm lTTTTr MMffl rmTMiTi Mi HOTEL JEFFERSON TURK AND QOUOH STRCCTSi . V SAN rKANCISCO - PECiai. lUMUti aitts New hotel, faeee Jefferaoa Sanare. Two liloclra from Van Nam A n v. m . piag diatricb Car linea tranaf arrina all over nmmm And Pww 1 - 860 rooms aiaale or eaeulte. 140 private baths. ABMTiRsa ana fiuropeen plana, fricei moder atev. . Omnibus SMets all traiaa. i , STEWART-BARKER CO. The Hotel Stewart Opena September let TOMORROW AND SATURDAY AT rm I MORRISON STREET, NEAR QIAND AVENUE " " , A hurricane sale that starts tomorrow and ends Saturday evening.' A grand exposition of values offered you for the sake of comparison. Compare the following ; prices with similar offerings elsewhere, on the east side, the west side, or anywhere about the town. If you have not as yet attended our end of the week sales you are -missing the bargain treat of your lives. You will read of many "Calamity" sales in this evening's paper announcements teeming with sensational fiction; we be lieve an ounce of performance is worth a pound of promise. We don't tell you why we do it or how we do it, but present for your inspection the cleanest, newest and best selected stock hereabouts at prices less than the other fellows pay for the same merchandise. We are mat ine? a record for low onces ori fine Voods--on seasonable things and articles which every one needs today. With large stores in the east we have an immense buying capacity ajid unlimited capital, manufacturers look to ' us wncn mey ucsire 10 operate laigciy, uu. ure kuci ui a nuuncu. inis great Dusuiess started a quarter ot a century ago In the middle west. We began by breaking records for value-giving, and will ever continue to break records on the same lines. May today's store news spur you to the same active response given bur previous prints WE ARE CONFIDENT OF IDE VALUES, THEY ARE WORTDY AND SALE CONTINUES VIGOROUS- IlMi!llEEror:affldttOFIT. sUT' raAJfcxsoo'S ixasnra comxaotax Eoxzi. coKTamaia aoo booms. The St. James STTLT0 ' St. AJtD V.Ur SZ8S' ATX . - '-V.BA nuurcisco. VATI0VAX KOTEt CO.. fres, Wnv 7, Bans, Mgr. ! eltnatod In the heart of the boaloeas Ota. trlet. Modern and bandaomely jCnrnlahad. Prt vate feetha, tetepbonae la evarr room. Sample roomi Cor traveling: nica. 'Bates from tl-60 to B4.00. Koropean pi a. Aeecaalble to all depot. Situated la tbe naart ot tbe eboppinc and beat- - neas onmn. uim to tne incarre. ; , XKB SSAVTZrVZi MXW Hotel "Key Route Inn" 22nd Street and Broadway ; . OAKLAND Suhnv rooms, . private baths, lonaj-aie- ', tahes teiepnones, cornpressea air clean ' Irian lars-a lobby, eats a la earte with i culalne and service unsurpassed. For rates, otc address . . ; N. & MUtULN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Hanagrer Macs , , Hotel, Kan Francisco. HOTBL. AUDUBON sav rsAjrciBoo itntorxAjr rLA oitxT. Blntl rooms or a suite. -. Klerator, ateam beat, Wtrt lifrbta and raB BMdara otd1. mw. Strictly flnrt-elaaa, Coevanlent to abop. ! awntara. O direct Uae from ferry and Ibirfl and Tevaaend dpo Batee $1 BP. -. tills at., mt Vaa Kea areaae, ' ft B, .ANTLa' fcisr . Women's White tow Cut Shoes Values to $2, at 89c Just about $1 saved on every pair'and at just the right time and in just the style you will want. We offer 200 pairs of Ladies' White Sea Island Duck Oxfords, pretty, shapely styles, all bright and new from the makers' hands, at this price. r Greatest Sale of Women's Belts llannfacturer's Samples, 85c, QQ $1.00 and $1.51 Values at . . . . Ot)C If you wish rto participate in this great event get here early; not a Belt in the lot worth less than 85c and up to $1.50, to be sold at less than'the price of the buckles, all piled in one great lot and offered at a fraction of regular : cost. . , . r, 5000 Yards Dress Ginghams Famous WAF(T Brand, 10c Yard The largest department stores will sit up and take notice of this We have a multitude of the choicest checks to choose from. Get the quotations from other stores, you will, learn a .lesson. ' - ' 200 Doz. 20c Towels. 9c Each Plain Huck or Turkish; Towels, in, bleached V or unbleached generous sizes; less , than half price. , - 'i ; 15c Val. laces for 3c Yard A famous lace sale .will be in full force here Friday and Saturday, and it should " eclipse any event ever held in Portland. A Splendid assortment of beautiful Edes and Insertions in mesh and French Vals., from y to 3 Inches wide, which sell regularly at 10c and 15c a yard, 10,000 yards at 3. Women's Best 25c Hosiery lOcPr Our end of the week Stocking Sales have al ready become famous, take advantage of this one 100 dozen best 25c 'xjuality Bevfson z Hosiery ; many merchants get 35c for this num' ber. Made of fine sea island yarn and abso lutely seamless. Price cut to one third, all sizes. " Children's "Black Cat" Stock tags 5c Pair Your choice of "a number of leading .brands, such as the Black Cat or North Star makes.. ,You all know what the other dealers sell them " for. . Buy them here at of the regular price. : Children's Solid Leather Shoes Best $1:50 Quality, at 89c We say solid leather and mean solid leather, a; standard make in a variety of dressy and com mon sense styles, all sizes at this price. And Now for theJValsts An Even Thousand f Then JArt Best $1.25 Valacs, AU Sizes Ut)t Elaborately "trimmed : Lingerie Waists, richly embroidered or trimmed with dainty lace, all sizes and styles and not a waist fn the lot sold regularly at. less than $1.25, in fact no such price cutting as this from coast to coast; Two" days only. Ladies' Silk Jumper Salts $18.50 to $25 Qualities, at $11.50 A small lot of SOuits in brown, blue r black, swell creations in the latest styles.. . The lot is too small to last long, so advise early pur chasing. --. . 2K-Yard Length Lace Curtains 200 Pairs at 49c Pair , ' An assortment of handsome designs'" in. bleached full length Window Curtains, espe cially appropriate for the summer cottage; buy them at less than half price. , , , 2000 Yards "Loretta'' Sheeting . . at8cYard . !Ixretta" Unbleached Sheeting has i standard price that admits of no price cutting as a usual ; thing, but we are fond of doing unusual things. Purchase as many yards as you wish while the J lot lasu. rf Women's 20c Sleeveless Vests at 5c Each 100 dozen best 20c quality, not the cheap arVj tide offered around town at 12fc, but a guar anteed 20c value, full taped and full sized at yj the regular price. . , . . . , 50 Dozen Japanese Kimonos 85c and $1.00 Qualities, at 39c Novel and striking designs, full sized Kimonos, . in Japanese figured or plain crepe effects, all , colors and never sold at less than 85c and $14 Two days only. ; . . t , - .aHnaSaaBSMaoajHSJBjaBaSSJS f Notion Needs at low Prices' ; 25c and 85c Shell Back Combs; our priceTB1! 10c Roll Toilet Paper, 1,000 rolls, at. . . . . .5 10c Cake Jap Rose Toilet Soap ..4. .6 25c Bottle Graves' Tooth Powder. lo 5c Paper Commdn Pins..... ........ ;..2a . 15c Brass Extension Curtain Rods ......... 8 ,25c White Wash Belts at....... .10. Fnll Stock of Ferris Waists and - Ro & G. Corsets V Always a full line of the famous R. & G. Cor sets here,. the verytlatest and best, .plenty of sizes in every stvle. Every R. Si G. Corset is ' ciiara ntrl tn envm eatiefarf inn " -r--. - H m a ; Prices begin at..... olaUU