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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1907)
7 IF YOU make your "Want" Ads timely, Journal readers will do 'the rest v :,:v;?' ;;;:'':v;: -tf;;' Journal Circulation Yesterday Was The Weather Pair tonight; fair and. warmer Thursday. VOL., VI. NO.' 78. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 5, 1807. SIXTEEN PAGES. 28,771 MESSES : MW CMMEl RJI1E ITO GRAVE DEFEAT IW Most (GRUESOME; TALE : ' I i D E A LE RS A R E THROUBH ; COURT FOR f Of BLOOB 'MD TERROR JilCIEO QUE KM -JJ DYNAMITED MINES : ) stead of Trustees; Whoso " " " T - )'' 1 'll 1 If , HI VlllUUli VV-llILl 1 -MotlonforSubstitutionls '''i? ' '''": V' 1 : Denied by the Judge. .. .. . . . . . V : ,. .: - ;..,.",! , WW T.h H VP Wh lIIV " V - t ' I -V. f ii Jobbers, Wholesalers, Manu facturers and Eetailers in Two Score Towns In Ore gon, "Washington, . Idaho and California in Trust , Dora Jennings, Who Defied ; Courts ,' and: Faced the "Law's Rigors Witfi Bright a Smiles,'.Is Dying in Ter- . ror Untold. - Investigation 6y the Federal Grand Jury Lasting Near ly a Month Involves Num ber of Prominent Furni ture Firms Jn Portland. After an Inreatlratlon etnain oyr 22 dayg, tb federal , fra&d Jury - turned an indictment In ' tb United . State district court ' thla morning gainst membera of the so-called furj . tilture trust, Including Jobbers, whole f salers, Manufacturers and retailers In 41 towns and cltle In Oregon, Wash- Ington. Idaho and California for com bining to restrain trade and sales and then adjourned sin die upon a motion I by United States Attorney William C ? Bristol. ';- ::r:-XA"-':r'-':-.j r::"'c The Indictment Is sweeping, fetrm ' and Incorporations of the highest, repu ' tatton for commercial Integrity are ln " volved by tho evidence furnished the '" Jurors by Assistant United States At torney James Cole and now find them selves liable to a fine of 15.000, or. In the case of Individuals, a sentence of . One year In prison If found guilty , of "the charges brought against them.' There are three counts In the Indict ment Tho first charges the whole salers, Jobbers and manufacturers with combining with the retailers to restrain r, trade and sales. - The second charges the wholesalers with combining to do (Continued on Page Nine.) Refuses Food and 3Iedicine, In Fear of Poison Thinks Her Mother and Brother Are i Her ; Foes-Strange Life Near Its End. :.' (Special Dtipateb to The Joonnt , Oranta Pass. Or June 5. Suffering with an incurable disease and with but a few more days to live, Dora Jennings, the girl who with her brother, Jasr-or. was tried In the Josephine county court for the murder of her father, Is spend ing what little strength' remains in her wasted body in wild ravings and cries of terror. She declares her attentive old mother and her brothers are trying to poison her. ; She refuses both medl cine and food, believing It is drugged. "They want to get me out of the way," she cries aloud. "They are try ing to kill me to kill me.". At first she acreamed her words Of terror, but now life s so rar spent ana her strength so nearly exhausted that she can speak but little above a whis per. ..V' - - .- - LUI Ol Desinoea. Every day - Warden Cheshire accom panies Jasper Jennings from the county Jail to the little house In the suburbs of Grants Pass where the Jennings family now reside and where the sir lies on her , deathbed. , Dora - scarcely recognizes her ' brother and will give (Continued on Page Three.) Decision Clears the Way for Trial of the Main Question Compelling the So-Called Pleasantview Clique to : Give an Accounting. (Journal Special BcrrkO .' Concord, N. H., June B. Judge Cham berlain today denied the mottdn of the three trustees recently appointed to take charge of Mrs. Eddy's property for leave to be substituted as the plain tiffs Instead of the ."next friends, who began the litigation to-tseourean ac counting for tho property; ; The decision clears the way for the trial of the main question, shall the so called "Pleasantview clique" be com pelled to show what It has don with the millions Mrs. Eddy Is supposed to have received In the past few years from the sale of books and contribu tions. ..... ' - -. " JUl ArrJul Mil LiAJWX , ' NEAR LATOURELLE . Sixteen applications for South ern Pacific land at 12.60 an acre near Latourelle In' Multnomah county, Oregon, have been Died with the oountv clerk up to 1 o'clock today. V7 U LAVA PIERCED AND WATER FLOWS (Sped DlspatrtL to Tho Jonrnal.) 'nedmond, Or, June 6. For the first time In the .history of central Oregon, theMava flow which spreads over the greater, part of tha' district lying east of the Cascades has been pierced ana water to. the depth of 20 feet is alter nately rising and falling at the bottom of a 450-foot shaft of a well which has r Just been completed at this place. , -Water was struck yesterday when the heavy drill broke through the laflt strata of rock and sank into white and black sand. Immediately afterwards the lower part f .the shaft filled with water, and WKjpeasurement of the moisture on the IfWTbore when raised showed a depth ' in excess of ,20 feet The water la Be ing forced upwards nnder 4 strong pres- sure and It la believed la prevented from gushing to the surface by the porpous Straus through which It wastes away. ; As quickly as casing can be secured from Portlaridthe shaft will be' encased, . When the artesian flpw is expected to rloe to the 'urfacaj'V:-:1ry;;; H : '' ,f The discovery Is Slewed as one of the greatest geological and hydrosraph leal importance, as well as. having -a tremendous bearing on the development and settlement at the arid land which i are being reclaimed in the western part of Crook county. - A general Jubilee la in progress here, in view of the fact that henceforth - Redmond and the dlatrict surrounding .will be supplied with ptte slan water for domestlo purposes. ' Government engineers who have been repeatedly balked by the peculiar forma tions existent in this" section of Ore gon in furnishing reliable estimates as to the depth at which water fuiight be struck, will he communicated with, and the depth of the lava flow will become a matter of record. , s . The well, the successful completion of which : has- caused general je rejoicing throughout all sections of Crook county, waa begun several weeks ago by the Deschutes Irrigation ffi & power com pany. Not knowing; the depth of the lava flow nor whether beneath It sthre waa water, the task .was looked upon as a hopeless undertaking. Arrange ments were made to sink the shaft 1,200 to 1,400 feet If necessary; but ; work now has' been discontinued and gasoline pumps will be installed to supply resi dents with water as soon as easing reaches here. Redmond lies some 20 miles north of V the headgates of one of the company's main canals, and in the heat of sum mer tha question of water for domestic purposes has been a serious One. Set' tler on . the . reclaimed ' sections have been compelled to go to the Deschutes river, ' several miles' away, to secure their supply of drinking water. The western part of Crook county is honeycombed with shafts, which have been1 sunk during many years past In a futile effort to reach water. These wells, however, have been '; dug to deptha ranging upward of . 6 0. feet by pick and shovel, and this la the first attempt , with a drill. Heretofore set tiers have been unable to reach the bottom of the lava flow, which, in' the present,; instance, waa successfully a compliahed. ' ' ; 'v';-' ' ' ' I The brill passed Mirough, 235 . feet of lava. '. From that point a mixture of lava and granite formation was encoun tered until a depth of 420 feet was reached, when the drill sank Into the gravel and sand. Tl drilling machinery will be re moved at once to a point eight miles east of Bendy on the Baldwin rancn, where ' work will continue until water Is struck in that section. . 1 1 Prisoner Calmly Relates Story of His Life Blowing Up of Bunker Hill Mine, of Vindicator Shaft and Independence Depot Described Story Sounds Like Confession of Medieval Assassin. ' HARRY ORCHARD. . IVESTERN UNION REED DEFEATED. AT ESTAGADA ' J. W. R'ed, notorious through a con victlon In the circuit ! court In this county-, last ; winter for. complicity 4n the ; SeU wood election frauds, was de feated for reeleettonv yesterday for mayor (aVEstacada by Dr. W K, Havl young ana, enierprismg piyi- ,rTan of that place. : The campaign was even more exciting than the contest In Portland, every available vote having been' cast, and perhaps one or two not available. . The total vote waa 74, Dr. Havlland receiving 40 and Mr. Reed 24. Charges made during the campaign were highly flavored with graft and the personal element entered . considerably. Graf, was charged up to the old admin istration in connection with street im provements, assessments,' the purchase of a water plant for $8,800 said not to be worth $3,000, the disposition of : the funds used to purchase the plant, qual IflcatJona of the officials, and even brib ery. AlC however, were vigorously de nied' by Mr. Reed andhls frienda -.In the estimation of the opposition Esta cada had developed a very rotten mu nicipality In Its short life of twa years. Dr. Havlland promised to heal up all personal feeling and did not enter into any of these charges. He said he be lieved a great improvement ' in the mu nicinal affairs of - Estacada could be brought out and fought out his cam jpalgn on these lines. - Seed Appealed In Vain." Mr. Reed on tho other hand argued that Ihe progress of the city" depended upon the full completion of the policies Inaugurated under his guidance of city affairs and asked bis reelection on those grounds. . Mr. Reed waa fined $1,000 In the circuit- court for his ' connection with the Sell wood frauds and his ap peal is now pending the action of the state supreme court. ' This circumstance had considerable weight in the election, v Three couhdlmen were, elected on Dr. Haviland's ticket and ; two . on . Reed's. The complete vote Is as follows: Coun cllmen first ward, W.I A. Jones. -47; A. Morrow 24; second ward B. F. , Howe, 28, Edwin Mallory, 85: third ward, Wil liam Dale, 27: L, D.' Posson, 31: fourth ward. W.v F. Cary, 21; E. F.. Surface, 42; fifth ward. ,J, F. Lovelace, $8; Ed Mlllerr33. H. Cooper for treasurer and A. N. Johnson for recorder, bad no opr position. ' The successful councilmen are ! William Dale; (anU-Reed). ( E.' F. Surface - (anti-Reed), r J. Fi Lovelace (anti-Reed), W. A. Jonea (Reed) and 3. F. Howe (Reed). Both factions express satisfaction over the result and the personal feeling aroused is already showing signs of passing away. Mr. Fraley, a Reed sup porter and cashier of the Estacada bank, said this morning that he was entirely satisfied and that all would pull for the good of Estacada again. Mr. Heylman, a very atrong anti-Reed man, waa elated over ':, the victory and , expressed high hopes for the future of the small city in the forests of Clackamas, f W. T. Muir, attorney for the Portland Railways, was on the ground most of the day and took a , prominent part In the challenging of voters. 4 A repetition of the Sell wood affair waa feared. The Attorney left In the afternoon to re turn to the city, after engaging In a few wordy battles with watchful citl sens. fx " i ; When, the result was learned and the election ' of Dr. Havlland conceded by the opposition, the friends of the mayor elect. were Jubilant. Bonfires; Ji were lighted, "the 'women presented the suc cessful candidate- with rosea . and the men congratulations.- After the celebra tion in the open air a ball was held in the pavilion on the banks of the Clacka mas river and tne revelry went oa unm a latebou FACES BIG STRIKE Operators May Tie Up Tele graph Lines Through out the West. . (Journal 8pecl fmM,) San Francisco, June 5. There is prospect of serious trouble between the Western Union Telegraph company and its operatora . The committee appoint ed on Sunday to present a schedule - to that company made a second attempt to do so yesterday, but without suc- coss. A special meeting was nem at Oakland last night, and a communica tion from President Small In regard to the failure cf the committee was read. No information would be given out by those who attended the meeting, but it is understood that a tie up of the. Western Union lines west of Denver was among the possibilities considered. Several operators employed at Oak land for the Western Union quit work account of the operation' of the (Continued on Page Three.) TWO RAILROADS WILL BE MERGED Election of E. E. Lytle to the Presidency of United Rail- ways Make Combine. With the election this afternoon of E. E. Lytle to the presidency of the United Railways company, the latter company will be merged with the Pacific Rail way & Navigation company. Hence forth the Lytle lines will be In complete control of an independent system from Portland; weet to Astoria and other coast points by the way of Hlllsboro and Tillamook. ' ' . The meeting of the directors of the United Railways company will be held at 8 Pclock, in the Commonwealth build ing, and the election of Mr., Lytle , aa head of the traction cbmpany forestalls the Oregon Electric company's proposed alliance with - the Pactflo Railway & Navigation company and Its connections which were to have been made at Hills boro. ...v -.Continued on Page Three.) BOND ISSUE TEST PLANNED As Soon as Leiral Machinery Can Be Oiled and (5ase Pre- . pared Eecent Bond Issue Will Be Taken Through Circuit and Higher Courts. The. legality of it he $5,000,000, bond Issue provided for by the "people at the Monday election wilt be tested In the courts within a short time, or Just as soon as the .machinery of theOaw can be put in motion and the case prepared and "put - through the circuit and su preme courts. - - ' The" official canvass of the votesast Monday will be made by the city audi tor within five days, and as, soon as the result of this ta made known by the auditor-to Mayor Lane he will at once begin work on" hia proclamation , pro vided for , by law,, Thla proclamation will simply put the Ylnat TJffleial touch to the election and will officially de clare -which of the amendment have been adopted by the people anTwhlch iiave failed et adaption. Just how long 1 it will take to have thla proclamation prepared,, and issued Is not known, but Mayor ' Lane stated this morning that he would prepare the documents as soon as possible after he had received the official "canvas from the cityt audtor's office. ;Q f ::.".-rr In the opinion of City Attorney Mo Nary the method to be pursued follow ing the proclamation of the mayor will be for some property owner of Port land who has undoubted standing , in court td begin a test suit to determine the villdlty Pf the election. This would be merely a formal matter and could be prepared' and presented . to the cir cuit court within a short time after the proclamation waa issued. -' The court could, and In all probability .(Continued oa Page Three., (By Hugh O'Neill, Special Commissioner of the Oregon Journal and Denver Post.) Boise, IdahoJune 5. It is the day of the Great Fall Guy. Harry Orchard, alias Thomas Hogan, alias God knows what else, has taken the witness-stand at last . Into the pent up silence of the breathless courtroom he carne-at 10 minutes after 10 o'clock, walking across the courtroom floor, in front' of two wardens and two Pinkerton men. Men and women in the crowded room rosa to look and the sharp command of deputies split the silence like tho crack of a rifle; "Keep your seats." , . . Big men were standing suddenly along the sides of the walls and in the midst of "the subsiding crowd. Keep your seats. 1 - " ; The rustling ebbed away into stifled silence again. ; The dis ciplined oppression of martial readiness stiffened the courtroom sharply. AHarry Orchard" walked outside the railing. A deputy lifted thegate bar behind the witness chair and "Orchard" passed through. The warden's guards and Bob Meldrum and Barteli fol lowed him. He raised his hand ana tne cleric swore mm. "Take the chair; said James Hawley. ' , t Orchard Takes Chair. 1 "Orchard" climbed into the hitrh seat and' sat down facing Judge Fremont Wood. Nugent and Hichardson and Darrow and Breen of council for the defense close together in a semi-circle about their table watching him intently. Borah lounged forward watching "Orchard" indifferently. There was a glimmer of weary contempt in his watchful eyes. William Haywood sat between and a little behind Richardson and Darrow. , He craned forward, staring at Orchard sometimes and some- ' times he leaned back hanging his arm over his chair and seeming to shrink into hislothes. - His wife sat close beside him, stretching her body to. watch Orchard. AH about the room were women in white-frocks and flowered hats. Clear and well defined above all the people in the courtroom Harry Orchard sat dressed in the gray rhprkd suit-, he wore when I saw him in the penitentiary. Ho looked as self-possessed and free from nervousness sitting in that chair as he di4 in the warden's office. ,.; f v ' r " s' , Attack of Stage Fright. ' ' "What is your name?" said Hawley, his voice, sounding bi in the great silence. And Orchard dicUnot' speak.' The ticking sec-, onds seemed to stretch oult into hours. . Orchard's mustache moved slightly and his larynx fluttered. The place seemed to heave and . sigh in Cbe stillness. Orchard sat speechless. . , ',t "State your name,' said Hawley again. , ; There was another pause. t Orchard's broad shoulders settled back into his chair. Then his voice came like a whisper; ' : ; - "Alfred Horsley." . He glucked over the words in his throat. There was no dis turbance in his face, but, he seemed to have forgotten how to talk. "Where were you born?" , ; . "Ontario, Canada." . There was a vivid change then. The words came out clear cut and balanced. The stage fright had gone. Then the marvel ol the man caught and focussed the attention of every man and woman there in a flash. Before they could wonder "Harry Orchard" was answering Hawley's questions, clearly deliberately, without hesita tion. He was confessing his own crimes jfnd his own part in the crimes of other men, planning of murders, the burning of mines, the , killing of men. ' 1 ' - v . s reus ot Many crimes. He did it so composedly, in such a loud, clear voice, with as little embarrassment as though he were talking about the common things of common life. He never paused to answer, he sent the renlv back share and ouick. In less than 10 minutes he was an swering questions about the destruction of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mine in 1899 and a resolution adopted by the Coeur d'Alene' local lodge of the Western Federation to - hang the mine foreman." It was a new way of discussing murder. Richardson was on hia feet the next moment. ' , "We move that evidence be struck out as irrelevant, immst'rm; incompetent and not binding upon the defendant." ; Motion denied, sa,id the court, monotonously, "Note our exceptions," .answered Richardson. , H "Exceptions will be noted."; : tContlnued on Page Th j ), s