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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
, . . .. ' . . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1007. " "HI. , I . 1 , , , " ' 1 , , ,' , . ; t , , , ""I "''I 1 " . 1 UU. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmm-mmmmmmm j j ,j . -. . ' y , . , , 1111 ' ii ii i i i .I-. i- "i " i i .i in I i I 1 11 1 1111 " - ' .s--.h!-t.- 'rJ v . . . : 1 1 j ' i . : .... s- r, . -.- - ' ' ' : - - : - ;, ' .; ',.-- - -. , . v : -(,;; ri - ? ' :- f i : - :' .,v,'V1iH- "-.-v;-,' v , Manufacturers' Pairs Long Lisle Gloves Rug Sale X5Q Superb. Stylish Corsets I II , JL. - II Regular $1.25 Values, Black Only, for 87c . m .i, 1 p, ''.' """ " ' 1 ,,,,. , . - M 1 7"k' '- For Friday bargain day Llpman, Wolfe & Co. offer '7!B VrV .QQ pairt of Women's full 16-buttoil length liale V'" thread Gloves of the finest quality, In black only. In ;- v viw of the present great popularity of these gloves, which are an " indispensable part of the summer ., t i ft JL costume, and the great scarcity everywhere, this is 4r'j most extraordinary value that every woman ought. jXA'iy to maice sure ot optaining. neguiariy soia tor 91x9 Vfli'-'i sPec for this great"Friday sale, ; '-'-07jp' V -a P"r '- ..-'. ' ..i...;...Q W None on tal until Friday morning at 8 o'clock. ( We resem the right to limit the number to each customer,' Mail orders filled. 1750 Yards Fancy Silks, $1; $1.25 Vals, 39c White and Cream Taffeta, $1 Value 69c t For Friday Bargain Day only, 1,750 yards of high-class fancy silks for shirtwaist , suits, separate waists or petticoat, in all of the charming new 1907 styles,: CQv and colorings. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 values, on sale at ,....... .S...DIJC Special for Friday, 1,500 yards of 19-inch white and cream Taffeta SUk of a 0 quality usually sold in retai stores at $1.00 a yard. Very special value at only . . .wC 29c,5?cv89cand$1.3? Reg. Value 5,000 Rug Carpet sam ples of the best quality of velvet,- tapestry and body Brussels. They are in ' full rug v sizes, all bound ready for use. This is the greatest rug value ever offered, and splendid opportunity for every home and office Tapestry Rug Samples, 27x27 7 inches,- special 29c ' Tapestry Rug ; Samples, 27x36 inches; special 59c ' Tapestry Rug Samples, 27x54 inches, special 89c ; Axminster Rug Samples, 27x54 inches, special $1.39 ' ' I r Val. to $1.75 at 95c This assortment consists of 150 Batiste and Coutil Corsets in the newest and most stylish models in various styles, including medium bust and princess hip, low bust and short hip, some with hose supporters attached. ' Lace trimmed, : well made and exceedingly good values at the regular prices. ' Regularly sold up to $1.75. For Friday Bargain Day......'..... 7 : No mall orders filled, no telephone orders, none C. O. D '': Kk ; , at his extremely low price. ::;--:X s'.u- 375 Women's Knitted Sweater Bloases Regular $2;75 Values Friday at ' $L89 For Friday only we place on tale 375 Women'i knitted Sweater . Blouses,' in fancy weave pure wool yarn, V-shpe neck and turn cuffs. The ideal summer garment for outdoor, seaside and sporting wear. They come in red, white and the - d QQ popular shade of gray. Regular $2.75 values, for Friday Bargain day..'.,., t Mail and check orders filled. ..r: ",; Our Annual June Sale of tJNDLRMUSLINS Offers These Big Specials for Friday Bargain Bay Corset Coverg, 75c . - Women's - fin n&tnaook - Corset Covtra, daintily trimmed with two rows of lnser- , tion and feather etltchlnr, lce daw bead-J fl.25 values for 1.,.... - ' 75c Corset Covers; 49c."" - Women' fine Coraet Covera, ' trimmed with one row of Point de Pari lace In sertion and lace edge, beading and ribbon; regular 76o value; , t , AQr ale price ,. i t $15 Night Robes," 86c, ?l Women's Cainbrio Qowna, neatly trimmed' with hematltched banda, torchon laoe or embroidery, circular and squar neck, abort sleeve; slipover style; ' Q. tl.:S value for ': ', $1.25 Chemise, 98c ; - . Women's band-mad and hand-embroider ed Chemise, mad of rood nainsook and percale, with acalloped adge, embroidered front; eyelet or tape; . AO. IMS value; special ............... oC 5 $8.00 Walking Skirtg, $1.95. ' .. . Women's Cambric Walking- Bklrta, 1 t-lneh flounce trimmed with 10-lnch embroidi red ruffle, two cluster tucks and dust rufflrf; .regular $1.00 values; ; CI QC our sal price ..........,......'' ? - $3-25 Cambric Skirts, $2.49. 4 Women's fine Cambrio Skirts. . with deep flounce, trimmed with dainty lac and In. ' ertion, in practical yet superbly elegant styles; regular $l.26f value - $2 49 A: , '85c Drawers for 29c. ' Women Cambrio Drawers, with deep ruffle and cluster tucks, full slaes, open only; regular !6o values; 9Qr sal prloe v 79c Drawers for 55c ; Women's Cambria Drawers, cluster tucks and embroidery ruffle, also deep ruffl trimmed with laoe Insertions; , , icr 7 bo vajuaa: aaja nnca. $2.00 Chemise, $1.53. : , Women' hand-made and s h an (J -embroidered Chemise, saade of good quality nain sook, scalloped edges, eyelet and fancy front designs; $1.00 regularly; i ia sale prtc "'' $1.65 Cwns, $1.15. ' Women's Cambrio or Nainsook downs, V, circular or square neck, short sleeves, slipover and open front styles, daintily trimmed with lac Insertion, embroidery and ribbon; $1.61 value; , 1 it sal price , $2.00 Gowns, $1.89. Worn en'a fine Nalnaook Oown. square, circular or slipover styles, trimmed with fine lace. Insertion and embroidery, hem stitched, short and flowing 1 en sleeves; $1.00 value; aale price. w $3.00 Gowns,' $2.39. . Women's extra quality Nalnaook Gowns. circular and V-snap tieck, daintily and " prettily trimmed with fine lace, inser tions and embroideries; short , 10 and flowing sleeve; $1 values.' Cambric Corset Covers, lac Insertion and edged wlthvbeadlng and ribbon; . sale prloe ..i. , "k ' Nainsook Corset Covera fin lacs Inser tion yoke, beading and ' ribbon . trimmed back and front; . qq- ale price JO . :'' -.-. - .,..,- Nainsook Drawers, with fine embroidery or lac and Insertion trimming; oc sale prlc.. The new "Iaabelle" Drawers, with deep tucked ruffle; regular 76 COr ' value, on aal at,.. ............... .y' The new "Isabell" Drawers, with ' em broidery trimming; special CI $1.10 and AJ . The new Isabell" Drawers, with lac trimming; special, $1.41 ZSC , Nainsook Oown a, daintily trimmed with fine lace, embroidery. Insertion, bead ing and ribbon; special $2 98 ' Cambrio Oown, low neck, ' short sleeve, laoe trimmed; sale price, , .. ; ia. .only '' 1 v ...... ;.- -:..- " ' Fine Cambrio Skirts, deep ' flounces ' of fine embroidery and cluster . 0? no tucks; sal price ............. .'..We'O Infants' and Children' Pique Bun Bon nets and Hats, extra quality, scalloped edge, imitation hand embroidery; Oftr .... ' " .regular $1.60 value for ... : CLEARANCE OF tauMaWirits Reg.! Vals. to $65 for $27.50 : After Jour recent sensational suit sales we have accumulated a r few; highest grade, tailored suits in ' odd sizes, in the season's popular styles of Pony Jacket Suits, Eton Suits and Novelty Suits, in Panamas and fancy cloths. Only a few suits in the assortment, hut each one - is an exclusive i style and superb value. Suits selling orig inally up to $65. All in this lot Friday, while -50 New 25-inch , Box Coats Reg. Vals. to $12.50 for $6.75 50new2S-inch Box Coats Jn. lightl'-oiedium and dark colors of ! fancy striped r and checked serges and fancy mixed cfuths, some are all lined with satin, others artaiiejr M yr r: trimmed ; sold regularly up to $12.50, at v. ; ... . . . j x" ; All in this tt Q AT A they last, at J) U 0 U Jap Straw Sailors $1.50 Values 85c For Friday aale only Lipman- Wolfe's milli- nery store gives another of :- its famous sales of fine Jap and straw Sailor Hats, the jaunty , summery kind, that every , one is wearing. Fin ished well; throughout and trimmed with black silk bands. Values to $1.60, for Friday or ii onl v i We only regret that the number is so limited that they may not last 11 day. , "tv V.: A 500 White and Taney Vests . SaaBaMsajsBaaMaMasBS 500 Men's white, linen and fancy Vests, made of Ox fords, piques, mercerized Oxfords and brown linen, in stripes, checks and plaids and plain white; also small figures. They are made and tailored by a famous' New York vest manufacturer, and each vest is carefully -$1.75 made and finished. An extraordinary Friday value at Sale of "1847 Rogers" Silverware Complete Tabl Set, In box containing half . dosen teaspoons, half dosen fork a half doien. tablespoons, half dos-, 7 ro en knives, complete In caa for ...w'JQ Teaspoons, shell and satin finish, set, . Dessert spoons, satin rinisn, set .... Dessert Spoons, shell finish, set , . . . . Dessert Forks, shell finish, set , .... Dessert Forks, satin finish, set ... .. Dessert Bpoons, fancy handles, set i: Dessert. Forks, fancy handles, set.;. Tablespoons or Forks, satin finish .. Fancy Berry Spoons, each ........... Fancy fi o'clock Teaspoon K. . , . ... . . Fancy Coffee Spoons, set-........... -.PS! . .'Mivf vuiu ,um. w I n.v. vmju ...... s ,v iiui. iuuai u.uiu rvia. Fanoy Cream Ladles, eaeh .......... , 6se J83 Fancy Gravy Ladle, each . Fancy Soup Ladles, each ...... ..XI. Faney Butter Knife and Bugaret ..... Si Fancy Salad Forks $1.50 and $1.75 Silverware 98c Assortment of . Bonbon , Spoons, Whipped Cream Ladles, . Lettuce Forks, ; Mustard Spoon, Cold Meat Fork, Individual Salad Fork, guaranteed sterling- alfver plated; every piece stamped; greatest ' QQr bargains ever at ............ . , . . . . O V, sr. 5000 Yards Regular 20c Printed Batiste 11c ! '. For evening gowns,, party dresses, theatre, danctor and surnmer costumes, v Also for tea gowns, house gowns and children's summer dresses. . ... ' ' ' - . . , : , One of the greatest sales we ever had in our wash goods section occurred when we offered these 20c printed self-plaid Batistes at 14c a yard, the lowest price for which they had ever been sold in Portland up to that time. ; Now we have succeeded in securing another mammoth collection of 5,000 yards of the regular 20c quality, on sale in every high-class store in Portland at 20c a yard,1 to sell at so near half price that you may expect the. largest crowd you ever saw in a wash goods section when you come here Friday., t This. delicate white Batiste is embroidered with self-plaids and checks, over which are printed ! and . dots. A rare MM 1"7 or "eTular 25c Japan A C ese Crepe, white crepe,' art jarl ' 11' Ein dainty color combinations, sprigs, rosebuds, full bloomed roses, stripes ai Friday bargain at our Vow yard price J.f 1f?. For resrular 2Sc Plaid. fi IDC .Tissue, , a beautiful a7C French Batiste,, an ideal For. regular lSe cPrinted 1 0 1 1:" For r e g u 1 a r ' 15c 1i2C white Cambric, yard- mercerized ..fabric, in . block , cummer' fabric, in Tliirht nd:vide,. bleached, cambric, soft checks and broken plaids,' .. - t , . . .finish, fine goods for skirts solids and multi-colored ef-; medium effects, ?arge assort- - an(i , underwear, ; extraordi- . tects. v " menx oi aesigns. nary vaiuc. much used foi" wash dresses and sailor suits. Always sold regularly at 25c a yard. T Women Hosc Supporters Rcge35c Values 19c Military 'pad straight .front Hose Supporters, made with four ,i strong elastic webs, either plain : or frilled, in - black, white, blue and red; good strong pad and belt; a great chance to get .your , choice of the .regular 35c kind at 19c. , Regular 15c and 20c Hose Supporters for ladies, little giris and misses, Fri- ' A day and Saturday, only 1 "C . Sale Ladies' 35c Neckwear 15c Clearance of 75c Neckwear 37c A cleanup sale of Ladies' Neckwear, including Croats, tecks, flatiron tabs, ..bows, stocks, in linen and lawn. Your choice of ;",1C-,'" regular 35c values at ................ : IvC 75c Neckwear at 37c Ladies'' Neckwear, Including dog collars, linen stocks, cotton stocks, silk stocks, lace stocks, Eton jackets, Mario Antoinette fronts, etc Regular 65c and 75c values. Your choice m this sale. 37c JHft MONEY WAS JUST. LIKE ": ;;M AIIIN(j UAIUY ; -KUm A BABY On thousand dollars evenmoney wasl placed on . pevllu by .ft Pjertaln jnlsgulded Individual at J o'clock in t!ie mornlna ' the nlsht of the election because snid Individual din not believe in the .correctj vnes of .The Journal bulletin Outi or : Keneral good tellowship the ; name or the principals are suppressed. - , 1 . J., T. Wilson, who roncructs th auc tion rooms en Firat street between Tam htli and Tai'lor. was. Instrumental in having the bet rtaocd. vA frlen-j of -hi named HamHtort W.o runs the UPort rooming- house over .he.uclden Katfle store at tli corner of;Thlrd and lam hill, aa S1.000 In the bHnk. He was one of the Judges In precinct" 16,. ward 4. the votlnir booth" of which w . Yamhill street in. a.tent .between .Third and Fourth. ' Tbe count aUowei heavily for Devlin,- but Hamilton' friend. Con. stabl Molt who had been tourina the votlnfr place in an automobile ana who I a ' stanch Republican, came In after midnight and conceded the election of Lan.'!'."-1''.': ' 'vt' ' ''''" " A: r Hamilton finished hi work a" elec tion judge and strlled W to Schiller' cigar store? to get- the new from the Devlin side. Here- he; met hi victim, who had lust returned from the count r auditor's offleo,- where th west ,slde vote had been comlna- 'in heavily for Devlin. The Devlin - forces 5 taunted Hamilton, and. Hamilton drew out bis chck book. ,-r--. a--'- ' ' fe. ., With the magic nam of Rothehild" to Q K it, 8chillr took the check from Hamilton against 11.000 cash frOm th deluded Devlin rooter - -"It -wasn't gambllnr.'' ald Hamilton this . morning- with, a laug-h. ."It waa just Ilk taking candy from & baby. But the' money - wasn't mine. A friend of mine of Morrison street between Fifth and Sixth I worit srlve hi name owed lust $1,000. He had the money to pay tils aebt tne next any, dui it jeri mm in mighty hard shape to meet other dbts. 1 put up hi money for him. NW he has his 11,000 debt paid, all the other raid from th extra 1 1,000 and ia on' velvet with no debts and money in the bank. Queer election, that'--' " - - - - 'The rniid or duct's a foot jdeep;' , if it isn't . one, it's the other ' 1 Tear greeer rerarat year meoer U dn'l JlkaScaUUsg'saUttiweiNuraug. ' NOT TO FIGHT UNION , - MEN IN IKON TEADES President Corbettjpiscnsses Objects . f of the Association Formed Ite ' i contly by Smaller Firms. v 1 The United Metal Trades association, which was formed recently In Portland, la not an organisation created for the purpose of fighting . the union men In th -trcnworklng trades, according to W. H. Corbett of the Vlllamotte Iron A gteel Works, who ia the newly-elected president Of - the association. ' According to the statement of the president .the association - was formed primarily by th combination of smaller associations ' In - existence . throughout Oregon. Washlnsrton and California. . Iti la formed for th protection ot thl high-class workman as much as for the oenent or the empioyera i iresiaeni Corbett says: , "The object of th association 1 not to fight the unions in the various metal trades, as has been erroneously stated. It is to protect not only the employer, but the high-class employe from the ex actions of the more unskilled, men who for sora time past have been filling the. unions ana causing trouble to both unions and employers. They have been trying to hold the good workmen back to the ' average speed and skill of the poorest workers, yet are demanding hours and pay Impossible for-therjPa-olflo coast employers to meet and five under in competition ' with the lower ware seal and longer hours In the east. "Yru mm that an ensrine. for lntano. can be nmde In Plttuburr and shinned tn Portland. . but a house cannot. -Now oarpenters or brlcklareri in- . Portlan.l J may De woraing eigni. ur s?von or even four hours- a day -at any scale from IS to f 10 beeausa the -conditions gor- ernlng them are entirely ,l?cal; but th Iron men. both employer and workman, must be governed by the hours and pay in us all over th world from where It Is possible to ship metals , to this and other coast points. ?A It Is tiVff" our' almost on sole chance of . oroflt lies between the freight rates on raw and on manufac tured materials. That is. say the rail roads charge one cent a pound on raw iron adtwo cents a pound on Iron la the form of nn engine, then our money for both profits and costs must come out of that difference of one cent a round. These figure are only for Il lustration, of course: but when wages demanded from us exceed that differ ence In freight rate we must close up snop. -1 nai ia tae :, whole .matter in a nutshell. . t "Our organization- has nothing' what ever to do with other matter such as limiting output, fixing prices and other trust ways of doing things;' it la for the one nurnoae of holdlnar coat down to meet - that difference . In,,; freight rates. '; r--f. "Few union men understand th busi ness conttlona from the hond office side of It, and . thone who do are in such a minority that they can do noth ing In their unions, This Association is for th purpose of self defense from th agitator and th unlnformd work man, and to protect the best clasa of men wllUne to do. their best,; earn all back by. the less skilled majority which In some case packed th union." School Children Preparing. -Every boy and girl in Portland Is on th qui vivct awaiting th great time that Hartman A Thompson has planned for them at Roue City Park next Satur day. There will be games of all kln.ln, race -and contests, swings, bands, pa rade and everything that can be de vised to make the young hearts harrv. Streetcars will b fre to th rsii dren and vry effort mi the jart of Hartman A Thompson wi.l be put t .ri to make th day on long to 1 r" - ' bereL Spocial aiinourH'-ments t . mad front day to i,iy li th papfr, rivlnir n'lt-iti- licta'! it . cel'brat '. mi. i ir.- t v."l 1,h .' Well lr.,.-'i r . ( -;' k j w . not (r i i " " r - i drcri h - i , ; t - b V- .. . i :