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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
f CUP VICTir.7 III i nrn iifiT: iinnr l(tu nUI Hint I;-M,;-y; ; 'Cleveland Jtunlcrers Con ceive Fiendish Method of .letting Man to Death; viviSEcrioii OF SOUL " . .4-. ..-vr.: (Continue from Page On.) I ,- (Juaraal Special Service.) Y r Cleveland, 0., Jvns .---Th body of tdfitt was found in tho Ohio canal near tiers toaay tigntiy wrappea in wire, Whenever hs was ahort of money and he always seemed to be ahort of money he asked for Something on ac- count and got It He Indicated no ani mosity in hia tone He exhibited no emotion. ' He seemed as unconcerned and matter of fact aa a man talking in a smoking room about the price of crops. .)'- tmii in ivei Tones. And today when he took the high J 1 which was placed about the body wh.n ,hi tTyM vnl" S tt ... Mht RoHHt irM had been ch'r o clock he commenced talking in tne level tones or yesterday. . The shutters were closed on the -courtroom windows to keep out the flare of the son. The room was dark. Judce Fre mont Wood sat In the shadows, a vase of bis pink peonies before htm on his desk. We had arown unmans to the monot ony of the horror. It waa dull, revolt-I Ins; and abhorent It was a weariness thruat into the throat and abdomen. ' The body was identified tf that of ; ' TUNNEL v PliANNED . (Continued from Pas One.) tried to kill the tatter's companion, but he escaped. ; r ;', The defense" here objected to permit ting evidence being; Introduced, declar ing that claim lumnlng oases had no bearing; - on the alleged - conspiracy or muroer or nteunenDcrg. jticnarason De clared that the prosecution was taking advantage of the leniency of the Judge to Introduoe matters which later would be stricken out, but would have had its effect on i the Jury. The Judge declined! te rule in tne matter until later on. , At thla point a-reoess was taken, t. " RELATES HIS CRIMES . 1 The Store Noted for Best Goods at " Lowest Prices Portland RbaeCS Orchard Tells of Blowing Up Inde pendence Depot and Dynamiting., V(JornaI. Ipedal service.) ' : Boise, Idaho, June I. In continuing I his . eonfesslna yesterday afternoon In ths Haywood trial Harry Orchard said he returned to Denver in May, 1904. He went to headauarters and met Haywood ana reiuoone. Me saia tney asaea mm to work a scheme to assassinate Oover- I nop Peabody. - Orchard . said he went I around to Peabody'e house and the capl-j tol huildlna- and. watched the governor for a week, orchard swore Pettlbone told him Steve Adams would halo him do the Job. At this Juncture Mrs. Adams, who occupied a seat in the tnclosure. sighed uoioiy ror several seconds and seemed about to faint, but finally recovered her Sleeveless Vcsf s Women's Ribbecl Cotton .yests, low neck, ; sleeveless and low neck , with wing sleeves; regular 18c val- I'll A" ues. , Friday and Saturday. .,Y t2f :& Men's Underivear Men'slight weight , fialbriggan IJn derwear, white, blue and : brown; also Men's Athletic Shirts; low neck and sleeveless. Friday and JCr Saturday. . . , . . . ..... . .... . . sVuv Children's Suhbonnets Misses' and Children's Chambray.Suiv bonnets, all colors to choose from, and standard 25c grades :'Your7;'C;:'(j pick Friday and Saturday. ,., .,. I at 11 1 composure. curve running close to the base of the bluff stretching up the river. This bluff comes down practically to the I or nt n..klln . . . T... approaching the bridge rror tne soutn 0-c)ock we were listenlna- again In shud- Continuing nhard h are led upon tne structure, oy a wiue derln . alienee, v . I Yt ?nH-n 7,;k. aZ. m. .mm ii. tn h Itaaa or tne I r-Z . i - . v- w. , m. - ! . -. -y.--.-.-.... ..... ..Y. .ra na l"e jfUB oiiciareo ne paid Adams money to Join him 1905. the Dlace Western Federation I in n.nrtv mn. mmiA tatttwt fnrni.h-H 1iMiii,rl.. in T.n war Mia .aam m I w-t. i . a . . . . . . . . rtJ-; 1 r.rth f the brldre so "r:'--"V,"- "jrV.1 ""iriZZr 1"" wtui wea-ow snoiguns. ne saia .t.V 1. .iffini.iit fnf p r11 -.-u u7t. .uu w.i.-1 ni ana jiummm waicnaa Mie governor e MJ? f il, 2ihinhooe rd-.Tho strain and borros of so many house for a week read to knriilm. but s the trerks leading to the 'bn ""f P murders was telling on Moykr lust then, he did not come. A few days later he Ti" IJZ'rY. .t. adniaia ' e waniea no more Killings in uenverisaw a hark with Peabody In It and fol- .iiv r. "T"r. i or voioraao. western empire or isoor flowed it readv to shoot, but lomi woman curve and react) tne bridge. i toclallam in the United States of got out snd he save ud the lob for a a y. & aa jeirsa el nnw ism l w is nsma a , a a .v a jt i t a . . & I ii . t - - - p M " - . i Araorica mjKni lhj a proaiKOUei iaa. oui i lima. Adami -rot to noundm nr imwiIap;2r?v.r ha Mrt? i ,ta sttalnment by assassination waa and they madf a bomb at PettTbones -Avar iheaa tracks from tne norm to I .i.iti. v a tin I ru i j ( .... . - .iwi'iH. "" --- -r -i nu conaoience waa noi irouoioa. m i a aioewaia ana set 11 on when reabody river ror severaj nunarea iw na inen i hjt tt BM)mei, no ementlal objection crossed ths place. witcn uacK u wwm i ia iiumiwTinn. nnr na inri . .m.i . . . .. t tha 1 .;.. . V;- . I t Jiwa nui urtfwr, " . . . . I vdp, .vi VUIUI.UU, . i - ' . It Is the intention br tna o, k. . i . iiiM,i. ,a ne made regular reports to ' to bring Its largeet ana neaviesi trarrie i ; - i i-eiioone ana ay wood, xne latter did around the peninsula In the future la . There were other states, though. I not want the bomb exploded, aa the nti tn uv. liviniii. or in. witeruaanu. ror inaiance. inn ex-uovernor i executive Doara or tne radaratmn waa Srade and avoid the hard pull through Prank Steunenberg. Steunenberg had In session and he feared all would be nivan-a mii-k iinlui im hitirt I sent the United States troona tn tha I arrested. He aatd Havwnnd tnld him m.ia tha uat and of the hrldae I Coettr d'AIenes to teach United States to lay off for a while. While waltlna- the trains can get neither In nor out law to the Western Federation. It was he declared they planned to assassinate wlthout losing nearly half an hour in nearly eight years ago, but Steunenberg Llle Gregory, a deputy sheriff who, ntakin. tha awithharU. Tt will also must he tfluiht thst the federatloa Pettlbone declared, should be killed ha. I be necessary to back In and "out or tne ntvr toraoi. eieunenoerg must ds as- cause ne was tne mineowners' agent, depot in order to get the twins headed ssselnated. Pettlbone. Adams and Orchard went i the right wsy for their rurla. orchard waa to go to Patterson. New to a saloon and saw Oregory there " Tne plan to tunnel unaer me diuii in "i"7i iciw.rn anu wru. teiicra u riuwrai tui ana uregory -.order to secure the necessary curve to I Judges and officials In Denver and Colo- and two companions cam out. boarded enable tne traina to cross tne onagei . wimn mm uun mo iai or i r i t who inem to eouin uen from the north Is not a new one, but Steunenberg would be their fate also. Jr. They went into a saloon and was conceived several years ago. The ii eeemea a pleasant scneme. urcnara got ms sawed -of shotgun and completion of - tha . peninsula extension . Hsywooa was then called In, accord- watched them until 10 o'clock, when has revived the project and 'made It ' t;.tB "tory, and he .gave Orchard Gregory started home. He started as neceesary to tane steps to carry ii oui.i"-"j ;iuviiih ronn in pr- " '" sun ana urenwa snot mm nti... ,.. i. moanol tt will I SOnSl habits at fltKunanhara- nnhanl IDrM times, kllllna- him Adama and 'be no small-undertaking because of the was detailing thst matter when, the man named Meldrum were with Orch v,. aanaaitatad whioh will I court adjourned. Thev ooened the shut. I ard. The next day he renorted the kill. I tors and let tn fresh air. and we nralaad ling to liar wood. ' Pettlbone end Slmn.1 ) T1 l.L.: aZ- I ftvt tn, tha nanlt. . ' kina and .It l...t ' I t larae lunnei in wow to raiu i .-. i " - a-.-marvu. f laaa nnarattna anara. I '. 1 1 I laanMMaiiM Ttainia Vnau. Orchard then told of the Indanandanna horror, which he said was planned by Haywood. Orchard exDloded tha nowdar vj ui a wire as me iram landed the non-union men at tha dannt. Ha oppor- rnea 10 uenver. wnere be met Pettl i aoent bon' Hsvwood and Slmpklns. and Petti- Hasp 2-1 Silk Gloves 50c Pair Double tipped fingers' and best 75c quality. ' Come in white" and all the niost popular, shades and in a full range 'of 'sizes. V, FrN day and 'i ' " M - Y, p a n Saturday. . . OUC m M1K Long Lisle Gloves ' 97cIPair I? 16-Button ;French tisle' Gloves,i double ' tipped ringers. Come r in the suede finish Itnd in' black, white V and colors ; best grade. ' Special Fri day and jaturday, . . . . ;f 7 1 . 18x36 Onck Towels Extra heavy hemmed Huck Towels, fast selvage and full 18x36 sizes; reg ular price 18c apiece. Friday 11 and Saturday Special, each. ..... 1 1 C While Foot Hosiery ; Women's White Foot Hosiery, dou ble heel and toe, fast black, seam less and stainless, all sizes ; best 25c value, pair. .7. '. a . ...luw I Indian Dead SqlUng j ! Genuine Indian Head Suiting for suits, coats ana skirts, very much m demand. cu ur aais ana smns, very mucn in demand, uy it here' Friday and Sat- f I rday at, a yard. , . ii IL2C French Organdies Fpr these two days we place on sale the balance of our 15c, 18c and 20c French Lawns and Organdies 11, I in sizes 18 to 25. On ily ICj, at thia special low price....... Iw2v I j for, two days at, each........ Out- 500 Tape Girdies Best 50c quality in colors pinkblue and white, bow satin ribbon, come Kovelty bamboo handles and cover of fine ' linen . finfeh material, washable ; regular $1.50 quality. Friday A'f and Saturday. .;. . . . .v. T " I C FIltST CAE WILL RUN . ONFEONT STREET LINE 3IANY ATTEMPTS ConUnnftd from Pare On) III w 1 MafiM and ... if k. ... a va ea iiw iivuiu a vi nu w tunlty to kill him. He and Adams The first electrlo car will be run over the Una of tha Unlted Jfwal 'days watchln Moffatt and ??n JiAtJ ,Wk" ood JoJn h ot Hallways, company on . Front -fjM U would be a risky Job "2At7r SV & a few thlna I Utt for street wis syemna. , i ne trip Later Haywood purchased ft horse and -nejrnno. cnarne Kevine oln with will be mads, about 7 o'clock 4 hUKty. so he could get about town hand- aJd Orchard. -I asked Pat Moran between Irving' '-. and Caruthers 4 While Lawn Waists 50 dozen Women's White 'Lawn Waists, lace and embroidery trimmed, long or short sleeves; values range up to $2.00. Your pick, White Unen Skirls Women's aiid Misses' White Linen Finish Skirts, made in the latest plaited style, and well worth $2.50 ..?..,.....$1.9S 5 Mehs Sateen Shirts Best quality Mercerized Sateen in the latest tan shades; all sizes from 14 to 17; other stores sell this shirt at $1.25. !P:........;.;..:Y$I.OO streets. The Initial run will not , be attended by ceremonies and Is e made for tha purpose of testing the track connections. The company has v praotlosily com- 4 pleted that portion of Its Una 4 lying within tha city limits., 4 4 h ELECTION TOTE '' .,. " '- (Continued from Page One.) Uy unnoticed. Cheyenne to take a letter to Petti- Then went back to Denver and re- pone asking him for 1500 more, Moran ported to Haywood, Moyer and Petti- lZ VI "' t9 Pettlbona and brought bpne, who told him how to make a bomb. bk,1 "on;- . . He had a plumber make him a lead ,At J?$y, Wyoming. I got a letter pill, which he said he waa going to uss i" " " " ,, " saia I bad better to plant cactus la Hs went to Canyon fei ih" .Jl timber right away; that City. . - '. I was wanted for the Independence de- . Here Hawley produced a lead recen-K1JIVT- 1V,l!"a. ?,n5 t0 the uu tac e. which Orchard awnra waa tfia timber I went straight back to Denver bomb he had mentioned. Haywood fP,?, w 7tSlbon...n4. Haywood. They leaned forward and closely scrutinised f?1 at 'ft. I d better get out of the bomb. Orchard swore it was loaded P.Vilu n 15 latter frt of ,U,T In ths basement of Pettlbone'e store, the ;:'PetubonS.f Uroad ticket Cream Serge Coals Women's and Misses' All Wool Cream Serge Coats, double breasted front with velvet collar; best $12.60 Q i J values. Special. sDOet) Boys' Blouse Waists Cambric Corset Covers Extra well made from best quality madras and chambrays, light and dark colors, with or without OCp sailor collars. ............... .muw Made of finest French Cambric with deep, lace yoke, trimmed with two rows lace, beading and ribbon; VI n regular 65c grade. , Special, each T I C iir neioinr mm loan ana nut xeix c - - um m. wmv u ! I pounds of powder Intuit. ad then put ?nIIlcl;S.wr 1 h -" t- lit in his valise. , At Canyoiv City giant i,hift,il. -?r I,emo8y- 'orgottea ' ; es-atn the totals on the mayoralty can t dictates other than Devlin and Lane t .' were not given the same attention as i ; In ths caae of the two men between ? whom the battle raged. The difference which int ' BUKiti mrrvrm vr uia- ' crepancles might make in the final per ; cent is so sugnt, nowever, aa not to ne f ; of any practical consideration. i In the city as a whole It is estimated " - that 16,170 votes were cast for all four . ; of the mayoralty candidates. The total .registration according to the figures of the county clerk's office is (6,188. When computed these sums show the Jiercentage of the registered -vote cast n the whole election to be $8. On the west side 7.9l votes were caat for all the mayoralty candidates. The registration is - 11.614. These fl cures , give slightly above 83 per cent, but cp were piacea in xne arrangement j 1t " " " j III I Z. . . "'- ......a with av smaii siarm clock, .so that i i - Va iur. ... ( . . ill , I wih heavy lace, short i " ' 1 A C could be exploded at any hour to;b 1 2 out vs I wrote and asked III ' I t iJa , It A ia decided upon. , : for tlt)0. PetUbone sent It to tarn by III I sleeves , $10.00 Values VI 'TU Attnpt xsrannr ? : ! "VStSt t'JK" h5. le" 1 " ' 1 - ' 1 Peahodv wa. h.vlno. M. ,r v"- ' oen, usea mat constructed and chansed his hnhlta a I Orchard a.M v. ... ..Y i&'Al. 5?! 1i fei Plnt up ,Krd Bn.dIerin8anFVancl.c5. but r i 1 L " v" .ui wuia noi iq mm. iiraaiey had been grip In a boarding-house kept by a man in the Coeur d'AIenes. Orchard said he New Net Waists : , Just4 in by express, come in tan ' and white with yoke and sleeves trimmed Black Voile Skirts , Made from the famous Altman voilej extra full plaited and trimmed with taffeta, silk folds ; reg. $15 CO ft C value. Two days only. .aPyOi 72-Inch Table Damask Extra heavy anjd widecome,s in 'cream only, several iew pattenis toaelect from, and a tandardc qual- rffAy, ity. Friday and Saturday. . f . t . OUw not 64-Der cent. ' t On the east eWe the total vote caat . was ,. Tha registration was 11. ; 762. or IIS more than the registration of the went side. These figures show . , 7 per cent of the registered vote to :nave peen cai on ins east siae or ins nver, , FORESTRY BOARD TO . - -FIGHT AGAINST FIRES ' . (Bptcud Dtopeteb te The learaal.) Salem, Or June l. At a meeting of " . the state board of forestry held yester day afternoon In Governor Chamber Iain's office at the statehouse It was .decided to publish 8,000 copies of the iflre laws for distribution and an order ' zor 10.000 cloth notices to be posted throughout the state were ordered. The board also decided to publish at Inter , vals bulletins on topics pertaining to forestry and more-particularly as to .tne Desi memoas 10 xignt rirea. The members of the board present - were:- ueore m. (jnamDenain, gover nor: , H. O. Van Dusen. master fish warden. J. w. Baker, state forestry and . srame- warden; Edmund - P. , Sheldon of ' Portland; Edward R. Lake, instructor v in roreetry in tne uregon Agricultural college; 8. C. Bart ram of Roseburg. and Jj. 8. Hiu or Eugene. Governor Cham- 1 - 1 - TT- A .. u Ti K miiaiu anu cuiiiunu oueiivn were Respectively seiectea president and sec- X SHOWED TTmy MINISTER And Hot. mm la Xalna. t ' "In a mmister's' family In LoS An- : gelea where- I was visiting some time . ago, tne wire compiainea or serious in digestion and dyspepsia. ; She admitted that she used coffee and said she more than half believed that was the trou- ble. I told her that I knew It was. for . i naa gone tnrougn with the experi- enca myself and had only been cured ' ,when I left on coffee and took up Poa- turn rvwt uuiico. :'. ' -"She said she had tried the Postum . both for herself and her husband, but tney aia noi use it. witn ner permls 'slon, I made Postum next morning my 'eelf, and boiled It full fifteen minutes arter ine real Domng or tne pot began. jTben wnen it was served, it waa a rich, omd Drown cuwr ana -naa ine irna na. Yor and food value that every Postum maker-knows."" It Is all folly to talk ; about trying to make Postum with one jor'two minutes steeping. You can't get something good for "nothing.. Postum must be-well boiled, tar) d to keep It from boiling over, use small lump of butter, perhaps twice the else, or. a pea.-- i nai morning the minis- named Vaughn. He left Canon City and went Into the Arkansas valley, where he wrote Ufa and hall t insurance and then went back to Denver and reported his failure to Pettlbone. He said that he had told Vaughn by accident what he was trylngto do, and also that Pet tlbone ..rected him to quit. - He made another bomb to try to kill Gahbnrt again. ,. .- - . 4 This bomb was planted In a vacant lot at the corner of Colfax and Emerson streets, wblcn the Judge crossed daily. Pettlbone aided him fn rlinilnr - tha bomb. He had a wire on the bomb to which was attached a pocketbook, so when lifted It would overturn a bottle Of sulphuric acid and explode the bomb. Y XUlsd a Spectator. . Pettlbone signaled to him when Gab bert left his residence for him to attach ma vocxeiDooK. tie triea a couple of mornings, but someone always appeared with Gabbert, so he had to give up thla ie maae anoioer oomD tne next day, and when he saw the Judge com ing planted the bomb. Both bombs were piamea ciose togecner. - wnen he got down town about aa hour later he heard an explosion. He found It was the bomb, which .had killed aa Innocent spectator named Wooley. He hung nuuus. miivcr i tir n tmw rm va man evani back to the St Louis valley and resumed wining insurance, ' aVfter Sherman Bell. Three weeks later he ea.w Pattihnna and Haywood and reported his failure. Pettlbone gave him money, which he go irura naywooa. ne was then given a pair of horsea and a wagon owned by "V"."! i.wnicn were orougnt rrom Cripple Creek for him. Ha in them ao he could so into tha an1 lrUI OUAMa.M eaisu swia aiivi cci( ' ' Haywood, he , swore, told him' Bell had broken up the CtIddIo Creak npni. ration. He and Pettlbone dally drove to Bell's residence to try to shoot him but although they tried for three Weeks they never saw Bell In ranara n thai BiiuiBuna- He reported each dav to Hivmnrf and the Federation offices. During this period Haywood furnished him vi inuucy. no continued to iry to set Bell until the latter part of August, when Moyer told him he did not wafvf any more jods puued orr in Denver. Previously. In June, he swore he had made another attempt to kill J Gabbert, planting the bomb under the Kino vi ine vaDDen nome. it was not d. ;the question of diet and they abandoned conee at ones ana zor au time. , No after a hard day's work, they a,romiun-a, irmnnca ana rested by m viio ui wpu-mnuo x uaiura jor supper. -They are both enthusiastic In its praise. , The- wiie has entirely recovered from Iir dyspepsia. I will not go Into the -rieotlls of my own case, except to say that I was a desperate sufferer with dyspepsia and discovered by leaving off coffee that coffea was the cause of It. I quickly rot well when I took up. Pos tum Food Coffee, t earnestly hope .many more coffee drinkers may get their eyes open." Rend "Ths Road to WellvUfa Ja pkrv "lhsre a a Reason., ,iV, , , exploded and later was found. Ooe After Stennsaberg. In Mover's office In Anirii.t swore that the former told him that he had a big Job for him to pull off. He toid mm ne wanted mm to so to nniii. field, Nevada, to kilt John NevUle,' who was running a saloon there. Moyer c&iiea in reiuoqne ana iiaywooa and told them that the time had arrived when outside work must be done. Haywood said former Governor Steun- enDerg or idano must be put out of the way. Orchard declared that four or five men who had been detailed to kill Steunenber- failed. He declared that Haywood told him that after- he arot Steunenber he would have letters writ ten from Patterson, New Jersey, to Bell, Peabody, Gabbard and others warning them that they would . set tha same It wa finally-agreed that Orchard snouia go to .aiawen, jook over the rrccivrp mvwy irom -rat Bone' several 11 ... B : Vle -rostai reiegrapn company. f,na'.y ocated Bradley in San Francisco,'! said Orchard, s "He had been manager of the Sullivan and Bunker Hill mine In Idaho and wa were after him.. I. went to his house on morning and Just after the milk was delivered wnu un oi tne jars and put a lot of powdered Strychnine into it Nothing came from the-poison so far aa I could learn, so I bought 10 pounds of powder r i was. Alter purcnas- ... mo -iJiuniun x naa to give a name. I have forri-nttan what h. .... I id I lived outside the city and want- CU w U1UW UD lomi Iflimni mi . V . powder Into a lead pipe. This I put In 5 .T1? wun i)m rlant P" - sawed- aiiuigun ana some otner little things. ni oorno at Mraaiers door some time In November. 1904. Tha hnnh ... arranged with giant caps, chloride of iuiaaaiuin ana sugar oeing spread over them. It was so arranged that when Bradley, opened the door a string at tached to it would upset a bottle of aettlbon San Money. 3!?at YM U1- wult'of thlsr When. Mr. Bradley opened the door next morning the explosion blew out the m?o0Ver.Mtb' UM M4 Wew .hlm Orchard . aald he remained. In San Francisco two or three weeks after this occurrence. Ha aaid ha 4.ii ZwUZjflt'l a?a. Eflvod altogether f?.045,0.-0"1 telegraph. Orchard ' - "n r rancisco Decause he had nothlna- furthar t A ti . t,I """ i" iunnor atiempt on Bradley's Ufa. The man had h..n I Mail Orders Send us your mail orders. We guarantee you prompt service and the best mcr - chandise. CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS. T Patterns We are principal Portland agents for the Paris Pat ients. All seams allowed and all patterns 10c FREE LIFE WILL BE SHORT ONE Kelley and Eanklns Are Ee- leased From Jail to Face Other Charges. LATENESS OF TEAINS CAUSED SH0ET DELAY .V ' " I i ill The annual meetlna- of the Rvtnn: iistio institute or the Methodist Episco pal cnurcn. which was to have opened in the church on the comer of Third and Taylor streets this morning, was delayed by the lateness of trains until 1 o'clock this afternoon. Dr. Henderson nr PMran list Hugh Smith of LosAngelerare to VUUUUU1 uw mreungs ana they did not arrive In the cy tfll noon, his eveS- ter and his wife liked Postum so we'll ground and decide how the lob eould that their whole lives were changed on E8 done. Haywood told Orchard that he sent Arthur Boston. Ed Minster and tried to kill - 'i Steupenberg, but failed. Beaton and Minster were - members of tne zeaerauon. - At tnis time Orchard swore that Steve Adams was working with Slmpkins near Wallace, Idaho, trying to get rid of a man who jumped Slmpklns claim. f: Julian Steynenberg sat behind the witness during the recital of the al leged plot to kill hia - father. He dis played considerable emotion at times. ' ...Orchard continuing ileolared - Cat Adame had told him that he had kiTTed a man named Taylor on Marble creek, who jumped fUmr-kins claim. - As other claim Jumpers did not take warning he hot another man named Vv or ley and nr Dr. Henderson David H. Moore enealra tnmnrm, -. h Ministers snd church laymen from all over Oregon and adjoining 'states are in f "cndance. Tb meetings are open to w" fuu.iu anu mil last tnree oays. G0VEEN3IEXT AFTEB COAL BOADS SCALPS (Journal goadd Barnn.i Washfngton, June . -The - bill the government Is; preparing against the anthracite roads may be filed within two weeks. - The bill will point out that the roads had a grip of steel nnnn tha anthracite fields, the annual output of which amounted to (112,000,000 and over eu.vuv.vuv tons, ine out win show that the ; roads owned most of the stock in the coal companies which had tidewater connections ana controlled tne coal from the bed tn the ground to tha fireplace. BLACK HAND PLOTS AGAINST HOTEL MAN Assistant United States Attorney James Cole received an order In the United States district court thla morn ing releasing Tank Kelley and F. a Rankins, two of the men arrested with the gang of . robbers - who looted the Imstofflces at Sellwood and St. Johns ast winter. The men were arrested sev eral months ago and have beep in jail since that time. Kelley will be turned over to ths state officers for complicity In the Gresham safe robbery. In which Frank Wayne,. Charles Anderson and another man were implicated, wayne is at Mc Neil's island serving nine years for his part in the postotnee ronoeries ana An derson Is In tha county Jail awaiting trial. rt Tha other man has not been ar rested. Ranlrlna will ha turned Aver tA tha city authorities to serve a three months sentence for vagrancy Imposed by Mu-nlcioal-Judas Cameron before Rankins' arrest by tne xeaerai autnorities. - BANK EXAMINEE HAS FITTED UP OFFICES verified by Us growth during tha last six months. There are now 60 women enrolled as active members. During the past year a special study nas Deen made of the Revolutionary period of our coun try and separate classes have been con ducted In music, . general Information and Shakespeare. - -, -- Following are tha officers elected at the last meeting to serve for the en suing year: President. Mrs. Walter Hogua; vice- ftresident, Mrs. C. I Sheffelin; record ng secretary, Mrs. .A. B. Todd; corre sponding secretary, Miss Octavla Gold worthy; treasurer. Mrs. J. C. Clarke, i M'COY IS TAKEN TO STATE PENITENTIABY Prisoner Who Attempted to Break Jail at Baker City Dona Convict's Stripes. (Special dispatch to The Joaraal.) , Salem, Or., June 6.- James Steele, state bank examiner,' has fitted up his office la one of the committee rooms In the rear of the senate chamber at the state cspltol. He Is busy gathering aata on tne various Danas oi tne state and according to information at hand there are 182 state, ana onvate hanks and SI national banks in the state of Oregon. In a few days he will send out circular letters to the various banks aaklng them for Information as to their officers, - capitalisation, surplus capital. SIC v" ;!. ' ' -..- MANUAL TEAINING AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS (Spadil Din patch te Tbr JoeraaLt : Forest Grove. Or., June .Through efforts of the Woman's- club at Forest Grove a manual . training department IJnarsal Special service.) 1 NewTorlc, June 6..A letter 'was re ceived this morning signed "RlsrV Hand" which demanded the payment of twin be established In the publlo schools IS.000 from the proprietor of tho Hotel I of this cttfr Arrangements are now 8U Regis Or have the house blown tin. I helntf cAmDleted wharah tha naw da- Thls Is the third attempt in three years, partment will be ready at the opening Once several apartments war wrecked I of the fell term in September. -by aa explosion. ..-, ..J Ths sfflciency of work of ths club IS (gpeeial Diapateb. to The Joorsat.) Salem, Or.. Juno . The man . who tried to break, from the Baker eounty Jail. E. C. McCoy, was brought to ths penitentiary yesterday, by Sheriff Ed Rand of Baker City, to serve a term of two and a half years for the crime of larceny from a dwelling. ? Fortunately the plans of ths prisoner to make his escape were frustrated by tha vigilance of the sheriff, who from an upper window was looking on at every move by his star boarder. - Just as McCoy was ready to pass underneath the big fence and ready to remove the last shovelful of dirt from under the fonco Sheriff Rsnd shouted: wen. Mac, 1 auess vou have wnrtra enough for today. You had better come in. and -rest now." - 'Dumbfounded at halno- dlanvara4 -vhiia planning to- get away, atccoy dropped bis shovel and with a sheepish look and ncsa cast oown returned to his cell. BIG PEICE PAID FOE. ' WASHINGTON EANCH rSprclet Dtapafrt tn rTHe Jnornl. Uhlon Flat. Wash.. Jnna t..TKa nenry jarxm larm at . tnis place has Deen soia to u. -naier ror a Ann airi ora tion of $16,000. The ranch contains 480 acres ana is one or tne best in tho Pa louse country. - The ranch is a -enlandld stock and wheat farm, having plenty of nmuer ana . water.' - Mr. fnaier pought iii9 iirm tur Bpccuiaijun. ELECTION B0AED IS T MAKING THE CANVASS Western Elevating Grader .Ditcher nod Wagon Loader C ' sii win handle dirt for go per yard. old or V trial. . ii Western Wheeled v and . Drag Scrapers and Grad- , Ing Plows, Austin RmJ , verslble Graders Austin t, Crushers, Dump Cars. For modern earth and rock- handling m'anhinarv see us. i - - . " ... ., , . ie Av BEALL tS CO."! ilSSSi", 3C JUEY ATTACHES NO BLAME TO M'VITTIE Teamster Exonerated of Manslangh- . ter Charge Returned at the, , : Coroner's Inquest. ' Countv Auditor Devlin. Juatl. n tha Peace William Reed of west side dis trict No. 4 and County Clerk F1alrt rnn. stltute the official board to canvass the votes csst at Monday's municipal elec tion. The board bec-an lta work- thia afternoon and win compute the totals on each tally sheet, tha result being the official figures of the election. The board expects to finish the work late this afternoon or - tomorrow morning - A Jury empaneled to fig ths responsi bility for the death of Hamilton Knott of 114 East Seventh, street, who died at his homo yesterday morning from - In- Juries, alleged to have been received as the result, of ' blows -.administered by Joseph McVlttle. this morning entirely exonerated the accueed man, jf rom tne testimony or ur. Arthur jonnson, Knott died as tho result of a blood clot on -the brain, and the testi mony of William Glvens that McVlttle oniy strucit tne Old man once on the mouth, the Jury held that there was notning to snow mat aeatn was caused by the blow In question, and therefore freed the young teamster. The man slaughter charge filed against McVlttle in tne race or tne findings or the -cor oners Jury - win undoubtedly be dls- missea oy the dlstrlot attorney. 0FFICEES FID BONES - OF MUBDEEED MAN ' iRpednt Ptawitah te Tbe Journal Aberdeen. Wash.. June . . -Ooronar Ulrard snd constable Dean returned from North river with the skull and part of the bones of the skeleton of a man. Ther- Is a bullet hole through the skull and lower Jaw, .They are sup posed to oe tne remains of a - man named King, or of Matt Kali v. both of whom ' disappeared mysteriously about the same time. Further develanments ara expected. :..!.-... v : Children Wild Witli Delight xnere is scarcely a. child In Portland that is not on tiptoe, waiting for Rose rarg cmidren's day next Satur day. -Bands have been arranged, games 'iL.PlVi, the btwces and " nas -ana., everything 111 C- iXJWJ0 IHthearts vv aa ji w w in uss ill iiib -aariin inra a. a a a mi. Pwrnl fjf.J5artJT.5n Thompson wishes ii'i W ana every rather and mother in Portland would arrange to o OUt With, their nhlldran tt...,.?, clal announcement of the special car I service will be made later fit theweek Watch the papers carefully? a5vwy; body will .have tha ,lma ki. he goes. DBIVEE'S NOSE BROKEN BY BUNAWAY litJfigE - fHneclal DlMMtflh a Tha . . 2 Garfield, Wash., June .A runawav accident on Harland's hill sait of o?Z . w ,.1 . - . . ' . v. . . '.Duiicu in a Drokan nose, cut Iln and a .t.Zk-KSn of the 'driver. Mp. rr,a. r"S?V' .1? to the occupants and a ruined bugsv which was smashed tnt .!.- 5y; nlecea . r - """na HAEGES IJUBBY WITH . , DEINKING TOO MUCli Hr.ala.--v T 1 11 - - ... Am - liin nn nHriiar rniss ' a. a filed suit In the rlmile .JS'VJJW divorce from Vrnnlr t. Tr' yr l Ing habitual drunkenness a5d dI? lion. - Thev vara mari. J""T- Wisconsin, in July, 18?5, ' snd came7 1 ??u.".,f r..?rnw 31 " yru. , who' """"J1 -a1' a. narper SSKa In ad1i tion ta other chargea Mra Harper a leges that her husband treated h the child cruelly and called lier vi namaa .- '"I : i ..- - . . ... - , . ..... ......... . - . . .