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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE A 6, ' 1907. , TIIF.Y WANT TO KNOW ABOUT STREET PAVING t . i JLast Aiders Very Anxious About ; Grand Avenue Improvement and i ;-,. Desire Contract Executed. Business men on Grand avenue are apprehensive on account of the delay ' In the proposed paving of Grand avenue and fear lest the street will ndt be tin J ir?ved before the rainy season next U. The. East Side Business Ken's as sociation will meet this evening In Odd Fellows' hall, East Pine and Grand aye. . nue. to discuss ways and means of se curing the execution of ' the contract awarded about one year ago providing for the paving of their principal busi ness thoroughfare, Grand avenue. Contractors say they are ready to be gin work whenever the Portland rail-1 ways will have laid their heavy rails and reballauted the track, as they are eompeuea 10 do. The contractors also say that the city Is delaying the work by not hurrying the Installation of the 14-Inch water main to be laid on Grand avenue before the paving can be started. FATHER. SAYS CHILD IS IN WRONG HANDS rarent Objects to Divorced Wife Teaching Three-Yeai-Old to ' , Call Stepfather "Papa.' - Francis I. Bellamy has filed In the circuit court a petition asking that the custody of his ; 1-year-old son, George be taken from his divorced wife and awarded to him. The child was given to the-mother when she obtained a dl vorce.. Bellamy alleges in his petition that the present surroundings are not good for the child and that It Is for the child's Interest that 11 M turned over to . Its father. Among other things. Bellamy charges that his wife has married again and that the baby Is being taught that its stepfather is Its father, and if it speaks The contractor.' also W.. " J'Wl liv avajrss ' S irvi tiiai uis avimvi whs wear In the child's presence sad that AT THEATRES 4 Jlrs Leslie y Carter in "Da , Barry." ' TeolfM at 8 e'elork, at the Belllg theatre, Fourteenth sad Wuti to f too afreets, the dl tlnssUbed actress, tin. Leille Carter, will . " ( J 111 " """"" M ; ' vs y " : . I - - h r. : m he has been denied the privilege of vis iting the child. When he insisted, says Bellamy, remarks about shooting were made. . , ' Bellamy alleges that had he known aa much about his wife's conduct when she obtained a divorce as he now does be would not have . consented to let her have the child's custody. He says also that be always cooked nis own break fast and helped Mrs. Bellamy to do the washing, ironing and cooking while they Uved together. , COUNCILMAN BAKER WANTS CLEAN STREETS . . v City Father Went on Record at the Council Meeting Yesterday In X ..': ..Plain . language. Huge Fire at Rose CityPark. 1 h. I. .......hi. . nt the prettiest features of the Children's day at Rom City Park will be the Illu mination of the skies by huge bonfires. Scattered at selected snots throu shout the addition, these great (Ires will be built in a tremendously large circle, In the midst of them, safe from danger and yet bright with the ruddy hue, will be a vocal concert,' especially arranged It pi for Rose Cltr Park, ft promises to be I one of the most fascinating real estate Innovations ever conceived In the Bonn west. -WOMEN STOCKINGS 39c Instead of 50c ,. Women's, fine . imported - fancy Hose, in nobby embroidered and lace styles; colors black, tan, white, ffray, blue, red and champagne; always before sold at 50e and 75c; ipecial, pair . . . . . . . . . ; . . . , . , , ,39e -t WOMEN'S UNION SUIT3 69c Instead of $1 and $1-25. . Women's fine bleached lisle thres ! Union Suits, fine torchon n 1 French Val. lace trimmed;, either high or low neck, long or no sleeves; reg. $1 and $1.25 value; special Bargain Friday. ..... . HOTEL MOORE TPH()BB01;II.I.;BE-. A RECORD - BBEAIIBr: onnr izx nrx rui. v. cursor biacx, txAsax, ottocx I ' The CUrf Keoae ef Ores Directly ea the beach, everkwklng tbe j ocean. . Hot salt batbi and sort bathing. I Recreation pier for nsBlnf . Bos parlors, leetrte llfhts, fireplace end forsaee beat. Fine walki and derives. Sea foods a .specialty Kates; $2.50 and $3.00 per day SPECIAL RATES BT TBI WEEK. ; DAH t. MOORI, Prop. s , Mrs. Lesli Carter. prMcnt Darld Belatco'e great play. "Do Barry," which will ceatlnoe ae tb blU tomorrow ahtht aad Satorday BatioM. Satarday nlgbt MZs" will be gives. Owinf to tbe length ef Uie parformasce the enrtaia will rise at S o'clork abarp'te the ereolnra aDd at 9 o'elork at tbe natlDM.- He one wUl be seated dorlng the fine act. ; 1 ; , t Otis Skinner Seat Sale Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, at the bos ornce of the Heillg theatre. Fourteen tk end WatblDgto streets, tbe adraoee oral sale will pen for tbe famous actor, Otis Sktnaer, and his errellrat ' company, who comes to - tbe above theatre sett Monday and Tetwday nlabta, Jane 10 and 11, la tbe modern drama, "Tbe Ihirl." Included In Mr. Skinner's company are B. M, Holland and Keith Wakemaa. . , . . Councilman George Baker yesterday want on record as being an exponent of clean streets and Introduced a resolu tlon In the council y asking that the executive board' appropriate - what It thought a sufficient amount to carry out the purpose of his resolution. Baker ssys that the side streets need cleaning and that residents who are paying taxes along these streets are entitled to as much consideration as residents of mors fashionable districts, - where he savs the streets sre always keot clean. Mayor Lane told the council that the street cleaning appropriation was suf flclant to clean th streets once every eln.t -months it everr side street In the city was given attention. NEW STAGE ROUTE AIDS GRANT COUNTY (Special Dispatch ts The 7oernaL) ' Pendleton. Or., June t One Of the most urgent . needs of the people of northern Grant county will . be realised when the new stag Una between Long Creek in Grant county and uauan in Umatilla county Is running. The stage will leave Long Creek for TTkiaa Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Con nection will be msde at Pendleton with the main line of the O. R. A N. for night travel on the railroad, saving two days In a round trip to Portland. This road out from the Inland empire is continually being shortened by the Uma tilla, Central railroad. The stage will pass through Rltter and Dale. At Bit ter are the famous McDuffee hot springs.- '"..' ' i im i m i 1 1 i if Do Yon Know Dow to Dny Paint? v It'a easy now, be cause the best kinds of paints, enamels, stains, Tarnishes,, are sold ' nnder the name of QUALITY a mark that signifies the Perfect Faint for Every Pnrpose. If yonr naareat . dealer cannot supply you with the "Acme Quality-kind wewilL I Ask for a copy of the new textbook, Tke Sclecfloa aa4 Dm sf fslntj gad lUtkea." Free on request. NEW ERA PAINT AND VARNISH CO. 172 First St, PorUaad 4". Big Crowds at the Marqaam. . " . Iwj pertoxmance at the Marqaam baa bees Crowded flilw week, for tbere Is s really ear- Trtk3r o(tr on. the part ef be pebHc -w kHr that fa moos old oocra. "Glrofle-Glrofla." : that Is be tDf sunr by too Sag rraaclace Opera con-pan y.- It waa recelrad. with anboonded ntbaalaam' end bee mated a sensation In maatcal circles. With Its wealth of , tanefal Damhera, ts maRnlflcrnt coatumea and amaalng aiteauona, tne opers one nr io orai avr rate nroductlona ever offered In.tbla city. It will be tbe bill at tbe Maranam until Buaday "NeTer Affaln" a . Big Success. There Is eo'smca dlaappolntment-In real lire! that wbea people have a ehaace to em a really fanny play on the -stare, one that makes tbem forget aJT a boot real life for a time, tbey extalalr show ' their eppreclatloo. ' They 'bare done ao this week at the Baker, where tlie Baker Itock company Is producing for the first . time In the northwest that screamingly funny farce. "Nerer Araln." It 1 tbe kind of play that everyone enjoys. for It is actually and I truly fumy. , It is drawing big bouses at every performance. , Many Ararsement PcaVu-ea at Oaks. Amusement and pleasure for everybody -la provided at the Oaks, Portland's bis pleasure park. gchllsonrl's wonderful band of youthful , musicians is still the bit feature and lares crowds attend every concert. Tbe Chinese Junk, Wbans-Bo, Is also srouslng a great deal of .'Interest. Children "are Immensely Interested la Dora and Ted, a pair ef wild animal chums, whose antics are delighting hundreds of young sters every day. Dora la a monkey, while Ted la a little black beer. Both are guests at the ' menagerie on tbe amusement avenue. , , All the Comforts of Home .H Commencing Monday sight the Allen company '.will present et tbe-l.yrie tne runniest cornear of modern,' times. "All tbe Com torts of Home." Never In the history of the eta has this I splendid play been given at tbe Lyric prices, . iL 1 Mbltt 1 Jr-??OnterprlM In paying the huge royalty and ottering k to n iniuiiw. 'sing of Father.,t ' There has never been a ' greater success at I a local theatre than the wonderful melodramatle .hit of the season, ''Sine of a Fatber," as pre sented by the Allen stock company at the Lyric " this week.. ' Brery performance witnesses a demonatratlon of the most hearty approval. It Is s play of a lifetime and no one can afford to maw it. '" aL'.VvvVVxaiwJiSiVWK .VVVVVNlVVVWi.V'W1.VVVVVVV.X,XVX,Vl.l' Tbe Bind Ton Hare Ahrayf Bought, and which has been In ' use)' for over SO jearap has borne the signature of " ' ' ' and has been made tinder bis per - Tfy-fi, tonal gaperrlsion since its infancy All Oonnterfeits, Imitations and " J ugt-aa-good ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is'CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms ' and allays Pererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic , It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulencye It assimilates the Food, regulates the . 4 Stomach and "Bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep. " The Children's Panacear-The Mother's Friend '. CEriUiriE CASTO R I A AlsVAYS Sears the Signature of - "The Belle of Richmond." A southern romance will be the attraction I at tbe Star theatre next week when. "The Belle of Richmond" wl!l be-played In Portland for the first time. Tble play, while the scenes sre act In the south, has nothing to do with tbs elvtl wor. as Is generally tbe case with .southern dramas. First performance sionasy evening., . TOe Kind You Haye Always Bought ll ..Jn Use Fpr Over, 30 Years. . misiimsiMim,nuautraitTiarnMrii 1- 'Mile. Manhattan." ousse : In s regular comedy '.the comedians have 'all evening to. make a hit, but In Vaudeville a comedian must make good On ' 30 minutes. At the Grand this week there are sereral come- : dlans, and each one la a prime favorite with ' tbe audience. "Mile. Manhattan" Is the title of s sketch on the bill, and It is one of tb ' fnnnleat inmbles f nonseaee aeea or beard la tbe h 'Darkest Russia." ' roe excitement and eenaatlonal situatlooa 1 "Darkest Bussia". eel Inns all other dramas that bava been nresented St the 8tar-theatre, The plot ts so exciting and the climaxes so start ling that tbs sudlences sre aept in a eon- slant state of expectation snui as iinsi art. There will be matinees Saturday and Sunday, tbe last performance beingannday night. PITTSBURG BANKEE i IS FOUND GUILTY . : ' (Journal Special Service.) ' "Pittsburg, Pa., June, .Ths sealed verdict in the case of Charles Mensener, former, assistant . teller ; of ths defunct Enterprise bank was opened this morn ing. The defendant was fmind guilty of misapplying funds and aiding ths cash ier to do the same. This is the third conviction -as- the result of the failure. Other trials of higher officers are com ing. :C ' i v:-f- -r'--H- i WHICH WINS? Two houses in the same town were painted by the ; same dealer with Lowe Brothers "High Standard" Paint sad with "lead and oil mixed by hand." The first the larger cosi $t7'SQ with "High Standard.". The second cost l.oo. The first wore ovef five years, the other three. Figure it out for yourself then come and let us help you to select colors. See Our beautiful cards and booklets. 'f ' , -' 1 Booklets, "Paint arid Painting" and "Attractive Homes," Free. ' RASMtlSSEN & CO. Distributors Second and Taylor Streets. 'Portland Tomorrow's list of attractions is a record one, strong enough to stimulate healthy activity in all parts of the store. For Bargain Friday we know you expect low prices from us, but by comparison you will find them even lower than you look for. At no time during the week can you make a dollar go so far as on this greatest of'sale days. It is the ideal day for shopping from every viewpoint-f-assortment, quality and prices. ' The following , prices are for Bargain Friday only and we know they" can't be beat, quality of goods considered. , SALE FsHSTE DRESS GOODS and SILKS : - A QUABTEB TO A IHIBD UNDEB VAXTJE We have made an important purchase of new and exquisite. Dress Goods and Silks from one of New: York's foremost jobbing houses. All of these goods were made new this season; and it is great good fortune that offers them to you tomorrow at a quarter to a third under value. Never before were such beautiful new fabrics obtainable for so little so early in the season. The vast assortments will prove a revelation of variety. No description can pretend to convey all the facts. THE MEREST w- . HINTS ARE ONLY POSSIBLE. , " 35c Novelty Dress Goods 10 A few excellent patterns in 40-inch "Aberdeen novelty suiting, 36-inch half wool crepe voile, 38-inch English cashmere, 5(Mnch half wool Panamas, all fashionable colors ; never sold for less than 35c . . 1 Special, per yard, Bargain Friday. ...... ... . . . . . ; . . I JC 60c to 65c Novelty Suitings 35 Beautiful assortment of the season's stylish dress goods, comprising novelty suitings, 88 inch colored mohair, 38-inch all wool Henriettas, 45-inch nov elty Panamas ; none ever sold for less than 50c Special, flg per yard, Bargain Friday. ... . . . .JuC BEMNANTS AT HALF-PBIOE All Bemnants of Thi Season's Fashionable Drees ' - Goods on Sale Bargain Friday at Exactly Half-Price 69c, 75o', 85 and $1 Silks, Bargain Friday 50c Enormous Silk Sale Bargain Friday only. All our 69c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 grades in one. big lot at the unheard of price of per yard 50 In this assortment are the season's favorites such as . 27-inch pongee,' 19-irich black taffeta, changeable taffetas, fancy, louisenes, novelty plaids, shepherd plaids, fancy washable messalines, 24-inch dotted foulards, pompadour tfn Jap silks, etc. Specially priced Bargain Friday only, yard. . . . . . . . . ... .......... ... ....... . .O vJC Attractive Offerings in the ' MEN'S SECTION We quote a. few prices for tomorrow that will create a stir. - Immense quantities of th most seasonable) goods offered at leu than OUR regular low prices. Merely printing a list detailing the reductions is the surest means of filling the aisles with a crowd. " IT IS WISE :TO COME EARLY ON SUCH OCCASIONS AS THIS. Men's Underwear Good grade men's elastic ribbed shirts and drawers; three colors, brown, blue and salmon; extra well made garments; they sell regularly at 50c; special Bargain Friday, per garment. ...if A 4 A Of Men's French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, made : " of fine quality, Egyptian yarn, extra soft finish; all sizes; regular 75c values; special Bargain Friday, per garment... ...63 a? A 4 1 QaTS Men's Half Hose in two xolors, plain black and sa. V JLtv plain tan mercerized; look like silk, seamless, war ranted fast colors, double heel and toe; rekular 25c quality: soecial Bar gain Friday, per pair............ .......10 A 4- 1 AaTl Men's Silk Lisle Handkerchiefs Latest vogue; come JCSLIJ AOv in large assortment of colors and patterns, highly mercerized; sold regularly at 25c; special Bargain Friday, each.... lae? A af f Special bargain in Men's Four-in-Hand and Large U tll Club Ties Large assortment of the nifty plaids and fancy patterns, also good line of plain colors; regular 25c and 35c value: special Bargain Friday, each.............. 15e? At 39c "7.; :' TWO SPECIALS: IN .' Women's Handkerchiefs Plain White Handkerchiefs, neat hemstitched hem and. H-inch ,0 wide; made of good quality cambric: regular price 5c; special..... vJC White Shirtwaist 'Kerchiefs, plain white, plaid and drawn work cen- ters, soft and sheer; our reguar 15c quality; special. each............UC SPECIAL PRICES ON FANCY RIBBONS Dresden Ribbon Beautiful showing, of fancy Dresden Ribbons, 4 inches wide,' with of without border; a good 35c quality; special, per Shepherd Plaids Attractive colorings in neat Shepherd plaid effects. large and small size checks; colors black, blue, navy, brown, red and pink; the regular 35c grade; special, pet yard.,... ....fOC TOKCHON LACS, PER BOLT, 3r Snecial lot of Torchon Laces inst received: larire line of new natterns: known as best wearing, lace on market; dozen yards in bolt; special. Bargain Friday, per bolt ....... f. . ........... .23e? NORMANDY VAL, LACES, PER YARD, 4f Mftfivifinrltf fm i ' anM Tn!) T 1 lA. 1 inrta Mrtrfaa ef a Cm 1 12j4c quality; specially priced for Bargain Friday,' per yarr.......v.4f TWO EMBROIDERY BARGAINS FLOUNCING EMBROIDERY. 48 YARD. This is the best offer we have ever made of wide Flouncing Embroidery; remember our past sales and the great bargains given, those offered for Bargain Friday eclipse them all; 18, Z2, 24-inch Flouncing Embroidery that sells regularly at $1, $1.25 and $1.50; special Bargain Friday, yd. 48 FLOUNCING EMBROIDERY. YARD. 'Many beautiful patterns of Swiss Nainsook and Hamburg Flouncing Em broideries; each pattern has insertion to match; y to 18 inches wide; best 35c and bUc grade; special Bargain rriday, per yard.. ...... ....... ..sis? Knit UNDER WEAR and HOSIERY Tor Women and Children A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO ECONOMIZE. (Four rare offers for Friday's Bargain Sale. Lightness, airiness, thin ness of labric, or, u it oe aesirea, underwear and Hosiery of medium weight and texture. These stocks far and away the largest we have ever shown are broad enough to satisfy any preference of style, color, make or effect; and prices are most attractive, from which ' , WE PICK THESE REMARKABLE VALUES CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS 19c Instead of 35c Children's champagne colored mer cerized French Lisle Stockings; fine rib; regular 35c values; spe cial for Saturday, per paif....lOf WOMEN'S KNIT PANTS 18c Instead of 40c ft Women's fine white ribbed Pants, ankle length, closed style; excep tionally good 40c quality; specially priced for Bargain Friday, pr. JI8sj S s i v $1.25 SCOTCH LACE CURTAINS 98c White Scotch Lace Curtains, 3 yattJs by .54 inches; button-hole stitched edge; assortment of neat designs; extra value at $1.25; special Bargain Friday, per pair.; ...8e Another: Great Sole of OA White Parasols VMI o . m. , t.. 'j Ssaaev . aw 'Ssaav' B0t$I.SO.Valu9$ About 500 In .the Lot Just enough for a busy; day's selling. No greater attraction . was ever i offered in our Par- a s o I department, None to equal it is expected again this year These are made . of fine, white linen, handsomely trimmed with em broidery insertion,, with bamboo and natural crook Congo handles; sold by alt the best stores at $1.50; on special sale Bargain- -Friday, as long as they last at 89 Ccnta TOMORROW BARGAIN FRIDAY A Sale of Domestic Goodo LAWNS, TOWELS. SUITINGS AND CURTAINS Five important items 'for Friday's great sale, each one in itself nrffl cient to occasion extraordinary interest. Just compare these roods and prices with those offered elsewhere at present and draw your own con clusions as to where you ougnt to Duy. hekjs AKJ THE OFFERINGS 8c COTTON GOODS 5c 5,000 yards lawns, challies, calicoes and beige Suitings, any desired style or pattern; excellent 8c values; special Bargain Friday, per yard .' of 25c HUCK TOWELS 18c 19x39 all white Huck Towels; our leader at 25c; special for one day only, Bargain Friday, each ... 18s? $2 LONG CLOTH.-PIECE, $1.53. 100 pieces 36-inch soft . finish long 1 il . A. . 1 . . tiuiu; oci maienai lor aatnty un derwear; splendid $2 quality, spe cial Bargain Friday: yd.... f 1.5(1 15c WHITE LAWNv'lOc Extra good, quality white Lawn, 40 incucs wiue; nice, even, smooth thread; regular ; 15c value; special Bargain Friday, per yard.....lOe Shoe Sale ANOTHER GREAT Only a reputation built on fair dealing and a consistent effort to attain and maintain high stan dards will endure. We have passed by manufac turers who make inferior grades of .shoes, and have associated ourselves with the best 'makers those who make shoes for which exclusive stores get considerable more than the prices that we get tor their mates from the same factory. Every year we are selling a ' larger proportion : of these exclusive styles, and we show more styles than the ex- "V elusive store does. It is natural that it should ' be so, the more people realize the service this shoe store gives. Business does not go by . favor. THE ROBERTS BROS.' SHOE STORE HAS THE INDORSEMENT OF' SUCCESS. " , . , We have our own exclusive shoes.' fash ioned on our own carefully designed lasts, ir reproachable, in style perfect footwear for comfort, durability and good looks. e . , THESE SPECIALS FOR TOMORROW For -Boys' and Girls' Shoes, Worth $U0 Another shipment just received. Boys' and girls fine vici kid .nj box calf Shoes, made with solid leather insoles, counters and era r , soles, well sewed add made to stand hard wear: solrf everv- 1 1 1 1 r where at $1.50 a pair; our. special price , X V 0 1 O CT A Pair for Men's Soee and Oxforda, $3.50 to $S values, T . 7 m the following -nrell-known makes; Spence Shoe Com if aVlUU nanv'a $4; Oxfords, r Rice A Hift-hin.' t St,,. , .v,- Churchill $3.50 Shoes. Macey Bros.' $3.50 Shoes. About 20.000 naira all told, this season's most popular styles, in all the fashionable leathera. vii kid box calf, patent colt, etc., in both plain lace and blucher styles; me dium, light and heavy soles? not a pair in the lot sold for ! r m less than $3.50; most all ate $4 and $5 values: all eo at k TIK one price your choice. ,,. , . . t) rfjJ (1 -f ' i A Pair for Women's Shoes and Oxfords- Only a few I I II hundred pairs left at this price. Women's Shoes, Ox V VrVr , fords and Slippers, in new- up-to-date stvle. in !1 the best leathers, yici kid and patent colt shoes, vici kid and patent lc athf r Oxfords in both black and tan colors; also vici kid and rtt i-"'' one and two-strap Slippers; medium, light and heavy - ' soles; regular $2.50 and $3 grades specially !rriced for this sale at onlyd... ....'v ' . . v : i.