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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1907)
3 a Hooiery and Knit Underwear Exceptional , value in the most seasonable goods. Very many new, stylef have arrived, but that's not all, There are some new val ues new in the sense that they are greater.. We predict that, you'll be quick to appre ciate them.., ' - : . Women's 40c Stockines. 254 Women's fine imported black cotton Hose, with unbleached soles, "also fine line of plain : black cotton ribbed Hose. Reg ular,-40c values. . Specially, re duced for Monday and orj Tuesday , .... .. .. .. .jC Children's 25c Stockings, 194 Children's 'fine grade; 2xt ribbed black I cotton Stockings, medium weight, all sizes 6 to une ot ourbest wearing ' qualities. Kegular, price, per v' pair,. 25c? Special. V. r 1 A ' :, Monday andTuesday . , lUC Women's 75c Pants, 474 WomenWine r lisle thread Umbrella , Pants, trimmed with fine torchon lace ; regular 75c values. Spe cial Monday and Tuesday, pej Women's 35c Vests, 194 Women's fine grade cotton sleeveless Vests ; yoke nicely trimmed with silk braid; regular 25c and 35c grades. Special Monday and in 1 Tuesday, per pair. ..... .. . ......... 1"C The Best I "Tv 0 " " I The Most in Quality 'fi&tWm in Values Moro Good News About Men's Wear SallsJactory Stnopplimg Must Include Tliis Store Which Is equivalent to saying that If you do not come to Roberts, Bros.' Store before going home you will doubtless miss opportunities that no other store offers and that may not be offered again anywhere. This announcement is brimful of good reasons for coming. And aside from all that is told, THE STORE IS FULL OF GOOD REA SONS FOR COMING in Ita superior assortments, reliable qualities, sterling values and the assurance of absolute MusKg Underwear Specials For Monday and Tuesday A Great Showing: of Worthy Sorts; ' . Mod erately Priced Corset Covers, 354 Pretty Corset Covers, madeof nainsook, full front, yoke of panel Swiss embroidery, neck and sleeves trimmed with lace; unusually good values t Of 50c; specially priced at.,".'... V.. 00C Cambric: Drawers, 504 Well-made Cam bric Drawers, made extra large and full, lawn ruffle, neatly trimmed with two rows of insertion "and lace edge. Other stores ask 65c for this grade.. Our , , . C"A price.. ... .'. . .. . . ....... ........... UUC Nainsook Gowns, 754 Nainsook Gowns, made in a number of pretty styles, yoke of embroidery insertion and hemstitched, and J hemstitched cambric futile at neck yr and cuffs. Exceptional values t. .. . DC Cambric Skirts, $1.48 Cambric Skirts, wtll made1 and handsomely trimmed, deep iiounce. lour rows or xancy jace insertion and wide laci edge ; unusual values at this price; ......... HE tfOHENAL VALUES IN WOMEN'S NEW MM Jackets The Best Values oi the Year Now Prevail in Our Popular Suit Hoom 'v v - An immense eastern purchase and the need of space for the proper ex hibiting of Summer Garments makes this event compulsory. . You should not fail to be present at this extraordinary sale if you have any present or future garment -requirements. Prices on Suits Lower Than Ever This Season's Handsomest Suits Greatly Underpriced Spring Suits Worth to 822.50 for 917.50 Spring" Suits .Worth up to ' $17.50 for 814 About 25 latest Spring Suits in this collection- absolutely this season's styles, which incjude the improved Etons, ponyettes and tight-fitting hip-length models. The materials, include olain and fancy Panamas and suitings. Some are trimmed with braid. Newest pleat ed skirts A new assortment of , nandsome Spring Suits Just received. The ma terials art fine chiffon Panamas, worsted suitings; in checks and mix tures. All the correct styles are represented in the newest models.' Exclusive Spring" Suits Worth to 885 for $25 About 50 of the handsomest Suits shown this season are in this lot the cream of this season's styles. The materials are fine English and German suitings in checks,' plaids, mixtures and plain colors. Then there are Rajah and Taffeta Silk Suits in this lot; also Panamas in black and all the best col ors. The styles include French Etons, pony and tight-fitting hip-length ef fects.". . V ' , $1.48 Great Sale Skirts Great saving this week on well-made garments, the newest spring styles, in all the desired fabrics of this season.' i Cii I For Skirts Worth $5.50 and $M0 Jft.Dv These re made from , pretty checks and plain worsted Panamas, in all colors and black. They are fh the desired plaited styles and carefully tailored. v, ... CA For Skirts Worth $7.60 and $7.90 DUtU Panamas, voiles and fancy wor steds, black and all spring shades, box plaited, cluster-plaited and new panel ef fects. fLarge stock to select from, and all sizes. .:, $7 CA For SkIrts Worth Up to $10.00 Pf 0" Fine voileschiffon Panama and fine imported suitings garments that really contain the beauty and style of the season's high-price garments. You would do well to choose from this selection. The styles are varied side and front plaits, box-plaited, kilted J still others stitched over hips and falling in graceful flares. ; 1 ? : Remarkable Coat Values Women's and . Misses' Jackets, lish co- sty checks, striped and plaid worsteds and ver,. made Tin semi-fitted .and aa box models, $8.50 values, for.',..pOaUU Women's Tan Covert and Broadcloth Jack ets, nobby box ,and fitted styles, tailored seams, strap-trimmed, some are silk-lined, others unlined, reg. $3.50 values, jjQ Women's Cream Serge Jackets, strictly all wool, silk-lined, velvet collar, cuffs of same material, best $10.00 values,. Long Loose Coats, made from stylish checks, striped and plaid materials, notch collar and patch pockets, good (t r A $10.00 value, on sale this week at. pD JU Fifty-Inch Long Black Broadcloth Coats, braid-trimmed and satin-lined, $15.00 val ues, for .$12.50 Handsome Silk Coats, long loose plaited ef fects, collars of applique, imparting grace and style, marked at. . .$18.50, $15, $10 Beautiful New Waists The Assortments Are Immense and Prices Are Low. Lace and Net Waists, in white, cream and ecru, silk-lined, all stvles in voke trimminars of medallion and Cluny lace. In fact, we do not overestimate their value when we say that each number is worth fronvJ&l to $3 more than what they are marked to sell at this week. Special values at $9.50, $7.50, $5.50 and $4.50 New jumper waists, made of taffeta silk, in pretty checks, stripes, plain colors and black; square and round-cut yokes, cap sleeves, stitched straps. You can't miss by selecting a waist from this collection. Priced at $4.00 and ....$3.50 White Lawn Waists, over 100 choice styles to select from, and at prices that are abso lutely right, all sizes from 32 to 44 in most all styles. Extra good values at 98J $1.25, $1.50 and $2.25 Silk Waists From $2.50 to 86.50 Hand some styles in Jap Silk Waists, Messaline Taffeta Waists and Peau de Soie Waists, this season's best styles, in an unlimited assortment. With larger stocks, greater assortments and better values than ever before, this Men's Wear Section of ours is prepared , to greet fou. These hints for Monday and Tuesday Men's Porosknit Underwear, 50 Poros knit Underwear, the most popular men's summer under garments; come in tan and white ; extra well made; double-. , seated drawers. Price per garment. . OUw Men's Worsted Underwear, $1.00 Men's fine elastic ribbed Worsted Shirts and Draw ers ; light summer weight; form-fitting shirts with French elastic neck; specially d AA good values. Price per garment. . . m)1UU Men's Negligee Shirts, 81.00 Special showing of men's up-to-date Negligee Shirts, with attached or detached cuffs, regular or coat styles, soft turndown collars; popular shades of tan, blue, cream and gray; a few. fancy patterns in stripes and checks ; ex ceptionally good values $100 Men's Half Hose) 'lZyfc ft 25'-Our spe cial lines of Men's Half Hose, black tops and . maco feet and black with split foot, are made from high-grade maco yarn; full shaped, seamless; come in light, medium and heavy; weight. Priced at, per pair, 126$ 2)C Notions and Leather Goods Some remarkably good values for tomorrow and Tuesday v- 50c Back Combs The latest designs in fancy mounted Back Combs; extra good, cjuahtjr. Special Monday and 29C $1.00 Back Combs Solid gold embossed, the very latest effect in mountings, the kind that usually sells at $1.00. Special Mon- CQ j - day and Tuesday Uv 25c Nankins 100 of the best aualitv creoe paper Napkins, in fancy box, 25c grade. Spe cially priced Monday and Tuesday, per box 10 v 60c Hose Supporters Women's silk elastic Hose Supporters ;, hook-on style; all colors. Specially priced at, per jjQ 35c Dress Shields Light weight silk Dress Shields ; best quality 35c shields ; sizes 2, S, '4. Special, per ' 25C 1.75 Hand Bags The newest shapes, style and colors in Women's Hand Bags ; s?4l grain, leather lined, covered riveted frsyfoe, with neat coin purse fittings. A CI 1Q bargain at .... $ 1 1 " 75c Leather BeltSr-Women's leather : Belts, good quality kid; colors black, red, Mue, tan and brown ; pretty gilt and oxodized i buckles. . Specials at... . . Neck Ruches Six exquisitely dainty Neck Ruches, each of different pattern, in assortment of colors or plain white and black; well worth OCr 60c ; special Monday and Tuesday. . . . mOv - Pleasiner Values in! Pretty SlllYllYI Silks Whatever is new, beautiful, choiceand desirable has found a place in this stock. We are quoting, too, prices that are undoubtedly the lowest ever known for High-Class Silks, ana yet, aespuo we iow pnting, you wui una our buks w uuruig ucsuuauiuijr vui. guarantee tor tnat. r,.:: . . : " Four Big Specials for Monday and Tuesday New Jap Silks, Our 35c Quality, 25.' Beautiful shaving bf Jap Wash Silks, over 65 different shades, called cheap around town at 85ci Qur price, per yard, 0? only . , . ... . . ? . , i. ... . .Z0C . New Jap Silks, Best 45c Grade, 35, A rare assortment of 21-inch Jap, Silks, good heavy quality, best colors, made of , purest of silk fiber, regularly sold at 45c Spe- n cial price, per yard'. ..... .. . .. ...... UuC Heavy Jap Silks, Best 65c Grade, 504. A completeshowing' of best 27-inch Jap Silk, warranted to outwear any silk made, sold everywhere at 65c a yard. Un approachable values at :50c Cream Habutal Silks, Extraordinary Values 27-inch Cream Habutai Silks, very extraor dinary values, at, perjrard, 654. 754. 854 and..;. ...r... .954 Torchon Laces Large assortment of best Torchon Laces, 1 to lyi inches wide, well worth 40c per bolt; "specially priced for Monday and , Tuesday, per bolt. , .. .. ...... . . . .'. , Lj Wide Extibroidery Beautiful. assortment of Flouncing Embroi dery, .27 inches wide ; our regular $1.25 and $1.50 values; special Monday and 7Qr Tuesday, per yard , . . f " C Women's Coat Seta 45c Coat Sets, special Monday and Tuesday 85c Coat Sets, special Monday and ZC Tuesday. . ................... . . . . . tfifC $1.25 Coat Sets, special Monday and Q P Tuesday........ ...,;..OuC. Black and Cream Colored DreSS GrOOdS The new and popular weaves in Black and Cream-Colored Dress Goods are here in, the greatest and most comprehensive assortment ever shown. Here are five underpriced specials for Monday and Tuesday: Priestley's Black Goods We carry a com- Elete line of Priestley's Celebrated Black ress Fabrics. These goods are made of finest selected Australian yarns, are abso lutely acid-proof and spotless. All the very newest weaves. Priced at, yard, d1 A A ?1.25 and tPl.UU Cream Storm Serge 654 One of the favor- it weaves for summer wear, used extensive ly for making stylish coat suits; 38 inches wide, soft and pliable. Specially priced Monday andTuesdiy '. vUC Cream Storm Serge 854 Very good qual ity 46-inch Cream Storm Serge, fine, weave, selected yarns, extra good quality, Q C at, yard GlDC Cream Storm Serge 91.00 50-inch Cream Storm Serge, fine solid weave,' very good value, well worth $1.25, Special, d A A per. yard ...... .... i . i , . ... JLuU Cream Storm Serge $1.2550 inches wide, verv best grade, sold everywhere at $1.50 and $2.00 yardw Our special price, d ; f yard $1 .LO Women's Ozfopd Ties t 1 This Shoe Section would not maintain its enviable position in local shoe circles if it did not meet your demands for every new and stylish shoe. , ; , '. r . Many new lots; of Oxford Ties will make their initial bow tomorrow morning. Come see the Tics. They are the verv quintessence of stylishness. Note the. Special Prices Women'i $3.50 ot Colt and vici kid Oxfds $2.37 Women' $3 Pat Colt, plain & Blucher cut fl.TT Women's ?Z.50Tan and Blade Uxtord at. .9i.uv "Women's $Z50 white canvas Oxfds, 1't or h'vy fa 'Women's $2 white canvas OxTds, food val. f 1.50 Women's $1.50 white canvas Oxfds, Bluch. cut fl !WIdt.i:OQttbii Dress Goods The great demand for White Cotton Dress Goods In our big wash goods section this spring is a splendid Justification of the judgment of our buyer, who, with excellent foresight, ordered a liberal abundance of these goods before their pronounced vogue was authoritatively announced. ' - , - , , . -. nf, ,y The Most Popular Weaves Include White Batiste, 254 45 inches wide; highly mercerized, sheer and pretty for waists and dresses ; well worth 85c. OC Special at . VI '. . ;:ir.:Y. LoC White Chiffonette, 254-42 inches wide, launders ' beautiful, dainty and dur- O C able; a good 35c value. Special at . , oC White ' Poplar, 254 Highly mercerised, medium weight, very serviceable. OE? Price, per yard ..... .... ...... ..... uC White Suitings, 15e Beautiful linen fin ish, 34 inches wide, very popular. 1 1 A regular 18c value, selling at ...... 1 OC Indian ' . Head Suitings Comes- in three widths, 33, 36 and 45 inches. , , oa Prices; per yard, 124, 154 and... UC ' .White . Dotted Swiss, 204 Large assort ment and all size dots,; excellent 4A quality. Price, per yard ..aUC Imported. Dress Swiss, 354 One of our prettiest white, dress fabrics, all size r Q dots, exceptional value. Price, yard. . OuC White Persian Lawn, 30445 inches wide, fine, sheer. quality, nice soft finish. OA Price, per yard . . . .;. ; . jllC New Waistings, 254 Our assortment of new white waistings is unrivaled; large line of-neat figures,; dots, stripes and ; checks;. Price; per yard 4iUC India Unons Complete stock of white" In aia jumons. au wiatns ana quauues. . -Priced at from 50 pef yard down to. . White Linens White dress and waist lin ens, sheer, medium and heavy quality, 36 to 90 inches wide. Prices range from 254 up to $1.25. Special values at 404, 454; 504 and 604 yard. Colored Linens Pretty linens, in blue, pink, tan, ecru and cream, 36 inches Wide, durable and stylish. Prices,.per yard,'45'4v 404, 354 and 304. Brown Linen, $15 Extra special, 72 inches, suitable for buggy robes, .dusters suits, special price, ; if'v-; V C" 1 JC yard ......."......'.;....) 1 ZD and per A Most Com plete Showing R. & G. Corsets If correct style-modeling, fashioned after the latest approved designs of the world's : best dressmakers, counts for anything with you, your new corset will be the RG CORSETS They are the only Ready-to-Wear Corsets made expressly to produce the fashbnable defined waist line. Perfection of fit,, too & fit that al ways stays, because it's buiJt in. : We carry a full line of the New Spring and Sum mer R. & G. Tapering Waist Models, all sizes, all lengths -a- fit for every figure;, every pair frwaraateed. The style illustrated. No. tft r" 671, is priced at ..... v . .............. . 1 . V J r