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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1907)
PICTURES of WINNER5.of'BEAUTY QUESTS in OTHER STATES APPEAR in SUNDAY'S JOURN A I F YOU IMAGINE that the ''Want Journal Circulation Ads" do nol Concern You Pcr- sonally, Read Them Today Yesterday Was 1 - The 'Weather Sunday, fair and warmer: , northwest winds, VOL. VI. NO.' 75. PORTLAND, OREGON, ' SATURDAY EVENING, ' JUNE 1, 1007 TWO SECTIONS 18 PAGES. nnTnt? , rrxttrs nPMo ov thaivs awn urtin .TO mm ELEaliw oIIIIb V 1 T r". , "J !, ("!, i-. r t f - . ...... .. .j, i ' -l . ,' j- ... ' ' - '. ... ,',,.'..', , ' " " ' -' '. . . , ' . .'....)' .Ill I I I, I II i I . ." " '.( .. 1 ; . . ' . bi'iywi'.MWH,.iii'i.a;im iiU'Wiki iin iiiiii in . : ' . . p7."; interests of Good 'Government Demand Mayor's Reelection. Set New Standard i The follo.wing is a personal. letter received by a vfrien(i from the Rev. Stephen, S. Wise, formerly rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel: "New York,- May 22. I am deeply interested, I need hardly say,' m. the coming J mayoralty election. I rejoiced to - learn that 'Mayor Lane had been' renominated at the primaries without lift inga finger in his own behalf. I hope with all my heart that Mayor Lane may be triumphantly reelected. - I am thinking not at all of Mayor Lane? I am thinking altogether of the best interests of the city of Portland and of the opportunity which the citizenship of l'ortland faces, at the coming election to demonstrate that good government is not to be an experiment, but is to be permanently es tablished. "The defeat of "Mayor Lane at this time wouldrbe a grave set back to the cause of municipal' government in America. Mayor Lane has rendered noteworthy service to the city of Portland throughout the last two years. He has not been a Democratic mayor; but the mayor of a whole city, and I daresay that not even the most partisan Republican will venture to doubt for a moment that Mayor Lane's administration has -set a new standard in the conduct of municipal affairs for future-incumbents of the mayoral office. ' : ; . ' ; :" ' ' . '" "In all the years of my mannooi I 'do not know, of a mayor who has served the welfare fef Jiis --sity, with Uitf devotion .and wjsdojm than has Mayor Lane. - If I were a citizen of Portland 1 would k labor earnestly for his reelection, although, ras you know, I am a Roosevelt Republican, Lane is a Roosevelt Democrat. "I have no fear that Mayor Lane will fail of election. The elec torate of Portland is too independent and discerning to fail to re ward a faithful public servant. His defeat, which , is unthinkable, would be tantamount to an invitation to partisanship to resume its domination of municipal affairs-in Portland.. We are fast reach ing the time when men will be as little concerned about the national political affiliations of a candidate for municipal office as they are in the cut of his coat. I rejoice to think that Portland has already ''led the way. .. "Time and again since I have come to New York I have spoken x at public meetings of the almost unique political independence and integrity of the yoters of Portland and Oregon. I know Portland so well and I love Portland so well that I feel assured that Mayor Lane will be reelected to th office the duties of which he has for two years discharged with1 fidelity, impartiality and integrity. "fiTF.PTTF.M 5v WIsF " lit' ' !":v .--. v ' 1 ' 4 TEACHER WHO WAS LOST IN WOODS Hundreds of Spectators Line Fourth Street and Cheer Runners as They 3Iake the Final Sprint in Race From Oregon City. Roy Flaherty, First 3Ian in, Aids Team 3Iates in Low ering Record for Course by Tliree Minutes Route Was Muddy. RABBI STEPHEN K WISE; WfHGS AH ESCAPE HI 200 YARDS Rock j.Pfle- Eusfincer Brings Down Prisoner Who Tries; to "Take French Leave. James' O,- Fagan, eentenrfd to serve a year on the rockpile, was shot through the right hip with a revolver while mak ing a daring attempt to escape . from the Kelly "butte quarry yesterday at noon. - Kagan" was brought to the city last night for treatment.. According to the story-told by Fagan at the county jail this morning, he attempted to escape -as the' prisoners were lining up to go to dinner. . (Continued on Page Two.) DEVLIN COIN IS QUICKLY COVERED As Far as Money Is Con- cerued, Candidate Is Bet Off the Board. SIMMS Winner Hawthorne. Start Oregon City. Finish Y. M. C. A. building. Distance IS miles. Time One hour 19 minutes 29 seconds. ' 1 '""V w BRENT A BRENT LINDSAY. ' All over town betting men are hunt lng-for Devlin money. As fast as MDPeSrs It is eagerly taken ami It generally expected that before the polls Open Monday morning .uajie men m be forced to give odds. For the third time In two duys Schtl w ojfftir stand, where most of the bets have ben placed, is without Dev lin money, and at 1 o'clock an offer to bet S200 even on Lane was posted with out takers. Fritz, the proprietor of the notorlottS north end resort-and one nf the most active workers ror uev. li.n, put up several thousand dollars on Devlin yesterdajr and injs morning dui all of It was taken by-Lane enthusiasts who. clamored for more. - Over $4,000 of. Devlin money at Schiller's was cov ered this morning In addition to 15,000 taken yesterday and aj noon Lane men were makine'the rounds of the cigar stands and saloons In .the hope of find ing more. ; CITIZENS If vou eo to the polls and vote next Monday Lane s election is assured. There will be no stay- at-homes among Devlin's sup porters, for the machine is thor oughly organized and prepared to get out alL its .votes.. If you favor Lane's election ; - DON'T FAIL to VOTE Man Who Pleaded .Guilty to Sending an Obscene Letter Through Mails to Female Horsethief Breaks4 Down "When Sentenced to Five Months in Jail. Eighteen days and nights . without sleep was the direct cause of ' William Shuman shedding copious tears when he pleaded guilty before Judge Charles E. Wolverton in the United States district court IIiIh morning "of sending an ob scene letter through the mail to Annie Walker, the famous Montana girl horse thief. A possible sentence of five years at McNeils island and a possible fine of $5,(100 were otily secondary circum stances that-caused Shuman to over flow, lie was sentenced to serve five months In the county Jail. Shuman put up a plea full of heart rending, lachrymose statements, "v In whlelv he told of the wrongs perpe trated upon him by the strenuous An nie.' Especially did he dwell tnpon the attempt of .Annie to kill ; him. Five cartridges whistled about and through his body before he could put bullet dis tance between himself and the. fair Amaeon.' In qurt Shuman pointed wildly at his arm and hand, where some of', the girl's bullets plowed their way. A "Why didn't you sever your, relations with the girl?" asked, the court. V : "I did try to, but, she loved me so, I could not break away," . was the -.reply. Shuman told between his sobs how he met Miss Walker In Taeomafell In love with her and she with ?hlm, and then how he tried to live apart from her when he learned of her past reputa tion, and from all that has been-said of Annie she has ji past that reflects creait upon jsnunmn s decision to r fuse to have anything to do with her. He went to Srattla. Annie follow.d him and 'when she had hlrh cornered, whipped out a slxschooter resembling a piece of small field Rrtllle.ry tnd com- inonced a little rapid-fire practice. Shu man ,disUkd the Idea of being a target and Played the part of "the flying cor- doon. Out - of 1 a possible five,; -Annie made two hits, one in the .target's right hand and one in the left arm. Experts say th shooting was remarkably well executed, confldering circumstances and climatic coiidltionsf - . Shuman started in this morning with very clear statement of his crime Six husky grammar school lads, each bearing a message - to be relayed through the 13 miles ef the race from the Oregon City bridge to the T. M. C. A, building, dashed, down the road at the crack of the Dlstol this mornlna at flrs'tjnessajre Into,, the X,s M,Tc-A. foonts and with It the honors of the race- for the Hawthorne school, For four blocks up Fourth street hundreds of persons watched the pant ing runners as they completed the home stretch and It was with diffi culty, that, the competing racers forced their way-through the dense crowd that congregated at the finish. 'The race this year was over the same course, as that run last season when North 'Central was given the cup, 'but was completed In three minutes' bet ter- time. Iast year's relay was fin ished In 1 hour 21 minutes and 24 sec onds, but was run, over a muddy course. Start At Oregon City. Mayor Caufleld of Oregon City de livered the pasteboard rolls bearing the messages to the waiting youngsters at the bridge this morning and a moment afterward six runners were stretching their necks In an effort to be first In completing the first relay. The start ers were Hussey, Mount TAbor; Hale, Hawthorne; Ashbaugh, Shattuck; Gandy, Highland; Lincoln. Alnsworth; Penson, Atkinson. 'Down the road for the first half mile a neck to neck race was in progres then thte breaths began to come faster and faster and the gaps between the various racers increased perceptibly. Some even slowed down to a walk. Ashbaugh won the first relay In six minutes for Shattuck, but during the 12 relays following Hawthorne runners maintained first place until the race was completed. This was due to the long period of spring training which the latter have carried on in anticipation of the event. Kawthorne Takes Lead. The second relrfy was also completed FAIRFAX HONORS YOUNG MAN 'WHO SAVED CHILD mm IS RESULT Poll Taken in Four Different Sections of West Side-i ' Passers-by Aslied How; They Will Vote Without' : Began! to Party. - ' T School Teacher and Pupil Braved Many Dangers While Lost in Woods Neither Is Hysterical When Found . and Boy Jovially Greets Bescuers. (Special DUpatch to The Journal.) Tacoma, June 1. Fairfax, the min ing town In the foothills of the Cas cades, 35 ' miles southeast of Tacoma, has had a jubilation since the finding day before yesterday of Brent A. Lind say and Lawrence Mack, the school teacher and ll-year-oia boy, who were lost In the woods six days. It was Lindsay's generosity and heroism that saved the life of the child,- who time and again during the days they-wan- dered starving over the terribly rough ridges and canyons, fell In faints and required resuscitation; Lindsay was a student at the Uni versity of "Washington. He was one of the brightest in his classes when he quit the Institution a year ago. In ad dition tO being supeifor Intellectually, he Is of a very generous and 'warm hearted disposition, and It spoke n (Continued on Page- Two. ) , and Hawthorne took first place. After (Continued on Page Two.) (Continued on Page Two.) GOULD BOATSWAIN LOST JOB BECAUSE OF HS: WHISKE-RS . (Journal Special Service.)' , New- York, June, I. Statements .in Howard Gould's behalf continue to come from : unnamed "close : personal friends." . One published accuses Mrs. Gould 6f gross extravagance, that she spent money aa U there was nar-llmlt to her husband's income, and this Irri tated him.-'-- -" :- :.- , - ' . , One story -about her caprices and whims is that she took dislike to the whiskers .worn by a .boatswain n Gould's yWht ; Ntagara. - v He -shaved them off to please her and then she liked his; face even less, and discharged 'him. It is said Mrs. Gould will admit she drank to excess at times, but her husband's conduct caused her to do so. v Mrs. George. J. Gould,. It Is said, sym pathises with Mrs. Howard Gould in her trouble with her husband and may be a witness In her behalf when the sep aration suit comes to trial. ' It had been reported that George and Edwin Gould would ; give testimony on How ard's side, but Edwin Gould, on leav ing for Europe with his family, said he took no Interest : In his brother's -. do mestic affairs. George Gould and fam Uy 'are now abroad, , -i - .: . -. .'; , -. - s ... ... ..... -. . ., .., , . .. ... i .4 ... ... . . In Sunday's o u r ha 1 "Why I left the stage to Ved," by Edna May, the actress. . . Electric currents for musl; most marvelous of Inventions. Critics' of Missions find, many sur surprises In faraway China. " How the Boers are coming into their own once more. Free tickets for the circus Tody Hamilton tells about It. ' Insects keep 'Slaves and use tools like human being?; an d Muck M ore Happy Hooligan off at' last -but ho comes oacK. - ' Jimmy He runs for the janitor.. Mr. Batch saves her ltfe-but re grets It ... Poor;rBuck-rln trouble again. . What the 400 ore wearing. ; i When, anklesturn fn low shoes. New health slogan for women. Wherej fig leaf gowns are style. Stones- ror cnuaren ana grown tip. N All the ews 0 The' full leased wire report of two great press association tand- spe cials frpm all over the world... MAYOR US Lane Appeals to the People to Help Him Kick From His Heels Snarling Curs Who Seek to "Divert ' Public At-' tention From Ileal and Vital Interests. Tenderloin District Almost Solid for Devlin Front Street flexion Strong for Lane-rEast Side Admitted by Republicans' for Mayor. Straw votes taken this morning dem onstrate conclusively the overwhelming:: ' sentiment in favor of Lane in the may oralty contest. It is conceded on all hands that Lan will carry the Eaut Sid and Devlin's supporters build all -their hopes on the West Side vote. The canvass made this morning wast there fore confined to localities on the went . Bide of the river. Outside of the North End and Chinatown, the ballot showed in every instance a decisive majority ' for Lane.' In all,. J8I Voter (including those from the North End and China town) expressed--their, views and 104 declared themselves for Lane, while 117 were for IXVlIn; ''4;::',T ; Vith one exception the straw vote was taken by members of 'The Journal staff, who were instructed to question voter on the street, taking every man as he came and without inquiry as to h.s party politics. The one ballot not taken by The Journal was at the large wnoiesaie nouse or Bell & Co., 115 Front street, where the employes of the Arm Improvised a ballot box : and voted se- ' cretly, each man writing the name of his candidate on a slip of paper anil placing it In the box. , This Independent canvass vgave even ' more surprising re sults tha'n the straw ballots taken on the street, the votes when counted showing 58 for Lane and only 11 fop Devlin. . -' ,. everybody. Asked. The Journal' inea started out early this morning at an hour when business men, clerks and working men are ou their way down town to their office or places- of employment, In some cases voter refused to divulge their choice, but as a rule they did not hesitnt n . Mayor Lane has issued the following: There was published today by , Mr. J. H. Anderson of Sixth and Everett streets the statement that, he had made complaint to me in relation to the ex istence of .houses of ill repute near his plaoe of business from, which, he re ceived no relief, etc., etc. v 1 ; If the statements made by Mr. Ander- t son were true I would be culpable and not deserving of the respect. or further confidence of the people -of this com munity,, but Inasmuch as they depart from the truth, and are as I here relate, I leave it to the people 'to form their own opinion of the same. Some time ago complaint was made by Mr. -Anderson against some certain houses of that character which were lo cated near his place of business, ; and acting upon his complaint , such nouses were ordered closed, . and were closed. Immediately following this the charge was made by the woman. who kept such house that Mr. Anderson had been for some time engaged in an attempts to force her and others whj had business connections with her to .purchase hi place of business, presumably to "be used for the same kind of business. Pollow- , ; ing this she or some other woman re opened one of the houses which the po lice had ordered closed, and thii time she was arrested and was again closed, and at no time since, so far as I know, has it been opened. bought Matter Closed. I heard nothing further Hi relation to the matter and eWidered the Incident closed until about a week ago, and since this eampalyn opened Mr. Anderson met me on the city hall steps and stated that 'he , Intended to make' public the statement that I was favoring friends of mine lfi the conduct of such 'places, evidently with the intention of Injuring me in the eyes of the people at ills time. This I resented, but I did not apply to -him the' epithet which he ays I did. I did say, however, that he would be telling a He ff ne made such statement. At this time I also Invited Mr. Ander son to-come to the mayor's office and state his case, and a few days later he did so, at which time he corapUuneu against all the places which he men- .( Continued on Page Two.) ; SfflOU PUIS :-, . V -v.. . ... HAVIVOOO BED Boise JIurder Trial Is Post poned Until Doctors Can Cure Defendant. (Continued on Page Two.)' CHICAGO TEACHERS HURL DEFIANCE AT NON-UNION ORDERS ,' (Journal Special gfrde.) Boise.' Ida., June 1. Haywood' illl ness this morning caused the noatnnnn ment of the trial ' until this afternoon. He passed a restless night, suffering from an attack of the heart, caused by excessive smoking, and thl morntnc vas seised with an attack of ..'neuralgia' In the head, caused by toxic poisoning. nd suffered such ' pain that he wai unable to stand. v- " ' ' Doctors were called . and hurriedly worked over him for several, hours, be ing compelled to , administer a , heavy dose of morphine t allay the pain. . The court tand lawyer for the de fense announced that if Hay wood wa not able to appeaV this afternoon ', the trial will go over until Monday, Haywood' condition, according to th doctor, la due entirely to lack of exer- else. - . . . ' (Journal Special 8ertce.) , ... Chicago, June 1. Miss Margaret Ha ley.buslpess manxger of the Teacher' Federation, has hurled defiance at Otto C. Schneider, the new president of tne School .board, who yesterday warned the teachers that they must-quit Mubor unions and labor union practices in the school. He said the -schools prere not to be transformed into training places for sluggers and thugs, but that chip dren ( of labor and, capital were to have aa equal chance, learning' something beside ; throwing stone and , yelling i Miss' Haley Is highly Indignant. She says' any. attempt to. interfere with the federation -vwuld .yb., r vigorously eom Stitted an'd intimate -that - "Russian autocracy,", instead of. ""pdpuhrr I rule" la trying to' be enforced, r V- '.-(. . The "long -, hairs," summarily dis missed from the board by Mayor Busse, are : still busy scheming how ' to over throw hlra , and regain : their.', seats. Meanwhile the public is watching the reclamation of the schools from labor and other domination end It 1 certain Mayor Busaa will win In hi, sensational-fight i, BeautifuL .Women Sunday The Journal prints photographs- of . winners of beauty contests in other states. Cut them out 'and save them and you will have a collection of the most beautiful women in America.. v-..'v,..-e-iV ' ;': " !"On .Sunday,' June 15, an nouncement . will be made of the winneri?oC The 'Journal's beauty-xjuest and the picture 3 of the most beautiful women i.i Oregon published. WatcK for Tlr: