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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1907)
Y7atch the Count Tonight! THE MACHINE, IS UNSCRUPULOUS i LOOK OUT, FOR FRAUDL 1 4 V?- f 'J 1 " 1 i' - r H v IF YOU do hot read the VNkXT ADS" you arc missing : oppor tunities Read jhem today, , -, Joiitnal Circulation Yesterday Was .C" The' Weather Fair tonight " and Tuesday; northwest winds. -,. ( VOL: v VI,;-NO.;; 78. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY ' EVENING, JUNE 3, 1907. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. Xt&SVSFlSEi 26,754 UK mm H .MBICMlQMSMtkfttim-- I V. , V..' . ...:. -'" ',' " ; t 4," ! - " V ' ' ,: Y- ' r . ' ' ' ",V'iV '" 'frit- i "'V '""S ' ' . V ": V ' ' 'i '"Z't ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 "' iIoiiil ; 1 II V-'. I I .r-r y-i RllHATtRTf LAND.? f.- . i ' 1 I '' T 1 " ' ' ' a - mmm . -". L Ma 4h 4fe 4. M m ma a& I mill inn II :; iiiniii II iiiiii II I nil i . n 1 1 1 1 rr r i j i rr 1 1 1 1 r. i m tr 1 1 r i j r 1 1 rr i UlilLUIlLll vf ' .111 U U I U n I! U L 1 1 I U II BAPTIST-CHURCH i a last Word to votersi If you have not yet voted, go to the polla and vote for Lane for mayor. The polls dose at 7 o'crock. The rush will be heavy in the last hour, therefore go at once.; t Look out for frauds I . Every voter has the right to challenge any person attempting to rote who he suspects is not duly qualified. " After the polls close, WATCH THE COUNT f Many of the machine workers are utterly unscrupulous. They wiltresort to any fraud to elect Devlin, See to it that loyal and trustworthy Lane men are on hand tonight in your pre cinct to watch until the last vote Is counted. Vote for lane and Then Watch the Count! HAYWOOD JURY IS FILLED; BANKER EOFF CHALLENGED Laqe Will Cross River With Larger Major ity Than He Had ; Two Years Ago lachine Workers Out in Force .and "Sack" in Evidence Ff forts Made to HARVARD DOESH T HIOSEVELT Executive Cannot Be Head of University as Long as I Elliot Is Alive. - 1 Indications point to tha mlctlon of Mayor Ln. ' An tmusuuir Mstttow l blnr ca.kt .ori tho Mat aide., vhers Ln is concde4 ,to. hi ta faVBlt..of a majority of tha votera, vnua m im north and, Davlln's stronghold, tha vota la Mrtt?v:,rT'r'''J'-W)"' i'.si- DarllA will aarry soattarlng praolneta on lb east Wa, but Jana will probably crpaa -tha , rlw with a" majority, larger than ha had two years ago" Las aenU ; mant is aspaclally strong In South Fort- land; in tha largo residence district com criaad In tha fifth war. and I Wll lamatta Heights. Pevlln's hopes, ao fr 7 as tha weat aide ia concerned, He in ; tha north and, in tha down-town , pra etneta whaa the lodging honsa vota is large and in the- Nob . Hill precincis, where tha Republican majorities are ; normally vary heavy. ; .. Machine worker are at every polling place, working desperately to get votes tor Devlin.- Tha aaek is very much in evidence. Every purchasable vote that can be found Is being lined up for the Republican candidate and In a number of Teases Lane workera have been offered money to desert him and work for. Dev. m. - " tack ia Bvidsne. A member of tha gralnhandlers union ia authority for the statement that f 100 f was Bent thia morning from the Bepub ' llcan headquarters to John Foley, the ' president- of the union. According to tha story, the money was to be used in , swinging tha union to Devlin, but a large majority ofJts members are ppen- ly for Lane. , , a Among the Devlin workers there Is a , perceptible lessening of confidence, soma of them i privately 'admitting that 'looks, like liana.". ,f This admisaien WM mado at noon today by one of the promi nent Jtqaor deaiera who has been work trg'earnestjy fajr pevltn. ; ,vv ? . Betting la fast and furious. At 8chll- lers," Devlin money has "been snapped up eagerly, aa feet aa offered, and during most of -tha day Lena money hat been poated without lakers. r.T -r.i i The polls do not close until T e'olotl and; there wilt- doubtless b a heavy vota lata in the day. " - ' X large part of the labor vote will be caet late in the afternoon and this vote will be largely for Lane. In many of tha outlying districts also where the residents are chiefly people of moderate raeana a heavy, bane vote cast lata in the day. Montavllla will -give him an overwhelming, majority and in the tenth, ward, Lene will run two to Tighest Vota in ort Xnd. North end precincts no to noon had polled : an exceptionally light vote. Devlin supporters assert that lata this afternoon the vote will reach close to the total registration . figure, while Democ ratio committeemen say that be cause there haa been no auch attemota to colonize tue lodging-house and hotel vote as in former years, the vote dur ing the remainder vf the day will con tinue light In consequence tha heavy majorities claimed Tor Devlin it is be lieved will be materially cut down In these precincts. , The heaviest vota polled In the ten derloin at 1 o'clock waa in precinct 10, headquarters at . 328 'Birnaide street. (Continued on Page Two.) FIVE DIE III FUMES Sickening Tragedy Enacted in Indiana Girl Heroine : Perishes in Fire. XanQ Money Made Eepublicans Hunt Hole at Schiller's Fully Seventy Thousand Dollars Wagered on teult of Today's Contest - Lana- supporters had the Devlin crowd bet off tha boards at noon today ' St Schiller's cigar' store, Sixth and Washington streets. For half an hour or mora prior to It o'clock 1600 of Lane money waa posted with no takers. Later a, Devlin man accepted $160 of the sum and the balance of $440 stood on the board untaken. ' ConservaUve estimates place tha total j, amount wagered on the reault of today'a election at $70,000. At Schlllera; cigar., store alone bets Aggregating between $40,000 and $45,000 had been made- up , to noon.- v." ? - Many bets . were, made on the east i side and at various places on the west side until late in the day., xneae, to gether with the fortune that was wagerc4t Schiller's, will, it. Is esti mated, aggregate at least $70,000. In size the bets ranged from $500 down.- Few bets were made even as large as $600. At Schiller's this morn ing, : for instance, there waa a large crowd of betters . composed largely of laboring and .salaried man. . Most of them were staunch adherents of Lane. On tha east side, there .were , any numoer or Lane beta orrerea this morn Ing. but few .were taken. . Many even Odds bats on tbe east side were maoo during -the ' latter part of last week, but Devlin money waa scarce today. AN a reault. great piles of Lane mopey were ,sent across the river to the west side th:s morning.', Much of the money that waa bet on Lane at Schiller's and other betting places this morning came from the east side. : - BASIS OF INCREASE IN TEACHERS' RAY ' (Joarnal Spaetel BcttIm.) New - Havenp Conn., June I. Public school teachers of this city are wag ing a campaign for an increase in salariea and in a statement, Juat laaued by their executive! oommlttee. Is a par agraph charging,; the prefeasnent ? In advancing ;women! teachers -has .. been based on "modiste measurements and beauty." " .' t . This gystem,says tha . wtitemeot, "puts teachers lipon'.the rack of nerve destroying anxiety, with conatent con sciousness ht her tenure of. office Is dependent- upon masculine whim. Her chancea of promotion depend upon her endowment of auavlty, her .beauty and her modiste measurements.' ' s v"S - "Such a system is as far, behind tha spirit of every age tempted coercion the. middle agea glory X our .religious (Journal BoecUl Bi ilca.l Hammond. Ind, June 8. A sickening tragedy was enaoted at the little home of Elmer Wagner last night, when; his flvo little 'children were -burned .'ln! rasollne explosion. Bertha, aired 11 fa eldest of the .little flock, waa burnedVo death while she was trying to save her brothera and aietcrs.'. Lillian, aged, 5, and Oswald, aged ,' are fatally burned; while Raymond, aged 7, and Grace, the baby, 1 will recover. " The mother. of the children . died' a few months ago, and -. the bereaved father and ; his ' little ones have - been getting a'ong aa best they could by them selves. Bertha,- the eldest girl. Installed herself as "mother" to -the others, do ing the cooking'' and keeping house, mending and dressing 'the youngsters for school. The father's work requires that he should leave horrte early and he prepared his own ' breakfast. The children arose later and Bertha - was getting breakfast : for them when the gasoline stove exploded for some cause not yet explained, throwing the burning fluid over all the children. 1 " Twelve Thousand Dollars Is Eaised; to Provide Enter tainment for People. (Journal Special SerTlce.) Philadelphia, Pa., June J. When Rev, Charles E. McClellan, pastor of Fair Hill Baptist church, t suggested to his con gregation 1 last night that 'the church should be surmounted by a roof garden where a vaudeville show could be held irf: warm , weather in order to attract men,.: women and -children to ' gospel een-ioes, .those, present manifested their approval by subscribing $11,000 for the project n Fair iHlir church Is in the heart of Kensingtons the largest mill section .of Philadelphia, ' and its ' congregation Is composed -largely of mill workers. "What I want this church to' pro vide," Dr. McClellan said, "Is an enter tainment similar to that afforded by the playhouses so we may furnish a sub stitute - for the theatre. Too many of our people una cnurcn unattractive. We must offer something to draw our people from - the playhouse, poolroom and saloon. . We must afford, them healthy, recreation. If necessary we must supply free lurfqh, which attracts so many men to the saloon. . - For the week ending June 2 the advertising: showing for the three daily papers of Portland was as follows : . ; . . ' ' . ' Journal, Oregonian, Telegram, Inches. Inches. Inches. Local V. '....V.- 7,169' V' 5,499 5,742 Foreign ....... .k 740 1,083 - 725 Classified and Seal Estate 3,561 4,565 , 1,934 : 11,470 11,147 8,401 The people of Oregon give The, Journal generous support and the live advertiser knows The Journal to be . the paper through' 'which ; to reach the people, .i Early in Aucrust The Journal will mpre than double Jts pres facilities, thus enabling; X it to meet every call and demand .for the paper, the facilities ' 1 being, taxed beyond their capacity at the present time, and -The- t Journal's 'circulation is .held down to approximately 29,000 in. ' . consequence 'i'.:;:r.i.-i V' -' V. v l:;-.v. r.iP't -V , - . handling of xoast rnews, Svas1 lorroed and, the service will .start ". -. . (Jonraal Special flerrita.) , r ,' Boston,: June $. That Theodore Roosevelt cannot . president, of Har vard aiveralty i.whUa C3harlf "W; HUot destrea to .retain tha posltton was de clared today by Dr. Henry Walcott, se nior' merabef of the Harvard corpora tion. Dr. Walcotfs remark waa oooa- aloned by the utterance of Mr, Roose velt in DetroU; to a delegation of Haiy vard men: '. ' ' . .-'.','" ' 1 "In a" rear and 11 months I expect to De ,an active memoer , or tne ar-vard- organisation. . ' f This was interpreted by soma as meaning that Roosevelt i had in mind some active connection with the uni versity upon his retirement from his present position. , Dr. Walcott said: 'I would not vote for Roosevelt's se lection to head the Harvard faculty, be cause he Is not , what you would call ah academic man. There is no posst-, blUty of his becoming the president of' Harvard while President Elliot remains alive or cares to hold the position." - President Elliot Is puxsled by Roose velt's remarks. When asked by a Bos ton newspaper to. telegraph his views on it, he replied: "I can aee no possible explanation of the president's remark In ,, connection with any active association with the university. There Is no present plan tn con nection with ihe business of the uni versity to which Roosevelt could have referred, so far as I know." Defense Uses Its Last Peremptory, Leaving Robertson, a Friend of Steunenberg, on Jury Richardson Meet-, ing Defeat in Efforts to Disqualify Talesmen. . ; WEIGHT ACCEPTS JOB FILLED BY YERKES (Journal Special. Service.) Washington. June 8. Pearl Weight of New Orleans accepts the offer to become commissioner of Internal rev enue, vice Terkes. He will take of flee next December. PARLIAMENT WILL NOT CONVENE NEXT FALL (Joarnal Special Service.) London. June- X. Campbell-Banner- man announced in the house of com mons today that there will be no aes alon of parliament next fall. OLD TAMMANY BOSS WILL NO? SEEK SEAT (JwmafSpiiiiil Berries.) Dublin, June . Richard Croker , de- nlea that he will enter pontics anfl aeek election to the house of, coramona. (By Hugh O'Neill, Special Commissioner for Denver Post and Oreron Journal. Boise, Idaho, June $. William D. Haywood walked Into court this morn ing at 11 o'clock with a slow step. His face 'was colorless. John Murphy, at torney of the Western Federation., waa waiting for -him. They sat down' to gether. None - of - Haywood's defending counsel were in tha court. judge i Fremont wooa . looaaa . at, tne vacant table uaed by, defending counsel and asked where the defendant's coun sel-ware.; Borah and Hawley looked across at Hay wood. ' There was a mo- ment or curious silence zouowmg ma the -court's cwestion. It occurred to ua that the little troubles between defend ing counsel . had . developed violently. Then, Thomas Cahalan, one of Haywood's It attorneys, walked in and eat down in one of the. chairs that are backed up agalnat the seml-cpwilar railing. He never sits with counsel at the table. Defense Attorney Xts. . "Mr. Calahan," said the court, "where are defendant's - attorneyar' Calahan looked at John Murphy and William Haywood and hesitated. The court., re peated, the question.. , - I don't know where they are," said Mr. Calahan. Then Peter ' Breen of Butte City walked In and sat alone, four cha Ira from Calahan. He haa come to. "help", Haywood, but he haa ' not yet been admitted into the counsels of the other 14. After he sat down three was another 'pause. John Murphy moved away from Haywood and -Joined Peter Breen. - Haywood sat alone, one arm thrown over the back of his chair, hia head drooping, staring at the floor. He seemed to De a solitary and disconso late figure. For the - flrat time there waa something about him, some sense of loneliness, that appealed -to the sen timent of pity, Peter Breen folded his muscular arms, his threatening eyes snapping.- He looked "a 'potent, in domltable, fighting man. Freemont Wood turned to the aheriff. "Telephone fJfor counsel for the de fenaa," ha aald. The aheriff moved away to obey the order. The silence was Intense. Then John Nugent walked In alone. Richardson followed him, Par row followed Richardson. Edgar wuson aid not appear. It la the third day of hia absence. . The tardy coun sellors sat down and the court called the Jury in. . .. The episode was trifling, but signifi cant. Then followed one of the sur prises of the case. Alfred Eoff, the last Juror to be called on Friday, was examined by Borah and passed. He la a wealthy man and a retired banker. It was taken for granted that Eoff would admit so much bias that the defense would be able to disqualify him easily. Richardson undertook his ex amination. . He challenged him for Im plied bias and the court denied the chal lenge. "He chaienged him for direct bias and the court denied that challenge aa well. And It was Richardson's turn to feel Borah's uppercut Richardson asked Alfred Eoff a auestlon that was vague in ita terms . about his f eellnara concerning the Weatern Federation. I object," aald Borah, atandlng up and smiling at. Richardson. Richard- son flushed. - ; ' ,' " . , "Very, well, object.". : ha - answered sharply. "That is all you can do." ; "Well," said Borah, "I do objeot, if your honor pleaaee." . .: , "Tha . court upholds the : objection," aald Judge. Wood. , "Tou muat put your qaeetlone more apecifJcally, Mr. Rich ardson.", ' '. . , Richardson examined again aod re newed his challenge for direct bias, and again the court denied the challenge. Haywood conferred with' Richardson suggesting question after question. Al fred Eoff answered, them aU quite frank ly, and I. the end Richardson had to admit defeat. Alfred Eoff, ex-banker, qualified a Juror, ,V ' -x Than the defenae need Its last peremp tory on Eoff instead of Robertson, the seated friend of Steunenberg. O. V; Sebera, ranchman, a red 51. waa called In, hia place, examined by tha prosecution and defense, and passed. The Jury, was filled before 1J:30. w ord waa given out by- tha aheriff office this mornlna- that William n. Haywood, charged with the murder of uovernor Frank: Steunenberg, waa suffi ciently recovered from his collapae of Saturday to attend ;court again this morning. Yesterday he took a light ex- ' erclse on the lawn of the Jail yard both in the morning and afternoon and last . night ne slept well. . BURNS TO DEATH I N TR Ail S FOR til ER Westinghouse Electrical Ex pert Meets a Horrible Fate in Montana. (Speclnl Dtapateb ta Tbe JoaraaLf Helena, Mont, June l. Detecting tha odor of burning flesh three quarters of an hour after Charles Bothwell of Ni agara Falls, New YorJc a transformer expert for the Westinghouse company, ' had gone' Inside of a transformer at the power plant of tha Helena Power Trans mission company at Lake Hauser, tha ' tender made an investigation and found Bothwell unconscious. He was taken out and died a few minutes later. Ha had come In contact with the Usrhtnln circuit of the plant. His home was at Niagara Falls. New York. He was sent out a year ago .by the Westinghouse people to supervise the installation of machinery at the new plant, the second largest in the world. He was 39 years old . and unmarried. An uncle is said to be a prominent member of the West- : Inghouse firm. The Odd Fellows lodge at Niagara Falls, to which he belonged, has been notified or his death. PLANS FOR ENTERTAINMENT : GF.SHELDbN ARE COMPLETE aS -Wat tha at- I -Y "iV"1" r Jiv J wuj iu,vviug iny-yHijr.yi VsUU uitmuci W I of religious belief in x to receive this ,11111 leased wire service," :.;'' '- rtxKi??. . t behind i.the .modern i .-"":-) f-'i-y - ,. : ,., . . f ,..f : -,;.: --., -,-. .:. .' 1. T liberty. 1 1 WHr1WMmMMMMMMTfMMMMHH4Hfyj Arrangements for the entertainment Of Governor Sheldon . of Nebraska and body of business men representing all the larger mercantile enterpriaes or Omaha' were completed at the commer cial club this afternoon by a committee representing .the commercial bodies of this city. Eighty-eight persons left Omaha on the western excursion yesterday ana will .arrive In Portland , Sunday morn lna:. June 9. Each of the large Omaha dallies, the banking- and manufacturing interests -is represented by at least one person and several Urge Jobbing houses and other mercantile firms ' are, repre sented by more-than one member. j - ' : Best AH JDay ; Snaday. v The party will reat during most of the day Sunday i and will f bo provided with information by the reception com mittee regarding the amusement places about tha city and the services at the churches. - Monday tthey will be taken, oa an excursion over the olty, three big Nebraska's Governor and Tarty to Arrivf Sunday Morn ing Will Be Shown therRosc' City on Three Spe- -cial Cars and Given a Reception. . . :: excursion cars having been engaged for this purpose. , . , r . v " . ., , r At J o'clock a reception and dinner will' be given the - party at the Com mercial club, the excursionists leaving for the south at l:S0 o'clock.'-It waa planned first to offer tho Omaha party breakfast Sunday - morning. but that favor waa declined by the party be cause of the atrenuous week preced ing. "The " receptton-" committee . will keep in telegraphic communication with the exouralOn party, so that none of the. big plans ier its reception will be forestalled oa aocount of delays. An especial effort will be made dur ing the stay of the Omaha business men In Portland to give them a cordial welcome. The committee la anxious to Impress the party with Portland so that when they will have gone they will re member Portland dlatinctly among tha many cities vlalted. Portland's rosea will be In their full beauty. .- It la planned to compel tho Nebraskans to carry back to thetr stta a real conviction that Portland ia h "Rose Clt.-," and the other einvictl r will follow in natural ordan, - . -1