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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1907)
i ' ': ; '('. ' THE V: OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAi; PORTLAND; SUNpAY710RNING.?. JUNE ; t "190L , CONVINCING STATEMENTS BY STREET COMMITTEE 'Trio of Kcn TVlio" Have Charge of Keeping Portland f ; Streets Clean Issue Truthful Utterances in Their ; Defense--Voters Should Head Every Line. xrra ri) At the request of many voters,, ths ''.. following communication is reprinted from Thursday's issus of The Journal: , s Portland. Or, May 29. To the Editor ,,ef The Journal As there haa been con siderable advene criticism of the street -cleaning, department of the city by one i i, of the prominent candidate! for mayor. t the undersigned, tne committee on ' street cleaning and sprinkling, of the executive board, trust that we may be permitted to eay a few words in us . defense. "The so-called sanitary method of cleaning streets by flushing them was referred by this committee to Alex ' Donaldson, the superintendent of this V- department, some months ago, and he reported the earn impractical, for the following reasons: ' ' "First It would require the eonstruo- , tlon of three times the present number - tf catch basins and a very material r ehanae of those now in use. ' "Second In a majority of the street! ' ' the sewers are not of sufficient ca ' ' paclty to carry off the water and mud i that would flow Into them if this method was adopted, and they would , ' "'' have to be rebuilt on a larger scale. ' - Ttt la estimated that the expense of ' making theae changes would be over a ' ' .quarter of a million dollars, and as ; no appropriation had been made to ' cover this expense, the executive board , did not feel disposed to make these , changes out of their private funds. Be sides this, the street cleaning depart ' snent takes from the streets an aver " 'are of ISO loads of dirt per day, and it la Tory doubtful about our being ' permitted to wash that amouht of dirt into the river, as it would probably be , : detrimental to our harbor. The ordinance appropriating money '- for this department for Hot specified r the amount that was to be expended for each specif lo item, and we were obliged , , at the end of the year to cover beck Into the city treasury tlt.101.S8, be , aausa it could not' be used for thai items for which it was appropriated. but which was sorely needed for other purposes. The great need of the department was horses, yet only $1,200 was appro priated for their purchase, and it speci fied that It should be used to purchase only six horses. ' As a consequence of this, we were obliged to return to the city treasury tll.040.4S Of the funds appropriated to pay laborers, for if we had used that money for that purpose It would have been to pile up dirt in the streets which we could not cart off for want of sufficient horses. "This Is but a sample of the way the bands or the executive board were tied by this extraordinary .way of making appropriations. It hss been charged that the appropriation was made that way for the purpose of embarrassing the executive board in the performance or Its duties, if such was Us purpose. It certainly accomplished Its object. "During the past two years not a sin gle man had been employed or removed on account of any political pull, but on the contrary, every appointment has been made from the civil service list, and the person so employed has been retained so long as he gave the city a dollar's worth of work for the dollar paid, and as a result we have now by far the most effective force of laborers the city ever had. "Thsrs is not a street but what re ceives as much or more cleaning and sprinkling than it did nnder the for mer administration, yet the cost of this work, under the present administration, has decreased over II per cent, and this notwithstanding ths fact that the price oi iaDor nas mcreaaea over io per cent. "In conclusion, we desire to ssy that ail tne officers or tne street cleaning department are Republicans, appointed by Mayor Williams, and a majority of this committee are also Republicans. C. A. COGSWELL, "R. I SABIN, D. M. DONATJOH. "Committee on Street Cleaning." MHLL BUMS . PLAY OF IB . ''''y!''''' ' ' Counsel for Schmitz Makes ; a Break in Court "Which Wrecks Colleague's Work. ORIGINATOR OF BRAIN ; STORM IS CONFUSED Mayor Realizes Blistake and Clutches Wildly at Campbell' Sleeve, Bat la ' Too , Late to Prevent Prosecu tion From Scoring It Point, LETTERS SHOW PLOT RUSSIAN Late Procurator of Holv Synod Deferred Represen- tative Government (Hearst News by Loosest teased Wire.) Ban Fraaolsco. June 1. Abraham Ruef, Mayor Eugene E. Schmltx, Pre ' Ident Patrick . Calhoun of the United 4 ttauroaas ana ms associates in ms management of the political depart ment of that corporation, Thornwell Mullally: Tlrey L. Ford and William (Btartt News by Lonteat Leased Wire.) St Petersburg, June 1. A number of Important letters written by the late Constantly pobedonostaeff while pro curator-general of the Holy Synod, are now appearing in roe Arcmve, tne lead' ipg historical Journal of Russia. " The letters deal with momentous events immediately following the as sassination of Alexander II and shed new light on the fate of the constitu tion drafted by Lorta Mellkoff. It Is established that Alexander II, at the time of his assassination, was about to proclaim the constitution drafted by Mellkoff, who was then virtual dictator of Russsla, establishing parliamentary Institutions in the empire. The death of the emperor was even ascribed to a reactionary plot that had for its ulti mate object the prevention of the pro- i , m. addoh; ana r nil. u,-v nnu, ono i - vwiowmnuu. Martin and Eusene DeSbbla of the FObedonostsetre letters fully confirm I 'Gas company, were today arraigned be-(the existence of this constitution and I 5 fore Judge Lawler on the 14 Indict- give complete and authentic details of I i ments charging them with receiving I tne intrigues rouowing the accession to j 'and giving bribes. Their arraignment I the throne of the successor of Alexander ,was continued for a week. - . , . i n, as a result or wnicn pobedonostseff in tne same court ixmis uiaas ox ine succeeuea in aeierring tne establish-l Paclflo Telephone and Telegraph com- ment of representative government in pany already arraigned, moved for the Russia for a quarter of a century, or setting aside of the indictments re- until Nicholas II created the present turned against htm by tne grana jury, parliament in 1005. Dreseotlnav through Attorney P. M, Pel-1 : ...... '..... truss, a number of grounds on whicn .,., .... . -I - - s . Li i si l imh cnaraEiar n r rna nnniai nr i was baseoi Argument on I - k,,. ,C1 ".,, 7,r "II I be) v heard ntxt reaulremenU of the law showlnr mntfnn .- the aoDlication will i .Irv t... r.. by his manner that the defense is mak n.M"v Hilm bribe keent of the ln 01 avenr aeULU aaea around on J.he??? Y: J!rf y' bSl-- .." which to attack the prosecution during trials with claims of I talnnhnnA Mmnuif. mail a. motion slm i . "r Zjt 'fA " iii. .h.,. ana arter tne tnais witn ciaima GniS .?"kwlarltr and illegal procedure. tlally the same grounds, and his ar- oriainator of "dementia An gu ments will aiso oe neara next weea. i The originator of "dementia Amerl- The proceedings were without color. I h- -nnf.. k Thera was a semblance of a dispute r. " .1" "V i' V, , r" T;r-.,.oT 7 h-Cf.nnt . Myr Bchmits and Judge Falrall SS.?! ZZZPtSL: ,'a:id"X considered a mlsplay in th.gam. by ought to compel Prosecutor Beney to certify that the copies of the evidence taken before the grand Jury and on ' which the Indictments were based, as J. C. Campbell, associated with Judge Falrall in behalf of the mayor. Pel- mas declared the copies of the testi mony worthless without the suthentl- - offered to Ihs defendants as provided I V It. ."L .J" Ib statute, was an accurate and com- 711?,." ..w .rV,Z'vT""" K5 AVi Hi,Ltr W-trtot. Attorney Cobb, argu- . . .T 4..i I lng lor the state, was forming his re- KZZZrZrA riTn r when Campbell arose, and after l?lt"Zai L.P fi" U passage, of legal term, accepted the copies with the understanding that none or the rights of his client should be forfeited or considered surrendered by accepting the prosecution's terms. Judge Falrall made a pronounced ges ture of displeasure and Pelroas start- by the phraseology of iU declination that there la do intention to expose lta whole hand in the , game until the trials of the grafters and bribers act uallv berin. Pelphln M. Delmaa appearsd with T. with William P. Humphrey and Bert " " - vl. V.jI J m ' iuv uvr yew . u v MW " I r'A.mrihAii HEALTHY SCHOOLMA'A3I rou4 Out ow to 7sed Kerself. S . J, i alHai&. . , 1 iaae move naa Deea maae ana ne Of But it was too late. The opening being made Cobb took imme diate advantage and many arguments that had been prepared for tae defend ants could not be made as the devel opments had excluded the possibility, and thereafter the operation was rapid If painful to those oefore the bar of Justice. No Dleas were entered bv any of the Many school Teacners. at tne end ox I defendants, each requesting- a contln- ; their year's work, feel thoroughly ex- uance and all went over until next Sat- nauatra ana worn out, pnyaicatiy ana unlay morning except tnat of Ruef. who and brain .of a. teacher la unusual and and his request was granted The bonds nnleaa they are well fed and fed UDon offered for th anoearancs of r-ch nf ' properly seiectea zooa, it is that ' they should run down. , , A. UttlM wnmnn tarhtt In ' who has-been teaching regularly for a : number of years, has always found her- ' self thoroughly exhausted at the end : ' of - the session, until within the last ' yesr, she has made use of Grape-Nuta ' . food, with the result that she closed ': the year as a robust, healthy, strong, vigorous woman, having gained in weight from SO pounds to ,126 Tht In what you are doing when you pay more for furni ture than EDWARDS charges. The wont of It la you do not know It unleaa you come in and tee for yourself, which is ex actly what we want you to do. Whether you want a rocker or a whole housefull, or Just an idea of what your gooda will cost, come in and look over our stock, and compare prices and values. It will cost you nothing, and is almost sure- to be a saving for you. As an extra inducement we offer a nice lot of sJSl specials this week, every one of which is a genuine bargain. saa r, AIOO Hammdcka are open gause weava, have oonoealed spreader at head, oonUnuous stringing, and wood bar at foot with patented tips and adjustable hlteh end ring re quiring no adjustable ropes or knot, Blse 11x71. Fries I0o B100 Hammocks are close Hvnvas and twlU weava Other wise same as AiOO. Blse llxlo. Prloe fl.SS Clto Hammocks ar close canvas and twlU weave, Jao quard design in body and valanoaa, have oonoealed spreader at head. Otherwise similar t prertous numbwa Slse 1710, Frloe '. fl.80 REFRICRATOHS lastwBVaBjMssBsjjBBsVSBJ last lately the lowest prloed Ra frlgerators - ta Fortlaaa, . and they generally gave satisfac tion with the exoeptloa that the finish was not quit aa good aa It might havs been. This season our cheapest Re frigerator la finely polished and muoa .mparlar ifj last year'a pattern. Galvanised lined JUfrlgarater, ll-lb. capacity f 0.90 Oalvaataed Uned lUfrlgerater, 0-lb. oapaclty S15.T5 Oalvaalaed lined Refrigerator, Tl-Ib, capacity. 19.50 Bnamaled Refrigerators, 10-ln. capacity 921.00 Bnameled Refrigerators, TS-lb. oapaclty 924.00 Bnameled Refrigerators. 0-lb. oapaclty 928.00 Enameled Refrigerators, m-lb, capacity.... f 32.00 ( S ' V Abora ! a pCetora of ths oalebrated Casteal Coo Stove, made with an asbeatoa lined sheet steal body. Top 11x17. Oven II inches wide. Movnted' on a handsome basa Ornamented with nlokal trimmings, flttad with a steal even, which can never crack. Isght la weight, and very suitable for the beach er camp, Frloe , ..210.S0 TJ100 Hammocks are close canvas and twill weave, Jao quard design In body and valances, have oonoealed spreader at head, continuous stringing, pillow, wood bar at foot with patented tips and adjustable hit oh end tinge. Slse .of woven part llxll. Frloe 22.00 1100 Hammocks are open, Brasssls leno weave, Jacquard design, divided suspension. Otherwise same aa Diss, atu oi woven part.fiui. moe ...........,..22.48 GIOO Hammocks are eloee canvas weave with faaoy and morniaerea aeaigns in noay ana vaianoe, Othsnrlse earns as F100. Slse llxtL Frloe i -82.70 SAFE GASOLINE STOVES A OasoUne Stove to be absolutely safe must have tome device to automatically shut off the supply under such conditions.. Ths Safe OasoUne Stove la the only one which It to Impos sible to explode, aa we wlU show yon If yoa call. Any person,' .who can explode one of theae stovsa will be pressnted with $10.00. We have styles, the popular is shown in ths ploture, has two burners, is 14 inohes high, with top surface lTx 1H in. Woa I2.TS i weny . most LJ s Brightest and Best The smooth polished top of the Monarch Range. requiring no stove blacking to keep it looking nice is a great pleasure to the housekeeper every day of the year. Top ha a no Indentations to carry dirt. , .Ths large, roomy firebox Is made especially for the Western trade, and is the only one that we know of ' that gives satisfaction for both wood and coal. The oven thermometer will tell yon at any time the temperature of your oven. If you wish to move away; or break up house keeping, you csn send your range down to us, and ws will give you 110.00 for It If the range should drop off from ths moving van It would not break, because it Is mads from wrought or malleable Iron. We aell Monarch Ranges as low aa 964.00. ( 'ios W i SOS hi a irr mi "a TOMS lli..lhMM.I.WILJ Porch furniture will be on display Tuesday morning. AxictrcAzas as mw 4i.i,....,.;;;, 92.50 1TTDI AS Z.OW AS ..M ...95.00 AJ JiOW AJ.......v 22.95 Gas Plates Special Sale Blae Flame OHstoyes Heavy black enameled two - burner Oas Plates, regular IS. 85. Special price. 92.55 Nickel . Plated Oas Plates, two burner, regular 11.10. Special prloe 92.95 Extra heavy Oas Plates, nickel-plated, two special burners, regular $4.60. Special price 93.65 The kind that girt the most heat and use the least fuel. Proved to be the best by the test of time. Can be adjusted to three ca pacltiea. Simmering Placae, Working Flame. Quick Flaaae. PBXOXS. One Burner .'..86.00 Two Burners .. .28.50 Three Burners 9x1.25 PRICE UST Folding Oocarts with i steel wheels... 92.95 Folding Oocarts with rubber Urea ...93.25 Folding Reclining Go carts, rubber Ures, ad Justabls back and foot and ....94.95 Folding Reclining Oo carts, rubber tires, ad- i Justabls back and foot and and parasol.94.TS Large Basket Folding Reclining O 0 0 a r t s, rubber tires, adjust able back and foot end and parasol ... 98.00 No. 050 Basket frame Oocarts, rubber Ures, adjustable back and foot ends and para aol 913.50 HALL CLASS SPECIAL FUte Mirror, 14x14, with S-in. oak frame, not Just exactly like the ploture. worth $1.80. for . ..; PRICE LIST lalrrora. , Framed Ameri can Plats Mir rors, 0x10 . ...25f) Framed Ameri can Plate Mir rors, xll . ...S5e) Framed Ameri can Flats Mir rors, 10x14 . ..48 Framed Ameri can Plate Mir- 'rav- ltxto . ,.59 French hevel Mirrors In handsome frame, regular $0.00. This week spe cial . .95.95 ,'iswasasjaaeww"B....""-, , mem Bafricd Nutla Lice Ciruiu This "week only, 70 pairs of Muslin Curtains with ruffled tops. i yards long, regular 75a, will be Bold at 49c). White Mountain lot Cream Frees ert The best proof of the superiority of the White Mountain Freeser Is the fact that more of this make la sold than all other makeo put to gether. Prices are as follows 1 l-qt W. M. Free aars 92.50 l-qt. W. M. 7 Freesers 92.95 e-qt W. M. Freesers . ...-93.40 l-qt. W. M. Freesers . ...-94.10 MATRESSES It Is not our polioy to try to make and sell or . recommend low priced Mattresses. We have the great advan tage of our own manu facturing plant In thle line and know exactly what goes into - the mattresses we sett. Our workmen are paid by the day and not by the piece. , If we, bought our Mat tresses ; from others, the manufacturer must havs at least $0 psr cent profit, and this would havs to be taken out of the quality of the mattress . Cotton Combination Mattresses . . 96.50 Floss Combination Mattresses ..98.OO Hair Hattrssses .910 For the summer season ws have In a stock of floor coverings, especially suitable for the seaside cottages ana country nomas. . - . . . , , , Japanese Mattings are always good and well known to everybody. Priced at 8& China Mattings of the extra fine anallty, weigh ids. vo toe rou, per yarn, 309. Rag Carpets, durable, fast colore, one1 yard wide. per yero, eof, , , Flbro Carpsta, very heavy and durable. In llsht finished colors, -made from the celebrated American grsss fiber. Far yard, 60a. Regular Fiber Carpets, same as the other stores asa iso ror, we seu at'Bvf. Fiber Rugs. 7UxlOM We have hundreds of room Rugs in other styles MEDICINE CABINETS Ooldsn Oak with Mirror . ........ 95.50 Oolden Oak Cabinets with brush and oomb case ...93.95 OFFICE DESKS Ash flat-top Desks, t ft in 916.00 Oralned oak flat-top Desks, 4 ft.92i.OO Roll-top Desks, solid oak ..,922.50 Typewriter Desks, flat top . ......920.00 Typewriter Desks, roll top . ......942.OO PRICE LIST FOLDING FURNITURE Not the cheapest, but the 'strongest and most durable goods that havs ever been placed On the market are now being opened by us. Easy Camp Steals, guaran teed to support 100 lb, malleable.ittlngs, . prloe . 504 Folding Camp' Chair, same as above .. ........ 70 Folding Cot. can be folded into a anug package, I ft long, weighs 14 lba, sup ports 800 lb 92.75 Folding' Camp Chair, also when folded, $ ft long by $ In. square, very com fortable, weight I lbs. Prio 91.45 Folding, durable Camp Table, I ft by " $ ft opened," 0 la, square by , $ ft closed, weight 10 ' ' lbs . 93.00 roiaing Koeaing Chairs, weight 7 lbs. ....91.25 natural the prisoners were continued likewise. TO TESTIFY FOR A TRAIN SERVICE ' I nerves strong,, face bright and cheery, . ; and really a wonder to all her friends, ;who constantly comment on her color . and strength. She knows exactly to what 'the change is attributed, for in t the years past, living on ordinary food, r she has almost broken down before the , school year closed, whereas since using , Grape-Nuts, this change haa been . brought about: evidence prima fade of the value of Grape-Nuts food for re .building the brain and-; nerve centers. Tr-B a Reason, , Read 'The Road to WeUvUle') in pkgs. , (Special Diapatcb to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or- June 1. June 4 is the time set by the state railroad commis sion for a meeting in this city for ths her I hearing in the matter of a local train PRESS BUTTON, PESTS PERISH service between Pendleton end Port land. The charges against ths com-lnn. T,.a. D a pany have been made by the commls- ViOgUU aUVCIIIaa AXVpuscs W slon Itself and all that is suffered by T..l.: n'Un-mAa txtr eastern Oregon is clearly set forth in rUHfy UrCfiaraS Dy ail tne case, it is aesirea to near personal testimony confirming the delay and in convenience endured by residents of ths territory tributary to this line of rail road. For this reason all towns af fected will be represented, ; Electrical Action. - I am "opposed to a wido open .town, 81 X X, M. DavU oa feaUot : ? fStwctai Dbnateh to ne JonrnaL) Hood River; Or., June. i. According to John C White of Rlckreall. Oregon, who has been here attending the state grange meeting and Ukea Hood River so well that he la remaining a day or two long er than his fellow members, woolly aphis, San Jose scale, codlln moth, and all ths bugs that trees ars heir to, are doomed to extermination shortly by electricity. Mr. White la an enthusias tic horticulturist and . claims - that it will cost but SB per acre to render or chards 4mmune from insects by his electrical apparatus. In company with a friend he ,1s experimenting with the device? which he says, has produced wonderful results. , The method is to placs in esch or chard a small building In which a strong battery will be placed, and string wire about the orchard, attaching them to each tree by a small staple and ground the -end of- the wire at lta foot All it la necesssry to do then, is to touch the-button and the slaughter of insects will ' be prodigious.,' Mr. White claims spraying machines will he put .out. of business .when the appliance la put on the market And that the hardest work the frultman is called on to do. spray ing his trees, will be made so easy that hs can alt on ths plsssa, press the but ton, and . feel assured that there will be no worms In his apples or disease In hla trees. . - RUSSIAN WOMAN IS HONORED BY MILITARY . (Hearst Kew by Longest Leaaed Wire.) St Petersburg, June 1. .The only woman wearing the Russian military order of the fourths degree, a decora tion awarded for ' distinguished con duct In the field Is Xenia Krltskay, who served aa a soldier' against, the Japan ese In Manchuria. . Xenia, who was Intensely patriotic. mads her way to eastern Siberia with the. determination : to zight the Jap- anese. She ' was refused permission : to accompany the troops to Harbin, the headquarters in Mencnuvia, ana dis guising herself as a boy she journeyed thither alone,, facing terrible hardships on the way. , At Harbin ahe managed to get her self enrolled as a cavalry recruit. She Served for nearly six months without her sex being discovered by her com rades. or officers, .' ' NEW BUILDINGS FOR PACIFIC UNIVERSITY ' ' (Bpeelal Dtipatch te Ths Jonraat) " ' Pacific University, Forest Orove, Or, June 1. When Herriok - Hall was burned down last "yesr the students or ganised ' a club to raise money for a new dormitory. Over $7,000 was ob tained and now one of the finest brick dormitories In the northwest', occupies J im ooop-'PiiaSaqLCv:- 1: - - - - - - - - - -- - . . . rT-r, a, 4. ,. I ... . I . . - I ... ... . . I -t jc J I the old site of Herrlck hall and is most ready ror, use. Ths students have taken hold of the new gymnasium scheme with .the same enthusiasm that they had for the dor mitory and It will not be long until the athletic temple is a reality, The money Is practically ail raised for the new Carnegie library, for which Mr. Carnegie gave $20,000 with -the understanding ; that $20,000 ' more w be raised. When' it ia built' Paclflo will be very well equipped for buildings. ,: - ' ; " i Good Country to Grow Vp With. . (Special Dlapatek to The Journal.) -Klamath Falls. Or.,lJune-I--A drive Over 'the Klamath valley, especially, that part surrounding this, city, j reveals a great deal or new. iana ciearea, which will now produce its first crop. Next year there will be more new land broken and it but marks the beginning of the real cultivation of th KlamaUi basin. ' '..i;.:av'''V1;'iS:..4,V:-,1 'i".tv :-