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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 3. 1S07. sail m - li M-viviira : ra.. wvmm fern ' 1 w w. w v k m mm . .- mm r r III ' II wmwmm. I ) sf -4' w II Grapo Juice 55c Welch' Grape Juice, quart and pint; regular 75c; cut CC rate TWO for.... ...... 33C 35c Towels 18c 21x44-jnch Huck Tow- .f Q els; sale only... ...... ... IOC '30x30-inch hemstitched and fancy Drawn Squares, 0? 50c values for ......... r. Ml Listerinc at 55c -, , mm I, , , i . j - - ' ' ' Large siae Listerine, 14-ounc bottle, $1.00 size, cut j, gg Coke's Dandruff Cure, CCr regularf 1.00siie . J V. WhitcSlurts$2.25 Ladies' white Cambric Skirts, deep flare flounce; lace insertion and edging:, sold regularly for $3.00; sale price, - : .2 25 AutoVciis, 55c Auto Veils 3 yards long l4-in. hemstitched border, all colors and black and white; CC regular 85c value for......wIW Ginghams, 5c yd 27-inch Ginghams and- Zephyrs, sold regularly at 8c and 10c a yard; great assortment of pat terns; sensational value,.- C yard, price only ...... Organdie at 13c Organdie,- white and tinted grounds, lf-plaida, over which are printed floral designs; reg ular 25c value: , sale 7 f Or price....:..... ...... $L50Gowift$I.Q5 Ten different styles of women s Nightrobes,. slipovers, .high or low neck, etc.; $1.50 values; An- 25c Linon, 15c yd White India v Linon, a superb summer fabric, sold everywhere at 25c a yard; Anmver- ; Cr sary Sale price, yard. . . . . IVAc Percale 8c 32-inch Percales, white' grounds with figures ami polka dots m colors, cadet' blue,' reds, Kry black and white, etc; Qr sale, yard.fV.....VM.. " Children's Dresses Ureal special iy. V Vi.. .white Dresses; ages 6 months to 3 years; made of fine cam brics, nainsook - and .lawns, trimmed in dainty embroideries. VaL laces, tacks, headings and ribbons; made Mother Hubbard, long-waisted, Buster Brown, and French styles. Long and short sleeves; great values: DRESSES at 05 $2.00 DRESSES at i.t $4.00 DRESSES at &7.fifl DRESSES at $5.75 SL56 and $1.75 PRESSES on Sale at, each.... .gl.29 $3.00 DRESSES at $2.47 90c Soap at 55c Cuticura Woodbury's, Pear's and California Medicated Soap; regular price 90c; ' sale price, ALL FOUR cakes Cjw. for ' 85c Tooth Powder, 55c Lyons' Tooth Powder, Lun nen's French Tooth Brush and Sheffield's Powder, regular 85c; all for the special sale She prjke. ...... i ...... y V. vUW 75c Music, 55c Any THREE, pieces ot ac Sheet "Music, vocal or instru mental; special Anni- CCa versary sale price only ..' Alarm Clocks SI ValucatftOd xTii-i a infM rirrlf with miar anteed American movement, one of the best made. We guar- i all ICC 119 vivwi w r but it Wilt last many years. Reg-. uiaiea irec , v - store. Regular price $1; ; CQC sale price...... . yv 35c Eaton - tlurlbtirt Famous Eaton-Hurlburt. High land l Linen t Stationery, known everywhere in America and sold regularly at 35c, in the most fashionable sizes and tints; only a limited quantity in this special lot, procured especially for the sale. While it lasts, a . 1 Or box M.fOl. Men's $1 Und'wr, 65c Men's fine gray merino Under wear, medium weight, fully half wool, both shirts and drawers in all.si2es; regular $t . values, for. ... , . . . . . : ... ..WV. rjHrHighlandUnenBxl8c WafiMeg ' : I mm It- 7 w ;lnl .) .. U it 14 f ' I flail S - Great Sale Robes at Wonderfully Low Prices 2,000 yards if PoiSt(de Paris and Plat Vd Laces and Insertions,1 to 6 inches wWe;fbr trim- 1 'ming gowns and lingerie. Vety large -variety; values up to 30c a yard; on sale at, the yard........ W White Venise Applique Edges and Insertions, to 3 inches, suitable or2T'&thl 1 2C linen' gowns; regular values up to 50c the yard; off sale at this unusually low price, the yard... V Special lot of 18 and 4S-irich white, cream and ecru figured Nets, for gowns and waists. Beauti- 70 ful styles. Regnrar values up o $l5 a yard; now on sale at this remarkably low price. Wdu 22-inch, embroidered Batiste Bands for lingerie; waists; beautiful imitation ot huAwMt; C 1 v 1 Q aTsortment to select from. Regular values up to $2.00 yard, on sale at this low price. ... J y French and round-me?h Valenciennes' Laces and Insertion; come in iizes Lto 3 wide; Undsorhe designs. .Regular, values up to $2.50 a doren; on sale , at this special low price, dor en..... WS French' Val. Lace and Insertion, X to l'-inch; tegular 70c values, on sale " special, the doen. ... 36f Swiss Embroidery Flouncing and Corset Xover Embroidery 9y.ln'Sc in very handsome designs; regular values up to $1.50 a yard, on, sale for this low price, yard,...Y 10.000 yards of Swiss and Cambric Embroidery Edges and Insertions clirt 1 to 15C 5 inches wide. Regular Values up to 40c the yard; on sale at .this unusually low price, yard...... y Great three days' sale of alt our magnificent white Batiste, Linen, Net and Lace Robes. This season handsomest creations, in. splendM Variety The grandest opportunity buf WSS? and dress costume for little money. " Let us show "JT0"-. n, wlf2&Vi.1 $10.00. Robes for 6.08; $15.00 Robes for f ll.OO; $25.00 Robes for f 20.85; $55.00 Robes for fT.uu .Ln ji TKiWrnii'si dery , 1 i 1 OSderSUSlinS Children's white Cambric Underskirts, trimmed in fine embroideries and laces, a : : a I.. A mnthc tn 3 vtarf. ereat values at: $15 valsraS e'aiSUO valsT $122 ea$2 vals. gl3$2.50 vals. 1.93$3 vals. ? 2.43 Complete line of children's high-grade French hand-embroidered and hand-made Dresses; 6 months to'3 years, at greauy reaucea prices. lOOO Framed Pictures, 75c-$l50 Arab, oh Sale at 35c " . . . . rr .t. wor vr irivn. at' ' frice -"consider. This mairniticent assorxment oners m grwiwi - - rm. tim ably less than the cost of the frames alone. Every picture in an artistic frame. RegularlySc to $1.S( Pictures on. sale for only... V. ...... .-.... ...". ......... ...............''Jj Skirts This big. Cloak Store of oura Is hitting the bargain line with a vengeance nowadaysWhile other itores are fighting thejr heads off trying to rid their stocks of undesirable apparel, Portland's Leading Cloak Store continues to attract immense crowds of eager buyers by offering new, seasonable stylish garments of all kinds at prices below what other stores can buy them for Our cloak chief is again inthe New York mar ket looking out for your interests His fourth trip in a year You will hear from him soon For Monday, JTueaday and-Wednesday we place on sale a great spe rial nurchase of 300 handsome New Spring Walkinf Skirts in the season's Black,, blue, brown, gray ana tancy mixtures nu trinM f nlndid oualitv Panama and Granite Cloths. -, i 1 - i -i . 4 i : -.Pleated and kUt effects btrap nq puxion tnmmca M In all sizes Large 4? ! I 1 t 00 valnri On tale 'f 1. W , -ii l Mail oraera wm pc taiciuuy m ywy; r- " Laces and 100 xWomen VTailbred Suits $2,5; Vals. at $13.45 100 New Tailored Suits just received by express from one of the largest and best manufacturers in New York Backward Reason throughout the east is responsible for his selling them to us for about one half their real vale--All are attractive, jaunty little garments Just the kind fashionable women want The assortment includes a large variety of fancy tailored Pony Jackets, trimmed with silk and fancy braid, with vest effects Panama cloths in stripes, checks, plaids and plain colors, blue, red, brown and tan Also Combination Suits with plain colored jackets and fancy checked skirts Also Box Coat Suits tn light y fancy 1 tweeds, with silk collars and cuffs, button-trimmed As handsome a display of Tailored season All sizes Every garment int retmlar $25.00 value Your while they last at this low price. . See the Fifth Street Window Display today and you will ap- predate what very unusual values ',!! '"l-i: Wmtlrlr Drawrr. and tucks; made wide through the body t nrnV!. nt vnllies.. At. Men. 400 Dress Hats $1.95 M. 400 New SaUor Hats Off ; Indie Millinery Department today 400 black and colored dress hats at a low price All new shapes prettily trimmed in a variety of d 1 Q C ityles All new colorings Reg, val. $4 While they last at, y 400 white a'hd black sailor Hats in the very newest blocks, j tf Wide brims Entire stock cut to one fourth of reg. price 4' JmI Great variety of women's and misses' lingerie and duck Hats and Bon netsSome are slightly crushed from packing Good styles On sale today at . . '" '' 2 r mm prettiest styles and materials- assortment Regular $8.50 and at this re- r..11 ..J .mmn1if aftn1H tn. Suits as Portland has seen this in the choice $13.45' tney are un aecona rioor. trimmed in srood oualitv embroi- and short length;, ages A 1 ......... . Embroideries 1 SaleRbgersl84?Saverware Great tale of Shell and Satin Teaspoons, at this low price. 'wt; Great sale ofTeaspoons, fancy vintage patterns, on sale tvj'"2 Great sale of Dessert Spoons, shell or satin, special at, the set. .Wi .7 Great sale of Dessert Spoons, fancy designs, this low price, set f x. Table Forks, satin finish, on sale at this special low price, et-J'"" Table Forks, fancy designs, on sale at this low price, the et.-J- Table Spoons, satin finish, on sale at this low price, the et-J Table Spoons, in fancy designs, at this special low price, set.. faa Fancy "1847 Rogers" Berry Spoons, on ale at. this low price. . f Fancy "1847 Rogers Vegetable Spoons, at this low price, spl -184 Rogers" Black Coffee Spoons, special at this Jow price... J -1847 RogersT Cold Meat Forks, on sale at this low Pfi,ac .J?Jt We will offer some surprise prices on odd pieces of 1847 Rogers Silverware that we wish to close out : Come early and get a bargain. SlODissWiists $4.45 Great Handkerchief Bargains Women's pure linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs; H-inch hems; full regular sizes and soft finish; the best 15e values, at, each... V Women's and children's fine lawn Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, A made of very sheer material and nicely hemmed; special, each..." Women's extra fine quality pure linen Cross-Bar Initial Handkerchiefs, made with 4-inch hem and pcrip Initial; all initials; best reg- 1 ular 20c values, at thi low price,! eachtake advantage...,... Women's Embroidery Swiss Handkerchiefs In hemmed and 1 1 scalloped edges; large assortment; regular 20c values, on sale my Women's extra quality Swiss Embroideir landkerchiefs. 1 (if. k...;f..i nttrn' rnnA and hemstitched edsres: 25c vals.. a WW SaleofArticIesfortheCoast Sale of Blankets 500 pairs of white Cotton Fleeced Blankets,-11-4 sizes, pair.. 1.10 300 pairs of extra large size white Cotton Blankets, 12-4 1 'lQ size: fancy striped borders; regular $1.75 values, pair.... V 500 pairs of dark gray Oregon Wool Blankets, full size, pahv.2. 1000 Comforters at SI. 09 Each filled, full size, all the best patterns ' Z.0UU Ollk flOSS nilOWS, on saic 16-in., on sale at, special. ea..24 20-in., on sale at, special, ea..3826-in on sale at, special, ea..3f Linens lthbCb Prices Bleached Table Damask, 58-Inch, best patterns, In great as-' 0 1 sortment; matchless value, on sale at this special price, yard. V Turkey Red Table Damask, value extraordinary, at. the y"l'v5If Bleached Mercerized Table Damask, on sale at this low price, yd 4f 1.5UO dozen uieacnea wiron iowcis. bpwij .uw-i.vtu, "ii 1,000 dozen heavy bleached Cotton Towels, at this special pnce.;T oivm r....:ii.. Rr4.nr9 trnnA aize. best oatterns. ea..SO U-fan Maneilles nattern Bedspreads: great values at, each..;...f 1,000 dozen Bleached Turkish Bath Towels; great values, at, ea.. 800 dozen Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, great special values . t12f Lace Curtains Ruffled Swiss Curtains plain, width, 4-inch mine Vt yaras long, . .r. ci.. r....:n a.- $1.00 Swiaa Curtains at...80f Cross-Stripe Maaras curtains cooi, preixy ana ,srrvicraaie ior, mc summer cottage;, light grounds with colored stripes;, fast colors; 40 fncher wide and 3 yards longr Special at this low-price," the Pjrr; J... rn.!. AKdT 1 7 MaHraa.Curfaina.i.- S1.3S $1J0 Madras Curtaina....$1.15 300 pieces of scotch lapoet tor sasn i A,m K.r tli an Swiss; atrioea. 57.50-510 Lace Regular $4.50 Lace Curtains $2.85 300 pairs of Lace, Curtains in Marie Antoinette, OunT, Renaissance, Battenberg and Irish Point effects; regular $7.50, $8.50 CI lit and $10.00 values, on sale at this special low price, pair. V 500 pairs ofXace Curtains in new and novel patterns, Vhitejr Arabian color, 45 to 52 inches wide and 2Y, and 3 yards long; CJ) OC now on sale at this unusually low price, the pair.,, KitchcnGoodsforthoCoast-Bas'nit Odds and ends In Decorated Semi-Porcelain. ' Plates, per doz., 98c, $1,18, J1.M Cups and Saucers, doz 1.f;y'f Bakers, each, 19c, 23c, 29c.. 41 Scallops, each, 19c, 21c, 23c;.32 Platters, each, 23c, 33c...3T 85c Lantern, special, each.-...; 15c Hatchet, special at, each. . 9f 10c Wire Soap Dish, each.Sf 60c Knives and Forks, set... 9f it. TMflvm ner set. 25c Tablespoons, per Set.;.. 15c White Enamel Cups....l-f More welcome bargain news from Port land's Leading Cloak Store This time it's another grand special value in Women's Silk and Net Dress Waists 400 of them Messaline Silks, Taffeta , - Silks, plain and fancy colorings, V 1- 'U in aU the very best styles- Plain and figured nets in Deau tif ul models Fancy square and pointed yokes of Plat Val. and Round-Mesh VaL laces Ba tiste embroidery and French knots White, pink, blue, navy, cream, brown, green, red and black All sixes Splendid va rietyValues up to $10.00 each On spe cial sale at and Comforters and colorings; special, at inc lunuwmg mymww t"'"': 22-in on tale at, special, each 45 for the Coast dots, figures and stripes; 36-inch ureir yiuc i un iuw piive. ui, 11 ? Swiaa Curtain at . ' 9am $10 Swiss Curtains at. ..f 1.15 $25 Madras : Cnrtaina.,..fl. or long cunains; wears ana fj dots, figures: 12C vals. vd. Curtains $5.35 8c Paper Platev at, the dozen. 3 9c Paper Plates, doi... - 10c Wood Plates, doz 6 9c Tin Plates, each. ...... ....3 23c Tin Sauce Pan, each,, ..19 15c Tin Coffee Pot, each i . . . 12 3 qt. Tin Pudding Pan, each.,.6 7c Tin Dipper, each ...i 5 10c Tin Wash Basin, each... 8 40c Tin Teakettle, each ...... 3 2 4c Tin Cups, each ............ 2 30c Tin Dishpan, each .," 75c Tin Coffee Boiler, each.."'- ' 75c Fancy Silk Ribbon 50c Yd 2,000 yards of best heavy all-silk fancy Ribbon, 4H and 5 inches wide; all the neWest patterns and best ' qualities. " Regularly sold for 65c and 75c a yard; great Anniversary Sale Cft. price, yard,' only, ,...)UC Sl.lOCorsctCovcrs65c Cambric and Nainsook Corset Covers, in three diffei ent styles, circular yoke, two ot three in sertions - joined ; with feather stitched bands, beading and rib bon: exquisitely made and dain ty. Sold regularly for $1.10. An niversary Sale price jJq 15c Printed Batiste 8c Superb quality printed Batiste, a sheer summer fabric; white grounds, on which are printed exquisitely conceived floral de signs in plain colors and dainty effects. Ideal fabric for sum mer dresses. Sold regularly for 15c yard.r Special sale Ql" price, yard. , ........... .. . .OC 25c Turnovers 8c 1,000 Japanese and Spanish Drawnwork Turnover Collars, a great many patterns to choose from; values to . 25c ea. O for..U.........U.........OC 35c Lace Stocks 13c 500 Lace Stock1 Collars, ecru and white, in Point de Veniitt and Baby Irish; 25c ; 10 and 35c values at....,...,ltiC $2.00 Engraved Cards and Plate Only $1.10 100 Ensrraved Visitinsr ' Cards. printed from copper . plate, en graved especially for you tn choice of latest style scripts; plate belongs to you. Finest en graving and best' quality cards. A price never equalled outside New York or Chi- . (1 in eaga. Sale..,.........jSlVl 200 Handbags, Values to $1.50, Only 55c 200 Women's fine - Handbags, and gunmetkl trimmings, fitted with purse, moire lined. - Sold regularly at $15 and J1.5a Vrvnr rhoire at thi tranrrtin ary Anniversary Sale EC price of . . . ... ...... .... . . vC 50c Ribbed Vests 22c Women's I fine , W Swiss ribbed Vests, low seek, no sleeves, lisle thread or mercerized, trimmed with lace or crochet edge, also plain without trimming. Our regular ' 50c quality -J2c 75c Union Suits ; 45c Women's Swiss ribbed Union Suits, low neck and sleeveless; lace or crochet trimming.draw era with lace edging; our .regu lar 75c quality for, the , .iC suit .......... . . .. ,. . . . . , l C $2.50 Drawers $1.57 Special lot of women's cambric and nainsook Drawers, . made with wide flounces, trimmed in dainty embroideries, edgings, insertions, clusters of tucks, fit ted waistbands, etc. 1 Regular $150 vals 31.0! $6.50Gowns0nly$3.85 Special lot of women's fine cam bric and nainsook Gowns, trim'd in very fine embroideries, laces, tucks, beading and ribbon; low. round and square neck; long and short sleeves; regular $3.00 uiai yw.vv $3.85 to $6.50 values, on sale at, special, ea. Mca's 25c Hose I4c Men fine imported cotton Half Hose, in browlis,; tansv stripes, check and a great variety of fancr colors; made with double heels and toes and seamless; the kini always sold for f 4 25c pair, in this sale. .....1aC 50c Suspenders 18c Men's Suspenders, made of ex cellent 'duality webbing, both in plain colors and fancy stripes well sown leather ends, etc.; regularly 50c a pair, in 1 O this sale . ..... ....., w Union' Silk'Ur-irc!!:: $2.50 Vr Black Ta best p." I' 1 ' if