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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1907)
vi" t s v m- ..'it- a i m si si-.. ii 'wUs Issue of ;'. Tho Gunday Journal" ' Comprises 'f 5 Scclicns 51 Pc-zs SoP1 I iM (Journal Circulation r ,. Tbe Weather Showers; souths westerly winds. ' " VOL. IV. NO. 10. loss . Gave Partner ' in -Graft Double Cross. Had Agreed v to Con fess Together,1 : " fpeorg Keane, Executive's Sec ' . rotary, Bearer of, Bitter" Mes- - sages Between Two Men Ruef Says ' He Knbwt His Business and Will Not Talk. , i (Hearst News ter Longest Leased Wire.) . . J Baa . Francisco, May ' 1 8.--" Abe Rnef, you hare broken' faith; with me" -Mayor Schmlti to Abraham Rnef. ' - - , "Schmltx, I dont want to talk to ypu. I know what . I am doing" Abraham Rnef to Mayor Schmits. ; (r " Bearer of. these two remarkable messages jOaorge Kpane, former eec- , rotary to' Mayor 8chmtts, Rnef 'a rep resentative In the California legisla turer friend of both men. ; - : ' Date of exchange of compliment I between the former boss and the In dicted mayor," Friday, May lT,.i0T.' ' Mayor Bchmlti baa made his an swer to the action of -Abe Raef in turning to the,, prosecution and d- clarlnf that he triji make complete . confession of the' corruption of, the city's administration.'- . . . :' la ttenlesslbn of Onflt.4' Thli-anawer .be, eent by,, trusted messenger' to Rnef himself, belleT; lng that Ihe secret of It would be kept safe from public ears. It Is a comnlete confession of guilt. It nncoTers a compact existing between himself and the boss who gare him Dolltical creation. It shows the ter ror of a tortured soul at the deser tion of the one man wbo knew aim ' through and through. ' (Contlnue4 en Page nftn.) COREY TO LOSE JOB WITH TRUST President of Steel Corporation to for Infatuation With Actress by Loss of His : Po sition Which Pays Big Salary. V mant.Mnra br Ltnawt Lmm4 Wb.) ' jtfew Tork, May 18. WUllaro Bills Corey will pay for his infatuation for nd' marrlac to Miss Mabelle Gllman, the former alnger Of "The Mocking Lion DETRAV .-JBlrd' company, with . the Joss or we - nraaidener of the . United SUtes Steel corporation, which-oarrles with It one ' of the highest salaries ever paid In the world and no end or prestige. "This la the eoncluslon Wall street has reached, now that Corey's divorce and - marr-'ri have become of International Interest. Ingush and Frenon newspa nara will exDlolt the Pair on their ar Tirol abroad, and the , notoriety is be coming too great a strain on Mr. Corey"s at oclates in the directorate of the great Steel corporation. ' It 1 remembered that Charles M. Schwab , waa pushed out of the steel presidency quietly . but firmly after he -i--urpnd JCuropew bj crying - Draaa the bank-at Monte carlo ana by other sensstfTonal exploits ' which ido not fit 'with the highest ' office of a great corporation. Schwab held his place un til he returned from bis, trip abroad. Then the hints of the other steel.lead Jersj became too strong for him and he . wrote -out- his resignation.- If he had not resigned ne would! have failed of reelection. .-. iXa.;-tf.wi??-- ' Corey, -who nnquestlenably - is ' one of the most 'successful steel manufacturers 'the oountry has developed, was 'selected sceed Schwab as a man 'who would never think of--4olng anything notori .ou. HH attachme-.t for the beautiful aetress was Unknown, and -only became ' public property after a photograph of - her rooms in , Paris showed a large crayon portrait . of the newly elected steel president prominently displayed on an easel. x' . '- ',-: -..... . .1 . .. It is believed that Mr, Corey will roj sign before returning from ' his Euro pean honeymoon, which Is to last three or four months. ..,..,. . . t . III I if I 1 (;" ,7t- iff- AS I vT fTAcKzrziz. : KEELEY CURE V W. C. T. U.' Plana an Active , - -. ..... . . ,., , ,'1 ,. . . , .:.,:- ; Campaign to Eliminate Men .: tion.of Tobacco and Whiskey From Modern Writing. . - KVMMbMr trtm ht Sptelal tMsed Wire.) - New Tork, . May 18. Modern litera ture Is to be forced to take the Keeley ears and undergo a course of treatment for the tobaooe habit This edict, has gone oat from the W. C. T.' ttf and war has been declared on all the smoking and drinking heroes and heroines In no tion. v- ; "1A'r- :';" ; ,W Tha plan of the W. C T. T7f officers Is te drive an books portraying char acters of the objeotlonable kind, ' from their, standpoint, from the shelves of libraries throughout the country. 'Under the laws regarding the purity of litera ture, they think they eaa accomplish it After-New Terk has been-purified the fight ; will extend to other states and countries. ", ,- v' v Mrs. EJmilie D. Martin is . superin tendent of tho department of the work for purity In literature and art of the W. C. T. V. ' --v; . - 'Teople do net realise,'' said Mrs. Martin, "that in 85 per eent of the read ing matter published,' cigars and ciga rettes are indispensable and the bottle Of -liquor "Is omnipresent " aithougn-fce may be an about-to-be-translated' saint surrounded by a halo of. white cult in cluding wreaths of priceless Havana and his heroine comes from t glass of -amber tokay, Tuby olaref tor -apark-ilng champagne.' :..;'-' y "vih-? ManmenKfes! ThisISeasonSfArriW . Formal Opening on The Oaks Is to be "dry" this season. No more sitting on the broad veranda at the Tavern and quaffing your favor- It brew; no more revels of the beer garden variety, and nothing in the drink line stronger than lemonade or Shasta. Instead Chere will be more amuse ments, an endless variety of attractions and features of entertainment that are new and novel., A 'strong bid for popu larity among women and children Is to be made by the big amusement parlc on the 'river bank. ;ry '... .j.-..--,.-.-v A decision - to that effect was announced- by' Manager Freeman yester day. The big -park win b absolutely, PORTLAND, THE M05T BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN NEW YORK OPERATORS TO TIE OP 1'JIRES Twenty Thousand Telegraphers . Getting Ready to Strike Next MonthService In , Every : State' Win Be Affected, i ' (Bearat Mew by Lent td Wire.) t. New Tork, May Is. Twenty, thousand telegraph operators, members or Ihe Commercial: Telegrsphers' union -of America, are getting ready to strike next month., . , 1 ' ' Thev eomnose. their leader. a aert, 10 pr eent of the commercial operators In thia ocuntrr and Canada, They are al most equally divided between the Postal and Western Union companies.' When they walk out they say they will para lyse the telegraph: business in every state in tho union. . ..w.; BOUNDARIES OF LAND 1 1 ; DISTRICTS OF ALASKA (WaaUagtea Bnreaa of , Tbe Joarnal) ' ; Waahincton. D. : C. May mlsloner BaUlnger ' today declared the boundaries of the Nome and JTalrbanks federal land omce districts, aui n ra malnlng area of Alaska . tte Ju- nMn district " The new district includes the country o th-JKukokwlnt - river and the UUnds ' west and, north. The Fairbanks t district '.Includes . the region east and south to. the, crest-of, the, Alas kan range of mountains; thence gener- allv easterly .and .-northeasterly and northward' to the boundary. : , , Decoration f "dry" this season, the sale of. all drinks ef an Intoxicating nature .being posi tively prohibited.- The? Tavern,.! Where liquors . of all ; kinds were served last season. Is to be converted. Into; a. flrst elass restaurant where, If one must Im bibe, only mild drinks 'Will be served. -v It is- said that the decision to elimi nate the sale of drinks at the big resort will materially affect the receipts, for those who frequented the Oaks have lib erally patronised the ' Tavern.' It is also said that It Is the- desire of the management to return to the or- .(Continued on - Pag Fifteen.; '" 1 ""' " 1 " ' I ' 1 1 )j i.i , , ir , i , i i - . ' . , t . - , J ' v' . . ' ' I -ii. OREGON, SUNDAY . MORNING,. MAY : 19, . 1907. i in. v 'i. ... j4a HOT QUARREL BREAKS OUT III HAYWOOD. CAMP Editor Titus of Seattle Socialist ;. geance Upon Attorney' Nugent at Conclusion of ' ;;' the Idaho Murder. Trials.-., ' , . (Pablhhers' Pnm by Special teased Wire.) Boise, May 18. The first real threat of actual bloodshed growing out of the trial was made today, and, singular to relate, the parties concerned ar both on one aide of the ease. They ar John V. Nugent, a Bole lawyer and one of the attorneys for the defense, and Dr. Her man F. Titus, editor of the Socialist of Seattle, Washington. ? , r - . DEVLIU FAILS TO GET : ROOSEVELT TO COME TO ' HIS AID IN ELECTION ' (Waebinstea Beree ef Tbe TeeraaL) ' . Washington, May ll.Thomas e C..XevHn.a effort Ja aeour. th, aasistanoe or President Roose- . velt In his campaign for election aa mayor of Portland has so far , resulted In failure. e JDvldenUy the president ; does ": .not, believe that the intereata of : th nation art stake to an ax- tent that would Justify his "but- ting In" by dictating to tho peo- . pie. of Portland.;-'. ;":i-'e The following statement today a) -waa made bv Private Secretary e a Loeb and . Rudolph Forsley. as- e e slstant to7 the president: e e '. ' "Reports . rrotn . roruaaa ar that- the president has expressed e an Interest in the Portland mu- -. e ' nictpal election, to tn erreot , that be la anxious that a Repun- llcan - eandidate be ;. elected e e "mayor.r . ' ,-vf(.t ,::, a Both said la, replyt Tho presl- i dent' naa not saia anytnmg on e , the subject ' He probably has . e "not even heard that an election e is In progress." ,e mm V. : isSI WIH' U. I V B ', , .11 ''frit. 111 sbb wsr srw -a i : Declares He Will , Wreck Ven- X, ehaliengo John T.' Nugent, or any other man, to produce any evidence that Z over said a word or did a single thing to betray "Moyer, Haywood orPettU bone." declared Titus tonight ; . "Nugent has called ma a liar, and trai tor because I exposed a scheme he and others, had last fall to betray (the so cialist party In, the . Seventh district, Canyon county,1 and have, tn socialists elect a Democratic Judge. Nugent la no Socialist, and I shall personally deal with him when this. trial Is over.". The seventh day of th trial of WU- (Continued on Pag Five.) KELLEY MAY TELL OF IWURDER Member ot Gang oTpostoffice Thieves Is V, Believed' toiKnow Who ;Threw Dr. John-;; son From Ford 1 Frank Relley. on of the men arrested with the famous poatofflc - gang of which Frank Wayne was th lader, may be turned over to the state au thorities ' by Assistant United States Attorney James Cole for complicity In th attempted robbery of the Oresham bank. t ' ' ' " ' " ' IX is said that strong evidence is in Mr. Cole hands in regard to Kelley's presence-at the Oresham robbery. The story that he will be prosecuted by the state is given credence because no In dictment has thus far. been returned against Keller by the federal grand Jury and- because Deputy, District At BOY IS LASHED ON IKED DM ,;VJ'i.l; -'-'. ' ;- ' ; " i.y.y ?j,;j Nine- Culprits Pay Penalty at Whipping Post In Delaware- Youth Beaten With Knout by BurleyJSheriff. CrBearst Mews by Leogeet teased Win.) t Wilmington, ' DL, May l.--"For Ood's sake stop, you are killing me: Oh. spare me, spare mel" Down en his knees at the foot of a whipping post, Delaware's reUo of mediaeval form of punishment. Aaam warn, u 18-year-old youth, mad this frantic appeal today to Warden Meserve, aa the 'Vjat-o'nine , tails" cut frightful welts on his naked back. One hand, which he had torn free from" the bind ings, was extended frantically ..toward the warden who wielded the whip; . Htnnninv te narler with the unfortu nate lad Warden Meserve commanded him to stand up and said: 5 : - Ward, you know I am uoc-aoing ura on my own wllL ' My duty must be dona -I know, I know u is not your ibiuv But for God's sake, stop." "- . 1 But this appeal also roll on unnearing ears. ' wara was so w no oum o w tnd and was dragged to his feet His free hand was again bound ten the post and th whipping eontinuea. orty tim tn tern Die iasn xen on aim dera "It was only a part ot the punlsh- wnmnt th vouth must undergo, rouowmg his conviction for highway robbery. One year In prison is tn patance or m pun (ahnlMt. ' ' ' ' ' ; When '; Ward waa J nnaiiy out aovn from the whipping poet he was in ter rible shape. ? He waa one mass of welts .r, th luhes had out Into tne nesn and he had to be assisted back to the ' Benjamlu Morris, - convicted 1 with Ward.-received a like lashing. He atood It without - a cry until the fifteenth blbw. Then he. too, began to beg for maw. ut there, waa no mercy. . : In all nlne persons u were whipped. Street Bridge torney Ous C Moser waa In conference with Mr. Col yesterday, e . ! V V stay ' Tea AIT Se -- SCaows. -f$? If Kelley 1 turned over to th state authorities. It is believed he wUl tell all ho knows about the other members of the gang In the hope of obtaining Im munity. Hla fear of the feedral au thorities is said to be even greater than his fear of connection with the murder of Pr, Edward Johnson, who was hurled from the' Ford-street bridge last Janu ary. ' In this case Kelley, It is said, can prove an alibi, but It la believed that he XContlaueil oa a't 1'lIte.n.J, PRICE 'FIVE CENTS, IE W 0 Radding's Failure tat File Petition leaves; the Labor Nominees! Off Ticket Angry Party Leaders - Chargs That Secretary of Convention, Has Sold Himself to Adverse Political Interests - Central" t Committee Will Investigate ' Through the refusal yesterday af, ternoon of E. E. Raddlnr, secretarj' of the Union Labor convention which! nominated Charles Kelly as a can; dldate) for mayor, to file the ticket -nominated on Thursday night, the. Union Labor party has lost Its op ' portunlty-tohaTe 1U aomlnees placed oq the ballot. In the coming municipal election. Great Indigna tion Is expressed In unloalrcles and . It . Is possible that serious - charges : win ber filed against Secretary Ead- ' ding Von Monday' charging r him K with having been unduly influenced 1 by adverse political ' Interest Into ehooslng: his unexpected course oft action. . ' -y e fuses to ftlga Petition. : In order to secure a place on tho official ballot th union labor ticket should have been filed by I o'clock; yesterday afternoon. It was ready and prepared, having been shaped at th mass convention of the party held Thursday night Yesterday afternoon. however. B. E. Radding. tbe secretary; of the convention, -refused to sign tho petition aa required by law to make It leeaL and accordingly the document . could not be given Into the charge of the city auditor. Neither T, M. Lea bo, secretary of the central committee' nor Charles Kelly, nomine for mayor, will discuss th question, though ad mitting that the secretary did not fil the ticket as he had been expected to da . The matter will be taken p they say, on Monday, when a statement qf the case will be made to the publlo, Th ticket In question named Charles) (Continued on Page Twelva) BY PUr.lPKIIl PIE Millionaire Stetson of San Fran ' cisco Sued! for i Absolute Sep aration by Wife With Whorn He Eloped a Few Years Ago; ; . (Bearat News by teagest Leaaed Wire.) . Ban Francisco, May 11 Pumpkin pie, soup, sah V Bsh and her millions havo com between i Mrs. Eleanor, Doe-Btet-son and aer-ac sd millionaire husband. President James B. Stetson, of th California Street ytaiiroad c6tnpany and founder of. the firm of , Holbrook, . Mer rill, and . Stetson.! Four, days ago Mrs. . Stetson left t.e - palatial mansion of her husband at Van Ness avenue and Clay street and today , filed suit foe absolute divorce in th superior court Irrespective of the decision. of , th court ,Mra Stetson says a. resumption of her relations with Stetson la utterly impossible.' '., , . , . ,'".: Tbe action is the. cuimuiatton of seven years of stormy married life begun af ter a : short and rotnantlo courtship during which tho love of th SO-year-old widow of John 0. Do wa-won by th TO' yeas eld-wldower It -wa-a- wooing th fashionable set regarded with tniwi surprise at first And when the coupla eloped to Los Angeles and were marrlnd en February 1, 1900, their set wn astonlaheL; Mrs. Stetson charges "extreme cruel ty" and statee that her husband Is un der the eomplet domination . of hla married daughters, who Influenced ht'n against her. She says he refused t allow her daughter to call hint Mpnpn." becaus his daughters would not lUv it',: --J-..-V-.., v-.'.-:-: . . . The last straw.' she continue, "wk his refusal to allow tTiinprs I V.k t eat to be brouprht to th tM. I i soup and salad and he (ti-i t- t. wanted pumpkin pi at every t - lust hate it Hut h i i fore me to eat it. A . 1 fish he would order ' not eat It et I if that was cnt, f---- . never careful wi.. , and I t!- f sayln r. ' ' t' i ' DIVORCE CAUSED