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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY D, 1C07. THE JOURNAL AM INPKfENDBXT NEWSPAPER. C. i. JACKSON.. .....Pobllabec PsMlahao' every evening alpt 8na7) , intf 'm1a noralne. at The Journal Boll In, rifla aoe Yatnblll etreeta. Portlaaa1. Or- ever prt 4 you arv.i4,:yo,. wllj j pouncemont or certain restrictive Coter at lb noatoMce at PortUed. Or.,, ft fran.mtaaioa thrones the aaUi seooad-eiaae attar. TIXCPBONS MAIN ; TJ7S. i'x ' .AH departments reached by tola aotnbar. . Tell i ta iarator tha department, yoa waat. rOREiaj) ADVERTISING JIBPBK8KNTATIT1 .Vrlasd-Barjjaute Spaclal advertlalns Afaney, Kraoawlrk Holldhia, 28 riflh araDBO, New ; For' Trlbona BnlMlnf, Calaif. v Sohacrlptloe Tarma b stall e any sadieee In Iba United State, Canada f Malta. pas year....,....fe.fto I one Month,......! M ., tnKhir ..... Dae year.... llso (One nenrn. Bare done your duty. , At toon as a man begins to talk of the sacred- nesi of , fcarty and your obligation to It at the most Important consider atlon In a municipal election, yon may conclude at once that he and hit friends hate tome ayes to grind, and that he Is coaxing you to turn the grindstone. PORTLAND AND LOS ANGELES Ob year., ...... .IJ.SO I One month, DAILY AND SUNDAY. ...... .T.A0 On month.,,. .8 -S There It transcendent pow er in example. we reiurm others unconsciously when we ' walk - uprightly. Madame Swetcblne. . 'i l '-X'A OS ANGELES is a remarkable, even a, unique . American city, In several . respects which will f . r occur to";' the reader. It is especially ' noticeable recently be cause during the past two or three years it has grown In population by a far greater percentage than any other American city. , Whereas It had a population of 102,000 in 1900 it claims now nearly 300,000, and has perhaps 275.000, or at least over 250,000, and is still rapidly grow fflaaf ' Tf lei tint MM A ft Katie, a t Ati V At. Jk. :rMy?rzS"V -7irsa-maay-wealthy 1 bpie 1 H AIRMAN CAKE fcarps upon 'ron h who bare aettled there I the necessity of Republicans on account of the climate which, 1, voting in elections for every however, is by no means so perfect , Republican nominated In the might be desired or as is repre prlmarles,' In order-to sustain and wnted, yet on the whole Is very carryoot the primary law. If, he agreeaoie as compared oi 'art the R-Vublicana nominated in Chicago or Boston.' Los Angeles is tha nrimariM are not lacted. the peculiar, too, and fortunate, in ReDubllcans being In the majority, having had for many years n3 serl ' the primary law Is an utter failure " 1' trikea. It is industrially on .hnnM h. : The lorle n "open town,", and its industries bt which he arrives at this conclu- carried - on ? uninterruptedly, slon is .involved In fog. f But enough Though climate was its chief original of It is discernible to show that Mr. " M . A-ngeles is now a great ': Cake iaa entirely- jmscoastruedthe ta?n'ctnf ingeenterand .railroad latent and nature of the primary terminus. : Though surrounded by a law. It was not designed to insure fle,ert In-lgatloa has jcaused much the election of the nominees of the j of the desert to 'blo8som as the dominant party at all, u Mr. Cake Angelet hat Ipared no assumes, but to give the people pense; either in advertising Itself chance both to nominate in their Pr Dunamg useir up, it it known rosnpftlva n.rtv nrfmarlM. and then. nd Ttld about throughout thlS In the election; hating I60ke4 ' over country and abroad, and it is careful the candidates of both- parties, to w P to Its professions and pre ' vote for the best men. disregarding tensions. Just; now it is preparing fcarty if they thoose to do so.v Be- to BPen,J 123,000,000 to bring in r.nn Mrtiiii nhtnher of Renubll- water from Owens river. It has fine cans have nominated certain candi- "treets and takes care -of them dates In -the primaries it does not though Hoods sometimes desiroy follow that all Republicans are them.' It toots iU horn loudly, and therefore bound to vote for these it the koods'V to ihow. , , candidates in the election. If, this Now here s Portland with better were the case, all a man belonging chances than Los Angeles to become to the dominant party. would have great clt,y, one of half a million, rules which he kindly and deferen tially allows, the court, to promul. gate in its judicial discretion. Hav ing thus bobbed up on the scene of the great drama for an Instant, as a stage carpenter might if a scene screw was , loose, and managed to get himself Into print to the extent of half a column when two lines were ample, it is to be hoped the local prosecuting attorney will , sub side from distant view; M'LOUGHLIN. E .Small CKane Heney oomts out on top eraln. ' Lavns has mad no bualneaa tor Henay, Whan thlarea fall out vida Ruef and Evan ..Rooaavalt can't ' reform tha weathar. - .. ' . Tha Caka maohlna mar turn out eon- ldarabla dough. . . a a Man navar wastas breath in dlsousalng women's walata. , BtllL a raea of a widow is not an un common occurrence. , :.). ':'t;i" ,,: a.,? a VJ. jj;' What la wanted Is weather to match the walats and thing. Corey and wife are out of tha ooun- The Journal congratulates the management of the Oaks on its de- to do to get an office would be to three quarters, eventually a million kialon to make that resort "dry" i - . I L. - L 1A A. a, m . . a.. . I All. 1 1 M f i. A.l ret a bare nlurallty In the primaries, inuaoiiams. uur cumaie wui not perhaps one third or on fourth of attract rich eastern people so much, the vote being sufficient, and there yt taken the year through and for would be no need c a subsequent Mi practical purposes we have the campaign, ot any discussion of the better, climate. Instead of a desert candidates , or what they stood for. country back of and around this city, About two ninths of the RepubU- we -have one of great fertility and cans of the city voted for Mr. Dev- Immeasurable resources. Portland lia in the primaries. Mr. Cake 1 or can be made the favorite and argues that this binds ,the other best seaport on the coast, the very seven ninths to vote for him.. And fact that it is 100, miles inland being it would so bind them according, to n advantage. . Its prominence and his argument, if - during the cam-i importance as a railroad terminus paign it was discovered that the can nd center are or will be greater dldate was ' an unfit man, or if a than Jxs Angeles'. The conditions majority of the party honestly con- and circumstances surrounding the eluded that the candidate of the two cities -are very dissimilar In minority party was by far the bet- nn7 respects, similar In some. ter man. ; There is no good reason why during ". This partisan appeal is merely the next 20 years Portland should that of the machine. It leaves pub- not grow faster than Los Angeles, lie Interests, public welfare, peculiar But ; must make r Portland local Issues and the characteristics known and must do things. Not one end Influencing associations of can-1 person In the country has heard ofl dldates entirely-out-of-tho t;alcula- or knows-much about Portland :'.o tlon. The. voters of a party are to ten, perhaps one hundred; that know do their best In the ; primaries to all or a good deal about Los Angeles, nominate the best man for an office. We must make people know about It some members of the party be- thlt city. And when they come to Keve that a mistake has been made, see we must not disappoint them, that a man received a nomination We must have a deeper channel, a through Improper Influences, or that better harbor,, better streets, better the opposing' candidate, party pol- parks and more of all the things ltics being a matter ot minor con- that attract and hold people. Los slderatlon In a city election, Is the Angeles has not hesitated at the ex- ceuer man xor ue piace, n is cer-1 penauore oi muiions wnere we are talnly their privilege, If not their j hesitating at the spending ot hun duty, to vote for the opposing and I dreds. of thousands. tetter man. -., . , Los Angeles is . now striving to They should do this, not only for become and declares that It will be the public weal, and In the Interest come the moat beautiful city in the of the whole people, but they, should world. It will spend tens of millions do it also as a warning that It an! with a view to attaining this dls- ; unworthy or undesirable man should tlnctlon. And how many Portland by some means carry the primaries people realise that this city, pan he does not thereby Insure himself Itself outclass Los Angeles In this the office. - Hundreds may nominate, respect with a far . less expenditure and it Is unreasonable to say that of money? , And still fewer people these must. of . necessity In all cases realize what this would be worth In bind thousands, even If after the a practical business way.' Portland's discussion and reflection of a cam- opportunities are great; It is for this palgn.many of them, believe a mis-j generation to live grandly up to take has been made, or that the I them, to pUBh Portland forward Into other party has presented a better the proud jpoBltion that it ought to man for the place. ( I occupy, Mr. Cake's argument also assumes that party success is the only or ' The incident of the Orchard Inter- VER YBODY in Oregon, old and young,' ought to take a lively Interest In the McLoughlln Institute, tho cornerstone , ot which was laid at Oregon City yes- try for awhile; that's a little relief. terdav. and It would be onlv anoro- nH.t, ir m.nv na'ni. .. . A ,Mt Hummel did not plead ' " '"' " ' I Dram storm or dementia, Aemrlcana. regardless of sect or religious belief, I . a would Aid Its upbuilding substantial- . oonaervaUves are beginning to . I BklatW ITa. aSab W A A. a. - . M 1 i T la mnr. than a r.iH """ am om ma oma. terprlse,. as McLoughlln , was more than-ar CathollcrTohis1 memory J long u one team new.wlna puna, every citizen of Orearon. ot whatever I ' creed, now and hereafter, owes rev- 152 fV day? K erent reeara. Ha was a rreat ana land a little a e. a The Play Hojrt' wrote many clever plays, but u la oouduuj it be wrote one more thoroughly amusing and enjoyable than a contented woman, which was pro- auoea djt me uaicer company yeaterday. It pleaaed two large audiences and pro vided aa many genuine lauaba aa oould well be crowded in the brief time of the performance. V . "A Contented Woman" is a eatlrloal farce on tha woman auffrage queatlon. Tha acene ' la . laid in Denver, where women vote and where Indeed they have been elected to publlo office. Benton Holme, a part that Is excellently nor- trayed by Edgar Slum, la nominated for mayor. Frevloue to hla nomination his - wife has refrained , from enlovlna ner vignts and privllegea under the law. Jim a reauit or a quarrel, however, ahe becomes an advocate of actual auf frage and aeoepts tho nomination for Mayor at the hande of tha woman voters." Thus ahe and her hu abend are aeeicing election to the same office, and the arauelng oompltoatlons that follow may d imagined. , The woman la eleot- ed, but reelgns in favor of her huaband, The play affords numerous ODDor. tunttlea for excellent work on the cart or individual members of the company. SAFETY GI1LY in HOME'S PURITY .... . ..V- Whole . Trencf of Government Rests on the Sanctity . of ', ; Family Ties. ; timely man as all great men are timely. He was beyond all others the father and founder of Oregon, even though he was a Briton. He should have a 'great monument ofl need aome extra help, which of course the arlnd nronoaad. that will arrow wul BUPPIIW at one. and endure as long as there is an Oregon. . '- At was anticipated, Mr. Devlin, Mr. Baume la Ideal In the part of the abuaed huaband and defeated candidate, while Mlaa LAulaai Kant, ah, flnall. Im. a uMoua-u cannoi pa pi up cornea a contented woman after her sue- ceeaful candidacy and seemingly end lett domeetle wrangles, gives a perfect mterpreuuon of the part. The eonaplonously comlo feature of tha performance, however, la "Aunt Jim.' a boldly advanced type of tha pop ularly conceived modern woman, The part Is taken by Mrs. Mlna Crollua Olea son. liar makeup In portraying tho character Is In Itaelf a work of art Her acting la superb and she la unqueetlon ably the moat popular feature of the show.' William Z Oleaeon, as Todte. Aunt Jim's much-abuaed huaband, aleo provides a great deal of merriment Donald Bowlea gives a flnlahed and ertlatle portrayal of the part of Cutting Hlnta. brother of the women s oandl date for mayor. It Is In such "Juvenile' Wioe eastern people are always eona plJfiilng about some kind of weather whatever it la.. . . e -e ' , ? Tha Oyater Bay poatofflce will soon jiabelle Oilman-Corey aaya theman who claims to be her father la not Bhe asaumes to be a wlae child. ' a', a v If tha and-aaaf 1 hna-a cnnM ant lialiurt. iTn nia a ..i... .riln. luruuau vuairnikii vaa uauimae w t aoia iov e er t eenta a pound, they admiration. William DIUs. as Vandyke REPUBLIC'S SAFETY IN - YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Social and! Economic Conditions Which Tend to Prevent Marriage an Evil That Should Be Removed, Declare Rev.' Stewart, 'V HOilOl! OELiiV OFIIBL IIECO Handsome Monument to Ensign Worth Bagley Unveiled at ;v- Raleigh, North Caroina. . BRQNZE STATUE OF MAN - . KILLED AT CARDENAS engage In a Joint discussion of mu nicipal ; would bring a lot of money. Beard, a negro eervant In tha Holme houaehold, who Is aleo-a candidate, does some vary clever character acting. William Harris, James A. Qleason and Howard Ruaaell are extremely funny as the three practical politicians rt present lng the city committee. Mr. Ruaeell, however, -gtvea about a Impossible an Interpretation of an Irishman as could well be Imagined. Mies Marlbel Seymour has the part of Mrs. Ebbamlth, the divorcee, and la aa pleasing as usual. . She won repeated airairs witn , Mayor Xiane. l when wheat goes unut of airht" This is disappointing to many peo- ,n Chicago It has usually gone actually Die. as both candidates are well In- " " lormea upon municipal matters, ana The president Is reported aa savins. In a Joint discussion they could have r1 " far from a man of genlua." Whatl riven o - u' ' k r i - ; i. . ; m ' m oeuer opponunny wan uey win But ,f Newport an1 8eaalde are to be otherwise have of formlnc a lud prohibition pl6es, how can they expect ment for, use on election: day. It T'"..-. fW. "!bUM r" with her. specialties, and Miss took Mr, Cake long time to de-1 Alfred Aastln aaya he wouldn't e'htaM I reratied Cllne Mr, Montague's proposition, I Ploee with a bird. And no bird. s-1 "A Contented Woman will be the bill peciaiiy ir it coma A. It seems that every time the Italians hear of a new rich man in America. they get buay painting a lot of old masters to sell to him. e ,. e and It is supposed that he was cast ing about for some good reason or excuse for declining, but as he found none after all he might as well have declined at once. can sing, wants to be-1 at the Baker for the entire week. "V "Wicked London" at the Empire. For the closing week of the Empire season "Wicked London,' a melodrama that will likely be the most popular that has been produced by the Seaman JJI.I AJSKJ!SI 3" to twe T crowded' hou.eV Z&SE ana was enthusiastically received. Hague will have to pay S2B0 for their rooms, besides the cost of board and service. At this rate maybe peaoe will cost more than war. ' ( 'y.''.. ,;..v.-.-"'.;..,,,, ;. ..: ' It is presumed that In his late visit to the president Hon. John I Sullivan of Boston expressed his agreement with the president's , sentiments on the sub jects of mollycoddles and peace, r , - A Pittsburg man has established a chicken farm on a nine-acre tract Worth this summer so far aa Intoxicating beverages are concerned, A pleas ure place to which women and chil dren are Invited, and to which they may otherwise properly go with pleasure and profit, . Is no proper place for' the sale of Intoxicants. The Oaks will lose some patronage ot the hoodlums and toughies and row. dies, but It. will ,more than make up for this, we hope and believe, by the patronage': of people to whom places .where intoxicants re pro miscuously sold are . disagreeable and perhaps unendurable, . Again it is reported that Corey is to be forced, out of the presidency of ' the stee trust. If the report should prove true, the country, without overlooking the fact that the steel trust would remain a great legalized plunderer of the people, could not avoid having some little stable and f rait cannery, respert-for-lt---H--ff'":: T. ' ...-'.": The scene, of tha play, aa Indicated by the tlOe, is laid la the world's metropolis. The play has aa abundanoe of thrilling soenes and emotional situa tions. There la an element of heart Interest throughout the piece that la strongly appealing: ';. av .-. v:n-,- " A feature or the performance that Is well worth witnessing is the aotlng ot Miss Margaret Fltt, the leadlnr woman of the Seaman company, who has madel so pleasing an Impression m Portland. ! $460,000,. so that his family, including Hw Performance Is highly flnlahed and admiration. 'Miss Pitt's admirers , In this city are hoping that she will remain In Portland after the Seaman company is disbanded. ' '. '"'-:.. ..- , Raymond Whittaker. the leading man, is also at his best this week, appearing as the clerk of rich merchant who valnly-attempts to' thwartthe marriage of his daughter to the clerk. Mr, Whit- taker has also made- a large number of friends during his brief engagement In thla city who' will be reluctant to see him leave. , ' : . . Among other members of the com cooperaUVe K,"Lw.,",aE?r g? ?Tnt Llndhard. C. Kehoe and others. . Miss Ethel Jones and Mlas Lillian field, who have earned such decided popularity at the Empire, have comparatively little to do this week. ; "Wicked London" Is one of the best offerings or the Empire season and will likely be highly successful In lta pr cniauon. himself, can have fresh eggs and fat tender chickens. . That-ie good deal better than spending 11,000.000 to get a divorce and marry again, . Oregon Sidelights Hermlston continues to grow health ily. . , . ; ,. . ' j; . e , a ;. , , , . Weston is ta have a new first class hotel. - -.. - f . a a renaieton may nave wool scouring mill. Pendleton has it saloons which nay a license of ' $900 a year each. . Brownsville will have a first class ves Young unmarried people were urged to anticipate marriage and social and eoonomlo. conditions which tended to prevent such anions : were declared a damage which should be removed, by Kev. J. W. A, Stewart, of , Rochester, New Tork, In a aermon at the White Temple laat night The subject, "The Home," was developed from Eph. v. IT Rev. Stewart classed the ethical In stitutions as comprising the home, the church and the state, and while sug gesting that It was impossible to ex aggerate the Importance of any of them, the home was by far the moat vital in the governmental stability. The aafety of the republic, he said, rests upon the purtty and sanctity of the family ties. - He traoed the lives of young men and women front the time of meeting until the arrival of children to bless the home. He dwelt upon the love and de votion of the mother and the strength and pride of the father, and said under such conditions the best In manhood and - womanhood was -bound to appear upon the surface of society. , , In closing the minister called atten tion to the specmo points in tne at:i tude of Jesus toward the home and urged that his hearers hold the same view of the great question . r I SPEECH IS GOD GIVEN Packer Depicts First Officer Slain in Spanish -War In LlfelJle Pose With One Hand, on lilt Sword and the Other Shading Hit Eyes. , Many Eloquent Words Spoken Dally, but Soon Forgotten., Usually controversy is the bane of healthy talk, ' declared Dr. , Clarence True Wilson at Oraoe Methodist church laat night, discussing "Talkers and Talking." T would not condemn with out qualification what may -be called small talk,' - continued the, minister. "Small talk holds in conversation the place ef small , change , In . e very-day trade. We say many things simply to please,' to promote good, feeling, many things In which there is little meaning but much healthy recreation. "8ometlmes It may be necessary to enter Into a disputation, but usually controversy la the bane of healthy talk." Dr. Wilson , said that the power or soeech Is a noble, gift from God, the human voice like a fine Instrument and worda like the coin of the realm. "The average person talks from three to five hours a day, and many grand and elo quent things are said In eyery-day eon venation which are never written down and are 'iwon forgotten." ;(v:,:1;-?-i '. Ostentation and Morals." . (From the Los Angeles Times.) Corey's marriage with Mabelle Oil man cost him f 5,114,690 enough money i to found a bank, establish a great in dustry, build a battleship or erect a cathedral Of this sum, Js.000,000 went righteously to the. wife of the days of his youth an- small wealth, the Wolves are killing lambs, sometimes In daylight,, near RusselvlUe. . The tTnlon county fruit crop, though much damaged, will not be a total fail ure, 7,'' '. .'. V-'--' The Hubbard news tells of several things favorable to that town and vi cinity making It "a good place to live." WOULD, STOP HARRIAGE OF DEVILS IN BUSINESS t-'.-X.:-.;. ii ' ' 1 1 i i -'-.-.v4- i-. 'if.:, - Public Iniquities A Money-Maklng '"'A'u'-j ,.Instltiitlons.-'..5 Rev. W. H. Fouikes at the First Pres byterian church last night spoke on Casting Out Devils." In his sermon Rey. Fouikes detailed the cleansing of the. Qadarena demoniac by Christ, ana said - that Che Gadarene lived in the tombs, 'was' unclean and could not be bound with chains. Applying the nar rative to modern Ufa, the speaker said: "Hen today have all .the qualities of the Gadarene demoniac, They dwell In the places ot death and are unclean, unbound by human restraint, crying out? in blasphemy , night and day, dangerous to society and abusive to themselves. I wsnt to pay my respects to publlo in iquity, , those two great evils that go nana. in nana tne aeviis tnaj roo men of their manhood through strong drink and licentiousness. When .Jesus Christ comes Into our midst to drive out these devils, how many there are who say: 'Hands oir. xou win ' hurt our , busi ness.' " ... ' ' (Joornal Special gerrlee.1 ' Raleigh, N. C, May 10. Following ma sranueai miuiary pageant mat baa ever marched on the streets of Raleigh, -and In which several thousand troops . and members of olvlo organisations, led by the famous Marine band of Wash- t tngton, filed past the governor of the ' state and other high officials and many -thousands of spectators, the handsome i monument in memory of Ensign Wortn Bagley was unveiled la Capitol park to day. Ensign Bagley was a son of Norta Carolina. - He loat his life aboard the torpedo boat Winalow at Cardenas and was the first American officer killed In me war wiia opain, - ,, - The unveiling ceremonies war impressive. The nrooesslon started promptly at noon and marohed to Capl- ioi pmrtL, wnere ue monument stands 4 short distances from the handsome monument to the memory of the Con federate soldiers. Oooupylng places ot -honor on the speakers' stand were Gov. - ernor Glenn and other state officials, the brother and other relaUvea of En ' sign Bagley and several of the offloers of the navy who served with him on the Wlnslow. The exercises began with aa Invocation by the Rev. Dr. John ft. Wat. kins of Spartanburg, who was Worth Bagleys pastor. - The oration of the day '' was delivered by Congressman Rich mond Pearson Hobson ef Alabama, wbe was a friend and fellow offloer of En- ' sign Bagley and also a native son of North Carolina. , . " The monument Is the work of F. H. Packer of New Tork and was paid for by public subscription of the eltlsens of ' Halelgn. The statue Is of bronse, seven -feet la height and represents Ensign Bagley standing with right hand shad ing his eyes and Intently looking at the Spanish vessels and batteries, his left '' hand being In his sword hilt. The Statue stssids on a handsome arantta base suitably Inscribed. ,, 18 CASES ONE MONTANA TOIVI Missoula Is In State of Terror , Victims Principally Girls and Young Women. ' ' . : :Vl " SISJSJSJSJSJsSkJBlBBJSS rf t.fc"' ' ,? !-- General Assembly . of Presby terian Church Takes Up Point Raised by Wedding. HUSBAND NOT THE BOSS !S:' ?'',: - ti "' ' ' ' f,,vi'Awi:v ."S(r) Dr. Short Says Bight Kind of Home main thing to be considered!, even view gate the prosecuting attorney In a municipal election. He holds of Ada county, Idaho, a chance. to tip party, and obscures the view of get into print and make himself In the people. It is an almost out-of- an incidentaj sort of way for a few date recurrence of the save-the-party minutes a figure in the great Case, plea, with no reference to the pres-land he seixed the opportunity, like ent . candidates for , mayor, we say J a small and fiunirry fish, with avid that for all the great majority of ty. With reiterated and pompous Republicans in, this city to follow phraseology he laBsures" tbel coUrt, out mis aavice on all occasions In and the array of eminent attorneys, city as weu as otner elections would and the government, and the conn, be to the advantage ot a very few try, and the world, that he has thor ot them and the disadvantage of the oughly , Investigated, and has absc jnais of thenv-for thus they would lutely ' and V utterly proved, or ' dls slmply bind themselves to a party proved, air the motives; Intentions, n' ' . designs and secret thoughts of every- ,: , , Pr f lV la no wl" hody concerned, and - found , them contemplates the binding of me or whUe u snow and soft as wool. In ton men to vote la the election as the amnlitnde.of his wtsdam and one man voted In the primary. Vote for the best Interests of all "the peo r!e. Including yourselves, of what. under the . tremendous ;responsIbHf tles of his office, he does suggest to the court - the formation s,nd aa- Havtna' the numni is the Brevelllne- mother of his children. She ought to fad la this region Just now, says the have taken fully one-half of all the man Klamath Falls Republican. Nearly ev- had as her personal share, and half of erybody has had them, now has them, the remainder should have gone to euo- or is Just 'about to take them. port his children. Were this course fol- J v . a , i lowed In cases or divorce hko twa one, , Tygh Valley Bees We were told of a there would be fewer of them. . little ahnntlnr arrana that ruwnrrikA a. The preacher who sold his clerical Wamlc but through fear of the same radical sentiments bv the recent Core function for a mess of pottage got parties using a run on us we refrain I Oilman wedding: which nreclDltated a 11,000, too much for such a "steward of from giving a full account of It ' J storm of protest on the Rev. J. I Clark, there every day, Has No Ruler. (Joemar SDeHal Sarvlea.l little shooting scrape that occurred atf- Columbus, Ohio, May tO.i-Stlrred to the mysteries of God, but too little for so great a sacrifice of principle. The whole affair was juat sucn a "The Home. Its Head, or Who Is the Boss," was the subject of a verv interesting aermon preached by Dr. Fran cis Burgette Short at the Taylor street Methodist church last night, In which he emphasised the fact that there should be no boss. Dr. Short stated that the ideal home could not be attained unless the Oodess ' of JLova : held -her. court He said that the head of , the family should be the husband WSpeetil piapateb The JoernaLl . .1 """v., mmr in sua- , 1 I vi "nona Juarpny trom , spinsj meningitis Friday and the ex-s lstence of not less than II oases In this' city are causing consternation amonar parents. Several deaths have already occurred from the dread disease dur ing the past ;few weeks v and while there does not appear to be an eni. damio the cases are becoming so nu- ; merous as to excite Intense a ad ran. oral apprehension. The . majority of the eases seem to be among girls and young women and several are vaf-r low , at this time with small hope of recovery. It Is likely that during the present week aa effort will be made to see that la the future the funerals of those dying from this disease shall be ' nrlvata. .:-.,-.:, ... , The swiftness with which the vlslta- , tlon has descended is shown In the fact that IS cases have developed In the time required for the one fatal , case, that of Miss Morphia to run Its course. Missoula' Is anwally , under . the Shadow of this plafue,. wliloh breaks out every spring in a certain district In the .Bitter Root valley some die tance to the southward. In this dis trict once a year the question, is aim- ply, "Who will die this year V so cer tain is the regular decimation to take place,; The source of this peculiarly local Infection has long been sought in vain, state ' commissions and the most learned experta having been at various times engaged la Investlm? tions. ' ' . i - " . Missoula, however, has never before been stricken. r SCI0 MILLMEN ACCUSE EDWARDS OF F0RGI - , e : m ; i. .. - iwno marnea ue muiu-miiuonaire and A ajMSaaw, ant wltsl f4e !) 14rM aM1 1a A the actress, the general assembly of the because It had been dlvlnelv ZrS"MZSiZJL'L?ZZ 7? Presbyterian church l session w. fa w ..m-. r Py?? LSlf" . 5 rhlskijv He w going to Portland, to decidedly totor- s "Ood, made him not only first, but get married and this was his last chance. I , ".w, zr " oiyaree i maae nim oi stronger xrame ana coarser His wife.wUl be lucky If he continues! . WOT . . 1 " ' V ! inoer, xnai ne migni pe.tna nuraen near- a. a . , . ... i - a resort miuui u nnacM in bt th, .mimim .r t bm. n.i adopted dealing with the question says: therefore, my brother, is your respon- v. I nm approve max recommenaauon oriaiMlltv aa Miahand. and dHuhl a-ntat A iJDUU lunik iii.iuuuiu. m uiwu . . . . . - is ' ' w " of ducke into that section that. he says P ww-ohurch conference that minis- and nobly great should you be both hue are eertalnly prise- takers. From Feb n -"honld i refuse . to marry divorced band . and - father. .. There are hearts ruary X to May It four of these fowls Z?-?!!?0"7 lt 5 warm, tender, eolloltous, true hear)ts lald Z8 eggs, or an average of 73 fori " " r . " . " 7 .r'Trsr nat ioo up a you ror neip, ior noma, each duck In 77 days, i , V , ; a w rwnos . tiniiaeuiy;, for happiness.- There are lives whose i j i i"" '"r, it : ." J"i"r "" I aestiny you noiai in your nana. There finn m. isauancv w uie aecree. are other homes Whose tmosohere and Such" resolutions will fall to accom- johaijectar you are deciding. I mean the esoected from a man so careless of right as Corey and at the hands of the dasMng footlights beauty whose career had done nothing towards tne elevation of the stage. Whoever inspired tne lav ish display of weaitn oia not snow gooa taste, ' " - ' These vulswr manlfeatatlons of what money can do live more evil effect tn the world than a hundred puipits coun teract in sermons once a week in a year. Every reader of the publlo prints knows all about this wedding. Those to think so. A Bend man is introducing a 1 The farmers around Dayton are mak- v. i.m wtira n antMnta 1 ing many Improvements , this season. I mi h thi nnrnnn nnia,. taah....n. may be had are by moral training, In- the Optimist, The one 'ature of Ure enjoined 4toM exeroiaythe vlgUahoe telllgent cultivation, f gooa taste ana vH.. uus ana discipline necessary to protect the wholesome assoclaUons protected from proper care of the good trees will do church from scandal. ..Those who want Its Influence. Those not so protected mu:n towa raising tho value cf farm to seem respectable greatly desire to naturally are lmDuea wim envy . ine i , y i nave xne . ciobk or eociesiasiicai sane- rich men with a conception that this . .Za.Z. - Uon thrown over their marriages. The sort of thing is happiness and that no I ' Two iz-year-oid Astoria boys placed minister ' who proclaims anU-confes. happiness is possible without plenty f ,wu"r " vn T,. . "?no. ni5 " ,lon1 doctrines or performs marriages futvlrej homes of your children." saymTf' " .... ' ll,i.l,Hw , Than a t vV. , aA n.t.k ... Men like corey-tcina.e more urn m '' ; :."v m" -....-.wm. n discontent and make more socialists P.s-cea in me noie, tne noye saving the than Emma Goldmarr and Pbs, ii;tS, This J Date In . History. ifl Christopher Columbus died. 1SS6 French iand Dutch defeated (InanlardB at Avein. - 1781 IJaTia inaiey rieia, clergyman and author, born. ; 1808 John Stuart uu, ponucai econ omist; born. Died May , 187B. , ; 1HI4 France announced ber Intention to retain Algiers permanently. 1819 Austrtans aeieaiea at xtonte- bella. '. 1 881 north uaronn seceaea xrom tne anion. - ' m ... - , 4f)6S Republican convention at Chi cago nominated Grant and Colfax. 18788t. Patrick's : cathedral, Ne Tork Cltv. dedicated. 1898 General Jose Marti, uub&a the church courts.1 expectation oi seeing tne can. sail up through the air. Instead the can ex ploded and the: boys narrowly escaped sudden death. 1 ; Brownsville , Times: The growlers. knockers and cold water, throwers now have an opportunity , to go down . and ait on the railroad track and watch the work of development going on the new fruit cannery. You can get Out your little hammers and . knock r to neari s content, tne enterprise is a go in spite or you. WHITE SALMON HAS ItS FIRST. CITY GOVERNMENT i : (Spaclal Dispatch to The 'Journal.) ' Hood River, Or., May 20. White SaJU Z:?m organised with & M. Wolfard as mayor, not sanctioned by the Presbyterian I For the third time Mr. Wolfard has been chosen the first mayor In towns of which he has been a resident,, hav ing acted first 1a this capacity for Hood Incendiary' Bridge Fire. (Special PlaDtteh to -The loarasl.l Hood River, Or., May 80. -A fire River, , at Colton, .Washington, -and at which is said to nave been the work of 1 White Salmon. ! A tie vote between J, Incendiaries was started under. the up- A. Byrne and A. F Smith for council per bridge ' over . .the White ; Salmon man was decided in favor of the for mer, but was discovered and .extin-l mer. The other omcers of the new gulshed before It had gained much I city government are: Councilman, A. H. headway. : It was seen first by some JewetL F. L. Rosegrant. A. B. Gros- iourlboys, who alarmed the neighborhood. Ihopg. J. W. Gearhart: city treasurer, The destruction of the bridge would JR. Lauterbach; city clerk, II. E. Bow- have meant considerable loss to the I man; recorder, K. , Fie'd; marshal,. F. county and . much Inconvenience tolGroshong. ,, i ' ;?. revolutionist, killed In battle. 1M Tomas Estrada Palma Inaugu rated first president ef the republlo of I comers and bomcseekers the proner en- twUM, " - i ooursgemeaii Why in thunder Is It that while Drain traffic has the brightest prospects of any town ' . . 1 in Oregon. It seems that every town in Canal Purchaser Besigns. the entire oountry is outgrowing us In " . i (Journal Special Service.) population? asks the Nonpareil. Is it I . Washington, May SO. David W. Ross, I Converse who today retired as chief of because about all the vacant lots tnlthe 810.000 a year general mirchaalna-1 the bureau of navigation tif 'the navv town belong to outside parties who are agent of the Isthmian canal commission, 1 department, .has been made president of Admiral Converse Honored. -' T (Journal Special ferrlea.) Washington, May JO. Rear-Admiral (Special I)lf pitch' to The Joernal.) Albany, Or., May tO. George Ed- . . wards,, oi this county, is wanted on a charge of forgery. He has until re-1 . centty been In the employ of the Brown A Stamp Lumbering company, near Soto. He is charged with forging one ehe?k " for 186 and two for 188.50, both pur ported to have been dra,wn by the com pany, his employer. The two checks for I88.S0 .each, were cashed by merchants ,4. of ficio... Tne check for 888 'he under ' took , to cah by turning It over to a ' railroad section man at Sublimity, but this attempt to realise on It failed. Af ter this he Immediately disappeared and -It la learned that he was last-seen fit Portland, ,r , " . v- ? " CITY AND COUNTY MAY. . BUILD JOINTLY AT BOISE .(Special Plapateh to The Journal! ' " Boise. Idaho. May SO. At a meet ing of representative business men and taxpayers here it seemed to be the al-. , moat unanimous opinionr that the city of Boise and the county of Ada should' ; erect a Joint administration bu for , city." and county purposes, nt : tvrnaa nresent thought a Stru to cost , from - fjso.oow ; , to su,ooo should be erected in order to keep pace with this growing city and. such a. building is a not remote possibility. sjiouia - i rue t ure services with some Chicago firm. , He came here which President Roosevelt warmly com- (under the Shoot retime, - . ' - Ijllmonted to a fiersonal letter. - HOTEL AT HERMIST0N ALLOWED TO BE WET ' (Bpaelal Dhpateh to The Jonrnal.l , .Hermlston, Or., . May 80 In' the heart of the Umatilla Irrigation- project. -In Umatilla county, a bar will be al- lowed; in, the Hotel Hermlston, accord lng to the decision o the county court, i A fight had been waged against the saloon by one side of the town. The holdlngjprlcee too high, or because our I has tendered his resignation. It Is un-the board of construction, as a epeclatf matter- was before - the court for-, a peopie are too eareiess to oner new- aerstood that ne naa accepted a position mark of distinction for his a-Mk. but. was flnallv decided In favor of C L Morgan, proprietor of the Ho tel Hermlston. v - - : h