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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING,' MAY 0, IC07. MONTAGUE REPLIES TO : . " SAILORS ACCUSE IE OF JOSIM FU0 JIOSPfTAL JIDS MDDIIIG 1 Dfly AT IILIEB flCIO III . CAKE'S OPEN LETTER FOR EAST SIDE i 17IIII HOT moil THE FALLS CITY HIS 'VIFE'S FACE ,v BHB"'- , " . 4 , --sssasnssBBsssssssSBssSBBSjssB . , . i .. i. r t ' '''' Laying of Cornenrtone of Mc- Enraged Husband of Mrt. Sadie 1 4Throws Javelin at Republican Leader for Refusing to Arrange a Say He Forced Them to Stand Construction Will Begin Soon on Leabo Fires Fusillade of Que- 1 the New Homeopathlo . v v;v ;; Inttitutoini, - Joint Debate of Mayoralty Candidate North End Sup : on Ship's Deck and See a V Seaman Drown. ; - tione at Secretary of the Campaign Committee. Loughlin Institute Made 4 - Notable Event; Hengeveld Disfigures Her for Life. H J port Again Brought UpConceded to Devlin. !W. M. Cake chairman of the Repub lican city central committee, la handed at bard Jolt by R. W. Montagu la anmr to the open letter sent , to Sir. . Hon tags Saturday nlghl. Mr. . Cake & Wrote an answer to tha challenge sent ' tr Mr. Montague for an opan debate be f twaen Mr. Devlin and Or. Lane and de clined to pick up tba (rare. In It ha - tnade soms sarcastto statements, which are answered by Mr. Montagu today. (Th let far fnltiamt ; i - "Hon. W, M. Cake, Chairman riepub y glean City Committee Dear Sir: Tha ajrounda which you assign for tha delay ... In answering our proposal for Joint ' debate baring- been frankly denominated ' an excues by you . wo . will cheerfully , accept them aa such, merely noting our i regret that not even an excuse la forth ; coming for tha omission to answer our propoaal for publication of election ac- ojounta of which more hereafter. , . . corrects mom . "At preaent we wiah only to submit - .1- - suggestion, or two In correction of ,4 certain errors or mtaapprehenalona Into -, wrhlch (with derereuoe) wo think yon f fcavo fallen. Ton complain that the .' r attempt haa been made, impliedly by jpuraelrea or tha dlatlngutahed advocate ' kt our cause, to Identify the Republican f arty with "north and and disreputable ,f characters.' , . :.;.,k-. -. "in truth - tha matter ataada onlte . otherwise. It la a perfectly tadlspat- Bible fact that north end and diarepn table ' fcharacters in great number, practically . the entire political element know aa r tha north and.- la energetically eppowtng ?r. Lane's reelection. They are doing hla for tha reaaon that th policy and riractlce' of hla administration haa fcesw njurious to their Interests. They are : eUl. for Mr. Devlin and formed aa lea pert- art factor In hla vote at the primaries as weu aa in hla preaent support. . ' "It aeema too obvious for argument, therefore, that It is those who are at- ' (Special Mipetrt to The Jnaraill Taooma, Wash., May JO. -Almost within th hour In which the water of Commencement bay engulfed her 10- . i .. a.,ii wMtHa tviirafnir. tempting to ally th Reoublloan party L:V.rV.. '1a T. ... ZZZZ with thla element who are really seek-I ...... w. --- VAVa if thai tnt0J'S9ntlt' ht party with north and united Kingdom on tha British lark U...CVUUIS Gnaraciers, ana not Marlon i Joslah. Hurrying from nor in. iiae ourseivea, who are urging hom- 9t ge,ttla. th frantic mother Plana ar being prepared in th office of Whldden A Lewie for th new East Sid hospital, which la to be erected by tha Portland Homeopathlo Dispensary association. The , proposed . hospital building will occupy th block bounded by Multnomah, Haasalo, East ' Second and East Third streets, with th main front on Multnomah street Tha plan calls for a 100 by 100-foot War la on In tha ranka of th Union Labor party over the action of E. K. Baddlng . In refusing; to fll th -Union Labor ticket on Saturday, thus throwing tne. party ou. of a chance to appear on tha official ballot tBaddlng haa come io am i run i wiin an explanation or nis ooursa of action, taking the ground that ho refused to sign and file th petition because there war less than 100 peopl " ooa .c.m,ena RepubUoans and Dem- reached th dock yeaterday and thsr atructuro. fouratorlea hls-h. which will t the nominating convention. ii:.V it thmselvea against rfoun(l ner dream waa a reality. j cost between ITS.000 and $106,000. Thla Raddlng says that T. M. Leabo took "a,'wllh tnM lamU which have I Along, w!tn tht a,ath ot McMartln ar building will contain th administration ohrg of th nominating petitions and rr. ' a. v Bneonflrmed charges against in nrstf department and sufficient wards and m i-h.T. .V.. . a "ow ' tho Joslah. Sailors who wer I prlvat rooms for tha present needs of " Zl in. iHirn.,ii.j lbolrt th, snip wnen ;xn Doy wss tha institution. Provision la mad In rITf- r..?.!87. T. y0" o?1 drowned and who were brought aahore I the plan for th addition of two four. "v,." L 1 wu "T"?lr l"l yesterday, ntatd tnat . wnen iney at- story wings, each 100-feet long, and ax V"-"I .TmvZn' ,n,ra a' I tempted to Jump overboard ana lav tending f rom th main struetur to . . ,. ' young McMarUn thay wer swept mck I UmmIo ' atraai - Tha block to b cov - ; ,iwOTswwsji i upon th deck by tn nrst mate, .wnoi 9Td by. th hospital la known aa th ony remain a matter oil at ma point or a gun commanded inem i Breyman homestead, and la now oceu minor Importaaca. Ton say that you to keep tnelr places. This statement p!e4 by th Breyman residence, which h 7"ia us in ioe alternative! couia not n in inr orm vnniirmni, plainly axpressed" la our letter of th as a number of aallors who. hsd been for weeks on tha ahlpwaltlngforher J sail wer brought aahore and- turned adrift ' - ;!V:f,,i: Captain Says Mere aOsohaaoa. Th aallors say young McMartln exercise of unjust secret- and Im proper Influences. Being well conver sant with the English language you know, of course, that oar letter doe not express, plainly or atharwls. any such alternative of action on our part It positively does declare tha contrary. But we will agrea wtth yon her again thus far: that yon certainly will not I a rood swimmer, but when in th water join as w ins exerciee or unjust, i it is - believed h wss seisea witn a secret or Improper Influences, since. If I cramp. He sank and aa h ross th any such ar need. It shall b by roar- first tlm h called to his messmates acted In a mysterious manner In at tempting to seour signatures. Raddlng also states that he has been an expo nent of a real labor ticket for a long Urns, but that a few "self-styled, lead- era" hav taken the matter Into their own hands. ; addln4 Sxplalaa, Aa anothsr - explanation. Raddlng atataa he took th aneaUon of th oon- and fitted up as a I ventlon's legality up with a number of tn members of th Bulldls Trades Plans snd SDeei float Ions-of th tro- AUIanca and that -thv told him ttisv posed building will be finished In about I would take action against him for per to days, when bids for Its construction I Jury should he certify to th ticket and j Mill V. - U - T, h.1UA4 MM. 4 MM Ml. . m w bmrw V1. , m imivivj .vn- umm . vu w,. A . 1 , : I . . . . . . . a- I - , . - - " mm ii i i i r - . - ' ' I inir OI tne WHiiri who mmmm iu ur iiw wufyi witn ins women Ihn- tk. jumped overboard In an attempt to awlra jrly 1, but that It will probSly bo alments of Raddlng and oractlcallv reads i1.'? .th. J0'BM" ' f014 .'t0 f0 I ' toj-oh th dlsUnc of a elty block to snor ar bfor th building Is ready for I him ont-of th labor union ranka." Pur- nM 1T-? mP JL""1? iT? ??r DUl RV hsr o sev rill ' bs retained nurses' horn. .' Mrg, Sadl Hngeveld, dlvoroed lfT of John Hengeveld, an employ of tha "Wilson A Clark sawmill at Llnnton, Is ("pedal Dispatch The Joara.U -Oreaon City. May 20. Yesterday was th day that hag long been .looked for bv the members of tho -St John's church, as well as-tha cltlsena of the I seriously disfigured ss the result of entire vlolnlty for soms urns past Tne an attack upon her yesterday by her vent was th laying of tha corner- husband. VHa threw th. ntit. . cloudy and threatenlns rain a, larg bU" hf Jln,u"': ' ' ' . crowd was pressnt onatawf ou wagner yes- Tha srvtos of th day besan at an wrday to locat th msn were futile, aarly hour, tha first servlc being earjy However, ss soon as a . warrant la is- mas, which a larg number attended, sued h will maks further :ttnrt A At 10 o'clock second mass waa held and find him, , , . -those who attended had tha fortune to ' l4anSTlVAlV ShMit Via. KlS. . mm hsar Arcbblshlp Chrlstls, who delivered U" "'"buk iu, VTr'J th SM-mon, and rather Sherman who "T,r"ntt" UV both hav llyd x.ii.. . ehnrt adireas. At about 11 M Llnnton. . Th , woman waa awarded o'clock tha srowd began to gather about ooatody of th ahlldren. Tssterday th th platform constructed nssr the place father Invited th eldest daughter to ao of th corner-ston laying on whloh th company him to tha theatr last night speakers of the day war seated.' , and became angered when her mother Father HUlebrand waa tha first -to refused to permit the girl to an address the gathering and as'bs did sol Th woman and th daughter were at ha- apoke - of -tha .work that waaJiow I theUnnton staUon yssterday- af tsr- nearly completed and of how the! noon wafting for a train for Portland, thoughts of a short tlm ago had been whera ah, had secured mninnu.T brought to a realisation Ha spoke fur-1 Th husband approached and aftsr a to escape servlc on th ship. He wss occupancy. salvoa alona. 1i tha hop that the respective cad- dldates for whom w ar tabortag may aseot with tha sue ess they deserve, we remain, very alnesraly. "RICHARD W. MONTAOtiifc, Chairman. A. AMBROSK, . " rseerstary. HORS 0 ES DURING DIG IT 1 , , . as Rede LOYAL HUSBAND RESIGNS PLACE -,. .- .... ".. " - . r X ' - . BECAUSE WIFE REQUESTED IT for assistance i A sailor throw htm a Ufa buoy. Others made a dash to Jump overboard. At this moment they say, they were swept back at tha point of a gun by th first mat, who, they allege, feared soms of them would desert, and McMartln sank. Small boats were later put out in an attempt , to recover hla body, but their search waa In vain. Tha polio knew nothing of th affair .... .1, t.. i.. .v, - rrk.M t v. ,mA but. :.brtf Interview , with Captain "tn h nrant. sktoDer of the ahtn who talked I past month the local authorities are wtth Chief Malony. Hia yeralon of the drowning was tho simple narrative that the lad had been drowned while attempt ing to escape to eher from tha ship. - 4 If all husbands showed as much def t iarence for tho wishes of their help : meet as Frank A. Orlmm, dlvoree pvould be Infrequent and "until death do ,: fys part" would not be listed as a hol i iiow mockery. ,v After tmssing tha civil service exam : ((nation for admission to the police de ; partment dulrworn In and assigned " to the first night .relief, Grimm, who i was on of the 17 patrolmen Recently appointed, handed lft JiIk resignation to ' rChlef Orltxmacher this tnoYNug to take ffect at once.- 1 N. ' Grimm haa been In the empldKnf the Portland Railway. Light & Power - tianr for some time and resides at 111 Monroe street According to the state k merit msde to the chief. Orlmm volun ' tartly surrenders his star at the special ' Instance and request of his wife,-and - will. .resume his duties with th rail- -ay" company. , , . Proud of her husband's ability to have passed with flying colors the edu cation al and physical testa required of candidates for a blue uniform, Mrs. Orlmm at first did not vouchsafe any objection to hsr spouse's adoption of a new profession. r . v : As hla duty required him ' to safe guard th lives and property of the community during the hours .when graveyards yawn and ghosts are wont to do their nocturnal cake-walks, Mrs. Orlmm am to the conclusion that she would rather have hubby ring up fares during the day and remain home at night -She confided her desire to her husband and Orlmm forthwith handed In hla resignation. - V-fl am extremely sorry at artmm's decision," said Chief Orittmacher this morning. 1 am aure he. would, have made an: teeltht' officer, but he Is to be commended for "hla loydlty to ALL TACOMA JAPS SAY OMATO VERY BAO MAN ther InvesUgatlon will be mads, of the esse and aotloa perhaps taken . at future meeting of the Union Labor party's central committee. The state ment of Mr. Leabo, seoretsry of the committee, is aa fo"owe:' , r . V ; "I do not know that It is necessary to make an extended explanation re- thls matter, aa the central com- of the labor party will no doubt . thorough Investigation. 8o far Reading's statement is concerned. I have never asked for anything from the isdot ranis ana tne positions I now hold Aa th result of the urge number or I nave peon tendered mo voluntarily and nanimousiy. Oivee Badding a Jab. firmly convinced that a well-organised od fsr as thla man Raddlng Is eon hand Of horse thieves have their head-1 corned, I haven t tha time or incline' Quarters in thla city. Several deteo- tax mm or hia mouthing a Uvea have been working; on the oaaa for TttualZ" has no standing in ths the neat waV hut an hava taa n. I bOnS-f Id Ubor TSnkS Of this dtV and able to aeoure tha slightest due that P1" a Questionable quantity would lead to the apprehension of the ;"u "r since i 4Jewis wara crlmlnala Reports are continually com- "',. u' w"4, " " P in, tmmry AutaMa na A th. f "Ills statement In this momlr Uona of th gang, and It la believed that 71 J MV .A1""- 00 1,01 fMW these prominent men of Oregon to join (about the .ace that ahe will likely be1 In ths services which , wsre about to I disfigured for life, Uke pUce. , -v , - - Mrs. Hsngsveld reported the affair to s Ths first speaker introduced by th offlcera on hr arrival and Constable Father HUlebrand wad ..-Mayor Cau- Wagner spent the afternoon at Llnnton field of thla cltyv who, ha said, was ths In search of ihe man. Ha failed t In. first person he became acquainted with cat Hengeveld, however, and tha worn- wnen ne came to mis city soms ian wm swear to a warrant today. years mfo. . Other speakers wsre Grant Dlmlck, Judge McBrtde. Senator Oesrln, Father Sherman- and Archbishop Christ is. IS S.P. HOLD OP TRAINS ud ukely to eg on srousi m tnif Reform , Administration First Wants to Be 8ufe It His a Lid That Will Fit. BAiilhaM ' aVfi a4 Wl m w f aa saskMp4saak sawsisa-l dfYriaa a.Aa.a-.a a a. i a ' ' 1 I pvmiuvi ii aavssu sibiu avwt f iubj wetaap i " i FtTmn .p4 completely demoralised today by two de railments, one near Oold Hill and an- Begins Todayr a mm RID; ... , I . , f. hi cram ' What promises to bs one of the most successful grand lodge conventions In T ths history of the Knights of Pythias ? !l'l!!!Jl??ag. ? the Climbing of dented 'prosperity; Several of tha sub ordinate lodges . have ponstruoted and mnvsd into their own oaati balls during th rear and additions to tfie .ranks of the followers of Friendship, Charter and Benevolence have been large. Following the established custom ADd-uhi-atef temple No. 117. Dramatic Order Knights of Khoraasan, will oonfer tne nonors or this historical slds degree on 79 tyros. According to the announce. ment made personally conducted excur sions will leave K. P. depot at 10 p, m May Si, for a tour of Egypt and the noiy una via the desert of Khoraasan. Jnorrow morning at 10 o'clock in Pythian .. Castle. Twelfth and Alder streets, and : -will last for three days. Every train i arriving today is bringing its quota of delegates from every section of tne f atsto and it Is expected that with the I opening- of tho grand lodge tomorrow the majority of representatives of the ' Subordinate lodges will be ea hand, Special preparations srs being mads by the local lodges to- entertain their brethren. A large reception committee ;' Is on duty at the Union depot today to - bid the visitors welcome and every of- :fort will be put forth properly to re 'cetve and entertain the Sir Knlghta and i their ladlea. - . - : 1 : :,::; Srew Oastlss iBullf. c . Business of great importance to the order in this state la to be transacted - and' the reports' of the grand Officers t ahow that Pythian lodges In this state ' have entered upon an era of unprece I ' f : -1 5 . , tar' th pyramids, a visit to th harem, a bath in the Red sea, an opportunity to bock the Ufer and to as Tlmbuetoo. . Many SigHts Om Ttip:' The features of the trtn will be the river MUe with ito banaust of iimitrt joy,- the tamale volcano "-Chllf In erup tion, the near food, moisture proof, wet less waters, and th bubbling well of Zem ' Zem. . A banquet will be served upon the arrival of the caravan at Khoraasan In honor of -the excursion lets, Is they are able to partake or food after the strenuous experiences In store for tnem. Several sight seeing trios have been arranged for the grand lodg delegates ana receptions win m held nightly at io various casus nniis in tne City. it - waa - tne intention : ef ; Suoreme Chancellor a. a. Barnes to. attend the grand lodge sessions In Oregon, Wash ington and California, but owing to unforeseen circumstances the distin gxilehed Pythian has cancelled his trip to tne coast (SpeeUl Plipitcb te Th Journal.) ' fipokane. Wash., May tO.The first Order from ths reform nirsr name Mat. the crooks are disposing of thslr Pun- "V"a'" !?7h"0fti"? other su miles aouth of Ofegon Oty. urday hlght and was for all tha va- der la Washington. Srti?taa Wurld?J aa ?.I Th California due grants and paraaltea to more oa The R. Patterson, an employe of the East I Fff?. a? T?B.,n ' tto hara thla morning will not arrive until police were m.trncted (. m im tha BMa Lnmhav nnmnanv. raaMlna- at 1A lnB Vc" was maae UP; men . WOUId n.M , ... .. I j " ft tt -.l--J ' mm. i I . .7 "! -- " --. " -'"laa him Whv itM ti nn n.. I . ... . i " : " uwwu-imeu7, I ney nave naisea a nousana .tre. reponea to . pone. fippo ih pWosnioVand wh did h. . kf,"'f. w!l!' hr?.w"L for Defense on TrialWhicK Kiontoh barn test" night Detective Price - haa "V I jriV.A ?" Ott" wheel. There-were no injuries to been detallsd to make an investigation. .a'S,,u ?0 Tothir thaiVhr, trln,nen- "sar Oold Hill last night a but as yet has. been unable to locate 7n- 17? i.-.e ?t,"uiAh?e?, lllfht engine was derailed and proved so either the equlnes or thieves. i;." . ,:ZZ ' Cr u refractory that It wss replaced on the tss'sfsimsMMat tM-'r;:."l,:'; srsat GOVERNOR APPOINTS '" ?eetm. HONORARY DELEGATES vXSEt T LSS ury-irvasorer or tne campaign commit tee at ita meeting Friday night, and the i same evening appear before the Federated Tradea council and ask for a donation, which waa granted? - aBk ataddlnr Qnestloaa. -Again, wny, if the matter was 11 ' - (Special Diipetch to Tbe Jonrnil.) ' Tacoma, Wash., May 10. Ths trial of M. Morlyasu and T Nakamura, the two Japanese who murdered their coun tryman, H. Omato, a month ago, came un In the criminal court here this mora- Inf.- THS ' Japanese - cheerfully admit Killing omato, and accuse him pf be ing a very bad man. anese colony of Taooma is strongly in sympathy with the self-confessed mur 'derers and haa raised a fund ef ll.OOP to- clear.- the men. - Omato Is alleged by respectable 'Jap anese of the city to have been a dan gerous roan, extorting money from loial Japanese and threatening them , whan they refused. Two years ago ths police - (Bpecttl riptcl to n Joaretl.) : Salem. Or.. May 20. Governor Cham. The enUra. Japf l berlain-today appointed the following delegates tq the national conference ef-Charities and Corrections which meets. June II to June 2 at Minne apolis rfiev.- A. A. Meoro, Salem : Rev, E. P. Murphy, Portland; Rer. E. ,W. St Pierre, Salem: Perne A. Cochran, Wood burn; 0 W. Jaoios, Baker City; Millie Trumbull, Rev. n, Abrahams, Rev, J. F. Ghormley and Ray. W. H. Behrens, strictly. About I o'clock Saturday evening Mayor Moor and Chief Rice, accompa nied by tetaXUvs Herndon and Brlley, went alummlng. They went through tha two principal blocks populated from tbe underworld and Visited 'the vsrtsty theatres and several other reeorta. in. No par-1 eluding certain saloons . and noodle Joints. ... , .,:. - ... ' Bo far the saloons have not taken stps to remodel their methods of oper ation. They claim they will wait for the aotual enforcement of the reform ordsrs. f Last , night they had their women liquor Sellers at work. aa usual. The new offlolals, in order to. deter mine heir exact powers, are practically oodlfylng the laws and ordinances 'that viuu imurm are rvywrieu. t STOP OISGRIMINATIOH AGAINST JEWISH RACE found Omato In sn attlo with another Portland, Appointments, as - delegates Japanese whom -he had tied by the wrists, and suspended from the celling, with his. fast Just touching the floor. Japanese Cf. th city had secretly given Information to the police of the torturo to Which the mas waa being subjected, and an investigation showed that Omato waa trying to collect1 money he claimed the man owed him, , ;- The ugly thing about the murder of Omato Is that hla body had seven bul let wounds la the back and seven knife wounds on ths back of the head. The to this gathering is purely honorary Saturday for the avnraae purpose m signing ana nunr tha ne pers of the Labor party and make objection then? - , . i "I would ask Redding further' If-th proceedings of the Labor party were il legal ana irregular why J. I Led. Actlphs of Hotel Man agement. snd delegates who attend must pay I widrs Saturday called on M. O. Allen. their own -sinenses. The call for the candidate for councilman at lars-a. ami convention was sent out by Governor- asked him If It made any difference to Johnson Of Minnesota. X SAW NEGRO SHOOT . BROWNSVILLE POLICE flnnraal Suae tat ervlee.t Waahinrtnn. Mav 80. Testifrlng tn Japanese of ths, city feel relieved at the senate inquiry Into the Brownsville Thornton, bio dcatii, . ,,...,,,.,. him if the Labor ticket waa "knocked In the head,", and upon receiving an In different answer proceeded to meet Mr. Redding and put the "knocking'' process Into execution!, .:;'.. i "IMS rather singular that Raddlne wouia maxo aucn a statement aa ha did In thla morning's paper when he ad mitted to the . notary public. T. O. thfcA ther were fully J00 (Jettrsal Special Serrles.) Washington, D. C, May 10. SImoh Wolf, of Washington, one of the most prominent Jews- In this country, has begun an agitation against hotels which discriminate against persons of Jewish faith or blood. . Wolf is conducting his propaganda, aa' chairman of the board of directors on civil rights of tha union of American Hebrew congregations. Tha board haa members in all , principal, Cities. ' Wolf and other Jewa have been aroused over the report that acoommo- laws, among thent enactments prohibit ing the selling of liquor to minors, the keeping or women tn saloons to sell liquor, prohibiting bolsterousness, pro hibiting th selling of liquor between the hours of S and 8 a. m, and, to cap the whole thing, there Is sn .ordinance giving the' mayor the power to give eny orders necessary to the peaceful welfare and aafsty of the people and city. WHISTLING ALL RIGHT IN I, BAD fR CHAPEL NERVX BURGLAR CHASER SAVES P0ST0FFICE SAFE . mm-1 .ki. .,..nMM u.uJ..l. Dinlni I braaAfit tlix tnaaftna, nraa 114 tr said that he aaw nine ten negro aoldlere. order, but he dldnpt think there waa datlona at the Marlboroutfh-Blenhelm Uncrodlv Students AdODt Trick armed, on the street the night of the over 0 or Hn fsAJiall at the close hotel, at Atlsntlc City, for her two ... J 1 ,! P riot. ?Mid heard one aay: ' TThere goe l' eeting or whV(aMl the nomina- were rerusea to Mrs. Bertha one. -HSaot a aoldler. give It to him." Itlona were made. . Rayner Prank, of Baltimore, slater of The eollc lieutenant ahot and wounded. "I do not accuse any one of being Senator isador Rayner, of Maryland, on RAmires declares that It , was a negro bribed In this matter, but no explana- ! " This is the age of the survival of the quickest s the age of quick ac stion, Today we open a new ' lot of Mens Summer . 'r Suits in novelty pat terns also blue serges. , .' If you want your pick . of the best don't wait. Buy now and you get the full season's wear. $10.00 to $25.00. ' ? LION ClothinqCb CuSlCuhnPicp' Men's and BoW- Outfitters. -1C3 and 163 Third St. . wl." lioluwk Cuililr-J. Ml FIRE STATION FOR . HOLLADAY AVENUE A permit was granted this afternoon to the city for tha construction of 17,100 two-story frame engine house en the corner of Grand and Multnomah avsnuea on tha esst side,, and ths con. tractors, velguth Pierce, began work today. -The new structure will, bs -ths headquarters for Battalion Chief Hoi den. and will be ths home of an engine company and a hose company. It will be completed within Q days. Chemloal comDinv No. 1. on Union avenue, Will be disbanded upon the com pletion Of the new engine house. The truck company on Moiiaday avenue be tween union and Grand avenues will then be moved to the house of engine company, no. t, on tne corner or Third end East Fin. A new truck company will be stationed at the house of engine company No. , on Russell and Wil liams avenue As soon as the hou of cnetnlcal compsny No. 4, located ul Highland, can be converted Into an en sin bouse, the fire fighting force across the rver -Will number seven en gines and two truck companies. Chem ical company No. win be moved to tha volunteer fire hbuee on Mississippi avenue. -'i'.j''cw.;s.'!v. .;..- Chief Campbell atates that the die trict hat grown -too large to place se much dependence on the small chemi cals, henoe tho proposed bhangea, , BAD WEATHER REPORTS : SENDS WHEAT UPWARD ' lewrsel Special Service.) ' Chtesao. May 20 Wheat Is getting np again on bad weather reports from the northwest, Jones, the crop expert, i estlmatee the winter; wheat crop at IZS, 000.000 bushels against the govern ment estimate In May 1. Of IH.OOO.OOO bushels.. t- -i- 'y,- . -1. -. '..5 , soimer wno sno.nim, 'S - tion could be made that, could Justify such, a procedure." ' , . v- (Special DUpateb to Tbe Jonro.l.) -. Sookade. Wash., May JOTwo burg lars who pried up a window and entered the Medical Lake postof f ice building about S o'clock In the morning got SIS from the newstsnd and then aet in to blow the safe. J, if, Qoldbeck, a mar chant., who lives over ths store, was awaksnnd by the noise. He took a gun New Bedford, Mass.. May to. Textile Helena, Mont., May So. Attorney and went through the store but saw workers object to ; the enrollment of J General Galen, has forwarded to County nothing. He then opened the door and Chinese and Japanese students in textile Attorney Harvey at Livingston, a corn- stepped into the street. He thought he I schools. It is claimed that sines tne plaint to be rued against the Northern OBJECT TO ORIENTALS ' AT TEXTILEaSCHOOLS iJnnraal SdmMI tervle.t Th' cundT.M uniiDC ne MONTANA TRAINMEN the ground that tbey were Hebrew. Other' Information of , alleged dlaorinv matlon against Jews by hotel . man agers had been given to Wolf prior to the incident in which Mrs. Frank figured, and - his letter to the board of directors asking action against this proscription was written several days priof to that'! It waa prompted by the of Evangelist Who Scores Sunday Papers. (Special Dlspeles to The JoerB.t.t Salem, Or., May SO. The Willam ette university .authorities would not tolerate Evangelist .Haudenschleld's methods of singing when Introduced st chapsl exercises this morning. Hauden- BfhlaM la eandnptlns- revival umkh advertiaement of the Grand-Llden hotel . the Flrat Methodist Eolaconal .hnh at Lake Sunapee, containing state-land last ntsht introduced whiatiina-nr. mentsr 3febrew patronage fiot solicit- the slnslnc of ths aosnel hvmna hsard iron atrlklng iron but could not locate the sound. he walked down the street and rapped a few times on every window, thinking to frighten any burg' lara who might be within. He succeeded The burglars fled after having drilled five inohss Into the safe. Two Inches mors and they would have secured near ly $1,400. Eddy Arguments Heard. IJouraal IdmUL Rrrvloe 1 Concord, N. H., May 20. Arguments were heard today on the motion of the trustees Of Mrs. ddy's estate, asking that-they- be - substituted --for-- "net friends," as -in ths plaintiffs' original suit. Kicks HU Wif to Dath. (Jiwrnel "neclil Servtes.l San Trsnoisoo, May 10 In a drunken fremy this morning Lawrence Murphy, the horse trainer, kicked his wife to death. Her head was reduced wo a pulp. Murphy was arrested. . Hummel Goes to Pen. i A' ' (Jtereat gpeetei rvle.i - New York. May 20. Abraham Hum mel today began his year's sentence for perjury in the Dodge-Morse, divorce case, He went to prison In an automobile. " Kurokl Visits Yale. New Haven. Conh May 20.-OsneraI Kurokl visited Vale today and met Secreury Root, the university and olty officials. A delegation of. Japanese tiidents met ins general. . COFFEE ; If you say of a house,. "gpod toffee, zlit is.hitrh praise;., 'poor coffee" Js nothing1 out of the com- - Tear nocei lelsi ss year ssesey if yea seat like Scsillisg's Beet: v pay alsv , ., , ed," and "Hebrews will not be received aa guests." ELECTRICAL WORKERS OUT WITH PHONE GIRLS Boise, Ida' May 10. Members of the electrical workers' union employed - by the Independent Telephone? company went on strike today in sympathy wtth tha , union operators of that company who went on strike a rew aaye ago. The trouble promises to become quite serious. ; , Certain students believing if it were : good form to whistle at' chnroh it would be. equally good at university. chapel exercises, ; attempted ; It xtt MMtlfitf Ktfft '. avaaa ' anliaafaA mJmrS ODESSA POLICE KILLED f,." rannnraa ta itrtmtMa a-aetnraa and at- (Joarnat Spedtl Servlc,) tltnaa a ttm attantlnn 1 Odessa, May 10 An Infernal tnaohlnai laut mht he attankad flundav made effective before the federal suuj was placed in the chief of police's of- papers snd scored church menjb's ' ute . Dscomes operative a year nenee. i nee juai oeiore ii expioaea y gin l who. read thera. Tne stats noids a ngnt to regulate and two men. Tne -explosion occurred hours as a police regulation, and the as the trio left the bureau. A. guard ease will be taken to the supreme court who pursued - was wounded, but v. cap If necessary. in this specific Instance tured the men, Tha girl escaped. The conductor is alleged to have been superintendent of police : and two de- orient la ue only market open to Amer-1 Pacific railway alleging violation of the I.... tavMia mnnA the education. of orl-1 recentlv enacted law which nrohlhita entals defeats the school's own object employment of trainmen for more than f$IDIpvp AHCC DflMD grounds so far . ' r leept in cases of treat emergency, auch as a wrecit. ine commission was re cently notified that tha Northern Pa clflo would ignore tha law, holding It to be unconstitutional because enacted and compelled to- work to hours in en day. and not on. emergency. PIONEER OF SIXTY-TWO " i DEAD AT THE DALLES ttecttver were killed and seven injured. PORTLAND WOMAN KILLED , IN SOUTH BERKELEY: Word has been received by Dr. David Walker of 70tv Irving street, that his oaugnter. jars, ciincna , vanningmuni was accidentally killed .lit a street car accident in iront oi ner nonra, in eoutn Berkeley, California, Mrs. Cunningham BOAT PULLER DROWNS FROM CAPSIZED BOAT U (Special Dispatch, to Tba Joaraal.) ' Dallas, Or4 May 10. George W11- ploneer resident of Th Pkllss, TEMPERANCE AND NEGRO rilh-tfUl I kllinifw I ur ivw I agsa 1 1 , niea , tnis morning. ne un to thla city in lift from California with May t0. The tern- a pack train of ftupplles. He rati park long was wss married three years ago survived by a S-year-old boy, NO NEW LINES OPENED ..eJ-fEW PEOPLE RIDING Can 1Tranrlan. Maw 10 Wi n llnaal g vnust . . . av aiw Nuiuwoi vnia nsi cava I Increased. Fewer passengers wsrs car ried. The patronage of union 'busses is Increasing. ' - (Mbedlal tlilnttrlt tO Til JotirMl.V L.m.i AllMllnA wealth tirllmlMl tnnln I tralnm frAnt Tha Ttallaa tn ttia mlntl In AStOrta. Or., May tO.Whll . Erick I tha - VJaHvtarla . nHl a.aamhiv YJ.i.. i ... - a... Hapajola and hla , boat Puller, Oscar today. Tha assembly reoelved the hegro jrench A Co.; and Grtnt A Co. M' was A Vail, were returning from the fishing I aiaata r mm tha Pumhariahr hitMh. t..v... n..i.. . grounds, last evening inthelr boat after Dr. ames Wilson of Seattle- ta prent- th? first company organlied In Oregon ewiS; I..e'Lar"l"t fePttrL. he Freedmen's bu- for protection kgalnst flra, east of ths of Do Force Oil works, their boat was reavr-saldi - ;"The nearo eda trained raiHS ... km i-. London, England, in isC:and Came to , Now York in l84. He orossed ths ' Mains in the same year to California, He returned to London In im.y- llo married Miss Rebecca viveg him. They have dren. Mrs. Emma Morris Robert of4Whlte Salmon, Washington, ana urace ei tnis city. no naa oenn sick several weeks, and had been ailing for yearev'4-; :ut'tf..;.rx,ri A resident of )?ortland. She f """ japsised. christian olttsenshlp. Christian train- and lsf napajoia)ng only wiu soive tne proniem." ie managed to Cling to the upturned boat until rescued by anothsr f ishboat crew. The men were fishing for the Columbia River Packers' association. The drown ed man had been in Astoria only about MX weeks. He csme hers from Eureka. California. , - , - FORTY THOUSAND FINE "FOR REBATEST0 TRUST Now TOrk, May tO. The ChicAgd. Rock Island A Paciflo railroad thla aft ernoon pleaded guilty in the federal court to granting rebates to tha Amer ican Sugar & Refining company and waa nned 20,000 upon each ot tba two counts, ' -,-.... 4 SET FOR JUNE ELEVENTH Dr. C.v It T. Atwood will be tried again on June 11 for -manslaughter, ths second' trlsl being - necessary be cadse of- the disagreement- Saturday night of the jury that was empaneled last Week. Dr. Atwood Is accused of manslaughter by performing an Hiatal operation en ' If -year-old ' Hattle Fee. At the trial last week the Jury stood four for conviction and eight for ac quittal. District Attorney Manning says he will make a more determined effort than aver to brlns about Atwood' con viction, . .. . - . . - said that th Iresbytrian church now Supports schools educating over It, 000 negroes. SUPERMAN CAPTURES , BROOKLYN HANDICAP ja.ral ipeeial Bryee.) 'l Chicago, May JO. Superman won the Brooklyn handicap at Oravessnd this af ternoon, beating a field Of 14 and an nexing the $20,000 purss. Beacon Light wns ",ond and Nealon third. The time waa pt01i::--:vTJu?r . , Will Prodttc Murderer Chicaao. 'May JO.-t-AttOrnsya of Her man Blllek. aoOuaed of the murder ot sis members of the Viral family, ap peared in court this morning and ad mitted that the. family", was murdered. ion in lsjs.- iu Arnold. wTpiur i three llvlngolhtA , rls f Portland, wT 7 Juror Is Rejected. - (Rprcltt DUpitiJh te The Joornal. "Boise, Idaho, May SO. George PoWoll, -farmer, was finally accepted as -a' Juror ' provisionally, and the defense leremp" torllv challenged ' Josenh' Chtnn. Both aides hive now exhausted half of their T peremptory challenges. Blckreall Man Baakropt. A Henfy JT. Ellis, a farmer residing: near nli-ltruill Oprnn rilad a natltlnn . In ' 1 1 1 1 .l.:u bWM ' ." . ' " - ww. , . . - - - , r ..... but declared that their client ras -not bankruptcy In the united States oourtv guilty. They declared they. would ,pro- this " morning. His liabiutlsa are ,v lduc the murderer. '.1,410. and his assets 9100. 1