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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
12 3f ffi . -. I SUUn GAME THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY SD. 1S07. nam takes Hit in Right Spot by McCrdI; - and KlnsellaV Steadiness at; Critical Times Win "it. " J' TAR INDIVIDUAL PLAY : EXECUTED BY CARSON ft i Run All Mad tn Flrtt Two Inning!, with' it went the last chanc of th .v, w Hv maq,,, Here's the official scores PORTLAND . AB. R. H. PO. A. E Los ' Angcle Aggregation Ar rive! Here Tomorrow Morning. YESTERDAY'S RBSTJLTI. Portland 4. San Francisco I. . Los Angeles 1-4, Oakland -t. V Standing f Club. -, r- tvoh.- tsifM Los Angeles ....,.,...11 14 .441 . Sin Franclaeo ........It - IS .".111 Oakland . .11. .10 . .114 'Portland . .11 s? 10 .III Shlnn, as. . 4 Lovett, of. ......... b I Casey, 2b. ... I McCredla, rf. ........ I Mott, lb. I Baaaey, If. .......... I Donahue, m 4 Carton, IB. ......... 4 Klnsella, p. . (im.. Totala 0 0 0 1 1 0 1-0 out 0 1 0 0 0 i ,ai.4i Jilt, SAM FRANCISCO. f: ,-, .? . I . t AB.R.H.PO. A.B. bonier, ZD. .......... 4 1 I I x HiJbraad. If, I Whaler. ct ......... 4 Irwin, lb. 4 A wild btnftln h PitnW Roaar. a I Williams, lb. 4 hit In th right apot br Walter MoCredl. g.t.0' .V f an ability of Klnsella to pull out of a w "151 -V s had irl an4 111 .Tlln.l. hrllll.nt I Jjoriany, as. a woa. p. a I Jov i - - Total .i'.'.v.'.'.y.y.'. a o 0 11 II I I 14 14 Joy batted for Hoar In ths ninth. 1- ' SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland , . ......I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Hlta . . 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 " -I San Franclaeo ...,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hlta .....I 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 00 SUMMARY. mv .... m v wrM. BIIUV, UUIBJ lUILQIiai V, V UWRl 1. Baaea on balls Oft Klnaella, 4; oft Hoar, 0. Double play Donahue to Shlnn. Sacrifice hits Hildebrand, Hoag, Bassey. Stolen baaea Wheeler, Irwin, Lovett. First base on errors Portland, 4; San Francisco,"!. Left on baaea Portland, ?: San Franclaeo, T. Time of rams One hour and 68 minutes. Um pire Dernca, - w--'- , " f . arotaa of th Chun. . Whatever becomes of Firs Baseman bad hole and an exceedingly brilliant by First Baseman Carson, com. ned to land Sunday a ram on - the Beavers hook. Ths score was 4 to I.' . Ths runs were all mad In the first two Inntnfs, but ths sad tement "didn't : Stop there, by any means. Several times - V. Out. MBMA I W I ,.; ,UV DM1. VMUV WiUUn Ml VI ': tying the scor or worse, and ones, In the elrhth,- there were two men on bases and nobody out There were other JLthrMinr-incident .lnthin.lnnlflabut ., of them later. - . ', f;'.,1.-"--, Three hits In ths first round Sent three of the Seals across ths pan, but matters were nearlr evened un In the oc-unu nui. eninn rot out, xioar ; walked, Lovett and Casey rot nls bar on First Baseman. William' muff of a t thrown ball. Then Coar walked Mo- Cradle, Mott and Baaaey In sueoesslon, rorclnr twa ram . Innm to 1. . - HaOnaWi Hi Bam T The Seala went out onlcklv tn ihe ' second, but the Beavers sUyed awhile Carson, the Portland fans wlU always a play. Fumbles by WUllams and Hoar I wr apot In their hearts for put Shlnn and Lovett on baaea Casey I mm. wnen a man runs nia ieaa on xor flew out to rlrht, butt Shlnn and Lovett I twistlnr foul, soarlnr at a bad anrla In otucn a pmg on un mrow-in. lnenilu" wua inuni vu vt- csms McCredls with Ms opportune sin-1 mlsslnr It means ths wlnnlnf or loslnr v rle over the third baseman's head. I of ths rame, when he does finally ret , was 4 to I. lnr , and then .Jails over an embank- Both pitchers . were more or less In ment and stllf trips the ball well ths air In the first Jnnlnr- After that there's soraethlnr In that playsr, and ths )both did great work. ' Hoar allowed only Portland fans won't forret It two hits throughout the rame and Kin- Carson has been holdlnr down his Job, ; sella rave only flva Portland'r twlrler knbwlnr It to be only temporary. He showed his strength In the eighth, when Is not stronr at ths bat and while he ths Seals rot busy with ths Intention of bandies ths throws at first with all th landlnr the rme right there. Hllde styls that could be desired, he does -not brand went to his base on four balls and play his position un to the mark when . Wheeler bunted on which Donahue rot a hot grounder la knocked hla way. , Mo- in nme, dui wnicn no mrew to secona ureal nas neon looamr ror a nrst eaae ' In an attempt to fores out Hlldy. Hs man for some time, but he has not as f failed ana both" men "were safe.' Then yet landed any as a certainty. Charles ; the overrrown boy in the box sent In a Atherton, a former playsr In the old ., twister which Irwin could only hit on a California state learns, now at Philadel t corner." ; V !, :, : - S i Phla. Is a possibility for th otacabut Donahue grabbed It a It careened In no definite . arrangement have as yet tne mua ana sent it to uott, roremr out I been mad with him. , . : ':-;...-.- - i. .. t .... K-t-s J:;?,, r-t ' ; . is, L - r i....inr i -- , . ' '. . " - - '- . i." ' . " " ....... ; . . -""" . ' f ' -- JW-MU 1,--' - , . t a - " ' , w, , Tfcli picture rbows the tint crew of th middle of th United State naval academy, upon which th tndent of the Annapolis Institution ar depending for rlctory in the Intercollegiate championship regatta to be held at Poughkeepsle in June. ; Unless this crew shows a big reversal in form. It has .-Jt excellent chance of winning the great efentT7 The crew li boated as followirDatlrt; bowrBftM,No.2riM:ltchard, Nor t; White, No. 4; Lelghton. No. 5; Rockewell, No. 6; McKee, No. 7; Captain' Ingram, stroke; Roberts, coxswain.' field and'had "Casey been on his bar when It was caught bs could havs so 0 red sslly. . e Street was ths first Coast Learns player to send a ball over ths Recreation Park fence this year. It wasn't a fair ball though. It went over Just outside ths right flsld foul flag. ,, , ,' . e e . .- ; Portland 1 a treat baseball town, ths greatest on earth for it slae almost" Who would have expected nearly 4,000 people to brav yesterday's shower and to sit In a eold rrandstand simply to be afforded the chance mot certainty of-fleelnr a ball garnet , Play wa stopped twice en account of shower and hundreds of umbrellas were holstsd on th bleachers. But nobody went boms. "Flay ball!" tbsy yelled, -Hay balll" and again, "Play baUl" Onm starred In th coaohsra box yes terday. , Coachlnr in th big leagues was one a leadinr feature of th ram. Nowaday It 1 next to a lost art. ' e e Kanaka Barney Joy mad his seoond appearance In action in Portland yeater- day. Joy took ths chaff of ths Portland fans In the ninth Inning whan he batted for Hoar- He was ths last man out, sendlnr a fly to Bassey In left field. Hildebrand. One out Then came WU-Hams;- Another slow twister and a mis- arable little bounce to Klnaella. . TO On man wa caught trying- to execute the aquees play yesterday and another third again .shot the Sphere and Wheeler ilTV", T" JT h-w. Vini Ai.-.tJt of--. J failed to score because he was trying came to bat with a wicked light In his . eye and Klnaella let him take his base on balls. The' bases were full with Murphy ;.t bat Murphy, who landed four safe swats Saturday, and ths scor . only 4 to I it favor of Portland.' x Then earn the great play of the day, the great play of the week, ' in fact. Murphy hit a high fool far over toward the same rame. f In th seventh inning, with one man out. Murphy suddenly mad a run for home. -, Mohler wa at th bat and Murphy expected that ths seoond baseman would hit the ball The rlrht fielder would certainly havs scored if Mohler had . knocked the meaalleat thing ever, but he didn't even hit at the ball and as Murphy rushed in Donahue received him with open arms. A mo- Notblng dolnr out at ths grounds to day. Ifa Monday, you know; no ram and not even practloe. Practice in "the mud la worse for the nerve than no practice at all. so today th Beavers take a vacation. Ths Los Angeles ag gregation, which lust beat Oakland to a frlazle in a series of six games, will ar rive tomorrow morninr and in ths after noon the second week's play at Recrea tion Park will begin. Th Angel lead ths league by a narrow margin over Frisco., May Portland narrow th mar gin more before ths end of th week. The battlnr averages of Portland and Ban Francisco for ths wsek are aa fol lows: .-. PORTLAND. AB. H. PC Gum. p. ,,......,, I I .181 Mott lb. ......... ;,io I ' .400 Lovett cf. ....II 7 .III Carson, lb. , ...19 S .150 Shlnn, sa. ..If 6 .227 McCredla, rf. , II 4 .221 Bassey. It II S ,200 Donajuie.'D. l 1 .062 SIX CLUBS VILL ROIY III REGATTA Full List of Entries to Be Made In ; Annual Races of the North PacifIa:AssocIaiion. . COURSE MILE AND HALF ON LAKE WASHINGTON President B. W. Wllbnr Returns From Board Meeting at .Seattle, Wliere All Arrangement for the Event for Fourth Are Completed. SAN FRANCISCO. the right bleachers. . Carson, th first 1 i Ti ...7 . r. .r I;"" t,...mnn 4,lrV.,( him .nd An. hf. " "MUW "Urw IM Blue OJ toes into the mud. Nearly 4,000 spec tator held their breath while Cara-n ran on a-d the sphere shot towar o earth. It Was the speediest move Mr. Carson ever got onto his little footsies. As th ball dropped ha reached far for ward, it .-nded in his mlt tried to spin I flyinr out to Bassey. 1 : i'l , e sey started to run In from third In the jMortarlty 11 AB. 22 W r .......- .20 .i 21 7 . 7 Mohler, Healy Street Murphy Irwin Jones fifth Inning. Bassey was at bat Casey started as soon as Hoag'a arm began to work and bar the time the ball reached Wheeler ...........22 William ...,.20 Hildebrand ....,,..20 H. P.C. .409 .400 .400 .162 .104 .161 .266 .260 .227 .110 .160 away,' but h gripped it hard, the same Bassey's bat Casey was a few feet from Instant flying over the last yard of field the plate. But alas, the batter hit a and tumbling headlong Into th crawl fir and Casey had to spend the rest of I on ths bleachers. J his time ourinr th play getting bacit to I Carson's catch ended the inning and I third. Th fly went to Murphy in right ONLY ONE RUN SCORED, V IN FOURTEEN INNINGS - m 1 - m r i m if it ... t::..:; (Special Olapateh to The laaraal.l Can by Or.. May 20. The G re sham baseball team waa defeated by the Canby ball nine on the Canby diamond yester day in a 14-1 nnlng game. The scor was 1 to 0. The llneua: , Canby - Position. Gresham R. Baty.....,i 0. .......... Hamlin C. Baty. . . ... . , . , .p, , , ... . , , Townsend R. Knight. ........ ss. ......... . Larsen A. Knight....;,... 2b,. Lumberr W. Baty.......... lb.......... Metxaer L. EckerBOtt..., Merrill W. Knight., ......of. ........ i.C. Wirts O. Cruger.......,.rf... Dimick B. Smith. . . ..... .If ........ .R. Merrill .j r K)V 11 a g CIGARETTES are the most satisfying sjiioke ever put inside cigar- ette paper. . " , But when you try them for yourself then youll ' 'know it; Ana you'll tell your friends. You can't helpit. " No 'discriminating smoker who puffs the rich fmp-rance from the "Dubec" tobacco in Sultan. ' can help passing the tip along, "Smoke" 'Sultan Cigarettes. -, ' - , ' '. ' c i ; Dubec"is the designation given by the Turkish ' tobacco experts to the final selection of the very ; cream of tne crop." That's why .Sultan Cigarettes : are made of MPubec." Nothing but the best can , go into them. ' .' ; ; . Your choice of white rice paper, or that brown ' r rnais both kinds thin, crimped, and with individual" mouthpieces Sultan Cigarettes are ' 20 for 25c GOLF TOURNEY TO OPEN - , WEDNESDAY AT SPOKANE Spokane, Wash.. May 20. The Pacific I northwest golf tournament will be held this week at the Country club's rround. Each dy a large number .of players are billed. Great preparations - have been made to reeelve the golfers and it Is expected that about 60 visitors will be presents Twenty local "players "intend to- enter- also. - : The II players who make th best I record on Wednesday will play for the championship of the northwest ' Th f oilowlnr is ths representation from the various clubs to date: Port land 12 player, Seattle 17, Butte 14. Victoria 6, 8t Paul 1, Mlnneapolla 1, Chicago 1, port Townsend 1. Th annual regatta of ths North Pa- elflo Association of Amateur Oarsmen will be held this year on July I and 4 on Lake Washington, u. w. Wilbur, prssldent of tha association, returned today from Seattle, where he went for the purpose of attending a meeting of th board of directors. Ths . directors met Saturday at th Seattle AthleUo club and made final arrangements for th regatta. Tester day they took a trip over the' course, a mil and a half straightaway from Ma drons park-to th foot of Madison street i. TJ. Balliette, a former football star of Tale, will act as commodore of ths races, W. Wade will act as vice commodore, P. B. Hughes will be en sign, R. W. Wilbur, umpire, and M. M. O'Dell starter. . Six clubs compose th membership of the North Pacin Association ef Ama teur Oarsmen, and President Wilbur reports that all havs crews la active training. Th Interest aroused by the intercollegiate race which 1 to be held at Seattle on May 10 has bad th effect of creatinr much enthusiasm amonr the oar men and all tha clubs expect to be there with a full list of entries. Two clubs from Seattle, one from Portland, one from Vancouver, and from Nelson and ons from Victoria will be repre sented at ths regatta. Cups will be riven in all th events. but in addition to these there wlU be other trophies, which are to be provided by the Seattle people. Seattle will also look after the banquet, which wlU be riven to the visiting oarsmen on th evening of July 4. Th Stanford and Berkeley crews were scheduled to arrive in tne sound city today to begin training for ths three-cornered race with Washington university on Decoration day. The In tercollegtat race will be four miles long, one and one half miles of the dis tance being the same aa that selected at th Fourth of July regatta. CUBS LOSE TRI-CITY CONTEST TUT. JOINS Came Is Played In Suburban - Town and Becomes Mad Mud Frolic. A small crowd ' loyal and enthusi asts fans hoisted their umbrellas and sat out nine lnnlna of mud plugging at St Johns, Sunday afternoon and were rewarded by- seeing th home team show them what real mud larks are, Th ram was between th St John Blues and ths Bralnard Cubs and, for the condition of ths field, was a rood contsst The minor leaguers tried to rive th fans their money's worth and performed stunts in ths drlssl that would put a major leaguer to ths blush. Kotteman was put in for th Cub to heave 'em over, but he got off on th wrong foot and after Charlie Moor had swatted on over th fence for a home run and divers other Apostles had connected safely he retired in favor of Olney, who held th Apostles down and stopped th swatfest for several in nings. . . I Charlie Moor twirled a rood, steady: rame for ths St Johns bunoh and was stingy with ths hlta Owlnr to th muddy diamond nslther Infield waa able to distinguish Itself and several hit war credited that otherwise would have been killed. Th outfielders did some tall sprinting after hard-hit balls and did well, eonslderinr that th gar dens wsrs miniature lakes. This victory for the Apostles pats them high on th Trt-Clty percentage ladder and ados second to th Frakss. The morninr ram scheduled between th Cub and ths Apostles was declared off on account of rain. This still leave a double-header between th two team when next they meet Th score In de- ... 1 ST. JOHNS. AB. R. H. PO. A. H. unaa Moore, p. ..... 6 1 1 1 1 f. Gaines, 2b. ....... 6 0 Clark Moore, lb...... I 1 Porterfleld, lb ..6 0 Otto Moor. & ....... I 1 Adama, If. .......... 10 Jaeger, aa 1 1 Blgnonl. ss. ......... t 0 Smith, rf. 4 1 F. Galnss, ct 4 1 t 2 0 It 1 0 10 0 0 1 0 I Totala .IS I 10 27 11 1 1 BRAIN ARD CUBS. AB. R, H. PO. A. E. I 4 0 0 I 01 Turk. 2b. McKlwaln, ss. iienneay, 10. Aiagness. IE. unapm, o. en... U. ...........a. LodeU, 2b. .......... TT ... a.i tiger, ci. Tauscher. rf. Kottera&n, p. uiney p. 4 ..ik.i. 4 11 S II i II 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 1 S 0 . Sherwood Nine Beaten. Sherwood, Or., May 20. By the score of 1 to 0 the Sherwood baseball team met- Its first Waterloo at the hands of WilsonvlUe'a strong aggregation yester day. The ram was a pitcher's batUe from start to finish. Baker of Sherwood carry lnr off th laurels, but a bad throw to first let in the winning run in th fifth innlnr. Sunday' Gun Club Scores. Shot At Broke. P.C. WHY PAY MORE. , dubs and Good Tobacconists Everywhere THE JOHN BOLLMAN COMPANY-- Manufacturers . San Francisco JJ&ss ANGELS WIN DOUBLE HEADER FROM OAKLAND . 1 . 1 ' ' r (Journal Special Service.) ' J San Franolsoo. May 20 Both of yes terday's gam were won by Los Anrelea I Oakland stood a chsnce to win th morn ing gam on their own grounds when Gray went into the air in th sixth and allowed them four hits. But poor base running lost it to them. Poor fielding lost th afternoon ram to th Com muter. Scor by lnnlnrs: First rame j - R.H.H. Los Angeles. 0 0 0 0 I I 0 f 04 7 Oakland ....0 0 1 0 0 4 0 t'M ' 4 I Batteries Gray and Hoganr W. Hogan and Hackett . ' , - Seoond game , R.H.R Los Angeles. 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 04 1 01 Oakland ....1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 I I Batteries Carnes and Earan: Reldy ana buss. , umpire perrine. . Snnday Ball Games.' ' ! Th Frakes " team of ' th Trl-City league beat tho Bohemian at Astoria I Sunday. The score wi I to 4. The Powers Blues beat the Columbia Ath letic club team at Th Dallas, Score 1 1 tea. - - - Jack Smith ...100 Shelton .....100 Abraham .....100 Clark 10 Bateman 25 R. 'Strang 60 Borders ...100 Berkley (0 Hudson , 25 Sternberg ............. 50 Shangle ...V.100 McPherson ...100 Thebeau .....100 F. Shangle '.. 26 E. N. Hudson 60 Morley-". rri i sY. t i . , r 16 rit Carloji 10 6 Stiller ................ 10 :.;' 4 II II 65 I 10 -88 72 18 24 26 70 70 OS II II Total .....22 1 6 24 11 SCORE BT INNINGS. St. John 1 1000021 4 Hits 2 110 10 11 ! cuds . . .........0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Hits .AO 0012110 14 .. 60 MM ART. Struck out Br Moore. hr Olnev. 1 Bases on oaais Off Moore, 1; off Kotte man, 1. x wo-oass nits jf. oaines. Kru- ger. Home run Chaa Moore. Double piay Kennedy to Olney. , sacrifice hit Chapln. Stolen bases McElwaln. Kennedy. Chaa. Moore. Hit bv nltchHl balls Jaeger, Otto Moore. Passed balL battery error Chapln. Wild pitch, bat-j iery error ivoneman. first naaa on errors St Johns, I; Cubs, 2. Earned runs su jonns, . Jert on bases St Johns, 10; Cuba, I. Innings pitched I noiieman, 1; uiner. 7. nits mads Off. Kotteman, 4: off Olney, I. Time of rame i wo noura Attendance 400. Umpire cheyna. - Scorers Smith and weeaa - - . - vl What are you doing to provide against it ( yiht time of sickness, loss of employment; accident or other misfortune that may over- take you at any time? Are you secure f against want? ' ;' ' Take an invoice .of your condition and . whatever, may be the result you will be bene' ,; fitted by opening a Savings Account , with us. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on your deposits. T ' , ' , ". You cannot afford to idly spend your earn-, ings as the day is coming when you cannot r' earn. ' "MERCHANTS' SAVINGS & TRUST . COMPANY - 247 Washington Street v CAPITAL FULLY PAID UP $150.000: J. Frank Watson President R. L. Durham1; .Vice-President W. H. Fear. Secretary ' S. C. Catching. ............... Assistant Secretary . O. W. T. Muellhaupt. .................... Cashier THE BEST $3 HAT IN THE WORLD 80,000 SOLD. NOT ONE RETURNED BEN SELLING LEADING HATTER .is .ii .16 .80 .71 .761 .72 .72 Z CHESTER MURPHY WINS .70 .70 .04 Chester Murphy won th trophy In .02 the handicap golf tournament at the .io wavwiy club UnHs. last Saturday by de- Bsssssssssssszssxxzzzncss: HANDICAP GOLF TROPHY .60 - .40 Wbstr aaT, - "Temper. anco i un principle ana practice -of moderation." Drink Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer because It eontatns lest than 2J? of.alcohoL :0 The Pabst Eicht-Dav Maltinsr, Process retain aU of the food values of the barlev-erain. and the I -1 , 1 Pabst Brewing Process h 1 tranamiu teem to the beer. Pabat Beer is net only a temperance drink, but a genuine Mould food that rives health, atreno-th and vitality to the entire human yBtem. Charles Kohn ft Co, . Cor. Srd ft Pine Bta, Portland. . PtoB Main 480. H featlng- C. S. Swlgert" in th finals. Murphy's soore was 71. which is three above his own record. . Six member of ths club will leave tonight to attend the j tournament at Spokane. They ar CO. Murphy. T. A. Linthloum, Thomas Kerr. Koaerica Mscieay, uoraon voorhies and Jordan zan. THURSDAY NIGHT ENDS BOWLING TOURNAMENT Thursday night . will be the last la th bowling tournament which haa been go ing on at the Multnomah club for th past several weeks. McCabe'a team la in th lead. McCabe himself holding the highest individual average. Monson holds th highest Individual scor mads so far. v-:y ;",.v-'.-.'- f',v .. ; American League. ' Boston 4, -Chicago 0. New Tork 7, St Louis V m MmmmtmmimimmmmmimmHmMmmmmjMmmmmmmmmmm If. IwfiF HomeDecpratinn Is not, difficult matter when you , , us KOR-CLAC ; TOE ORIENTAL WOOD FINISH A combination of most durable Var nish and Stains for Interior Wood .worloorajrwrntture, .to. THtt BIG PAINT STORE I Fisher, Thorsen $ Co. FRONT, AND MORRISON STS. cxsssssasiaszzri:z:zr:xr:5zrissir:r:irrr;-J Northwest League. Seattle 4,.Tacoma I. Butt 2, Aberdeen PennsVlrania Shoot. . v ' (Joarnsl Special Btrrice.) s Lebanon. Pa., Hay 20, A number f crack shots faced the traps today at th formal opening of the seventeenth an nual tournament of - the Pennsylvania State - Sportsmen's assoctstlon, - Eight practice events at targets made up to day' program. The regular prise events will begin tomorrow. . Th tournament wtu contlnu until Friday, and "upwards aaat m aauotv . swaea M sou. . I mUtmmp ,. V V.U . , Always ley fflfetr Collars "msv eerv aaoa wica-' ve-LlMocomr eyelet Wwasofa waa M it of tlOOO in purses Vill4 be distributed among th winners. , , Postal Clerks Are Beaten. 7ft: Testmrday was th first day th post tvfflc olarka b4 &ln ha besa togethar on th diamond. Tha gam wa the Homesteader.' Th tutor v the seor of 4 to I.' The batter! Ppstpfflce, Hoyt. and Mad Un, r Deianey, catcher; for th 1 aduoot filtohari r-ct,f.r4 1-