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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
11 .THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1CC7. DEDICATE EPISCOPAL ,. Economical Mothers Appreciate the. Savings Gained by Purchasing CHURCH AT GRESHAn President Coleman of Willamette University Deliver Sermon' at Lfnnemann Memorial. : ' Big Store Celebratei Fiftieth Anniversary jr- W I II N II r25fV7 , W- fl raw i I K . II IJsI -V ' .. ,V urtltf v.. h ; w & or I II II Hit ' I K s "IMF1 A. WL ;r I, ii ii r VilkJlVjV y? Upman, Wolfe A Company ar cel - bratlng the 60tl anniversary-of - the tawilshrant of tha company and an : receiving congratulation : from Horn and abroad -upon tha splendid success they hava . obtained from their untir ing labor for half a century..' ,wt . 8. Llpman and Adolph Wolfe laid the foundation of their great business lit Portland In 1880, when they com menced upon tha - ocean of commerce with a amalt . store. Industry; clone atudy.of economic --conditions, together with unremitting toll and patience has been' rewarded with one of the finest department stores In the Pacific north wear,' and on In which both men take Immeaaurabl pride. i Prevloua to coming to Portland they were engaged In bualneas tn California and th southwest Branch stores ware' opened In several cities, but Don hat KILLED ACCIDENTALLY . BYtQROTHER-lN-LAW '; ''':-:v ''.-.'"f f--'i;;-?: (Special Dtipatch te Tb Joarail) Chehalls, Wealu, - May , 10. Coroner Harden haa returned from Adna, wher he was called to investigate tha-accidental death of Leonard Boeckleman, 11 years of a. Whll h was hunting-, bears a rifle carried by Bruno Penning waa discharged,- th hammer- having caueht on a limb, A bullet from a & calibr gun passed entirely through Boecklemah's body. He died Saturday morning. Mrs. Penning, la a slater of tha dead man. , ' "v. , ". Metiger nts your oyes for ,11." 141 Washington " street, corner Seventh. formerly at lit Sixth street ' ' The Lee $3 Hm Is the Hat for You Neat, Novel, Nobby, Sew WARNING ! yelch will make it cool for you If you buy' your Summer ' Underwear of him. ' Not Right Welch Makes It Right " MORRISON 3 grown to a more representative type of tha modem department store than, th one In Portland. Everything that a customer wishes can be found In tha various departments and sections and ft has always been th rule of both Mr. Llpman and Mr. Wolfe to have an ir tlol In stock when , called; for. Thoy belUv In anticipating th demands of their patrons rather than' supplying them at a later time. ' ' , 1 4,i i . SPEND OVER $100,000 . TOIIJPBOlfE Dedication of th new Methodlat Episcopal church at Gresham occupied the moat of th day ratrday. Th new edifice is an attractive building and la tha culmination of th efforts of Rev, Alfred Thompson, paator, who has been untiring in his devotion to th work of accomplishing Its completion. Dr. J. H. Coleman, president of Wil lamette unlveralty, delivered th sermon at th morning aerrlc. Rev. John Fllnn. Rev. J. It Wood and Rev. David Wolfe assisted.. Rev. John Fllnn de livered th afternoon sermon and In th evening Rev. J. W. MoDougall of Al bany apoka. Rev. B. F. Rowland. Rev. JX Wagner, Rev. L D. Driver. and Kv. 'A. u Nuuey assisted In th serv ices. Th church Is called the Linn em an Me morial church In honor of Mr a. XL Linn mann and tn memory of bar husband. Mrs. : Llnnemann was th largest .con tributor. Gresham peopl aubscribed I4.C09 toward th erection of tie church.'. - , -i, There ar a number of art windew There ar memorial windows la honor I of Father Cully and In memory of Mrs. Florence Cleveland. Rev. I. D. Driver will commence a aeries of lectures and sermons In th new church tonight E CITY INTO DISTRICTS FOR FOURTH General Committed Tonight Will Lay the First Plana for tha Celebration. Over Six Hundred Lots Sold In Rose City Park Since - February! Th ."Fourth of July areneral hem- mute win meet tonight In th connctl chamber at th city hall. General a Bummers has elgntlled his intention of accepting th chairmanship of th com mittee naving th celebration In charge i n principal, business that will oora before tonight's meeting will b th division of th vcity Into dlatrlcU and th appointment of sub-corn mltts to solicit funds In each district It la probabl that eltlaens out id of th general committee will be called unoa to serve on tneee sub-commltta It Is generally agreed that no fur ther effort will b mad to have tha ros carnival and th Fourth combined. Th indications are that th roae will be at their beat It If not II days prior to JWJ a.-;' - . SECURES CHURCH AND . SITE III SIX MONTHS mwrnm AND 'IrONGEBEE , V ft f n 1 ' . " i ma m See Display Morrison Street V Window v " SAILOR SHAPES MUSHROOM SDAPES . Prices No Ccmparison iVIlh Olhcrs We are Headqnarlers EVERT C'E A NEW -SHAPE JUST CUT 75c AND BP TOE nMLLMERYiCO, The Largest f'.IIIinery Kcsse ia the West . Cor. HorrisoD and first its. Over 100 lota hav bB sold In Roae City Park sine February IS. ranging In value from foo to 11,100, with a total value of about 1100.000.: Th own rs of th addition hav expended m. 000 in buUdlng th letrto line. 118,000 in putting in Bull Run water and within th year will hav expended f 80,000 on street and sidewalk Improvement. RlAAtrlA fftpl will tularin ninnlnv wwi. iariy to th park by th last of next Dedication of Estacada Metho- 'Th permanent crossing of th . ai aa.xL. R. at 2s. la completed and will b out I buuiv nwi munui In Monday. Th track will be ballasted . ullt ail.. I. 1. fmmt mm thn. .k M1n. 1. '" fAObWIU. on nanay roaa aas oeen cox avwn, go as to leave a low grade for th car line. This cut will be th full width of th wagon road leaving a flno grad for teams. ' i , - . ' . Th large water main Is laid to th foot Of th hill, has been tested and th water turned on. ' Th work of lay lng it on top of th hill will begin th first i or- next : week. Colemaa avenue and ' Alameda and . Wauna streets ar finished south of the Sandy road, and sidewalks will be started on these streets th first of th week. Th fin ishing touches are being made on Car vel and Wemath avenue, and sidewalks will b started on these streets next week. The office building at the in tersection of Bandy road boulevard. Thompson street; Mlshlah and Carvel avenues ' is nearly completed and will be ready for occupancy the coming week. -,. , t- Th basement has been excavated and foundations ' started for Mr. SchlegeTs .ooo 10-roora bungalow on Coleman avenue and Alameda, plans for a 12,500 house for W. H. Head of th Chapman corner of Aldton avenue and Thompson PRflFFSSIDNAI RAHFS 11PFN gflbiwa mv wins yiQru. ruuii iur mi V.. 1 I Ms Days Badng, Aftemooa and area . lug exposition Kink. For th past .week, fast professional racers hav been arriving in th city to compete for th gold modal in tha I six days' tournament at the Exposition I Rink, which opens tonight." The racers will run 10 minute in th fternoon, from 4 to 4:80 p. m., and In the evening from :80 to 10. Ther will be general skating before and after th races, and th night Session wiu b ex tended until ii p. m. The ladles will be admitted afternoons I free and at night a 10 cent admission will b charged. . Parsons' fin orchestra will, furnish musio both afternoon and vnlng. . . . (-A ,.v. ' , f .fr'.f... I.. ..'.'.'J"... At tlhe Mover Boya'. Sturdy Wool Suits "at fl.05, ?2.50, 4?3.00, $3.50, $3.05, and up to ? 6.00. 1 - '. - A Baseball and Bat or Catcher's Mit' Given Away .With Boya'i Wool Suits, ' v. .' i" ' : . . ' - X t i. ... Endless VarIetles"o! .... ' . BoWashSuits Splendidly Made, as Low as 7; -r -;'? ',' -"v-v r:.; v :r':'r rr-.i ,f : ' r i ' ' ' .... V tf . m a, a i - : I r WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR ' AD IT'S SO i VIO Y er: TWO STORES Third & Oak The new Methodist Episcopal church I at Estacada la n earing completion and will be dedicated Jun J. , Rev. Clar ence True Wilson, of Grace church, will preach the dedicatory sermon. Th cost of th edifice, when completed, will b about 88,000. Rev. C T. MePheraon. th pastor, has already raised f 2,200 and expects to hav th remaining 8800 In I hand by th time th building la com-1 pleted. Th O. w. P. Townait. com pany gave th congregation five beauti ful lots as a site for th church and parsonage. It Is the highest -point in Estacada townslt survey aner com mand a fin view of th surrounding country. As soon as th church la finished. work will begin at once on a paraonag to coat f s,io., ' Rev. C. T. McPnerson was sent to Es tacada last October by the Methodist conference and found neither church nor parsonage. Sine that tlm h has succeeded In getting together a church property worth about 810,000. schoolheuse and church building for Rose City Park ar under way.' Eighteen , teams - with road scrapers and' the latest grading appliances ar working regularly on street grading. Absoesaeat and TTloeni Onred by "TBI MOTjrsEMOi.n snmoiiow" th-uxalsts refund monev if Dr. Portnr'a Aniisspuc jieaung . uu laus. 25c . Hearing of Eddy Trustees. " (loarml flMelal Wrrlce.1 . Concord, N. H., May JO. An eminent array of legal counsel was on hand to day to take part In the first Important court hearing in th famous Eddy case. xn hearing is on tne motion to substi tute th , trustees under the deed of trust executed by Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, on March t, transferring her property to 'Archibald McLellan, Joslah Fernald and Henry M. Baker, for the plaintiffs or "next friends" named in the original bin, Eddy vs. Fry. CAPTURED ELK KILLER SWALLTJWS STRYCHNINE FranS L. Smith Meat Xo. 836-838 Alder Street, Between Jflrst sad oond Btraou. flptin the Beef Trust" 21 10 mojtf keat, run ui Beef Prime Rib Roast. . .. ... . Beef 8irloln Steak. i , ., . . , Porterhouse Steak. . .... . . Beef Rib Steak. . . uu.i awuuu Dig,. ...,....,,. aVv Beef Shoulder Steak 8 ' Beef ' ShoUlder Roast. , 8 Hamburger Steak. .. . ........ .,10V Rolled Rib Roast Beef. . ... . , v. . 12Ma Corned Beef ....,.... 5 Liver :.....v.,........i...f .... 5 Brisket Beef 6 Beef Stew 5a Stow Mutton, - 6 Front Quarters Mutton,,.,.. ...10c Veal Stew i 8 Leg of Veal V........12U Breast' of Veal ,...'........,..' Pork Steak .15 Leaf Lard . . . 1 2 V6vi OI1VU1UDI wiiuri. . . . . . , , . J.X7av Our own Lard, pure; 5 lbs.. .....65 Choice Hams, our own.,. ft Beef Rump Roast:... ........... s .. Breakfast Bacon,, our own 17Ht Pickled Pork 12h5 Pork Loin Roast.. ......15 Pork Chops ..15 ' Pigs' Feet J. 5 Sausage :.. 12 H Pork Shoulder' Roast, 2H Pork Sides ............... ..I. ..12Hi Lamb Rib Roast.... .......15 Leg of Mutton. .............. ....15 Rib and Lola Chops. ..... 15 (8dcU1 Diiaateli to TOe Jonrasl.l Helena, Mont., May 20. Rather than submit to arrest on a charge at killing I elk out-of season -Peter Paulson com-1 mltted suicide whll being taken to th county seat- by officers, according to a renort made to Stat Game Warden Scott today by Deputy Ferguson. Paul son and his brother had mad threats that ther would not be taken alive, and officer resorted to strategy to make th 12 arrest They succeeded in gaming en- 1 2 H I trance to th Paulson , house , and held insra up at revolver a points. . xney started for tha county seat and. during the trip -were toompelled to stay - ever night. Ferguson slept with his pris-1 oner, who during the night swaUowd a dose of strychnin and waa found dead the morning. Paulsen was about 28 and recently cam from North Dakota. r ?x v (:h :.. -S- 1 A 1 i Star Estate Arc Bcsl If you want a Sieel Rang, tak' a look at our and se for yoursel f , that thjr ar ; th best and most. Improved rang on in market, hav many lmprovemnts over others, ar guaran teed not to crack, and you oan ua th back part of tt for. cook-, lng as wU as th front; th oven In airtight with a regulator to lnsnr perfect baking, and w say, buy' on, try It, and If Isn't all yon expect It to b, send it back and get your money Dacx. . xn Droller and . toaster alone - Is worth 810.00 mora; ana w seu tn stow for less than othr stoves ar sold. Extension Table LIKE CUT $21.00 . A Mission design made of quartersawed Golden or weathered oak, 48 inch polished top. ".ry W'JL -..'J. .V.-''" JAMES STEELE WANTS - ASTORIA GAS FRANCHISE (Speeitl Dltpiteb to Tae JoarstL) Astoria, Or., May 20.-t.At the regular meeting of th city council tonight an orainano win m introduced o Arrant Jamos Steele of Portland a 80-year fran chise for a gas plant in this city.! The price to consumers must not. be more than 76 cents athousand fet , , rim.' " 35i 7",. In Pajcenls A ' i full Quartersawed Golden Oak, Mahogany or Birdseye Maple Dresser French mirror, 22x28, swell front, highly pol ished, or 24x30 and 18x40. We have a very '. large assortment . ROUNDUP: ASSOCIATION -.LEAVES STOCK GROWERS (Special Dhpsteh to Tbe Jeareat) Helena, Mont., May 10. At its annual meeting at Great Falls the North Mon tana Roundup association asassssfsaxsEBaBSBBBasaBBB We have a large-line of Ciiairs in Weathered or Gold- : en Oak tox match any "Table or; Buffet, full' box' seat, wood or cane," ; from $3.00 .up; others - from $1.00 no.' i Goods' as KeprnenaVj or raoncy - Kerunaa. a - rrT - nore do 166-168 First Sfc withdraw from th Montana Stock growers association, a It was predicted would-be the case, and1 arrangements were -made for the. formation of a new state society. Orftcers were elected to serv during the ensuing years as fol lows: "John Survaht, Malta, president; decided to) A, J. Davidson, 'Helena, vice-president: also i Thomas A. Cummlngs, Havre, secretary treasurer. The association, win meet at Malta next year.. . ss.s', Resolutions wer adopted asking th rajlroad commission to compel railroads to move livestock shipments at the rat of 18 miles an hour. . Th governor 1 requested to grad tort dalegate to th Denver, eonventlon called for the purpos .,of discussing the publlo .land ' question th , aaaoclatlon iAm opposing leasing.1 . ; ;,' ' Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Allen Lewis' Best Brandy '